Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, July 23, 1908, Image 8
Y { vL.ocal Personals, Mr. M. | Paxton spent vesterday in Wageross, Represenative A. ] Howard came down from Atlanta Tuesday Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Wtight and Master Jim épent Monday in Jack sonville, Mrs. E. J. Johnson und Mrs, Ma:- tie Johnson went to Jacksonville Monday, Mt. O. F. Wilson moved into Mr, John Roddenberry’s new house last Tuesday. Real summer has at last set in, The mercury is standing way up in the ninetys. Mr, E. D. Wainright, of Winokur, paid the Herald a eall Monday and serewed his sucscription, Mt. and Mrs. B, ¥, Scott Sr., of Savaunah, are spending time with their son, Judge B. F. Scott here. Mr. and Mts, B. H. Wiliiams left Monday for Lake Butler, It 1s said that he will move his family back here in the near futore, Mr. and Mrs, H. Johnson of Cal lahan, Fla. came vp Saturday and were met by Mr. J. H. Johnson, with whom they spent Svunday, Mr. Jesse Rowe and Miss Ethel Roach, of Jucksonville, came up « yesterday and are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A, J. How ard. Mr. J. L., Anderson has left for Lake Butler, Fla. and will have his furniture shipped 1n a few days. Mr, Anderson will put in a bottling works there. : The Southern Female College at La grange Ga,, was burned early Sun ~day morning being a tofal loss of - $40,000 it is stated there was no in surance whatever the policy having been allowed to lapse only a short time ago. The Southern College was ‘ounblished Jn 1842 and hus rked as one of the leading institutions of the South, The fire originated in what 1s known as the College Chapel which adjolng the main building goon after g4o’clock and spread yuickly to the main building. $200,000 OVER LAST YEAR, Charlton conaty tax retu:ns for 1908 show a net gamn of $198,603 over last year, total returns tor the county is $1,065,827 against 866,722 tor last year and receiver of tax re turns, J. C. Allen infortos us that there is some additions yet to be made, which in all probability will, add something like $20,000 to the above list. While some of the olds er counties are falling off, Charlton is gaming every year, and the thing is just begun, Last Thursday was a red letter day for marriages, two having been performed here within haif an hour of eace other, When the 10:30 a m. train arrived from Jacksonville, Mr. Joseph C. Moody and Miss Alberta Moore alighted, and in a very few minutes a very few minutes a license was procured and they were married by Justice T. W. + Vickery. While this marriage was taking place Mr. Joe Robinson was negotiating with Ordinary McDon ald, and in a very few minutes he and Miss Susie Snowden were made one by Judge B. I, Scott; and stili we think there are others to follow soon, “I suppose, Uncle Jim, you remember a gond about the politics of the early days?” asked the young erman, according Judge. “Well, 4 never tuk much int'rest in polly tics, but 1 kin recollect when John C. Fremont was ’'lected President.”” “Fremont? Why, Fremont was never elected.” “He wun't? Well, now, that gits me. 1 heerd a leadin’ speaker talk the night ‘fore 'lection, a he said if John C. Fremont wun'y lected the country would fall to ruin an' everybody would have to shut up shop. Course I didn’t take the papers; but, naticin’ thet thing went on "bout same as before. I cal culated john won. So he wun't lec ted? Well, b'jinks! thet gits we!” '{ AT A BARGALN. { One acre o 1 land with two dwell ingg honses on it. One two s'ory thouse six rooms *airely new,. one amal! hoovse, all under fence near eourt house, ALI