The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, April 21, 1899, Image 1

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News-Herald | lanT. Constitution, THE GWINNETT HEKAI.I), ) THE kawhScSvil'k NEWS. , COD SOI j (Id 16(1 JUI. 1, 1898. liatablilhcd in 1893. 7 * DON’T DESPAIR! An American Scientist’s Great Work. Consumption, Pneumonia, La Grippe, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and Aii Lung and Bronchial Troubles Can be Positively and Permanently Cured. • ■■ .I, Dr. Slocum’s System of Treatment Has Revolutionized Old-Time Theories. __ v A Free Course of Treatment for All Sufferers for the Mere Asking. - I li SCENE IN THE SLOCUM LABORATORIES, NEW YORK CITY. The Doctor Demonstrating to Medical Men, Scientists, Statesmen and Students the Value of the New Slocum System of Treatment for the Permanent Cure of Lung Consumption, Catarrh and All Pulmonary and Wasting Diseases. Do you cough? Do your lungs pain you? Is your throat sore and inflamed? Do you spit up phlegm? Does your head ache? Is your appetite bad? Are y6ur lungs delicate? Are you losing flesh? Are you pale and thin? Do you lack stamina? These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of the most dangerous malady that has ever devas tated the earth—consumption. Consumption, the bane of those who have been brought up in the old-fash ioned beliefs that this disease was hered itary, that it was fatal, that none could recover who were once firmly clasped in its relentless grip. But now known to be curable, made so by the world-stirring discoveries of that man whose name has been given to this new system of treatment. Now known to be preventable and curable by following and practising his hygienic teachings. The new system of treatment will cure you of consumption and of all diseases which can be traced back to weak lungs as a foundation. It is not a drug system, but a system of germ destruction and body building. Everett Pianos, Harvard Pianos, Bush & Certs Pianos, Strich & Zeidler Pianos. Any of the above makes of Pianos can be bought very close for cash or on installment jrvments. There are 25 Everett Pianos now in use at the ■ lai> isville Seminary, and are giving entire satisfaction. The Harvard Pianos have the “Plectraphone” attach ment, by the use of which you can imitate the Banjo, Guitar or the Mandolin. The new Opera House, Athens, Ga., has a Harvard In use, and is very satisfactory. Mrs. M. J. Perry, Carl, Ga., has just purchased a Har vard Piano. I also handle the “FARRAND & VOTEY” Organs, and purchase them in CAR LOAD LOTS, having already sold four car loads this year. The Farrand & Votey is the only absolutely Rat-Proof Organ on the market, notwithstanding others < laim to handle them. Prices and catalogues will be promptly mailed on applica tion. HOPE HALE, Athens, - - Georgia, KIBKMAN BR(>8. —A TI -ANTA . The largest stock of Clothing, Hats and Furnishings in the South. Thousands of styles for you to select from, and prices that are from 25 to 50 per cent, cheaper than any where else, that’s because we are manufact urers and 4,0 not pay a profit to middlemen. Men’s Nobby Suits, - $5 00 up to $25 OO Boy’s Long Trouser Suits, 450 up to 15 00 Boy’s Knee Trouser Suits, 150 up to 1000 We buy the best fabrics and choose the newest and handsomest patterns and coloring that are produced. Buy here once in person or through our mail order department, and dhe satisfaction you’ll receive will make you a permanent cus tomer of EIBEMAN BROB. ; Atlanta, 13-17 Whitehall m*. et, STORES Washington, C’or. Seventh aiMI E Streets, O 1 unto Baltimore, 2115 W German Spreet. ' 18-17 WHITEHALL STREET.-Our Onlf Store in Atlanta, THE NEWS-HERALD. Not guesswork, but science. Not a step backward, but a stride out of the old ruts. Made possible only by Pasteur’s, Virchow’s, Metchnikoff’s and Slocum’s latest discoveries in bacteriology, hy giene and therapeutics. In plain English, a system of modern scientific disease curing. The System consists of Four Prep arations which act simultaneously and supplement each other’s curative action. You are invited to test what this sys tem will do for you, if you are sick, by writing for a free treatment to the Slo cum Laboratories, New York City. WRITE TO THE DOCTOR. Send your name and full express and postoffice address to the Slocum Labor atories, 98 Pine street. New York, and mention this paper, and the Four Free Preparations of medicine will be for warded you. The system is a positive cure for con sumption, that most insidious disease, and for all lung troubles and disorders complicated by loss of flesh. Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc. Thin, pale, weak people become fat and hearty by its use. The test is to try it. A DARING RAIDER. GRACEFUL TRIBUTE OF GAL LANT FOE TO GENERAL JOHN H. MORGAN. Dash Into Ohio and ImliMiia—Twenty Days’ Rid** Through Enemy’* Coun try—loo,ooo Militia <’,»ried Out to Suppress 2,000 Confederates Under Morgan an i Dull •. f Copy righted, I*9B by American Press Association. j The rain was pouring in torrents as night fell o\er oar camp at Somerset, Ky., July 1, ISO;! We were hugging ourselves in congratulation over the tact that we had a goo l dry camp, and pulled GENERAL .iOHN II MORGAN. our tent flaps tight to keen out the storm as we settled down to a quiet night’s rest, at peace with all the world, for that night anyhow. We were light hearted youngsters, and “home” was wherever night overtook us. Iu a lull of the storm the quick gallop of a courier was heard. In an instant he reined up at 'the tent of our com mander, Colonel Israel Garrard of the Seventh Ohio cavalry, to whom he banded an order, which read: “You will report for duty with your regiment within one hour from receipt of this or der, your troops to be supplied with two days’ rations and 40 rounds of am munition per man, one ambulance to accompany your regiment.” This order had a businesslike ring. Under the adjutant’s order the ohief bugler sounded “boots and saddles.” As the notes of bugle fell upon the camp the cavalrymen thrust their heads out of their little “put tents” and gave a cheer. Within a few minutes we wero look iug back with lingering eyes upon our nice dry camp as wo rode away in one of tbe heaviest downpours of rain we had ever experienced. Reporting to tho commander of our brigade we were informed that General John Morgan was about to cross the Cumberland river ou one of his periodic al raids through Kentuoky. This in formation was given to the troops and was received with tumultuous cheers, as we were particularly anxious to have a tilt with Morgan’s men. Our regiment, tbe Seventh Ohio cav alry (1,200 strong), was recruited in southern Ohio, iu the counties border ing tbe Ohio river. A considerable por tion of General John Morgan’s coin maud was recruited from the countiel of northern Kentucky, bordering th* Ohio river directly opposite our homes. Thus wo were by no means strangers tfl each other and may be said to have been neighbors. Arriving at the Cumberland rives above Burksville, we found Morgan with his division of cavalry occupying *Tk, FORDED THE RAGING TORRENT, the south bank of the river. For a day or two we had skirmishing, "give and take. ” The river was fordable in many places, and we did not expect to hold Morgan on the south bank of the river if it was his desire to come over to onr side. In fact, we rather preferred that he should come over. About July 4 Morgan had found it possible to cross the river at numerous fords, and we were called in from our picket duty to join in the pursuit. This was the start of Morgan's fa mous raid, which extended aoross the states of Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio. As Morgan proceeded northward across the state of Kentucky he came across small garrisons of Federal troops guarding important plaoes. At Green River he oalled upon Colonel Moore of a Michigan regiment to surrender his force to save the effusion of blood. This Federal officer replied that his superior officer had stationed him at that point for the purpose of effusing blood, and the effusion would begin right away if Morgan desired. Morgan acoepted the ohallenge and made the attack, and one of his own brothers was killed at this point. Morgan did not have time to continue the attack and withdrew,, con UmflnjTiiis march northward, with our pursuing force “pushing him along." We expected Morgan to turn east before striking the Ohio river, but in this wo were mistaken, as upon arriving at Brandenburg, seme 40 miles below Louisville, he seised pussing steamboats and landed his force in Indiana. Fol lowing his trail, we reached Branden burg just in time to see Morgan's rear guard disappear over the river bank, go ing north