Newspaper Page Text
Social ml persona
Miss Flora Blalock, teacher of
the 7th grade is quite sick this
week and Mrs W. H. Butler is
teaching in her place.
Mr, and Mr3, R. E- Edwards
of Athens; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Edwards of Lake City, S. C.
and Mrs. R. W. Gould of Gaines
ville, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. G. M. Edwards during
the holidays.
Ralph Fdwards spent Christ
mas week in Athens.
Claud and Miss Emma Tinsley
of Senoia, spent the holidays
with Mi. and Mrs. E. E. Popi
and other relatives near town.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Geer en
tertained in a most delightful
manner, on ■ evening last week,
t ie members of the Geer Concert
Band and the Foremen of the va
rious departments of the Lois
Cctton Mill.
Miss Opal Duncan is in Atlan
ta this week.
James Tucker of Holly Springs
Miss., spent the holidays with
Herschel Upshaw.
Prof. W. 0. Collins of Athens
spent the holidays here with
relatives and made the Sentinel
a pleasant visit while here.
Prof. J. H. Walker of Monroe,
and Judge Kontz of Atlanta,
were guests of W. J- Camp one
day last week,
'. Miss Ruth Winn entertained
quite a number of young people
on Tuesday night Dec. 22nd, in
most Enjoyable manner.
Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Hathcock
had as guests last week, Mrs. J.
J. Herrod, Mis3Mat,ie and Dew-
The Sentinel editor is in re
ceipt of an interesting letter
with a money ouder enclosed
fro n Col. N. B. Wilson of Seat
tle, Washington, He has many
friend here who wish him much
success in the far West.
Miss Mary McKoy of Rome,
spent the holidays here with
friends and relatives.
Grady Hall, of Villa Rjca, is
now a member of the Sentinel
force. M-. Hall is an experi
enced printer and adds materially
o our facilities for get ting out a
better Sentinel this year.
In order to give the force a
week’s holidays, we did not pub
lish a paper last week—only got
out a one-page advertising sheet.
Sherman Styles w 11 leave
next week for Akron, Ohio,
where he will work for The Good
year Rubber & Tire Co.
Douglasville enjoyed an/un
usually quite Christmas. ' It’s
true there was some drinking and
unfortunately a fight or two but
it was generally conceded there
was less evidence of whiskey
than usual.
D. W. Smith, who has been on
the Sentinel for more than four
years, has severed his conn ction
with us. We don’t know wheth
er he will be located at Buchan
an or Heffin, Ala., but wish to
say there Was never a man more
faithful to his duties and wher-
'e?er he go-.s we wish him the
greatest success.
Mr. Sherman Styles was in
Villa Rica Monday ancl Tuesday.
Dr. J. M. Boyd has moved his
office from the Bartlett to the
ey Herrod of Villa Rica, Mrs. , ,
H. H. Bobo of Sweetwater and Hutcheson building.
Ivison Hathcock of Fairburn.
The young people of the town
^enjoyed the evening with Mr.
and Mrs. B. F. Burton last Sat-
' urday.
Ijsgo-Fgv vjte-grM C'p. Toll?e/A
P^rilla Rica were recent gue3ts
of Miss Willette Hathbock.
Mr. and Mrsi Robt, McKoy
Imtertained a large numbe • of
riends Friday night with an old
lime dance.
J. P. Cannon has just returned
Ifrom New York, where he went
Ln account of the death of his
Jnother and brought his sister,
fwhois sick, and placed her in an
The jot sale of the Estes Ad-
I dition Wednesd y and Saturday
was quite a success,
j Prof. W. M. Hays,,/of Lithia
[Springs, bought a new FordFri-
j day from Duncan & Selman. |
Lymon Morris'has returned "to
the University of Georgia, after
spending the holidays with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, M.
J. E. Phillips .has sold his g' 1 *-"
eery business to F. P. Dorris,
who will continue the business
at the same stand under the
name of Frank P. Dorris & Co.
W- W. Carpenter of Carters-
Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Selman
spent part of last week in Atlan
ta with their sens, Jumieand Joe
Prof, and Mrs. J. W. Simons
of Atlanta and C. H. Camp of
Greenwood. S. C., were holiday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. D.
Selnn n.
Mis. J. E. Davis has leen
quite sick for several days,
Mr. and MYs. G. B. 1 indsey of
Atlanta, visited relatives here
last week.
Mrs. L. C. Upshaw attended a
reception at Forsythe last week
tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Julian
Willingham, who were married
at Douglas on Dec , 19th.
J. P. Watson of Adairsvill,
was here Wednesday.
Miss Rose Abercrombia is at
home from Agnes Scott College
for the holidays.
Miss Ruth Selman came home
from Shorter College for the
Xmas holiday s.
