Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, January 25, 1929, Image 1

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CHARLTON COUNTY HERALD ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF PER YEAR All Sch&isfiffi&figg; Resume Monday as the Ban s Raised on the Flu Ep;demic Checked Wright-Stewart Marriage An Event Many Visitors Attend the Wedding A wedding of unusual interesi, was that of Miss Avline wright, daughter of Mr. and Mres. C. ™ Wright, and Mr. Edgar Stewart, of Douglas, Ga.. which was solemni zed last Saturday evening. The ecremony was performed by Rev S ‘A. Mundy, of the Second Advent Christian Church, of Jacksonviile, Fla. and was witnessed by the family ard a few relatives. Tbe ydecorations in the living and dining rooms consisted of yel low and white narcissus, with an interm{i_ngling of ferns and bego nias. - ‘ The bride and groom entered from the dinning room into ths living room whare an imgprovised alter had been erected vanked with pink begonias and fe-ns. The bride was bzcomingly dress ed in a blonde georgette ensemole with 2cccasories to match. The only attendant of the bride was a cousiu Mrs. T, E. Raulerson, who wore a drzss of flat seige crepe Miss Arline is one of Folkston’s most winsome and loviest young lauies . She has been aitending the Cliristian Advent Seminary iu Bridgpsrt, Ala, for the past year Mr. Stewart isa young man of sterliaz worth and qualities, and is kno§‘u thoughont this scction, be ing a ative born of Foikston. He is now in the employ of the Ga-Fla Mg : ‘i‘{?%: ‘é’&%yc&up e left immedi ' ”n-ta’iif after the § ceremony for & trip o Florida, and will be home | to the their many friends i Doug las, afier the 260 of January. Mrs. Rosa Toy Entertaians Haver Ladies Going Away a 8 — ‘*‘l‘n“l:oi'ur of the ladies, Mrs. W, R, McCoy and Mrs. C. B. Jones, who have been such gooc workers in the Baptist church, Mrs. Rosa Toy, complimented then: and their associates in the Woman Missionary society of the Bapfis church with an guresttained indul gence in pleasure in toe ahape o a sp'endid luncheon at Bank’s Res taurant last Friday evening 4 After the, repast consisting o fried oysters accessories charin ingly served, short impromptu talks were made by Mrs. W. H Robinseon, Mrs. W, E. Banks, Mrs. C. E Straup, Mrs. J. P. Garrisor Mrs: J.M Crews, Mrs. R E. Cun don, and Mrs. O, 1. Wilson, whil Mrs. Toy, the hostess, graced 1» progran: with an original tiiks o the theme of “friends.” The entire memhership of the churen ey vin these ¢ abies leave for thei new homes, drs, McCoy to Jesu and Mrs. Jones to Leng county As co-iaborers they have beel faithfui and earnest and the hop is that while they mav enjoy their new homes, their d: sires will leac them back to us evertuclly, Besides the ladies esumera's above the guest of the occasio were Mesdames Jack Waoodard ( M. Scott, Carroll Wright, E H wright, Paul Garrison, Rudolpl Mille, and Rosa Rosa Rubinson making the aceasion a must charm ing and delightful party of thes: ludy co-workers. Presbyterian Church Services Sunday Afternoon Rev. Johnson wili preach Su:- day afternonn at the Presbyterian cuurcn, at 3:30 o'clock. Members and others are requested to ut tend these services, ‘Beauty out of Band Box } So it Looked to Us ’ Mrs. M. G Alexander. the beau !ty expert of the “Dorthy Perkins” Company, was giving a most equit ‘hle chance to a'l of our ladies to be made lovely this week at a de monstration at Stapleton Phar macy. Perhaps we arefaccustomed to sceing su much beuuty but the thoughts of the demonstration made ns mora watchful and we noticed that most everv lady we saw on the street was decorated E with simple elegance and exquisite ‘beauty. The beauty parlor was screened off in a corner,she enter-i odand came forth a royal queen as pleased as could be. The go ing and coming was indicative of‘ good business, and if appearance | cuunts for anything we would un . . | hesitantly say it was a unanimous | sSUCcess. i ‘ et e . Missionaries Hear Bishop Ainsworth Preach Wayeross'! had an impressive meeting of the Methodi{st Monday, when Bishop Ausworth and Dr.. iliis, prescned able sermons on the cause of Migsionery. Well attended from the various churches in the district, and Fqlk-l ton sent up a goondly delegation ampng whom _was Rev. C. L. G drtßimes, S 07 e BT e «"Si“ ey %":fi pusell; George White, Foo tte fiela, O, E. Raynor, Ralph John e, representing the local Mis slonary soclety, Luncheon was served in the Y M, C.