Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, January 18, 1929, Image 1

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Flu Situation Improved, Care Preventing Sem®us Consequences School another Week off
Luncheon Given by the Citizen Bank
Stockholders Organize The Citizens Co.
The fifteenth of January is the
annual stockholders meeting of the
«Citizens Bank of Folkston. On
this. occasion this splendid in
stitution celebrated their annual
meet with a luncheon to its stock
holders and the county officials of
Charltou county, at W. E, Bank’s
Restaurant, some fortv enjoyed the
“happy = get ‘togehther” affair.
It was quite a pleasure for the
ediior to share in the proceedings
of that event, and to meet with
this representative body of citizens
which we understand is hence
forth to Le an annua! event. Gath
eving in such friendly fashion, as
this event indicates, there is to be
much gained by this coming to
gether, After the spiendid repast
got those present in theic happies!
frame of min@l; the toast master,
Vice-President Wm. Mizell, Jr.
and he is roval good feliow tha!
koncws how to hring duat the bes
in us, caied for thiee minutes re.
ponses on subjects deemed as our
best assets. Dr. Fleming repond
ed to “Health an asset to our
countv”, T. W. Wench “Proper
' Advertising an asset to our coun
ty"; A, B. Hursey ‘Making the
best of our Agricultural Resour
‘ces”; Supt. John Harris “Educa
tion an asset to our county”; Rev
C. L. Nease "“Making the best of
an Oppoituny’; L. E. Mallard
“Safe and Sang . Banking for our
“county”; und (%’AS McQueen”;
“attornry for the Bank, gave volec
to the deep appreciation: of Hon,
Wm. Mizell, Sr., for the beautfu’
\Si!ver Servies that was presented
Engraved on service tray was:
Presented to our President,
Williamy Mizell, Sr.,
by the Stockholders of
The Citizens Bank, of Folkston,
January 15, 1929,
as a token of esteem and in affec
tionate appreciation of the fidelity
of purpose, honesty and vision
which has so characterized
his entire life.” ;
by the stockholdess of the Citizéns
Bank for his long and faithful ser
vice rendered as president anc
leading stockholder of the insti
tution. We heartity agree with
him in his tribute to Mr. Mizeil
and in stating that the time was
passing to await until the cold hand
\uf death had taken oue u=ay vefore
paying tribute to them. That "thi:
grand old man has lived his life of
76 years in this community and s
now enjaying the accumulation o
his hard earned wealth, within fer.
miles of where (@ enw the light o
day, w 4 i late
from resources within tins sect.on
pow going out to help develoj
present day nprortuntiies, is whe
we rightiully term the best disposi
tion of assets ncumulated by '
God given tulents possessed o
this noble man of Southeast Geor
gia. Yet with bis wealth so right
fully working in the developmen
of his beloved county and the Jdee
enjymens that he gets from see:
ing it bringing about §neh - benefi.
cial good to a community, there i
much moze then that this good
men appreciates and that is some
thing that only the right of a mar
and the living of the right kind of ¢
life can gain for & man—esteem
love and confidence of all of its
peoole,‘“anx we know that Willam
Mizell. Sr, makes friends with
every citizen by this kind attitude
toward them il ‘
i In the directors room of the Cit
lizen Bank the annual stockholders
i meeting was held, presided over by
' President Mizell Annual stale
lment of the aliairs were made
é:-m'L.the satisfactoiry working of
tire bank and profits made result
!ed in the re-election of the Board
lof Directors, composed of Wm
{ Mizell, Sr, B- G. McDonald, W,
| Mizell, Je, A S. Mizell, J. V. Gow
len, L. E Mallud, Ivey Dowling
land S F, Mills, Jr. The Board of
| Directors s:lected the old officers,
twho were as follows—Wm. Mizel!
‘Sr,, president, B. G. McDonald,
| Vice-president, Wm. Mizell, Jr,
| Vice-president and Cashier, and
l‘-\. S Mizell, manager of the Na
;huuta Branch Bank of the Citizens
| Bank.
