Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, April 02, 1908, Image 1

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CHARLTON COUNTY HERALD VOL. X.--NO. 4s. Georgia, Chatlton coun'y; l Will be sold before the court house door on the first Fuesday in \pril 1908 in said conn ty within the legal hours of sale to the hghi est bidder for cash, the following property to-wit; Lot of land No. twenty-three (23) in block 128 in the town of St. George, Ga., levied on as the property of Ray . dams, also at the same time and place, lot No. nine (9) in block 91 in the town of St. George, ‘3a., levied on as the property of P. P. Adams; also at the same time and place, lot' No, tne (1) in Block 3 in St. seorge, Ga, levied on as the property of William & Bertha Alderman; al- S 0 at the same time and place, lot No. eleven l (11) in block 24 in St. George, Ga., levied on as the property of R. J. Abram; also at the same time and place, lot No. six (6) in block 53, lot No. ten (10) in block 220 and lot four (4) in block 142 in St. George, Ga., levied on as the property of H. H. Albers; also at the same time and place, lot No. eight (8) in block 253 and lot Nu eight (8) in block 171 in St. George, Ga , levied on as tre property of A, J. Bourger; aiso ai the same time ind place, lot No. eight (8) in block 209 in St George, Ga., levied on as the prop erty of Arther Brubaker; also at the same and place. lots No. seven (7) in block 179, iot No. two (2) m‘ block 18, lot No. three (3) in block 171 and lot No. twenty-one (21) in‘ bluck 114 ia St. George, Ga. levied on as the property of John H. Bragg;‘ also at the same time and place, lot No. twenty-one (21) in block 126,{ lot No. three (3) in blook 19z in St. George, Ga.j also a five acre tract known as No. 78 in first district of said county, ievied on as the prop-‘ erty ot J. W. Bask; also at the same time and place, lot No eleven (x 1)‘ 1n block 64 and lot No. three (3) in block 37 in St. George, Ga.. levied on as the property of Mrs. W, F. ‘ Britt; also'at the same time and place, lot N¢ one (1) in block 35 and ot No. seven (7) in" block 6‘,1 in Bt. George, Ga.; also a five acre tract No. 12 1n first district of* said county, leyied on as the property of Thos. Biack; also at the same time and place, lot No. six (6) in block 209 in St. George, La, levied on as the pr"%erty of Anna Boram; . also at the same time aud place, tot No. six, 6, in block 37 lot Nok twenty (20) 1n bleck 61, lot No. sevenigen (17) in biock 35, lot “No, eighteen, iß,angblock.3s and ot No. ten.(lo)'in block 244 and lot No. seven (7) in block 228, lot No. ten (10) in biock 252 and lot seven (7) m block 243 in St. George, Ga., levied on as the property of R, Q. Cailer; aiso at the same time «nd place, lot No. thirteen (13) in block 87 in St. George, Ga. and levied on as the property of Chris. Codington; also at the same time and place, lot No. three (3) in block 5 in St George, (i, and levied on as the sbroperty of W. M, Cochran; also at the same time aad place, lot No. twenty four (24) in block 57 in St. George, Ga., levied on as the prop erty of Geo, ‘W Coombs; ‘also at the same time and place, lot No. three (3) in block 38, lot three () and lot six (6) in block 154 in St. George, Ga., levied on as the property of Claude E. Davidson; aiso at the same and place, lot No. twelve (r 2 in block 44 m 5. George, Ga,, levied on as the property of J. F. Daniels; also at the same time and place, lov No. cight (8) in block 49 in ~t, George, Ga and levied on as he property of W N Fleic DEr; also 4t ihe same time and place, lot NU“ four (4) 1 block 198 11 5t George Ga , ievied on-as the property ot J E. bcrgm 500 alsu at thé same ume and place iot No. tourteen (14) in block 34 in St. George, Ga. and levied on as the property of S, H. Ferguson; also at the san e time and place, lot No. ten (10) in bleck g 2, lot No. four teen (14) in'block 61 in St, George, Ga., levied on as the property of Mrs. E. F. Grai; also at the same time and place, lot No. twenty-one (21) in block 133 in St. George, Ga , levied on as the property ot Nellie G. Geitgey; also at the same time ara place; lot No. five (5) in block 133 in St. George, Ga. and levied on as the property of Grace M. Geitgey; also at the same time and place, lot No. tour (4) in block g4r in St. George, Ga., levied on as the property of Mrs. M. Glover; al so at the same time and place, lot No. twentyethree (28) in block 31 in St. George, Ga. and levied on as the property of 8, L. Gregg: also gt the S ame| time and place, lot No. ten (10) in block 210 and lot No. four (4) in block 2in St. George, Ga., levied on as the property of Mrs. Emma Herrin; also at thesame time and place, lot WNo. five (5) in block 25¢ in St. George, Ga. and levied on as the property of Mrs. Charley Jones; also at the same time and place, lot No. six (6] in block 257 in St. George, Ga. and levied on as the property of Frank Kennedy; also at the