Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, June 11, 1908, Image 8
F - L e ‘n‘chai i*‘cfaonaisfi Mt. Win. Mizell, of Kings Feiry, ' was fet¢ yestetday, Demps Snowden and T. H. Thrift were here vesterday. Mr. Frank Stokes; of Hilhaid, was in towh Stinday, Mr. Strickland, of Waycrass visit. ed in Folkston Sunday. Mrs, Elijah Petty left yesterday to visit relatives in the Bend. Mt. B. G, McDotiald spént yes terday afternoon in facksonville. Mr. O. F. Wilson has been in Jacksonville for the past few days, Mr. J. E. Hodges, of Ililliard, cpent a few hours in our town Mon day, Miss Myra Mizell left yesterday for Orlando, and will siend most of the summer in Ylorida, Mrs. J, D. Roddenberry left Mon day night for a months visit 10 rela tives in Birmingham, Ala, Miss Isabella Sheffield and her attendant, Mrs, Mary Crews are spending time at White Springs. Mis. J. P. Mizell visited her dauglitet, Mrs, Carswell, at Hor tense ffoin Saturday to Monday. . Quite a crowd left here yesterday to attend a picnic at Pablo beach, which was given by the Callahan Sunday School, Native peaches have made their appearance on our market. Mrs; A, J. Prevatt waus in town yestetday with a good lot of nice ones. Now that thé primaty is over, a‘il‘ those who failed to régister, and | wish to do o sot the October elee. tion can do so. Thé books ate again open, Soothifig and refreshing were those melodious straing of the sere haders last Monddy night. To_ be awakenbd by the soft, sweet music of the guitar and nandolin at 10:80 in the evehing is indeed refreshing. Mr. E, W Seals succeeds Mr. J. 1.. Anderssa in the Mercantile buse iness. The trade was confirmed last ‘Tuesday motning when Mr. Seals at ohce took possesion. Mr, Anderson will put in a Bottling Works at Lake Butler, Fla. The probality is that senator J ], Mattox dnd Representative A, ], Howard will be delegated to repre. gent Charlton county in the tonven tioh which meets on June 23ed, just the day before the legislature as sembles. By leaving here a day earlier they can do the work much cheaper than to send a regular dele egation, and, too, they are both good Joe Brown supporters. The primary is over, the battle has been won, now let us one and all turn our attention to building up better schools, better public roads, and populating our waste lands. Let us forget the scar left by the agonies of defeat and all pull to gether for better times and the up building of South Georgia, the ex tension of the state road to St Marys and the opening of the St. Marys and Gulf canal, . } s APPEARANCES WERE DECEITFUL, “One day down in Texas,” said & civil engineer, according to the New York Times, I was sitting on the porch of my hotel with a fresh youngster from the North. On his right sat a plain old man smoking a cob pipe with the kernels left on. ‘ Ye gods,’ said my friend; ‘what do you think of that for nerve? Si:- ting up against a gentleman and puf fing his old dope right in my face. Here, you, cl2ar out with that pipe. Move clear over on the other side s 0 the smoke wont blow this way. You are making a nuisance of your-i self,” i “ ‘All right,’ said the old man meekly, ‘l'll move,’ * “He did so, ‘John,’ said I, ‘do you know who that old gentleman is you talked to like that?’ “ ‘Nope, don’t know, and don't care,’ “ ‘That is the governor ot Texas. o b really was,” Lagema Swilh " [ 'Octonir teians g 003) 0 Verdict tor to'at dizores, .