Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, June 04, 1908, Image 7

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    Making Sealskins.
How many of the fair wearers of
Bealskin kaow how this fur is pre
rared? In the skin of 5 dog or cat it
Will be noticed that at the roots of
the longer, coarser hair there are
fine, short hairs, called “under fur.”
In most anir-~is these hairs are so
few that they are usually overlooked.
Not so with sealskin, The skin after
geing through various processes to
cleanse it of grease, etc,, is stretch-!
ed flat with the flesh side uppermost. l
A flat knife is then passed over it, |
thinning the skin considerably. |
In doing this it Ibosens the roots
of the longer hairs, which are more
deepiy embedded than those of the
under fur. The rough hairs are thus ‘
got rid of without injury to the soft
er fur.
Next the pelt passes through opera
tions which soften and preserve it,
Then comes the dyeing, by which the
uniform tint =o genenally admired, is
obtained. And now the fur is ready
for making up.—Montreal Standard.
The veteran Senator announced
that he intended to resign.
“No, I will not reconsider,” he told
his protesting constituents. “This
place is getting packed with fresh
youngsters—many of them not a day
over sixty."—Philadelphia Lalger.
More Than Quinine,
Quinine is simply one ot the products of the
Cinchoua Bark, and the drug which is used
tains more of the active principles of
Cinchona Bark than ocdinary Quinine.
Everyone knows that Whole Wheat and
Graham Flour contain more nutriment
than ordinary white Hour, as part of tlse
properties ot the wheat are lost in render
mg the flonr white, This same thing is true
of Quinine, and the drug used in this prep
aratvion is a special product which contains
more valuable properties than ordinary
Quinine. The Standard for 30 years. 50¢,
Patience—*“Which is your gift to
the bride, dear?” ,
Patrice—"l don't know. There are
eight butter-knives, and for the life
of me I can’'t tell which is the one I
sent.”—Ycnkers Statesman.
Limbs Below the Knees Were Raw—
Feet Swollen—Sleep Broken—
Cared in 2 Days by Cuticura.
“Some two months ago T had a humor
break out on my limbs below my knees.
They came to look like raw beefsteak. all
red. and no one knows how they itched
and burned. They were so swollen that I
could not get my shoes on for a week or
more. T used five or six different remedies
and got no help, only when applying them
the burning was worse and the itching less.
For two or three weeks the suffering was
intense and during that time T did not
sleep an hour at a time. 'Then one morn
ing I tried a bit of Cuticura. From the
moment it touched me the itching was
gone and I have not felt a bit of it since.
The swelling went down and in two days [
had my shoes on and was about as usual.
George B. Farley, 50 South State St., Con
cord, N. H., May 14, 1907.”
Many a married woman’s idea of a
stylish hat is one that costs more than
her hushand can afford to pay.
That Will Interest All Suffering
Mrs. Della Meanes, 328 E. Front
St., Maysville, Ky., says: “Seven
years ago I began to
B 4 Ba notice sharp pain in
§ the kidneys and a
- nicnd bearing down sensa-
R ‘fi tion througk the hips,
Q. ¥ dull headache and
@\ a 8 dizzy spells. Dropsy
i 20D appeared and my feet
& \54 and ankles swelled so
ARNARAREERS | could not get my
WL P 5
NN T shoes on. [ was in
misery and had despaired of ever get
ting cured, when [ decided to try
Doan’s Kidney Pills. One box helped
me so much that I kept on until en
tirely cured.”
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
The shiftless man should be com
pelled to shift for himself.
To Drive Out Malaria and Build Up
the System
Take the Old Standard Grove's TASTE-
Less CaiLL Toxre. You know what you
are taking. The formula is plainly printed
on every bottle, showing it is simply Qui
nine and Iron in a tasteless form, and the
most effectual form. I'or grown people
and children. 50c.
Bernoldo in his Calendar says that
in medieval times there was more
food than money given for <church
Free Cure for Rheu
matism, Bone Pain
and Eczema
Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) cures the worst
cases of Rheumatism, bone pains. swollen
muscles and joints, by purifying the blood
Thousands of cases cured by B. B. B. after
all other treatments failed. Price SI.OO per
large bottle at diug stores, with complete
directions for home treatment Large sample
free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga
Cotton Buyérs. Graders wanted. Address,
NarioNAL CorTox CoLLEGE, Atlanta, Ga.
