Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, August 13, 1908, Image 3
PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEORGIA LEGISLATURE IN THE HOUSE., | ——— | : August 6, | A Dbill placing a tax of S2OO per an- | num on all places dispensing near | beer, and taxing all manufacturing plants and distributing agencies S3OO per annum, was passed, 132 to 24, No | reference was made in the bill of the | amount cf alcohol to be contained in | the near beer. It was estimated that | this bill would bring at least $200,-| 000 per annum into the state treas-| ury. Having raised this much meon- | ey, the house proceeded to spend it. A bill increasing the salary of the state entomologist from $1,500 to $2,-| €OO per year was passed. A bill ap propriating $26,325 for maintenance of | the enlarged railroad commission was passed by a vote of 124 to 5. A bill was passed which appropriates $30,- 000 to pay off the notes of the Uni versity of Georgia at Athens. The next measure offered was that which diverts to the use of the eleven dis trict agricultural schecols of the state all of the fees arising from the inspec tion of fertilizers, oils and the sale of pure food tags., With the sum al readv appropriated from the salc of fertilizer tags this sum is brought up to about $77,600, cr $7,000 for each school, enough to operate each, This measure was fought, but passed by a vote of 141 to 8. The final measure acted upon at ‘-~ morning session was that which appropriated $23,- 000 for the year 1908 and $50,000 for the year 1509, direct, for the support of the agricultural college at Athens. The entire afternoon session of the house was occcupied in discussing a bill which calls for the recodification of the laws of Georgia. The bill was defeated by a vote of 117 .to 30, but will be reconsidered, | August 7. | The house of representatives con tinued its work cos passing appropria tion bills, $26,671 being the amount appropriated Friday morning, of this amount $7,000 was given the State Nodmal school at Athens, $7,671 was given for the improving cf the infidm ary of the Georgia Normal and Indus trial college at Milledgeville; $5,000 was allowed for the erection of a wall around the confederate cemetery at Marietta and $5,000 was voted for re pairs the Confederate Sodliers’ home at Atlanta. ! A resolution requesting the senaie to take immediate acticn on the Hol der convict lease bill was passed. ; The following Hills were read the third time and passed by the house: By Mr. McMullan of Hart—A bill to amend the charter of the town of Bowersville, By Messrs, Heard and Adkins of Dooly—A bill to authorize the state railroad commission te per mit or require physical connection between railrcads in any city or town of the state. By Mr. Ward of Coffee —A bill to arend the act creating the city court of Douglas. By Senator Cowart of Coffee—A bill to amend the act creating the board of county commissioners cf Calhoun county. ‘ The following bills were passed by the house: By Mr. Young of Troup, .to authorize city of West Point to sell] certain streets, to empower West| Point to_close th eDYML | ggl{léfg -bfil‘ Newtc?r?? Yo afi§§ t’hgi number of county commissioners in Newton county; by Mr. Jones ot‘ Mitchell, to amend JaCt incorporating Pelham; by Mr. Cdlbech of G'ordon,} to authorize city of Calhcun to sell| certain lands; by Mr. Candler of De-| Kalb, to incorporate Chamblee, to au-| thorize county of DeKalb to issuei $300,000"in bonds, to amend charter of Kirkwood, to authorize state libra-! ry to furnigh clerk of court with cer-| tain Georgia repgrts; by Mr. Max-| well of Twiggs, to mark out and re-| establish county lines between cer-! tain counties; by Mr. Bughanan of' Early, to amend act créatifig city | court of Blakely; by Mr. Blackburn of | Fulton, to allow the trustees of the Georgia Soldiers’ Home to scll a strip of land belonging to home on Confed crate avenué; by Mr. Hall of Bibb, to allow individuals and ccrporaticnai to