Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, July 02, 1908, Image 8
gLocal Personalsz Mr. S. P. Toward wus in tow: Maonttay. Mr. R, N. Mizell visited Savan nah this week, Mr, J. A. Allen, of near Newell, was in town Tuesday, Mrs. J. W. Vickery and children teturned Sunday morning after a tep days stay at White Springs. ° Mre, H. A Renfroe, of Jackson. ville camne vp Tuesday and was met by her father Mr. S, F, Mills, Miss Alma Russell, of Kings Fet -Iy, is spending time here, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L.. E, Mailard. Mr. and Mrs. Ed -Lowther and little daughter, of Willacoochee, visited in and near Folkston the first of the wezk, : M:. and Mrs, Charlie Gay and two children, of Cordele, are visit ing hear here, the guests of Mr. D, F. Gay and J. H. Johhson. Mrs. J. W, Regers and little daughter Eva, of Lofton, Fla., came tip I'ridday, Mr. Rogers joining them Sunday and acccompanying them homé Monday morning. Misses Pearl Wright and Ella Johnson, two of Charlton county’s best teachers, left Satarday night for Athens, Ga, to attend the State Normal Summer School. The little Mussclwhite boys - who have been spending time here at the home of Mr, J. P. Mizell, refurned to their home in Orlando, TFla. last Monday, Mr. Herbert Mizell ac companying them as far as Jack sonville, | Mr. W. 1.. Hodges, of Charlton, Ga, spent Tuesday and Wednesday here, having come to concult Dr. Dallas Willlams. Mr. Hodges re ~ ports flne crops in the Soutkern end ~aside from the Folkston team get ‘ting a drubbing they all report a good time and plenty of dinner, - The American Bridge Company is pushing the wotk and in about four or five weeks the A, C, 1. will have one of the best@steel, double track bridges across the St Marys‘ river that there is in the south. It is expected that grading will be resumed within the next few months between here aud Callahan, and when finished the road will be double-tracked from Folkston to Jacksonville. | ol lfiq i The artesian well which started off with such bright prospects, going 75 to 100 feet a day at first, now! refuses to budge. The contractors have not gone down a foot in ten days. It begins to look as if some change will have to be thade in or der to get through the rock they have so long been pounding upon, Mr, Russel thinks water will be found just below this rock, but to get there is the question. Mr, Thomas P. Abfams, an em ployer of the American Bridge Co., while assisting i the construction of the new steel bridge across the St Marys river fell from the top, a distance of about 30 ft., striking on his side and hip and badly injuring him internally. ‘The accident was caused by the threads stripping on what is known among bridge builders as the ] hook, It will be wecks before Mr. Adrams will be able to leave his bed 1f ever. His home is in Richmond. Best The World Affords. ‘lt gives me unbounded pleasure to reccomend Bucklen’s Arnica Salve,” says ], W. Jenkins, of Chap el Hill, N. C,, lam convinced it’s -he best salve the world affords. It cured a felon on my thumb, and it never fails to heal evero sore, burn ©Or wound to which tt is applied. 25 c. at the drug store, BOOKS /.5 CREDIT -m-mm o, Allanta, Ga, ™ | William Swith | 1 ibel £ Dhivora Vs. ! Charrlton Saperior Court ’ Lugenia Swithi | Outober term, 1903, - Verdict tor to'al divirce, April Bth, 1993, I ‘ Notice is hereby given that on the (Hih iday’ of May, 109°, the unditsignad ffad i ! {the offic: of ths ¢'ork of ths Suprem: codrt : Ls Charlion ¢ onas ya appilcaton for removal L of the disabi.iies vesting tipont him wnder the | verdiot in the above stat=d case. : ' Said application will be heard at the term of said court, which Tuesday af ter the 4th Mufiday in October, 1908. WilLiaM SMITH, July 23, 1908, e bl | Grorcia, CHArLTON COoUNTY, By virtue of an order of the court of or dinary of said county, will be sold at public outcry, on thé first. Tuesdey in July 1908, at the court house in saida counity, betwern the legal hetirs of sale, the following real estate, to-wit; . 