-\l;‘2] sth, 1903, Noticeis heré'sy ¢l¥én that on th: (th day of May, 1003, the undétsianed ffied in the office of the ¢leérk of (hie Stipreme court ot Charlton eounty an dpplication fo# removal: of the disabilities resting tipon him tider the verdictin the above statzd case. il ;7 | Said application will be heard at the ternr of said court, A Tuesday af ter the 4th Mohday in October, 1508 ‘ WikLiaM SMITH. July 23, 1908, ‘ A Grorcia, CHARLTON CoUNty, By virtue of 4n ofder of the conft of o dinary of siid county, will besold at public outer, oit theé fifst Tuesdey ifi fily 1908, at fhie caift howsé in said ¢oufity, betwern the legal Hciifs of sale, the following real estate, to-wit; 110 acteés 6f ldnd in land lot No. 191, and 172 acres in land 16t No. 162 in Ist land dist of said cotinty, bounded north by Boone’s Creek and branch, east by N. B. King realty Co., South by J. M. Woods and West by N, B. King: ; ? THhe sale will continue from day be twedn he stufie hours until said property is sold. Terms cash. “Uhis 15t day of Juhe 1968, . MiLES Jonns, Admr. tipon estate of W, R. Johns. Georeia CuarttoN County, 5 Byvirtue of an order of thci court of ordinary of sald ¢otinty, will b 2 sold at the public otifcry, ofi the first Tuesday in July 1608, at the ¢ouft hotfse in raid county, ‘betweefi the nsiial houts of sale, the following redl estate in Charlton county. to-wit: Beveiiléen &céfes of headright land at Centre village, bohded North by lands of the 1906 Colony Cotiipany, east by W. R. Wainsight E; Austinaid E. Petty, south by Edward Petty dnd west by H. S. Mattox, also a one half whdivided inter-st in Lot. or Track No. eiglit of Renfroe Addition to Folkston, con tiining 514 acres. ‘The dale will continue from day to day be tiveeii the shme hours until said property is gold: Terms cash. This st day of June fgoß, Eddje Edwards, | Admr. estate Steve M: xwell. CITATAION, Groroia, CAARLTOK COUNTY, } J. Wi Vickery, administi:’é\;?r upon the es tate of Joseph M. Johns lat€; of said county, deceased; having filled his petitioh for dis charge, this is to cite all persons coecerned to show canse against the granting of this dis c¢harge at the regular term of the Court of Otdinary, for said ceunty to be held on the first Monday in July 1908, : : B. G. McDonaLp, ; Ordinary. CITATION, ! GrORGIA, CHARLTON COUNTY, Moses Crews, administrator upon the estate of Jesse Crews, late of said county, deceased haying filied his petition for discharge, to cite all persons to show cause against the granting ofthis discharge at the rsgular term of the court of ord'nary for said county to be held on the first Monday in July 1908. B G. McDoNstp, Ordinary. i | CITATION. Georgia, Charlton County, Mrs, Francis Dunn, having made applicas tion for twelve months support out of the es tate of Charles E. Dunn, and appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same, having filed their return. All persons concerned are here by required to show cause before the court of ordinary of said county on the first Monday in July 1908. B, 5. McDonaLD, Georgia, Ben Hill County. - Notice is hereby given that the undesigned has applied to the ordinary of Ben Hill Coun ty for leave to sell land in Chatlton county, said state, belonging to the estate of Mrs Viola Melntash Walker deceased, for the pur pose of paying the debts of said estate. | Said application will be heard at the regu luar term of the court of Ben Hill County to be held on the firdt Monday in July 1900. B. ~ MOSHER, Admr. Estate Mrs, Viola Mlentosh Walker, Georgia, Ben Hill County. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has applied ta the ardinary of Ben Hill Coun ty for leave to sell land in Charlton county, said state, helonging to the estate of Henry Ingles, deceased for the purpose of distribu tion. Said application will be heard .at the regular term of the court of urdinary of Ren Hill County, to be held on the first Monday in July 1908. . This June st 1908, G. M, HoOKER, Admr. estato of Henry Ingles. — W —— GroRrGIA, CHRLTON COUNTY, To whom it may concern: Mrs, G. W. Haddock, having made applis cation to me in due form to be «ppointed pers manent administrator upon the estate of G. W. Haddock late; of said county. notice is eereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of or dinary for said county to be held on the tirst Monday in July 1908, Witness, my hand and official signatare. This 2nd day of June 1908, B. G. McDoNnawLb, SAVE YOUR EARNINGS, e R i The running of a savings account has a tendency to wean a man from habits of extravagance and dissipa tion* It gives him new ambition, and a desire to save money. We are always glad to assist those who are trying to *‘turn over a new leaf.” 5 per cent compounded quarterly on saving accounts. 6 per centon certificates of deposits for 6 months or longer. THE BANK OF FOLKSTON. - L. CARTER, ‘ F. D. MILLS, President. Cashier. !Gmmqm, CHARLTON CoUNTY; - Will be sold before the coirt house door, on the first Tuesday in July next, between ithe legal hours of sale, to thé hig’fiesL bidder for cash, the following described property to-wit; Lots of land :'o's. §3, 54 and 55 in the roth distri~t and first séction; said prap erty, levied on as the property of A F. Con ner and Allen Leggett, and will be sqld"tu satisfy an execution in favor Jf L. Mohr and son, and against A, F. Conncr and Allen Leggett, issued from county court of said county. ; 1 ey This June Jst 1908, - g W. H. MilzeLL, | ¢ Bail‘i‘ff.. county court, ‘ Thinks it Sayed His Life, 1 Lester M. Nelson, of Naples, Maine, says in a recent letter: “Il have used Or. King’s New Discov ery many yeats, for coughs and colds; and I think it saved my life. [ have found 1t a freliable temedy for throat and lung complaints, aad would no more be without a bottle than [ would be without fqod.” For nearly forty years New Discovery has staod at the head of throat -and lung remedies. As a preventer of pmeumonia and healer of . Jung troubles it bas no equal. e Sold under guarantee a all drag: gist, 5o ¢ and s'.oo. Trial bote It’rec. ; DENTAL NOTICE. I will be at Folkston on the’ first Monday in each month until further notice, i J. C. BREWER, Dentist. -~ ICE. In future we will supply our cus= tomers with ice in ary quautity from sc wornth and up, Sunday heuts from 8 to 11 a. m. Special price for large quantities. e e SAP ARAS: ICE CREAM PAR LOR. i Iu fature a supply of Till's fam ous ice crcam can be found at the Foikston Pharmacy at all times. | A Grand Family Medicine. » ‘lt gives mc pleasure to speak a good word for Electric Bitters,” writes Mr, Frank Conland of num ber 436 Houston St,, N, Y, «It’s a grand family medicine for dyspep sia and hver complications; while for lame back and weak kidneys it cannot be too highly recommend ed.” Electric Bitters regulates the digestive functions, purifys the hiood and imparts renewed vigor and vital ity to the weak and debilited of both sexes. Seold under guarantee at . all drug stores. soc. T ——— TAX RECEIVER'S