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To get the Full Details of the SHEPARD CASE, Subscribe for The Leader-Tribune
The Leader-Tribune extra
and peachland journal
Fort Valley, Houston County, Georgia, Saturday Evening, November 27, 1920.
Mrs. Elmer Arrested While Boarding Train
Testimony of Experts Indicates
Bi-Chloride of Mercury Given
. Through Mouth Caused
Death of F. D.
The coroner's jury which
convened this afternoon at
2:30 o’clock in the Austin The
atre to continue its inquiry into
the cause of the death of Fred
D. Shepard, after hearing tes
timony from Dr. M. S. Brown,
of Fort Valley, Dr. John Funke
and Dr. Edger Everhardt of At¬
lanta, before an audience of
150 or more people, rendered
t he following verdict: "We, the
jury, find that Fred D. Shep¬
ard came to his death by bi¬
chloride of mercury given in a
manner unknown to us by par-
a £ £ ii
i Our Big Reduction Sale to be £ S w !
s \ £ £
! Continued Till Christmas £ £
£ II £ !
I! £ h
We have amputated profits, in most taking a Ii
£ our cases £
i direct loss However we are among those who believe that Ii £ Ii
Remember we carry an up-to-date stock of Men’s and Boys Suits,
Shoes, Hats, Under Wear, Shirts, Hosiery, Neckwear, Raincoats, Sweat¬
ers, etc.
We are listing below only a few illustrations of our exceptional vajues.
All men’s and boys’ shoes have been reduced to actual cost, less freight.
All men’s clothing in stock now HALF PRICE—how about this for
*4 some dose. ri
$3.50 & $3.00 good blue Overalls, Happs, Nunally’s, Rawhide, Miller
and Cable Brands to go at Sale Price $1.98.
Boys’ Suits Sizes 9 to 14 yrs. to go at Sale Price one-half off.
$2.00‘Quality Men’s BIG YANK work shirts Sale Price now $1.00.
$3.50 Value Men’s Ribbed Union-Suits, Wrights, Coopers, Chalmers,
etc.,all extra quality, Sale price. $2.00.
Value Ribbed and Fleeced two piece Under Wear Sale Price 75c
i i
you cun mss ike met if too lei ire red sear bride » LOOK FOR THE RED STAR HI OUR
unknown to us.
Even before the jury’s ver
diet was announced a warrant
for the arrest of Mrs. F. E. El
mer, former wife of Mr. Shep
ard, was placed in the hands
of Deputy Sheriff J. J. Robin¬
son, and Mrs. Elmer was ar
rested as she was about to get
aboard the 3:40 train to Ma¬
con in company with her at¬
torney, Chas. M. Durrance and
a stenograper, of Jacksonville,
Fla., ail of whonf were present
at the inquest. It is said that
Mrs. Elmer left tlie inquest and
rot„vn pH tn thp Winona Hotel
smiling. spite of the evidence
whic h she had heard presented the
^J^ tn thp shfaSd coroner’s iurv attorney From
her and
stenographer were escorted to
thp law offices of Col L. L.
Brown, efecutor of the will
Fred D. Shepard, for bond of
tion with reference to
$120,000.00 involving her ad¬
ministration of the estate of
Mr. Shepard and the bond of
Fred R Crandall for $25,000
as surety for Mrs. Elmer as
ministratrix of Ml'. Shepard’s
estate S
It is understood as we go to
press that Mrs. Elmer will be
detained here for the present
at the Winona Hotel. Subse
nueiit developments in the
cou Id not; be forecast at this
The testimony of the
before the coroner’s jury
ed to eliminate all other possi
ble causes of Mr. Shepard’s
death except poison by corro¬
sive sublimate—bichloride of
mercury—administered as such
through the mouth. Dr. Funke
testitied that his pathological
examination of the viscera tak
en by him and Dr. Brown from
Mr. Shepard’s body indicate
clearly a corrosive poison ad¬
ministered through the mouth.
Dr. Everhardt found one-fifth testified of to grain hay¬
ing a the
of corrosive sublimate in
viscera turned over to him by
j Dr. Funke, althougn fie stated
on the stand that more of the
poison than that could have
entered Mr. Shepard’s body,
the balance being eliminated
by vomiting and purging.