110 dcres of land in land lot No. 191, and 172 acres in land lot No. 102 in Ist land’ dist of said county, bounded north by Boone’s Creek and branch, east by N. B. King realty Co., South by J. M. Woods and West by N, B. King. 3 The sale will continue from day to day be tween the same howrs until said property is gold. Terms cash. “Uhis 15t day of June 1998, MiILES Jonns, Admr, npon estate of W. R. Johns, ) GrorGIA CHARLTON County. Byvirtue of an order of the court of ordinary of said county, will b 2 sold ‘at the public outcry, on the first Tuesday in ‘July 1908, at the court house in raid county, between the usual hours of sale, the following real estate in Charlton county. to-wit: Seventeen zeres of headright land at Centre village, bounded North by lands of the 1906 Colony Company, east by W. R. Wnimighl‘ E, Austinand E. Petty. south by lidward“ Petty and west by H. S, Mattox, also a one. half undivided inter-st in Lot, or Track Nn.i eight of Renfroe Addition to Folkston, con taining 114 acres, The sale will continue from day to day be tween the same hours until said propeity is sold., Terms cash. This Ist day of June 1908, Eddie Edwards, Admry. estate Steve M. xwell. CITATAION. GroRrGIA, CAaArRLTON COUNTY. ¥ - J. W, Vickery, administrator upon the es tate of Joseph M. Johns late, of said county, deceased, having filled his petition for djs charge, this4s to cite all persons coecerned o show canse against the granting of this dis- Nos eoo Ordinary, for said county to be held on the o Al i B.G MCDOQALD, .'. ; s Ordinary. CITATION. ; GRORGIA, CHARLTON COUNTY. : Moses Crews, administrator upon the estate of Jesse Crews, late of said county, deceas=d having filied his petition for discharge, this is to cite all persons to show cause against the )grnming ofthis discharge at the rsgular term of the court of ord'naty for said county to be held on the first Monday m July 1908. B G. McDoN:LD, Orcdinary. CITATION, Georgia, Charlton County. : Mrs. Francis Dunn, having made applica tion for twelve months support out of the es tate of Charles E. Dunn; and appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same, having filed their return, All persons concerned are here by required to show cause before the court of ordinary of said county on the first Monday in July 1908. B. 3. McDONALD. Georgia, Ben Hill County. Notice is hereby given that the undesigned has applied to the ordinary of Ben Hill Coun ty for leave to sell land in Charlton county, said state, belonging to the estate of Mrs Viola Melntosh Walker deceased, for the pur pose of paying the debts of said estate. Said application will be heard at the regu luar term of the court of Ben 1l County to be held on the first Monday in July 1900, B: C. MOSHER, Admr, Estate Mrs. Viola Mlentosh Walker, Georgia, Ben Hill County. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has applied to the ordinary of Ben Hill Coun ty for leave to sell land in Charlton county, said state, belonging to the estade of Henry !lngles. deceased for the purpose of distribu ‘tiun. Said application will be heard at the }rcgular term of the court of urdinary of Ben ‘Hil! County, to be held on the first Monday in July 1908. ~ This June Ist 1908, G. M, HOOKER, ’ Admr. estate of Henry Ingles. GEORGIA, CHRLTON COUNTY, To whom it may concern* Mrs, G. W, Haddock, having made appli cation to me in due form to be appomted per ‘manent administrator upon the estate of G. ?