Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, November 05, 1908, Image 7
IN THE PUBIi: EYE 4 PRy LS DR ;%“’w‘»\’ < :’ % 5 T 3 b ) EESE Y -\l':l;‘"'“ _:-.7-:_;'_,;_,:\Y‘_,?-;::_:‘,,’-?x_,,: RO, oYiy A SRS S CAENRY :.J,r::fir, ge ‘ ’«'y;‘%‘r-‘n;‘i’.':_"}}‘% R ",‘.—.‘-, Ps o TSN R, A Ca o ot A N G S FoRR T Y S N -.,=-._-‘r‘-‘-’_.A'-‘;-f.;-:"»"g; TR f‘;’l PEPAEL S s SRR SR T ',_«:3_ | oA e STG e RkP e 8 (OO PR A eU o ik L e ROER Tt R }:&u‘.;.:: Rel LS R RG R | SRR SO SRR RToteSnRR TLAIS G L 3 £3set L R L SRR fi;:i<:;;‘\.;‘,-‘to. ST LR P2%TRO SSO peE 5 RO LIRS VR SOgW R \~':‘-=‘~-_ : ég“ikfix««, S NATESR RSB SRI iy £ G I TR R .;Z\ LPRelaias RS SRI ARA R L et S RBTG LN N e T SN RS AT T | el deiee | Fogß TR ST e st rep SSR “s‘“:‘t\-axv.\’ SRR e f:’fifi‘la« Vi SRRC AR R B&AL VN RS R ANk NA o PRI SRR 3N S A k7o eeel bt o Ngel e, e &SR G TeR A R 2 RS N S RTINS R e AR A SRR S BTt | eR R SN et R e -‘-':é’4‘s-’:':»'2}',.;::-Q‘-.“i;;'?-'re‘«\:.' Nee e R e £ - BN F B B RO SR SRR AR SR BRN SRR 3 :{;i,’j&_‘ e h N e B e 3 ge AR RERE R) R R PR »’*&9»“ Mgt C e R Shs SR S “o"i“fi;f‘}fif‘ ’?'-‘»’“3“{\"s"‘*?‘?‘ SN L Rke R e eTR BV bT e L RST TR PO ¢eyßm\ g S gl SRR Y e g TeTa MR il S mEY e Sleaese N S e S EARCEa it A g poar dU el ¢ SR s ShARbE %:?";, e PORRE S T LIRS TP oA SR SR SNSB PR LR, LA o AR SRR \» e e SRR AN i e T S L TR ERRS TS R Btema g G e é‘?fi%@& i) R *’%/ s W ¢§‘¢= LN S G ‘v‘}g,h R YRR ‘\* *vAN N R :f”e-g s Re e T o e o 7 2 SRS s g 8 e RUGT GTx£ RB N R A Be e eST R AN T Faabany o %{\,@ S RLR S R RRL O g Y ey eRT e S S sNN SpA A % ‘*,:‘_‘*‘,.f",‘ g X’:L’s:&;@ RR e b AEs et E E}J-:;fi'r’i‘*fl".‘v,;-'-::i'-‘.‘?.-ifi_:. SESERRRR ¢ WeR SN e AR gR W 2020 R A SRR R s % S g i‘*'g“"éfi\" q.’ ) ‘,;““‘- R Er““c:w SRR ;l-"‘ &AN ‘%:‘ o ) LW eEET TR B SRE RN B SRR R R sl SR vi*‘ oAL et O e S R &RS TR, eR N S hi"‘:" R v v ¢",¢“&-\\ TN RN IR SRt ST R eT o Beaa. Tial Ne2OST = g MY et Y N #‘w&‘»“b:«‘“‘ ST Sl Sy R PTE R R T RRI W e SREET Ses ¥hai 2mE NGB _,}«t.. e ‘O AR o ¥ BN ¢ e oy SRR eeO ¢ e S| PRERE ¥ e&A% e PO R T @ S BRRER, PRty ;. WO 1. &2% Ly KSy R e, «’.=“»%::§z';;3.i“o*d!@&¢;~‘s ;{s‘:'g RTkRy ML W ) R SRR T s, i :“.‘.‘,\‘ e MMy SRR oE e v AMo RsRN e ey Faiar e R o e G, vaY & avEen eNI SPR g b a 0 "tfi S- R Rt e akele '.aga\n},':; i ~-w¢,~.‘,§;;‘;¢x O R AT bR oo 7 A RS BARoPNT RN RN R AR RSO S A %‘0 <RO ATG-GR> SO ER Y s el Nl %SR oo D boe e, R s, Sy %»*‘.v‘»%gw\\; RW W PB:" ", ‘«‘Q"‘}“&afifl' ?: ““‘ % &s\‘ cf *¥ \: \\" TAI .T'r PSR <4 Rvl v SRR P R PRSP TN Yfy By N Tape el SRS TR Saaa e PRI B PR e N B W ASP*EFR iNI BY Nce s S e Cigeiws %!\\fi‘a’g oeR R O AT \’{x‘g B e e G Tl TUNAR Y AL o ol -¢ N B 3PR e SRS RTR AR ,q_‘,!.g",; st SR FrE et Stk SRR Se sug SR A RHGNEE T VIR oSt R = i By v,v\z),“\u;e SHRREE T . R TR AR R g TR JULIA WAR D; e N S %fi,w%&y v HOWE. Novel Ship Propulsion, A resident of Stettin, Germany, has invented a unique scheme of ship pro pulsion, which he has had patented in the United States. This propelling mechinism for ships is by means of wind motors, doing away entirely with steam or electricity. The wind e el Gl NG oy B oateae b 3l oall ', gl Rl 8 Bt i \ — ¥ LT LIS 1 el { g ; : L : By ' E ;_ i 1S 5 R O T \ i motors are arranged in pairs on each side of the ships, and transmit power to the propeller by suitable shafts and gearing. For the purpose of greater development of power two of the motors are coupled together upon one shaft. By arranging the motors on both sides of the ship and connect ing to two propellers facilitates access and the transference»of power. If one of the motors gets out of order the second motor still remains opera tive.