Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, September 03, 1908, Image 8
SABEL BROS. aned . MACHINERY LIS WOLIST —TFOP o PROMPT DELIVERY 115 son loe plant complete, 110 ton izt plant, complete. 1 S:tandard saw mill, complete, with Edgar conveyor, beltng, téols, boi%érs aniengine, first class cons dition; capacity 0,000 feet. i Standard gauge locomotive, loxl4 repaired and ready for steam, 1 Standard gauge locomotive, 23 tons, réady for steam, 1 Narrow gange locomotive, 7x12, repaired and ready for stcam, Tt Ladgewood skidder, r10x.2, 4 drums, 1 Lambert skidder, roxl2, 4 drums. 6 Lathes, good order. J Drillpress, gond order. | 1 Shaper good order, ‘ 2 Pipe cutting machines, good order 1 Spoge and handle machioe. good order, A catload of “Alamo” gasoline en gines, frem 3 to 15 horse, none better t Ddouble drum hoisting (-:l;{int',l 6 1-4xß 1-4. { ¢« Turpentine still, good order. 30 Logging cars, narrow gange and logging trucks, good order, £ Porter saddle tank loccmotive 10X14, nNarrow gange, 1 Rhode Island loomotive, 15x22, narrow gange, 1 22x24 top slide valye engine, com plete. 1 Haul up rig, complete. 1 10 Block Perkins’ king of rotaries shingle machine 1 Klectric light outfit 75 lights, good as néw. 4 Several hawser ropes good condition 14 Dump cars, narrow and standard gauge, capacity 2to § yards. | 1 Hoop machine, 1 Band saw machine. § Upright engines, 3 to 10 horse’ N power, | 1 150-Horsc power feed water heater 1H Duplex pumps, varions sizes, I Rails, new and reJayers, from 16 to 55 pounds, in stock, | Frogs and switches, spikes, new and second-hand, < Ay 20,000 Feet second hand pipe, all sizes, Quick, cash buyers of scrap ironm, tails and metals, Fer forther in formation address . SABEL BROS. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. How to Get Strong. w P L. Daly; ofi2gy W, Congress St., Qbfc‘uwgo _tells of a way to be come strong: He says: “My mother, who is old and was very feeble, is deriving so wmuch benefit from Electric Bitters. that I Teel it’s my duty to tell thogse who need a tonic and strengthening medicine about it. Inmy mother's case 2 marked gain in flesh has resulted, insomnia has been overcome, and she is steadily growing stronger.” Elec tric Bitters quickly remedy stomach, hver and kidney' complaints, Sold under guarantee at all druggists. soc, g‘i ‘ PO ‘ A ", ..’;; B BUCKBEE'S BULBS SUCCEED! ;/ SPECIAL OFFER: / Made to bulld New Business, A trial will make you a permanent ous tomer, Batisfaction guarantoed or your meney rofundoed, Souvenir Collection %) i Buts mapien. (RS TRITONTRE DeautlTul morter Urape Liyacinth, Foather Hyee olnth, Bpring Bnowflake, Luia, Bpantah Irls, Belilas, Sparaxis, Rauunoulue, Bogwirop, Crosus Cilonodoxa, Anemons, t:.n‘..m, Poota Kye Narelasua, Darwin Tullp, Parrot Tulip, Vartegated Follage Tullp, Oxalia, Prench, Boman and Duteh Hyaoiuths, carly and late Tulips, eto, eto GQUARANTEED TO PLEASE Write to-day Mention this Paper ————— AP A NS SEND 28 CENTS t 0 cover postage and packing and weocive this valuable collection of Bulbs Postpatd, together with wmy x.