(prsenc, By A Certain Cure for Feverishness,
Y Qonnlipnlimn He %«laehe,
- wtomnch Troubles, eething
B Pisorders, and Destro
Mother Gray, Worms. They Break up (‘ql«fi
Nursein Child- 10 94 hours, At »ll Druggists, 25 cte.
ren's Home, Sample mailed FREE. Addrees,
New York City. A. S. OLMSTED, Le Roy.N. Y.
Take the Place of Calomel
Constipation sends poisonous matter hounding
thmu% the bodv, lm{l headache, Sour Stomach,
Fstpd reath. Bleared Eyes, Loss of Energy and Ap
i);‘llm are the surest signs of the affliction. Young's
iver Pills postively cure constipation The: awaken
the sluggish liver to better action, cleanwe the
howels, strengthen the wenkened parts, induce appe
tite and aid digestion. They do not Salivate, no mat
ter what you eat, drink or do. PriceZ ceuts from
your dealer or direct from
The Pulpit ]
§3‘( T[‘\E REV~ B
; IRAMI{ENDEB-SON e > ',.‘ i
Theme: Divine Indwelling.
Brooklyn, N. Y.—Preaching on the
above theme at the Irving Square
Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Ira W,
Henderson, pastor, took as his text
Jno. 20:22: “Receive ye the Holy
Spirit.” He said:
The reception of the Holy Spirit in
the inner sanctuary of the human
heart is the condition of entrance into
the kingdom of God. The possibility
of the immediate and present incom- ‘
ing and welcoming of the Spirit is
reason enough for us to believe that
the kingdom beging in this life and
at once, if you will. The fact that the
coming of the Spirit into the heart is
contemporaneous with the entrance
of the individual into the privileges of
divine eitizenship is sufficient demon
stration that spirituality is the key to,
and the essence of, and the first re
quirement of admission to the king
dom. The one and only way to par
ticipate in the joys and blessings of
the Spirit filled life is to cease from
hardness of heart, and from intellec
tual self-glorification and self-trust,
and to become as little children in
humility and in receptivity to truth.
Spirituality and divine citizenship are
one and the same thing. Growth in
spirituality is the test of efficient
citizenship. The man who has stopped
depending upon his own strength, his
own wisdom, and has opened his
eyes and ears and mind and heart to
the influences and manifestations of
the Spirit is ready to receive, and in
all conscience will get, the papers and
rights of a citizen of the kingdom of
the God of Jesus Christ. And that
soul only is being sanctified unto God
likeness and fashioned into the image
of Jesus Christ who is growing daily,
hourly, momently, in the gifts and
graces of the spiritual life. To be
spiritual is ta become childlike. To
attain spiritual development is the
aim and the calling of those who are
Christ’s. l
The Holy Spirit, the personal, puri
fying, propelling presence of God in
the life of man, is the means unto
the spiritualizing of human natures
according to the divine decrees. The‘
entrance of the Spirit means death;
to sin. The yielding of self to the
gentle minisirations of the Holy
Ghost is the first step toward indi
vidual transformation. The com
munion of the svirit of man with the
Spirit of God brings peace, content
ment, rest and a wisdom and energy
which are more than sufficient to m==t
the demands and the opposition of
the world.
| No mere impersonal, unreal, un
iattainab]e something is this Spirit
- which Christ bade His disciples re
ceive, and of which at a later time
they received a fuller measure. It is
the real, helpful, personal presence
of God in the life. The spirit of man
is a prey to all sin save the Spirit of
God as a constructive, controlling
force comes in. The transfusion of
the soul with the vitality of the Spirit
fills the dying heart of man with life.
““There*are three characteristics of
the Holy Spirit to which 1 wish to
direct your thought. The Holy Spirit
is a constant presence in the life of
the world, a controlling energy, a
soul satisfying comforter.