- A, at Waycross to the visitors and all repyrts a fine day with impressive sermons on the subject. i 2 What are You Going to Piant as a Truck CropJ In the meeting Saturdav, whicl! was nol so weil attended, the lqueslion of planting was not f whol'y decided. Several express ticmsclvcs as going to plant an lacre of irish potatoes, some cu l(:umbcrs and others a diversity of | crops,” [ Dr, Williams is anxious to know i just winat your intention is if you éespc(‘t to truck. Seed for cu lcumbers, potatoes and fertilizers lare to be purchased and if there is to be any combined of orders 'they should be done at oner. He | has the prices—let him know the | quanities you need. Dangerously Il Pneumonia Goes Mother's Bedside Mavor and Mrs. Stapleton Jleft Wednesday evening by Buick upon wweeint of a wire from his fatber that his mother and sister, Mise Chloris Stapleton, our primacy teacher, was seriously ill with double pneumonia, Before leav ing Mi, Stapieton called up , his brother at “Westun, who advised: that beth were seriously il) tn'nl that much uneaviness was felt over their coandition. " Only lust weele report came that Miss Chioris was ill with flu, and’ it seems that pneumonia developed trom that attack. The many [lriends of Mayor s'dpleton sincerely hopes that the turn for the betier will come upnn his anrival, and the large number of Miss Stapleton’s fidtle friends here are praying for her speedy return to health, OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE CQUNTY OF CHARLTON. FOLKSTON, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1929 ,’Folkston Boys wiil Play in% Jesup School Tournament: The Chatlton County: Hi'gh School basketball team has ac cept an invitation to participate in |a tournament at Jesup next week ' The drawings assigned them tu play their first game Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock with the winner of a previous game played between Blackshear and Odum. Should our boys win their figst game they will enter the semi finals Saturday. The final:gam™ will be played Saturday night. =~ Folkston will send over their team of the Charlton High School. I'he members of the teams guing. are Caplain Wilton Stokes, Lewis Londeree, Kline Gowen, Tho Wrench, Howord Huling, Cecij Roddenberry, Erroll Wasdin, Ed, Poindexter, J. V.. Vickery, James Askew, and Eugene Shivar,, ° The boys will spend much of the next week in getting their team in shape. T Flu Ban Lifted, Cfifir?{fié'Schools Starte Monday with Piamfi Push Work. A conference beween Supt Herris and toe local physicians: Thursday morning resuited in the assurance by the doctors that ¢on dictiens would be sufficient!y nor mal for the re-ooer:?g_@&i& schools of the county on ' Monday. Waile several of New Filling Station Shows Pan Am Scorihg The Oak Hill Station has been touched up with paint, M, deWey, has leased i, placing new Pan-Am fixtures for gas and oils for ser vice. He promises good service and will mave a lunch room in connection, The M. Norwood place of which we spoke abcut last week, has placed Pun-Am fixtures in and will serve the pu lic with this excel lent m2ans of motive power, Itis located one mile north of Home land, - Making an improvemeant of a new front the Racepond Turpen tine Co,, in charge of T. I. Player, is becoming quite a business place and with the added improvements goes Pan-Am fixtures for automo biles services. Thix excellent firm also carries a stock of commissaiy tgoods and groceries for sale, .~ We might add that the Pan-Am people are making a leader of their new gasoline whicn Raynor says takes the knock ovut of cars ef fected with carbon. With these aew addition on the north, with Smith and Raynor and the City Limit Garage south of Folkston there are plenty of places selling their gas Rev. Poindexter Recovareal Church Services Sunday \_‘, Rey. Poindexter having recover ing from his reccnt illness »o wo to be out this week, will preach at both the morning and evening services ' Sunday at the Baptist chureh, He has been «:onfmed! to his room the past week anc was unable to atlend the luncheon last week cn that sccount, He ex pressed Limself as being disap pointed very much on accouut of his inability. to attend that func tion. Brother Poindexter 1s a live wirg snd velieve in the progress of sivic affuirs as well as religious one, and says working together iy the way todo wl things well. %}iure Show Attendance 13*‘ Enjoying Good Shows e friral M e i ten da« program of pictures 3*&_7o;‘s“l’axton Theaire which be {1,,.