’ The regular eight per cent divi
dend was issued the stockholders
!as has ablways been customarily
tand a fair dividand passed ‘to the
Leredit of unavided profit acccunt.
] The statemen t made by this in
stitution speaks for itsclf. and cer
‘tainly is one ty be proud of —
Loans and Discounts...._. $ 411,46¢.21
ißonds, Government an d i,
CHRMT R . s aabns 21,275.00
|Fumitu_p{g and Fixtures..... 3,502.81
Other Real Estate Owned. .. 3,500.00
| Items in Transit-..c..----on 432,00
Lo, o, PR A S
' Capital BtocK.-amcecaann-- '$ 30,000,00
Surplus Fund.... 00 .- -- 3,000.00
Undivided profits. ... ---- 26,237.67
| Dividends Unpiid....icee 14.40
| Cashiefs Checkpaaae-vocess 7,344.81
DIEDONIER. wnp ve npesinn e =kin 000 BIVIE
' g
| - Total 566,976.05
i One action of the stockholders
{of the Citizens Bank at the mestin:.
i {uesday means much-for the com
anunity as well a= for the good o/
that institetion itseif, and that wa«!
the organization of The CitiZen:'l
Company which was organized as
annex practically of the Bank. 1!
is a company that wil act as a re
~erve company o carry stocks ana
bouds, and longer time mor!ygages
than tne Bank is allowed to carry
.under tue State Ranking Laws.
With this company actirg m that
‘capacity of the Bank, under. the
direetion of the same officials. it
Lsirengthens the banlk itself, asi'i
cean be utilized to tandle all fro
_zen assets when a quick disposi
tion of such papers are called “for,
‘or needed. ~ Under the same guia
%-mce ot expericnceda officials, acl=
ing as anex o the Luok in the
panching of gs Jdmbiljties it Ue
sumies 1 souree of great benefit to
the esmmunity in event of a “tigh'
Fr;"my murket", ' e
1 Therecent trouble of the Macon
| Banks ~asily illustrates what a
wreal- benetit this new Citizers.
| Company can be to a commumty
{ And menn progress in our finau”
| cially handliug of wha'ever situta
{lion we may have, especially so i 1
| nandling bonds of a locul rature’
which has always been sold loeal:
v heretbfore, - - g
L ——— )
Farmers Meet Saturdey i
Remember to meet withi the far- |
mers Saturday s! Couaty Agent
Hursey's office. The interest u!’
farmers can only be le'n when|
they themselves show shat they
ere interested in what the County
is trying to do for you. |
GL-v.,. s n\l‘.r‘;
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The Post Office will mové ‘as
coon as the safe arrives fi.\thatfi
the inspector can qualify the new.
location, , %*
This means that the prasent lo
cation to be usn,d‘ by Davis infl
Askew will be remoddled with a
new glass front and inside improve-.
ment, such as new fix,tfifres'wi
steel eeiling. *© -5%% -
The contemplated improye-
The removal of the post ofliccl
to the Masonic Block, will have as
its closes! neighbo®, the Grocery
department of Dean and Gowen’s
big store, ;
Contractor Slivar has the cops
tract of transferring shelving and
rearranzament of the work. In
moving the grocery department it
sives it more room ard easily
reached than before. In its place
the Dry ‘inod Department will be
transferred, the Shoe Department
will be rizht in front of the old
office place, which will now be
located 15y the center of the store.
which places the bookkeeper in
view of the ertire storz. The
Mes, M G, Alesander, repreuente‘
ivg Dorothy Perkins Toiletries,
will he at Stapletan Phargacy, on
January+2l-26 inclusive.