The Holy Spirit is a. constant pres
ence and factor in the life of the
world. The entire list of graces and
gifts and blessings which are ours
at the hands of our Heavenly Father
are constant. The gift of the S»nirit
is no exception to the rule. When
God promises to men the presence
and uplift of the Holy Spirit upon the
fulfilment of certain conditions upon
their part He means just what He
says. Our Father is not fickle or
changeable or inconstant. He is the
same to-day, yesterday and forever.
And His Spirit, which is His own real,
personal presence in the hearts of
men, is as constant as all eise with
which He has anything to do. When
| we were far away from duty and were
serving sin the Spirit of the living
God was knocking ever at our hearts.
And though we hated ourselves and
the depth of our own iniquity, though
the world may have despised us and
forsaken us, though everything in life
may have held us as “unclean” with
the leprosy of sin, still the Spirit of
our living, loving Father stood wait
ing to reveal to us the wealth and
beauty of the love of God and to re
vive ou® dying souls with the fullness
of power unto eternal life.
The constancy of the Spirit as a
factor in life is nowhere beiter illus
trated than in the experience of
Christian men who have given
themseives up, in less or greater
measure, to His dominion., What a
joy, what a comfort, what a stay it is
to know that whenever and whereso
ever we may turn to the Spirit for
the portion of refreshment that our
souls so sorely need we shall always
find Him ready to supply our wants.
There is no sense and no reason in
much of our constant petition to God
to infill us with His Spirit. The in
fluences of types of thought and of
prayer are hardly escapable. We
have grown so accustcmed to ask
God to fill us with His Spirit
of power. But I submit, would we
not pray better and more to the point
if we thanked our Father for the
favors of His love and acknowledged
to Him in person, what He already
knows, our shortcomings and our lack
of appropriation of the gift of His
Spirit. The showers of spiritual
blessings are forever failing freeé, full
and suffieient upon human souls
everywhere. Our prayers should not
be of petition that God may give us
showers, but rather of thanksgiving
for past, present and future blessings
and of dedication of self, through the
riches of His grace and powers to a
finer and more fruitiul life for Him.
The presence and influence of the
Holy Spirit in the life of the world is
a constant gratuity. If you are not
the deeply grounded spiritual man |
that you shonld be the fault lies no:,i
with the Spirit, of which there is|
apundance unto all men’s ua:(:c:ss_i(}'.i
but with vou who have I':¢i'l_l:-::;41 t:mt'
wealth of spiritual power which, un
der God, might be yours if you would. l
Everywhere and continually the Spirit |
of the Lord is active. He knocks
ever at the door of the sinner’'s heart,
He is forever pouring out the inex
haustible waters of spiritual life upon
the parched souls of men. But neither
God nor His Spirit can fill an in
verted cup. The showers of blessings
can not flood a closed heart.
Then, too, the Holy Spirit is a con
trolling energy in the life of the
man who is susceptible to His influ
ence. Christ tells us that His Spirit
shall lead us unto all truth; that He
shall be our Guide, our Teacher and
our Helper. The catalog of the activ
ities of the Spirit in the life of man
is strengthening and sustaining. BY
Him we are led into the entirety of
divine self-revelation and of eternal
truth. Under the guidance of the
Spirit of the living God we may pro
‘ gress from truth to truth as the won
‘ders of God's universe are revealed
to us and the application of everlast
ing verities brought home to our
‘hearts. May no man flinch to follow
the Spirit whithersoever He may di
rect. As Dante went through hell
and heaven and the intermediate re
gions of the world beyond, and told
in allegory and song the wonders that
he witnessed and the sights he saw,
s 0 may we, with the Spirit as our
Guide, be given grace to look truth
squarely in the face and portray it
faithfully to the world. And if we,
as Dante, or bevond him Christ, shall
be hounded by those who fear the
light of truth we shall yet be certain
that the truth, the truth alone, is
worth men’'s fealty and shall make
them free.
The Spirit as the Comforter ap
peals to the heart of every Christian.