—Waghington Star. She Married a Chinaman, One of the leading figures in the Chinese colony of San Francisco is an American woman who married a Chi naman. She is a sister of Katherine Clemons, who married Howard Gould, who is suing her for a divorce. Her name now is Mrs. Sun Yue, and she apparently has affiliated herself thor oughly with the people of her hus band’s race. Among these she is do ing much benevolent and religious work. She has ‘converted to the Catholie faith her husband, whom she once nursed through a severe illness, and she has also made many similar conversions ariong the other Chinese i TENER RO SRRI O BT N RTR AR TR R e P N, L %" ks ©Ao deioie BRI L S N A Senek S L Uit R SRR R S T R eTR sR e e .:ff-?g:»" B3y sl s o '?*ffix B SR R RRE S S L eyt Rl O sD BB ATR RE R i e TR S e R R e W B VR 4 N R R MRS. SUN YUE, Mrs. IToward Gould’s Si;‘teg“ With Her Chinese Husband in Their Tent Home at San Francisco.—Stellmann. e e —————N in San Francisco. Her influence among the Celestials is very great. Mrs. Sun Yue has been living with her husband in a camp on an emin ence overlooking San Francisco’s old Chinatown. o’ i T e 4 4 .;, ”4"7‘9" : . e LB ',‘._}.f"l.'v'i}.’;«',:':fif;-,./,:'151,'-;1-,-"1-‘:.,"-"-'»I-'.r,#'f&g'[u;-'fif//‘[y‘ TA R ’»f gek i G A M":fl':‘b:%fi g ey oo i i, Wi ) ol T e g S sA A N iiy fi;, i R A k%’«; ";fr‘fi:.‘/.-'.f‘;‘)”'fx ) ;%fia‘i;,;’;‘ff%’ ke ]2}4/ &l;%&?gi:figl !%;% : iR G S eR s oMY i i LIRS oA 1 Y 1 e A AR TETR . R G)i eG i i 4Ea :v'fi'i{‘%.wq R b 3% ,4/"”4'» ','»-/ e, '&%?w/fi e TiT i R [ S s fil ei RS e 7 A e e /’d"’/:fl/'// T i i ‘:/”'*‘/(\":’-14":’7¢-/'(,'/i"l % ~A¥WJ‘;"I il 7 o DRI it "’,’,’";’{‘,1’),"’,%7,’72544" '/‘/w.' 74 I%' 7 Vs i A L ‘,»,w O A A T 7 ‘fi:}v i ;, ~.ih‘{1..,,,,/{éfi;,_‘;,“_"’{? /s ,':»,,,J;-?;’;z?a{ e “‘?-‘.’*,}:'m,.vs&“flf;v ee, 2% i g 145 "":'f'}y’q £gk .f.rl,f.»- o4T A 2 /,.yr.,{-',,'w,;;v":,r","/' A 9 AR Rekel %fi ;i« A f,,fl’w' iA eI RS Y e : u?"fi m&g ¥ ;?;«ngifi-}",”i;‘%j ~gi.'i‘,"’-,""i"' i ;’,»v/,._-;’*;;%fv-,fm*:;;'!l@;.i-ue AAN S 4 AR b RV, L . A 5, AL 4 Sl A W Mil ; i i ’_;,ét,él%;;?zk‘fi;;’éfl,%zfimz’. X s g phie oo eST M sST 3}‘*‘ i s#,;:@’ y ‘gfégflwu% s ,-.-;:’:x_i}p‘z»r:;"is'v‘::fi”;%;}’,,%}’ra,? i '--A);’:qft’/,::/ L ,; B% e b VL st ey & ii Ao % . & {«’f‘ p?u fi{‘?gd g T st A i S BB #a % T o 81 % ,"z;‘*'ég' 7y Ag" 4 ?'iv”/-«';‘f"'&'\.,a:»- Lo K & .*';/}L LSR e e L G RST7 ey s h 40 et SR e iy, LTy R T LB, A SRR gl A %fi,: e2N i {:z‘m At ) tht';"'ifiv\ifé«"t 4'l,";‘?-2;:’?‘ "-{'?',’?/rr';&h/k VT e TS N Dabigs i P R A A SRy S 7"{"4‘ ¢fi' G s?’ A, e a 7 5 e Sg P 4,!7 ".'lk'";“ e : 2iy e e o 7 f,ea,e? ol NeTB LT S o 7 :(:' ‘};;1 i 0"%/\.5;1‘. 2"/' A i.%’ B A 7 e &by ;« AL T G l.,:::’_’:fi- 4 A DA ,;.’;M:;g’rf”'-’ : A : ‘:“:}f. Sg R eet T R ‘M:':.-r.f»fl s A ;b # o) i 5 e IR ,J;.',;"'f—,"fl‘%:'\ij- g | t’;{ ‘}i :‘:?: ; :‘3 "J{L}fi\%'v; g ’:.";‘ 74 ,;q.y,%g(,.,u, ;:j.'r:_.‘,»-fil,f%;j AR ’f!:k’_.@;;‘? g ig bt if’zf fl' s ® ;:fi e : o 7 B .fié‘)fl"’“i‘ TG 0 5 A 74 ey m:'kiq»/fl{'. LPy v ) J‘& e, Lo SP e fl‘? 4 L BLSEL le ePRR RAT RSI A i ‘f’zjfi,:'%/;fifl“ i ’:7 0A Ly sdr b b 4,'~krv~tf‘»'i'?