Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, December 10, 1908, Image 8
. ‘"c"l"r""i"i"’l“l"'“"l"‘“o”r"t'*'z: ~When in need of « . . good Sewing Machine: pots REMEMB(R i . .THE SINGER - b sl always ready for'service 4 o Y NLSO iy - THE WHIELLK & WILSIN % 011, NEEDLES AND " . ¥ , MACHINE SUPPLIES: : ALEX MILLS, : Binger Sewing Maching. Agt. - Folkston, Ga. - LPPFICE IN BANK BLDG, ; f .. 0.0 9.0 . 9.9 ..90..90..9.9..90.. 9 9 ¢ NOTICE. § %t Acaisey 9 A teachers’ examination will be 3held at the court house vn Decem )ber_lSth and Igth, 1908. : All teachers holcing license under £pecial examination, and all parties desiring to teach in 199 are requir ed to take this examination,” » ‘ . i Done by urder ¢f the State School ‘(fommissiunqr. This, the roth duy of Nov., 1908. L. E. MaALLARD, County Supt. Buckbee's ' “Fult of Lifé" Notthern Grown Pedigreed Seeds have alfépitation of 33 years of Buccessful seed gfowing behind them’ It pays to splant the best, § LN e L ) o i Sensonsble Specialties:— E s e BERANS gar!iest Red Valgutine . 8 | ig.;n Bushel efiig&&'-kxtn‘luly . o %3:25 Bushél ‘New Stringless Green Pod . $3.70 Bushél Wardweil's b4aip#idney Wax §4.50 Bushel ‘Davis New w&":e Wax . . $4.75 Pushel Currie’s Rust Proof Wax . §4.50 Bushel { ePI PHAS Extra Early Alaska .. . $3.50 Bushel New Harly'Gradus ~ ~ ~ . $550 Bushél Horsford's Market Garden ~ $3.50 Bushel Buckbee's Lightning I xpress $5.00 Bushel Lettuce, Radish, 'Tomato and.a full line of Seeds, Planté ar'd Bulbs at lowest growing prices, ¢ Send for complete catalogne or submit a list of your requireinents and will guote prices, : Buy tflrcvt from the grower—Save Money, Write today. Mention this paper. . - H. w . BUCKBEE ‘1843 Buckbee St., ' Rockford Seed Farms, Rockford, liL, 3 . ¢ *e Medicine That is Medicine .3 # & "~ Kok . e'a i« ). ‘I have suffered a good deai with e P | » 4 i 1 tiiwitey Ly malaria and stomach complaints, Bt b sha g 2 S : )mt I have now found a remédy that s e R ke Ris L U ot fesps me well, and that remcdy is e B T SR e e tlectric Ditters: a r.r.cdlxcme tlhat is i CATE -1y TR e MR g Spg it ad oo medicine ,folr stomach and 'hver i s g gs SN e 1) Qe g X 2 trouhles, anr.l‘}h’)r run down coadi- VR IR OL el Rle WO eyt .{ums,,” says \ - € Kestier, of Hal eoel Sl Sl et BN e o iday, Atk, }«.‘lect‘rlm Bitters mmfy Fnt ety -et i WL RS P and enrich tgwe bosd, tone vp the LRI E p eB L e, el AT vFfififi%&%‘i%93%%‘s‘--;3,‘b”r.,t'-i‘ffi.‘a’w‘é?.—‘?z'lg?'A 'fg the week. Your money will be o T NAR oRINS T R S refnnded if it fails to help you, _ 50 st gl dropatores TTS ‘ luin | o)l| ¢ - hiveß | @M’WR 2 covms svaLcomor. |‘fi ; & "1%‘,,‘ ):o : M .3 )@ 4 £k edicine'® Ha; 3 @arpmooatenn. |G| € e || A S Ta GRNTTR! [lßeli € 2 \ L ol o X AR | | mid rt' ¢ N Pt | 11N ik DL | | (05 ¢ R -iuvtln iy \,.}"‘!;; ( { ' \.-rai;(-'»li‘f?.! N‘" ¢ s W'M'N\C} R Qf"‘ € \ \._dbfln\"l(l:‘\ b ; I‘_\' ' ’ “m“fi'fi’swu 5 LN DAY ARIEUREZRE VTS A CR - T O TR i k] YR - SERIAL N 0.1% "B GUARANTELD UNGER THi 0 — DR ACT SN { This jaan exact ropresentation i carto n eantaining a bottle of 8, Jo scpl's Liquid Liver Reeulator, bul it is W L larger than this illistration, and y mted in blackink onaycllowea: ton, ') Dongeistsand gencral merclinnts sell it 2 atioceutsa buttle oryonrean get it di -3 leet from us at the same price. 