construct dams across non-naviga-! ble streams for the purpose of devel oping water power;; by Mr, Couch of Coweta, to add Senola to list cf state depositories; by Mr, White of Madi son, to add Comer to list of state de-| positories; by Senater Stephens of the First, to allow judge of city court of Savannah, to appoint a special bai liff. The afterncon session of the house' was taken up in paseing local bills and pension resclutions: ~‘ The following bills were passed : By Mr. McMullan cf Hart, a bill to amend the charter of the town of Bowersville; by Messrs., Heard and Adkingon of Dooly, a bill to authorize the state raiiroad commissicn to per-| mit or require physical connection be tween railrcads in any city or town of | the state; by Mr. Ward of Coffee, a| bill to amend the act creating the city| court of Douglas; by Senator Cowart of the Ninth District, a bill to amend | the act creating the board of county | commissioners of Calhcun county; by Mr, Warnell of Tatnall, to remove] Tatnall and Toombs counties from the raiddle judicial circiut to the Atlantic | judicial circuit; by Senator Maddox, | to amend charter of St. Marys; by Mr.| Huie of Clayton, -to incorporate For-| rest Paik; by Mr. Parker of Talbol, to amend act incorporating Junction City; by Mr. Davison of Greene, to| amend act creating board of roads| and revenues in Greene county; by Mr. Chamlee of Flo%d, to authorize a city hospital for Rome. ; The following pension resolutions were passed: By Mr. Adams of Wil kinson, to pay pension to Mrs. Lucy Lockhart; by Mr. Trent of Heard, to pay pension to Peter Currous; by Mr. | Cuthbert continues to sufier from not having residences sufficient for those who desire to move there. The demand for residences is much in ex cess of the supply, notwithstanding the fact that quite a number have been built and several are in course of construction. The state board of arbitration has placed the valuation of the Atlanta and West Point railway at $3,163,712. The West Point returned its property at approximately $2,300,000, and the comptrolier, declining the return, made an assessment of $3,800,000. Johnson of Jasper, to pay pension tol Louisa Hodge; by Mr. Ward of Cofiee, | 10 pay pensicn of John M, Surrency to | his widow; by Mr. Barrett of Ste-| phens, to pay pension of F. M. Rice| to W. A. Mitchell; by Mr. Trent of Heard, to pay pension to Mrs, S. F.! Crain; by Mr. Bond of Forsyth, to pay ! pension to W. J. Stanford; by Mr.| Bollard of Newton, to pay pension of ! Thomas H. Greer to his widow; Dby | Mr. Calbeck of Gordon, to pay pen sion to Mrs. Mary McDougal; by Mr. | Taylor of Sumter, to pay pension of Frank Johnson to his widow. f | - August 8. ~ The house defeated the bill exempt ing firemen and policemen from the provisions of the anti-pass bill by a vote of 89 to 29. The bill wiil be re considered. . An appropriation of $3,000 or so, ‘nmuch mere or less, as may be neces cary to cover the expenses of the leg islative investigating committee pro bing the convict lease system was rassed, ~ Two thousand dollars were appro priated to build a public comfort build ging on the state’s property at Indian Springs. ~ Mrs, L. H. Ladsinger was appropri ated $62.50 for copying pension rolls and the Palmer Locker Ciub of Sa vanpah was refunded SSOO which they ‘had pald for a state charter that was 'never granted. At the afternoon session of the house Saturday the following bills were passed: By Mr. Pope of Brooks, ‘to incorporate town of Dixie; by Mr. White cf Screven, to establish a sys tem of public schools for Sylvania; by Mr. White of Madisen, to incor porate Danielsville; by Mr. Cook cf Teifair, to provide board of roads and revenues for Telfair county; by Mr. 