Miss Jeanette Morris of Wes-
lyan College- is spendiug the
week with home folks.
M. B. Watson had with him
during the holidays, his sons,
Flovd, of Cochran; Hugh ofCin-
einnatti and daughter, Miss Lois
of Mableton.
Grady Davis of Atl \nta, is here
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Davis, for several days-
Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Duncan
spent Sunday, Dec. 24th, in At
lanta with their daughter, Mrs.
W. B. Estes.
Hon. J. T. Duncan and famiiy
were holiday visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. W. S. Duncan in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Steel York of At
lanta, were holiday guests of
Mrs. York’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. W. Peace.
Prof, and Mrs. W. H, Butler
had as-Uieir guests last week,
the former’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs L. C. Butler, and daugh
ter;. Miss Tennie of Morrow, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs, A. Do Le Verier
oS Roschtoj^sifcfciiiolida*; visit r
ors of the latter’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Phillips.
Herschel Udshaw came home
from Locust Grove for the holi
Prof. W. C. Duncan of New
York, and Fred Dun an of Au
burn, Ala., spent the holidays
here with their parents.
Protection and Service
I have a piano for sale—plavs
i’self. 39 music rolls, one
music cabinet —bench and scarf.
Call and spo it. Half cash, ba-1
ance terms. Mattie Cunigan.
Mule for Sale %
I have a good middle aged
mule for sain at a bargan.
C. T. Hallman, Douglasville,
Route 6.
We have a complete line of
Ledgers, Jo urnals, Cash Books,
File Cases and Sales Books.
J. L. Selman &Son.
Start the New Year with new
Ledgers, Cash Books, Journals,
etc. We have them.
•I. L. Selman & Son.
If you need anything in the
blank book line or file cases come
to see us.
J. L. Selman & Son.
Farm Hand.
S. P. McCard, Rt 3.
are the Banking advantages d|
by careful depositors.
Our ample resources and mod™
ment enable us to assure ever)
such advantages here.
Come in and see us about o?
account here.
Farmers and Merchants Bt
Bring your butter, chickens,
eggs and other produce to Harry
Edge, the cash man in Mathews
building. Highest cash price
paid. While then you can save
ten percent, on allgroceries.
’TwouldBeA Good Resolution|
To Resolve
Help Wanted.
Increasing our capieity, we
want 10 young ladies, for clean
work, pay well while leaining.
Apply in person at once to Super
Douglas Hosiery Mills.
that with the very first pay day
of the new year, a portion of
the amount received Will be,
regularly deposited to the
credit of
A Savings Account With This Bank
hus would you have accomplished that whichg]
many of our wealthiest men look upon as thel
start of their prosperity.
Douglasville Banking
Atlanta Sanatarium. His many ville, was here Monday figuring
friends here sympathize with
i him in his troubles.
R. M. McEachern and J. W.
| James have moved to Douglas
ville and are accupying the fot-
tage on Church Street recently
bought from Sheriff Baggett,
We are glad to report Dry
Hamilton completely recovered
! from his recent accident,
Mr. and Mrs. H. P, Sibly, Jr.,
of Atlanta, have been guests
this week of relatives here.
Misses Eleonor and Johnnie
I Atkinson have retured to their
school work at Manchester, after
, spending the holidays with their
fatheij, Rey. J. C. Atkinson.
Jamie Selman and Mr. and
1 Mrs. J. M. Selman of Atlanta,
I spent Sunday with their parents,
(Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Selman.
. Miss Grace Hamilton of Villa
iiRica, was a recent guest of Dr,
land Mrs. R. E. Hamilton,
Miss Inez Durham left this
/eek to accept a position as
Iteafher at Fairburn.
Ir. ancl Mrs, W. M. Almond
lent part of last week in Con-
On account of high priced m a -
terial and slow collections we
have been compelled to start the
New Year on a cash basis.
I thank my customers for past
patronage and solicit same in the
future.. * A. II. Moody.
, something specie'
and can’t find it, come to in
know where to get it. No
ter what it is—from thimble
Florida plantation.
Harry Edge.
thing agrees with htj
She is no longer
dizzy and sleeps ll
She goes a tout her 11
happy as a sixteen-y
and smiles all the tin
“I have one hundri
look after and my wij
T. 7 Ai-arfe and B. P. Roberson
Giles Bros., ift Villa Ricn,
Lnt some time this’week in the
■glasville store,
t i8es Bettie Milam ana- Min-
with Bake & McLarty for a
Douglas county farm.
Miss Vera Morgan of Byron,
Ga., has been elected expression
teacher and took charge this
Miss Ruby Dorris of Sweet
water, spent last week as a
guest of Miss Hattie Housewroth,
PatH. Winn of LithiaSprings
has sold his interest in the mer
cantile busm ss of The Pat H.