\‘.lu«ulm. 1, Inatruotive, Weautiful Seed, Bulb and Plant Book. Tells all abolt the Hest yariotion of Boeds, Bulbs and Plants 1o Commemoration of a continugus, rucomsful business winoe 1671, 1 will presont fren of gharge with this Collestion | Babylonian Horned Tulip Bulb. The greatest floral wonder of theage. This Bulb alone taworth & quarter 1843 BUCKRER 8T \N, W. Buckbee "xooxromv, rvx. () h i) o) P WY ) \\Z\ AR Y ”«‘W Q"-"“' d RA\ \ \\ i / AW S N }’“/\h [} ”mmww l ¥ Seliing Out 35.000 Chalrs Dirget t Cansumer ; g 98 el §.48 , B large Arm § A i s B | eY el i W oak, esn . M N # wt biot & il 0, R gloss, 0 3 } 4 | ‘;n\\lh.. ) H "f:'l : :::““ aad :;“ o ' O sl ey AR '- L & eT e 4 H ; -gV e ol oo ' ' f' o e X'/ ~ \ Mlustrated ('ltl—l‘o.'ue Money Retarned !l‘;oi Free as Represented Wholesale Prices to All | Chalrs Carctully Packed DINING CHAIRS Bansoned onk, cane weat, well wade, strong by braced Don'tdelay onderaag, for every chauris 0 be closed Put al vace 65¢ $1.22 e — o A ————————————— ——— e ———— 1 Teaity the nie of Uie South ever had B e e ey i aect e Cra s R ket o -uu!:qv::::m;.‘u L()\;x ,'tw pattergs (o seloot !‘iv\'\x Al Low Ughi e o Gangla ‘b, o peien s o e s a—— o ——— FLORIDA CHAIR FACTORY scotex 2 ; . + Jacksonville, Fla. PR TNN TNS :m’i | M 3 0 ; . Ay e 3 gLocal Persornialss PR e T W AVt e 1’..Z1..-.:_‘ il Dest jz:.';.L) 'afitl’l id”‘ ' Mr. L. E. Maliard spent Saturday in Jacksenville, - Miss Florence Wainright spent last week at Pablo, - ! 1‘ Mr. M. J. Paxton spent Monday ) : | night in Waycress on busmcss.l Mr, Exum Pickren made a bus incss trip to Cailahan last Monday Representative A, J. Howard came down Sunday to visit his fam ily. The original Steve Saxton paid Folkston a visit Saturday and Mon day. . Mr. J. A, Johnson of Traders Hill and son went to Jacksonvillc| Monday evening. | Mizs Hilda Mattox left Mnnduyl afternoon for a week’s visit to her] uncle, C, L.. Mattox at Waycross. i Mts. W, M. Olliff «ccompanied by Master Alton left last Friday for A six week's visit to lelatives and ’fricmls at Stateshoro Ga, - Col, W. M. Olliff, Geo. ], Stew art, and Jno. M. Roddenberry spent Suanday at Pablo Beach, They rc—{ port a small crowd at the beach, l Dr. 1. W. Daniels, of waycross, | is at the Denmark hotel this week and wili be glad to have youn eall and have your teeth examined. Editer ¥, Z. Byrd of the Black shear Times passed through Folk ston last Monday evening on his return home from Pablo where he spent Saturday -and Sunday. Miss Stella Pickren and Miss Neilie Mattox went to Pablo Beach Saturday, accempanied by Messrs. Leonard and Wilmer Courtney and chaperoned by Mr. T. L. Pickren. Mrs. O F. Wilson and children. Alvaand Foy and Mrs G. I, Robinson, Efib’ét,'.?l‘éddyunnd Sid ey all left Tuesday’ for a two wecks atavat Gl Cove: Sbiaatiy. P o »b.?"g‘-;;w DAL oy s§%“§P“?°?§%;fifw ilfi;;:‘.{fi RN R e e , ther, Foster, visited their brother in Savannah last Saturday and Sundar, They alsospent a few hours \vjm‘l relatives and fricads at Claxton, returning home Meonday. . Mu B I Williaws isadding to the.already handsome appearance ot his place by newly painting his house. When completed thiz place | with its magsive live oaks will pres ent a striking appearance, | Miss Rose Holladay who has spant some time visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (% M. Raybon left Tuesday for 1 short stay at St Augustine, after which she will aceept a position in Jacksonville. Although the game law for kill ing deer opened last Tuesday we haven't been presented with any thing l'ke a nice saadle of venison yet. However, thesason is young !:m:l conditions may improve. l Look up B, H. Levy Bro. &Co's. change of ad this week. This is one of the old reliable apartment stores of the sonth. ~ Their word is a suf ficent gunarantee. They « give lspecial attention to out of town or l(lcrs. and ‘will send two snits to select from, thereby gharanteeing satisfaction and a fit, o, Prof.Vanvoorhis of Qhio who is to take charge as principal of the Folkston school next Monday, ar rived last Friday with his wife and little soa. The Professor is makng friends as fast as aquaintances are formed and the outlook for the school is bright indeed. The trus tees have made considerable im provements in the ercction of blind fences, sanitary toilets ete. They Take The Kinks O-nt. “Ihave used Dr. King's New Life Pills for wany years, with increas ing satistaction. They take the kin ks out"bfé&n@ch, liver, and bow els, without fuss or friction,” says N. H. Brown, of Pintsfield, Vt Guaranteed satisfactory at all drug 'gisis. 