Mrs. Alexander is a graduate’
beauty specialists, and has wide
experience in beanty culture,
\ private booth has been in
stalled in the store where ladies
may go for consuitation with the
specialist and for treatments if it
18 desived. She will gladiy mako'
telephnne appointrents with goy
one whao desires to consu't her, |
*“Notharge i mad« for Nwsecmv‘
The remains «f Mr. J. . Franks
former Uptanwille citizen recently
rémoved from there, was brough
back for interment by the side
of his wife in the Folkston ceme
tery Wednesday ufternoon, he
having passcd away ot the home
of his brother-in='aw, Mr. Albemt
Mizell, et Wiilachochee, the day
previousty sfter quite « while of
bad heaith '{hv remaing were
bromult here by Mr. Mizell and
the%nrral wag well attended by
many of his ul’ friends. 4
out by the enlargement of the
bufli«'ng as well the store occuriec
by the Fulkston Pharmacy, botl
!sl_'oir'c_s to be extended as far baclk
*afigfiavis store. Contractor Hal
has 3is contract and will begin
work:ns soon as th= Post oftice va
cates the building.
’l‘gé_s progress is denoted by the
move of the post office in new
quarters by the improvement of
the old location and the establish
of anbther new business. Here
is 205 luek tothemall,
shelve hardward stock remains as
itis while the heavy stock will be
Just iia rear of the office,
I The rear entrace through the
open space makes the delivery of
‘u;ods and the storage of heavy
material on the out side and the
warchouse close together, sa tha!
that the stock too heavy far in
doors can be placed is that va
caney, instead as now on the
street in front of the post office,
The rc-arangement is not only
‘more converient but makes easier
Jor a department to be lookd after
by the "boss”, when = clerk has
ilu leave his department for a mo
ment with a customer.
sultations, Mr, Stapleton having
mede special arrangemer:ts wher
by customers and users of the
Dorothy Perkins toilet articles
may be given expert advice with
out cost, and where others may
be made aquainted with the ex
cellenceand wide range of var
iety of the Dorothy Perkins line.
A cordial invitetion 15 extended
*o all who wish to avail them
seives of the opportunity to con
sult with » competent specialist
As to their peculiar cosmetic and
beauly culiure needs
The sad death of Mrs Scolt,
Kennison, 22, a bride since las'
August. oceurred 1n Bainbridge,
Tuesday from Pneumonia doulog
ing from fiu, She was the daugh
ter of W. T. Muchell, formerly o
Up'onville and married Scott, toc
son cf Mr, E. C. Keunnison. She
was buried in the Vickery burial
ground where some of the Kenni
sons now rest, On account of flu
none of her people were able ‘o
come with the body, except Mr.
Kennison bimsell, As Miss Ada
Handsome New Steel Fixtures Placed
Folkston Postoffice Awaits Checking in
| “To my Old Wife”
January 16 1929,
When we began our married lifef
When 1 espoused you for my wife
Fifty five years ago |
Our hearts in love together hound
[ prized the treasuse | had found
To share my weal or woe.
[ did not try with gold or land
T'o win your love or gain your hand
I set a higher aim
{ asked for nothing oo your part
Besides a consecrated heart
And gave you the same.
' Jays, mcnths, years have passed away
Wy eyes are dim, my locks are grey
1 Still you are dear to me
‘ \nd often through a misty maze
she pleasures of departed davs
“ In retrospect Il see |
Ve have not sought renown or fame
o gather luster to our name |
Or leurels to secure |
dave lived an unpsetentious life |
Only plain man and wife |
~ Plebeian and vbsure
'Have drifted on time's ebbing tide
‘Bearing lite’s burdens side by side
For many a toil spent day
lill now our race is almost run
And we must like the setting sun
Soon pass from time away
My dear old wife when I am gone
From hence and you are leit alone
Pray do not grieve for me
But When you stand beside my tomb
Anticipate our blissfu! home
~ Beyond the silent sea |
‘ ¥ : eet #e
[P R N e .
ow being recorded, it is. test
wait 1D on i ) .::w“!:’ .
Miss Mamie Askew and *m‘
Ruby Brightwell are the ouly One:
of the faculty ill and they nre re
covering nicely. Miss Haves isill
with an nttack ¢f appendicitis so it
is reported.
