Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, April 23, 1908, Image 8

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    ELocal Personals@l
Mr. D. R Dinkins was in town
Saturda /, ‘
Mr. Henry Wainright was in town'
Saturday, |
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Andetson
were in towts Saturday.
Miss Gussie Anderson spent a few
hours in Folkston Saturday.
Don’t fail to look up . A. Jones
Buggy Co.’s ad. in this issue,
Mr. Alva Pickren is home again
aftet an absence of several mounths,
Mr. J. W, Dinkens, of near Up:
tonville was trading here Saturday,
Start a bank account. See ad. of
Atlantic National Bank in this pa
per. |
Mizell & Paxton are offering some
fare bargains, See change of their
Judge B, F. Scott is prepating to
build severul large rooms to his
Mrs. 8. ], Hysmith, of Jackson
ville, is visiting at the home of her
patents Kete,
Mt. H. W. Anderson and wife,
of Uptonville, spent faturday and
Sunday here.
Mrs. J. S. Mizell and Mr. and
Mrs.' L E. Mallard spent last Thurs.
day in Jacksonville,
J. T. Tyler left Tuesday morning
to accept a position as telegraph
operator in Savannah. ‘
Little Cecil Green, of Hilliard,l
came up Monday and is spending
time with relatives here, |
Miss Maud Wright who has been
away teaching school for some time
is now at home.
. Mts. Walter Robinson returned
yesterday morning from a visit to
her people at Blackshear.
The Misses Walker, Alice and
Leila, of Nessau County, Florida,
were here one day last week,
L Bk, .‘Milll, spent Saturday
Bete goiog to Jacksonville in the
afternoon and te,urning fl’oud_,ay.
~ Mrs. J. T, Brinkley ‘with Master
Palmer left Saturday evening for
Albany and points in North Georgia,
Mr. and Mrs, T. H. Davis and
child passed through herc in a bug
gy Saturday afternoon enroute for
Hilliard, Fla, |
Mr, R. N. Mizell has aceepted a
position with the A. C. L. people in
Savannah and says he can’t do with
out the Herald,
Mr. L. E. Mallard left Tuesday
morning to visit the schools in the
north end of the county and will
Visit those in the south end aiso
this week,
The Misscs Jimmmie and Marward
Bede)l were the guests of
Mr. und Mrs. B. G. McDonald last
Friday and night, returning to their
home Saturday.
Mrs. E. W. Seals and children
left Monday for Waynesville, Ga.,
where she goes to recruit from her
recent spell of illness. In addition
to being with relatives, she wall have
access to a very fine spring of min
eral water,
The Augusta Herald, a strong
supporter of Governor Smith, in its
despair finds more news in base
ball than in state politics now It
says, “The news from the Diamond
Field is far more snappy and inter
ésting than the news from the
political field these days.
Misses Alice and Lizzie Welker
left Monday night for their home in
Ohio. Miss Alice came here last
Avugust as assistant in the Folkston
school, and her many friends regret
to see her leave. Sheis an excel
lent teacher for small children. Miss
Lizzie only spent the winter here.
Mr. Virgil Parker, ‘of Waycross,
who suyerintended tbe building of
the Court honse here about six yeass
#go notices much Improvement in
Folkston, and says that tor the size
of the two towns, Folkston has made
greater strides than Waycross, not
With-standing the money stringency,
Improvements are il going on.
For Solieitor«Geeral, |
I hereby announcé nyself 4 eandidate for
Solicitor-General of the Brunswick Judicial
Circu’t, subject to the Demiocratic Primary,
I solicit the support dnd influence of the vot
ers of the circuit, and if nenninated end elects
ed to said office, I pledge a faithful discharge
of the duties thercof without fear, favor or
affection. |
3 Yours abediently,
| E. LawtoN WaLKER,
1 bég t 6 unrounce y catididacy in the next
Demozrafic Primaty sot fiomination for the of
fice of Sdlicilor-General of the Biunswick
Judicial Cireit. |
Ot dccount of the illness of the present
Soliditot-Geteral, 1 have filled this office for
him aliiost continnously for the past three ‘
years, afnd therefore am familiar with its
duties. ‘ . :
I salicit your active suppbrt, and promise,
if elected, to discharge the duties of the
office honestly and to the hest of my ability.
A.D. GaLg,
; For Sheriff.
’ At the solicita‘ion of many friends and
‘with an ambition to fill the office of Sheriff of
this county. I announce myself a cendidate
subject to the action of the Democratic Pri
mary in the approaching election. If 1 am
elected I shall feel that I oweit to a just and
deep thinking people, and 1 promise to give
my whole time and attention to the oftice and
the people’s interest. I will appreclate your
Very respectfully,
W.H. MiziLL.
At the request of my many friends I here
by announce myself a candidate for re-elec
tion to the office of Sheriff of Charltan coyn
ty, subject to the Democratic Primary, and,
carncstly solicit the active support of my
many friends and the geperal public. If
clected I pledge myself to atiend styictly to
the duties of the office.