in Indiana. His rear guard stopped long enough to wave their bats at us and bid us goodby. The steam boats tbey hud used in crossing were at that moment bursting into flames and bumßd to the water's edge, tied fast to the Indiana shore. Other steamboats were hurriedly ob tained, and our pursuing farce hastily LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY. APRIL 21,1801). CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL DAY. Wednesday, April 26, 1899. transferred across the river, men and horses*being tumbled ab©ar3~ the boats in quick order aud tumbled off the boars as quickly when on tbe other side. The appearance of Morgan’s men on the north bank of the Ohio river created consternation in Indiana and Ohio. The governor of Indiana called out the home guard to the number of 50,000, and as Morgan's advance turned toward Ohio the governor of the Buckeye .State called 60,000 “squirrel hunters” into the field. It mnst be borne in mind that iu ride across three states in 15 days be swept his line of march, and for some distance on each side, absolute ly dean of horses, giving his own com mand frequent remounts, but leaving ns, bis pursuers, entirely without re mount for the whole distance. Boiled down to few words, Morgan’s force had two horses for every man. while Hobson had two men to each sadly worn horse. Morgan’s force when it started from tbe Cumberland river was exceed ingly well mounted, having some of the best blooded horses from Kentucky —horses capable of long and rapid marches. He set the “pegs” for us and set them high every day. The longest march made by Morgan's command at one stretch was DO miles in 24 hours, this being the jump ho made from a point in Indiana west of Cincinnati to Williamsburg, 0., on the east of Cin-. cinnafci. Morgan’s force did not exoeed 2,500 troopers when he invaded the states north of the Ohio river, possibly 800 less. I think 2,000 would be a fair fig ur© to name for the number of troops ho led into Indiana. On the 18th of July, our regiment, with the Secoud Ohio cavalry and the Eighth Michigan cavalry, all under the command of Colonel A. V. Kautz, was pushed ahead of Hobson’s column, aud at daylight of July 19 struck Morgan’s command in the valley of the Ohio river near Buffington Island, where the en emy had been delayed by fogs, waiting for daylight to cross the Ohio river. At the moment of our arrival the forces of General Judah had also arrived, com ing up the valley of the Ohio river, while we debouabed from the river hills, and the gunboats were holding the fordi of the Ohio river. Wo were ordered to attaok immedi ately, and under Colonel Garrard’s di rections I rode back along the line of the Seventh Ohio oavalry, ordering the companies formed into columns of fours. Our numbers were few, and I remember Lieutenant Sum B. Johnson, who com manded Company M of our regiment, told me that he bad only one set of fours. Captain William T. Burton of Company B had four or five sets of fours. Of our entire regiment, 800 or 900 strong when we started from the Cumberland river, we did not now show up over 200 men, the remainder having been dismounted by reason of disabled horses and scattered along onr trail for a distance of 500 miles. When the “guidons” of General Hobson’s advance fluttered in the breeze of the Ohio valley that July morning, Generals Morgan and Duke knew that the jig was np. We formed within plain sight of Morgan’s foroe, and with bat slight resistance to the Federal at tack Morgan's entire foroe fled in dis order. Wo pursued as rapidly as the ooudition of onr poor horses wonld per mit and many of the enemy seeing that further effort was useless, their supply of ammunition being nearly exhausted, surrendered then and there. After our pursuit at this point bad oeased a Hag of truce was brought to Colonel Garrard by a Confederate off! car, who stated that Oolonei Howard Smith and a few other officers and men of Morgan’s command were in the woods near by, having been out off from their command, and knowing the use lessness of further effort would surren der if an officer was sent to reoeive them. Adjutaut Allen and Lieutenant McOol gen of the Seventh Ohio oavalry were sent to receive mem and escort thorn tu our lines. On the way to reoeive these Confed erates they were met coming to oor lines nnder escort of a sergeant of the Eighth Michigan