Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, May 21, 1908, Image 5
— @ .Looted P lttaburg Concern Final ly Forced to Wall. ‘ et \ Peculations Officially Placed at Total of $594,000---A National Bank Exam. 1 iner Appointed Receiver. | Pittsburg, Pa.—The Allegheny Na tional * Bank, suspended Monday. Shortly after 9 o'clock the following notice was posted on the door: -~ “Closed by order of the comptroller and ptaced in charge of William L. Folds, national bank examiner.” * At that time only a few depositors were about the ‘institution, Following meetings lasting all day Sunday, at which a thcrough discus sion of Cashier William Montgomery's beculations was leld, the bank sus pended Monday, That the bank would not open Mon day was generally stated in the morn ing papers. For days it has been apparent that the cashier’s alleged misdeeds had seriously erippled the in stitution and the actual suspefisicn this morning caused little or no ex citement. g Montgomery’s peculations are offi cially placed at $594,000. It is said the bank’s shortage ig close to $2,000,- 000. Montgomery is held in $1235,000 bail. / Robert ‘Lyons, a national bank ex aminer, has been appointed receiver of the bank. Chaief interest in the bank’s closing now centers in the ultimate fate of the depositors of the city and state. State Treasurer John O. Sheatz and Deputy Attorney-General Jesse B. «Cunningham arrived here Monday from Harrisburg. . State funds to the amount of $523.- 477 were carried in the bank and these officials will take immediate steps to recover tha money. The state fund, however, is secured by bonding companies to the extent of $4,500,000. Shortly after the bank closed City Treasurer Jchn F. Steel presented a check for $1,546,953, the amount of the city’'s deposit but it was not hon ored. FAMILY OF FOUR MURDERED. Deed Was Most Brutal, is Bodies Were Literally Riddied By Bullets. ~ Matteawan, N. J—A tragedy was discovered on the farm of W. B. Shep _ipard, near the village of Wickatunk, - Sheppard, his wife, a servant named Jemile Bondy, and the 10-months-old Sl ’A%sue-m“a}@flf« ol DRI ho hs emiloY on SR B TR TR e Ll ~ed by hundreds of farmers. The entire family were shot down in cold blood. . The motive is not yet apparent, as it is not known waether the robbers had ‘been invided to the place by ré}orts ©of large sums of money hidden on the premises. CONFERENGE OF GOVERNORS ENDS. } Great Things Expected to Result From " Meeting Held in Washington. Washington, D. C.—The first confer ence of the governors of the states of the American union ended Saturday. Like many of the important events of history, time is needed to reveal the epoch wiich the president and the governors believe has been made. That its immediate results ara more than ample is the expression of President Roosevelt, who brought it about, and of the governors who participated. AT GOVERNMENT NAVY YARD. One of the New Battleships Will Be Built; the Other By Contract. Washington, D. C.—One of the two big battleships authorized by congress in the naval appropriation bill just approved by the president will be built at the Brooklyn navy yard. Acting Secretary ¢f Navy Newbury, has . is sued orders to this effect. The second battleship will be built by contract. - SENATORS ENGAGE IN FISTICUFF. Disgraceful Scene Enacted in Legisla ture of the “Baby” State. | Guthrie, Okla.—Senators Morris and Roddie engaged in a fist fight on the floor of the senate as a result of Roddie calling Morris a liar. Senator Roddie sustained serious bruises on the head. Senator Brook, who inter vened, was hit by the ccmbatants. ! Sl e | PREACHER CUTS WIFE'S THROAT. | L . | Slayer is Fifty Years Old And Thought To Be Insane. ‘ Fairmont, W. Va.