Who of us does not joy in the fact
that above us and within us is this
comforting Spirit of the Lord our
God? The human heart cries out for
comfort when distress and danger and
destruction come upon it. When our
' hearts are bowed in anguish and our
souls are crushed with grief, when
every human tie is severed and no
mortal hand may avail to dispel our,
utter darkness, then the Spirit of
the loving Father strengthens, sus
tains, sanctifies the soul. “Save me,
O God, for the waters are come into
my soul,” we cry out with the
Psalmist. lln the Judah wilderness
of the world our souls thirst for Him,
our fiesh longs for Him as in a dry
and thirsty land, where no water is.
Then the Spirit comes, and with His
ent:'ancq the live springs of refresh
l ment minister to our souls’ deep need.
''The Spirit as the Comforter is God
in His presence ministering to the
humanest of mortal needs. No man
can live happily without Him. No
man can weather the trials of tribula
tion and the temptations of prosper
ity without Him. Lending the sor
rowing light hearts He keeps the suc
cessful level headed.
The sense of the constant presence
of the Spirit of God in the individual
and world life is the certain indica
tion of a true religious experience.
No man who lives near to God is with
out it. It is clemental in Christian
’experience. And this consciousness
of God's abiding and guiding is the
| mainstay of the soul. Without it
progress is impossible in the truest
sense. With it we may fight with fear
lessness, with hope unquenchable,
against principalities and powers,
against the wickednesses of high
places and the sins of mighty men.
For the abiding Spirit of the living
God is the controlling energy in the
life o{!humanity. Bad men may de
feat Him temporarily; evil policies
1%4;( frustrate His purposes and h‘}?.
ithemselves against His plans; but the’
Spirit of God is unconquerable. He
is the controlling, the overruling en
ergy of the world. In this Spirit we
should find our strength. From Him
we should derive the comfort of our
souls. : not your heart be troubled,
Come what may, be the storms of life
what they will, God will not leave us
comfortless. He will not leave us
orphans. He is with us. He will
abide with every soul who bids Him
enter. He will constantly refresh us
all. He will give us courage and le
our strength. He will suffuse us. He
will comfort us. And He does. |
. Conscience Notanlnformation Bureap
If conscience is a safe guide tb
what is right and wrong then th»
Bible is not needed. There is np
half-way ground here, for a guids
that needs guidance is no guide at
all. And as a matter of fact, con
science is not a guide, 2nd becausp
so many souls mistakenly think it is,
confused and wandering errors in ths
pathway of life are constantly made,
Conscience is a monitor. It prompis
and prods; it urges “Do what yoa
know to be right; do not do what you
lkuow to be wrong.” But it does not
instruct us in what is right and what
s wrong; it is not a bureau of ine
formation. That instruction we re
| ceive from God in many different
]\d\‘ of which the Bible and the
[training. of parents and teachers are
some. Therefore it will not do te
settle back in the easy assurance that
we have a safe guide in conscience,
We have a tremendous responsibility,
to learn, from sources outside of our
’selves, what is our duty, and those
sources are always available when we
’rually seek them.—Sunday-School
| Times. |
Nature Presses Toward Fraitage. ‘
Ripe fruit, which is the immutable
promise and purpocse of God, is the |
end of a patient process. After a long
and trying pause young spring, like
a hope of God, returng; but the end
is not yet. It is the season of new .
breath, new motion and new birth,
Everything is astir under the new,
universal excitement. The earth, like
a bride, puts on her beautiful attire.
She blooms and sings. But blecom
and songs are not the end. By her
beauty music she announces the ex
quisite end toward which she is mov
ing. She will not pause until she has
produced her fruit, aor then until hey
fruit ig full-orbed and mellow. She
reckons nothing legs than ripe fruit
to be her fitting crown. Nothing less
will satisfy God. Thou crownest tha
vear with Thy goodness.—John Puls
The Reason is Christ.
We have ingane and blind asylums
and public schools in Magsachusetts,
and not in Turkey, because here we
had vesterday a strong sense of
Christ, and there they had not,—Tha
Rev. Frank Crane.
He Opens the Path.