7T N : The running of a savings account has a tendency to wean a man from habits of extravagance and dissipa tion' It gives him new ambition, and a desire to save money. We are always glad to assist those who are trying to *turn over a new leaf.” < % 5 per cent compounded quarterly on saving accounts. : e 6 per centon certificates of deposits for 6 months or longer. THE BANK OF FOLKSTON. .. CARTER, President., DENTAL NOTICE. I will be at Folkston on the first Monday in each month until further notice, J. C. BREWER, DJentist, 1C 6. | In future we will supply our cus— tomers with ice in any quantity {rom ssc¢ worth and np, Sunday heurs from 8 to 11 a. m. Special- price fo¥ large quantities, ojerfeeferfarteclocferforfecfectocucfartueforfonerients o When in need of a ‘ ofe good Sewing Machine, % 3: REMEMBER £ THE SINGER ~ % - sl always ready for seivigg :}. vie AA\LSO € THE WHEELER & WILSON i Jo 011, NEEDLES AND " e MACHINE SUPPLIES: 7 o ALEX MILLS, Singer Sewing Machmne. Agt. <+ - Folkston, Ga. % - OFFICEIN, B/ 3’;':.' DGe TG e B B gR e gR T T 5 80 : . y _v..‘,.;-, T 2 _,/ y i ngu.nmllnl:uH|:nJl::lulul.-llll'ulnl‘illllznlrll.;lxlli!l:Ii:i'fl)& 2 ’ 3 :Carl Schevitz Shoes: = "1f You Want New SHOES, Sce Me, & 2k You Want SHCES Repaired, See Me £ 2 M You Need Leather or Polish, See Ma 5 Fipe Sample SHOES-Call at My Pactory & = 218 W. Bay St,, Jacksonyille, Fla g :;l PURHNHRIE A B R 2 NIRRT EUS )Illlil.()'lllsfi. A. Sure-enough Knocker., J. €. Gooawin, of Reidsvilie, NG BAY “Bucklen's Arnica Saive is a sureenough knocket for ulcers. A'bad one came on my leg lagt snmmer, but that wonderful sal ve knocked it eut in a few rounds. Not even ascar remained,” Guaran teed for piles, sores, burns ete, 25¢, at all druggists. : NOTICE The Folkston Public schools will open next Monday, Sept. yth. All pupils are cordially requested to be present at the beginning It should be the aim of every pupil to attend every day and be present in every recitation, We also extend a ‘cordial invita tion to boarding pupils from far and near. Classes will be organized in all High School branches if so de {sircd, el Let us make this a great school Fyear tor the Folkston school. | ' J. R, Vaxvoorus, Principal. ‘ ‘ DROWNED Yesterday afternoon about sun down, while looking for a boat to cross the river at the Traders Hill ferry, Mr. Robert Hatcher stumbled ‘and fell, head first, mnto the water, his feet landing on thé bank. Some boys = who chanced to be :'near, finally sueceeded in pulling him out, the largest of whom, instead of roll ing him to get the water vut of his lungs, chfldlike, ran off for help. MWhen assistahce arrived it was too Jate. Itis said that Mr. Hatcher was breathing when firsts taken out of the watex.~ G F. D, MILLS, Cashier, E%h_arlto.n County e Directory y""..-i 1 Sl 3 ) " “JUDGE SUPERIOE COURT. &Tb@’mas A. Parker, Waycross, i : . %’ . SOLICITOR-GENERAL. Jobn W. Bengett, Waycross. Pl B Rl =1 ELERK SUPERINR COURT. o i b 2 ~ Jesse W, Vickery, Foikston. 3 *,fizvnra COUNTY COUKRT. - N L 08. F. Scott, Folkston. ;;-‘:’%';; IR COUNTY COURT. : e s SW. M. Oliiff, Folkston. e : &8 ¢ SENATOR , -« ]J. Mattox, Follston, g : i i 3 bfi,i&mzszmmnr )f:‘é? 1. Hovard , Folkston. 