oavalry whom they accidentally met in the woods. These prisoners were received by the writer of these lines, who was greatly surprised to learn that General Basil Duke, Mor gan’s chief lieutenant, was in oompany with Colonel Howard Smith. General Duke bore bimself with dignity, ami I would not have known that I bad him with the other prisoners if one of his own men bud not accidentally disclosed bis identity to me. One of the Confed erate officers with General Dnke gave me a little Confederate flag about the size of two bands I accepted this little Sag and asked the officer his name. He replied, "Captain Hines." I have the little flag yet. "fie jests at sours that never felt a wound.” This quotation suggests itself by reason of the fact that under the varying fortunes of war, some mouths after the events written of in the foregoing, in a sharp cavalry engagement in east Tennessee, I found myself a prisoner of war in the hands of the Fourth Kentucky cavalry, on# »f Morgan's regiments. The prisoners capture?! by the Seventh Ohio cuvalry near Buffington Island Panoplies of leaf and bough, Wreaths of greenery. Vine and spray, Bring thoir glowing splendor now in garlands for Memorial day. Blossom)!.;; beauty stars tbe grass In forms of gruoe, with varied hue. Even tbe fleecy clouds that pass Springtime's wondrous uharms review. Blandly, too, the zephyr’s breath Stirs with tender touch the flowers, To say that rising life, not. death, Is master of these golden hours. For who can deem our heroes dead When April’s blossoms crown their sleep And every grave is garlanded ? On fame’s bright scroll their names we keep. Bomewhore in dimes of fairer hne Than cornea to any earthly May, To honor and to duty true, Life must have come to them And they No more in conflict or In toil Need mingle in stern battle’s roar, In realms where nothing shall assoil, And life Is theirs forevermore. Though dumb today the cannon's mouth, While beauty springs from bud and sprajr, ; And all the winds are soft and south, Let reverence crown Memorial day. Joel hbn tom. were turnod over to the Federal officer in charge of prisoners at Cheshire, 0.. and with this our connection with tha Morgan raid ended. General Morgan himself was not eaptnred until soma days later, but the raid ended at Buf fington Island, and the subsequent flight of Morgan with bis detachment of a few hundred men did not avail him anything. From the time of Mcrguu’s landing on the Indiana side of the Ohio river until the surrender at Buffington Is land not less than 100,000 militia comprising the “Home guard” were called into the field to “suppress biin.” The force of veterans under General Hobson who pursued Morgan from "start to finish’’ comprised ahont 8,000 oavalry. Morgan gave us “a good run for our money," but we got there in spite of all his efforts to prevent ns. One cau but admire the dash, skill and courage of Morgan and Duke which enabled them to lead their 2,0U0 troop ers on snob a raid. Theodore F. Allen, Brevet Colonel U. S. Volunteers. Nothing Military About Them. "I was once commanding a military district,’’ said a tall, soldierly looking man who was talking with a group of others, "when a raw, redheaded man came into headquarters and announced that he had brought a oompany of 100 men for muster in. I told him to go out and get them into line and 1 would look them over. When I went M the parade ground he stood before a rabble of men and was scratching bis bead, trying to think of the necessary order. At last he shouted, with considerable interlarded profanity: “ ‘Get into rows! Gefiutorowsl Ain’t they anything military about ye?’ "That fi How afterward became one jf the best drillmastors in the army. ” —Exchange. Memorial Day In Other laanda. The police of Paris are called upon every year to suppress wbat would be, if allowed to proceed, a decoration serv ice. Tbe leaders of the Red party make the effort every year between May $8 ttnd May 2ti to decorate the graves of tbe men who fell in tbe rank* of the commune. But aside from these there are no decoration days in France. Neither is there a holiday in England which resembles in tbe least the Amer ican Memorial day.