'Hines of Baldwin, to amend act cre ‘ating board of rocads and revenuss for Baldwin county; by Mr. Johnson of Jeff Davis, to create a hoard of roads and revenues for Jeff Davis county; by ' Senator Brantley, to amend act creat ing new charter; by Senator Dobs, to amend charter of Marietta; by Sen ‘ator Henderson, to abolish office of Iroads and revenues for Irwin county; ‘to create board cf roads and revenues for Irwin county; by Senator Hayes, ‘to provide for maintenance of bridge over Flint river, in Macon county. | August 10. ~ By a vote of 93 to 2 the house of irepresentatives Monday passed the bill providing for the appointment of .an inspector of .drugs. The Dbill ‘amends the pure food act, so as to al low for the appointment of the in spector of drugs. It provides that he shall receive a salary of SISOO per year to be taken from the fees aris ‘ing from the inspection of focds and ‘drugs. - The bill exempiing firemen and po licemen from the provisicns of the ‘anti-pass law which was defeated Sat urday was brought up for reconsider ‘ation and passed. ~ An additional appropriation of $45,- 000 for the years 1508 and 1909 was voted to the state sanitarium at Mil ledgeville, The appropriation voted by the house is in addition to the sum of $390,000 already appropriated for ‘the year 1908 and $395,000 appropri ated for 1909. ooy \ An appropriation of $5,000 was .made to the state board of health for the treatment of persons afflicted “vith rabies. Other bills passed by the houss Monday: By Messrs,” Matthews and Clark of Laurens—To amend the act creating board of county commission ers for said county. By Messrs, Bar rett of Stephens ana Calbeck of Gor don—To pay pensions arnualily in stead of quarterly. By Mr. White of Ma}ljlgsgn.—’;‘% establish tb’f’ city cocurt of Danfelsville. TS establish the city gourt ¢ Madison county, My Mr. Al exander of DeKalb—To amend sec tion 2334 cf the civil code relating to suits and damages against railroads. By Messrs. Chamblee and Wright, of Floydi—To amend act creating the eity court cf Floyd county. By Mr. El lison of Harris—To pay a pension to Mrs. Nancy M, Collier. By Mr. Ad ams c¢f Chatham—To amend the char ter of Savannah, By Mr. Barrett of Stephens—To amend pensions appro priation law so as to allow annual payment of pensions in lieu of quar terly payment. By Mr. Tyson of ¥manuel—To refund to George M. Brinson SSO paid for bank -charter which was never secured. By Mr. Blackburn of Fulton—To pay pension to Mrs, Tallulah Towus, The house was able to transact but little business Monday on account of the early adjournment of the senate, for after the adjournment of that body it is the law that no more house bills can be passed by the house. For this reason many pensicn bills which were to have been paszed Monday after noon were tabled and will not be brought up again this session, The following hills were passed: By Mr. Gocde of Pickens, to pay pensions to Mrs, Blackstock in Pickens coun ty; by Mr. Jones of Mitchell, to pay pension to Mrs, Queen Shirer. IN THE SENATE. August 6, By a vote of 21 to 16 the senate defeated the bill placing the solicitors general of the state on a salary. The bill providing for the creation of the proposed new county of Geor gia was also Lkilled by a vote of 19 ayes 10 20 noes, The two bills took up the entire morning session, The following bills were passed by the senate: By Senator Hawes, to in corporate the city of Union City and for other purposes; by Mr. Smith of Campbell, -to prohibit the sale of Bud i More than 250 Mascns from Heard, Douglas, Haralson, Paulding and Car coll were prezent to participate inthe exercises of the Carroll County Ma ‘gonic convention at Carrollton, Offi cers were elected as follows: J, D. Hamrick, worshipful master; J. A, F. Broom, senicr warden; James Beal, junior warden; R. F. Hyatt, sec retary and treasurer, : -Moving has been finished and the postoffice at Macon is now inthe aew federal building. The Macon otffce ‘now boasts of cone of the prettiest ‘homes in the state, beer or near beer in Campbell county and for other purposes; by Senator Williford, to create a new chartefii_ the town of Buckhead and for other purposes; by Senator Henderson of the Thirty-ninth, to authorize the mayor and council es the town of Cumming, with the trustees of_ the' Cumming public “school distrlct‘,?f?