same time and place, lot No. seven (7] in block 253 in St. George, Ga. and levied on as the {property of Emma Kennedy; also at the same time and place, lot No. ten [lo] in block 16; iot No. twelve [l2] in block 16, lot No, elev en [ll] in block 20, lot No. nineteen [l9] in block 31, lot No. nine [9] in block 17, and levied ow as the prop erty of W. B. Kittringham; also at the same time and place, lot No. ten [lo] in block 40 and lot No, one [l] in block 30 in St. George, Ga. and levied on as the property of E. <. Laird; also at the same time and place, tot No. twenty one [2 1] in block 57 in St. George, Ga. and levied on as the property of S. S. Leed; also at the same time and place, lot No. four [4] in block 148 and lot No. eight [B]in block 148 and lot No, twenty-four {24] in block 44 in St. George, Ga, and levied on as the property of E. M. Little; also at the same time and place, lot No. eight [B] in block 234 in St. George, Ga. and levied on as the yroperty of Henry Mack, also at the same time and phace, lot No. nincteen [l9] inblock 29 and and lot No. one ll] in block 6 in St. George, Ga. and levied on as the propertygof Mrs, M. Mizell; al -50 at the same ume and place, lot No. three (3) in block 167 in St. George, Ga. and levied on as the property of J. D. Mason; also at the same time and place lot No. ten [+o] in block 162 in St. George, Ga and levied on as the property of Miss Cornelia Newby; also at the same time and place, lot No., five [s] in block 35 and lots Nos. four [4] and ning (9] in block 37 and ot No.two ' (2) in block 42 1 St -veorge, GGa. and levied on as the property of Thomas Newton; also at the same time and place.l:ts No, fourteen (.4) in block 36 and No. six (6) in block 41 1 St. George, Ga, and levied on as the property of J. A. Newton; also at the sawme time and place, lot No. two (2) in lock 29 and lot No. six (6) in block 1107 in St. George, Ga., levied on as the property of J. C. Overstreet; also at the .same time and lace, lot No. ten, " ¥o, -in glo:_k‘x&«’i»n%t. George, Ga. and Oemlir; also at the same time and place, lot No. twenty three, 23 in block 97 in St. George, Ga. and levied on as the property of T. W. Oliver; also at the same time and place, lot No. twelve, 12 in block 148 in St. George, Ga. and levied on as the property of W A, Palm T also at the same time and piace. lot No. four, 4 inblock 136 and lot No, nine, 9 in tlock 241 1 St. George, Ga. and levied on as the property of L. A. Peacock; also at the same time and place, lot No. six, 6 in block 153 1n St, George, Ga. and levied on as thc property of G. F. Pinder; also at the same time and place, lot No. four, 4, in block 195 in St. George, Ga. and levied on as the property of Albert I are; also at the same time and place, lot' Na. five, 5, in block 157 in St. George, Ga. and levied on as the property of K. A, Powell Jr.; aiso at the same time and place, lo* No two, 2, in block 112 in St. George, Ga, and levied on as the properto.of A. M. Peeples; also at the same time and piace, lot No. eight, 8, in block 199, lot No . ten 10, in block 202 and lot No.-fifteen, 15 in block 29 in St. George, Ga. and levied on as the property of B. H. Roberts; also at the same time and place, lot No. nine, 9, in block 74 and lot No. one, 1, in block 204 in St. George, Ga. and levied on as the property of J. M. Ruskin; also at the same time and place, iot No. three, 4. in biock 234 in St. George, Ga. and levied on as the property of Zerelda Rand#ll; also at the same time and place, lot No. one, 1, in block 241 in St. George, Ga. and levied an as the property of Mrs. Etta Stewart; also at the same time'and place, lot No. twelve, 12, in block 147 in St George, Ga., levied on as the prop erty.of G. W. Stephens; also at the same time and place, lot No. six, 6, in block sin St. George, Ga. and levied on as the property of Shaw & Lanier; also at the same time and place, lot No, three, 3 in block 41 in St. George, Ga., levied on as the property of 5 C. Thomas; also at the same time and place, lot No. sixteen, 16, in block 57 in St George, Ga., levied on as the prop erty of H. R.:Woods; alse at the same time and place, lot No, nine, 9, in block 55 and lot No. two, 2 in block 46 in St. George, Ga., ley ied on as the property of J. O. ‘Waller; also at the same time and place, lot No, nine, 9, in block 249 and lot No. thirteen, 13, ir block 1133 in Bt. George, Ga., levied on as the property of Frank Wiison; also at the same time and place, lot No. eight, 8, in block 261 in 8t George, Ga,, levied on as the grop- FOLKSTGN, GA THURSDAY, APRIL 2. 1908. ierty of Raymond . Williams; also at the same time and place, tract of ‘land No. thirteen, 13. of Sam's ad dition to Folkston, Ga., containing 30 7 10 acres levied on as the prop erty of the Ga & Fla. Development Co “per Benj. Sams, agent. All of the above described prop erty levied upon under and by vir tue of fi fas issued by Tax Collect or of said County for school tax for the year 1907. i Levy made by J. E. Robinson, Constavle and turned over to me this March 4th, 1908, W. R. WAINWRIGHT, She:iff, (xEORGIA, CHARLTON GOUNTY. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April, 1908, at public out-cry at the court house douor in said county, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wits Forty acres of improved land, number 103 in first dastrict, charlton county, Ga., levied on as the property of G. W. Cooper. * Also at the same time and place, forty acre tract No sixty-seven [67] .in first District of said county, levied on as the property of | F. Jermgan. At the same time and place two forty-acre t-acts No. thirty-three [331 and thirty-four {34], in first district of said county and levied on asthe property of Frank Newman. At the same time and place five-hundred acres, more or less, of Headrigh land in said county and bounded on as fol lows:— <8 North, by E. S. Herrin's, East, by Satilla River swamp, South, by P. (. Riles's land and West by .S B, Rodcenberry’s land, lev ied on as the property of E. S. and Julia J. Strickiand. Al of the above property levied on, ander and by virtue of fi fas issued by tax collector of said county for state and county taxes for the year 1907, » Levy made by J.'E. Robinson, constable, and turned over to me this- March 4th, 1908. Wi R. Wamgicir, Sheritf, GEORGIA, CHARLTON County. ‘ ! W. H. Tracy and others having ap‘)liedrfor the establishment of a-new public road to be gin at the corporate limits. of the: town of Folkston; Ga. in 32nd G, M. District of said county -and run in a ‘south-easterly ,direction through lands of H. A. Cannon, J. W. Vick: ety; John Roddenberry, Jesse W. Vickery. ama. [ W, Tohnson and g through -lands of H. A. Cannon am A. C. 1. Ry, company,and terminating thé new ferry on Bt. Mary's River, recently established by W. H. Tracy, a distance of a bout three miles, Q This is tc notify all persons that on and after the 7th day of April, 1908 said new road will be fihully granted if no good cause is shown to the contrary. : o Lhis 7th day of Mch, ygoß, + . ‘ L. E. MALLARD, Seéy. 7 A Chicago woman is suing her husband for divorce hecause he is in jail for attempting to “get rich quick” The fact that he failed was what jar. red her feelings however, FINED BY THE MARSHAL. On yesterday morring J. A, Hathaway and R, F. Hall got into a d.fficulty at Mr. Hall’s residence. It appears Hathaway was* upbrad ing Hall on account of some claim ed neglect when the fight was pre. cipitated. Runners could be seen going in different directions for come time. Town Marshal, C, (. Pickren was called to the scene and placing Hathaway under arrest, as sessed a five dollar fine which was promptly paid. ¥ Vhis is a most unusual occurrence and the first case we have ever known where a police officer while on police duty was delegated with the powers ot the mayor, to assess fines and settle disputes, Yesterday was Apnl fool’s day, About fifteen or twenty of the’ pu pils of the Folkston school played a tiick on the teachers by slipping away to the creek and having a pice nic. When they returned and were mformed that the teachers had take en the remainder of the school to the river, with plenty ot lemons, ice and sagar, and well filled bas kets, the disappointment on their faces was amusing. One little boy said ““Boys let’s go,” S — Frank Robinson who ‘‘went up” from this county for g 9 years about six years ago for killing McClain, is home, having been pardoned. He reached here Monday and left in a short time for the home of his fath. er, Mr. Noah Robinson, near Tra ders'Hill , e — + A fashion note says women’s hats will have tall'crowns this summer. Uneasy will rest the man who sits behind a crown in that case, » 'WALK,F RON STATE ROAD. " THINKS EXTEN £ SION PROPER ls glad to see people of South Georgia waking up to the importance of the matter--favors route that has been proposed. | (FROM THE WANCROSS JOURNAL) i;'.v.Col. E. 1. Walker, in passing flé}rough Waycross this mornig en route to Douglas, was seen by a re ‘fiesentative of the Journal, and up on being asked what he thought of the extension of the state road, he %:gi‘d: , f"‘;gf‘(n my opinion, if the state in. Qnds to keep the road which she tow owns, from Chattanooga to At-"‘ 'liilta, I think 1t would, be best as . l{f;siness proposition to extend it to t!i.e sea, and 1 know of no better] vf@ute than from Atlanta to St. Marys ?fi;écallse they have deep water therel ),‘hd will give the state as much water j@ont as may ‘be neede (li for business puiposes; besides, the \v unty would assist 1 other ways, Bln fact, all of the counties through‘ Wiiis section, of Southeast Georgia % uld liberally contribute. - | ““The road cculd be cheaply built because the greater portion ot the Langs are on the wble order, I the ;5} Wafil}fiilt it would id;,a great a'suf‘eli;éve the people of taxes, $x public schools of the, state ‘ar