Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, December 03, 1908, Image 7

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And How It Pounces Upon the Poor
This is quite a startling exhibition
on account of the lifelike qualities of
the eagle, which really soars into mid
air up the mountain crag after the
defenseless sheep.
The eagle may reach its prey or
hover about it in the air in an unsuc
cessful attempt as long as the youth
ful operator wishes.
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How It Looks to the Audience.
A small toy theatre stage presents
the best setting for the trick, al
thaugh it can be done on an ordinary
table, but with the stage setting by
far the best effects may be obtained.
You can easily fashion a set of
mountain scenery by cutting out
mountains from colored pictures in
old magazines ahd setting them +p
either in the slits of the stage or cn
small wooden stand mounts if voa
have no toy theatre. .
Two ‘“‘wings” of mouatain scenery
will be enough — that is, the front
wing which is the mountain side in
the foreground, and the other “wing”
made up of the hills in the back
ground as shown in the picture.
Now cut out a very small picture
of a sheep and paste it on the “wing”
in the foreground at point A.
Now.cut out a small eagle from
fine tissue paper. A small sewing
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How 1t Looks to You,
needle should be procured. Thread
it with a piece of fine thread about a
foot in length and run it lengthwise
through the body of the paper eagle. |
The most important thing of all to
secure is a very strong magnet, You
place the theatre or table in such a
way as to enable you to stand direct
1y behind the stage, where you can
use both hands at the same time.
Take the magnet in your right hand
and place it at the point marked A
behjnd the mountain and out of sight
of the audience.
The needle-eagle starts to fly to
ward the invisible magnet. You in
stantly check its flight by pulling
backward on the thread, the end of
which you have grasped in your left
Now you gradually move the invis
ible magnet upward in the direction
indicated by the dotted lines.
The astonished audience sees the
eagle slowly fly up the mountain side.
This seeming miracle is easily accom
plished by holding the thread end so
that the attracted needle-eagle will
be just far enough away to get the
full strength of the hidden magnet’s
attraction without quite being able
to touch it, and as the magnet is
raised upward behind the mountain
the eagle naturally arises with it.
The audience sees only the eagle,
and, of course, is greatly mystified.
If your hand is steady you may di
rect the eagle’s flight at will, being
careful to always keep the magnet
out of sight behind the scenes.—
Philadelphia Record. |
Vessels move faster through deep
water with the same amount of
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—From Leslie'ss Weekly. -
Convenience in Postage.
Reduction of postage between the
United States and Great Britain from
five cents to two cents per letter of
first ounce or less, took effect October
1. The convenience and economy to
the people of this change is manifest
to all who will be affected by (it.
Those who only occasionally send let
ters to England or Ireland are re
lieved of the doubt of the number and
denomination of stamps to be used.
We can now stamp our letters for
England and Ireland with the usual
two-cent stamp, same as to Canada.
At the New York Postoffice, first day
of the reduction, the increase of mail
for England and Ireland was so great
that twenty extra clerks were detailed
at the foreign branch. It is estimated
that 75,000 letters for England and
Ireland were mailed during the day.
Already there is an immense increase
in the circular business. The increase
in business will soon be found to
largely make up for the decrease in
price.—Cincinnati Inquirer.
R e —
A Good Trick.
Draw a big U on cardboard or stiff
paper and then, with a sharp knife or
scissors, cut it out. Laying it on the
table, ask who can, in two cuts, divide
it into seven pieces. That seems
a difficult thing to do, doesn't it?
But it is quite easy. The picture
;L" e &
shows how you may do it. First cut
across from 1 to 2, which will divide
it into three pieces. Then place the
‘pieces side by side, and one cut where
you see the dotted line will give you
seven pieces.—Good Literature.
Trance Makes Girl Taller.
The case of Clara Konter, the eigh
teen-year-old girl who became un
conscious recently, is growing more
peculiar. The father of the girl said
his daughter had grown fully two
inches taller in the past three days,
and every dress she has worn is too
small for her. .
“The girl is now perfectly ration
al,” said Dr. C. P. Kerr, who exam
ined her. He advised the parents
that the girl should not be spoken to
on the subject, and even the county
detectives, who have been prying into
the case, were forbidden to question
her. — Pittsburg Telegram -to the
Philadelphia Record.
A Slight Mistake.
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Young Hopeful — “Mummy, have
gooseherries got legs?”
