Newspaper Page Text
VOL. X.--NO. 48.
Last Friday night the Folkston
Graded School closed its spring
term with a very elaborate .and im
pressive program. It was intended
by the teachers to have made it one
ot the most elaborate commence
meats in the history of the school.
but the trustees- thinking . that the,
children had been sufficiently work
ed during: the eight months term. re
quested them to shorten the
one night vnly, which they did. -
© One of the prettiest features, was.
the doll drill by sizteenlittle, git}'s‘,'
which elicited'rounds of applause.
Some of the recitations were excel
lent, prominent among ‘whick ~was
*¢ \ anting to Read that " ere Sign,”
by Bert fladdock, and «Nothing
but Breeches,” By Verne s Pickrel
The Flag Drill; by sixteen boys was
indeed good dnd the Huop Drill,
by sixteep gi'l"i's,y could "h‘a‘rdlv_ _be
excelled. g v o i
. After this certificates_ of promo
tion were delivered by L. E. 'Mal
lard C. S.'C. ‘who also made a
short talk.” Ihe essays by Exum
Pickren, Robel"-t'.\rj_zfijqk .and. Miss
Nolan Hathayay"w;é?é' to the * point
and did more than credit to those
who wrote them. - We had almost
forgorten to mention - little Miss’
Aunnie Lucy !:;gark;v'&fih() made qui-te,
2 hirin ‘“The” Education of Her
Dotly,” which. kiz;ai.s one bf the most
reaiistic s’ccncs,}fi;@c evgp‘ixig. and
brought dogft th@hoqse, i
Sl R
« The'sentiment in favoreof better
school houses, beiter roads for
Chayigor (,unty and artesian water
fur Folkston seems to be geueral.
That our people are *tfissd of leng
et or S Jah i!%fflsi
tlie recommendations of the Grand
Jury week vefore last. ladeed we
have no time to waste if we expect}
to benefit the present generation
‘The children of today are fast grow
ing vp. What are we going to do
to educate them? A few more years
will put them past the . school. .age
and they must fight the battles of
life unprepared. With the means
at our hands we are criminally neg
lecting them and, justly, we must
bear the blame of the rising genera.
tion if we fail to do our part.
The Grand Jury has pointed out
the way, and zood school houses,
gaod teachers and good public roads
are within our reach 1f we will only
put forth our “hands = With good
schools and good public roads ail
over Charlton county our wood
lands that are now worth from sr.oo
to $5.00 per acre wouldin a few
years be settled by a good- class of
people from different sections. The
land, no better, but being under
cultivation, would be enhanced in
value, our tax returns would soon
double and in a tew years treble
what they now are, -and the new
settler would help to pay those
bonds. On.our part we would reap
the benefits in the iacreased amount
of money put into circulation now,
in good schools for the country
boys and girls that are fast growing
past school 2ge, and last but not
léast "we W r 8 hat '
wouid be a pleasvre to drive on
that would save many dollars in
vehicies, horses, mules etc.
e C ity Commissionors 2
¢ :..)"»t] he recommendaation ot the
Girand Jury so far as pz2yving half
the expenses of boring ¢ tesiall
well in Folkston, and appointed a
committee of three to confer with
the cfficials of the town as to the
best place. A meeting was arrang
ed to take place in the afternoon,
during which they agreed to put the
well in the middle of Main St, at
a point near the Denmark Hotel.
The town officials are in correspon
dence with a contractor and the work'
will be started as soon as a few pre
}iminaries can be arranged, l
Folkston, Ga., Apr. 8, 1908,
The Democratic Egecutive Com
mittee met at the Court house and
was called to order by Judge B. F.
Scott, Chairman. Minutes of the
previous meeting were read and
confirmed Judge Scott was re
élected Chairman and ‘L= E.” Mal
lard was re-elected Secretary.
...The following resolutions ~were
unanimously adopted. That the
primary be he'd June 4th and that
for the purpose of defraying the ex
penses of said primary, the offices
shall be assessed as follows:
Office of Representative, S2O, 00,
Ordinary, $12.36; Clerk, sl2 sO.
