Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, April 02, 1908, Image 8
N ORI TT it 6 /07 oTR :." Eocal Personals}| -xsmsxfi} Mes, W. 1. Ocain is quite sick at| this time. ; Mts, 8. £, Mills was shopping in town Tuesday, Mr. T. L. Pickren spent Tuesday in Jacksonville. Mts. B. G. McDonald went to Jacksonville Monday. ' J. A, and W. H. Hathaway are 4t home for a few days, Mr. G. A. Nazworth visited s with a fefiewal Saturday, Mr. S. P, Wainwright called ct the Herald Office Tuesday. Mr. E. C, Kennison was trans | acting business here Tuesday. | Dr. J. C. Wright and Master Jimi went to Jackaonville Tuesday. o Mr. J. L, Stevens was among those who renewed his subscription Saturday, Mr, Guy Lang visited hete this week, the guest of his sister, Mrs. B. G. McDonald. . Mr. Jos. W Stewart, of the Oceari Stedtnghip Co., spent several hotifs lete Tuesday, Mt. W, H. Wainright paid this office a pleasant call Saturday, re newing his subscription. Mrs. Morgan Ogilvie, of Calla han, is visiting here, the guest of her mother, Mrs. Haddock. The Misses Bakers spent Sunday here, the guest of Miss Nolan Hath away, and attended church. Mr, J. Mizell came up early Sun day from Kings Ferry and boarded a Bowthern tfain for Atlanta. Mr., B, F. Scott is repainting his store and dwelling, which has a pleasing effect in his community. Mr. E, A. Westhetry reports a crowd and plenty good things to cat at the meeting at Dyal last Saturday, e are informed that the distri bution of lots in the cannon addition to Folkston will be held on July 4th 1908, Mr. N. Roddenberry went to Way ¢ross Friday, and finding J. A. Joues selling so cheap, bought a new buggy. Among those seen on the streets Saturday were G. W, Allen, W, R, Keen, D. R, Dinkens and Mr, Joel Brown, Mt, and Mrs. J, S. Elkins, of Waycross, spent Monday morning in' Folkston, leaving here for Wino kur in the afternoon, Mrs. D. F. Anderson and Mrs, Bremer, of Uptonville, spent yester tay here, the guests of Mr, J. L. Anderson and Mrs. G, W, Phillips. Mr. E, J. Stafford, of the brick yard - near Uptoawille, was here Tuesday to consult Dr, Wright con €efhing a severe rising just below ; the knee cap. i Migs Stella Pickren with Miss Myra and Herbert Mizell, accom panied Mr, Frank Mizell on his re turn to Kings Ferry last Sunday and speat the day there, , Mes, Charley Sikes accompanied by her, Mrs. J. A. % Bikes, came up from Florida Mon- Gay. They will spend the week here and at Uptonville. Dr. J. W. Strickland, of St. George, was here Saturday to meet the B, of E. They elected Mr. A G. Gowen president in place of A. J. Howard who resigned. Rev. J. L. Smith, the the Primi tive Baptist preacher trom Bulloch tounty, filled his appointment at the Methodist church Sunday morn ing and evening. delivering two splendid sermons to large congrega tions, The broad smile on Mr. Edl Davis's face this week 1s caused by the arrival of a Miss Davis at his house on last Friday night. The young lady immediately took charge dnd is mistress of the entire house bold. : ¥ ~, 4 CANDIDATES: COLUMN. : p—— | For Solicitor~General. ‘ I hereby annonnce wmyself a candidate for Solicitor-General of the Brunswick Judicial Circuit, subject to the Democtatic Pritndry. 1 solicit the suppott and influence of the vot ers of the circnit, and if nominated end elect ed to said office, 1 pledge 4 fdithful dischatge of the dutied theteof wiftiont fear, favor or affectlon. ; Youitd obediently, | £ Lawros WALKFR. ———e St e e — 1 beg so innoiince m§ candidacy in the next Democratic Primaty £ nomination for the of fice of Solicitor-General of the Biunswick Judicial Circuits On accodnt of the illness of the present Solicitor-General, I have filled this office for him almiost continuously for the past three yeats, and therefore am famitiar with its dufies, I solicit your active support, and promise, #H slecked, to discharge the duties of the office honestly and to the hest of my ability. A.D. GaLE, For Sheriff. ‘ At the solicitation of many friends and with an ambition to fill the office of Sherift of this county. I announce myself a cendidate subject to the action of the Democratic Pri mary in the approaching clection. If I am elected I shall feel that I owe it to a just and deep thinking people, and 1 promise to give my whole time and attention to the offi~e and the people’s interest, I will appreclate your vute., ; ’ Very respectfully, W.H. MizeLr., At the request of my many friends T here by announce myself a candidate for re-elec tion to the office of Sherift of Charlton coun ty, subject to the Democratic Primary, and, earnestly solicit ‘the active support. of .my many friends and the general public. If elected I pledge myself to attend strictly to the duties of the office. i Thanking the public for past favors; T