68+ ORDINARY. B B, G. McDonald, Folkston { “gn e eTR K’ASURE’& N I o 0 ] ) Stokes, Folks ahs B O K surmier, L s S, %fil ainweight, Folkston. | © SCHOOL COMMISSIONER fij’" fegs ‘:{flfl;’z!m; d, Folkston, ; e PIRE 00l A :» .'}fi%"lr Mo = Sde o Xf,t JNTY COMMISSIONERS, R \ s;hgxrnl..:n, Folkston. JoB Miz 1, - R e o ‘%‘-fl ”Es.(": 4 . 5 2 S : : e gßnson, | Toledo, S S .74, ¢ ~ TOWN OF FOLKSTON, . Mavoß, R 1 g ,] P, Mizell, i ‘l’{‘r * »;?:;\;_‘;A.‘ % ; O CUUNCILMEN, | e eB, G. McDonald, @H. ]. Davis, : il . r%g—"_i‘,‘; 1.. Pickren, R T : ! ;:":: Ll. O”lff. A H.C. Page. W@ RECORDER, o TR e T, W, Vickery. W TREASURER. - %‘{. *:” }I. j. DaVIS. (N MARSHALL. s.R. N, Mizell, - Watch This Space for . - Fall Bargains at MIZELL and PAXTON'S. ; 3 . i ‘ S %1908 1900 T ity g 2 . % : 524 % . . .;‘ ! . .8 ° 3 Our Fall and Winter \ines of - ] ; ready-to-wear Clothtng and Furnish. ! " ° o ings for Men, women and Children . 3, are now readye ‘ % We have a large mail/order de- > 5 partment, in the hands of compe- . ~'§4 tent representatives, who will make o yvour interests their own. ¢ 'J » » f%, A complete catalogue, covering : :;: our various departments, will soon ~ | go be ready, and will be mailed upon : 'g. request free of charge. | o + W ite for samples and self=measurenient blanks. B.H. Levy Bro. & Co., Savannah, Ca. \ W.B.MYERS, : : Dealer in Ve-;g ‘hicles, HaFness andg \Saddlery, Successorsf Eto Vehicle & Harness‘§ { Co. also to Sabel | { Bros. Wagon & ¢ Buggy Dept. 3} 3 5i4 to 518 W, Bay Ste, | 3 - Jacksonville, Fla, ”g T "Fatter bo Sum Tax tory”. (W"’“Wm “IT[SLITTLE ¢4 ¢dCONSOLATION" if To gret o barzain in glas,es that may 'q niagnify the sight and make the wear -4 erfeal that he sces better, when the a glasses improperly fit, may improve the 1 g sight or ruin i permanertly. I vour i 1 eyesttrouble yow; consult the oldoast 1 agd best ‘ 5 DR M. SCHWAR'S SON, 81 Laura St., Tacksonville, Fla. i DUVALHARNESS CCMPANY. Manufacturers of andealers in IHarness Saddles, Lap Kobes and lorse Goods gen erally. Hand made Harness and repairing a specialty., 217 W. Forsyth St Tacksonvile Fla FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN - The new twelve-room house, sit uated on Main St. in the heart of town, one block west of depat. Large lot with barn, all under new wire fetice, “ For further information see or write, Mrs. CHARLEY SIKES, : Folkston, Ga. ERREEERE IS BN LB TP EREEE l2a Cas rto Al Parts of the City. o | TELEPHONE 930. - Rooms 50¢, 75¢ and SI.OO a daya - - — ~ -— - SSERPEN . — = ‘.H E ZAHM’S EUROPEON HO/BL. B @PRED ANGLENOIZER :: rr(:prictqr'g §anes, Liquors, Beers and CigarsE g ——— %8 B MEALS AT ALLHOURS. B g ey /))// & F =, 5 b % A /0 = ‘/fl"r.f{:/a/'.l.f C-I2Y /‘//;' i c_;'//z/ ;E N : . PR ANSRRETEESELEENETED e R e R Y e e 202 Kain St., Jackseaville, Fla. | | Old shoes made new. 20 ; fi : - Work gmarauteed. | | Newomachinery jast instailed }: !‘ A fallline of shoes in stock ¥ * 71‘ {i %% * New shoes made 10 order fi | Plenty of polish, leather and :‘ ' finilings, F l A. M FQOR, Mzr. ;i A Paying Investment, Mui John White of 38 Highlund Ave , Hoalton, Maine, says: <“Hyke been troubled with a cough every winter ard spring. TLast winter [ tficdd many advertised remedies. but the cough continned until [ bought a 50c¢. bottle of - Dr. King’s New Discovers; LEefore that was half gone, the cough was all .&fone. This wincer the same happy result has followed; a few dosesonce more banished the annnal cough. lam now ‘convinced that Dr King’s New Discovery is the best of “all covgh and lung remedies.” Sold under guarantee at all druggist. soc. and $1 60. Trial bbdttle free,