—lixohajjge. Aberdeen sends $330,000 wort h of cat tle to London every week. Blackbirds have remained all winter at Morn, Sherman county, Ore . At Quincy, Mich., a hen was buried whirl) had readied the age of almost twenty. Our Boldters. Pause, O nation, reunited- Pause ami sited a tear today To the mein’ry of the soldiers Dead tor many and many a May! Man-hed away as brave men, hearing Call of country, yours and mine, From the hillside and the valley, From the hemlock and the piue. Hearts uleup aud pulses bounding. Loyal, whether gray or blue; Loyal, whether cross or descent; Duty—that was all they knew Oh, the glory of their story! Oh, tho graves that dot the plain! Oh, the mournful tale of buttles! Oh, the partings and the pain I Years and voars the grass has Mowaoiaed, Faded, died, their gruvoe upon; Years and years, yet not for gotten. Mem'rU-H such as theirs live on. And upon fame’s sacred altar, Writ ’mid deeds of heroes, gk»w Names of these, onr soldiers, sleeping, “Soldiers, ” neither friend" nor "font" And as soldiers weave them garland*, Bose and lily o’er them spread; Love and tears—a nation’s tribute To a nation’s glorious dead. —Chicago Tribune. CONFtDtff ATL REUNION. Veterans to Gather at Charleston by the Sea lti May Next. General John B. Gordon, commander in-chief United Confederate veterans, has published the official announcement of the unnual reunion, which will bo held in Charleston May 10, 11, 12 and 13. The ladies’ memorial association com mittee of Charleston have invited the veterans to participate in their memo- general j. r. oonooN. rial ceremonies at Magnolia cemetery on May 10, and the annual parade will occur on tho first instead of the last day of the reunion as heretofore. The reunion Ibis year promises to be the most enjoyable in the history of the association May is a delightful mouth in Charleston and the veterans will es cape the sultry July heat which they have suffered on previous occasions, The city will spare no effort to enter tain tlio visitors, and hearts and homes will he- open to the rapidly thinning ranks of the heroes who followed Lee. The historic city wiil be full of inter est lo tin- veterans. Among those who will welcome the visitors will be many who cheered tile boys in gray when Beauregard’s guns opeued on Mini ter. There will be tender reminiscences of the first exciting days of the war. Old Charlestonians who have clung to their beautiful and Ik-loved city through earthquakes, flame and flood will recall thgt memorable April morning in ’6l when they were rou-nd from fitful slumber at early dawn iiv the guns of Fort Johns n for Mt rater had been fired on. They will tell of the rush of the populate n to the water trout, of house tops covered with people who cheered every shot, m tender farewells, of teui ul players of mothers, sisters, wives and sweethearts who sent forth their loved ones to battle And they will rerail with kindling eyes now ap prehension gave way to enthusiasm as the day wore on, and the guns of Moultrie, Fort Johnson and Cummings Point played on Sumter until the white flag floated from her hatileinents. A RIEiTEKi L ENEMY [Copyright. 1 Hi*K. by American Frees Aseo viu tlon. | On Memorial day in 1895 Mrs. I Sarah Doivcn of Hoboken paid her an j uuul visit to Cypress Hills oonaetery to .Iccornte her busbund’s grave. Mrs. Bowen was in such poof, almost indi l gent, circumstances that even the trip :to Brooklyn, not reckoning the money expended for flowers, was a strain on her slender resources. sbe was a vefcer »n e widow, aud the $8 a month pen sion allowed her on that account by tbe uational government was all she had to support horself-and an invalid daughter. Nevertheless, she bad performed her ob ligations to the memory of tho brave for 18 consecutive years with leligioua de votion. When she arrived on the ground or this occasion, her nervous system re ceived such a shock thufc she was obliged to lean against a railing adjacent to save herself from falling. “What is the meaning of this?” she : murmured, closing her eyes and open | ing them again in the expectation that hhe was laboring under an optical tlelu j bit ill. The cause of the widow's astonish ment was a change that had taken place : in the grave since her last visit. It was I covered with flowers, it was bordered with evergreen plants, and a handsome granite column rose at its head, with tho subjoined inscription engraved in ! deep black letters: “Sacred to the Memory of Edward (1 Bowen, a Brave Soldier and Loyal Friend.” The widow glanced wonderingly to