am, Yours respectfully, W. K. WAINWRIGHT. e | For Representative. To THE VOTERS OF CHARLTON COUNTY; I hereby announce myself a candidate for te-clection to the Legislatore of Georgia from Charlton County, subject to the Demc cratic Primary, and, if elected I pledge my self the faithful performance of the duties of the Om“o Thanking the public for the past favors I earnestly solicit a continuance of the same. Your obedient servant, A. J. Howarnb, For Ordinary. TO MY FRIENDS AND FELLOW CITIZENS; I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Ordinary, subject to the’ coming democratic primary. and I earnestly = solicit your kind ' consideration and - support. If honored by election to this office 1 chall thank you all fur it. My every wish and de sire will be to have the approval of my own conscience in having done ray best and proven niyself worthy of the trust reposed in me. | Respectfully submitted, | J. J. Stokes. For Clerk, Superior Gourt. To MY FRIENDS AND THE VOTING PUBLIC; L respectively announce myself a candidate for re.election to the office of Clerk Superior Court of Charlton ' county, subject to the Democratic Primary, and eacnestly solicit the influence and active support of my friends ana the general public; pledging myself to attend strictly to the duties encumbered upon me, should I be elected, and to perform them to the best of my ability. With deep gratitude for all past favors, I am, respectfully, Jesse W. Vickery. For Tax Receiver. To riuk voTers oF CHARLTON Counry; Relieving that I am thoroughly comptent to fill the office and as Mr. J, ¢. Allen - says he is not going to run this year 1 hereby an nounce myself a candidate for the of officé of Receiver of Tax Returns at the coming elec tion, subject to the Demoaratic primary and, if elccted I guarantee to serve the people justly and conscientiously to the best of my ability, T. W. VICKERY. —n. oy | I hereby announce myself a candidate for! Tax Receiver of Charlton county, subject to the Nemocratic Primary. Ifelécted, I prom ise to discharge the duties faithfully and to the best of my ability, and will’ appreciate the votes and support of the'voters ot the county, Respectfully, D, F. RODDENBERRY : For Tax Collector theAs Mr J. J. Stolu:sx hasl announced for office of i will announce my self for the o@‘o‘f‘"l‘ax Collector at tl{e next De:;cm\c l’rinf\:r‘ey dand. solii:it the su niy many nds, misi to peml; the Snm of said oflicep:: thenghes\ of my ability. A. G. GoweN Sr. Falkston, Ga,, Feb. 28th, 1908. SAVE YOUR EARNINGS, R saotits B o S gil s e The running of a savings account has a tendency to wean a man from habits of extravagance and dissipa tion' It gives him new ambition, and a desire to save money. We are always glad to assist those who are trying to ““turn over a new leaf.” 5 per cent compounded quarterly on saving accounts. 6 percenton certificates of deposits for 6 months or longer. THE-BANK OF FOLKSTON. L. CARTER, F. D, MILLS, President. Cashier. ToMY FRIENDS AND THE VOTING PUBLIC. oF CHARLTON COUNTY; 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of tax collector, subject to the ap proaching Democratic "Primary. From the experience I have bad in tax assessor office 1 feel that I cart perform the many duties en cumbent upon said office to the satisfaction of the publi¢ in general, Thanking my friends sot past favors and soliciting their support in the approaching election, Tam, Very respectfully yours, J. C. ALLeN, ] —— e | For County Treasurer To tHE VOTERS AND MY FRIENDS: I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the oftice of Treasurer of Charl ton County. If nominated and elected I promise a faithful performance of the duties of the office, and asin the past, endeayor to take care of the county funds with a view to their safety. Thankiug the public for the past favors 1 am | Very respectfully, J. S. Grooms. For County Cemmissicner To THE VOTERS OF CHARLTON Couny; I hereby announce myself a candidat: for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the Demnocratic Primary, and promise, if elected, to fill the ofiice to the best of my ability. T earnestly solicit the support my friends generally, Yours traly, J. E. RoßiNsoN, A Twenty Year sentence. “I have just copleted a twenty year sentence, imposed by Buckien’s Arnica Salve, 'which cured me of bleeding piles just twenty years ago,” writes 0. S. Woolever, of Leßays viile, N. Y. Rucklen’s Arnica Salve heals the worst sores, boils, buyrns, wounds and cuts in the shortest time. 25c¢ at all druggists. ‘ { £ WORLDS GREATEST SEWING MACHINE & LLIGHT RUNNING ? g eOO e ‘ i (RS 2 o | N\ @ N A ‘l J @- Qt“‘ .I,g“"“!. '[At A B e TN ."I‘ L Q{.. Wk *1 ‘ “:.‘%‘ WV t Yyl ey Sl AE AT A 2 { b R ;“\ RS NG {% N P > fPR e 3‘E 7 % R , 55 ‘E“ ]3O )\) ' c.r:'.L -L “f{v: ' OISR = BN TS SRR ST .y “fi",./ /— s s 5-..