Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, May 21, 1908, Image 8
, A éLocal Personals, Lm#sxwxrsxg See change in Dr. Brewer's ap poifitment this week. | Wonder if Tom Watson belongs to Hoke Smith’s elub of liats, | L. E. Mallard and C. M. Wflgh‘,% gpent Monday in Jacksonville. l Mr. G, H. Robingon is spending some titne with his family here. l Mrs. J. 8. Mizell returned Friday | from a visit to relatives at Callahan, | C. F. Johaston and L. H. Tyler, | of Jacksonville, spent Sutiday here. l Mrs. W, 1. Jones, of Sampson, Ala,, is speniding time with her pa tents, Mr. and Mrs, 8, F. Mills, Mr. Ed Lowther brought the body of one of his little girls down Friday for burial in theé Sardis cemetery, l Mrs. W. M, Olliff and little Al ton returned last week from an ex tended visit to relatives at Blackshear All who haveh't registered yet better do so between now and Moh day as the books must be closed then Prof. J.»T. Brinkley catve in last week as usual and sspeht Saturday and Sutitday in towh with the boys. Mg, B, W, Seals and cpijdren tetirned last Monday from the Waynesville Sprihgs, greatly jm proved in health, ; Mrs, W. L. Ocain whose health has been failing for the past several vears, left Monday for a month’s stay at White Springs, Fla, Miss Ella Tohnson came home Monday night and left Tuesday afternoon for McDonald, Ga,, ac companied by hcr mother, Mrs. i, J. Johnson, The Folkston boys have organized & baseball team and, are practicing hard with a view to having « match game with some other town in the near future. J. J: Mattox and M. J. Paxton left last Tuesday for Savannah to attend n meeting of the Graud Lodge of K. of Is. as delegates fron: the Folkston Lotge, Mrs, B. G. McDonald and Miss Myra Mizell, accomanied by Mr, Davis, from Crandall, Fla,, went to Burnt Fort Saturday, spending Sun _day at the home of Mws, L. M, Bedell, Send us your estimate between “how and June 4th, We will give a year’s subscription for the Herald to the one guessing the nearest to Jos. M. Brown’s majority over Gov. Hoke Smith for Governorship., Mrs. Margaret Zeigler who has been spending time here and at the Colony, the guest of Mrs. C. N. Mills and Rev. J. C. Thompson, lett Monday for her home at Zeigler, Ga., accompanied by Miss Anuie Thompson. A Stall party, congisting of H.C, Page, W, L, Hatchell, J. ¥, Smith and son, went down to Camp Pink ney Saturday afternoon for a fish supper. ‘They report having had plenty of fish, though of course they hart Krank Jones, the fisherman to do their fishing. Practically a tull vote will be poli. ed in this county on June g4th. There are now Goo registered white votes and several who have not reg istered yet. Of course there will be a few changes in the present list but there are enough who will regise ter yet to hold the list up to 600, The artesian well is now under way. Mr. Russell arrived Monday afternoon with his outfit andas soon as a derrick can be put up which will take four or five days, boring will begin, and we hope it will not be long before we can invite our neigh. bors in to partake of our health-giv ing water. ‘WATSON ASKS QUESTIONS. Was it a victory for the people when the constituticn of this state and the practice of a century were revolutiomzed by the Hoke Smith committee, in order that the four big cities might wield a political su periority denied them by the consti tution which Hoke Smith is sworn to uphold? Will it be a victory for the people when the country counties, which under local option went ‘‘dry,” years ago, are put under . the heels of the big cities, which kept their saloons open until the legislature closed them? What's the matter with the prohi bition leaders that they do not real ize the dange:s of the revolutionary rule of the Hoke Smith committee? At the last moment, Governor Smith flopped to prohibition; is it impossible to imagine a man of that character making a second flop? 1f the prohibition leaders are not bling, blind, BLIND, they will revolt against this new iule, BEFORE 1T 1s TOO LATE, J CANDIDATES 1 COLUMN, For Solicitor-Gereral. ' I hereby announée myself 4 candidate for | Solicitor-General of the Brunswick Judiéial | Cirew't, subject so the Democtatic Primary., | I soli¢it the support and influence of the vo ers of the circuit, and if Htminated ¢fid elect ed to said office, 1 pledge 4 falthful discharge of the duties thereof without fear, favor or affectlon. YVoiirs obediently, E. LAwron WALKER. 