the right and left. She looked up and down, but there was no mistake. The srave was that of her husband. But what a metamorphosis had been effected! While deliberating as to what she wonld do in the promisee a tall, mili tary looking gentleman of aristooratio bearing and with an empty sleeve alighted from a carriage near by and, taking a wreath from under its scat, approached ihe grave. He hesitated when be saw tho widow, and their eyes met. Hers had a questioning look in them , his one of deprecation, as if he were u trespasser. “Madam," ho said, placing the wreath un the grave and lifting his bat as he would to a duchess, “have I the honor"— "This is my husband's grave, ’’ she re plied. with an almost imperceptible strain of jealousy in her voice. “Then I must offer an apology and sn explanation. I should have consulted you before effecting alterations here, and so, in fact, I would, only I could not find yon, though I tried hard.” “It whs very kind of you, sir,” said Mrs. Bowen. "You would find it bard, for no one in Brooklyn knew that I had moved to Hoboken.’’ “This is my explunutiou, ’’ said the gentleman after a pause. “My name is Charles J Gray—Judge Gray I am i culled in South Carolina-—and 1 am an ex-Coufedi rate soldier. 1 belonged to tho Montgomery guards and served in the Army of Northern Virginia the last two years of the war. You must know —though perhaps you don’t—that some times Federal and Confederate soldiers in the fluid Were excellent friends, es pecially when doing outpost duty to gether, if I may use snob a word. It of ten occurred that nothing but a fence separated our sentinels and that, instead of firing at each other, we chatted so ciably and exchanged views on the situ ation. Our superiors did not sanction tide, but they connived at it. On the night of the fourth day's battle of the Wilderness 1 was posted as sentinel on tho extreme front of our lines. On tha other side of u picket fence was a young man of the One Hundred and Forty foortli New York regiment, his name— well, there it is engraved on that stone. We entered into conversation. I gave him a plug of tobacoo, he gave me some ooffeo, and we became quite friendly. I had not closed my eyes in two days. I was utterly exhausted and would have given the whole world for one honr’i sleep. ” "Poor fellow,’’ said the widow, com miserating not the elegant gentleman in front of her, but the ragged, war worn soldier of one and thirty years ago; “it was terrible.’’ “It was, madam. I told my Yankee enemy that I was ready to drop and begged him not to take advantage of me. He laughed. “ ‘Bit down on that stone,’ he •add. ' lean your hack against the fenoe and sleep. I’ll wake you up. when your re lief comes along. ’ “It may seem incredible, but I took bis advice, thus pluoiug my life in the hands of a foe and a stranger. I slept, oh, snob a sweet sleept I thought I had been in slumber for a few minutes, while in reality I had slept an boor, when Ned Bowen roused me by throw ing some water from his oantceu down my bock. " 'Jump op, Johnny,’ he said, ’my relief is coniine. Yon are all right, for I received your officer of tha guard go ing his rounds and he gave me the countersign without suspicion. I guess all the poer tallows like you are half hsitaui or Uuv would have dueovarad News-Herald |*» Journal, w X Ti | Only $1.25. »tfti WR In ni tn r\j nl Inn] in HitsaEra is J VOL. VI -NO 26 mo trie*. Now don’t go to sleep main, old mau. Good by. ’ “It appear* while tbe Uonfedernf* nitfht officer was appproaebing, Ned Bowen, heaven rest him, jumped over the fence aud, failing to wake roe up, took my rifle and challenged, thus plac- . „ . 'r.vzP ..- ' -V .V . HK HESITATED. ing his life in imminent, peril. Wb half an hour later I got baok to ,u o guard tent, I learned that two othf. sentinels had been found asleep on their posts. They were shot Dhxt morniitp and now, madam, you will, l trust, be no longer surprised at thi* monument I have ureoted to my preserver." The widow extended bsr hand, while tears of pride and emotion roiled down her face. “God bless you,” she said; “you have a noble heart.” Next day Mrs. Bowen received a let ter Inclosing a treasury note for SI,OOO, and since then ou the first day of every month she gets a chock on the First Na tional bank of Atlanta for SSO. Edward P. Wehlkt. , A SOLDIER’S WARNING. Fie Prophesied HU Own