Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, April 16, 1908, Image 1

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VOL. X.--NO. 47.
We, the Grand Jurors, chosen and
sworn, Aptil term 1908, Superior
Court, Charlton County, beg to
make the following General Present
ments, : .
We recommend that the County
Treasurer pay order given W, H.
Mizell———— 190— for gsilso.oo
principal and $45. 50 interest, Said
order now being the property of
William Mizell.
We recommend that T. L. Pick
ren be appointed to fill the unexpir
ed term of A. J, Howard, resigned,
as member of Board of Education.
W ¢ endorsed the report submit
ted by . E. Mallard. C. 8. C.
We recommend that the County
Court be continued; also that the
Sheriff of the county be appointed
Bailiff of the County Court, after
the ensuing election, We also re
commend that the surplus funds of
the County Court be applied to the
public roads of the county.
We Fave through a committee
from our bydy examined the books
of the various J. Ps. and £x J. Ps.
and find them neatly and correctly
We have appointed O, F. Wilson,
T. L.. Pickren and J- H. Johnson a
committee to examine the books of
the various county officers 2nd 0!
make their report-to the Grand _lu.\ ‘
of October term 1908 of Superior
Court and they receive $3,00 perl
day each for their services, ;
We recommend that a üblic
road be openec from Uptonwville to
Winokur. : |
-We recommend that the following
names be placed on the pauper list
and paid as follows: Mrs, Mar)‘
Johns, $5 0o per month; Papl Dow
ling, $7.00 per month; James Wil
liams, $3.00 per months; Henry
Wiiliams and wife, colored, $2.00‘
each per month, said amount to be
paid to O, F, Wilson; also that B.
A. Chesser’s children be paid SIO.OO
per month instead of §5.00.
We have through a committee
examined the pubhic buildings and
the property of the county and here
with submit! their report; <We
have examired the buildings of the
county and find them in good con
dition, except one room on lower
floor of jai!, the plaster being brok
en; also the corpers of the jail are
becoming underminded by the wind
blowing the dirt away from them.
We recommend that these matters
be attended to at once.
We recommend that the county
commissioners empfoy a stenograph
er to take evidence on all true bills
etc. acted on by the Grand juries.
We recommend _that Lazarus
Jourden, colored, be paid g 520.00
for taking care of Mouzon Price;
We recommend that the following
persons-be put on the Pension Roll;
Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, Mts. Mary
Roddenberry, N. N. Mizell, Jacob
C. Carter, Mrs. Julia A. Walker,
Mrs Jave Elizabetb Hatcher. We
recommend that our Senator and
Representative support any measure
that will tend to place the entirety
of the surviving confederate soldiers
on the pension list. Also recom
mend that Mrs, Conie Higginbotham!
Le put back ou pension roll. 1
We recommend that Irvin Privett
be paid $6.00 per month instead of
$5.00, ilso that Bart Crawford be
paid $5.00 per month ginstead of
$4.00 and that Amphil Harris be
paid §£6.00 per month instead of $4,
as heretofore
We recommend that the county
commissioners pay one half of the
expense of boring an artesian wel]
vin Folkston, also that they build a
bridge across Baileys Branch on
road leading from Foikston to Burnt
Fort. j
Whereas the time has arrived in
the development of our county, for
her citizens to take a stride forward
m the great march of progress, we
;the Grand Tuiy of Chariton county
in body assembled, do put ourselves
‘on record as favoriug the aggressive
action on the part of the county for
progressive improvements.
After considering the reeds of
the county from a liberal standpoint
it is the opinion of this body that
what we most need to put us in the
vanguard of progress along with our
sister couuties of Georgia is better
schoels and better roads. We can
never have a great people without
liberal education, We can never
have liberal edncation without good
school houses, good equipment and
sufficient teachers. Our present
couutry schools are absolutely ia
adequate. We have not a modern
school house in the county outside
of Folkstor, we have not a sufficient
cquipment in the county, and ‘the
pay for our country teachers is so
small that it is next to impossibie to
emplc_)y first class teachers, and our
country boys and girls are put aside
with a half morsel, while the city
children and the childrer in the
more progressive counties are . get
ting a full share of education to fit
them for the battle of life. .