1 Beg t 6 ithiioiihce my candidacy in the next Detiodratic Pritiary for nomination for the of - fice of Solicitor-General of the Brunswick Judicial Citedit. On account of the illness of the present Qoliclior-General, 1 have filled this office for him almost continnonsly for the past three veatrs, anhd therefore am familiar with its diities, I soligit your active support, and promise, if elected, to discharge the duties of the office honestly and to the bebt of my ability. A.D. GaLr, For Sheriff. At the solicitation of many friends and with an ambition to fill the office of Sheriff of this county. I announce myself a candidate % subject to the action of the Democratic Pri ‘wary in the approaching election. 1f I am elected I shall feel that I owe it to a just and deep thinking people, and 1 promise to give my whole time and attention to the offire and the people’s interest. I will appreclate your vote, | Very respectfully, f W.H. MizFiL. At the request of my many friends I here - by announce myself a candidate for re-elec ~ tion to the office of Sheriff of Charlton coun ‘ ty, subject to the Democratic Primary, and, i earrestly solicit the active support of my many friends and the general public, if elected [ pledge myself to attend stfictly to the du? 25 of the office. Thanking the public for past favors, 1 am, Yours tespectfully, ‘ W. R. WAINWRIGHT. Tu My Friends and the Votng Public. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Charlton county, übject 10 the Democratic Primary and eavn estly soligit the influence and active support of iny friends and the general public. Pledging myself to attend strictly to the duties encumbered upon me, should | be elected and to {xerfnrm them to the best of my ability, with deep gratitude for past fagors, Lam, !o Respectfully, - H. S. MarTox. For Representative, ToITHE VOTERS OF CHARLTON (:OL‘N'l.‘\'; I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the Legislatnre of Georgia from Charlton County, subject to the Demc cratic Primary, and, if elected [ pledge my- Isclf the faithful performance of the duties of the ofiice, Thanking the public for the past favors I earnestly solicit a continuance of the same. Your obedient servant, A. ]. Howarbp. To My Mahy Frienids and the Yoting Pnblic of Charlton County. - 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the Legislature of Georgia from Charlton county, subject to the Democratic Primary. 1f clected I pledge myself the faithful per formance of the duties of the office. Thanking my friends in advance and so liciting their support in the approaching elec tion, I am, Very respectfully yours, D. R, Wasbpin, I bereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Kepresentative of (harlton coun- | ty and earnestly solicit the support of the Democratic voters of the county at the 'ap proaching primary of june 4th 1908. ReS{\eclfully, G. W, Gowen. For Ordinary. TO MY FRIENDS AND FELLOW CITIZENS; T hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Ordinary, subject to the coming democrdtic primary, and I earnestly solicit your kind consideration and support. If honored by election to this office I shall thank you all furit. My every wish and de sire will be to have the approval of my own conscience in having done my best and proven ‘myself worthy of the trust reposed in me. | Respectfully submitted, | J.J. STOKES. | A e ~ For Clerk, Saperior Court, TO MY FRIENDS AND THE VOTING PUBLIC; 'Tn-spectlvely announce myself a candidate for re.election to the affice of Clerk Superior Court of Charlton county, subject to the Democratic Primary, and earnestly solicit the influence and active support of my friends ana the general public; pledging myself to attend strictly to the duties encymbured upon me, should I be elected, and toperform them to the best of my ability. With deep gratitude for all past favors, 1 am, respectfully, Jesse \mxcm;m'. AT A A AWS TR For Tax Recerver. l To 'HE VOTERS oF CHARLTON CoUNTY; | Believing that lam thoroughly comptent Itlo fill the office and as Mr. }. c.l l:ul!e:: says eis not geing to run this ereby an nounce myself a candidnteyfe:: the of o*n:e of Receiver of Tax Returns at the coming elec. tion, subject to the Democratic primary and, if elected [ guarantee to serve the people, justly and conscientiously to the best of my ability. ! ; Ty W, VICKERY, SAVE YOUR EARNINGS, i RS T The running of a savings account has a tendency to wean a man from habits of extravagance and dissipa tion' It gives him new ambition, and a desire to save money. We are always glad to assist those who are trying to “turn over a new ‘leaf.” ' 5 per cent compounded quarterly on saving accounts. 