\V. Haddock late; of said county. notice is eercby given that said application will be iheard at the regular term of the court of or dinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in July 1908. Witnrss, my hand and official signature. This 2nd day of June 1908, s B. G. McDonNaLp, Ordivary. SAVE YOUR EARNINGS. ¢ The running of a savings account has a tendency to wean a man from habits of extravagance and dissipa- : tion* It gives him new ambition, and a desire to save money. ’ We are always giad to assist those _ who are trying to “turn over a new ‘- leaf.” : 5 per cent compounded quarterly on saving accounts. 6 per centon certificates of deposits for 6 months or longer. THE BANK OF FOLKSTON. L. CARTER, : F. D, MILLS, President. 5 Cashier. | GEORGTA, CHARLTON COUNTY; l Will be%sold bafore the court house door, ’un the first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property to-wit; Lots of land I'o's. 5§34 54 and 55 in the loth distri~t and first section, said . prop erty, levied on as the property of A, ¥. Con ner and Allen Leggett, and will be sold to satisfy an execution in favor Jf L. Mohr and son, and against A, F. Conner and Allen ‘Leggett, issued from county court of said county. i This June st 1908. W. H. MiZeLL, Bailiff, county court.. The Remedy That Does. “Dr, King's New Discovery is the remedy that does the healing others promise buut fail to- perform,” but fail to perfgxm,” says Mrs. E R Pierson, of Auburn Center, Pa. It is curing me -of throat anda lung trouble of long standing, that other: treatments relieved only femporars) ly. New Discovery is doing me so much good that I feel confident’ its) coutinned use for a tea,sdwffifé fe of time will restore me to perfect health.” This renowned cough Md] cold remedy and “throat and ling: healer is sold at 'all drug stores at 50 c. and SI.OO Trial bottie free, | DENTAL NOTICE. I will be at Folkston on the first Monday in each month until further notice, : ’ J. C. BREWER, Dentist. In future we will supply our cus tomers with ice in ary quautity from sc¢ worth and up, Sunday hours from 8 to 11 a. m. Special price for laige quantities. Iu fature a supply of Till's' fam= ous ice crcam can be found at thé Foikston Pharmacy at all times. It Can’'t Be Beat. The best of all teachers 1s expers ience. C. M, Harden, of Silver City, North Carolina, says: ‘I find Electric Bitters does all that’s claim ed for it. Foi Stomach, Liver an({ Cidney troubles it can’t be beat. I have tried it and find it a mos: ex cellent medicine.” Mr Hurden i$ right; it’s the best of all mcdiéine’ also for weakness, lame back, and all ron down conditions Best, to? for chills and malaria. Sold under guarantee by all drnggists. 50 c. THOROUGHBRED POULTRY. This fall I can furnish thorofig!(\} bred Barred Rock eggs for hatch ing at $1.50 for 14. Let me bnok your orders. My chickens will lay an average of 220 eggs yearly. They are prolific layers, ' “Talk aoout your piano, . Talk about your show, e The sweetest music to my ears, Is to hear the Barred Rock crow. S. H. Prutrt. Cbarlton County Directory . JUDGE SUPERIOR COURT. _Thomas A. Parker, Waycross. ‘4 SOLICITOR GENERAL. ~ Jobn W. Bennett, Waycross. Rl bk SUPERIOR COURT. . Jesse W, Vickery, Foikston. | JUDGE COUNTY COURT. ¢+ B. F. Scoti, Folkston, } SOLICIT R COUNTY COURT. - W. M. Olliff, Folkstcn. . "% sENaTOR. ; J. J. Mattox, Follston. “' ~ REPRESENTATIVE, « A.J. Howard, Folkston. .. ORDINARV. ; B G, McDonald, Folkston . 