Newspaper Page Text
YL, X3.--NO. 28.
sLocal Personal
E. Jo“nson was in town Monday.
M. M. Youmans was 1n town Mon
day, |
J. R. Cooper came to town Mon
day, |
J. BY Loyd spent Monday in
W. O. Gibson was in town Tues
A. B. Howard was here last Tues
day. ;
Wwm Tayier was 1n town last Sat
urlay. -
John Bryaut of Traders Hill, was
in towu last Mondav.
N. N. Mizell came to town last
Saturday afternoon
W. H. Hathaway is in town for
a few days, I
Ned Rogers was in town last Sat ’
urday. : ; ‘
1L H. Crews'was in town Satug
day ¥
Sam Chesser came to town Wed
tesday e : : % : .t']
P >y % s e
E Stufferd of Upton_vx}l‘;\‘as‘ in
C}\h alltrd.!}'. e % " 1
Jobn Mizcll was iuftoWn last Qat.
urday - *:._‘ e 2
D. ®. Libkins was' in Folkston
ast Sainnday aftérnoun, P
Col, Lee Crawley of Wayeross
wesan town Tuesday.,
i > : -‘K: s : S o
ocjedd. Dowling, of Uptonville was
in towa last Friday,
3 Wos Rivdea of Winok i VLSt
LOW tes i wee s
J. ¥ Hickox of Hickex was in
Folkston last week, i
- F. Jolus ard Seab. Wainright of
Bachiott was i town last Thursday,
r G- E Mattox &I Waycross, was
Mi Byrais making -,el-'pamuun]
to meve here within a few days.
A H. Wainright, of Newell, a:-
tcuded the land sale hére Tuesday.
Mr. Minchew, of Bachlott, was in
town Tuesday, /
oA Reafroe, of Jacksonville
was tu lown a few hours Juesday,
Jehn Allen and Dock Prescott
# o amarye thuse who were in town
Saturday at the nome of J. P. Rob
mson, . 3
Jack Johnsoa came up from Flor
ida last Friday, and spent the night
ie town,
D, Dallas Williams, has again o=
pened up his drog store. His office
is in the Ceain building |
Dr, . A. Cannon, of Waycross,
spent last Saturday here, in the in
terests of his business.
A. F. Conner and G. C. Layton,
of Uptonville, were in town last
Thursday afternoon,
Miss'l\'ci.ic Mawox cpied 164
number of her friends last Thursday
Mrs. M. E. Rudolph spéhit Mon
day ot the home of "J. A Wain
right, =
Mrs. J. R VanVoorhis spent
Tuesday in Jacksonvilie,
August Ha'.a,‘ Of ot ‘;?\,n'g“ was in
towa Tuesday suttending the land
salc. :
J L. White from Texas was here
Tuesday, attending the land sale of
the Moore esiate
E. A, l'arker of Barnesville, Ga.,
attended the Tand sale herc Tues
| Many of the farmers were busy
the latter part of last week hauling
!lhclr cotton to the buyers here.
W. M. Smith has sold an interest
in his mercantile business to, Mr.
Byid of Uptonville.
Alex Mills who has beeu living in
Folkston for‘ some time, moved
back to the country last week.
1 Mrs. E. L. Keen of Waycross, is
spending this week in Folkston with
her sister Mrs, B. F. Scott.
- Write L. Hurst of Ocala, Fla.
for prices on nice oranges. He
sells direct from the tree.
A. B. Wainright, cf Callahan
spent Tuaesday here with komefolks
Dolph says there is no place like
Mrs. B. I, Scott spent the latter
part of last week in the country with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. N. Rod
denbery. :
Among those who-were present at
the K. of P. meeting last Thursday
night were A. F. Connor, of Wain
wright, W, W. Davis, Gad Rodden
bery, D, . Roddenbery, and Hamp
Much interest was takén in the
real estate sale here Tuesday. Ma
ny were here from different sections
of the state. - ;
‘The Moore estatesold for $2979.00.
