Newspaper Page Text
VOL. Xs.-NO. 29.
E‘Local Personals‘g
4 .
S. M. Mills was in tow» Monday"
Meet me at Dr. William’s office.
E. Stafford was a visitor to .our
tdwn Monday,
H. H. Crews spent Monday after
noon in towa, :
J. C. Allen, of Winckur, was ia
town Monday,
Sam Swearingen, of Kings Ferry,
spent Suaday nere
Jesse Robinson was in town Sat
urday morning. e W :
W, W.Davis and Eli Dixon spent
Saturday in Folkston. :
& v i » “,.:, e ;
Noah Wuainright, of Neweil, was
in tov'n Sataiday afternoon, :
A. H. Howard came to town Sat
urday . :
S. B, Philips, from near Newell,
was in Folkstoa Satarday, .
J. 'T. Mizell spent Saturday morn=~
ing i town, *
~ Andrew Walker spent a few hours
%nYown Ssturday. . ¢ s
- .8 oo
lige Mattox, of ‘Traders Hill,
spent Sawrdayin Folkston.”
Alex Dryamt, of Traders Hill, was.
Lere last Saturddy, 55
. ‘{ e "(. -
J. Hirden was seen on our streets
Satuorda ¥e o 9 B ke
) - g
- A/ ). Howard. was in town last
- Thuarsday afizrnoon. o
o : s y (i 3 c
. Afauney line of sta_ngneff at- Dr.
Williams. ol 3, L
T w 43 o ..'>.,‘j.‘,;.~ _--;'/‘* el "’.. :‘
From all indications the wedding
~ was 1 town last Friday. i
- Walter Schmitd, of Winokur, was
Lerelast Friday,
F. M. Knox, of Bacb'ott, came
aown unid spent Friday in Folkston.
Rev. G. 15. Jones conducted a
meeting at'St. George last week,
Silas ()Quum,._fosz Winokur, .was in
town Mconday.
Jo M. Wilson spert Saturday in
towo. |
Gad Roddenbery spent Saturday
morning in town.
Mr. Don Wecks visited Callahan
last Moenday evening,
Mrs Atex Mil's is visiting her
parerts here this week
I. T. Wainwright, o Uptonville,
vis in town Tuesday.
Mrs. J. 5. Mizcll, visited relatives
in Wayeross the first of the week.
Miss Flora Gowen spent one day
in Jacksonville last week,
Mr. Alex Mills made a business
trip to Bt. Gecige this week.
Soaps, perfumes, and toilet arti
cles at Dr, wWilliams,
J. E. Robwmeon ¢pent a few days
in Savannab this weck,
J. J. Creen 2nd T. H, Davis, of
I ptonville, were in town Monday.
1. Hatcher, of Traders Hill, spent
Tuesday in Jacksonville.
J. D. Moare gays, **Do not forget
that the town tax books close Dec,
Dr. J. C. Brewer, of Blackshear,
was here the first of the week <doing
dental werk. ‘
Col.- W. M. Oliff left Sunday
morning for Bullock ( ounty, where
he will visit relatives scveral days.
" Cold drinks on hot days, and hot
Arinks on cold days, at Dr. Wil
1.. E. Mallard made a business
trip to Savat nah, the first of the
Mr. A. ¥, Highsmth and “family,
of Guysie, are visiting relatives hers
this week.
Have you seen Frank Wam
wright’s smiling face bekind the 590-«1
“da fountain? : . o
| Miss Katie Gowen 15 now teach
tingagam. Muss Gow{n ' in‘_ipgg: of
| Gharlton’s bgst:’,teachers. «?}‘&f :
' G. W: Wainwright, m&afi;fii
'was in town.the first of Qéflwe\flf
‘lcokmg after his property here.
. ~Miss Vlinnie Colson left last Mon
day for Wagicross, where she will vis
!lit relatives. :
S P. Wainwright, of* Winokur,
was in town a sex hours Tuesday on
hi_s;‘way to Hilliar(jl,,"F'la. ;
Lee Chancéy and Thoma‘s'(,‘(jls()n
were among those who spent Satur
day in town.