_ n Forsyth, to order and have helfif election by the qualified voters of said district to determine whether or not bonds shall be issued by the sald dis trict to be sold for the purpose of erecting, acquiring and equipping s‘i school Dbuilding for said district nng for other purposes . . N At the afternoon session of the sen:! ate soveral local house bills were read the first and second time, and the foliowing were passed: By Mr. Strickland of Pike, to tepeal an ncfi to.esteblich the city court. of Barnes ville; by Mr, Strickland of Pike, to establich the city court of Barnes ville; by Mr. Sumner of Turner, to create a board of county commiésfip‘f ers in and fer Turner county; by i Williams of Dodge, to establish the city court of Eastman; by Mr. Gibson of Glascock, to change the time of holding the superior court 'in Glascock county; by Mr. Gadley of Camden, to establish the city court of St. Ma‘ rys in and for the county of Cam den; by Mr. Strickland of Plke, to incorporate the town of Williamson, in the county of Pike; by Mr. MeWil liams of Henry, to abolish the county court of Henry; by Mr. Reid of Ma con, to amend sections 4 and 39, re spectively, of an act approved August 22, 1907, entitled an act to establish the city court of Oglethorpe; by Messrs. Jones and Keith of Meriweth er, to incorporate the town of Prim rose, in the county of Meriwether; by Mr. Hardeman of Jefferson, to es tablish a local school system for the town of Bartow; by Mr. Dorminy of Irwin, to amend an act incorporating the city of Fitzgeraid; by Mr. Harde man of Jeierson, to establish a pub lic school system for the town of Spread; by Mr. Bouren of Tifton, to amend an act to create and establish ‘the city court of Tifton; by Mr. Fran ‘ders of Johnson, to establish a public school system within the city of Wrightsville; by Mr. Townsend of Clinch, to establish the county court of Clinch county; by Mr. Wynne of Pulaski, to amend the county court of Pulaski county; by Mr. Buchan ‘nan of Early, to provide for an exam ination into the affairs of the dispen ‘sary in Blakely, Ga.; by Mr. Williama of Dodge, to amend an act creating a toard of commissions of roads and revenues for the county of Dedge; by Mr. McWilliams of Dedge, to ‘amend an act creating the charter for the town of McDonough; by Mr. Sim ‘mons of Gilmer, to create a new char ter for the town of Ellijay; by Messrs, Alexander and Candler of DeKalb, to amend the charter of the town of Kirkwocd; by Mr. Lee cos Glynn, to amend an act entitled an aet to cre ate a board of commissioners of roads’ and revenues in Glynn county; by Mr. Lee of Glynn, to amend an act incor porating the city of Brunswick; by Mr. Lee of Glynn, to amend an act authorizing an issue of bonds by the county of Glynn; by Mr. Fullbright of Burke, to amend wi act establish ing the city co;étrg of Waynesbiore;‘ by Mr. Matthé sw,%%ns to incorpo fa‘-%éf’tfié’;fi&n"' %’G’i-ovg*jfi;"'fi%‘:\f coynty of Laurens; by Messrs. Alex ander and Candler of DeKalb, to in corporate the town of Dast Lake, in DeKalb county: by Mr. McMullen of Hart, to abolish tke, board of com missioners of rcads and revenues in and for the county of Hart; by Mr.! McMullen of Hart, to create the of fice of county commissioner of rcads and revenues for Hart county, August 7. After a spirited discussion, in whick about half the members of the gen ate participated Friday the Felder bill to cut oif the appropriation for the ccmpiler of records after the first of next October, was lost by a vote of 25 to 12. B s, The following bills were pas:zed in the senate: By Senator Wilkes—To amend section 493 of the penal code cf Georgia, By Senator Hardaman— To amend an act to incorporate the town of Statham in Jackson county. By Senator Willifordi—To regulate the number of hours of telegraph and telephone cperators and other persons engaged in the handling of