3 M, \\fglton Dinkins brought dn
town.lasi weeks several bunches of
tUening, that the leaves measured
two feet and eight inches. This
speaks well for a fall garden. Mr.
Dinkins is one_of Charlton progres.
ive férmers, = : '
st s T}‘ié;" of 4 “Eiflr:::{l{,wfi%“G.;’
parents i and Mis. W. W. Ly
ler, lcaving for Jacksonville Mon
day on tne noon train, where he
will spend a few days. :
~ Mr. J. E. McMahal, of Hcme
land is a canidate for Justice of
’ilme Peace of the 32 diswrict. He s
ihe kind of mon we need in office.
B ICL Us ail GO tEauy Lo el nin
%ncxt dSatuicay, Dec. gth.
" Rew. M. Booth, pastor of the
Methodist church this year, and left Monday afternoon. He
goes to Quitman te attend the con
ference, while his family are visiting
Bro. Booth has retired from the
conference, and will begin farming.
He says he will still preach every
ndiy and when his famils are 1)
ko Jeail agatn he wiil join the
contereuce. He 1s a good preach
er and we hate to bave hin leave us.
Knight of Py
thias to Have Oys
¢ ter Roast,
The K. of P’s of Folkston Lodge
are making preparations to have an
oyster roast at their next' regular
meeting Dec. loth. All the mem
bers are expected to be present and
among them they expect to have a
pleasant time.
The meating is the time in which
new offices s will be elected for the
ensuing terrmo, and scveral canidates
will be initiated. :
The members are proud to report
that they have had a profitable year,
and much interesy has been takea in
the work of the order.
1o our friends and the good peo
ple of Folkston, who so geuerously
donated to the ‘surprisc poundirg”
on A eduesday afternopn at the
Words are inadequate to express
our thanks o you all and we shail
ever hold yon in grateful memory in
the long years to come,
May God prosper you all.
| Very sincerely,
| Mr. and Mrs M, Booth.
Prisnoner Tties To !
Commit Suicide.]
Elijah Allen, the prisoner who is
now in the county jail for shooting
the marshal at Moniac several days
ago, seetns to be tired of life,
Last week he asked the jailer to
get him a bottle of calomel Thel
juiler thinking him to be sick gave
bim the medicine, "'and in 3 few
hours he had taken the whole bote
le of medicine which mads*him
real sick.
A few days later he decided calo
mel wouldat kill. So taking a
small looking glass fromn the walls
of the cell, he broke it and beating
it very fine, he swallowed about a
tablespoonful. In a few hours he
was suffering from the eflects and it
seemed that death was near, but tbg
doctor was summoged and bégafi'
treating him. and as yet he ie still|
alive but is very sick, e
The negro says he had rather die|
than live, and if he could would
commit suicide. : ity
e o e . —soumrmmep o s
With' this issue the “Herald” has
changed hands and goes m.fobuv un-]
der the new mamtfg"egi)étit, that it yx!
lose nouc of its fore, ‘there can be
‘no doubt, as Mr. E, L, \\aurlgh}:’ry
fully abje. and grters ugion t‘\ee_d"
toral n-hagement full of hope ag&
determination. He isa young mati |
of sterling ‘and christian' cfi%gg‘
and we predict & brlg‘htm{',u;%%
him and the gear old Charl tm},fi :
assute one and all of ¢ va‘-c‘r:
that we witl earry with us in eur
new field a warm place in our mem
ory for them. OQur relations have
been nothing but pleasant. We!
have in our weak way done the best
we could, we have labored for the
up building of Folkston and Chari
ton ‘ounty and waile at times our
roud has been a rough and rugged
one we hope that all of our efforts
havenot been in vain. We admit
of many mistakes but they were 'of
the head only. .
Very truly yours,
W. W. Tyler
To The Public.
With this issue, I take charge of’
the Hearald as Editor and Manager,l
and will publish it weekly as it has
been heretofore, }
Th: Herald ander the manage
ment of Mr. Iyler has proven to be 1
a paper of which the public have ‘
been proud, because of its being free
from everything that would aot have!
a tendercy to up-bvild our county,
and because of its being clean, "ad
vocating only those things which
‘are honest and upright.