Mother—*No, dear.”
Young Hopeful—‘'‘Then I've swal
lowed a caterpillar.””—The Tatler.
In Paris last year 49,298 horses
were killed for food, which was 5000
more than the previous year. These
animals yielded 26,600,000 pounds of
2 Efd‘ifié’fé;".fifd”g?&.“.{‘“"“_""“ ..
REA CO., Dept. B-4. Minneaypolis. Minn.
"The sweetest words in the Eng
lish language,” says the St. Joseph
Gazette, after considerable thought,
“ara ‘Enclosed find check.’”
A Dangerous Case of Kidney Trouble
and How It Was Checked.
Mrs. Luey Quebeck, Mechanie St.,
Hope Valley, R. 1., says: “Eight
d years ago I contract-
PN v ed severe kidney
%"W‘ < ® trouble and my back
,fi A began to ache con
"fi}* I tinually. Every day
“ it seemed worse.
t@* The least pressure
NAR R B on my back tortured
\ &‘:{*\\3;‘ K me, and I could not
AR stoop without a bad
RN twinge. The kidney
secretions passed irregularly with
pain, and I bloated badly. My head
swam and spots flitted before my
eyes. One doctor sald I was incurable.
However, 1 found prompt relief when
I started using Doan's Kidney Pills,
and the troubles I have related grad
ually disappeared.”
Sold by all dealers. 50c. a boz.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
To be extravagant at the expense of
other people is criminal,
Itch cured. in 30 minutes by Woolford’s
Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists.
Myer—"“Ever notice that dilapidated
old umbrella Jones carries?” !
Gyer—“Yes. It is evidently one
of the shades of his ancestors.”—Chi
cago News.
Mrs, Winslow’s S(l)]othing S_\;rdup fori lf!fl!:fg::
i ms, reduces i
B e wind solic M & T
From the big slump in the matri
monial market it appears that a good
many young women refused to wed
during leap year for fear that they
will be suspected of having done the
prepesing, says the Washington Post.
‘“Everywhere I go I speak for TETTERINE,
because it cured me of ringworm in its
worst form, My whole chest from neck to
waist was raw as beef; but YETTERWE cured
me. It also cured a bad case of piles.”” 8o
says Mrs. M. F. Jones of 28 TannehiK St.,
Pittsburg, Pa. TerTBRINE, the great skin
remedy, issold by druggists or sent by mail
for 60c. Wtite J. T. SHUPTRINE, Dept, A,
Savannah, Ga.
It seems from current news, to the
Philadelphia Ledger, that the easiest
way to induce ypeople of a certain
mental bent to make fools of them:
selves is to “dare” them. Under such
stimulus they do not pause at matri
mony qr suicide,
To Drive Out Malaria and Build Up
the System
Take the Old Standard GROVWs Tasrs
LESS CHILL TTg:x‘%rm ?.‘f.“a.k”pf.'m'm y
o.;eoverg go ttle, showing it is lin’lpgy Qg |
Bsl tor For esl
w::hfldm 50c.
Prospective Best Man—Got the
marriage license yet?
Prospective Bridgegroom—No; I'm
not going to get that until the last
thing. She may go back on me.,—
Chicago Tribune.
SIOO Reward, SIOO.
The {udersof this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is a{) least one dreaded die
ease that science has been able to cure in all
‘ituhgel andthatisCatarrh. Hall’s Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con
stitutional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cureis taken inter
nally,acting direct!v upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system, thereby destroy
ing the foundation o?'the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the con
stitution and assisting nature in domg its
work. The proprietors have so much faith
in its curative powers that they offer Ona
Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to
cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Address
F. J. Cnexey & Co., Voledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 75c. :
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Wizard Burbank, of California, de
clares that it is quite within the
range of possibility that Massachu
setts farmers will soon lay out ban
ana groves, as before long he will
have perfected a species of hardy but
luscious plaintain that will come to
perfect fruition anywhere in New
. " .
Pimples, itching Humors, Rheumatism, Blood
- .