trains, prescribing penalties for violaticn ot; said act, | At the afternoon sgession the sepato passed a resclution to buy a portmlt{ cf the late Judge John W, Akin. The remainder cf the session was utilized in passing local and house bills, | The following bills were passed : The biil by Senztor Henderson of the thirty-ninth to extend the present school book contract until January 1, 1911, was the subject of a heated de bate, but was eventually passed, and® was immediately transmitted to the house. By Mr. Rogers cf Randoiph, to create a board of commissioners of roads and revenues for the county of Randolph; by Senatcr Maortin, to amend the charter cf the eity of Dai tcn; by Mr. Tracy of Wehster, a les olution to pay pension to Mrs, E. J. CoYer, deceasged, for the year,l9o3 to A. M. Johnson of Webster county; by Senator Henderson of the Thirty ninth, to extend the present school book contract until Janvary 1, 1511 ; by Mr. McMichael of Marion, to pro tect the health and provide fer the comfort of the traveling publie, to in sure good sanitary and hygiene cen ditlons in hotels and public inns in the state of Georgia; by Mr. Full bright of Burke, 10 amepd the char ter of Wayneshoro 0 as to extend the city limits, ! | August 8. By a vote of 30 to 4, the senate Satfirday passed the bill to establish Lightning struck the barn of A, M-4 @rifin -at Duchanan, killing two horses. Mr. Griffin's two little boys were in the barn at the time and both wera severely hurned. 1t is faal"-l ed the younger boy wiil lose his ¢je sight as a result of the ghock, : 1 Captain J. A, staffcrd, the original peach man of Baranesviliz, i 3 now p:‘ém‘i paring for the gathering and shipping of kis crop, of Keiter pears, woich will amount 1o abovt ten cars. It is another illustraticn ot tee varied op portunities offered for profitable eu ployment in Georgia, “ :~"a§x’te institution for the treatment (of tuberculosis and appropriating the Sum of §525,000 for the purchasing of 'Suitable buildings and the support of (same. The $25,000 appropriated shall ‘be appropriated as follows; 81,000 in ,gg; $12,000 in 1909, and $12,000 in |By a vote of 34 to 0, the bill of iSenator Martin, amending the regis ‘tration laws of the state of Gecrgia, ‘Was passed by substitute, The princi ?a.l provisions of the bill are as fol lows; That a real list of the qualified Noters in each county be furnished ‘the tax collector; to close the regis- Jtration six months before a general ielection, so as not to confiict with the }rkanchisement amendment of the jgtitution, in case it should pass; compelling the voters to take actual eath bofore the regular tax collector ‘ *: * ene of his clerks; to require, the ling of voters’ bocks ten days after the closing of the books; the regis ars to complete and file list of vot ers by June 1, . By a vcte of 25 to 7, the senate passed the bill of Messrs, Flannigan, Martin and Holder, increasing the sal-« (Bry" of the state entomologist from 191,500 to $2,000 per year, * The bill by Sernator Williford, amen ‘ding the constitution by abolishing the igflce of county treasurer by future i‘,,;gislation and placing the duties of i,!;_hlsptficial in the hands of banks, was lost by a vote of 29 to 15. f"'_A motion by Senator Felder that i%fie senate reconsider its action in tabling his bill fixing the liability of | eommon carriers by railroads for the ‘homeide or injury and damage done lgflployee:; where such employees con ‘tribute to the injury, was lost by a yote of 20 to 17, Pty | _ The following bills we? passed: By {Senator Stephens, to Aauthorize the ‘municival authorities of this state to establish and maintain a place for |gonfinement of misdemeancr convicts; fis' Senator Bush, to amend an act in eorporating the city of Colquitt; by {Senator Stephens, to extend the time for completion of the Savannah, | Statesboro and, Western railroad; by {Mr. Godkey of Camden, to repeal an lact to create a county court in each %@nty in the state of Georgia