Tax Collector, sl2 50, Sheriff, $153,
Tax Assessor, $12.50 and lreasur
er $15.00, the said sums to be paid
joinfly by all candidates entering
the race for each office respectively,
and which shall be paid to the
chairman of this committee not
later than May 15th and if not paid
by that t‘me, only such* candyldates
as have paid such 'assessment” of
their just proportion of same. shall
have their names entered -upon the
ticket. The following were elected
members of the committee from
their respective districts:
'D. R, Wasdin and N. H. Crews,
of Winokur; Hampton Crews Sr,
and J. W. Dinkins, of Uptonville;
J. J. Mattox and ‘N. Roddenberry,
of Traders Hill; 0. R. Anderson
and"E. B. Stokes of Toledo; Robt.
« hism and John Harris, of (ianey
yille; John Canaday and Joseph
Canaday, of Moniac; B. F, Scott,
H. J. Davis and B G, McDonald,
as Balhbon. " L 0 -l
tee adjourned until June sth,
L. E. MaLLARD, Secretary.
Folkston, Ga, Apr, 20, 1908.
The County Commissioners met
in called session and among the
things they did was :hat of appoint
ing a committee from their body to
assist the committee from the Town
Council in selecting a site .for an
artesian well, it'being agreed that
the County Commissioners pay one
half the expense of boringkame
They also approved of that part
of the Grand Jury recommendations
in regards to furnishing the Grand
Jurya stenographer to take evidence
ifi,all"true bills found during their
iacrsSl\)lla. -‘ .. :
| They further approved of the
idea of the State Road being buil;
through our county and expressed a
willingness to do anything that they
could to further and assist in same.
They approved of using the surplus
arising from the proceeds of the
County Court oo the public roads
of the Colony. i
L. E. MALLARD, Sec'y |
They possess an unfortunate dis
position who are so warped or jeal
ous that they can see little or no
good in their fellows We have 1n
mind an acgnantance who 1s of this
Ly Fie aimost unConsciously
minimizes and discounts the good
traits and deeds of his fellows and
in the same way magnified their
defects and misconduct, This view
of life always places human beings
below par, is as pessimistic as it is
unfair and brings no comfort or sune
shine into life. Rather should be
cultivated the habit of the good old
sister who had such a way of saying
a good word for ail that when some
one to test her began to vpraid the
devil as a pretty tough character
she replied that if Christian people
were as energetic and industrious
in working at their profession as he
was at his the world would be a good
deal better, While the old lady
may have carried her doctrine to
an extreme, she Was certainly work
ing along the right line. —Ex.
“ :,‘ (% ‘r g .
COPY OF lAX cncroa S
\ « L.
g . TR .
Georcis, CuarrLton COUNTY; s - .
Comm’ssioners’ Court of Roads as :" evenues, sitting for county pur
poses,” Folkston, Gra., April 2oth, 1908 <
- Mémbers present; Hon. §. F. MillsjChairman, Jos. P. Misell, ). B.
Lloyd and J. I. Johnson. e
lhe following settlement was allowedl |J. Stokes, 'ax t‘ollector for
the year .907. “
To general tax collected not m'digéi f 1906 : $2 10
i » ' in digest fr 1007 i . 2850.31
. i * ‘collectea not in dig‘e’éi'%ar 1907 223.80
ot " error in digest tor Igof A 4
" Southern Express Co. for Igogs <4 3.07
” Atlantic Postal Tel. Cab, (‘o.'fel;,_ »07 6.30
” American Tel, & Tel. Co. for, 1967 t ; - 13.60
” Southern Bel. & Tel, Co, for tgf’ — 14.50
” A, C. L. R. R. Wavcross to ‘,‘ te Tim. for 1907 1284.80
” A. C. L. R, R. Jesup Short Ling féf 1907 1318.43
” G S. &F. Ry. for 1907 /v WS - 536.62
e RS T
: ; é‘ 1 $6252.57
By Receiver’s Commission “ $62.46
" Collegctor’s .~ ” = 212:84
” errorsin Genl, tax for 1907 Tl : 19.92
» Insolvént Genl. tas for rgo7 = o 28.72
” Amt. Pd. Co. Tréas. for taxes colld@ll for 1906 not in digest . z.lO
0. o” p s tep ~.'Jp' ‘9O! ! .“4th,11907 : 195.90
w o o 9 9" ’9.91 ~,flf% ’:‘%nd' 3\907 310.95
odn i " .u _vng th, 19(:)8 4730.42
A " M '.” g)é‘"/q’ th, 1908 = . 297.54
e wo» ” fig?‘,f 4th, 1907 279.9%
00 2.0 ” fi;.y e :?M h !968 7.06
» » P i, ”:%: ,e‘ bth, 1908 104.90
‘ | o e $6252.57
Examined and approved this 2 April, 1908.