'Mhis is < a delightful i er mediciy e~prompt, 2 efivetive, and exceedingly pleasant 1o € thotaste, Ty just one bottle to satisfy € vourscli=and yon'lt buy more, 3 ¥ GERSTLE MEDICINE CO. Chattenooga, Ternosseo. Q ABD AR DO OND AS~ o .. ll'.;' B . N P XK ML CRSNY BUCKBEE'S BULBS SUCCEED! \‘: 1y SPECIAL OFFER: Y 1 Made to bulld New Bustness. A } trial will make you a permanent ous | tomer, Batisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. Souvenir Collection :‘,“;‘::,u',‘;"‘;f;g}::;‘ A TolTowTog TeauilTal sortar Unpo liysctath, Peather Hyne einth, Bpriag Bnowfiake, Lxia, Spauish Uris, Bclllas, Sparaxie, Ranunculus, Enowdrep, Crecus,Chionedexs, Anemone, R’num Poets IR Narelssua, Darwin Tullp, Parret Tullp, Varlegated Follage Tullp, Oxalls, Prench, Roman and Duteh Hyseintbs, enrly and late Tulips, ete., ete, GUARANTEED TO PLEASE Write to-day Meation this gscr SEND 285 CENTS 10 eover postage and packing and receive this valuable colleetion of Bulbe Postpald, together with my Uluatrated, lnstructive, Desutiful Seed, Bulb and Flant nm\\n.u‘hu- ol abobt the Best T Commameration o+ outivoss, seoms L A .?‘::,{:‘l‘. l:\l '::u: “l:.x.b"'.'r:l"“::hb m.'mn:'u'-:.l‘ 8 Horned Tull ulh, * ot tha gt This Buld slene 18 wrrh Tl ™ v 1843 BUCKBEE BT, “. V. Buckbee ROCKFORD, IL, |N % Q -0 { £ \ ‘\\ 'W -\) ,\\ N ] /7 e " LAY Yotd ¥ N v \ A ) o N R ,’ NOTICE ; [ Notice is hereby siven to 3il par | ties having accounts or notes aguinst 'tne esta_‘.e‘('n Robert lateher, de ceased, to present to, and all parties >“";_l!,'.' sdaid estate w 0 make paymend |lO the undersigned, | This, Nov. 24th, 1908. ‘ b Jrsse W. Vickery, ; | Adn'r., listate ot Robert Hatcher. | il 1 | WANTED INFORMATION ] REGARDING | ! Farm or Business | { for sale, Not particular about location. ! Wigh to hear from owner only who I will sell direct to buyer. Give price, | descriptioni «Ad state when possession { can be had, Address, . | L. DARBYSHIRE, Box 9999 Rochester, N. Y. { A Dangerous Operation. [is the removal of ths appendix by a zsurg(-op. No one who takes Dr. | King’s New Life Pills is ever sub ;’jcv.’ to this frighttul ordeal. I'hey ' work go ; uietly you don’t feel them. They cure rnn.s;tiyntkm, headache, biliousness and malaria. ” 25¢ at all drug stopes, L Grorata, CHARLTON COUNTY; l Under and by virtue of a power of sale 1(,ii)l-llzli!)l‘4l in a certain mortgage exzemed by A A, Wainright of said County to Mizell &| Paxton on the 10th day of February 190 'a"'ir(-cnrvl"i" the office of th ! { Superior Court of & H'l;)nk“l.",ux; 07 and 63, t! S 1 s ; will sell at public outery, to ¢ ) { der for cash, at the court-honse daoor in said ( County, in l"()lkstf}ll, Georgia, within tha | i }'gfll hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Jan-| ' uary, 1909, the tollowing real estate, Yo-wit: | [ l'(,)t of land nnml‘ur five [s] in the first | district of the County of Charlton, State of ‘ Georgia, and lot one handrad and ninety one ! [l9l] in the second district of said County I'aml State. I Said sale being for the parposa (_)f paying a certain promissory note executed by said A. ’ A. Wainright to Mizell & Paston, [J. E. Mi. (zell and M. J. Paxton] for the principal sum of SOO 7:60, ('!éll'cr,! the Toth day of Febroary 1008 and due six months after date and béar ;r,)g, intergst from date at étgh! per cent., per annum, the total amount due on said note i):ing on the day 'gf sale $600.00 principal, ?43.15 interest, together with costs- of this '[:r?cggd'ing, £3id mortgage having been made for the purpose of seeuring the payment of Asnid ,}.)q:.blgd ness. Proper qr‘)gygyun&:will_ be exezuted to the purchaser or purchasers of ;uid land. : Bk Tl \ PVI Deberc il 0 Lm.x.m. . eoM _:T}fize)L&%{@ o i g'(%lf()&({l»\‘ CuarLToN KOS i @otjc‘c is hereby given that the urdersigned has appliad to ths ordinary of said county