except jcertain counties mentioned herein ; {by Senator Camp, to authorize the igovernor of the state of Georgia to f,';“@‘htr‘act and purchase a certain iract {0 fland or any lands in the city of i&&attano‘oga for a terminal station and (& switeh yard for the W. & A. railroad tand to contract and open a street in | Baßld city of Chattanooca through the L%}Jerty owned by the state of Geor- | ”, August 10. ' | Mhe lézislature was offere® by Sen |aters Felder, Stevens, Henderson and Pe iceck on Monday*a soluticn of the 5 _c,t problem in Georgia, on which ‘: believed all the opposing ele- ! |ments will agreo before ine hour for l 1l ournment next Wednesday. It is g"’ tte opponents of the present .:;ystem will accept it, and it is %f:z::f’ rstoed the leading advocates of ‘ihie Holder bill in both house and. | senate are in sympathy with the main principles carried in the new /ill. “This solution of the problem in {brief proyides for the total abolish memt. 8, fhe< prascut. prisey commis:. en diréctors, to-be named by tho'gov |ernor for terms of from one io six years each, ehall take the place of the | Icqfiml’spion in the management of the q}eo‘x;ifw prison department; that the \convicts left over for the mnext eigh ‘teen months, after the counties have taken what they want to work their roads with, shail be leased under the . direction of this board, and that the furds desived therefrom ghall be used ‘ ‘ a special fund to buy lands lO{ | ':.%.té é!&nvhft farming. The convie !}eéée system is then to end forever. ' A _pardon secretary is provided for, ‘and also a general manager and cler i‘ii:fl-’ force to werk under the direction iof the Moard, The members of the }Wd are to work without fees, but ‘will be paid their exyenses up to four ‘dollars per day. %gjq}‘?\r}hg afierioon session of the sen ‘a,f: motion was passed to allow the mfi investigating committee to con ;ti ue its work until Wednesday. | A resclution was adopted naming :f.héf‘*lachnological branch of the state ‘university located at Atlanta the State '"P'echnological school, i- 9&0 primary election hill was passed. ipx--fhe game law bill of Mr. Reid of 'Putnam was passed Hy a vote of 27 'tp 10. Under this bill the date of fi(‘/};:mling the season for shooting doves lwas changed from September 1 to July 15. | ?.é:e. following bills were passed by the senate: 3 |* A house bill to authorize -the issue ‘of $1,500,000 worth of bonds by the 'city. of Atlanta. House bill by Rep resentative * Dylkes of Sumter—To _create a stale board of veterinary ex ‘aminers end to provide for the ap ‘pointment of the members of the beard. # '" By Messrs, Young and Tuggle of Troup, to amend the charter of the town of Hogansville, in Troup county; by *Senator Hattox, to amend section 922, volume 1, of the vode of Georgia of 1£95; by Mr. Brown of Carroll, to ‘amend an act incorporating the town of Temple, in Carroll county; by Mr. Orr of Coweta, to amend an act es tabiishing the city court of Newnan; b;é Messrs, Elackburn and Bell of Ful ‘ton, to amend an act creating the ‘charter of College Park; by Mr. Welght of Richmond, to provide for the relection, assessment and arbitra tion in the case of tax returns by pailrcad companies for ccunty and ‘municipal and public school purposes; by Eenatcr Martin, to amend the pri ‘mary election laws of Georgia, ¢+ By granting an amendment to the tflflgal charter, Judge Felton of Ma con allowed the Central of Georgia l!;%er company to incredse its cap )i‘,.,fltock, from SIOO,OOO to $4,000,000. ‘At the same iime, the amecdment ;Mod the name of the company from the Bibh Power to the Central of Georgla Power company, !’%ar Pate, a 14-year-cld boy of Lifitonia, wes bittoa by a horse, which ater dled in great ‘agony with hydro pmu. The boy has been placed in thé Pasteur Institute at Atlanta for tth. BT \NOMEBN Wfil&fiww : ‘.,\,.@é New York City.