The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, August 14, 1908, Image 1
* > v V rhe >‘ t Fort \ ?}% t VOL. XIX. A Brilliant Reception The mid-summer monotony of Fort Valley’ * social realm was interrupted in a most delightful manner, on last Wednesday after noon, when Mrs Geo T Harris and Mrs W Mm Ha slam Hafer en¬ tertained at an elegant reception, in honor of Mrs Chambers and Miss Williams of Gainesville and Misses Carrie and Eugenia Riley. The handsome home w j as rend r- i ed more than, usually attractive with a profusion of palms and cut flowers. A pink and white motif being artistically developed in the drawing room and dining room. Mrs Claude Green and Mrs AC Riley gracefully served the ices and cakes from each end of the polished dining table, which was made beautiful with lace covers and silver candelabra with pink Papers. The central 'orna¬ ment wAs a beautifully decorated cake on a handsome cut glass compote, which was given as the prize, in the interesting contest “Who Takes the Cake”? which constituted the entertainment of the occasion. Those who assis¬ ted in serving were Mrs Sterling Slappey, Mrs Thomas R Gres*, Misses Rountree Clarence Houser, Janie Culpepper, Maude H Slappey. The spacious hall and library looked cool and in vlting with their banks of palms • and ferns- The punch table was an artistic picture, with its exquisite cut glass bowl on an elegant silver salver, surrounded by a wreath of white clematis | % (iuiiwo \ m •*.- zxr m P M 73 ,> 5 « m !■ i. it . I? m M # ffl i fl %i ■. . ■ i •s 1 nm j » X. h, N ‘Vi m m m ■J SI ■a m f. ' '■ r 3 m. i MRS] 2i mm* ixK.’zaaoK i i I 0 m '4 ii *; i.N i axtssa ;; sm m n. m m I fcS- iSfe? xmamrjn^ twsasnt*-*-- » JauiTJtitimi! rtmarsxzrzx wsvyu* tnr -vijSkrwry :<r 3 jsrrr,vi\ ■X' j m yeu mx rmr 'rvx&nm. rasrr—.Tsmk-u . vMvmsstu.. rrxer *. t V i J.M t/ 1 \ a § ii kJI : s ■ lvJ> I '-v A 3 v / Jl ■x in mrnzjwvs IWVI.UU) 5 Fall Suits. Knickerbocker and Double Breasted will be the Style. Also Window Display of Fall Hats for Men and Boys. R. S. Braswell * ■■■ FORT VALLEY. HOUSTON COUNTY. GEORGIA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1908. and asparagus fern; the finishing touch to this picture was the two charming young matrons who dispensed the refreshing bever¬ age, Mrs Claude DuPree and Mrs Frank Fincher. In spite of the lowering clouds, quite a number of Fort Valley’s matrons as well as the young ladies ventured out, and occasion will long be remem bered with great pleasure, by all who attended. Mr and Mrs Leighton Shepard are spending several days with their mother and father, Mr and Mrs A B Greene, Mr and Mrs J L Brown, Mrs L P Gray and son, Col and Mrs Robert Brown, Mr and Mrs J A Flournoy of Macon are spendin a n some time at, St Simon Mrs Charlie Clark and little daughter are visiting relatives in Gainesville. Mr W W Henderson of Ameri cus spent a few days in the city this week. Mr Louey Norton is at home for a while, he has been sick but is recuperating in the Valley. Mrs Barely and children after a pleasant visit to relatives here left Thursday for Bronwood Buy a case keep of assorted soda water, cold in your mighty refrigerator good for Sunday. It’s these long hot Sundays. Mrs J M Henry Jr, of Monti cello, Fla., was the guest of her unc ]e, Mr J 0 Conner Saturday. Woman’s Foreign Mission Society. Accompanying the loud insis¬ tent call for “more for Korea” comes the sad intelli¬ gence of the death of Miss Kendrick, one of our latest, cruits to this field. Her was of short duration, resulting from appendicitis.Miss Kendrick had been inSongdo but eight months, but that was long enough to have won the love and confidence of all who\rnew her and her going leavs a sad vacancy in the mission and in the hearts of her fellow laborers. As our beloved missionaries fall at their posts in far-off lands, God grant that these losses may drive to their knees, the women of the home-land, and hold us in suppli¬ cation until we shall see the thinning ranks reinforced. Mr A Cobb White, only brother of our own Mary Culler White, died in Me Rae two weeks ago. As every circumstance that con¬ cerns Miss Mary White, is of vital interest to the ladies of the Methodist church here, we note this occurrence with sympathetic regret. From the Wesleyan Christian Advocate, Aug. 6, we clip the following. It Mrs R J Prentiss of Fitz¬ gerald, has been appointed to the office of Sec. of Cordele District. Mrs Prentiss has been a zealous worker in her own church, and has been especially used in Juvenile work. We believe that the Cordele District will take no back step from the stand of last year, and that it will with God’s help, realize the high aims of our dear Sister Murph”. Let the Port Valley Auxiliary give this, our new “chief shep herd”, its constant prayers and cordial interest and support. Says John R Mott, Prayer and Missionsare s<>intimately associ¬ ated as are faith and works”, If then, we would see the world brought to Christ, we should pray often, fervently earnestly. Reporter. Mrs Will Ellis and little daugh¬ ter of Atlanta is spending several days with Mrs Andrew Wright. Mrs J G Forbes and son Foster of Darien are visiting Mrs G P Green. Mrs JG Forbes, Hazeline and Pierce Norwood will leave Friday for Powder Springs where they will spend a month. Mr Charlie Rountree and Miss Nora spent Wednesday in Marshallville wfith Mr J E Has lam and family. Rev T G Lang spent Monday and Tuesday in Cordele at the Educational board meeting, where he met some of our able preachers and our teacher Prof Strozier Mrs J E Kinney and children are spending' some time with relatives at Irvington. Mr Russell Edwards i$ off for a weeks vacation. He will go to Vienna Thursday to the League meeting. NO. 21 [ Mrs 0 G Singleton Entertains One of the most beautiful and I lnIu ™ al » arties of ‘he summer season ™ s Kivcn b -' ,Mrs 0 G I Singleton at her beautiful home on Main street Tuesday mornin r-j to a jovial crowd of young people in honor of Miss Mansfield of Bluff ton and Miss Janie Cul pepper. The reception hall, parlor and living room were thrown into one, giving ample room to accom¬ modate the guests. The spacious rooms were deco* rated with pink roses and green¬ ery, which looked very dainty in the nooks provided for them. A delightful feature of the morning was the guessing con¬ test, in which Mrs Frank Fin¬ cher was the lucky winner, after which a delicious menu was served, Assisting Mrs Singleton in re¬ ceiving her guests were Mrs G N Crandall and Mrs A D Skellie. Punch was served during the morning by little Helen Crandall and Ruth Hiley. Among those enjoying the hos¬ pitality of Mrs Singleton were Mesdames TR Green, F S Shep¬ herd. W H Hafer, Andrew Wright, C H Prator, F L Fin¬ cher and W S Ellis of Atlanta; Misses Watkins and Herrington of Sylvester, Mathews of Atlanta ond Resse of Thomasville. Ger¬ trude Long, Carrie and Ge ^ ley, Clarence Houser, I>i Green, Lillie Brown, Jen., Baldwin, Aileeu Houser, Jenm Shepard and Eula Prator. uananei