—Temporarily in- | sane, according to his own statement, the Rev. S. A. Coffman, aged 50 years, | a promient Methodist Episcopal cler gyman, killed his wife early Monday by cutting her throat from ear to ear. A mocment after the crime, he says, he regained his senses and realized what he had done. ‘ He immediately surrendered himself | and was locked wup. Coffman reeides at Rosstown, and| is in charge of two or three locali churches. His wife was a memberl of a prominetn local family iy BUILDING BILL IMPORTANT. ] e el ¥ Measure May Hold Congress in Ses sion Until Rushed Through. l Washington, D! C.—Congressmen | agé-anxious that the public building{ bill ‘become a law, it is said, and will | hold the- session of congress until tae presi#ent acts and then if it is vetoed will endeavor to pass it over the veto. | The expected agreement on the cur rency bill will be reached in confer ence and the committee will soon re port it approved. ! - RIOTING STOPS STREET CARS. Union Men on Strike in Cleveland Ob ject to Non-Union Crews Working. Cleveland, O.—Rioting and violence, although not serious, marked the early aours of the strike of the conductors and motormen on the lines of the Mu nicipal Traction company Saturday morning. The strike order was given at 3 o'clock a. m. following a stormy all night mesating of the car men, and went into effect at 5 o’clock. One of the first disturbances took place at the Lakeview car Dbarns, where Cajef <f Police Kohler, was, struck by a stone, hurled by strike sympathizers. The police also used their eclubs in an effort to control the mob. Many were hurt. L Cars were stopped in all sections of the city by the strikers and their friends. A Payna avenue car was de railed by a rail thrown across the tracks. The crew on a St. Clair ave nue car was dragged from tae car and, assaulted. The motorman's scalp was laid open. On East Ninetieth street a mob of fifty men tore up the car tracks and traffic was stopped. During the early hours stones were freely hurled and car windows were broken in numerous instances. Rotten eggs were thrown at the motormen and conductors. For the most part people walked to their places of bus iness. i Empty Honor is Again Thrust Upon Him by Party in Convention. Chicago, Ill.—Amid charges of gag rule and excitement verging upon the riotous, Eugene V. Debbs once more was selected as the presidential nom inee of the socialist party at an early hour Friday morning. The convention which nominated him had been in continucus ‘sessicn at Brand’s hall for nearly eighteen hours. BRITISH MILLS CURTAIL. Will Go On Short Time Because of Slackness of Trade. Manchester, England.—At a confer ence of the spinnerg of American cot ton, it was decided to close the mills for the whole Whitsuntide week (be ginning June 7) and every Saturday and Monday following for a period of four weeks. This short time is due to the slackness of trade. NINE VICTIMS OF WRECH. Bad Accident Occurs on Canadian : Grand Trunk Railway, -Hamilton, Ont.—A westbound train on the Grand Trunk railway was ~wrecked at Dustin Saturday morning. Nire persons are known to be dead and it is thought more are in the Wreek. More than twenty-five per m ; r v}‘f""f" “:. }sfl%‘th@m se-, riousk{ 5 PRt e ot s N RS Ry RR S RN fi«ji“b el I g :,‘9l“’,?’: 4 ‘v: v_vg s.‘@ IR ,5 ,5 W R SO L Is Swhrn Statement of Acting Superin tendent of Matteawan Asylum. Poughkeepsie, N, Y&~Dr. Amog T. Baker, acting superintendent of the state hospital for the criminal insane at Matteawan, testified in the Thaw case Friday that, in his opinion, Thaw is insane. Dr. Baker said that, in his opinion, it would be dangerous to pub lic safety to have Thaw go at large. Omaha Company Suffers Loss Approx imated at $1,260,000. Omaha, Neb.