Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, August 13, 1908, Image 8
[.ocal Personal: Mt [ 1. lobneon was here o business Tuesday, A. B, Kesler and A, A, Walntight spent Tuesday heret Mr. B. G. MeDonald spent yes terday in Jacksonville. Mr G. W, Gowen, of Tuledo, spent Tuesday here on business. Mr. C. H. Johns, from nea: Moniac, attended court here Tues dav, Mr, H. J. Davis has izstalled a telephone service between his store and his residence. Master Walter Stewart is visiting in Waycrogs at the home of his uunt Mrs. Kellum, A. H, Wainright and J. J. Har rison were here Tuesday in attend ance at County Court, Representative A, J. Howard came down Tuesday from Atlanta for a vigit to his family, Mrs, G. E. Jones and two little daughters, also Miss Govie left on the J. S. L. Tuesday for Winokur. Mr. ahd Mts C. L. Mattox and little soh of Waycrosss pent Sunday hete the guest of Mrs. C. \\'.‘ Haddock. | Miss Ola Roddenberry of Jackson ville spent Sunday and Monday here visiting here father Mr, J, W. Roddenberry. We are requested to say that prayer meeting nights at the Bap: tist Church in future will be on Thursday night instead of Tuesdays as heretofore, Mr. 1. M. Bedell, of Burnt Fort, came in last Sunday and met hie daughter, Miss Mauward, who was returning after an extended visit to velatives and friends at Va ldosta. @W*" : # mw«wg "a wn;: :m h yx: .WG Blackshear, left Monday ~ for -therr *homes, after a few days spent at the ~home of Mr, and Mrs. W, M, Olliff., Mrs. Maggie Turner and children from Alabama arrived yesterday dccompanied by Master Perry Ray bon of Jesup Ga., and are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C, M.’ Raybon, Mrs, E, F. Brock and children, of Cumberlard Island, came up Tuesday for an extended visit to relatives here. She will also spend some time with her brother, G, W, Gowen, at Toledo, A party consisting of J. W, Rogers, T. A, Christie, Lee Swear ingen, and sheriff WV, R. Wainright after securing a supply of ““Bait” and Ice left here Monday for the Okeefinokee swamp returning Tues day noon, Mr. Rogers says after having all they wanted 1o eat the crowd brought eighteen fine trout home and having plenty Ice they were in fine condition, Mr, C, C, Powell was in town yesterday and showed us return sales tor his crop of pears, The crop from about 75 bearing trees brought him right about S4OO net My, Pow ell says had he been able to secure barrels in sufficient quanities at the proper time that the crop would have nearly doubled this. He says. that this section has a cinch on this valuable crop as they ecannot bc‘ raised much farther north whilei this soil and chimate just suits them. i - Last Tuesday cvening a merry party consisting of Misses Maud and Lessie Wright, Myra Mizell and Mamie Tyler, accompanied by W. D, Weeks, Herbert Mizell, Dr. A. D. Wiliams, I, ¢. Foatherston and C. C. Pickren, and chaperoned by Mr, and Mrs. ¥. D. Mills and Mrs. B, G. McDenald, was arrang ed by Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Mills, who furnished the double teaw. They enjoyed a delightful moonlight drive as far as the home of Mr. 3. F, Mills where a cordial reception awaited them. Here a couple of hours were very pleasantly spent, the hungry crowd making a raid on + Mr, Mills’s grape vineyard which seemed to be loaded especially for the occasion, ’ | Execellent fiealih