¢}n #, A ) "‘f/-,,.? o d s b V_M%::_:fag;,g”z:.‘hA o As iR i<’_,;;?; o LTIy e B T ey RLA<eOfi ot AR S At A {f.'-'flif‘f"‘ "; Pl .ey ek 2Ly I ek e I ih i L e 2 T Te R e ~an ~,,4r"4~£,',,';"‘§27'i W Y ) 7R e AR B ,&m% g% o B ~.-‘“,.,1‘-,!:2.{':?;‘;!5‘,"?.-‘.:.""55-" RS g il iRS S e i A R B Al e i) BHISTEE W e A R 7 E WOMAN MAKING C v i HUPATTIES (INDIAN CAKE Al 'AKES), Five Things About Minneapolis. Everybody is supposed to know about Minneapolis, but at least five things I did not know—that the resi dence portions are simply New Eng land over again—elms and all; that a frowsy and even dirty hotel without electric lights in its bedrooms, which could give no breakfast to a traveler leaving it before 7 oclock, could set 8o good a table; that a city could con tain so large a proportion of man nificent boarding-houses, those here having once been the residences of men who lost fortunes in the over speculation in grain and its products some ten years ago; that so prom inent a paper as the Journal is print ed in simplified spelling; and that the University of Minnesota has the finest campus I had ever seen in a city.—Henry Holt, in Putnam’s and The Reader. e ] 8 Auto Sleigh. Automobile enthusiasts will be in terested in an attachment designed by a Washington man whereby motor cars can be easily transformed into sleighs. Automobiles cannot be de pended upon to travel over roads cov ered with deep snow or an iey sur face, and this exhilarating sport must be forsaken in winter, at the time of year when it would be most appre- Vel e e; - N i /r o ////// j /& : == / a3\ \ _,-e:,/;///f e aP | | §\~_ ._=; \‘ tg =%% NG "'F“’ Nz ' S ku Q . 5 ;L‘_&}}‘t’:'- / | eI IS S, e | e AR . oe e Y/ . ) S 1% SN : L Y By /X 3 A 0 = e ciated. The novelty of such an auto sleigh as that shown in the accom panying illustration will appeal to many. Runners are attached to the front and rear wheels. An auxiliary wheel which assists. in propelling the vehicle is placed in front of the rear wheels. Wound around the latter and the auxiliary wheel-is a toothed chain, the purpose of which is to grip the icy surface ¢f the road and force the vehicle onward. Any auto can be equipped with these attachments, which are not made a part of the permanent molor car.—Washington Star. Uncle Eben’s Philosophy. “Mebbe de man dat brags ’bout makin’ de same mistake twice,” said Uncle Eben, “is so busy makin’ new ones dat dar ain't no room to re peat.”—Washington Star. The Japanese were acquainted with iron from very early times. A sword that was used by one of the ances tors of the present Emperor, about 800 B. C., is still in existence. The city of New York estimates the number of its trecs at 700,000, A man cannot add to his stature by treading on other people’s toes. ok Ll CONSTIPATION AND BILIOUSNESS. Constipatien sends golsomlf ‘matter bounding through the body. Dull headaal B, / sour Stomach, Feted Breath, Bl Eyes, Loss of Energy and Agpetlto are the g :5 ] signs of the afliction, Youxa's Liven ss'¥ns positively eure constipation. They awa¥en the sluggish liver to better action, clean 80 the bowels, strengtben the weakened parts, induce appetite and aid “dizestion. ' ice 25 conts from your dealer or direct.Som the laboratory, Frec sample by majl) ANy address. I, M. You~a, JR., Way orfiaaio The pessimist never would be miss ed, " Rks -—————————-—-—-—-.?