—The Omaha Packing company’s big plant at South Omaha was totally destroyed by fire Friday ‘night, the loss being approximated at '51,260,000. The Cudahy Packing com pany suffered a loss of prcbably $200,- 000 at the same time. MINNESOTA FAVORS JOHNSON. Governor is Indorsed by Democrats For Presidential Nomination, St. Paul, Minn.—Governor Johnson was unanimously indorsed for the presidential nomination by the state democratic convention. The vote at first wag 772 to 166, and was later made unanimous. SEVEN YEARS FOR HARVEY. Pittsburg Bank Teller Must Serve Term for Embezziement. ‘ Pittsburg, Pa.—Thomas W, Harvey, former teller of the Enterprise Nation al bank, which failed several years! ago for nearly $2,000,000, surrendered | himself to the federal authorities Fri-! day and was sentenced to serve seven years in the western penitentiary, j DAKOTA DIVORCES VeID. Claimant of Big Estate in Scotland Loses Case On That Account. London, Eng.—The claimant of a $500,000 Scottish estate lost his case befere the chancery court today be cause the bench holds that Dakota di vorces are illegal. The claimant, Stir ling, is the son of a woman formerly the wife of a Canadian minister, who secured a Dakota divorce. The woman then married Stirling’s father. The uncle of the younger Stirling was next in line and the court questioned the legitimacy of Stirling's birth because of the diverce. l Is to Actually Begin on May 25th Be fore Justice Lambert, ‘ New York, N. Y.—Actual recount of the bhallotg cast in the last munici pal election is to begin May 25th be fors Justice Lambert of the supreme court in the quo warranto proceeding brought to test George B, McClellan’s right to sit as mayor of New York. Senate Approves Measure for " Forest Reserves in South. Measure Was Strongly Opposed by Sen ator Teller, But Was Passed Without Division. . Washington, D. C.—The bill pro viding for acqhiring national ‘forests in the southern Appalachian moun fains and White mountains was passed Jby the senate Saturday. . The bill appropriates $5,000,000 for the acquaisition of lands on the water sheds of the navigable streams in the southern Appalachian mountains with in Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Nerth Carolina, South Carolina, Geor gia, Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee and in the White mountains of New tiampshire and Maine, Senator Teller made an' extended speech against the measure, e said he did not object to the states preserv ing the forests, but there was, in his judgment no authority under the con stitution for »the United States gov ernment acquiring lands for forest re serves under such conditions as-the pending bill provides. LAST OF SUPPLY BILLS. General Deficiency Measure Is chor’t ed to House. 9 Washington, D. C.—The general de ficiency appropriation bill, the last of the regular government supply bills, was reported to the house Saturday by. the committee on appropriations. The bill carries $17,342,572, Of this amount $10,000,000 is for pensions, made ne cessary by the widows' pensicn act of February 6, 1907. i k IFor the naval establishment there is an allowance of $3,156,209, partly ne cegsitated by the recent inerease in the pay of the enlisted men and of ficers of the navy and partly by the increased amount of coal that will be consumed by the battleship fleet in. going from San Francisco around the ' world to New York. The total cqst| of coal and its transportation for this purpose aggregates $5,000,000, Of the total amount $1,810,901 is for the smilitary establishment and covers among other expenses, the increased pay of the enlisted men and officers on the active and retired lists of the | army for the remainder of the fiscal year. v_ : e ~ STEEL TRUST SEEKS REVENGE, ‘Enters Cement-Making Field Begau ?:i ~ of Exorbitant Prices Charged. = _ Pittsburg, Pa.