~ Concerning the roads of our
county, we can never have, perman
ent homes and permanent improve
ments throughout the country dis
tricts until our public roads are
permanently located and gradled,
and the heavy phcts;fam capped
wer with cla&,l)r;grg?éi.‘"
Tu build a modérn school house
wherever a good school may be
maintained in the county and to
improve the roads as they should
be will cost a large sum of money
a.d to do it gradually by taxation
i'bi’zt our little children cahnet: wait,
they are growing beyond the school
age and we must be quick or’ hun
dreds of them will be without edn
cation. To drag along over heavy
roads for five, ten, fiftecn or twenty
years longer will cost us more in
‘horses, vehicles and wasted time
than the roads wiil cost.
- Then why put these improvements
off indefinitely when there is a way
provided whereby we may have
them without waiting. We can
bond the county, get the money
and spend it in the county now and
get these things we want, letting the
future generations help to pay for
therr, that gives the people who are
passing away, and those who are
living now the benefit and the pleas
ures and profits they will bring us.
In consideration of these facts we
propose that this Grand Jury re.
commend and urge with all dili
gence that the Commissioners take
steps at once to bond the county,
and commence the work of build
ing modern school houses and good
roads all over the county.
Now is the time to do it while
labor can be had at the lowest cost.
While material can be purchased
at low. cost, and while commerce is
in a depressed condition and the
people most need the money in cir
culation, we shall not only get the
improvements at the lowest possible
cost, but the expenaiture of that
amount of money In the county will
virtually sweep away the panic in
our midst and start immigration to
our cnunty from other sections,
that will more than repay our cx
penditures 1n thc shortest possible
- We endorse the following me
morial to the State Legislature:
‘whereas the question of extending
the State Road (T'he Western & At
llantic) on to the sea is now being
agitated before the people of the
state, and in consideration of the
many advantages which we believe
will accrue from the extension of
this road on to one of the ports on
the Georgia coast, not only in the
preservation of the state’s present
road, but in the increased valuation
it will give to the pioperty, the
large income it will bring to th
state, the rehef of taxes to the pes
ple,. the development of the
and the permaneut guarantee. it wil
be to the people in rates andit ‘k
vice, therefore we the Grand
of Chatiton county do heartily
dorse the idea, and we hereby mes
morial the Legislature to take i
mediate steps to have the road ”
}on to the sea. TRy *"
We believe that the immebiate
iextension of this will not only
great savieg to the state in its cons
stiuction, but it will go a great W
in releaviag the depressed commers
cial condition of the state and Qgt&{
employment to thousands of lab@fi%
ers who are out of work, “ 3
We not only endorse and ur&
immediate action in this matier bu
we recommend that the con"“:‘
commissioners take steps to Secure.
the right-of-way through this county
free of cost to the state, prdfidc’:{i’j
the course of tiie rvad, to be final_ljé
determined shall pass through this
county. . L i e
We recommend tnat the fore?‘fié
and clerk of the present Grand tifi"
be paid $3,00 per day each for t&i(fi‘
services. ¢
We recommend that these G‘euéf-j
al Presentments be: published in khe;
Charton County Herald and Bty
George Gazette, and that they ° i :
paid sloo.oo each for same, ,%
We desire to extend our thanks
to his Honor Judge T. A. Parkéfi:
for the able and impartial mamfi
in which he has presided over the
present term; also to !c‘ting Sol'ici"{_j
tor Geueral, A. D. Gale and his as
'soc’ate Robert L. ‘Bennef{vforrco}m?"
esies show;x our ‘,b'od‘l):. fi‘?fi&
Fi ) an T L. Pickren, ‘Clet
{ijt Malt(t::mf:rfin mflm*“’
Rarford Ciarter: = Je Vao
J. Waller Tohnson ~ B.S. Preseott
D.F. Roddenberry T.E. Sykes
S.B. Rodienberry RA. Hardee
A.]. Howard I.G. Rowe
W.OO Gniffin N. Roddenberry
H.O. Prescott O.K. Harrs
A.H. Howard J.C. Carter
H.G. Gibson
The within General Piesentments
of the Grand Jury having been read
in open court, it is therefore order
ed that they be admitted to record,
and become a part of the minutes
of this court, as in terms of the law,
It is further ordered that they be
printed as therein recommended,
In open court, this the gth day of
April 1908.