for leave to sell th: lands belonging to the estate of Robert Hatcher, deceased, for the payment of d-hts, ; Said application will be heard at the regu lar term of the conrt of ordinary fur said county, tq be held on the Vli‘rsl Monday i Jarr};la’\‘y l.g«')é.' T This 7t day nf December 1903, T Jessic W, Vickery, Adminislralm' upon\hd estate of Robest Hatcher, | — s i CHARLTON COUNTY, GrORGIA: ; 1 F. Blak~ administrator upon the estat ‘ of C. E. Dunn, late of suid county decead { having filed lus petition for discharge, this i | to cite a’] persons conesrned 1o show cause agaiust the gmiflifig of this discharge at the refular term of the comrt of ordinary for said ottnty to b 2 held cn the fi-st Monday in fanuary 1g0). : B. G. Mc!"onald, Ovdinary. STEVENS IN CAMP OR FIELD -AT MOUNTAIN OR SMORE Yhero I 3 always a chance £ rjoy semo sheoting | TC SHOOT WLLL YOU LUST BE EQUIPPED WITH | A JELIABLE HIRESOM L the oaly Kind we have | been makiig for upwards cifiity years. Out Litie: TIFLER, PISTOLS, SHOTGUNS, | RIFLE TELESCOPES, ETE, | Ask your Deater, and insist on the { § STEVENS, YWheve not sold by Re ! tallers, wo ship direet, £lDross pre | Qrid, upon receipt of Catalog price, i | SCad er 1490 Mare illustrated | etdog. Ani wiispensalile Yook of i veady rveference for man nnd hoy shaoters. Mailed for 4 conta in l stmps o cover post ure. Beautifol en Color Nuanger forwarded for X centw in sbaanine, J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CoO, I O, Dox 4007 i« A A ' \ *fi) Maoss VBl Ay ‘Q “ e i - ), t / ‘L - ¥ \ | e ————r FOR SALE. 4 1-2 acres land (improved.) 2 stores houses, 2 dwellings and other uecessary buildings, ‘Stock of goods anb 60 head of stock cattle. All at a bargain, e R D. F. Anderson, Uptonville,Ga_ SAVEYOUP EARNINGS. eRLTD TT Y e The running of a savings account has a tendency to wean a man from habits of extravagance and dissipa tion* It gives him new ambition, and a desire to save money. We are always glad to assist those who are trying to “turn overa new leaf.” 5 per cent compounded quarterly on saving accounts. 6 per centon certificates of deposits for 6 months or longer. THE BANK OF FOLKSTON. 1.. CARTER, President. J. C. Brewer, Dentist ’,‘.‘t:~.» E—— "» P . ffi 7' »§—_::i§‘~%:§ g ! Crown and bridge work a speeial | ty; prices reasonable; work guaran teed. Will be in Folkston on ih: first Monday and Tuesday folow ling of each month until further notice ; This is Worth Reading. leo ¥. Zelinski, of 68 Gibson .St Betlalo, N ¥ says: ‘I euréel the most annoyiny cold sore I “ever nad, with Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, applie d this saive once a day for two days, when every trace of the sore Wasg gone,” Heals all st o) Sold under guarantee at alld uggists, 25 ceats, S gt Bl G S Correspondents =~ Waanted. We would bsglad to have d’i{fiei% 'pbmlenls from every section of tbt{ !C'.thl)‘. We wunt to know what | on are doing and want otheps fG RO Lowebad e rrespondent fom every posts slice i the Sounty we Would appreciaie it, and ‘we ' Dee !:iuw our readers woutd apareciate it aiso. Won"t you write the itens {rom your towu, or ask “sOMEvnE. dseto do 11?7 We will send ihe-’! derald to you free as long as you Continue to be aur coerrespondent, i We will ask yon to vlease fs'eud; vour items ia tima that they may lrc.xch us by Tuesday nocn, or not tater than Wedaesday forenoon, We hope that we will hear from you within the next few days. e The Editor. | | When Roosevelt ‘goes to Rome he Romans will do as he does. THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY St Joseph’s Liver Regulator is an excellent remeay for diseases ot the iver and kidneys, constipation, snurl ‘stomach, dizziness, indigestion, bl. fiuusness, and all conditions caused‘ by 2 dormant liver and kidneys, jlt is pleasant to take, purely vegeta ble, and is carefully prepared by the old established Gerstle Medicine Co., of Chattanooga, Tena, Every family should use it. Thousands use it and pronounce it the best liy. er medicine on the market. Druog- Fisty . ‘ bt . R, - ~ \-':‘"‘. v : L SR :E-.'"'