—-——-' o o Drive Qut b .lara and Build Up the System Ny &. Take the Old Standard Gmmf'?nl } Less,\ CriLL Toxic. You know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printe on every %ott,le‘ showing it is simply Qui nine and Iron in a tusteless form, and the most ellectnal form. ior grown people and children. 30c R A man is not always all he-thinks he is. . ¥ R HAD ECZEMA 15 YEARS. ; Mrs. Thomas Thompson, of Clarksville, Ga., writes, under date of April 23, 1907: “I suffered 15 years with tormenting eczema; had the best doetors to preseribe; but noth ing did me any good until I got TETTERINE. It cured me. I am 8o thankful,” Thousands of others can testify to similar cures, TETTERINE is sold by druggists or' sent by mail for 50c. by J, T, SHUPTRINE, Dept. A, Savannah, Ga. l HIS DIPLLOMA. Jchnny: “Going to school?” Tommy: “Naw, I don't hayve. to} the candidate said he never seen a more intelligent audience and I was one of ’'em.—New York Sun. | Deafness Cannot Be Cured ]‘ dylocalapplications as theycannot reach the tiseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafnesjsje:md that is by consti tutional remedies. nfness iscaused byan mflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When thistubeisin lamed youhave & rumbling sound orimper fect hearing, and when it is entirely cloged Deafness Si‘xe result, and unless the inflam mation can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will be dest;gi&\ forever. Ninecases out of ten arecaused bycatarrh, which isnothingbutan inflamed coadition of the mucons gurfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deagnesa (cauged bycatarrh) thatcan not be curedby Hall’s Catarrh Cure, Send for tirculars free. F.J.CHBNEY & Co.,Toledo,o. Sold by Druggiste, 75¢. Talke Hall's Family Pills for constipation. IN 1940. : They were looking up at the latest skyscraper. “But what. are those things sticking out from the sides?” asked the up-state friend. “Those? Oh, those are mile posts;” answered the New Yorker.—Judge. KEPT GETTING WORSE., - Five Years of Awful Kidney Disease, Nat Anderson, Greenwood, 8. C., says: “Kidney trouble began about D five years ago with /I‘ ) dull backache, which P got so severe in time 377 {9y that I could not get ?;“as around. The kidney A secretions beét;fo . ', badly disordered and /Q__ at times there was , ALy almost a &g:plgu #2707 §” stop of the fi w. I ; was examined- again and again and treated to no avail and kept getting worse. I have to praise Doan’s Kidney Pills for my final re lief and cure. Since using them I have gained in strength and flesh and have no sign of kidney trouble.” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y, The man who wants the most for his money should buy experience, FIFTEEN YEARS OF SUFFERING. Burning, Painful Sores on Legs—Tovs tured Day and Night—Tried Many Remedies to No Avail—Used Cuticura; Is Well Again. “After an attack of rheumatism, running sores broke out on my husband’s legs, from below the knees to the ankles. There are no worde to tell all the discomfort and great suffering he had to endure night and day. He used every kind of remedy and three physicians treated him, one after the other, without any good results whataver, One day I ordered some Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Ointment, and Cuticura Resol vent. He began to use them and in three weeks all the sores were dried up, The burning fire stopped, and the pains became bearable. After three months he was quite well. I can prove this testimonial at any time. Mrs. V. V. Albert, Upper French ville, Me., July 21, 1907.” The best pie for most men is to be occupied, e 8 - - R R B Pimples,ltching Humors, Rheumatism, Blood " i o o oy THIE) Poison, Eczema, Bone Pains. 