Advice. ‘ Mrs. M. M. Davicon of Mo 379 {Gifi'ord AV{:,. Rzn Jose, Cal.. euys: |*“lhe worth Flecrrie ' Bitters a 3 -n .genera! familyv remedy, for head che, bidionsacss and torper of the ‘iver and bowels 18 so pronounced 'that [am prompted tosay a word i its favor, for the benefit of those ;sccking relef frotn sauch afflictions. lhere is health for the digestive organs insa bottle of Flectric Bitters ' than in any othet remedy [ know of.” 1 Sold under guarantec at all druggists, 500, 20,000 TELEGRAPH OPERATORS NEEDED VYOUNG MEN PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR GOOD POSITIONS. On account of the new 8 hour law passed by congress in the inter est of telegraphers, and also on ac count of $o many new railroads being built and old lines extended, an unusual demand for operators has been created, Conservativ es timates have placed the numher of additional operators that will be re quired during the next ten months at approximately 20,000. YOUNG MEN NOW IS YOUR OPPOTUNITY! Enroll in our school now and in only four to six months we will have you qualified for splendid positions. Telegraph| Operators receive from g 50.00 up wards. Our school has beern estab lished twenty years; Its equipment is perfect; instruction thorough and practical; positions positively guar anteed our gradpates. Board in Newnan is very cheap; the town is healthful and the people are cordial. Two Main Line Railfoad Wires run into our School rooms, No other school in the United States has such up-to date and ypractical facilities for the benefit of its students. Write at ance for free, descriptive literas R T R Why James Lee Cot Well. Lverybody in Zanesville, 0., knows Mrs. Mary lee, of rural route 8. She writes: My husband, James Lee, firmly believes he owcsi his life to the use of Dr. Kings New Discovery. His lungs were so severely affected that consmmption seemed inveitable, when a frienl recommended New Discovery, We tried lit, and its use has rcslurc(l-l himto perfect health.” Dr. King's New Discovery is the King of throat and lung remedies. for coughs an(l' colds it has no equal, The first Jose | gives relief. Trv it! Sold under guarantee ut all drug etores soc. and 1.00, Trial bottle free: : : :Kentucky Rye &: . g 8 o - ;Bourbon W his-: : kies : 3 : ¢ : § § Shipped Promptly, “ i g lity Guaranteed. E gSeml for prices and give me ag . trial, : ; 2 ;R. D. MCormick, : ! . Jacksenville, Fla., 2 1 g No. 201=R03 Bridge St § } = ! flgulfllwll R slnlulul.mulnmi'l||||:|lnlsrlullll4-|| STATE OF GEORGIA, CoUNTY OF CHARLTON, JTohn Hagan ) VB, v Libel for divarce, Orpha Hagan. ) : The defendant, Orpha Magan, is hereby required; personally or by attorney to be and appear at the Superior Court, to be held in and for said County, on the Tuesday after the fourth Monday in October, 1908, then and there to answer the plantiff's complaints as in default there of said sourt will proceed as to justice shall appertain, - Witness the Honorable T. A. Parker, judge of sald court this day of June, 1908, i ‘ Jrsse W. Vickery, Clerk Superior Court chaslton county. Yo Seale SAVEYOUR EARNINGS, LR e U-‘m—-‘“w’%wwm The running ofifffwéf%avings account has a tenderncy to wean a man from habits of extravagance and dissipa tion' It gives him new ambition, and a desire to save money. We are always glad to assist those who are trying to “turn over a new leaf.”’ e 1 5 per cent compounded quarterly on saving accounts. 