needs devek’ifime!if, ‘and enhance the value cf p/rupcrty for miles away along Its line. : “I'm giad to see that South Goor gia counties are waking up to the situation and lending a helping hand In a great measure it would releive the financial situatio and contribute to prosperity in many ways throagh this section. ; Mr. Clark Howell “lows as how” the Atlanta Constitution will obsetve a strict if not uctnally armed neu-. trality between Mr. Smith and Mr, Brown 1n the coming Ga. guberna torial contest. = The Constitution’s experience last time has somewhat cooled its martial ardor, i Dr. C. M. Wells reached Foikstonl last Monday evening with his show r The doctor is advertising his medi cine but he carries a’ troop of teni ahtd furnishes a good performance. He'will remain here probably all through next weet and meet ‘the crowds at court, He has erected his tent in Dr. Wright’s yard, ° This is probably the largest show that has ever visited this town, as it contains a carload of tents, trunks, seats, a piano and other parapher nalia, All those who have attanded have been well pleased. If accounts that are coming in from various sources are to be cred-’ ited, the people of Georgia are rap. idly getting into a frame of mind to overturn a political precedent that has obtained since the adoption of the constitution of 1877.—Morning News, i The principal auty of the Repub lican orators this year will be to convincethe voters that much of the recent’panic was purely imaginary, ——— A New Jersy Youth of twenty-one has already married three women, ‘He has evidently elected to gather all the troubie he can before he is tOO old to enjoy tne excitement. (OURT NEXT WEEK. . Next week promises to be a re cord breaker in business for Charl ton County. Monday the quarter ly term of the County County opens with a heavy docket, there being seven or eight cases for trespass besider a number of minor offences and four cases for damages, this being the trial term tor those cases in which J. P, Robinson is suing Mayor J, . Mizell, J. A. Wainright, and W. W. Tyler for defamation of character, Some interesting fea tures are expected to' be brought out in chis case. The Superior Court will open on Tuesday with a heavy docket there being about thirty misdemeanor and about twenty land cases, two or three felony cases, one for assauit to murder and three muider cases. There ase now in the county jail scven persohs charged with murder or accessories and one out on bond. Spring is here and now is the time to prepare against are.occurrence of last years sickness, Ttis to be hoped that we will have artesian water be fores real summer sets ip, and if every citizen in the town would use the proper care in kecping their places in a sanitary condition by cleaning up the premises and apply lime freely, we will probably be able to point to the good nhealth that we are entitled to. All houses should be cleared out underneath thorough ly. Keep a close watch for otd tin cans that fill up with water and breed mosquitoes. Each individual should act as a committee of one to help to keep out disease. : " “There " arel fewet, deaflls fram -hfi:mdgs in_Georgia ' ufiv.’;, m: turns, for the year is is all in. A Big Stock of Shoes to be Sold at Greatly Reduced Prices, We put this Sale on in Order to make room for New Stock which will arrive in a few days. NMIZELL & PAXTON. SI.OO A YEAR, Atlanta, March 31.—(Special.) Af ter making arrangements_for invest ing betweer $25,c0n000 and $30,000000 in middle and south Georgia, James G Campbell, an eastern capitalist, has seturned to New York to have contracts signed for beginning work on big dams a. cross several Georgia rivers. With him went Hon. W, Jordan Mussee, of Macon, president of the Central Georgia Power Co, Work will he started this month on a monster dam across the Ocmulgee. river neqx’u‘k son and anotker across the Oeconee near Milledgeviile. ‘Fhe Flint and several other rivers in South Georgia will be developed, too, and this work will be started within a short time. ‘The company has power gitcs on six rivers and will parchase more, deve ‘veloping some 130,000 electrical ‘ horse power., t This clectric currept-will be-nsed to run trolley lines all over middie and south Georgia and the time 3¢ rapidly approaching when the rura¢ districts will have cheap electrie light and powes, all drawn from the rivers which are now ryuning to run, - ; The honorable County Commis sioners and the Grand Jury should not fail to offer some inducement to the state road (The Westera and Atlantic) to build through Chorlton county, We beiieve Folkston cam be depended. upon'to do her part in order to 'brin}g it through the city. You had better register now while the books are spen, Things may get interesting by the fourth of June and you will want to vote in the primary. Can’t do it unless you register. Of course you want to ‘itihr If,,mown for ‘Gov“‘ I i Yalker for ' Soti General, , ;