~ We are very sorry to lose Mr,
‘Tyler. because he has been a valua.
ble citizeu, and has done much good
since he has been among us, but I
trust all will join me in wishing for
him much success in his new field.
I begin the Editorial management
of the Herali with 2 dete rm ation
that it shall not fall, but that it shall
grow, and prove a valuable paper to
the county.
To make the werk 2 success, we
need the cooperation of the citizens
of the county, ‘
‘Trusting that you will all join me
in this work, | am, . 1
Yours ‘z'.gr':"YfH'ifi’.", ‘
" 'E. 1. Wainvight.
| ik
I)’UL’."\}U MEN! it you wanty to
‘know why you should become’ tele
graph operators and what s'c.f\ool- to
{attend, write to SOUTaI ERN
Newnan, Ga,, for free Catalog “A.”
EVERY BOY should read it, Posi
tions positively guar‘a&tfid-
t"; nor ]
~+ Wrs. Sallie Davis.
. e ‘
w 3 '_:L last’ Sunday morning, Nov,
20, 1988, the Death Angel visited
ot ‘ ;a‘im took from among us,
x ilie Davis, who had been
s"j\ ‘;‘";more than thre: months
Shie #BB Lorn Jan. 22, 1872
wln ’_,li'fe she was converted
a'&_' ;"‘thafl\lethodist church,
and i¥ed & cousistent christian iifé
18¢h8 lay of her death. She was a
;,fl éan, ant did many things
foroge Lord, of which the world
i’ but Lttle, She was not a
great ‘professor, but she held fast
hflflg pon the true riches. She had
g‘igicc.ustom;d‘ to the way of
| ithad the path Sf prayer, having
walked therein almost all of her life,
A feW days before her death she
‘w 5 she wbuld not be with us
longand assured us that she would
‘l with her Saviour.
f"" ¢ bercaved husband, two
daughters, and one son tarry behind
‘h _Another home has been bro
cenllp by a wife and mother being
callél home. We cannot under
stapl how God doeth all things
but we will know by and by,
Al tears will be wiped away, all
Sortows w&’fi’é healed.
“‘,'.-I) WIS was a faithful wife, a
? y mo@&, and it se#mad she
1" ! in¥hef Power ro make her
a h@:@g home, She loved
g isba_ * and children, and
:“1 ,V_J.z_xot hesitate in making any
E 1 i»*' t'' would add to their
@ Blvess of pleasure, ;
2 z i had wany frictids, for all who
TR e T i S 0
S c v Bre e Avieads. . Tlrey
SBN heT TR hed oodnods.
Hioe never met amyone Withoat be
ing pleasant, and it was a pleasure
to all to be around her, and to be in
It is comforting to her loved ones
to kmow that while she has gone to
her reward, her Christian Lfe and
deeds will live as a beacon light, a
guiding stat leading all who will to
the “Lamb of God which taketh a
way the_sin of the world.”
. May (hé symvathetic Saviour be
with, comfort and support the be
reaved husband and children is our
| prayer, ~ %
To the good people of Folksron
and especially the good ladies who
have so kindly tendered their ser
vices to us during the illness and
death of my beloved wife, and to
Dr. Wright who not only rendered
his services as a physician, but as a
brother he stood by us to the end,
Words are inadequate to express
our sincerc appreciation of the kin.l
ness. We shall ever love and es
teem them, one and all. As to the
kindness of the people, our nurse re
marked to me: ‘I have never scen
anything like it, these people seem
wore like brothers and sisters than
May God reward you all with hs
richest blessings for your goodness
to us,
| Sincerel y
| H. J. Davis and family,
! Nice
i Florida Oranges:
S Direct ‘0 you from thetree £
'_i:, Orders filled the same day rec'd g
! L. HURST |
f Box 607, Ocala, Fla. |
\ :ull(llllhlill:lll:llll.'lnli'll!ln!nlnlnll;lt‘ll&lquvllltlhllvl):j
Why We Love ‘
Chatlton County is the gouthesn.