T. A, Farker, &
Judge S, C. B. },.C.
Georgia, Charlton Ceounty:
I, Jesse W, Vickery, Clerk of said
court do hereby certify that the
foregoing is a true copy of the Gen
eral Presentments of the Grand
Jury, sitting at the April term, 1908
of Charlton Superior Court.
Witness my signature and seal of
said conrt this April 11th, 1908,
JEssie W. Vickery, LS.
I will be at Folkston on Monday
2oth of April, prepared to do den
tal work, and will remain there two
or three days.
J. C. BrEwER, Dentist.
The ‘“Brown Men” are offering
even money that their favorite will
carry Fulton county, but, unlike
two years ago, Gov. Smith’s sup
porters want odds. Begins to look
very Brown to us, :
| CE.
The people of Folkston and sur
rounding eountry can get ice at any
{ime from now on in large quanti
ties of 100 pounds ‘and over. A
car load just mn, Picnic parties can
always depend upon us for Ice on
short notice. '
Yours for busidess,
i W. W. TYLER.
Sone progressive work was done
them. The progressive spirit
adominated throughout. . ‘The re
mmendation offering substantial
ouragement for the State Road
serves spectul mention, While it
no more than we expecied of
em, yet this is capabie of doing
Ich good, not only to this_inune-
Hate wire grass section but to the
&tate at large and to 4he northwest
: herally, and right here we take
casior to say that we should take
SBccial pains 1o select business men
& judgement, who are progres‘sive,
Bd e ability enough to put
Mgeir ideas of progress into actual
Wheration on the Bbard of County
: Dmuissionsrs. There 1s neariy a
’, %Board to be elegted and great
@re sliould be exercised in their se
fg&ction. | "
a The suggestion of bonds for
Rarlton is not only a 700 d one but
' sthe prover thing to do. It
would bring beneficial results now.
f, tu'ruing loose 4 or 5 hundred
~ dollers in the county it wounld
fyg the financial strain and give
ing improvements that would
; j»hirlton county In 2 class with
ORI counties that ar¢ nov consid
kol for her snperior. With - good
f,e_:b,; our waste lands would build
@pinto fine farms, people would
;"”~)sfi§fimong.u§.¢, enhancing, the
valnation of this new almost worth.
less wasté land and, Uging here,
W bmg tfiemt of the burden
’& ying these bonds, and we would
% g greatest benefit from the
] ? ‘mn“nf"of money put _in
-0 c "}l]g‘fiyw, and the gaod
Sllxstre; ~ the: TferommMEAING 17
the Grandl Jury .that the Coux}?y
Commissioners pay one half the ex
pense of the boimg of an artesian
';fi'éfl;siti‘:'l?olkaton. Folkston greatly
appréciates this help, though we
were determined (6 have artesian
water even at our own expense, and
we think it a very wise thing for the
cou;’ny officials to do, They can
then have a voice in where the well
must be put so as to accommodate
the greatest number of country peo
ple who have business here and
find no public watering place for
their suffering horses and mules,
It was indeed a touching sight t»
wi{ness the poor dumb animals,
thirsty from being tied up here all
day during court, pushing one an
other about in order to reach a
small bucket at an ordinary hand
Such progressiveness deserves
more than passing notice. Let us
all join hands with the Grand Jury
and push the good work on.