“:("*' ant rencnS 2”8 365 ] &Z// / st e menea N Panel Back Roc ers ® N// A marvelously low price tor a remarkanfy fine chair, A\ \// Made of quartered osle, 1i2% 'y notlshod & b aatiinlpolden TIR IR Y S color. Fuih i bict L. HatGoome P uleitnsce e A Y ( an sLrosriy LEilt, .Re S HLALe Broßea Loy § ko, ‘)- ) " but on | 1 ¢ 1 v Fren lOt s gleaticos von RN A A Al |AI - sellitty t {or A hig o 1 1 % s‘;&‘3’l,’ r 1 thuylul. i tirom the facters Ll Ve nol! W H ij‘;‘zif SJ" 3 | airs,. We suake and sell ohiad Crd eDo i \;;fie,«’ . | You at low:st wiro¥msale paleed wh VIS ATTY fan | A T W | 0 you .Gs at least & third on ®yery o 1 . Sgk ; 1 what thisamounts toin furiies o £l g vou e ‘ alford nottosend for ourfice (uiirn SO o<y ] | | and take advaniage of the b~ sayin - / ) N 4 1\ Over 200 Miferent Linds of o pariot, Cini SR :' ioom, Kitchen, porch, hail, st sre o Efbe Cchivun o ¥ N R Lo the best, are shown in the la‘glx‘ filusoonbet C.’A&Llfl? i - and special Christmas orice- Ist-th§. I'veryciair 8*65 guaranteed exactly as represented,.or your money back, /4 TLORIBA CHAIR PACTORY, Brioge ann Mowkoe Svs., Jacksesvaes, Fia, Usual Ratall Price $¢ Y F. D, MILLS, Cashier. I€an build anow _ : Buggics, LK~ :boards, Wagon :and Log-Carts. C. .. : :furnish Cart-hub, : Cart-dogs Etc. on: : short notice. Can: : paint your Buggies : Wagons and surrey : : Krows all about s : Shotguns, Rifles : :and pistols. In fact: : all kind of work. : : Will take any kind : :of country produce : :in exchange for: : work. : Call and see me at: :My new stand near : ;gje Court Honse. :F.A. Thomas. : Wheelwright and: : Blacksmith, : - Folkston, Ga, ! _ Marked For. Death. ! “Three vears ago- b was marked T deaih, A gravevard cough was tearing my ungs 1o pieces. Doce tors failed to lielp me, und hope bad :d whey my nusband got Dr. Kifig’s N=w Discovery,” says Mrs 8 O Welliams, of B¢, Ky “The firsi dose heiped me and improve ment bept on until I had 3ained 8 pounds in weight and my heaith was sally restored.” Twis mudicine holds the world’s healing record for coughs and colds and lnng anc threat discases. 1, prevents pner moenia Sold at all drug <o es, 50c¢ and SI.OO, Trial bottle free, ~ A CHRISTMAS TREE. Aa there seems at present no chance to arrive at any ceitain place to have our Christmas tree, we will announce our first arrangements which were at the Baptist church, on ‘Thursday evening, at 7 P, M.,l Dec. 24, ’cß. We have invited the Methodist Sunday School ana hope they will join us. The tree is for the benefit and pleasure of the children and Older people of the community, and not for the interesf oft he Baptist Sun lay School alone. : Respectfully, J D. Donnohoo, Supt L 2 b, Joues Dastor. Eor s ¥ OQur Fall and Winter Ilines of ready-to=-wear Clocthtng and Furnish. ings for Men, women and Children are now readye ; We have a large mail order de partment, in the hands of compe tent representatives, who will make your interests their own. A couplete catalogue, covering our various departments, will soon be ready, and will be mailed upon request frée of