Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, May 28, 1908, Image 8
} Q E;ocal Personals?:; N A7oi 2 v :;m':-.-/swk Mr. E. L. Dowling went to \Wagy ¢ross Sunday afiernoon, Mt S. F. and F. D. Millg visitec AMe. H. A. Renfroe Saturday night and Sunda2y, J. H. Rogers preséntéd us with a bunch of thé finest ohions we have feeh thic s¢adon. Mts. D. R. Wasdin and Mrs, J. C. Allen, of Winokur, came down on the the J. S, L. Tuesday. | Miss Stella Pickren left last weck for 4 mofiths visit to Hazelhurst, Mcßea and poinfs in Coffee county, Charlton’s registration fjots up seven hundred. More white voters than was thought to be in the coun ty. Everyhody read G. W, Deen’s letter giving his reasons for oppos ing Governor Smith and note what he says about Mr. Brown. Miss Violet Davis returned last Thursday morning from Forsyth, (Bessie Tift Institue) where she has been attending college. Mt, J. K. Bedell and family, of Woodbine; came over last Thursday to visit Mr, and Mrs. B. G. Mec- Donald, returning Friday morning, Mi, T. L. Pickren left Monday for Macon to attend the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Oddfeliows. ‘ He will probably return tomorrow, Mrs, Norah Mahan, who has been spending a week here was called by telephone to Jacksonville yesterday. She goes i response to a message | trom St. Lukes Hospital, where she will be employed as nurse. ‘ The many friends of Mr. H, A. Renfroe, of Jacksoaville, but formal ly of this place, will regret to know that he is seriously ill at his home, it is said with pulmoha:y troubles and typhoid fever, A match game of baseball will be played here tomorrow afternoon be tween the Caliahan aand Folkston local teams. Our boys are prac ticing hard and say that if they do hat win they will give e Callahan team a warm reception, The largest vote ever polled in Georgia will be cast next Thursday, Everywnere we can hexr from, the registrations are the heaviest ever known before. What coes it mean? The clection of Jos. M. Biown by 35,000 to Ho,ooo majority, | We are still sticking to cor last‘ Weeks proposition, i, e. A years subscription to the one guessing the hearest *» Joe Brown’s majority over Hoke Smith, and g 0 one better, To the next nearest guess will give @ six months subscription to the Herald, A proposition has been received by the Folkston ball team from the Kings Ferry team to meet at Camp Pinkney in a pienfc in the near fu. ture and play a match game of ball. The time has not been set as yet, but the Folkston boys are looking forward to a big time, Any man who would make such statements as those made by Gov. Smith recently in atlanta, must cer. tainly be losing his head. Where, O! where is the big Governor Smith, of Georgia? Give us Brown or some level-headed, true patriotic fau for our executive. i Douglas, Ga., May 24.—T0 say that the politics in Douglas and Coffee county are booming does not begih to express it. Business and professional men with rolls of mon ey are looking for Smith men, Al thost any kind of bet is offered that Brown will be nominated. The artesian well is progressing slowly on account ot quick sand. The work of boring was started Monday, when quick sand was soon encounfered. A five inch casing Was put down 42 feet when drilling was resumed, When at between 60 Or 65 feet rock was struck, Tues day afternoon the interim between the large casing and the rock, some 25 feet had caved. It was then hecessary to shut thateff with three inch casing. It is to be hoped that the worst obstacles have been pass td and we will soon be able to say that Folkston's water is as good as the best, ! WEMOCrRATIC )B ’ - TICKET TO BE ] { ] 7 ’y‘: v/ “ VOIEDONN:ZXI ’ | ~ ITHURSDAY ; 1 I l FOR GOVERNOR i v R FOR SOLICITOR-GEN ' ERAL, BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT. | ' | E, LAWTON WALKER | VOTE FOR ONE | A. D Garr - ' REPRESENTATIVE |A, J. Howarp, ‘DAH' Waspin, | vore vßr oNg | G. W, GOwEN. | { | CLERK, SUPERIOR COURT i J. W, ViICcKERY. | ORDINARY | ). J. StOKES. i TREASURER ‘ J. 8. Groowms. 1 SHERIFF | W. H. Mizert, | ¥ «W.R, WAINRIGHT, | VOTE FOR ONE. H. S, Marrox. 