Newspaper Page Text
; ' §
Ad.ocal Personals
Judge B V. Scott wen to Jackson
ville veste day.
Mr. §. A. Oguinn, of Winokur,
spent Tuesday here.
Mr, R, N. Mizell went te Callahan
Monday, returning Tuesday.
Col. W. M. Olliff went to Bruns.
wick one day last week on business,
Mrs. J. L. Anderson left the first
of the week for Lake Butler, her
future home,
Rev. B: F. Gay, of Traders Hul],
gave us a renewal on his Subscript
ion while here Monday,
Dr. G. W. Williaws, of St. Louis,
Mo., spent from Friday to Monday
with his brother, Dr. Dallas Will
Mr. H. A. Waughtel, of Red
Lion, Penn., is spending the enmmer
with s brother Prof, C, W. Waugh
tel, at the colony.
Mrs. T. E. Casey and little son
left for their home at Kinsland after
a weeks visit to her pareuts, Rev.
and Mrs. G, E. Jones.
Mrs, F. Kellum, her two little
boys and daughter, Miss Genever,
of Waycross, are visiting here this
week, the guest of Mis. Amanda
Misses Katie and Flora Gowen
returned last Sunday night after a
stay of three months visiting rela
tives and friends at Fendig, Comber
land and in Camden County.
Mrs. J. L. Avant, of Brunswick,
came over Tvesday afternocon angd
speut Tuesday night and part of
Wednesday her with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hatcher,
Rev. G, E. Tones leaves today for
Stark, Fla. He will spend the time
with Mr, G. W. Wainright, and will
preach there on Saturday and Sun
day, Rev, J. A. Thompson filling
Rev. Jones appointment at St
The Folkston Bail Team will play
agamst the Kings Ferry Team to.
morrow at Kings Ferry. The Ferry
boys expect to give the Folkston
Team a warm reception, A basket
prenic will be given the crowd, and
unless the rain prevents, a fine time
1s expected, :
The fall term of the Folkston
Graded School will begin on Sept.
7th being the first Monday in the
wolith, . The trustees have selected
for its faculty Prof. Vanveorish, as
principal, of Denver, Ohio, for first
assistant, Prof. H. A, Waughtel, of
Red Lion, Penn., and Miss Nellie
E. Tyler, of Norman Park, Ga., as
second assistant. The trustees pro
pose to erect a partition fence di
viding the ground for boys and girls‘
which we think an excellent plan.
A happy world if you and 1— ‘
Just you and [—
Should laugh instead of worry;
If we should grow—just you and [—
Kinder and sweeter hearted,
Perhaps in some near by and by,
A good time might get started;
Thea what a happy world "twould ve
For you and me-—for you and we.
—Selected. 1
R T |
Since it seems to be rather an ex..
pensive and coubtful undertaking to ]
get a flow of artesian water, and the
fact that it will have to be pumped,
it is now bewng talked generally
talked that it would be better to at
once irnstall an electric plant in con
nection with the well, The same
machinery and labor would run the
lights that it would take to do the
pumping. In the opinion of all
whom we have heard express them
selves, it is the most popular thing
for council to do, and now that the
spirit of progress seems to be taking
100 t amoug our citizens, wouldn't itl
be wise to go a step farther? The
town will have ta borro¥ money to
put in the proposed improvements,
80 why not Lond for enough to com
plete the work under way, as well as
that contemplated and clay some ot
the principle streets. Nothing will
add more to the future develope
of Folkston than Flectric lights
od, hard streets in connection
eh good water,
i -The esgeptial diyfimce of the con
viet lease sys'em in Ceorgia lies in
he fict that tle state sells the ser
[vices of the convicls, thus turning
(crime into a momentary asset, The
| more crime, the more money Less
!cs of the prisoners are naturally in
clined to get as much work ag pos
sible out of their felon lalorers,
and s> when the interesting felons
done with felouizing, his lot is not
!fl very happy one. No mere modi
fication of the présent system which
istill preserves the prineiple of selling
{rhc conviet's Tabor will be spfficient
to vindicate the civilization of the
state; whet is needed 1s not a modi
fication, but ‘a radically different
is;stcm founded on a different prin
But if the state foregoes the di
\recl revenue from the ssle of con
(victe, in order-to establish someless
{medival iv stitution, from what source
will it collect a revenue correspond
ingly large? Some such question
ncarly always comes vp to compli.
Lcate every proposal of reform,
’ We are not sure but that the ans
[wer to it; in a very large number ot
'('ascs, 15 simply this: “Get after
:the chronic tax-dodgers, individuals
‘anud corporations, and make them
!pay in reality the proportionate a |
{moum of direct taxes which your
Ilaw.s say tk:at they should pay, and
which it is a polite fiction they do
’puy. We wonder how many millions
there are in stocks, bonds and cash,
legally susceptible to taxation, and
yet from which the state derives no
revenue. Inough, we should imua
gine, to swing the balance in favor
of more than one moral reform
‘which is held up on the grounds
that it will deprive the state of reve
‘nue.~Dun Marquis in Uncle Remus’s
lMagazine for August,
' sttt ot e evt it
One acre of land with two dwell
ingg honses on it. One two story
house, six rooms entirely new, one
small house, all under fence near
court house. All for for $950 cash,
or sl,o¢o on easy terms,
C. N Ml
Folkston, Ga.