6 per centon certificates of deposits for 6 months or longer. THE BANK OF FOLKSTON. L. CARTER, F. D, MILLS, President. Cashier. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax Receiver of Charlon county, subject to the Democratic Primary, If elected, I prom ise to dischprge the duties faithfully and to the best of my ability, and will appreciate the votes and support of the voters ot the county, Respectfully, D, F. l{uv‘;’:nim:zx\': BAR e SIS For Tax Collector As Mr, J. |. Stokes has announced for the office Of (yrdinary I will announce my self for the othce of Ta#, Collector at. the ‘next Democratic Priniary and, solicit the support of my many friends, promising to pertorm the duties of shid oftice to the bast ‘nf my ability. | . A. G, CowgN S, Folkston, Ga., Feb. 28th, 1908. i _._v-,_fl&———_ s To MY FRIENDS AND THE VOTING PUBLIC oF CHARLTON COUNTY; 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of tax collestor, subject to the ap proaching Demoerati¢ Primary. From the |cxpencnce I have had in tax assessor office I feel thut I can perfarm the many duties en cumbent upon said office to the satisfaction of the public in general. Thanking my triends for past favors and soliciting their support in the¢ approaching election, 1 am, t Very tespecifully yours, L CoALLEN. To the Voters of Charlton County:— & 1 hereby announce myself a eandidaté for the offic: of Tax dgollector in the coming Democratic Primary, and will appreciate the votes of all my frienas. ¢ : J. B. BAK"'.RI or County T'reasurer To tHE VOTERS AND MY FRIENDS! I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of I'reasurer of Charl ton County. [f nominated and elected I promise a faithful performance of the duties of the office, and as in the past, endeavor to take care of the county funds with a view to their safety. Thanking the publi¢ for the past favors 1 am. e Very respectfully, 1 J. 5. Grooms. e et ——————) £ : | For County Commissicner ‘ To THE VOTERS OF CHARLTON COUNY; I hereby annoynge myself a candidatz for Coumnty Commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary, and promise, if elected, to fill the office to the best of my: ability. T earnestly solicit ~the support my friengds generally. ; : o ' Yours truly, s J. E. RoßiNsoN. At the solicitation of many friends and with a personal desire to see some of the main issues of the recommendations of the Grand Jury putinto effect T avnounce myself a can didate for County Commissioner, subiect to the Democratic Primary June 4th, 1908. 1 Soliciting your vote and promising to dis charge the duties of the office to the best of my ability in the upbuilding of Charlton county, I am, - | Very truly, } C. C. THomAs. Ry the request of many friends T hereby announce myself a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the Democratic Primary, and if elected I promise t, perform the duties of the office t 0 the best of my ability. I earnestly solicit the support of my friends and the voters of Charlton county. 4 JoW. fiavwson. t) Realizing the fact that all parts of the mum{' should have a regresentalive and upon the solicitation of many friends I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for county com mission2r. subject to the action of the Demo} cratic Primary June 4th. If nominated and elected I promise to discharge the duties of the office as hest I understand them for the upbuilding of charlton county, the improve: ment of the public highways generally, at all times heing prampted by a spirit of advance ment and ecanomy. | J\ C. 