[ take this opportunity to contra
dict certain rumors which have and
are being circulated to the effect
that I said I had known Col. E. L,
‘Walker from childhood and that he
was a regular grand rascal. To say
the least, this is not true. But Ido
’say that I have known Col. Walker
all his life and that he is a perfect
gentleman and fully competent to
take care of the office of Solicitor
3 Hampron CrEws Sk,
j Plenty of Troubie
18 caused by ctagnation of the liver
and bowels. To get rid of it and
headache and biliousness and the
poison that brings jaundice, take
Dr. King’s New Life Pille, the re.
liable purifiers that do the work
without grinding or gripiug.
~ 25¢. at all drug stores,
| R b bl b,
% That Brown joke seems to be giv
‘ling Gov. Smith a whole lot of
trouble these days. “Hurrah for
llitt!e Joe Brown.”
The turpentine platform, belong:
ing to Medlin and Sundy, burned
down a fw nights ago at about two
o’clock in the morning. Itis sup
posed to have caught from one ot
the late trains.
Mr. Arch Crews has established
a new grocery business near here,
Racepond has been planted for
some time and is just now coming
up. The ground is cmci&l in sev
eral piaces. In one place’ a new]|
shingle mill has come up, in anoth
er place ther¢iis a new house, occus
pied by >ur esteemed operator and
wife, and tht:'sha\'mics are just crack
ing the ground everywhere. If we
could just have a good rain it would
be dangerous to get oat for fear of
stepping on a shanty,
Medlin and Sunday are having
some fine cypress logs hauled for-1
their shingle mill.
J. T. Brown has been very ll hutl
we are glad to say, he is much bet
ter now. '
Mrs. O. G. Medlin will leave one
day this week for Abbeville, 8. C.
to visit her sister, Mrs. J. D. Mur.
doch. ¢ '
Mr. J. H Stancel, from Sonuth
Fla,, is spending a few days with his
daughter, Mrs. W. G. Medliu.
2 NDTICE, Tl i
The Repubhicans of Charlton
Coupty are calling a mass meeting
at the county site on April 2sth,
1908 at 12 o'clock M. for the pur
puse of eiecting two delegates and
two alternate delegates to they Re:
publican Eleventh Congressional
District and State Convention. *
The Congressional Convention
convenes in Brunswick, ,th «May
T, Wil 00l
A Big Stock of Shoes
to be Sold at Greatly
Reduced Prices.
We put this Sale on in Order to
make room for New Stock which
will arrive in a few days.
48 Merritts Avenue,
Atlanta, Ga., February 1908.
W. W. Tyler,
Tolkston, Ga, g
My dear siri— e
There is a probability of my
having opposition fur re-election as
State Treasurer, and I wish to soli
cit your influeace and active sup
port: "l ‘
Since 1900, when T was first elect
ed Treasurer ot Georgia, I have
paid out un the State's Publie Debt,
as principaband interest, and to the
Public S:hools, the Confederate
Veterans, and to general expenses
of the state $30,004.771.63. :Of
this grand total not a dollar las
been lost to the state. The past
year $4,797,469.59 passed through'
my hands, and | attended “so. this
business with one clerk at a fotal
cost to, Georgid of $3,600,00 per
annum, out of which my assisu{é"’
and I have paid our surety bonds,
mine being for $200,000,00,
* The duties of State Bank Examiin
er are joined to those of the States
Preasurer, and the numbeg{g‘? Banks
have grown from Iso. ifi 1900 to
448 at this date, or 220 per cent.*
In wy eight years ot service ém'f?
five State Barfl;é have fuilc("t.fibflxisjl
September 1,190 y, I had onl_v-;' one
Assistant Ixaminer, and the f‘s’tqu
paid only g 1,200.00 f:o‘m"thfi??if#s&
ury forithis hqrculcanwot\g‘ %AL
© Georgians are faitg‘igxihi'dgd and
reasonable people, and I belieye
that they will be just..” That is all {
ask, and 1 request yout active’ aid.
Kindly let me hear from z,fll.,‘i
cannot canvass the State; am. too
iy 7GR
FA to enc 01 copies of
would be very glad to have you
read and haod to some friend.
R e ORI T egar s