1 TAX COLLECTOR A, G. GoweN, J. C. ALLEN, | VOTE FOR ONE, ‘ J. B. BakEr, TAX RECEIVER T. W, VICKERY, VOTE FOR ONE D.I, RODDENBEKRY, | COUNTY COMMISSIONERS\ J.E. Rorinson, C.C. Trnomas, LW, Davinsox, J.C. THoMPSON, | VOTE FOR THREE FrankuiN Jouns, : 0. F. WiLsox, B.G. McDoxarp A (’ulil‘ornian‘s Luck. “The luckiest day of my life wasf when I bonght o box of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve;” writes Charles F Budahn, of ‘l'racy, California. “I'wo 25c. boxes cured me of an annoying case of itching piles, which had troubled me for years «nd vyielded to no other treatment.”” Soid under guarantee at all drug stores. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION The State Examination for teach ers will be held on June luth and 20oth. Those preparing for exami nation should read Page’s and Roark’s work, also Dutton’s School Management. IYone by order of the State School Conumissioner. This April 28th, 1908. 1. E. MaLLARD, C. S. C, STATEMENT of the CONDITION of The Bank of Folkston, lecated at Folkston, Georgia, at the cloge of business, May l4th 1908. g BRANCH OF LIBERTY BANKING COMPANY. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, $22496 .18 Overdrafts, 81.28 Banking House, 4719.63 Due fiom Banks and Bankers in other States, 5724.97 Cash, L S Total, $35259.77 LIABILITIES, S Undivided Profits, less Curreat Expenses & Taxes Paid, $1019.97 Due to Banks and Bankers in this State, 10000.00 Indgividual Deposits Subject to Check, 16198.23 Time Certificates, 1130.60 Cashier’s Checks, _ 70.90 Notes and Bills Rediscounted, 5c000.00 Savings Etc,, "1840.07 Total, : $35259.77 STATE OF GEORGIA, County of Charlton. Before me came F. D, Mills, Cdshier of The Bank of Folkston, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing state ment is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said bank, ‘ F. D. Miis, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 26th day of May, 1908 : JesseE We VickEery, Clerk Sup’r, Court. 7 / = % T 7 SAVE YOUR EARNINGS, The running of a savings account has a tendency to wean a man from habits of extravagance and dissipa tion' It gives him new ambition, and a desire to save money. We are always glad to assist those who are trying to “turn over a new leaf.” ‘ 5 per cent compounded quarterly on saving accounts. 6 per centon certificates of deposits for 6 months or longer. THE BANK OF FOLKSTON. L. CARTER,. - F. D. MILLS, President. Cashier. | William Smith ] Libel for Divorce ' Vs. } Charrlton Superior Conrt, | Lugeénia Snith | October term, 190 S. Verdict tor to'al divorce, April Bth, 1908, ’ Noticeis hereby given that on the 16th ‘day of May, 1908, the undersigned ffled in the office of the clerk of the Suprema ' court of Charlton county an application for removal of the disabilities resting upon him under the verdict in the above statzd case. ? ] Said application will be heard at the, term of said court, which convenes on Tuesday af ter the 4th Monday in October, 1908, . WiLLIAM SMITH. July 23, 1908. The World’s Best Climate is not entirely free from disease, on the high elevations fevers. pre vail, while on the Jower levels maia ria 1s encountered to a greater or less extent, according to allitude. To overcome climate affections lass itude, malaria, jaundice, biliotisness, fever and ague and general debility, the most effective remedy is Elec tric Ritters, the great alterative and blood purifier; the antidote for gvery form of bodilv weakness, mnervous iness, and insommnia. Sold under guarantee by all druggists. 1 rice soc. o All teachers or app ,_1&@:3:3?1’% i - cense to teach in the ' common schools ot this connty are required to ~atiend the teachers’ institute Whicl converes here on , Ssturday, June 13th and closes on -]‘ti‘{.e;' 18 h. We expect a good atterdance as the ’institme will be held just prior 1c the examination and offers some good advantages to «ll teachérs and ‘especially those who intend “taking the examination. o Now, we especially insist on a good attendance as the law requires all teachers to attend. We trost that our- teachers will show more mterest in. fhis work than heretofore, _ Very teilly, 1.. . MALLARD, €. 