—Angered at what it asserts were' exorbitant prices charg ed for cement ' ind.eng; ent compan; ey {u the last lw years, tho AJnfted States Steel Cogporation had @ntered. threatens to dipcei‘the small makers of cement out of business. A new ce ment-making plant, costing $1,000,000 and with a capacity of 300,000 bar-- rels a year, has been opened near Pittsburg. 1 CONFESSES TO KILLING SWEETHEART.‘ Case Very Similar to Brown-Gillette Occurs in Utah, Kanab, Utah.—A tragedy similar in every detail to the Kkilling of Grace Brown by Chester Gillette was brought to light at Kanab Friday when Alvin Heaton, aged 18, confessed that he had murdered his sweetheart in the canyon near Orderville, two months | ago, The girl’s name was Mary Ste vens. i AFTER LONG YEARS OF WAITING Disinherited s;r{ “Gets” Share of Es | tate On Death of His Mother. New York, N. Y.—Although cut off by his father, a millionaire, because he changed his religious faith years ago, Rev. Dr. David Gregg, who for thirteen years was pastor of the Lafayette Pres byterian church, Brooklyn, has just inherited $750,000, under the will of his mother, Mrs. Margaret Gregg of Pittshurg, recently deceased. WAS AWARDED BIG DAMAGES. Hollowell Sued Alleged Night Riders for $50,000 and Got $35,000. Paducah, Ky.—The jury in the case of Robert Hollowell, who =ued his | brother and twenty-seven other allegedl night riders of Caldwell county for | $50,000 damages for driving him and his family from the state, brought in a verdict awarding the plaintiff $35,000. APREHP A SUBSTITUTE MEASURE For All Forest Reservation Bills In trcduced at Present Session. Washington, D, C.—As substitute for all Appalachian-White mountain forest reservation bills that have been intro duced at thig session, the house com mittee-on agriculture Monday agreed to report favorably a bill creating a commission of investigation. The commission ig to consist of five members of the house and five mem bers of the senate and is authorized to inquire during the summer recess into the project of federal acquisition of some millions of acres of timber ed and cut-over landg in the Appa lachian and White mountain chaing HIGHER RATE OR WAGE CUT. { Statemént Made By Railroad Official | at Manufacturers’ Convention. ' Chicago, Ill.—A fire brand wasl tarown into the Manufacturers’ con vention at the Auditorium annex whenl W. C. Brown, vice president of the | New York Central lines, and an invit- | ed visitor, asserted that if the rail- | roads were not permitted, to establish ! increased freight rates they would ‘)G} forced to retaliate by cutting the| wages of 1,500,000 employes. i \ e | * CURRENGY BILL PASSED. | oL { | !Houte F%- Vreeland Measure Calling | . for $500,090,000 Extra Money. f _ Washiuglon, D. C.—The Vreeiand | currency 811, agreed upon by the re- | publicam eaucus, was put through the [ house Thursday under a special rule, | by a »vg%fof 134 to 145. Rifteen so- | called instirgenis of the majority party | yoted with the democrats, who ‘went | on recard solidly against the measure. i ~The ¢losiog moments’ of the debate | were rapléte with excitement, and re- | publicaumthusiasm caused by the re- | fusal of thé great majority of the dem- | ocrats o' go on record for the \WII. | liams Bill, Which had been offered as | a substitute for the Vreeland bill, in | accordanee with a well-said plan of the | majorityiidgaders so ascertain where 1 the democrats stood on the proposi- | tion whieh, it was ?almed by several, | was suptorted by Mr. Bryan. ‘ Ninety:turee democrats voted “pres- | ent,” aMich aroused the republicans | to a high state of hilarity at the ex- ‘ pense.of the minority. ' Only a handfal i of de’ \ ratsrtad the temerity to vote “ayel ey tno ‘ * The bill permaits the issue of $500,- 000,080 radditional currency. - 1t 1s de- Signellpto niset a financial emergency like shat which arose last fall, ~Nog less than ten banks with ag ®ate capital and