for for ggso cash, (Or sl,oco on easy tefms, t C. N. Mills, : 1"()ILSl(m, Ga. | BRI R She Hated Garrick, Mrs. Clive was eminent as an actress on the Londou stage bLeéfore Garrick appeared, and 43 his blaze of excel lence threw all otliers into compara tive Insignificatice she never forgave | him and took every opportunity of venting her spleeni, She was coarse, rude and violent In her temper and spared nobody, One night as Garrick was perform- Ing “King Lear” she stood behind the ' scenes (0 observe him and, In spite of the roughness of her nature, was so | deeply affected that she sobbed one | minute aund abused him the next, and ’nt length, overcome by his pathetic touches, she hurried from the place with the following extraommnary trib tte to the universality of his powers: ' "Hang him! 1 believe he could act a i gridiron.” —7. I'.’s Weekly. | A AR e S l What Is Education? Herbert Spencer tells us in one short, | pregnant sentence that the function of ’mlucutlun is to prepare us for com - plete living. A true chord is touched by Sydney Smith when he urges the importance of happiness as an ald to education, He says, “If you make children happy now, you make them happy twenty years hence by the memory of it.” Equally wise are the words of Sir John Lubbock: “Knowledge is a pleas ure as well as a power. It should lead us all to try with Milton to behold the bright countenance of truth in the still nir of study.” < A Cruel Insinuation. Stern Old Lady — They tell me, madam, your husband is continually smoking dreadfully— Young Woman (bursting into tears) -1 don’t believe It, your horrid old thing! Old Lady (astounded)— What's the matter with the woman? Officions Bystander—Her husband’s \ dead.—Baltimore American. et Hard to Decide. Smithers—l am going to have my ples ture taken. A good deal depends upon the pose, don't you know, !ow, what kind of a position do you think would be the best for me? Brownrig—Well, I dou't know. 1 was golng to say with your back to the camera, but then your halr s rather thin behind.~Boston Transcript. A gl It Was Tantamount. ; “Has she told you that she loved you?" “Not in so many words. She merely asked me what life Insurance I car vied.” Fortune glves too much to many, but to none enough.—Martial. Best 'l‘n.c World Aftords. “It gives me unbounded pleasure to reccomend Bucklen’s Arnica Salve,” says J. W. Jenkins, of Chap el Hill,N.C, ‘I am convinced it's .he best salve the world affords. It cured a felon on my thumb, and it never fails to heal evero sore, bnrn or wound to which tt is applied, 25 ¢. at the drug store, o ’ [ ; . Whiskey, Wines, - E \ * DBeer, w Mail Orcer Hogse For Money . Prompt Servicel Try us Once. ¢ W/a'fr//z' 7 X 7 f’:l /l/(g/ ((‘l 2 )'(,',-/f,-, ere ".'/;,, ) \’.;;'n :g Y & V 7 1‘)?"17" T 3 & ~ Thousands of savage blackbirds nfest the city of Los Angeles. _in isome of the suburbs they are so bo- Id and vicious that dogs are kept on the jump avoiding them. men on bicycles are some times chased for blocks and pedestrians pecked or the heads if they hapen under trees where there are nests. The birds usually fight in pairs, If a man with a very white hat comes along, they swoop down, beat it with their wings and claw at it with the rage of woundéd eagles. Frequently they aim their sharp beaks at the victims eyes and ke has difficulty iu defend. ing himself. The painl}ul yelping of cornered canines attracts flocks of as the birds, and then the fur flies. ~—SanFrancisco Chronicle, TS Y SAVE YOUR EARNINGS. The runhing of a savings account has a tendency to wean a man from habits of extravagance and dissipa tion' It gives him new ambition, and a desire to save money. We are always glad to assist those who are trying to ‘““turn over a new leaf.” 5 per cent compounded quarterly on saving accounts. 