'l‘hompson. ! | \ Sesemeees————— At the request as my many friends and after mature consideration I herehy «nnounce myself a candidate for county commissianer, subject to the Democratia Primary on june qth. If elected I promise to discharge the duties to the best of my ability, and at 3l times, with a view ta the improvement of the. public highways and the advancement of ' Charlton County in every way possible, con lsismt with gonservatism and economy. : \ Frauklin lohns, Valued Same as Gold, ~ B.G.Stewart. a merchaut of Cedar View, Miss., says: “I teil my cus tomers when they buy a box of Dr. King’s New Lite Pills they get the worth of that much gold in weight, if afflicted with constipation, mala ria or biliousness.” Sold under guarantee at all druggists. 25c. GFORGIA, CHARLTON COUNTY, : Natice is hereby given that the undersign ed has applied to the Ordinary of said connty for leave to sell Jands belonging to the estate of W. R. Johns for the payment of debts and for distribution. Said applicution will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county *o be held on the first Monday in June, 1008. This 4th day of May, i9OB. 5 MILES ]oi{'nfi, {_édhxinistmtor upon the estate of W.R. Johns. Georgia, Charlton county: . Notice is hereby given that the undersign has applied to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell lands belonging to the estate (If Steve Maxwell, for the payment of debts. | | Said application will be heard at the regu- Jar term of the court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Londay in Jgpe,, 1908. - This 4th day of Mav 1903, gl 1 Eddie Fdw: rds, Administrator upon the est. of Steve Maxwell. S L M s e sl ¥ | e o - et UMMM .S 0 &0k - 2 ¥ L ! R " : State of Georpia, Char]ton:cm;St)-; ! Wil be sold before the conrt house door in said county. between the legal houts of sale, ofi the first Tuesday mn June, 2908 to the highest bidder for cash, the following deseribed real estate to-wit, Lotk of "and Nos. five, six and eiEht n the first land distriét of said county.’ Said property levied on as the | property of GG. W. Wainnght, under and by virtie bt an execution issued from the court | of Ordinary of Wayne c unty, in favor of J. E. Wainright et. al. and agunst G. W. l Wahiright Exr. and will be sold™ to satisfy | said execufion. ‘This May sth, 1908., * ¥ 0 W. R. Waimight, Shérifh. ' In future we will'supply.our cus—| tomers with ice in any guantity from ' 5¢ worth and up, Sunday hours from | 8 to 11 a. m. Special price for ! laige quantities, i e ———— , e TT oy e e ! \ 1t Reached the Spot. i { Mr. H. F. Humpbrey, who owns | a large general store at Omega, 0., ! and who is president of the Adams| County Telephone Co., of Pikes | County, 0., says of Dr. King's New | Discovery: “It saved my hife once. ! At least I think it did. It scemed ] to reach (he spot—the very seat of‘ my cough—when every thing e]sel failed.” Dr. King's New Discov ery rot ouly reaches the cough spot; t it reaches the sore spots and the weak spots in throat, lungs and chest Sold under guarantee at all druggists at soc. and SI.OO. - Trial bottle free. y I° . . ¢ ’ ¢ . ’ ‘ . « . 8-day Clocks worth $4.00, cash price now $2.50 » SI.OO Cobbler’s outfits 5 2 i 75cte. . Wire Egg thgs, Bcts. each » Cake turners, scts. each . 18 In. Meat Forks, -lucts. each s . A big lot of Embroidery and Insertion, sto 1 o cts. per yard, also a nice line of lace : We also have a nice line of all-over lace anc all.over ¢mbroidery. ’ Dress Shirts from 35cts. to SI.OO . We have a nice line of well assorted shoes at very close prices—Also many other bargains ? for you. Come 10 see us. : Yours to please, ?; MIZELL and PAXTON. e o e B A R T e B e et T e e SPRING AND SUMMER LINES READY, Clothing Rets ard Furuishings FOR _ MEN, WQMEN and CHiLDREN. Best Values =- Moderate Prices. CATALOGUE. Upon request we will mzil you a copy of our Spring and Summer Catalogue giving full description and prices. Goods on Approval. Upon request w 2 will- send Gooeds by Express C. O. D. subjectto examination. B.H. Levy Bro.& Co., Savannah, Ca. ‘Send the Cash . With Order. sߧ 0o Bag psvillel.:,ngtg:s,_;,for $65.00 & i ¥ i . s7s.oo'North . Carplina. Buggies for $57. 50 i $65.00 Lynchburg Biaggies for $350.00 : $40.00 One Hoise Wagons for $30.00 : $60.00 Two Horse Wagons for SSO oo 535;00 Two Horse Wagons for 849.00 : American Wire Fencing 1346 for 23 per rod # : 24 inch Well' Curbing Pipe for SI.OO per foat. ... : “We have a large stock of Harness, We are selling our ettire stock at actnal cost, except Wire Feucing ana Sewer Pipe, which we are sell ,_in"g at a small profit, J.A JonesßuggyCo Waycress, Ga,