«"'-"-' Ifyon want eithera Vihrting Shuttle, Rotary Shuttle or a Single Thread [Chain Stitch) Sewing Machine write to ¢ "TEEW HDME STWING MACHINE COMPANY Orange, Mass. cow nachines are mad 1 Liaatgy L’Ifi?;?. Xew"ll:::n;‘fi:‘;\lazfirf;d Our guaranty never runs out Sold by authorized dealers only, Dealers Wanted. Plenty of Trouble 1s caused by etagnation of the liver and bowels. To get rid of it and headache and biliousness and the poison that brings. jaundice, take Dr. King's New Life Pille, the re. liable purifiers that do the work without grinding or gripin, - 25¢, at all drug stores, ' Death was on His Heels, ‘ Jesse P. Morris of Skippers, Va., had a clnse call in the spring of 1906, He says: “Aa attack of pne umonia left me so weak and with such a fearful cough that my friends declared consumption had me, and death was on my heels, Then I was persnaded to try Dr. King’s New Discovery, It helped me immedi ately, and after taking two and a half bottles I was a well man again. I found out that New Discovery is the best remedy for couighs and lung disease-in all the wdrld.” Sold under guarantee at all druggists §oc and sl.oo. - Tral bottle free. eiee eel = TO THE PUBLIC. DR. DALLAS WILLIAMS wishes to announce to the people of this section that he has opened an office in the Paxton building to practice MEDICINE, SURGERY and Os- STETRICS. : CALLS ANSWERED PROMPTLY DAY OR:NIGHT. RP R b ,v e ki 4'!'% v S \.' A R} eOBS & B Y ! MO R A 4 AN CAMP CR FIELD ~AT MOUNTAIN OR CHOIE: ; « Thera is clwaysa chance- . ts enjoy some shoeting T 0 SHOOT \YLLL YOU tAUST BE EQUIPPED WITH A RELIABLE +iREARH : the only kind we have been making for upwards cf fi.ty years. Our Lina: FIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOTGUNS, RIFLE TELESCOPES, ETC. Ask your Dealer, and insist on the STEVENS. Where not sold by Re tailers, we ship dirvect, LXPTess pre- Eal(l. upon receipt of Catalog price, Sead lor 140 Aage ill.nll':lh'(.-] \ entalog. Anindispeasable book of l ready rveference for man snd bo - shooters. Mailed for 4 centa in st empstocover postaye. RBeaugifu) Il‘eu Color Manger forwarded rur| SN oCn « In wtame, J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL Co. ¥'. O, Box 4097 : Chicopee Falls, t&: Mass., U.S. A. “\}(t : “Q\\_V:___\;_:f‘g 3 RS B o A \ He Got What He Needed, ““Nme years agou itlooked as if my time had come, ‘says Mr, C, Farthing, of Mill Creek, Ind. Ter. ““I was g 0 run down that life hung on a very slender thread. It was then my druggist recomwmended Electric Bitters, I bought a bottle and I got what I needed—strength, I had one foot in the grave, but Electric Bitters put it back on the turf again, and I've been well ever since.” Sold under gurantee at all druggist Soc. | Insure ycur property against FIRE and STORM. The undersigned has a stiing of Old Line Companies. Don’t delay; it might be too late. Peclicies written while you wait. W. W. Trrer, Agt. . Dr. Williams has secured the a gency for the famous “Till” can. dies and will secure a fresh shipment every ‘week. Call and inspect the assortments at The Folkston Phar- SPRING AND SUMMER LINES READY, Clothing, RHats and Furuishings FOR MEN, WQMEN and CHILDREN. Best Values =- Moderate Prices. CATALOGUE. Upon request we will mail you a copy of our Spring and Summer Catalogue giving full description and pricgs. Goods on Approval. - Upon request we will send Goods by Express C. O. D. subject to examination. B.H. Levy Bro.& Co., Savannah, Ca. » - ‘ieadquarters for ~arm Fencesgs” ANERICAN FENCT T Lo - f ISKI------=-.-!-.-- o ° ,@‘l---------—-fl_'l. Fil----—u--—u---“i e ettt el Ry g oAt n¥ I------------,~-l}“ Mottt b L i bt e TIEL 5 e B RA R RTOy 2 P R STR e Y ? MIADE IN ALL HEICHTS Made of large, strong, high-grade stecl wires, heavily galva nized. = Amply provides for expansion -and contraction, Is practically everlasting. Never goes wrong, no matter how great a strain is put on it. Does not »r.atilate nor injure stock. Tume Gattle, Horsvs, dogs and Pigs . EVERY ROD GUARANTEED by us and guaranteed by the < manufacturers, Call and see it. We can show you how it will save you morey and fence vour fields so they will stay fenced. For Saie by Mizell & Paxton. ;&YOURGA[N. ; Our misfortune ,is your gain if you are. needing any thing in our line. While we arg: trying to.raire some cash to save our busi-: ness.from being closed out, we are sellfxpfl}: our entiae stock BUGGIES, WAGONS and HARNESS. also FARM IMPLEMENTS. s 8 At Actual Cost for Cash. We have a lurge and well selected stock and are mak- : : \ ing a good many sales to the people of Waycross and . b surrounding country and would be glad for you to call | and see the BARGAINS we are offering. { J. A. .ones Buggy Co., Waycross, Georgia. ‘