The Fuller He Gets.
“Bliggins s a very inconsistent
“In what way?"'
“The later he stays out at night the
more he wants to sing ‘Home, Sweet
Home." "~ Exchange,
-'::..':\7" B l
s \ |
@y Made to bulld New Rusiness. A |
| trial will make you a permanent ous
| tomer. Batisfaction guaranteed or your
Y woney refunded.
Souvenir Collection 3 sßt tampien.
e hll-w‘u; ToAuITTaT Sorta: l'lnpo Hyaolath, Peatber Hyae
olnth, Bpring Bnowflake, Ixls, sgnnhh Iris, Belllas, srruh.
Ranunculus, Bnowdrop, Oroous, fonodox s, Anemone, Daffodi),
Posts By Narolusus, Darwin Tullp, Parroh Tullp, Varlogated |
Follage ’fil“r, Oxalla, Pronch, Roman sod Duieh Hysainths,
eatly and ate Tullps, eto., eto,
Write to-d. Mention this Paper
10 sover posiage aud packing aud receive this valuable collection
of Buibs Postpuid, together with my %‘llr\h\l.-lulvnflln,
Beautiful Beed, Bulb and Plant Book. all about the Best
varletiagof Beods, alhe aud Plants,
In Commemoration of & continugus, enceessful business
wines 15T L, X will pressnt free of obargs with this Colleetion )
Tabylontan Horned Tulip Pulb, The greatest flaral wonder
of the age. This Bulb alone 1a werch & quarter.
‘\H. W. Buckbee ROCKFORD, ILL, A
M) iy 2 3 &,
e vfi (@& A
\\ \ \ \ ol i 1
\ YRS \ §\\W | ‘ &
| \ it (WY
O\ \ \\“‘( \al & A’\lm’l
Best The World Affords,
“It gives me unbounded pleasure
to, reccomend Bucklen’s Arnica
Salve,” says J. W. Jenkins, of Chap.
el Hil, N. C., *lam convinced it's
.he best salve the world affords. It
cured a felon on my thumb, and it
never fails to heal evero sore, burn
or wound to which tt is applied.
25 ¢. at the drug store,
Whiskey, Wines,
Mail Order House For Money.
Prompt Servicel Try us Once.
:Mflf&? %//izfl‘l‘itf (é;.‘
G 4“ f’u ey
: _‘,fncfil‘.liouufl'(//; » r_g/a...‘
IR Bri
The running of a savings account
has a tendency to wean a man from
habits of extravagance and dissipa
tion*_ It gives him new ambition, and
a desire to save money.
We are always glad to assist those
who are trying to “turn overa new
leaf.”” s,
5 per cent compounded quarterly
on saving accounts.
* 6 percenton certificates of deposits
for 6 months or longer.
President. Cashier.
; The Remedy That Does.
~ “Dr, King's New _fi,igi:an is the
remedy that does the healing others
promise buut fajl to perform,” but
fail to perform,” says Mrs. E. R.
Pierson, of Auburn Cgfit.ér, Pa. ¢lt
is curing me of thrq(gf ana lung
trouble of long s!andip& that other
treatments relieved only temporar
ily. New Discovery 5 doing me so
much good that I feel confident its
continued use for a reasonable length
of time will restore li{i; to perfect
health.” This renowned cough and
cold remedy and throat and lung
healer is sold at all grug stores at
Hoc. and SI.OO Trfi“ bottle free.
Rev. E. B. Joyner will begin a
revival meeting at’ Philadelphia
church to night, (Thursday,) and
will continue to Sunday night.
Every body cordidininvited.
| :. s .
I will be at Folkston on the first
Monday R each month antil further
notice, "
J. C. BREWER, Dentist.
In future we will sapply our cus—
tomers with ice in agy quantity from
sc worth and up, Sunday hours from
8 to 1t a. m. Special price for
larige quantities, °
1t Can't Be Beat.
The best of all t;&'hers 1S exper
ience. C. M, Harden, of Silver
City, North Carolina, says: ““I find
Electric Bitters does all that's claim
ed forit. For Sth}jach, Liver and
Cidney troubles it can’t be beat. 1
have tried it and Q;ad ita mos: ex
cellent medicine.” Mr Hurden is
right; it’s the bestffig\ all medicines
also for weakness, lame back, and
all run down conditions Best, too
for chills and malaria. Sold under
guarantee by all demggists. 50 c.
A nice farm one mile from Folks
ton Ga., the County seat of Charl
ton County contamning 4o acres with
a good six room house nearly new
and seven acres in high state of cul
tivation. This tract is well located
an:d convenient to schools and
churches. Price reasonable. Alse
one 7 room house well finished and
newly painted im this towa, house
practically new and situated on one o
the best streets ’6& Folkston, At a
bargain. MR :
%4 L. E, Mallazd.
A Happy Medium.