The testimony of me experts
before the coroner’s Jury will
be given in greater fullness in
our next regular issue.
One of the prettiest affairs . of the
Thanksgiving season was the bride
party given Tuesday evening by Miss
, Audrey Fagan, which lovely
was a
! compliment to Miss Gladys Steph
j ens, the charming guest of Mrs. John
The attractive home of the host
ess was aglow with its cheery fires
and profuse decorations of yellow
j chrysanthemums. idea emphasized The throughout Thanksgiving the
evening. The score cards bore the
turkey insignia. There were four ta¬
bles of players and progressive games
were played. At the conclusion of the
games an attractively served two
course dinner consisting of a delight
ful salad course with fruit punch, fol
lowed by iced cream molded into the
semblance of a turkey, and cake,
Mr. W. A. Lyon, Jr., and Miss Le¬
ona Huckaby of Fitzgerald were
married in that city on Tuesday,
vember 23rd. The wedding was
ly attended and many handsome
ents were received.
Mr. Lyon is the son of Chief
All EARL & WILSON linen Collars Sale Price now 15c each.
Entire Stock Shirts including, Earl & Wilson, Hallmark, Mattewan,
Aragon, Knickerbocker, Emerson, Imperial etc, to go at actual Cost.
All Men’s work Shoes to sell at actual wholesale cost. h i
Big line of sweaters assorted colors and sizes at Half Price.
All men’s dress ancf work trousers on sale at cost.
One lot men’s dress shirts in sizes 14-14V2*16V2 a * 98c each.
The above prices are only a few of the many advantage bargains call that in we and have let ?! !
in our large stock and it will be to your to
us show you the numerous other values that we have.
awful Prices push. are sliding NUF SED. down gradually everywhere, but we’ve given ours an !
Men’s and Boys’ Rain Coats at Cost.
I Police W. A. Lyon of Fort Valley,
and brought his bride here Wednes
day to spend a few days with h.spar
ents before reporting back mi Dm
ember 4th for naval service at Gulf
povt, Mms. Mrs. Lyon will then re
turn to ser duties as clerk for Mr. J.
B. Smith, roadmaster of the A. B. and
A. railroad, at Fitzgerald.
The Tax Books of the City of Fort
Valley are now open at the Clerk’s
office for payment of 1920 City Tax
es. Pay now and avoid fi. fa., inter
est and costs.
Adv. Clerk. and Tveas.
No metaphysician ever felt the de¬
ficiency of language so much as the
grateful.—Colton, Lacon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Joyner an
nounce the marriage of their daugh
ter, Myrtie, to Mr. Augustus Carol
Hodge of Griffin, the ceremony tak¬
ing place Sunday afternoon, Novem¬
ber 21st, at the residence of Rev. J.
W. Stokes, only a few immediate rel¬
atives being present. After the cer
emony the happy couple left for their
future home in Griffin.
LOST—A lady’s gold pin, round,
with pearl in center. Leave at 117
Church St. and get reward. 11-25-lt
The regular monthly meeting of
the W. C. T. U. will be held with Mrs.
Ralph Newton on Wednesday, Dec.
The History Club will meet on
afternoon, November 30th,
Mrs. J. M. Martin. Mrs. H. P.
is chairman of the program
this meeting, the subject being
Essayists.” Those who will
part will be Mrs. Frank Vance,
W. J. Braswell, Mrs. Ralph New¬
and Mrs. Tom Murphey. The mu¬
committee will arrange for some
members on the program.
Complimenting her guests, Misses
Kathryn and Lynda Lowe, of Buena.
Vista, Miss Etta Carithers entertain-,
ed at a pretty dinner party Thurs¬
day evening. The guests included
Misses Lowe, Helen Marshall, Susie
Green, Messrs. Hugh Smisson, Louis
Brown, J. L. Graham, W. R. Fuller
and Louis Singleton.
By means of the crescograph, a de¬
vice invented by Sir Jagadis Chan¬
dra Bose,an Indian savant, a num
ber of Lbndon scientists have been
able to watch a plant growing and
study the beating of what in vegeta¬
ble life corresponds to the heart of
an animal.
There are about 175 parts in a
W atch and in the course of assem
bling a timepiece it is estimated that
2,400 operations are performed.