43 % LA ; 8.8 B. (Botanic Blood Balm 15 the only Bfood remedy that kill the poison in TGN R ; LR the blood and then purifies it—sending a flood of Yun rh:{A blood directto th skin 3 i & I o surface, Bones Joints and whereve gh dizeago 18 ocated. In this way all Sores, Y e / 3 Ulcers Pim les, Eruptions are healedan” curec paing and aches of Rheumatism A f . ; ’ = B JCease lwell& unubsi)de. 8.8.8 comylvtcly changes the body into clean, healthy \ g oond{tltl)al. zlvqng%he ’stkln.t.lif-orich rnl hum‘:’f &(;rfiz(;tgmuhéx. B. N"l’!. r;slur«»fi‘t}u' Wty worst o. 8. b .00 at Drug Btores with rections Cares Through the Blood for Bome curo. SAMPLE FRES by wiliop BLOOD BALM 00", atimse ons WR -_—_——-—_W__WV R b Bel iRL B e R R s 2 R “Tt Cured Mel!” No wonder doctors tell people to drink” well water, Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion.allays pain, cures wind colic, 25¢c a bottle Trusting to luck is a lazy man’s‘job. r———————em A % " L 3 Ay, ] i CURES S PALLS & . 7 Hest Cough B . Tastes Good 7 uy in Jm.yrgopld b d::: ats, I R T | ;U-‘ & - A s ‘ 'AND HAVE THF LAST WORD, TOO. . ~ He: “When we are marrfed we ‘must both think alike.” f."‘S«he: “Yes, but I'll think'— Town Topics. l A SR EVRRE LISR R Al R j R 3 s 400 % Lx»,f'((!;&{g\g SRI ¥ PSRN AR 3 Il S ; ol R R WZ/)).,-AWJ K o :t‘ A "lii-f.-";m' : d} .):.%\‘\ ‘s' '/ By le R “’ k Y| aE e, e (/R AR T "~ How many American women in lonely homes to-day long for this blessing to cone into their lives, and to be able to utter these words, but because of some organic derange ment this happiness is denied them. Every woman interested in this subject should know that prepara tion for healthy maternity is accomplished by the wuse of LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S Mrs. Maggie Gilmer, of West Union, S. C.,writes to Mrs. Pinkham: *“I was greatly run-down in health from a weakness peculiar to my sex, when Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound was recommended to me. It not only restored me to perfect health, but to my delight I am a mother,” Mrs. Josephine Hall,of Bardstown, Ky., writes : “i was a very gre&t sufferer from female troubles, and my physician failed to help me. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Comgound not only restored me to perfect health, but lam now a proud mother.” FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty gears Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Clomfiound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, andhas positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, flbroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, dizziness or nervous prostration, Why don’t you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. m hag gnided thousands to alth, Address, Lynn, Mass. W LDOUGLAS | *3OO°SHOES 5350 LA KL ANI AT T 5 DX N W, L. Dogghu makes and gells more men’s $3.00 and §3.50 shoes