Thanking th- public for past favors, I am,
Yours respectfully,
Tu My Friends and the Voting Public.
I respectfully announce myself a candidate
for the office of Sheriff of Charlton county,
übject to the Democratic Primary and earn
estly solicit the influence and active support
of tny friends and the general public.
Pledging myself to attend strictly to the
duties encumbered upon me, should | he
elected and to perform them to the best of
my ability, with deep gratitude for past
favors, I am, o S
WAned Lam Respectfully,
H. S. MaTTOX.,
For Ropresentative,
1 hereby announce myself a candidate for
re-election to the Legislatire of Georgia
from Charlton County, subject ta the Demc
cr;tio-'j‘{’}ima}j'.r:fid.' If elected I pledge my
self tha‘(pthful performance of the duties of
the office,
Thanking the public for the past favors
I carnestly solicit a contivuance of the same.
Your obedient servant,
A. J. HoWARp.
To My Many Friends and the Voting Public
of Chirlton County.
I hereby announce wyself a candidate for
the Legislature of Georgia from Charlton
county, subject to the Democratic Primary.
If elected I pledge myself the faithful per
formance of the duties of the office.
Thanking my friends i advance and so
liciting their support in the approaching elec
tion, Tam,
| Very respectfully yours,
D. R. Waspln, *
For Ordinary.
1 hereby announce my candidacy for the
office of &dinar)’. subject to the coming
democratic primary. and 1 earnestly solicit
ur kind consideration and support. If
mnon:d by election to this office 1 shall
thank you all fur it. My every wish and de
sire will be to have the approval of my own
conscience in having done ray best and proven
\myself worthy of the trust veposed in me,
’ Respectfully submitted,
For Clerk, Superior Court.
I respectively announce myself a candidate
for re.clection to the office of Clerk Superior
Court of Charlton county, subject to the
Democratic Primary, and eamestly solicit the
influence and active support of my friends
ana the general public; pledging myself to
attend strictly to the duties encumbered upon
me, should I be elected, aud to perform them
to the best of my ability. ?
With deep gratitude for all past favors,
lam, m‘rectfnlly.
For Tax Receiver.
Believing that lam thoroughly comptent
to fill the office and as Mr. J. ¢. "Allen says
he is not geing to run this year 1 hereby an
nounce myself a candidate for the of o&oe o
Receiver of Tax Returus at the coming elect
tion, subject to the Democratic primary and
if elected I guarantee to serve the people,
imly and conscientiously to the best of my
prbe B biiserso oM Vool i et
The running of a savings account
has a tendency to wean a man from
habits of extravagance and dissipa
tion* Ilt-gives him new ambition, and
a desire to save money. .
We are always glad to assist those
who are trying to “"turn over a new
leaf.” ;
5 per cent compounded quarterly
on saving accounts.
6 percenton certificates of deposits
for 6 months or longer.
President. ‘ Cashier.
I hereby announce mysclf a candidate for
Tax Receiver of Charlton county, subject to
the Nemacratic Primary, 1f elected, I prom
ise to discharge the duties faithfully and
to the best of my ability, and will appreciate
the votes and support of the voters ot the
For Tax Collector ;
As Mr, J. J. Stokes has announced for
the office of ()rdinary I will announce mK'
self for the othice of Tax Collector “at the
next Democratic Primary and, solicit the
support of my many friends, promising to
perform the duties of said oftice to the best
of my ability.
A. G. Cowes Sk.
Folkston, Gia., Feb. 28th, 390 d. . s
,Cuunon COUNTY; :
~Thereby announce myself a candidate "for
the office of tax collector, subject to the ap
proaching Democratic Primary. - From the
expertence I have had in tax assessor office I
feel that I can perform the many duties_en
cumbent upon said office to the satisfaction
of the public in general. :
Thanking my friends for past favors and
soliciting their support in the approaching
election, I am, Py
Very respectfully yours,
J. C. Auren,
i &y ~ W O
To the Voters of Charlton Comntyims
I hereby announce myself & candidate f
the office ‘of Tax collector in the coming’
Democratic Primary, aud will appreciate the
votes of all my frienas. : l
J. B. Baker, ‘
~ For County i'reasurer
I . hereby announce myself a candidate for
re-election to the office of Treasurer of Charl
ton County. If nominated and elected I
promise a faithful performance of the duties
of the office, and as in the past, endeavot to
take carce of the county funds with a view to
their safety. Thanking the public for the
‘past favors 1 am
| : Very respectfully,
1. 5. Groowms.
For County Commissicner 1
I hereby announce myself a candidat: for
County Commissioner, subject to the action |
of the Deinocratic Primary, and promise, if |
elected, to fill the office to the best of my
ability. T earnestly solicit the stipport my
friends generally.
Youfs truly,
J. E. RopinsoN.
i s .;1’ ¥
A Twenty Year sentence.