E Poison, Eczema], Bone Pains. .2
AR B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is the only Bfood remedy that kills the poison in gAY LA
& the blood and then purifies it—gending a flood of smrc, rich blood directto the skin ' €
$ surface, Bones, Joints, and wherever the disease is located, In this way all Sores, £ n
: Ulecers, Pm les, Eru?tlonu are healed and cured, paing and aches of Rheumatism /A ,}'
] B& B .cease, Sw, fims subside. B. B. B. cnm{rlflely chmlfgeslhe body into clean, healthy A' ,
condition, giving the skin the rich, red hue of perfect health. B. B. B. enres thi g} )
cm'es '"]m“gh 'hg Blood worst old eases. Try it. 81.00 per large bottle at all Drug Btores with direetions
for home cure. SAMPLE FREE by writing BLOOD BALM co, Atlanta, Ga. A
Jolor ds brighter and faster colors than any other dye, One 10c. kage colors all fibers. They dye In cold water botter than any other dye, You
E:'?r]:’d:zr‘?:(r});o:urmpn‘t without ripping apart, Wr!{o for tu'z ~00k,.,_n0?,“w‘fi,,, Bleach and Mix Colors. MONROE DRUG CO,, Quincy, Illinois,
—_— il s o Lare,
We Buy U w
FURS Weiv/2
~, ¥ "
Hides and P L
( I
Wool o
Feathers, Tallow, Beeswax, Ginseng, {5
Golden Seal,(Yellow Root), May Apple,
Wild Ginger, ete. We are dealers;
established in 1856—""Over half a century in
Louisville"~and can do better for you than
ageats or commission merchants, Reference,
any Bank in Louisville. Write for weekly
price list and shipping tags,
M. Sabel & Sons, g
227 E. Market Bt. LCUISVILLE, KY.
G f"."j 4(’70 \; 3-- ]
o CURES WH ": A\LL ELSE anlfi .
' Co':f yrup, astes Good ¥
1y 30 ia time, Sgldb drog g
P T ToT T i i) y
’. It wishes were punctures, muses
-the Dallas News, a lot of automobil
ists would have to come down and
- walk.
- Limbs Below the Knees Were Raw—
Feet Swollen—Sleep Broken—
Cared in 2 Days by Cuticura.
“Some two months agp I had a humor
break out on my limbs below my knees.
They came to look like raw beefsteak, all
red. and no one knows how they itched
and burned. They were so swollen that I
could not get my shoes on for a week or
more. I used five or six different remedies
and got no help, only when applying them
the burning was worse and the itching less.
"For two or three weeks the suffering was
intense and during that time I did not
sleep an hour at a time. Then one morn
ing I tried a bit of Cuticura. ¥rom the
moment it touehed me the itching was
gone and I have not felt a bit of it since.
The swelling went down and in two days 1
had my shoes on and was about as usual.
George B. Farley, 80 South State St., Con
cord, N. H., May 14, 1007.”
. “The sweetest worde in the Eng
lish language,” says the St. Joseph
Gazette, after considerable thought,
“are ‘Enclosed find check.'”
TerTeRINE has done wonders for suffer
ers from eczema, tetter, ground itch, ery
sipelas, infant sore head, chaps, chafes and
other forms of skin diseases, In aggravat
ed cases of eozema its cures have been mar
velous and thousands of peopie ain% its
raises. b6oc. at druggists or by mail from
g. T. SmuprTRINE, Dept. A, Savannah, Ga.
One c¢f the penalties for not spend
ing your money on pleasures is the
way you can waste it in inxestments,
confesses the New York Press,
Hicks' Capudine Cures Headache,
Whether from Cold, Heat, Stomach, or
‘bliental Slt'tl;nml;' Nfi Ace‘tfinnilgi fr d:figeroul
) s Liquid. ects immediataly,
IOT.?‘ 25¢., and 5&:.. at fma stores s
The elevator originated in Central
Europe. The earllest mention of the
elevator is made in a letter of Na
poleon 1 addressed to his wife, the
Archduchess Maria Louise,
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This woman says that sick
women_ should not fail to try
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound as she did.
Mrs. A, Gregor{, of 23565 Lawrence
8t.,, Denver, Col, writes to Mrs,
‘1 was practically an invalid for six
{ears, on account of female troubles.
underwent an operation by the
doctor’s advice, but in a few months I
was worse than before. A friend ad
vised Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and it restored me to perfect
health, such as I have not enjoyed in
many years. An t;(' woman suffering as
I did with backache, bearing-down
pains, and periodic pains,should not fail
to use Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Comgound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear
ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion,dizziness or neryous prostration.
Why don’t you try it ?