6 per centon certificates of deposits for 6 months or longer. THE BANK OF FOLKSTON. 1.. CARTER, - President., Ella G. Danghtry | Petition for divorce, VB. i In the Saperior Court jof Wm. H. Daughtry! Charlton County Georgia. { October term 1go8.: - weor To Wm. H. Daughtry, the defendant fin the above entitled cause; fl‘, & You are hereby required to be aderi":; pear a* the next term of the Superior coflrt,;:_fi ',be‘ held in and for the county of Chnr)tog"w r_xd state of Georgia, at Folkston therein, on fthe 26th day of October A. 1., 1908, tkq;g d] there to answer the petition of hh;{%r j above entitled cause, L "4 In default of such appearance the gourt will proceed as to justice sh:fll"ap{?_l | WITNESS Honorable T. A. Parker, Judge of said court. and the seal thereofli‘% &l the 27th day of July 1908, = . ~“ag ¢ 1 A Jusse W, VICKERY, ; : T S TRy — TR | e B CITATION, "o SRIG (EORGIA, CHARLTON LWN”‘“&#@Q&&, | Mrs. Cassie Fitzimmons hav:w i pheation for twelve months support ' out of the estate of Loltic Fitzimmofis and apprds e M :. _” ;A 4'-< »»' n. & SAm :v_"' _‘ | &are hereény required HIOWW. CAUSCT oM E ot ot Ordibary of e coquty. agthe o, Monday in September ?903 why sal apmii cation.should not he gtanted.«z’:_u‘%fi‘ gégjz ~ This 3rd day of Augusllgfi&‘»'w ‘f:&irfil B. G, McDoNALD, %flgfi g e “‘fig\}i’:\‘ DENTAL NOTICE. Ay - v ; SRR I will be at Folkston on the . first Monday in each month nmff r notice, e J. C. BREWER, Dentst. NSRS ICEC A ~ j*“_ e :‘v 1 In ‘fuh?re we will st‘ppi%}; ?s-o tomers with ice in ary quantity from 5¢ worth and up, Sunday houts from 8 to 11 a. m. Special price for large quantities, A - : fi,%; Sl N«.__...»,_.._—fdw’ “‘ \:“:,; - FORSALE & B A nice farm one mile from Folks ton Ga., the County seat ngf.,harl | ton County containing 40:&{&3 with a good six room house neajgf.?' new and seven acres in high state of cul tivation. This tract is' Wéll%éate(l an:d convenient to. schflttjs and churches. Price reasonable. Also one 7 room house well finished and i : y S newly painted in this towa, house practically new and siiua!e@;}fififone-o the best streets in Folkstom, At a bargain, L. E. Mallazd. When in need of a a 5 good Sewing Machine, REMEMBER . . THE SINGER ¥ s| always ready for service ALSQ 2 THE WHEELER & WILSON On, Neenies aNn. S 5 : MACHINE sumi»:s: ALEX MILLS, Singer Sewing Machine: Agt. Folkston, Ga. OFFICE IN BANK BLDO, ..f.‘...,_...__.--......#"" AT A BARGAIN. One acre of land with two dwell ingg houses on it. - One two story housa, six rooms entirely new, one smali house, all under fence near court house” - All fpr for #9506 cash, or sl,oco on easy terms, C. N. Mills, ‘ Folkston, Ga. F. D. MILLS, Cashier. Charlton County " Directory : JUDGE SUPERIOR COURT, . Thomas A. Parker, Waycross. | SOLICITOR GENERAL. - John W. Bennpett, Waycross. . CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. - Jesse W, Vickery, Foikston, y . 5 JUDGE COUNTY COURT. iy B. F. Scott, Folkston, ; _ SOLICITIR COUNTY COURT. / W. M. Ollifi, Folksten. 7 SENATOR. . ]J. Mattox, Folkston. :«":“.