God never fails to open you 2 path
thongh He may refuss you a pbilg
Syrup 9f Hgs
AR N .
o Ellxl\r o Sema
acts denl ly yo’( prom 1-
L on’file ();)\;els. clmnfos
{Y\e sys.’(em pfioc’(uuny,
assists one overconing
habitual (‘ousfipation
erma non’r}y. To ot its
%eneficiul OH(‘(_‘TS lny
the denune,
dianu‘n(‘furcd _ly the
Fic Sxrup Co.
You may find other coffees
as good as
But they will cost you
twice as much. Other Cof
fees may he as low in price,
but you will find them
either only half as strong
or only one-fourth as good.
Is of perfect Purilz.
Flavor, Quality and Fresh
25¢, 1-LB CAN.
New Orileans, U. 8. A.
A mere matter of form has enabled
many & woman to make a hit on the
TN s
" o °
Pale Delicate Women and Girls
The Old Standard GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds up the
system. VYou know what you are taking. ‘l'he formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing it
is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless, and the most effectual form. For adults and children. 50c¢.
e e
“I recommend Cardui to my lady £
friends,”” writes Mrs. Mattie Christo
n Al 2. fhd
pher, of R. F. D. 72, Atlanta, Ga. I ki ive. I
+ s T . ARG/ it o
think it is the best medicine for fe- i o
male trouble I ever took. It works A eEE R
e N ’)5 )
like a charm. Before taking Cardui, @< 2 &8
I had suffered with female trouble for % W = e
. . A~
20 years. I was irregular and suf- MBI |
sered untold misery. I took all kinds &/ )
of medicines, but none did me so Atlanta, Ge. ‘
much good as Cardui, §
GHin 8
i i
It Will Help You
“Since taking Cardui,” Mrs. Christopher writes, 8
I am regular, suffer no pain and am so much better, g
in every way. I canuot praise Cardui too highly.”’ K 8
..... . “’ »
Cardui is a strength-huilding medicine, that you. &
need, if your female functions are disordered, or if o
you suffer from any female pains, such as pairs in A;
bead, side, back, hip, thigh, dragging sensations, ’
falling feclings, ete. Try Cardui. Sold everywhere, z'
Write for 64. e illustrated Book, “/fome Treatm K%
VALUABLE Whr?:rrrl.."Zim,';lpx!x’)?ny{ r.','r:tzlm,,z' I"‘ Female !u",:xr”’lf u{(\': ";'
BOOK FREE “;_11! vu}-m‘.;leémt': on health, i.y.{/xv: e, ri.el,/ ete, ,“
i or women, ent free, postpaid, Address: Ladirs Ad sory g
Dept., The Chalt:u,r,uula Medicine ¢o,, Chattanooga, ';c;;n./ ‘f
M L P o) TPlhoo ¢Ry T R T(L T 3 N B e Q!
EE Ne N s I eo W T
Drop us a card and we will put you on to
something with which you ecan iurn your
neighbor green with envy by catching dead
loads of them in streams whero he has he
come disgustud trying to cateh them the
old fashioned way. It's something new and
cheap. It catches at all seasons -some
thing no other tackle will do. It wilitickle
you to see it cateh house and musk rats,
Ilustrated catalogue of prices and testi
monials for the asking.
We are sole manufacturers of the celebrated
patented Double Muzzler Wire Firh Baskets,
our sale covers over 20 states. We pay the
freight on one dozen or maore nets.