Messrs, T. W.Wrench and Dix
on Thomas, of St. Ceorge, visited
our town thefirst 6f the week: -
“Mr. sand ZMrs. L. E Maliard
'spent one day i jacksc.mville Jast
B Lo
: _f{e_y_. ‘g[aéobs, of 'fi'fagers Hill,
fifi’g- ‘he~¢” Sa turda‘y*;%’f.t‘_er'nooq,. en
-1 (B;fie tO_ Fl‘Ofl‘,d%WhéW',; ;*e pfe‘achéd
‘&l!day. *’ L M g
L eyl & ¥
‘_A_ko%g’thosv out of town Who at
tex}‘a‘,’?‘gih‘& Masonic 'Lc;dge, Satul
- were R. T. OQuinn, Jos. Mils,l
and Alex Mius;fa%“ %}2‘l S #
‘-'!,,’_ ,: .*fi*—-,,’%*
y Qfi?%nur{fl}flinf " y'&ufig’*‘fi?}&
were:very pleasantly” entertained. at
the home of fVIrE' fififi%lmsfl
the.evening of the 7th.. &
SR e B
" B.A. Chesser and R. “A. Chgsser
were ?fitfif@n-T“éfl?%;‘afifii :
Killed in Ibe Okodights Sugitps
- s - '.! ‘ 4»"’-_;1 ,‘»»;ew,;-";?»,;
ston Saturday afternoon coming
from his work in Camden to spend
Sunday with his family.
Why wait till ten o’clock for Sav
annah and Atlanta papers on Sun
day, when you can get them at Ir,
Williams after 7 o’clock, A. M,
Turpentine operators are here this
week, looking over the Canron tur-
P])entlne plant. We believe it will be
sold by the last of the week.
l Among those who attended the
[ K. of P, at Waycross this. week,
were Hamp Mizell, B. F. Scott, ].
[ W. Vickery, Gad Roddenbery, and
;bpm Mizell.
1 Misses Stella Pickren and Nellie
Mattox left for ' veross yesterday
afternoon, where they will spend a
few days visting relatives and
Mrs. Julia Wainright, of Stark,
Fla., visited at the home of W. R.
Wainright last Sunday. She left on
the cvening train for Uptonville,
where she will spend a few days
with relatives, ?
The people of Homeland have or
ganized a Sunday School. and are
doing nicely with the work. B. F.
Granger is Superintendent, andl
Maurice Tieber Secretary and [reas
' (uite a number of our peojle
spent last week on the coast. They
were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Miils, Misg
Josie Mills, Willie Robinson, ana
Sol. Mills. Willie says the Fid
dlers are all right.
1.. K. Lupley, of Ohio, has been
in town several days, visiting Prof,
VanVoorhis and family. He visited
Homeland, and other points in
(GGeorgia and Florida while here.
He speaks well of this section,
The County Commissioners met
Monday with 8. F. Mills, J. P. s
zell, J. L. Johnson, and J. B. Loyd
present. They appointed J. W.
Sweatingen, Road Superintendent.
As soon as arrangements can be}
made, they will begin working the
| 10ads with the couvicts. ,
Mr.D. F. Roddenbery, one g
Charlton’s prograssive farmecs plile
seuted the Hprald with a fine bune§
of turnips iast Monday, The lath
gest of’ihese‘;i"eighgd 7',«.§;‘B-pbi
They were of the Ruta-Baga va%
Woim o U
- "News has reached nere of “L
marrfiagi of Mles Nolan 'H"am,g‘\_i"_
to Mr. W. R. Ivy, of Jacksonviilég
Fla.,:fuesday evening, Dec. xs
- Miss Hathaway was visitir‘ig;i‘ :
sister in Jacksonville, and it ;y(i
surprise to all her “friends . hei‘t
know of her marriage thers, « 8
| We wish for themn a life"6f happis
’ness. - » v '-"":f
--~In an article \n the American;
;journa"i of Su‘cinlog&r,
Powers, of the United State
Bureau, places the" wealth
country at slo7 800,000,060, !