“I have just copleted a twenty
year sentence, imposed by Bucklen’s
‘;Arnica Salve, which cured wme of
bleeding piles just twenty yearsago,”
writes O. S. Woolever, of Leßays
iviile. N. Y. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve
heals the worst sores, beils, burns,
woundg'aad cuts in the shortest
time, 25¢ at all druggists.
Geoargla, Charlton County;
P.J. Osterman and athers having applied
for a new public road beginning at the south
end Flonda Avenue, the city limits of St,
)Gcorge. Ga. and runaning thraugh or between
lands of T. W, Wrench, D. C, Welch, 5. C
’Hodga. L. R. Gaingy, P. S, Osterman, ]
'W. Moore, R..N -Chtsm, L. E, Rowe, |, P,
!anh, N. B, King, I. G, Rawe and others,
said road terminating near the home of Mr.
Rowe. ’
It being further stated that said road is a
road now in use running from St. Gearge to |
St. Mary's river and that petitiou for same is
on file in this office, |
This is ta ratify all persons thatsaid raad |
will be granted in terms of the law if noi
good cause is shown to the contrary,
April 7th 1908, '
L. E. MaLLARD, ;
Secry, Board County Commissioners, |
. Death was on His Heels, |
Jesse P. Morris of Skippers, Va.,
had a clase call in the spring of
1906, He says: “An attack of pne
umonia left me so weak and with
sich a fearful cough that my friends
declared consumption had me, and
death was on my heels, Then I was
persuaded to try Dr. King’s New
Discovery, It helped me immedi
ately; and after takifi"g two and a
half bottles I was a well man again.
I found out that New Discovery is
the best remedy for copgiis and
larig disease in all the world.” Sold
under guarantee at all druggists soc
a“éd SI.OO. Tral bottle free.
: 1 To whom it may concern
"'Miles Johns, having made application to
me in due form to be appoin‘ed permanent
aduiinistrator upon the estate of W, R. jahns
late, of said county, notice is Heteby given
t:: wid applicdtion will be heard at the reg
u}_‘"‘ferm' of the court of ordinary for %aid
‘eounty to be held on the first Mondwy in May
W Witness my hand and official signa
jßirz. - This 6th day of Apal, 1908,
W:( e Y £G° M‘;l.’?Qn%ld,i
o } Ordinary.
By ee s et
‘Georgia, Charlton County.
4B e T se et
" To whom it may concern.
J. A. Moore and W. H. Bruce, having
made application tome in due form to be
ap})ointed permanent administrator on the es
tate of George W. Moore b te, of said coutity
notice is hereby given that said application
will be heard at the regnlar term of the gourt
of ordinary for said county, to be held on the
first Monday in may, 1908. Witness my
official signature, This 6th day of April,
1908, !
i B. G. McDonald,
50 Ordinary.
¥/ He Got Whut He Needed.
_.‘.‘l‘Y;ne years ago itlooked as ifi
tay time had come, ‘‘says Mr, C.
Farthing, of Mill Creek, Ind. Ter.
“I'was so run down that life hung
on a very slender thread, It “was
then my druggist recomuended
¢ s R a L yoegeng |
%c;p@f"m;ters, 3 brobgh& a bott‘]g_
and I got What I needed—strength,
I had one foot in the grave, but
Electri¢ Bitters put it back on the
turf again, and I've been well ever
since.” Sold under gurantee at all
druggist soc.
We have Decided to Offer
3 \ » “
the Following Prices to
. “Cash Buyers. .
$1.50 Rocking Chairs for SI.OO
$1.25 Rocking Chairs for eBS
A Big Lot . of Bedsteads at equally low prices.
SI.OO Cobbler's Qutfits now = SeRB
$.35 Try Squares now BT TR
‘ We have many other bargains to offer cash ‘buyers but,
haven’t space to quote prices. Howeverif'you are looking
for bargains it wifl pay you to see ur before buying your
supplies. A
2, ~ Yours for good Service,
Clothing, Hats and Furuishings
R g
Best Values =- Moderate Prices.
Upon request we will mail you a copy of our
Spring and Summer Catalogue giving full
description and prices.
Goods on Approval.
Uponrequest wa will*send Goods by
Express C. O. D. subject to exa}hi?ation.
B.H. Levy Bro. & Co.,
Savannah, Ca.
Send the Cash
With Order.
£SS oo _Barnesville Buggies for
£65.00 ¥ s :
}Agz_s oo North Carolina Bugzies
for'§s7. 50 5
£65.0.. Lynchburg Buggies for
SSO 00 ;
S4O 00 Oue Horse Wagons for
S},' Ot 3 _
ss° o V.o Horse Wagons ' for
$5 ¢ tinrse Wagons for
American Wire Feancing 1346 for
33 per rod
24 wmch Well Curbing Pipe for
SI.OO per foot.
We have a iarge stock of Harpess.
We are sethng our entire stock at
actual cost, except Wire Feuncing
and -Sewer Pipe, which we are sell
ing at a-small profit,
).A JonesßuggyCo
Waycress, Ga,