@.3!; Priday evening, has beer jenjoyed by a fair attendance the St week with increasing numbers 'eek. Under the direction k; ohn Colman, who brings .%: splendid pictures to the "'la:' house. we hav: been i'.j‘_‘e some of the best mov -5 " 2s.on the market. With -Dapul. prizes in effect, the public ‘g‘%f % <appreciate the shows E e given, ~ Wiithghe exception of Saturday evalin@iihe prices will be 35 and | fi I 8 for the remainder of 'hl‘! seres; which extends until next Tuesday, Satarday evening pro gram Wil consist of eleven reels oSt Battalion” a most as—’ toun oicture . &dmisslon 50 and 25cts, this - wilkhrovide an of splen-l didt@mfedainment so all should shojy it appreciation by taking{ i doa ‘.be ;)n ‘;'oad to recovery except Miss Saßleton, Substitutes will ’bé réadflb tuke the places on any S L ~ Suptharris is anxious that every g possible be on hand to lassupd Weir duties and try and 'f mech hycenrnestigndeavor Folkston Loses Dr. McCoy, Will Locate in Jesup, There will be much regret over the news that Dr. W. R. McCoy will move the last of this weeK 10 Jesup to make his future home. He has been with us a liitle ever yeai, but in that time he has built up a good practice in his chosen profession, and endearca himsell to many of our cilizens by his bigh ideals and purposes. Always iu terested in public affairs and the good work of his church, he will be missed in those spheres of use fulldes where he proved a bene ficient boon to them in lending his aid to their accomplishments. Dr. McCoy and his interesting family have made so many friend during this period of his residence ship here that the regret in uni versal over uis going. As a phy sician he brought with him a su perior knowledge of the | rofessior, and with energetic mien practice: it 10 the aood of the people of th community, and we learn witl, pleasure that in pis going he bos associated himsell with other phy sician, in his new home st Jesup. that will from the beginniug oper up to him a field in which he will be able to have a sure footing in his practice, The Herald is sure that the sel vice of such a man will be appre ciated there and here is wishing him Ihe success ne deserves and & warin welcome for his splendid farmily there, Norwood Builde a Home There has been built a nest combination home and filling station Just north of Homeland, by Mr. M, Norwood on a tract of land purchased from the Chaclton ‘l.ucnnnu Co.and we are glad 1o know thet Mr. Norwood und his \plemnt family of four areto make theiv home there, We wish so them all the suczcss that comes to ‘lu!ks who do things and try im j prove that which jbey own. St. George News Portraying Events as they Occur in the Town in the Big Bend At Baptist Church each Sunday at 10a. m, Mr. J. W. Spencer, Superintendent. A+ Methodist Church each Sunday at 10 a. m Mr, Fred Osterman Superinten dent. Sunday Jan , 27th is Rev. Nease’s appointment at St. George. There will be services morning and evening at the M. E. Church South, Sunday of last week there was union Sunday Schoo!l at the Bap tist Church with a good atten dance. Mr.and Mrs. G. B. Carpenter and Mrs. Carrie Freelove were Jacksounville visitors during the week, Mr.N. J, Norman and Marie ssent Wednesday in Jacksonville shopping, Mrs. W, T. Londeree and Doug las spent several days recently ‘visiling at Orange Park, i Friends of Mr. J. H, Pittman and family will be pleased to know that the family have moved to Si George und are pleasantly located ‘in Miss Beugh'’s house, S. L. Nobles spent Sunday in St. George. ‘ ~ Mrs, Jane Gooden was at home : '; mg mowiige aise .4 JaDl ,j;-fit v ;{M'R S, . 