s y Comm. Bd. Co. Comr,
Capt. Lem Johuson, I resident of
the St. M. & K. railroad, ‘saw mill
and business man makes a good
printer’s devil. The South East
‘a“ v,. ‘assistant at the™ STe %
and can handle the rollers equal *to
dpy of the bovs, . "=
(Tom Watson in the Jetfersonian. )
The Governor, feeling awfully
govd and gay every time he thought
of his tremendous victory in 1906,
had determined to stretch forth his
lrand and show his might.
He whirled upon our oné¢ hoss
Railroad Commission, selected his
victim and struck—not Warner Hill
who is known to have a following—
not Obediah Stevens, who has strong
backers in Tom Hudson, Dr. Raines
and othérs—but Joé' Brown—who is
knownta be. pnysically small and
believed obe without friends. '«
«Little Joe,” as tite Governor’s
friends aie fond of calling the vic
tim, ' was pounced tpon, incontis
nently and furiously, and bounced
out of his office within three weeks
of the end of his term. Hoke Smith
couldn’t wait three weeks, you see.
Just had to have Little Joe’s scalp,
to hang up as a trophy.
We did not think that Hoke show
ed good common sense in this per
formance, and we daid so at the time,
We could not understand the men
tal process by which the Govetnor
came to the conclusion that 2 com
mission of three coula be purified
b the owsing of one; nor could
we understard why the Governor
bonue.d loc Brown and left Obe
Steveus roosting serenelv on the
roof of the puplic crib. }
But the fun of the vhing came a |
long later. Little Joe quietly went
home to Marietta, and Hoke bulked
majestically before the American
world, as a triumphant popular hero
who might be vice president; who,
would be senator if he chose to take
the place; and who, as a matter of
course, could remain Goveruor by
merely nodding his star-str.king:
heasl and letting it be known that he
would kindly accept the place,
That was just a few weeks ago—
and now what do we see? f I
Really, we have to mb our ‘eye¥
and shake ourselves good and hard‘
to become convinced that we are!
1 ream. A
3 _ sbe the majestic Hake
{ ring tft.)imd t};e .t%am,
ng all the stonts Of an anxious o e
didate for re election?
~Can this be the all conquering
Hoke that jumps out of bed and
Ihurrvies ‘away to laboring wmen’s
night meetings, in s home town,
to defend his administration, explain
hig failures, and to draw tosy pic
tures of what he means to do in the
! Alas, it's Hoke. According to
the newspapers he made two speech
€ 3 in one day in Waycross!!!
Heavens! What bal shape that
splendid town must be in when he
hag to wrestle with it twice in one
gey,.. ° . .
In the meantime Hoke’s journal
18tic ¢himpion: continue to predict
that he will carly every county 1n
the state, #
- On last Saturday morning, with a
personal desire to know just what
the political situation was in and
around Folkston, we took a pencil
aud paper and began with the first
men we met, taking the names of
none but eligibie voters, both in
Folksion and those from the cotn-
Et}y, putting the same question to all
without giving our own views, The
question put to all was *“lf the elec
ti,qé, of governor should be held to
day, for whom would you vote—
Smith or Brown? Sixty men were
zfihvassed, including those from the
country as well as here in town.
Forty-three were out-spoken for Joe
Brown, six for Gov, Smith and the
remaiuder non-committal. ‘
. Ihe friends of Mrs. W. H. Bruccl
Wwho hzs been so seriously ill at the
colony will be glad to know that she
is imoroving with gooed hopes of re
* Insure your property against FIRE
and STORM. The undersigned
has a string of Old Line Companies,
Don’t delay; it might be too late.