#Wost county in the state, and lies in
the south eastern pant twenty-five
miles from the Atlantic Coast. It
is a level country, and affords fine,
farming lands. Woeu is plentiful
ou all lands, aud some sections of
the connty is well timbered, \
Folkston, the <ouuty-site, is a
thriving little business town, and 1s;
located on the A, (. 1., Ry, It has,
good churches, a fine school, znd’
several secret orders, a bank, and in’
fact everything that tends (o make!
a little town prosperous, i
i Homeland, the colony town of,
1906, is a busy little town just onej
iand a half miles north of Folkston:
onthe A. C, L. Ry. Since the be
!ginning of this colony in 1906, we
have seen much limprovement in
this county caussd by the settlefs
:céming in atd we have every rea.
son to be proud of their coming and
locating among us, In the lasi year
Ithey have made many improvements
in the town, several stores have
been built, a depot has been built by
the Colony Co,, a large sawmill has
been put in, and they now have a
good school,
' The farmers that come amang us,
have purchased their land, and are’
making ready to bLegin planting in
early spring. X
St. George, the colony town of
1904, 24 miles south of Folkston on
the G. 8. & F. Ry, is a very large
town, with many business enterprise
es. They are doing nicely with
their wotk, and many settlers are
coming in. Theyhave good church
Savings Department
The Atlantic National Bank,
Jacksonville, Florida. :
Interest at 4 .f" cent per annum
compounded quarterly in
Savings Depariment,
EDWARD W, LANE, President,
FRED W. HOYT, Vice-President.
' il s aVery Simple Matter.
M To opcn)alm acc‘:;ount. send
your name and address with your first deposit. The money may
be sent by registered mail, postoffice money order, express mouney
order, or draft, or by check on your local bank. As soon as thie
first deposit is received the bank will send yon g pass bouk, ia
which will be written your name and the amount of your deposit.
1t will also send you signature and identification card, which you
will sign, fill out and return. Your'pass book must accompany
all deposits and withdrawals. You can withdraw money by wmail
just as easily as though you visited the bank, Your signatute to
a blank withdrawal receipt, which we will send you to 1 out, is
all the identification necessary. We will sead you ouyr check for
the amount you withdraw, or, if you prefer, we will send you the
cash by express or registered mail,
When answering this Ad. pleass mention the
Charlton County Herald,
es and schools, aud everyghing looks
‘bright for a thriviag litdle wity @
the neat futute,
| Clatlton has many other litle”
’towns of which we are proud.
~ We haye some of the best farme
ing lanys jn the ptate, 3o to so
Dbushels of cornas faised 40 the aoge,
200 to 300 gatlons of syrup pet. g
cre, and 200 t 0 300 bushels smest
potatoes to an acre. In this conge
ty practically every:hing grows,.
We have such a short winter shat
‘mauny different crops can be grows
on the same land dg the same ysar,
Qur climate surpasses all others.
We never have snow. apd the win
‘ter months are very pleasant. Inthe
summer we have g brecze from the
Atlantic and the golf, which wake
the summer mouths. very ploasants
Many people believe that the cli.
mate of Charlton durmg the sum
mer months 1s equal to that of the
llow plains of the Torrid zone. Bug
!ms not. e ilive where the clis
mate is pleasagt all the year roynd.
‘We have no malaria, or chills agd
fever. Its healthy. No mosquitoes.
Our rivers afford plenty of fish,
and our woods plenty of gawe,
Our farmers are now waking up
and are beginning ,te realise that
they live in the best {armirgsectioh
of the state. Muany new _ farmers
ar¢ coming in, and everybody is
busv bringing old Charlton to. the
front. “Therefore belipving strongly
that within a few years, Chailtup
will be the grandest county in -the
state, we say we love j§. t
A. B, Kesler and A, A, Wgis.
lright, of Newell, were ia towa Toes.
day, il RS i
Resources over
Four Million Dollass.
DELMER @, UPCHURCH, Agst. Cashie