8. C e LR | DENTAL NOTICE. < I will be at Folkston on Menday, June Ist and every Monday “there after until forther notice, prepared to do dental work of any kind. Call early and make engagements. J. C. BrEWER, Dentist. Valued Same as Gold, B. G.Stewart, a merchant of Cedar View, Miss., says: I teil my cus tomers when they buy a box of Dr. King’s New Lite Pills they get the worth of that much gold in weight, if afflicted with corstipation, mala ria or biliousness.” Sold under guarantee at all druggists. 25c. GEORGIA, CHARLTON COUNTY, Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed has applied to the Ordinary of said connty for leave tosell lands belonging to the estate of W. R. Johns for the payment of debts and for distribution. Said applicition will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county *o be held on the first Monday in [ine, 1098 | This of May, 1903. | ‘ MitkS JoHos, - Administrator upon the estate of W.R. Johns, Georgia, Charlton county: “ Notice is hereby given that the undersign has applied to the Ordinary of said county | for leave to sell lands helonging to the estate of Steve Maxwell, ‘for the payment of debts, Said application will be heard at the regn lar term of the court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the fivst Monday in June, 1908. This 4th day of Mav 1908. Lie i - Eddie Edw: rds, - Administrator upon the est. of Steve Maxwell. State of Georgia, Charlton county; 3 - Will"be sold before the eonrt house door in said county, betweenthe legal hours “fi sale, on the first Tigsday in jungFagoß - to the highest bidder fox “Lash, the- follpwing described real estate to-wit. Lots of ‘and Nos. five, six and eight 1n the first land district of said county. Said property levied on as the property of G. W. Wainright, ander and by virtue of an execution issued from the court of Ordinary of Wayne county, in favor of J. E. Wainright et. al. and ‘against G, W, Wainright Exr. and will be sold to satisfy said execution. This May sth, 1908, W, R. Wainright, Sheriff. 3 L. In future we will supply our cus— tomers with ice in any guantity from ‘ sc worth and up, Sunday hours from 8 to 11 a. m. Special price for ‘ large quantities. g - It Reached the Spot. Mr. H, F. Humphrey, who owns a large general store at Omega, 0., and who is president of the Adams County Telephone Co., of Pikes County, 0., says of Dr. King's New Discovery: ¢lt saved my hife once. At least I think it did. It seemed to reach the spot——the very seat of my cough—when -every thing else failed.” Dr. King’s New Discov ery rot only reaches the cough spot; it reaches the sore spots and the weak spots in throat, lungs and chest Sold under guarantee at all druggists at soc. and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. e - W g 2 - TG UL AN - eL (R T A sT, A Ny R RPN ST . e - ' N N N T 8-day Clocks worth ?4.00, cash price now $2.50 SI.OO Cobbler’s outfits - " g 15cte, 3 Wire Egg Whips, scts. each Cake turners, scts. each I 8 In.. Meat Forks, 10cts. each A big lot of Embroidery and Insertion, 5 to 1 0 cts. per yard, a'so a nice line of lace We also have a nice line of all-over lace and all.over embroidery. . Dress Shirts from 35cts. to sr.oo - We have a nicelline of well assorted shoes at very close prices—Also many other bargains for you. Come 10 see us, Yours to please, MIZELL and PAXTON.- AAA BAR BRSSO OR AREA AR e s RS LU S S S SPRING AND SUMMER LINES READY. Clothing, Hats and Furuishings - FOR MEN, WQMEN and CHIiLDREN. Best Values =- Moderate Prices. CATALOGUE. Upon request we will mail you a copy of our Spring and Summer Catalogue giving full description and prices. ‘ Goods on Approval. Uponrequest we will'send Goods by Express C. O. D. subject to examination., B. H. Levy Bro. & Co., Savannah, Ca. . Send the Cash * With Order. 885 oo Barnesville Buggies for £63.00 i s : e -$75.00 North Carolina Buggies for 5‘57.‘_50 ' " $65.00 Lynchburg Basggies for S3O 00 s \ ; $40.00 Oneé Horse Wagons for = $30.00 : ; $60.00 Two Horse Wagons for fsooo ‘ #35.00 Two lorse Wagons for $49.00 . American Wire Fencing 1346 for 39 per rod 24 inch Well Curbing Pipe for SI.OO per foot, ; We have a large stock of Harness. We are selling our entire stock at actual cost, except Wire Feucing and Sewer Pipe, which we are sell ing at a small profit, J.A.JonesßuggyCo Waycress, Ga,