Death oa tbs Hay lief ore the Hattie. Many an old soldier can tell talas «ij premonition and portent that would convert the stoutest scoffer to a belief in tho existence of what is indefinitely termed by psycologista "tbs sixth sense. ’’ The following remiaisoance r.f the civil war. delivered by a whitj bearded Ohio veteran, is a case in point.: "Whoa the war broke ant,” said he, “I was clerking rn a store over inGroa/n county. Charley Shearer, who after w -d became one of onr oisooit Judge?, was employed in the same store. His brother Frank aud I ware steady of the same ago. One day i went norose tbe stroet and enlisted. I was only lfl year i old at tiie time, but I was sworn in. Frank Shearer also enlisted, and we went out together. He and I were mM*- mntos aud chnme. A finer boy nevrr llvod. We went throngh the hard cam paigning of General Sherman and wero with him in the Atlanta campaign. Just the day before the battle of Resu::» Frank came to me and said: ‘Andy, ( am going to be killed tomorrow. I know that I will be shot early in tbe fight.' I laughed at his fears, hot be said be was telling the truth. I finally becam i oonvinred myself that he may hav*o had a premonition and importuned him net to go into the battle. He said it would not do for him to get a sick leave, even if his health wus bad—he was jprt about siok—for tbe boys would call him a coward. A braver boy sever lived, and I told him so. I finally got hiaomi. sent to lot me go to the lieutenant colo nel and get him detailed for headquar ters work during the coming engage ment. 1 did so, beiu'4 frank vsith tin oolonsl and tolling him everything. H i at onoa granted tbe reqaedt and wrotj out the desired ordaf. I gave lb to Frank that night aad thought he vs i safe. The next morning, however, bo r fused to obey and insisted that if L t failed to go into battle with the rest r! ns the boy* woold question hte brave: - Wo went into the engagement, and Frank fell dead at the firet volley fre.j tho euemv." The First Confederate Flag Baptized. Headquarters Provisional Army, O. S. A., Charleston, May 1, 1881. Sir—l have the honor to send you by the bearer. Captain S. W. Fergnson, South Carolina regulars, my regular aid, and Lieutenant Colonel A. K. Chis holm (aid to Governor Pickens), one of my volunteer aids, the flag which waved on Fort Monltrie during tbs bombardment of Fort Sumter, and was thrice ont by the enemy’s balls. Bern-; the lirst confederate flag thns baptized, I have thought it worth sending to the., war department for preservation. 1 should have brought it on myself, but my present indisposition will prevent me from leaving here for a day or two. I remain, sir, very respectfully, yonr obedient servant, G. T. Bf.aureouard, Brigadier General Commanding. To Hon. L. P. Walker, Secretary of War. Answered ihe Last Roll Call. “On Fame’s eternal camping ground Their silent tents are spread, And glory guards with solemn round The bivouac of the dead.” The heroes of ’rii—’6o are fast passing -way, death claiming a larger number each year. The followingdistinguished confederate veterans answered the last roll call during 1898: Jan. 8.-Ex-Governor L. S. Ross, at College Station, Tex., aged 60. Jan. 6.—General Johnson Hagood, at Barnwell, S. U., aged 119. Jan. 23 —Captain Thomas F. Hines, called the “Brains of Morgan’s Cavalry Corps,” at Frankfort, Ky. • Feb. 27. —General W. B. Taliaferro, in Gloucester county, Va., aged 78. Feb. 28 —John Thomas Scharf.m New York city, aged 56. March 10. r- General Edward L. Thomas, in Oklahoma. April 9. —General James Ronald Chal mers, a noted leader in Forrest’s cavalry corps, at Meinnhis, aged 68 April 21.—United States Senator E. C. Walthall, in Washington, D. C., aged 67. The Chinese railway system, it is saiil, is made up of two lines aggtjga ting 293 miles in length. Hazleton (Ind.) disputants went to law over sixty cents' worth of chicken? and the litigation cost them S4O. Australian newspapers report the complete disappearance of Metis It land, which as late as 1890 projiv’ed 150 feet above the ocean Travelers by rail in Brittany often glide past Guingamp without remem bering that it was here that was pro duced that useful fabric, gingham. The New Y'ork Labor Bureau of the Salvation Army recorded during the year of 1898, 2,033 applicants for wink, and succeeded in finding positions for 1,557 persons.