Policies written while you wait.
W. W, TyrLer, Agt. |
Preaching and Conference on the
fourth Saterday at rr o’clock A, M
and cn Sunday at xx A. M. and at
7:30 P. M,
Prayer Meeting every Tuesday at
»P, M.
Sunday Schoul every Sunday at
9;30 A. M. ,
Woman's Missionary Socicty, ev-.
ery Wednesday at 3 P, M., Miss
Mattic Denmark, Pres, "
Everybody is invited to attend
each service.
; FoLkston Circuyr.
M. Booth, Pastor,
‘ B. F. Gay, Assistant.
Preaching at Folkston every Ist
and 3rd Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7
P. M. R
Prayer Meeting }.'very Wednesday
at 7 P. M.
Sunday Schoolat3 P. M. ev
ery Sunday.
Preaching at Uptonville every Ist
Sunday at 3 P. M,
Preaching at Bethel every 2nd
Sunday at st A, M. and at Traders
Hill at 3 P. M,
Preaching at Mills’ church every
3rd Sunday P. M, |
Preaching at Temple every 4th
Sunday at 11 A, M. and 7P. M, 1
All are cordially invited, . |
. Plentyof Trouble
1s caused by etagnation of the liver
and bowels. To get rid of it and
headache and biliousness and the
poison that brings jaundice, take
Dr, King’s New Life Pille, the re.
liable purifiers that do the work
without grinld;ng ortgriping.
25C. Il drug stores,
, Savings Department. e
- The Atlantic National Bank
3 | 10nal DBank,
Jacksonville, Florida.
e amsunded quertorty T Resources over .
Savings Department, F Mflli Du §
, our on Dollars,
EDWARD W. LANE, President, THOMAS P. DENHAM, Cashier,
FRED W. HOYT, Vice-President. DELMER D, UPCHURCIT, Asst. Cashier
ankin Mail s aVery Simple Matter.
__g_______g___by._____‘! To open an acccount, send
your name and address with your first deposit. The money may
be sent by registered mail, postoffice money order, express money
order, or draft, or by check on your local bank. As soon as this
first deposit is received the bank will send you a pass book, in
which will be written your name and the amount of your deposit.
It will also send you signature and identification card, which you
will sign, fill ovt and return. Your pass book must accompany
all deposits and withdrawals. You can withdraw money by mail
just as easily as though you visited the bank. Your signature to
a blank withdiawal receipt, which we will send you to fill out, is
all the identification necessary. We will send you our check for
the amount you withdraw, or, {f you prefer, we will send you the
cash by express or registered mail.
When answering this Ad. pleass mention the
Charlton County Herald, .
Beginning Morday May 11th, [
will make regnlar visits ta Folkston
on eack Monday until further no
tice. All parties nesdimg dental
vork will please call on Monday
begipning withethié above date,” -
| aSSuts
~We agan call the attention of the
voters of Chariton County to the
neceigity of registering. You have
no time to lose now, The primary
will be on June 4th and only régis
tered voters will be allowed to. vote.
The law requires the books to close
ten days before the primary. So
don't per it off, Register now.
;'lfu:dayi : :
- The Joe Brow Club will meet 8%
‘thc court house Monday night fog
the purpose of ofganization.
' Mr. Virgil Pafker came down
’from Waycrogs Monday with a force
of carpenters and at once began the
erection of a modetn two story
dwelling for Mt. H, ]. Davis.
Judging from the foundation and
frame work this will be the best
Awelling in Folkston; ia fact, Mr,
Parker says that it will Be the best
house between Wayrross and Jack
-~ Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Christie came.
up Sunday, and will spend gome
tite hére while Mr. Christie is re
coveting from his injury. Heis a
conductor for the A. C. L. 'fiom
Jackgonviile to Tampa, and in at.
tempting to cateh his train severul
days ago he missed and was turned
a somersaul¢, lapding on his head
on a crossfle, whick completely
scalped him, He is npw doid§f well.