5. Groems, E(lkston. : ;.L ‘fl'fi R s F L Meaaepecprg, 0 LR R RDT v( ~:fi; ' ) "}v I"‘J ‘ .A."" i s ‘fl’ ©% | TAX COLLECTOR. ~J J. Stokes. Folks on. L snEmer, e | <g< 3 i - W, R. Waimnwright, Folkston.” ~ SCHOOL COMMISSIONER } | gL. E, Mabaid, Folkston, l COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, | S,-}F. Milis,'"’Ch'ai'rm_.ll, Folkston. | -r. Po Mil 11, 7 1 Bl kg, 4 1 -}:‘;‘:(,,}'.'"'Jphngép,' Toledo. . ~ TOWN OF FOLKSTON. i S ' MAYOR. ot Jo P Mizell. . . " COUNCILMEN. * B. G. Mchonald, H. ]. Davis, ‘ T. L. Pickren, o TR % H. C. Page. w : RECORDER, i T. W. Vickery. e TREASURER. o H. ]J. Davis, " MARSHALL, A H. H, Hathaway, (o to Mizell & Paxton’s They'll Surprise You in Prices. SPRING AND SUMMER LINES READY. Clothing, Hats and Furuishings. FOR MEN, WQMEN and CHiILDREN. Best Values =- Moderate Prices. CATALOGUE. Upoin request we will mail you a copy of our . Spring and Summer Catalogue giving full " description and prices. Goods on Approval. Upon request wa will send Gbods,‘by Express C O. D. subject to examination. B.H. Levy Bro.& Co., - Savannah, Ca. - CHURCH DIRECTORY. AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH: Preaching and Conference on the fourtk Saturday at 11.0’clock A, M and cn Sunday at 11 A, M. and at 7:30P. M, . | ~ Prayer Meeting every Tuesday at ‘ Bt | Sunday Schoul every Sunday at 9;30 A. M., J. F. Smith, Su‘)erin.: tendeant, ' Woman's Missionary Society, ev ery Wednesday at 3 P, M., Miss Mattie Denmark, Pres. ’ Everybody is invited to attend each setvice. e i M. BE. Cruret Sotrs, or THE o romss{wmmuw i M. Booth, Pastor, : I - _B. F. Gay, Assistant. ‘Preaching at Folkston every st and grd Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. | Prayer Meeting every Wednesday l at 2 PoM, ? i Sunday School at 3 . M. ev ery Suniiay. ~ Preaching at Uptouville every Ist ‘Sunday at 3B M. | k Preaching at Bethel every 2nd lSunday at 10 A. M. andat Traders \ Hill at 3 P.oM, Preaching at Mills’ church every 3rd Sunday at 11 o’ciock A. M, Preaching at Templs every 4th Sunday at 11 A, M and 7 P. M. All are cordially invited. Just Right. “I have used Dr. King’s New Life Pills for several years, and flnd them just exactly right,” says Mr. A. A. Felton, of Harrisville, N, Y. New Lilfe Pills relieve without the least discomfort Best remedy for con stipation, biliousness ard malaria, 25 c. at all drug stores. ‘ 60 YEARS’ X r EXPERIENCE §\TID TrADE MARKS DesiGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and descrlgtlon may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably pntemab&e, Communica« tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for seeuriiig patentas, Patents taken tfirnuuh Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charee, in the -~ -~ & -~ Scientific American, A hfindsomely illustrated weekly, T.argest cir« culation-of any geientitic Jlnurnul. T'erms, $3 err; four mont%a. sl. Sold by all newsdeale: MUNN & Co,36lsratwa, New T Branch Office, 625 ¥ Bt.. Washington, D. % e e et ee e $5. 8 + gt aiag ; BT I I\ TR RTR 1 Lt ANFOCRMATION i J ' REGARDING § o 2 s R Farm er Euasiness | for sale. Not patticniar abont locstien. Wish to bear” fOO cwner only wio - will sell divcct o hiv(r, Give p description unad claie WhoD PoSSess - can be fnd. A:ddrens, o » '{, ‘, L. DARDYSIIET, Hox 27 Yodoster, M. Y. # 8 I s, ;= ;w:fir'-vit- 2 - SR e Tol3E { A IN CAMP OR FIELD-AT MOUNTAIN OR SHORE There Is always a chance i to enjoy some shooting T 0 SHOOT WELL YOU MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH A RELIABLE IREARM: tho only kind we have been making for upwards of fifty years. Our Line: RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOTGUNS, @ -RIFLE TELESCOPES, ETC. o Ask your Dealer, and insist on the STEVENS. Where not sold by Re tailers, we ship direct, eXpress pre-- Raid, upon receipt of Catalog price. . catalog. Anindispemsable hook of g ready reference }or man and boy shooters. Muailed for 4 cents in stamps focover postuage. Beautiful ‘Ten Color Hanger forwarded for six centd in stamps. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. P. O. Box 4097 ~ Chicopee Falls, o .:J Mass., U.§.A. ‘? “i, C i s -'Q'{ — 2& -