THIRD AND LAST ROUND. g 1 will be at_the following places on the dates mentioned below, Traders Hill, Mon,, June 15th. ~ Toledo, Tues.,, » 16th. St. George, Wed.,, » 17th. - Moniae, Thu,, * S \ Charlton, Fri, ' » ~ Suggs Still, Sat, ¥ ANE - Folkston, Wed, > z3nd ~ Wainright, Tue,, "‘b Books will close Jane 24th, e lCh'arlton County o Directory JUDGE SUPERIOR COURT. Thomas A. Parker, Waycross. SOLICITOR GENERAL. John W. Benpettf Waycross. CLERK SUPERINR COURT. Jesse W. Vickery, Fytkston. * JUDGE COUNTY COURT. B. F. Scoti, Folkston. SOLICIT)IR COUNTY COURT. W. M. Olliff, Folkston. SENATOR. J. J. Mattox, Folkston. REPRESENTATIVE. A. J. Howard, Folkston. ORDINARY. B. G. McDonald, Folkston TREASURER, " J. 8. Grooms, F.lkston, - TAX RECEIVER. : . J.C. Allen, Winokur, o TAX COLLECTOR. : J]. Stokes Folks on. SHERIFF, W, R. Wainwrigh!, Folkston. SCHOOL COMMISSIONER L. E. Maa.d, Folkston, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, S. F. NMilie, Chairm.», Folks on. . P. Miz 1, » J. B. Lla_ 4, o, J. L. Johnson, Twledo. TOWN OF FOLKSTON, MAYOR. : » . J. P. Mazell . COUNCILMEN. B. G."McDonald, H. J. Davis, T. L. Pickren, W. M. Olliff. H. C. Page. RECORDER, T. W. Vickery. TREASURER. H. ]J. Davis, MARSHALL, ~ H. H, Hathaway, Go to Mizell & Paxton’s They'll Surprise You_ in Prices. SPRING AND SUMMER LINES READY, Clothing, Hats and Furuishings | FOR | MEN, WQMEN and CHiLDREN. Best Values =- Moderate Prices. CATALOGUE. : Upoir request we will mail you a copy of our Spring and Summer Catalogue giving full description and prices. Goods on Approval. Uponrequest wz will send Goods by Express C. O. DT subject to examination. B. H. Levy Bro. & Co., Savannah, Ca. 5 & t' ;, a t’ai ’ Rl 3 © ' ST T . YOR OUR _ ’{-'iz:f‘}‘;:i‘uhdi’l_‘/‘;.‘,L%‘.‘?' /j“}, {[ < ) Liadl Dubscribers “%B*v._iii ’fi‘flé ek > 4i) The New Idea 7 [k WP Weman's Magaziie 1 A AND THE CHARLTON COUNTY HFARLD $1.25 per year. : o ' L R il <y Ly SO = Sl'l_A & t L ) ¢ ; P o ; 8 5 i ey B 2y v B S ¢ O OB A © By M S patd e 2 6 P 8 B =, k" b L A gt oA B A& ‘T ST R R A . (RS T 0S 5 "‘){ { ‘Y CAMP OR FIiCLD-AT AOUNTAIN OR SHO..E Therc {5 always achanea i to enjoy soms shooting TG SHOCT VILLYZU fUST B 2 [3U'PPED WITH & RELIASLE « (3TAREL: the only Kind wo have been making for vpwards of {i ty years, Our Ling: [I7LER, FISTOLS, € HOTRUN Y, RIFLE. Tc LE3COFES, ETC. ° Ask your Dealer, and insist on {le STEVENS. Where not sold by Re tailers, we ship dirvect, express pre paid, upon receipt of (‘:m*o;; price, Fead wor 10 l‘.:;,:l, il .ote e f jeat log. Anidacissensalle Loo: o l ‘ ready ) eference (o man nh:d ho - |<hu eras Mailed for 4 eeants ir.l stompsfocoverpostace. Beaut.fe) en ¢ olor Mancer tarwarded ior i cen «in stamre, J. STEVENS ARNS & TOOL CO, B P. 0. Box 4097 d Chicopee F'alls, "\Q:;‘ 3 N o Us S, A - ) : lass.,, U.S, A «_“\"’i:!' " — — — T} 13 '\ : 2 Harry Thaw is pretty certain to be at liberty soon. Ile has declared that he will pay none of his lawyers until they get him out of the asylum. {HE WORLDS GREATEST SEWING MACRINE § WLIGHT NUNNING E . &‘E’é‘w . 2N Sl P e &\ B a-'wa alm R Nt R ? "v e 14 LBy B \\ e < \(i T AT e SBN NN, e \.’: A five ® .'-:‘:‘-”,., l"‘ 4 R T : 1 4 ."‘;‘ { iU voy farating Shuttle, . ¥} ". 13(‘:}‘.".‘1(51 C .'l:(/‘itit:fili‘lfc‘}fiv 5 cluchinewrito to = ST LLE OEING MACHINE GOMPARY Zagg, Mass, v s T ""'r-l:'ai-)\ m:ul&t!sc”regm’dlmofl Jbutthe oW Blonag ismade 1o wear, Our guaranty never runs oug y = 2id by authorized dealers enly. Dealers Wanted.