6 per centon certificates of deposits for 6 months or longer. 4 THE BANK OF FOLKSTON. L. CARTER, " F. D; MILLS, President. Cashier. NniCWw Tne vaiue. , “Do yon know the value of an oath?” asked the judge of an old darky who was to be the next witness. *Yes, sah. I does. One ob dese yeah lawyers - done gib me foah dollars for to swear to suflin. Dat's de value of an oath. Foah dollars, sah.” And then there was consternation in the courtroom.— St. Joseph News. Tit For Tat. “We thought we'd rather move than vlean house.” Byt “An original idea.” L “Not so original. It had also oceurs 4ed . to, the people _who: yacated. the abode we leased.”—Kansas City Jour nal, & " The Remedy That Does. | - = f i-. # _ ,'.l,.‘;':; ‘ “Dr/ King's New Discovery is the remedy that does the healing others promise buut fail to petform,” but fail to perform,” says Mrs. E. R. Pierson, of Aubufn Cernter, Pa. ‘f_lt is curing me of throdat and lung trouble of long standing, that otfisr treatments relieved only temporar ily. New Discovery 3 doing me so g much good that I feel confident Ats continued use for a*rc:isonal;}gj}gp% of time will restore me to:.pier_fe_,’('_;t health.”” This renowncd cough and cold remedy and throat and ling healer is sold at all drug stores at |SO c. and SI.OO Trial bottie free. DENTAL NOTICE. . I will be at Folkston on the first Monday in each month until further notice, : J. C. BREWER, Denlist. ———— ICE. B In 'fumre we will supply our cus= tomers with ice in any guantity from se worth and up, Sunday heurs from 8§ to 11 a. m.- Special price for large quantities. e e eS S P IGE CREAM PAR LOR. In fature a supply of Till's fam ous ice cteam can be found at the Foikston Pharmacy at all times. S ie———— i 1t Can't Be Beat. The best of all teachers 1s exper ience. C. M. Harden, of Silver City, North Carolina, says: “I find i Electric Bitters does all that’s claim 'ed for it. For Stomach, Liver-and | Cidney troubles it can’t be beat. ™ 1 have tried it and find it a most ex cellent medicine.” Mr Harden is right; it’s the best of all medicines lulso for weakness, lame back, and all run down conditions Best, too for chills and malaria. Sold under gnarantee by all druggists. soe. | FORSALE + A nice farm one mile from Folks ton Ga., the County seat of Charl ton County containing 4o acres with a good six room house nearly new and seven acres in high state of cul tivation. This tract is well located and convenient to schaols and churches. Price reasowsble, Also one 7 room hoase well finished and (newly painted in this towa, 'house practically new and sitnated oh'one o the best streets in Folkston, 'At a [barga'm.‘ : i oo e B Mallaaghhy <harlton County Directory JUDGE SUPERIOR COURT. Thomas A. Parker, Waycross. SOLICITOR GENERAL. John W. Bennett, Waycross. CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. . Jesse W. Vickery, Fotkston. ' JUDGE COUNTY COURT. -B. F, Scoti, Folkston, -~ - SOLICIT)R COUNTY COURT. -« W. M. OlNiff, Folkston. . . SENATOR. J. J. Mattox, Folkston. REPRESENTATIVE, A. J. Howard, Folkston. *2 " ORDINARY. B. G. McDonald, Folkston %% TrREASURER. J. S. Grooms, F.lkston. Wewr o "EAii'-'fi'ECEIVER. ~ J.C, Allen, Winokur, : TAX COLLECTOR. J ]. Stokes Folks on. SHERIFF, < W. R. Wainwright, Folkston. SCHOOL COMMISSIONER 1. E, Maliaid, Folkston, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, 5. F. Milig, Chairm_p, Folkston. J. . Miz 11, M I« B. Llo_d, 2 |. 