Winn Co. to his partner, H. H.
Richardson. Mr. Winn has not
not decided just what he will do
in the future.
We think Douglasville has had
enough of street carnivals lately.
Col. Hutcheson made a profes
sional trip to Atlanta Tuesday.
Dr. D. Houseworth was an At
lanta visitor Tuesday.
Several Douglasville people
will see “Peg ’0 My Heart” at
the Atlanta Theatre this week/
Miss Mary Laind of Hiram,
has been elected by the board of
Trustees as a member of the
faculty of the public school and
has charge of the 6th grade.
Miss Hattie Houseworth of the
5th District A. &M. School came
home for the holidays.
Miss Sarah Duncan of Atlan
ta, was a holiday guest of Miss
Louise Duncan.
Jay and Varner ^amp of the
University of Ga./‘and 5th Dis
trict A. & M. School respective
ly, are spending the holidays
with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs, W. J. Camp.
Little Jack, the son of Mr. ard
Mrs. J. C. Wright, has an attact
of Pneumonia.
,1. H. Miller of route 5, was a
pleasant caller Wednesday.
Charles Geer of Greenville,
S. C.. spent Christmas with his
J. W. Patrerson of near Lithia
Springs, has moved to Douglas
ville and is occupying the J. T.
Duncan property on Broad St.,
formerly owned by L. E. Rob
Little Nell, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Abercrom
bie, is reported suffering from
Pneumonia this week.
Georgia, Douglas County.
Are the Worst
They lead to catarrh and
pneumonia. They weaken the
entire system and leave it un
able to resist the sudden
changes. They interfere with
your digestion and lessen your act
ivity. Neglected they soon become
that dread disease known ns sys
temic catarrh. Don't neglect them.
It's costly as well ad dangerous.
Ml ill Safeguard You
Have a box of* Peruna Tab
lets with you for the sudden
cold or exposure. Tone your sys
tem up with a regular course of the
liquid Peruna, fortify it against
colds, get your digestion up to nor
mal, take care of yourself, and avoid
danger. If you are suffering now be
gin the treatment at once. Give
Nature the help she needs to throw
off the catarrhal inflammation, and
again become well.
Peruna has been helping people
for 44 years. T-^sands of homes
rely on it for coughs, cold and indi
gestion. It’s a good tonic for the
weak, as well.
as Bright ond, everh “ i “^l
r . * -Tr r\,A seems to haveJ
J,py as a 16-Year-Old new life> str ^
Girl, and Has Gained 18 j'ou don’t kno
Pounds,” Says Dairy , we are over her
Fainter, I just marvelous tlfl
| acted with her, aitl
“Mv wife goes about the house '.wants to know \yh
now singing and whistling all about lanlac they
the time, and no wonder she is write me.”
so happy, for on just three bot-j Speaking of Ta 1
ties of Tanlac she has gained .work it is doing,
eighteen (18) pounds and she is f is, Southern Distril
like a different woman alto
gether,” said J. B. Zachry, the
well-known dairyman of Swords, jyear when Tanlac!
Ga., in conversation with the|to bettor advanta;
Tanlac representative at Jacobs’, now.
Pharmacy, Atlanta, recently. kind,
! “I’m here to get a bottle to J storm? of winter,
take myself,” he continued, “foran upbuilding _tcfl
it’s helped her so much I am nothing more invi;
sure it will be a fine spring tonic | rundown system
In the sprifi|
after weal
WANTED -S'ovewood-onsub
scription at the Sentinel office.
FOR SALE—Fine thorough
bred White Leghorn hens and! three bottles of the i^|
one rooster, or will exchange for j the indegestion h^
Plymouth Rocks or Rhode Island entirely. Sh<
for me to take.
1 “My wife suffered with indi-
1 gestion and stomach trouble for
! a long time, and was in a general
! rundown condition. She reached
the point where she couldn’t
! hardly sleep at all, and her appi-
! tite went down to almost nothing.
She couldn’t take interest in any
thing, was very weak a.-d ner
vous and seemed despondent ali
the time. She lost a good del
in weight and her strength w;
all getting away from her.
“This is the very shape s
was in when she began taki,
Tanlac. She has now
It will provs invall
sons who are stuiyl
digestion p.r the aft!
pneumonia, la gri|L
bronebtia! troubles.
ticular 1 , seas n my
that persons so affil
full course of six bq
OR SALE-Good young cow,
fsh. W. M. Morris.
’OR SALE—A perfectly good
le. J. M. Banks.
Their punting Hours.
about her and j
way. She -
weight and s|
she took thel
weighs ei(|
more today i
she began i
biggest kif