than any other manufacturer in the world, he cause tho{ hold thelr shape, fit better, and wéar longer than any other make. Shoes at All Prices, for Evoq Membor of the Family, Mon, Boys, Worron, Misses & Children W.L.Douglas $4.00 and $5.00 Gilt Bhoes cannot be equalled tnny prtm.. W. L l:?o?uu $2.00 and $4.00 shoes are the best in the world Fast Coler Flyelsts Usod Haxolusively. o= Take No Sußstitute. W, I, Dougins name and price is stamped on bhottom, Sold everywhere, Bhoes mailed from factory to any art of the world. Catalozue free, W. L. DOUGLAS, 157 Spark St. Girockton, Mass. oo THE ). R WATKINS MEDICAL (0. "s*“ 3 5 0 0| e TR M ulces 7O Different Articles: Household Remedies, Flavoring | 8 ) Extracts ail Kinds, Tollet Prepl_\rnllon-, Fine Soaps, Ete, { iy Canvassers Wanted in Every County. > 'l'."f""“‘f'i 40 Years Experience, $8,000,600 Output. (e 4 BEST PROPOSITION EXER QFFERED AGENTS “Cardui” writes Mrs. Susan A. Hall, of Hayne, N. C., “has been a heaven-sent blessing to me. Since taking Cardui, I have been in better health than in the past five years, It cured me. I could not have had my baby, if it had not been for Cardui. I cannot say too much in praise of it.” & @ : dKC Lardaul : %" &%, Ladies who suffer from the pains and ailments due to womanly ills, such as head -4 i(fl,‘rfi b ache, ; backache, dragging sensations, pain in side, numbness, inability to walk, nervous / ;;y,./;.wg‘ ), ness, irregular functions, dizziness, etc., ghould try this famous female remedy, which T Q\ - ‘has benefited over a million women, during the past 50 years, y \‘-,éy Composed of purely vegetable, harmless ingredients, CARDUI is a perfectly safe ; 5 ot and reliable remedy. Try it. 1 Nursing Mothers and Malaria @ The Old Standard GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds up the § system. Vou know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing it @ is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless, and the most effectual form. For gdultsand children, 50c. IR RSt ettt tanior cotors thas sy othar dze, Gue 10s package colors all Obors, Thes dye n Sold water betjer fhan Al S AU 00 The upstart has usually a bad fin ish, DEATH TO RING WORM. “Everywhere I go I spoak for TerTeRINE, because it cured me of ringworm in its worst form, My whole chest from neck to waist was raw as beef; but tETTERNE cured me. It a'so cured a bad case of piles.”” So says Mrs, M. F. Jones of 28 TannehiM St., Pittsburg, Pa. Trerresing, the great skin remedy, is sold by druggists or sent by mail for 6%¢. Write J, T. SmurrrlNg, Dept. A, Savannah, Ga, Germany wants the next Olympic games. How is the Fatherland in the matter of taking a beating with goodl temper? asks the New York Evening Sun. o . N 0 The University and Gommercial School, Abbeville, Ga, gives individual training preparing students thoroughly for callege and university work. Greatest care given to character building as well as thorough training inteliectually. Courses are complete and thorough. French, Greek, Latin and English Literature taught by able teachers. The Commercial Courses embrace Typewriting, Bookkeepingr, Shorthand, Arithmetic, Correspondence, writing, Banking. Full conrse in Telegiaphy and allied work. Awmple grounds, good board, ten months’ tuition ; all for §l5O. Write for deseriptive booklet to C. 1. GORDOX, Prin. Commercial Dept JOHN A, MILLER, A B, Superintendent, 2 e S S e e Y dEBuIE ALI = ‘ A i:*{‘ e bl el P % Thebottom of your foot, if twisted out "-’,,4};":;3;»«.