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick
women to write her for advice,
She has guided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.,
s X Mukes 70 Diffevent Arvticles: Mousehold Remedies, Filavoring
v\‘!\ .%/ \\3; [ Extraets nll Kinds, Tollet l'rflu:rnllmu. Fine Soups, Ete,
" \.‘4 : Canvassers 'Wanred‘tn Every County.
e} b 40 Yeurs Experience, %13,000,000 Output.
Tkl oot e| T S WER YNI — Y -
Pobv L i '
1 M
1o v , Many people crowd their feet into shoes
% in an attempt to make their feet fit the shoes.
7/ Don't choke yuur feet inthatway : wear SKREEMERS. *
+d They fit your feet. Look for the label, and, if you don’t §§
@ findthese shoes readily, write the makers s
y for directions how to secure them. An! MASE BY
FRED. F. FIELD CO., Brockton, Mass | SBk FeenFFizina
' o Gy o s
g ® : ®
| Malaria Causes Loss of Appetite
The Old Standard GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds up the
gystem. You know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing it
is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless, and the most effectual form. For adults and children. 50c.
e e &VA E
writes Mrs. E. Fournier of Lake Charles, La., “I
used to suffer from headache, backache, side ache,
pressing-down pains, and could hardly walk. At
last I took Cardui, and now I feel good all the time.
e D R
i. v T
- It Will Help You
Cardui is a medicine that has been found to act
upon the cause of most women’s pains, strengthen
ing the weakened womanly organs, that suffer be
cause their work is too hard for them.
It is not a pain “‘killer,”” but a true female
remedy, composed of purely vegetable ingredients,
perfectly harmless and recommended for all sick wo
men, old or young. Try Cardui. Women’s Relief.
For .
0 3 ; ;by'
4V ‘
Sprains ‘%@
P ‘i 50 .
N ), ), ‘/ B
7 A ¥ B~ P
My, - | \ o AT \
\ & J 1 " ; .l';‘": 2
\\ 7%, i~
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fl.xm‘ ) | KERRER | o RSP S
f i) D :: /“,/‘."'/;“ R everrr '::-"‘:".’.
3 j&%\ S ;(”‘\ g
(B ot (NP
Sloan’s Liniment is the best remedy for sprains
and bruises. .
It quiets the pain at once, and can be applied to the
tenderest Eart without hurting because it doesn’t need
to be rubbed —all you have to do is to lay it on
lightly. It is a powerful preparation and penetrates
instantly — relieves any inflammation and congestion,
and reduces the swelling.
LNI t ‘
: is an excellent antiseptic and germ
o killer — heals cuts, burns, wounds and
F . contusions, and will draw the poison
‘ ‘ from sting of poisonous insects.
d 7%} Price, 25c., 50c., and SI,OO. :
W%” / Dr.EarlS.Sloan, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. ,
A Sloan’s book on horses, cattle, sheep and poultry sent free,
Askitt—"Do you believe in the the
ory of heredity?”
Noitt—“Sure thing. My barber is
the father of three little shavers.”
—Chicago News.
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W. L. Douglas makes and gells more
men’s $3.00 and $3.50 shoes than any
other manufacturer in the world, he
cause they hold their shape, fit better,
and wear longer than auy other make.
Bhoes at All Prices, for Evo“ Ihmzer of the
Family, Men, Boys, Women, Misses & Children
W.L.Douglas $4.00 and $5.00 Q{l Edge Hhoes cannot
be equalled at any prico. W. L. Douglas $3.50 and
$32.00 shoes are the best in the world
Fast Color Exeluto Used Ewolusively,
o Fuke No ul’-clt:ae. W. L. Dofi&ll
name and price is stamp on bottom, 1d
everywhere. Shoes. mailed from factory to any
art of the world, Catalogue free,
W. L. DOUGLAS, ‘157" Spark st... Brockton, Mass.
' Glves
@ Rellef,
A Removes all swelling in Bto 20
} " days; effects a permanent cure
\ 4 in 10to 6o days, Trialtreatment
A% [\ D ziven free, Nothingcan be fairer
i e ] Write Dr, H. H. Green’s Sonk'
A JazlSpeclalists, Box B Atlanta,
HELP Insist on Flavlng
ror Dr, !AKTEL S dreparadtlnn
The stand KR .
WOMEN @ " 5 reteena "
send for book, “Reliet tor Women,”
¥RENCH DRUG CO., 30 W, 32d Bt,, N. Y. City,
(At. 49-08