charge. - W.ite for samples and self-measurement blanks, ’ Iy / < ‘ { 2 -3 LAiv ' e | l ' Ship vs yonr cross-ties. Lib:ral inspeetion, prompt retnmns. Ve for circulars. Present prices stand ard ties delivered. Fernandins g6c. AMERI AN TIE & TIMBEP CO; g S. K. BRowN (ien. Mur. { a 8 e SO I Fs i ! “*%etter be Sure han Sorry’” ;‘ § i —v«_vw—————-—r——-—-afl-———-——:—&’—‘-—w——— i : . > s e B TTISLITTLE ¢d & ¢9CONGOLATION To get a bargzain in that may & ! magniiy the sivht and wake'the wear- i ]‘ er fesl that B cees botter, whin the E'i 4 glasses laproparly At wmay improvs the s'“ ! sight or riin permaneetly, ol vouy 91 boeyes troible son; conselt the oldis x } and bost ¢ : i DR. 4. SCAWAB'S SO~ & ’ B Lanra St facksonziile; Fila, @0 T B T LTI A i DUVAL HARNESS CCMPANY Manufactarers of and dzalers in Haraess, Saddles, Lap Robes and Horse Goods g3O. | srally. Hand-made llarnass and repairing a specialty. 217 W. Forsyth St Jacksonvile Fla } S S . Eo e D AR IR GERMAN -- CAFE -- AMERICAN TRYOUR REGULAR MEALSFOR 25CTS. SHORT ORDERS A SPECIALTY UPSTAIRS GERMAN COOKING ONLY THE BEST AMERICAN COOKING 22t 12 W. BAY Sl., "JACKSONVILLE, FLA., Tor WEiNBERG, Prop’r. OLVMPIA HOTEL New house, new furnishings, hot and cold baths. Room= by day or week. £ % ’ 933 W. Bay St. hone 3483 One Block from Union Depot. STATEMENT OF 1 HE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF FOLKS'ION Located at Folkston, Ga,, at the flose of business Nov, 27, 1908, RESOURCES Loans and Discounts, $20.885 8o Overdrafts, 69 54 Banking House, 4,844,63 Due from Banks and Ban kers in other <tates 7:2413.50 Cash. 1,184,623 Total. 34,258,10 STATE OF GEORGIA, CHARLTON COUNTY P TRy Before me came F. D. Mills, Cashier of The Bank of Folkston who being duly sworn. says that the above and foregoigg statement ig a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank- F, D. Mills, Sworn to and snbscribed before me, this gth day of Dec, 1908, Ehi T. W. Vickery 2, N..l"a&Ex. Ofi.JaP, NP YRR TN IR RN a Cas rto ANI Pares of tha Clty., & b TELEPHUNE 930, B g Kooms 50c, 75¢c x::d sl. G 0 a dny's W e s i “-‘—~~>-~-;A——~—~~~—-» e e 'i; MTEADTAN T 67 4 = ZAHM’S EURCPEON HO sg l’RI".I) ANGLENOIZER :: Pravie: or ::: u 5 2 L i iy @ BWines, Liquors, Beers and Cigars as "e o T -sit 4 /et pemene s e 5;4_4-.‘fl 8 MIALS ATALL HOURS. = £ 800 or E i, TL g ?;a/afian-&z-t(fit, = ”3 W = HEALTEE ;%fl%flfizflfifilififiagfiflf ©iy {""'.‘.“‘,":""‘,"‘ ol i .'.':""'.:"',’2‘"?;;l 3.9 "":‘"’;‘:‘.' = Duval Shoe Factory® E’ M‘MMW“M‘ P, e Qapta s, o PR ing #7398 “ain 01, Jackseuvilie, Fla | ".'""f'““__“’"_"—'?——“'_-'_§ g Oidshaes saadan ey r;' i] Work goaranteed, | 3l r . - i New machinery just installed ! |t faitline of shoes in mtock * * | ’f ok W W &iome masdac FSoE } : ; : i : L g Ss’; 3k i s : fsuginigsnge 1fl‘.:.:1-lfl‘!. NSRRI BUENAIEIRIN R 0l Qo s "‘h # wedll GCUIVIEZ Soy = og A A M 410 Ae AT NGO E 2 H You Want New SHCES, Sre Me, & 2 If You ¥ ant SHUES Repaired, See Me : 2 If You N-ed Lesther or Polish, See Me a 2 Fine Sample SHUES-¢ ali at My Factory s s 218\ Bay St.; Jacksonville, Fla ? |‘=x'| rnlul\mm||ul.rl:mxlx|l:zl.'llxl|ululnlnlnllllnlnlulnlu. OLVMTIA RESTAURANT Best Regular Meals in City for 25 cents. ' 917 West Bay St., Jacksonville, Fla, One Block from Union Depot. LOUIS PAPPAé’, Trop. : LIABILITIES Liberty Banking Co. $10,000,006 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 1,428,32 Individual Deposits Subject to Check, 12,996,090 Time Certificstes, 650,96 Cashier’s Check 70,69 Notes and Bills Redis counted, 7,500,00 Savings Account, 1,611,23 cr——— Total. 34,258,110