- FeenFFisinlo 6 R oublo it eot | SUER snocnen uss. i fd foundation: the bottoms match the newus et gon — gty il bottomsof your feet. That’swhy the ek e @ are comfortable. Look for the la{)el._?f you do not tind* [ b s (g Skroemers easily, write us for directions how to secure iy R A tem FRED.F.FIELD'CO) Brockion, Mas. @M E~ EI i | i .tn s —For Desirable Locations on the Line of the— ATLANTA,BIRMINGHAM & ATLANTIC RAILROAD TRAVERSING PRODUCTIVE GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. “ There is no section in the country offering better op portunities for farming, manufacturing plants, fruit grow ing and stock raising. _The A. B. & A. furnishes unsurpassed transportation facilities, operating from Birmingham and Atlanta to Brunswick, Thomasville and Waycross, affording through Brunswick, Steamship freight service on quick schedules for New York, Boston and other eastern markets. \ Should you desire to locate in this ‘‘Garden Spot of the South,” it will pay you to communicate with either of the undersigned. J. R. ROWLAND, W. H. QUIGG, Traffic Manager, General Freight Agent, W. H. LEAHY, General Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. “W £ \'\ : 5o - f i 4"» b - _f\l 'Y ! ‘\' FOI‘ 4',1"1‘-/ W/\>\ 4 ; BER gl ’17:‘?’"" W ‘:\\\ " R T seA~ ) m Horses \EHGER/S TREY I TB N vRT A, \';"")g;.\ ‘ ' ““'@]\”x) g l'“k"..A.n‘\“-. a Much of the chronic lameness in horses is due to neglect. See that your horse is not allowed to go lame, Keep Sloan’s Liniment on hand and apply at the first signs of stiffness, It’s wonderfully penctrating—goes right to the spot—relieves the soreness — limbers up the joints and makes the muscles €lastic and pliant. & ° Sloan’s Liniment will kill a spavin, curb or splint, reduce wind puffs and swol len joints, and is a sure and speedy remedy for fistula, sweeney, founder and thrush., Price, 50c, and SI.OO. Dr. Earl 8. Sloan, -~ = Boston, Mass. Bloan’s book on horses, cattle, sheop and poultry sent free. CLASSIFES ADVERTISEMENTS e T s “IMAFNESS AND (JA'I‘AB&II CURE. INHALENT CATARRHAL JELLY Cures - Deafness and Catarrh. Trial treatment by malil free. REA CO., Minneapolis, Minn, e e e e A __LIVE WILD FOWLS AND GAME ‘\]/\NTFID—LI\'E WILD TURKEYS. Also Squirrels, Tame Deer. Red Foxes, Par tridges, Pheasants. Wild Waterfowl, gtc. v Cecil Freneh Y aturalist. Washington, D.C. Honest toil is the best appetizer. Hicks' Capudine Cures Women's Monthly Pains, Backache, Nervousness, and Headache. It's Liquid. Effects immo diately. Preseribed by physicians with best results. 10c., 25¢., and 50c.. at drug stores, No wonder Maine is a popular state. R CURED ok Givesy G TE Quick ) } Relief. \- & Removes all swelling in Bto 20 ‘ 4 days; cifects g permanent cure 1 - in 70to 6o days, Trinltreatment m' N\ L given free, Nothingean be fairer, G/ \EBuEYM Write Dr, H. H. Green’s Song, « RN Uidispecialists, Box B Atlanta, G ——————————————————————————— RUEUMATISM 30, chee: fl’}i‘if.'ffiif.‘lilfl,‘ eI low, Write quick, Tug WHRIGHT MLD, CO., Peru Ind, 2 s HELP ingist on Having FOR Dr,ryAIJTEL‘;s Preparation e Mt d " WOMEN 37 Davooiwes oY send for book, “Relieffor Women.” FRENCH DRUG CO., 30 W, 32d8t,, N, Y, City, 3 W(At.45-'08)