surplus of at least 85,000,000 thany from voluntary clear ing heuse associafions. No bank may ‘belong to two associations. ~ln issuing bank wnote circulation se curfiles, including commerecial paper \&cecf table to the secretary of the theasiry, must be deposited. ’C rency may be issued up to 75 ber. cent of the securities deposited;_;l;‘e, United States treasurer, .. " Banks must keep a reserve in gold | or laytul money against such addition al wimeme notes as is now provided ‘ by law against deposits.” : - FIRE DESTROYS RAILROAR SHOPS. l Mi&gfihe, Blacksmith and Boiler De- | ... partments a Total Loss. | « Hort Worth, Texas.—Fire at Child- 3 resgll Texas, early Saturday morn- | -:;l; ~ destroyed the- machine, blag ;Wuh ald boiler shops of the | Fort Worth and;,pnrer railroad. De- | fective electric widig is belleved to | have been the causo of the fire. Six -lesn box cars were burned and several | Agcomotives were damaged: - ; 4 The total loss will reach. $200,000. ¢Wo hundred men will be thrown out | Of'employment. Cr | | Bl e s | - BLOOD FLOWED 4T CARD GAME. @"‘ of Gamblers Engage in Fight . | dnd Eight Are Shot, - h {k ‘—ln o fight over.’a Léard ga flg yd county Doe and (Glibert Ratoliff, “Riley ‘Bra%lé.‘y and | e Shoynirt oit T ] | &Doc Rate% did Riley Bradley were fatally wo “-. L i 0 One ho my s killed and another shot durig, 'a,.i:»~ A ~ phng s A i was also in the | R e o ameks . e a 4 APT TAD TN AR -+ TILLMAN ‘OFF FOR EUROPE, Senator and, Wife Depart From Boston l % Op a White Star Liner. ; _ Boston, Mass.—Senator B. R. Till- | man of Scuth Carolina sailed for Eu- } rope Saturday on the White Star liner F Canopic. The senator, who is accom- | panied by his wife, is making the trip | tor his health. Before sailing Senator*! Tillman discussed the political situa- | tion, expressing the opinion that it | Secretary Taft receives the republican { presidential nominaticn, the democrats | will win, 1 UNCLE SAM RANKED FIRST ; As An Importer of Brazilian Broducts During Year 1907. f Rio Janeiro,. Brazil.--Commercial ‘ statistics for 1907 show that the | United States ranked first as an im- | porter of Brazilian products, with double the quantity of Germany, whica i Wwas second. { The United States was third in the | list of exporters to Brazil, following Great Britain and Germany respect- | ively. RAILWAY GOLD BONDS SOLD: Amount of $17,000,000 Disposed of | By H. H. Rogers, E New York, N, Y~ H. H. Rogors’ disposal of $17,000,000 of Tidewater ! railway gold bonds revived Wall stroet | according to rumors Monday, He was | pressed for cash to handle many pro- Jects, It is sald the Tidewater out standing trust notes due 1909 amount- | ing to ten milliong will be retired im mediately the new igsus is made, se cured by Tidewater bonds, and guar anteed by Rogers, NEWSY PARAGRAPHS. W. W. Russell, American minister to Venezuela, arrived. at New York Monday on the steamer Caracas, He is home on a leave of absence and proceeded to Washington Tuesday, The senate judiciary committes has made a favorable report cn the Alex ander bill which had already passed the house, providing for tae compen sation of government employes who | are injured in the government service. United States Senator Thomas C. f Platt was finally compelled to defend himgelf Monday in the divorce action brofight by Mae C. Wood, who claims ghe wag married to him at the Fifth ! avenue hotel, November 9, 1901, | Wilkiam Clausen, one of the most | prominent art dealers in New York, was arrested Friday on a charge of daving sold to William T, Evans, a well-known collector of paintings, a number of pictures as genuine which, are alleged to he forgeries. Engagement of gold for export to Europe continued at New York Mon day. Goldman, Sachs & Co., took $760,000: Heidelbach, Ickelheimer & C 0.,, $250,000, and .the Russo-Chinese bank $250,000, making a total of $26, 900,000 since the movement began, ;; : 5 1 1 Yt R === : 7\ 55 4 ": Tl Tow AR LT : oy (R % Y q m AT o e | ?.wsf! el o W 9 i ‘ ERRET RIS = ' ' 'l"‘ s ,_\"l' ARTE AL e ’-;v‘éfl.