1. Johnson, Toledo. TOWN OF FOLKSTON. MAYOR, J. P. Mzell, COUNCILMEN, B. G. McDonald, H. J. Davis, T. L. Pickren, W. M. Olliff. H. C. Page. RECORDER, T. W. Vickery. 3 TREASURER, : H. ]J. Davis, MARSHALL, H. H, Hathaway, (o to Mizell & Paxton’s They'll Surprise You in Prices. SPRING AND SUMMER LINES READY, Clothing, Rats and Furuishings FOR MEN, WQMEN and CHiLDREN. Best Values =- Moderate Prices. CATALOGUE. Upon request we will mail you a copy of our Spring and Summer Catalogue giving full ’ description and prices. Goods on Approval, Uponrequest we will send Goods by Express C. O. D. subject to examination. B. H. Levy Bro. & Co., Savannah, Ca. CHURCH DIRECTORY. : : AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH. "+ G.-E. Jones, Pastot, Preaching and Conference on the fourth saturday at 11 o’clock A, M and cn Sunday at 11 A, M. and at 7430 P My ' Prayer Meeting evety Tuesday at e M. : - Sunday School evety Sunday -at 9;30 A. Me, J. F. Smith, Superin. tendent, ; ; Woman's Missionary Society, ev-l ery Wednesday at 3 P. M., Miss Mattic Denmark, Pres. Everybody is inviied to attend each service. .. 2 M. E. Cugpen Soutd, oF THE SO rakTaß Bl M. Booth, Pastor, : B. F. Gay, Assistant. Preaching at Folkston every lstg and 3rd Sunday at 11 A. M. and %' P M. | Prayer Meeting every \\'tdnesday| ary PN ‘ Sunday Schoolat 3 P. M. ey ery Sunilay, 1 Preaching at Uptouville every Ist\‘ Sunday at 3 P M, | Preaching at Bethel every 2nd Sunday at 11 A. M. and at Traders Hill at 3 P. M. | Preaching at Mills’ church every 3rd Sunday at 11 o’clock A. M, Preaching at Temple every 4th Sunday at 11 A, M and 7 P. M. All are cordially invited. - Just Right. “I have nsed Dr. King’s New Life Pills for several years, and find them just exactly right,” says Mr. A. A, Felton, of Harrisville, N.Y. New Lalfe Pills relieve without the least discomfort Best remedy for con stipation, biliousness and mularia, 2§ c. at all drug stores, _ GEORGIA, BEN HiLL CounTy; By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Ben Hill county, will besold at public outery, to, the hfighesfififl‘dd}f‘br‘ cash, o 1 the first 'l‘t\e'sglay th Augist 1908, -at the court house door in the county of Charlton, in the city of Folkston, between the legal hours of sale, the tract of land in said County more particularly described as follows*—Lot number twenty-one (21) in block. number one hundred lhirfy-ei'g_hl (138) also lot number fifteen (15) in ‘block number seventy-three (73) in the city of St. George in the county of Churlton, as ah«q\;n by the recorded plat of said city. : This July 6th, 1908, . - B.C. Mosuer, Adm'r. Estate Viols Melntosh Walker, Grarar, Ben. ‘r’m‘:‘ Coun iy, ‘ - By virtue of an order ftom the courf of Ordinary of Ben Hill-county, will be sold at public outery, to the highest bidder for cash, oy the first Tuesday in Angust 1908, at the court house door in the connty of Clartton, in the city of Folkston., between the. legal hours of sale, the tract of land 1n said county more particularly described as follows{-=Lat number ofie (1) in Llock numYer onehyndeed sixty-thred (163) alsa ot mbmbar twenty-one (21) in black numbar forty<stx (46) in ‘*he city of St “igbrge, in the county of Charlton as shown by the recarded plat of said city, " I'his July 6th, 1908. ! (i. M. Hookrer, i Adm'r Estate of Henry Ingles. .“.".ll.Illll'll'll.ll.ll.fllIll“llll”'l_lillillll'ul“.HlHllllll.Hl“l" < i :Kentucky Rye &t :Bourbon W his-} & - 1 - Kies 3 g Shipped Prompily. é % lity Guaranteed. é gScnd for prices and give me ag é trial, é SR D. MeCormick, : s Jacksenville, Fla., 3 i No. 201=203 Bridge St a HRIO SR DR R RURH L BIRI SNSRI R GUIRURIY