18350 it was only 7,000,000 000,
These figures seem to furnish |
bont as sound a basis for natio~
prosperity as the most critical Ot
omist could.desire. g
} -
~ InVitations have been rcceiv
Folkston from Governgy ?nd
‘Hoke. Smith to the «marriage. of}
their daughter, Mary Brefit,*@p )
‘Ronald Ransom, pqu@r_dizy’jf” ;
hing, Dec. rgth -at the Novth Aj
E.{’.resl!yn’i:ri'an Church.® i
L’#-* ” S : . 'f_;;f»
oAt R" 1 g‘ E 9 '
i i b e i .1
M., on Dec. 5, the election of ~off
cers for the ensuing-year was
The newly elected officers are as]
follows: s «1
L. E. Mallard, * . N. M. o
J. S. Mizell, 8 W
G. W, Haddock, J.. W,
N. N. Mizell, T'reas.
T. L. Pickren, Sec}
E. T.. Wainright, Chap.
B. A Thomas, Faler, .
H. C, Page, £
A. S. Chancy, Joßa
J. W. Swearigen, S. Di .
Alex Mills Jr., 1 :
The Masonic Lodge has prosper
ed this year. Many new members
have been received, and the Lodge
as a whole has done a great deal of
charitable work,
~ We trust that they will continue to |
‘]nrnspcr, and that more masonry
will be practiced among our people, !
kAN !
' Folkston Lodge No. 268, I O.|
O. F.,«met in regnlar secsion last
Thursday evening any.amelnber;
were present and a good meeting
was enjoyed. 7
Officers were elected fog the en
suing term, and are as follows:
1.. E. Mallard, N. G.
J E. McMahal, V. G.
LN M, Warden.
J. H Johnson, Conductor.
E 1. Wainright, Sec.
B. G. McDonald, Treas
H C Page I. G
j Roddenbery, O. G.
YL 3
: i ;
¥l .
Ocala, Floridr.
e . :
The year is rapidly drawing to a
gffitnsc.» The work of this )glr is
itgr at end. We have maue our har
’Vest, end we all look back and are
nkful for all that has come intc
four possession during the vear.
,The tarpentine operator has made
t Uttle, the fimber and lumber
_i)le but little, and the merchamt
:'i?v‘_edsa small percent of what has
,fgé‘s;(vkt?)vmugh his hands, but the
farmer comes”in and tell us they
made good crops, and are de-
Aighter with the years work.
‘t‘?}y have on their farms ready
gf¢:fll’e buyer, from ;100 to 1000
fi{s ot potttoes In the.r barns
thet have hundreds of bushels of
Wns of hay, and everything
that smakes a happy farmer. =
& Ymid the dull season, they have la
poreds they have hoped for brighter’
"cé,,‘ghfey have expected it," and
ghether argot it comes, they still
vu-?fla;pgh'ig‘:mw:) land, in homes
_thgfi‘"pfim,: in peace, and rejoice
# they are farmers, Mg
§ What makes the farmer always
y?':in@i‘!pfinyhne when the
ges. begin to awake from their
e "fi:{““!d‘?fl,fi on Inve‘ir' 'whs*.' of
c &?9 w‘?firfigfibegm to chirp
1 fihqmflifié gtmoephcrc
;e fi_?.;gfi’d’.everzthfixng a-
At s sy it scems noth
randet than the Home in the
El S ot
£ ispring he *ploughs "th
PV s P wgw@f“%‘wg
>bégnm togrow By
‘and by the reaper comes and cuts it
dowsi, bundles it up and cries ¢ Har J
vest Home.” The mill then goes
round'and ‘nto the oven it is placed.