‘ Tt / ‘:‘ \’ m*“’ 0 -l @ ‘.V::}.'h\" -v oy RR o 0 e | R AT ‘:‘&\.,,:,:g“_.-\,_w;-.\- & SONY Do , : P 3 " sl (R AT - b %S"J vy a%aahlnfon.D.C. ; P\l ' LNR ST SRS G G Aok ok ok A | > o . The Tonic Properties of 01d Whiskey § B { are recognized by all physicians of standing—whiskey to be 1 medicinally pure must be the real article—such a whiskey is - _ _THE PURE.FOOD - Whis key It is distilled in the good old honest Kentucky way and its rare { mellowness and richness of flavor comes only from years of perfect ageing, Every bottle is sealed with the Government ; “Green Stamp” upon ‘which is clearly printed the exact Age, 1‘ Proof and Quantity of whiskey within each bottle. . i DELIVERED DIRECT TO YOU EXPRESS PREPAID BY ANY OF THE FOLLOWING DISTRIBUTERS : 4 Chas, Blum & Co., Jacksonville, Fia. Bedingfield & Co., Jacksonville, Fla. C. C. Butler, Jacksonville, la, Hanne 8r05.,, Jacksonville, Fla. s W, F. Seeba, Jacksonville, la. : il Williams, Jacksonville, Fla. " D. Fi'& C. P, Long, Jacksonville, Fla. Bottles § Bottles § & 1-sth Gallon Full Quarts I ; Rye or Bourbon Rye or Bourbon b Shipped in plain boxes. Send remittance with your order. | . 2 ) No goods shipped ¢. 0. D. g Mar Mail Order Hou Mar Mail Order House, HARRIS, LEVY & COO., Prop. j 421 to 427 West Forsyth Street, | e et Jacksonviile, Florida. 4 FULL QUARTS OUR OWN STAR BRAND WHISKEY ...... ....$3 50 6 FULL QUARTS OUR OWN STAR BRAND WHISKEN =~ .. ...:'a. 75 8 FULL. QUARTS OUR OWN STAR BRAND WIIBKEY ... .... 618 12 FULL QUARTS OUR, WN STAR BRAND WHISKEY ...... .... 925 4 FULL QUARTS LEW 66 RYE.... MV E ke sea esee eOD " 4 FULL QUARTS 1. W, HARPER...;..'a.A:.. N RS e 4 FULL‘QUA_RTS OLD OSCAR PEPP‘ghF.._. *eve seis cise wassee 500 Express Paid, : W Send for Price List. " With every quait of. our Whlskleél‘,.wmes or Brandieg’ you will receive v onecoupon; Twelve of these coupz)ns entitles the holder to one quarg of our goods free ", Bl ; : “One Star” Peer (our own), per cask, $8.50, extra fine; per dozen 90¢, not prepaid, ’ ; SAVE YOUR COUPONS and send ' - ¢ . 237) ( R them in. FEL /G Ao ¥ o tinsh st oy ,___‘W__,_w_______-.____,___—___—_‘ s S ——————— e This tells 5 the story (RN ] &] 5. Vi o , \/ GENUINE PR wl6 B We i - ' Y GIN PHOSPHATE 7 ”..4 '*(fl; Acts on the Hidneys-Stimulates the e v k 4 Blood and gives quick relief, ) ; Formula on every bottle. i ; i 1 EXPRESS $ \", 00 Ry . | PREPAID ek o ’( ) your | Sample Ot. $1.50 Cheerfully Ro ; ¥/ kidneys PREPAID funded. ; 8 ORDER DIRECT FROM YOUR NEAREST DEALER o OR DIRECT FROM FACTORY. - - THE ULLMAN Co, & > CINCINNATI, OHIO. : Headquarters for Farm Fences. BT T T TTT T T Ifr lil-'--fll-‘-uml!--ligl et L L T T Erap ey l"il-------.-------lgfi:l I‘il-------------__l‘fll l&il------------,--l%l I‘Ml—---—---‘----fi—l‘ i 2oeeee e e P e s | S e Gl ROl L i DTS2 B e B o e = g MADE IN ALL HEICHTS Made of large, strong, high-grade steel wires, heavily galva nized. Amply provides for expansion and contraction, Is practically everlasting. Never goes wrong, no matter how great a strain is put on it. Does not ».utilate not injure stock. Turns Catile, Korsws, dogs and Pigs EVERY ROD GUARANTEED by us and guaranteed by the manufacturers, Call and see it. We can show you how it will save you mouey and fence vour fields so they will stay fenced. FOR SALE BY MIZELL & PAXTON, FOLKSTON, GA., FTVVAUBRVIVULIIUVVTL LU LB O we e wBB ey ¢ r ¢ ¢ NEAT PKINTING : : Creates a good impression among your corres- : ¢ pondents and helps to give your business pres- ¢ : tige. We do neat printing at reasonable prices. ; 192929TTVALLIBALVLLLT VVVRIVLLDIOBASS P