This book contains the songs that our fathers and
mothers sang. Songs that possess the old time Gospel
power. Songs that can not die. RESURRECTED
SONGS, % cents per copy; $3.90 per dozen, prepaid,
J. B.VAUGHAN, Clayton St., Athens, Ga,
The Wonderful Remedy, Sent Free. waares
DR. SMITH CHEMICAL CO., 5146 Market, Phila., Par
I ——
1 1 e et
A\ R "
R Y 1
O YeVP TST ) &3‘ ;fitf}.\;”l‘?“v‘\":; ‘9: L‘ 1L
% AR s PR T
Built for service; all sizes. Increase g \\i AN Q'J\‘;‘f_{;_‘ ;:t‘:_.;t;_:,,} st
your profits by using our engine and [ ‘ N M‘Tww‘::_yrlmy?da
boiler with one of our Corn Mills or Saw _,.@ A“N 4l LPI J
Mills., Write to the makers for catilogue o n'r'_flvt_s_;.‘iizf:;;‘-.-/‘,s-,a‘s d
and prices. G, | ) ‘fiik]___fit})&gg‘,' ;"‘; T
¢ ) B hapi e D (e, z v
e e Seraroy 8 4 | :f"i .t.,\"_L{ L.] u_L"Li”" ;‘jf‘mFT o
”"ygr ey M ACIER WD eoNG Y R O
R. D. Cole Wf'g Co., :fr?;tt,‘ R o AR
Dept. M, Newna, Ga. TR &__.3{’.’ ‘é‘}fl»k!:fiifg -3:? oy
Valuable Household and Fancy Articles Free, in
Exchange for Carton Tops and Soap Wrappers
from “20 Mule-Team” Borax and “20 Mule-
Team” Borax Products. Send Postcard for
40-page Illustrated Catalogue. Address
FOR MEN. Two hundred pounds, more or less, resting on the
bottoms of your shoes will tire your feet unless the shoe bottoms fit your
feet. SKREEMER shoes are made correctly from the bottom up, and
that's why they always fit. Look for the label. 1f you don't find
B Bkreemers readily, write us for directions how to secure them.
FRED. F. FIELD CO., BrocKkton, Mass.
. . |
Dr. Biggers Huckleberry Cordial
Nover fails to relieve at once. It is the favorite baby medicine of
the best nurses and family doctors. Mothers m‘nrywpn_m stick to it,
and urge their friends to give it to Children for Colic Dysentery
Oramps, Diarrhoea, Flux, Foul-Stomach and all Htumuufr and Bowel
Ailments. You can depend on it. Don't worry, but take Dr. Biggpers
Huckleberry Cordial. Z‘)centu at drug stores. or by mail, (!in-ulnrn%u«.
And makes life worth living.
Corrects your liveg troubles,
Relieves that tired feeling.
Ask your dealer for it
:Yi é i '
Keeps the breath, tcctin,'mouth and body
antiseptically clean and free from un
healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors,
which water, soap and tooth preparations
alone cannot do. A
germicidal, disin
fecting and deodor
izing toiletrequisite
of exceptional ex
cellence and econ
omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At
drug and toilet
stores, 50 cents, or
by mail postpaid.
Large Trial Sample
| i T
ED i
L 2% 1
jl“"-.?!?%“fi'.ifi‘\}i;'j 'J { ;
o Gives
¥ sl Quick
% ¢ Relief.
\- 288 Removes all swelling in Bto 20
) ¥ days; effects a permanent cure
4 \ . in3oto 6o days. Trialtreatment
‘(\.'J, Y W riven free, Nothingean be fairer
WO Write Dr. K. H. Green's Sons, « |
WO Uridispeclalists, Box @ Atlanta, @s-
No builder can afford to use the old
Lkind when he can get the Putty Lock
Bash just as cheap. F:::;:lfleh:)’_r' i
Randall Bros., Aand SR
Al ‘f’«.'/u,;l:;:\tutu«'\i\j L ——
((uticuray || T
liy f u', b i” ':"‘{:“47‘ """i A .”.._‘
Be S R s,
o AR .'.'cg'g»ftr;!‘"#‘-‘“; o
AN i e e trar—
PO fi”\"\""“
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§ LR, | “ L
(U lCllra i
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INIYIR | %5 kaß KLI
,J: ', \| i} ’ ‘.‘,’" :‘u[:“
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1 MG R | N % 3
Gar? ffl P ' e
@A i)* A { ’z'lc.
(“ " 4‘;’. 1:’; ,‘., ANy “.' 4 wfl.*’
el TOILE~ || 8
B ‘(O!LE r‘\t (o §,E9sfi
i;% LTy i e
x 4 v V.E E '-—.l.i X '“\_
: i
For Preserving, Purifying
and Beautifying the Skin,
Scalp, Hair, and Hands,
for Sunburn, Heat Rash,
Chafings, and for all the
purposcs of the Toilet,