The baker comes with bis bread to
scll, and thus the happy farmer
biwae, " i
Folkston Pharmacy
Again Open
gdin upen,
In spite of his heavy loss by fire,
Dr. Dallas Williams has again open
ed his office and drug store and says
he is now ready to serve his friends |
and patrons better than ever. l
d'he doctor hag putin all modern
appliances and will try at all tlm«'st!
to give what is called for. 'This
spirit of supplying Folkston with
something better than the ordinary
is the proper spint to have and if
some others of our business men
would get in line, we would soon
bave a smarter aad busier town,
Suecess to all such enterprises!
President-elect Taft declares lh:n1
no one except Mr, Hitchcock has
been decided vpon for any place in
his cabinet so far, We fear Mr.
Taft has been rcading some of the
}newspapers very carefully.
|- * g
Nice :
Florida Oranges:
é ‘Dire-t 1o you from the tree ?
$ Or!as filled the same day rec'd &
: 5
i, HURST, ¢
: Box 607, Ocala, Fla. :
L ey GO
] The South Georgia Conferénce
| which has been insession during the
!pnst week closed Monday wight.
The preachers all feport 4 splendid
‘meeting. The regorts were excels
lent, and the plans for the coming
year promise even greater growth.
The pastor of the Folkston charge
for next year is I. R, Kelly. We
‘all know him, for he assisted in a
ipmtmctcd meeting here in 1967,
Bro. Kelly is a goed preacher, and
we await his arrival, -
Alabama Farmer
} Moves to Charlton,
A s |
MrIH, R, Huling and family, of
Albertville, Ala., arrived here last
week. Mr. Huling was a successful
farmer of Alabama, 4nd comes to
Chadlton, beligving it a good farm
ing section ‘*e has rented a farm
of W.R. Wainright’s one and 2
balf miles east of Folkstor,
l.;‘We are glad to see farmers com"
ing in, and vgq_;gcome Mr. Huling
among us, ,g—i ? e
J%bmot be the father of
the Standara Oil Company, but he
is a very near and dear relative,
& §
- Inguiring persons who wonder.
how Mr, Roosevelt can- hunt liong
ROt e e
Savings Department
The Atlantic National Bank,
Jacksonville, Florida. "
= Interest at 4 ‘rer cent per annum
- compounded quarterly in
= Savings Department.
EDWARD W. LANE, President,
FRED W. HOYT, Vice-President.
Banking by Mail !saVery Simple Matter.
——— e Toopen an acccount, send
your name and address with your first deposit. The money may
be sent by registered mail, postoffice money order, exptess mohey
order, or draft, or by check on your local bank. As soon as this
first deposit is received the bank will send you a pass book, in
which will be written your name and the amouht of your deposit,
It will also send you signature and identification card, which you
will sign, fill out and return. Your pass book- must accompany
all deposits and withdrawals., You can withdraw money by mail
just as easily as though you visited the bank, Your signatore to
a blank withdiawal receipt, which we will send you to fill out, i
all the identification necessary. We will send you our check for
the amount you withdraw, or, if you prefer, we will send you the
cash by express or registered mail.
When answering this Ad. pleass mention the
Charlton County Herald,
iChnstmas Tree
The Baptist Sanday Schoql will
have a Christmas tree at their chupeh '
on the cvening of the e4th.
They have given an invitatiop to
the Methodist Sunday School te
join them in the work. ¥
The tree will be for the school,
and we believe uny who are nat
members of the school have the pris
vilege. of patting on phesénts.
Those who are interested in the
work should come forward now and
render their services, -
A committee has been appointed
to solicit funds, which will be ysed
to buy presents for all the children
of the Sunday School. As we have
always, we are still sorry that all of
our boys and g'rls in the town are
not Sunday School scholats. It
|would be a pleasurse indeed, to see
every child there enjoying the eves
[ning. .
| DIED- ;
~ Last Saturday night, Mr. Lee
‘Dowhng, who has been sick for
some time, passed away. He was
a young man abput 22 yeats of age.
Mr. Dowling hasa large numbet
of friends, who regrat his death,
‘) e 5
YOUNG MEN! 1t you want to
know why xou should become tele
graph operators and what sch_‘oo,t_'jtg.
attend, wiite to SOUTHERN
Resources over
Four Million Dollats,