Uncle Inquired of little Bobby if he
had been a good boy. Bobby—No, I
haven't. Umele—~Why, 1 hope you
haven't been very bad. Bobby—Oh,
no; just c%—nflawue Conn:
ty Democrat. ;
Nfi: “the Postman.
_Why Is it that the postman never
stops at your bouse when you are ex
pecting a cheek and siways does when
are expecting & biil?—Columbus
"!«a,-f‘:—-/""“‘v Woa A - . . -
Charlton County
Thomas A. Parker, Waycross.
John W. Dennett, Waycross.
Jesse W, Vickery, Forkston.
B. F. Scoti, Folkston,
W. M. Olliff, Folkston.
J. J. Mattox, Folkston.
A. J. Howard, Folkston.
B. G. McDonald, Folkston
B ARk, .
J. C. Allen, Winokur,
J. J. Stokes. Folks on.
W. R. Wamwright, Folkston.
oy L, Mabaxd, Folkston,
S. F. Milig,, Folkston.
& P Miz 1, »
J. B. Lla, 4, o
). L. Johnson, Toledo.
J. P. Mizell.
B. G. McDonald,
H. J. Davis,
T. L. Pickren,
W. M. Oliff.
T. W. Vickery.
e H. ]J. Davis,
H. H, Hathaway,
Go to Mizell & Paxton’s
They'll Surprise You in Prices.
¥ Clothing, Rats and Furuishings
: - FOR '
Best Values =- Moderate Prices.
% .
i Upon request we will mail you a copy of our
% Spring and Summer Catalogue giving full
description and prices.
: Goods on Approval.
i Uponrequest we will send Goods by
+ Express C. O. D. subjectto examination.
§ B. H. Levy Bro. & Co.,
§ Savannah, Ca.
G. E. Jones, Pastor.
Preaching and Conference on the
fourthk Saturday at 11 o’clock A, M :
and cn Sunday at 11 A, M. and at
230 P. M. l
Prayer Meeting every Tuesday at
g P W, |
Sunday School every Sunday at
O;3O°K . M, J. E.- Smith, Superin.!
tendent. ‘
Woman’s Missionary Society, ev:
ery Wednesday at 3 P. M., Miss,
Mattic Denmark, Pres.
- Everybody is invited to attend
M. E. Cnurcs Sourh, oF wHE
M. Booth, Pastor, %g 1
| B. F. Gay, Assistant,
Preaching at Folkston every Ist
aud 3rd Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7
P. M. |
Prayer Meeting every Wednesdayl
at 7 P.M. : I
! Sunday Schoolat3 P, M. ev |
lcry Sunday. e ‘
Preaching at Uptoyville every st
Sunday at 3 . M, ]
Preaching at Bethel every 2nd
Sunday at 11 A. M. and at 'l'radersf
Hill at 3 P. M.
Preaching at Mills’ church every
3rd Sunday at 11 o’clock A. M.
Preaching at Temple every 4th
Sunday at 11 A, M and 7 P. M:
All are cordially invited.
Just Right. :
“I have used Dr. King’s New Life
Pills for several years, and find them
just exactly right,” says Mr. A. A.
Felton, of Harrisville, N.Y. New
Lalfe Pills relieve without the least
discomfort Best remedy for con
stipation, biliousness and malaria,
25 c. at all drug stores.
GrorcilA, BN HiLL Counrty;
By virtue of an order from the Court of
Ordinary of Ben Hill county, will besold at
public outery, to the highest bidder for cash,
on the first Tuesday in August 1908, at the
court house door in the county of Charlton,
in the city of Folkston, betwsen the legal
Lours of sale, the tract of land insaid county
more particularly described as follows*—Lot
number {wenty-one (21) in block numbér one
hundred thirty-eight (133) also lgt pumbar
fifteen (15) in block number seventy-three
(73) in the city of St. George in the county
of Churlton, as shown by the recorded p!a;\t
of said city. o
This. July 6th, 1908, z o
: tB.C. MosHgr,
Adm’r. Estate Viola Mclutosh Walkes, -
Gearery, Ben Hir. Counry. iy =
- Py eiitue of an oxderfrom the court of
_C)rdiu,uy of Ben Hill county, will bs sold at
public outery, to the highest bidder for cash,
on the first Tuesday in Angust 1903, at the
court house door in the county of Charlton,
in the city of Folkston. bstween the legal
hours of sale, the tract of land.n said counyy
more particularly described as follows; —Lot
number one (1) in block number one hundred
sixty-three (163) also ot numbsr twenty-one
(21) in block number forty-six (46) in *ha
city of St. “jeorge, in the county of Charlton
as shown_by the recorded plat of said city.
ILis July 6th, 1908,
"Adin’r Estate of Henry Ingles, X
:Kentucky Rye &:
] s
£ ®
Bourbon W his-}
' < i
= ®
kies :
| 2
: Shipped Prompily. g
: lity Guaranteed.
! ;Send for prices and give me a
| & trial, T
iR D. McCormick,
; Jacksenville, Fla., 3°
ar »
: No. 201=203 Bridge St 3