Rogers Buy Turpentine
Plant at Boulogne.
Many friends of Mr. J W, Rog
ars are congratulatng him on buy
ing the Boalogne turpentine busi
ness, formerly operated by J. 8
N.Davis. Mr. Rogers purchased
:hat business with its leases aud
some 800 acres of land, the price
we understand is $15.000,
He with him his son, Ben; who
will be the woodsman and iook
after the commissary, while Mr.
Rogers will bring in to use his ex
pert knowledge of the busivese, of
which he has a rich store of. WQI
wish “J. W. " to succeed as much
as any frizud we ever Bod for he
is wholessouled. snd one of our
Id standbye’s and we are glad did
as he did buy a business close to
Folkston. y
Ready for Court House Roof
Mr, W. T. Londeree is a hustler
of the right sort. Got on the jub
raising steel at the court house
Friday. Says the tressel work
will be ready for the roofing squad
this week. A Chicago concern has
that job und they expect to do the
work in another week, so you see
by that we shall soon have the
huilding ready for inside work.
I'he place for the clock will be
clevated from the steel work snd
be seen from afjdistance aud neard
from a greater distance.
This building is modest and
stately a 8 well, and will be the
pride for many years lo come of
Charlton county, \
e e e e ———————————— ——————
Mitchell she had many friends,
who will sympathize with her
Tumily in er death,
’\l‘he handsome steel fixtures of
Folkston Post Office was received
last Friday and the work of setling
them up has been completed un
der the supervision of the H. J.
Condan Co., contractors. This
new location with its model new
fixtures makes the office here the
peer of ary office of its class in
The loeation in the Muasonic
building is almost as central as
the former site, and possesses the
advantage of being more com
modious and with the new labor
saving fixtures converts it into a
delighttul place to work.
The front has a lobby sufticient
and the loeation of Money and
Delivery windows quite conven
ient. The handsome boxes of
three sizes, wdapted for person
al, business and larger demands
are equal to every emergency that
might be made on the office. We
learn that the last several reports
made of the growth of Folkston
office has justified the larger num
ber of boxes installed. Formerly a
hundred boxes were used, whizh
cramped the demand. Newly in
stalled are 225 boxes, which Post
master Mills epect te fill the bill,
From the rear cf the building
all mail wiil be received and the
rural routes dispatched, a conven
ience and closer to the traiy and,
"‘«vt pricg 1 ity
taken seriously and that many ex
pressions from citigens, who will
be vitally effected by the move ex:
press themselves as favoring it,
We harken the day that paving
of our town residence streets be
gins. A paved street and side
walk and beautiful shade trees
are no mean asset to a town we
assure you.
This is a move in the right di
rection, the post office has been
considerable improved, and the
natural consequece of i's sur
roundings must be made to keep
pace with it,
An Anniversity Celebrated
The interesting event of a 56th
anniversity was celebrated by Mr.
and Mrs. W, O, Gibson on Tues
day. This isa long time to en~
joy lite together, and the Herald's
well wishes go to them over this
long and eventful voyage through
life together. As all of this time
has been spent in good old Char-
Iton, there is a subject in it for
quite a bit ot history and we hope
at some future date when Mr.
(iibson is in that mood to get
from him some interesting data of
the people, the community and
other incidents to show the pro
gress of all of these years,
Organizer Here
Mrs. Qra F. Wetherington Dis
trict Manager for the supreme
Forest Woodmen Circle at Omaha,
Neb,, is here enroliing members
for a local Woodmen Circle,
Mrs, Welherington has met
with splendid cogueration and
responce she has secured the re
quired number for a charactered
orrunimlon and expects to en
roll fifty or seventy-five,
. Women between the u:u of
16 and 6of good health and good
churacter are ¢ligible for member
ship ulso men who are members
of the W.O, W, s Wetherington
hopes to see every lady in town
who is ehgible and will 1y to see
them belure orgunizing.