6 "’g Mr. G. W. Holzendorf is still confined to his home after a seyere iillness of last week but is srendily improving. The many St. George friends of Mr. and Mrs, Le=lie Norman now residing in Waycross will be pleased to know that they are the happy parents of a baby girl. It 1s understord that the baby has becn named Mary Alice. Mrs. Pacetti, Miss Pacetti and Mr. L. D. Pacetti of Camnden were guests at the Cockrell home Sun day. Mr, and Mrs, Henry Gibson and children were visiting at the home of Mrs. Gibsons parents the J. A Barkers Suuday. Mrs. J. A. Bar ker who has been wvisiting at her daughters home returned also. Mrs. N. J. Norman and Villiam Arnold, Lithiau wud Marie and Mrs J. B Spencer motored to Way cross Sunday to visit at the Leslie Normen home and pay their ree spects to little Miss Mary Alice, the new arrival hin ' Mrs. W. Z ÜBsroett and baby are ill with flu at thewr home nesr St. George, Mr, W. T. Londeres and Joseph went to Orange Park Monday, re turning by way of Folkston, Itis undesstood that the con struction work at Mogse Haven Qrange Park with which Mr. Londeree has been connected, is now completed and the buildings are ready for inspection by Lthe ;rraent! during the Convention next week, Friends of Miss Ida K Baugh who Is spending the winter in Atheus at the home of her father will regret to know that Miss Baugh's father is ill, having suf freed o relapse from flo. Mr. E. D. Gooden and Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Parhem were in Jack sonville Saturday where they went 1o visit # baby specialist for the little Parham baby VOLUME XXX NUMBER 35 Friday Jan., 18th little Catherine Bussy was six years old aad her mother, Mrs. Charles Bussy inter ained charmingly at her home, in honor of the occasion the guests being a group of little friends. The invitations read from three to four and the f{ime was spent happily in games at the conclusion of which an ice and lucious cakes were served. Of the prizes in the cake, V. D. Thompson drew the thimble and Mrs, Parbam the button. Francis Van Hook and Martha Cockrell assisted Mrs, Bussy in looking after the little guests, - Those enjoying the occasion in cluded Pearl Gooden, Nellie Smith, Vera Hodge. Aunie Gooden, Mar garet and Muble Parham, V, D. Thompson, J. V. Hodge. William Norman, Karie Bussy. A pleasant feature was the fact that the day was also the birth day of little Nellie Smith who was five years old. Hoover and Smith Pass By Folkston this weekon A C L President elect Hoover with his: party passed thru Folkston Tues day morning about three n'clock on a special train bound for Miami Fia., for his vacation pericd to rognd out is tiry, docupentto be FPRPDIed 1 CONgraes. fi,g% mishap. The East Coast took charge of the inl presidental train and completed the trip land ing the parly in fine time at Mi ami. i Arrangements have been made to give Mr, Huover a real vacation every effort having been made to insure him privacy and enjoyment of the island resort where the Penny manison is located. The “Al Smith” parly spent Monday in Savannah on their way to Sarasota for a vacation period and passed through Folkston in a special car on train 83 Wednesday pending his time to take up Bank ing as a profession. e will stop off severai days in St, Augustine, and then go on to Sarasota, where he is to be the guest »f John Ring ling, the circus mar, With two such celebrities within its bound and a professional prize fight on the tupts for February, the eyes of the world are on Florida. First Quarterly Conference Held Folkston District Pastor Nease was in Waycross last week frying to have the first quarterly session of the Folkston District postponed on account of flu, but President Elder Webb, thought it was just as well to start off the New Year with their first session even thouyh it was not well attended. A fair representation of the various churches in his charge were there and had good reports, A luncheon was served as is the custom at the church, Death of Blind Child The six months old daughter, Virginia, of Mr, and Mrs, Everett Prescott, died of flu, Tuesday at the home of its father on the Mills place alfter a weeks illness, Little Virginia was blind from a previous iliness, and was not in good phy sical health to withstand the on slaughts of the Hu, She was laid to rest in the High Bluff Ceme tery by the side of one ol lverett’s chitdren that had preceeded it across the great divide,