—The vogue of the sleeveless coat appears to be an ever growing omne, and nothing prettier it 8 4 {h‘\l ‘, ‘: , "“,‘fa'\ _C'J/'\l"\\44 s \‘: \/{‘( e X g P e zi;{f‘ L T Gt W «/v“; { g "mxl( SRR ‘\&2, ® a " W b N ) A \} & & 3 &Y e A 1 ) ‘,(/(/;y}a /2 \ o[l xN ) e W é“ 2\ c?u)r/ ,‘izi\— \\'\' 8 /7, &K' § g \‘l-/c??f BT N e % & H RN 0, BRI eso S | e§4~ } ; ’l')'{g*? | bB 1 & ] i\ | )’| g ‘g\. /(.,r/ ‘v \ | i e ' I\\3'o3 "@\“:\' g P / SR § o : \\\E%GL’/\\:\ R S/ =<l = AN /& o fA 7 B /) s ' n 15‘ v ¥ o ."n‘ ) )I[ o W Wit 7818 Y 2RS 1/1&) SR or better suited to the warm weather cculd be found. This one is city itself, yet drapes the fignre with :AS 0 3 ~... it 1) ~ % S 8 &W) ' N 7 4 L ] {5 OLY ,// W M//"@ 3R /|// 7 ///f/// 2 ' W i 4 - A ‘\ A I e W ('””ix i 'l‘%% /;,i ’ [-7 ‘\7 2 //'x' -Nt » il/ NV A" P s NI I ‘ ’ { ’“‘“M '?v’/’;’f‘l}%/ . ‘\ /',/// / '/ / ‘ ( S : «,,, ) ///// A 8 o) 0 / J ig | ‘ / / | ///// ’\‘\\‘\\ i (g 7 ,/’ / / /‘//», \\\ \ ‘ /% i/ i - 4/////////// 7 \\w‘\x A Il bt k) gl | (I W P e W ’ /""Jf ‘?fl‘ i b e ‘ . A g 0 | graceful lines and folds dnd can bo utilized for almoszt every seasonable material. In the illustration it makes part of a costume and ig mads of buff linen braided with white goy tache combined with embroidery, in place of the soutache hnd the em broidery applied trimmming can be used if it is desirable to lessen the labor of making, The coat i 3 made in one plece, the only seam being that at the contie back. It is held beneath the arms by means of straps and can be closed with ornamental buttons and cord as illustrated or in any way that may be liked, Chiffon on Straw, The novel trimming on a large Mi lan straw was all of white chiffon, the upstanding part being quills made of folds of the chiffon with a line of satin for the stom, Bilver and Gold Touches, Plaids are fashionable for Hght weight fabrics guch as voile, etamine and gauze. The colors most employed are blues, delicate reds and browns fading into buff. Silver sand gold trim many of the new BoOvns some where and somehow, Coat Mystery, The shape of many of the choicest evening coats is a mystery to every one but the designer and muker. Boas Hug the Throat. The bea is dainty as possible, very small but very rufly, with pleated butter-colored lace mounting to the ears and chin in a thick ruche, a smaller frill pleated about the base of the throat, and a ribbon tied between bowed either in front or behind. Neck Dressings. The latest innovation in neck dressing is the black ribbon stock, with bow at the back and ends that reach far below the hip line. These sash collars are#vorn with every kind of costume, from the simplest lin gerie frock to the dressiest afternoon toilet, ‘ Five-Gored Under Petticoat. : Close fitting underwear is abso lutely essential to the smart fitting gown at the present time and the five-gored under petticoat makes a desirable feature of the wardrobs. This one can be laid in inverted pleats at the back or gathered as liked, although the former method is to be preferred unless the figure is exceptionally slight. It can be made from lingerie materials and trimmed with embroidery or lace and it is also suited to flannel skirts. Also it can ‘be finished at the upper edge with a ‘belt or under-faced as liked. The skirt is made in five gores and iwhen the frill is used it is arranged over the lower edge. The side gores are fitted by means of ixip darts, so doing away with all fulness at that point, / A n = a 7 '//{//I ‘ i, i L A .*./«’ //// iy ,% / o i o \ ‘)- !' L V 7 AN o 1 | ,‘ VQ / fi LAY ER) ) IO Vel &dham sl e 4 R\ Vadadeaiig uent ) / ' \ Wil 2R ‘ ; S (] = ) " The quantity of material required for the medinm size is three and one eighth yards of material twenty-geve cn or two and threc-quarters thirty gix inches wide with three and one half yards of embroldery seven inches wide and two and three-eighth yards of insertion to trim as illustrated; or one yard of additional material thir ty-six lnches wide If the frill is made to match, Hand-Made Trimming, It is the gown with the hand-made trimming that is considered smart,