‘i":b - . REPRESENTATIVE, N ~A. ]. Howard, Folkston. L 757 DRDINARY, .B. G. McDonald, Folkston o ey ¢ ¢ T B i o IRRURER. o Pl el - i e (E 5 R RARERECRIVED wg A ~ J.C Allen, Winokur, Ee . TAX COLLECTOR: i . J ]. Stokes Folks on. i SHERIFF, o k“',l{ Wainwright, Folkston. h . SCHOOL COMMISSIONER b 1 B Mabaid, Folkston, { ;.r' . _COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, S F. Milie, Chairm v, Folkston. J. P, Miz 1), 4 LBl d, . J. L Johnson, Toledo. - TOWN OF FOLKSTON. oG ; B St MAYOR, | J. P. Muzll, 2 | s COUNCILMEN, A B. G. McDonald, H. J. Davis, T 1. Pickren, } W. M. Olif. : H. C. Page. RECORDER. T W, Vickery. TREASURER. H. J. Davis, MARSHALL, < . H. H, Hathaway, (o to Mizell & Paxton’s They'll Surprise You in Prices. . SPRING AND SUMMER % LINES READY, | + Clothing, Rats and Furuishings ¥ 3. ‘ - FOR ' £ MEN, WQMEN and CHIiLDREN. % , § Best Values =- Moderate Prices. ¥ t CATALOGUE. fij Upoit request we will mail you a copy of our ;3 Spring and Summer Catalogue giving full % description and prices. £ | % Goods on Approval. . % Uponrequest wa will send Goods by :ii; Express C. O. D. subjectto examination. § B. H. Levy Bro. & Co., 4 Savannah, Ca. sShe Lakes Good Things. Mrs Chas. E. Smithi of West Fran klin, Maine, says: “I like good things and have adopted Dr. King’s New Life Pills as our family lax ative mesdicine, becavse they are guod and do their work without making a fuss aboutit"l'hece pain iess purifiess sold at all drugists. 25c. msmmar e BB % \ W.B.MYERS, | 3 5 . % Dealer in Ve-§ ‘ = oo o .;%;hxgle;s, ‘Harness -,,and,% %Sad,d;! ery, Successor: A W vn": ‘b/.'.‘;' 25 *)‘ to Vehicle & Harness} ¢ Co. also to Sabel gj ‘% Bros. Wagon & ;‘q Buggy Dept. 2 fi bi 4 0518 W, Bay Bt., IS Jacksonville, Fla, § g < | Ssy SIS ALBANY WHISKEY COMPANY 3 ARSRROAA RARAR AR A RARAR R AR AAT ARAARATT oie 115—1i7 BRIDGE ST., JACKSONVILLF, FLA. 3: Prepaid Price List- Original Case Coods Bottled in Bond. ofe *:3 Feathers 4i)ts. $7.00 4 Koses, .10 000 Old Forrester, 2 50 Upper len, 2 e Murry Hill Club, a 2 Bov Silver Lake, 4. V- 800 Echo Spring, 4 - g%oo Lewis 66, 4" 8o 1. W. Harper, &t Sirver Tip, &1 gan Old Henry, a2t el Hamilton Cluh, 4. 'Y g 0 3in Phosphate, 4 Tle 200 Duffy’s Malt, R 400 Shaw’s Malt, g 7 TRO Rum, Peach and Apple Brandy from $2.25 to $5.00 per Gal. Rye, Corn, Gin, m jugs, 2. 25-5.00 Corn, Rye, Ginin jugs. You pay express charges, 1.50-1.75-2.00 cash and drum goods at special prices. ‘ | ! i We do not pay express charges on oiders for less than $2.25 Gal BEREE RSN RN EEERREEEN i Cas rto All Parts of the City. 8 = TELEPHGNE 930. 2 B Rooms 50c, 75¢ and SI.OO a da; “ F - 3 B UATIVOC RIBADEAN TN 0T @ ZAHM’S EUROPEGN HO/EL. a grmtn ANGLEHOLZER :: Proprietos = gWines, Liquors, Beers and Cigar: E e e N Be e S MEALS AT ALL HOURS. E = gt - E,/\Qé" (0. ch)eray /j g < bl 7 2 B 2 r‘,’f’" v’,/ . '7 : ‘:// /{, g ‘//azc%.fn_zzfl///fl_, Q,//!/ B & BERENEEPESREETEI NS EASNET. l For Sere Feet, ( “Ihave found Bucklen’s Arnica Salve to be the proper thing to nse i for sore feet, as well us for Kealing burns; sores, cuts, and all manner of 1} rasions.” writes Mr. W. Stone, of East Poland, Maiue. Itisthe pro per thing too for piles Try it! Sold nnder guarantee at all druggists, 250, ; Bouled Gooris Queen of Jacksunville 4 Qts. $3.75 Cariton Club, & a 0 Our Private Stock, g AT A Monogram, - 4000 Mullis Favorite, g TS Hoaev Grove, 40 e XX' X X Monogram;: .-'¢ V.- 2.75 Our Pride, g aeys Old Honest John, &~ s Old Forest Corn, & o Old Nick, 4 eso Old Homastead, 2 M ke Blue Mountain, d e3OO Elk Valley, 4+ 300 Old Fashioned, g7l so X X Holland Gin, -t %2k No, A 7 & a 0 NGB > ol got gl NG, G o 5 & e e oiy " il e