Newspaper Page Text
Steadfastly we hold to our reputation oi keeping the best ii une of
goods in this marketat the m last reasonable prices.
We handle nothing shoddy to catch the people. You get t he best clothing
the best shoes, the best dress goods and best notions here. Y ou buy at a rea¬
sonable price and you are thereafter Satisfied You get trading stamps here
and handsome line of presents g< > with then?. Don’t stop anti 1 you reach
this store. #
m I ..V.3 V/O
rj-.’WISq- m m I
'fhe Weekly ganner •
Entered at the post- office as second-class
n nil matter. Price, $1.00 per annum
Advertising Rates Reasonable and
made known on application
Published every Wednesday by
Conyers, Ga., NOV. 7, 1900.
Reflections of a Bachelor.
It' there were no women in the
world there would be no pessimists.
Very lew women ever have the
sense to cry without mussing up
their hair.
A man can always get a woman
interested in him by pretending
how fond lie is of flowers
What a woman can’t find out
about the monfrom the butcher
she can generally get out of the
It, is only at a certinn ago that, a
woman ever goes up the steps,
when men are looking at her, with
her skirts in both hands.
Even if a woman hasn’t got any
t-tiperslifson about lad lei.- and
cats she has about \vod>!:..g days,
Every girl who smol-u a
etlo.s on t,ho sly liar- a picture of a
Madonna hung up in her bedroom.
The best, woman in the world
will forgive her husband for being
sinful enough to boiu'vo that mar¬
riages will go on just the sumo in
Probably Ananias knew better
than not to tell the truth to Bap
Anyway, iiat.uie had just ns
much excuse for inventing babies
i » it had for inventing toads.
1 hi* average woman will ,, eat . ,
ions for supper and then sneer
Ilian for e putting ... peiiumei} r -, on
his handkerchief.
„ 1',\ ,'i y woman , lias ^ot a s ary -I
Fome -woman tv.....Led of .......
heart three weeks alt< r her him
land was laid away i -
A woman always, wonders how
pick she would have to he be!A.
it would make he husband cry
1 hole will Ctuno a iiu.e w non a
v idow’s veil will be ee side red nx
i imoral as t< o mud: inu-fumeiv.
It always makes n man’s ik-sa
to hear .
i r. ep a woman say that a
j iece of chicken is cooked "as ten
tier as a baby J ”
if men had a right to whip their
wives as they used, to (here wot:hi
) i.o divorces and a lot fewer \vo
j-u-.i’s clubs.
When there is a party at: of t!:e
j mi ried men got together so they
(in fool tho oldbacho' rsandpie
teiid how jolly they are.
The average woman has an idea
her husband wouldn't have
any show ah all of gefciing into
heaven if wasn’t for all. of her
praying for him.-Nov.' York Press.
Known of Women
She lias '■ eon known to pass a
mijror without looking into it—
when she didn’t happen to see it,
She has been known to find a
letter in her husband’s pocket
without reading it—but she was
A woman lias been known to
keep still and refrain from whis¬
pering at a funeral—- but it- was
her own.
She has been known to refuse a
sealskin sneque—hut she had two
already, and want ; ■ !
else that cost more.
w> ::a been known to
think hom-if flu most unfortunate
female on earth and her husband
the best of men—but.her name
She has been known to reluse
ico cream in tho summei'--but, the
had the toothache.—-Exchange.
j Tho of manhood is
j measuro t rue what one lms, so : , uch as
i what one is. A man’s lit’, does
not. consist in what he por.-rs- <>,
but in the use he makes of Lis
earthly goods. A man may be
poor and yet bo truly, and
a man may ho rich, and yet he
really a small man. Character h counts. To do g'-uni to
:others, through what wo POd l ‘ .„ M '
is vlavi marks the true ,.kui. . iu
live for others is to have true life:
t0llV , .- v * v .. StJ ,. f ■ t t0 1 ! alj J d r if
'* has it was with our Lord. He
saved , Others , by not , saving him- , .
gulf Ho died that; we lumht ° I.v,
EACoai ^
Dor;,-, -■•v d if yom- heart f--o --h-s
you. Mo>t i , you suffer fmminri:.
a, si„ .A'A |,,iaOai« A OiaiMs AA »hat A';
1 known that <■ on,letch- di ? h A ci -
ea.o'iiof iudigesi.ion and stomach trounk
after every thing else has so Rod. it iy
; be taken in ail eonditions and
help butdd you good, t.iiley Drtig Co.
y> u* .ojncuisoAv*-»aa z-j *•••'.' -
: ‘(3^ irsHqptps ‘‘Avpso-iu ills’ -ti * - .Ik
- . * -t « >j vA : ;t»-> .>■: A
maw-w - f < aN'TVTD T
oipruvA'A’i--.-A,,- .U,-!,,V:i.v»
ne MitMiiu coif uoiutdo ai.*>
'^Nwsaa s1ho!UA«ioo a| * v-/
3avw T wifsv 'fl-fAffi .
lWj fClInP ...
_JBfi 6 ' A.i>
MILLIP' J5s_ L W.l» . i. 1 •
-■- ,
My fall and winter stock of
millinery and everything that
goes to make up a first-cl® ss
millinery establishment is com
The tall styles are very pret
ty and my stock is complete in
every department
I will be glad to show yon my stock,
M I 1 1 Bpwa / fin \i\ ; lx A 4 ---- r JU
V-i- Fk j e : xsXaa:
T 1 '?• *-*v; f n
JL 1 IS/ ,L. ■i HP f i f/nr-A ,VVAt
o ;j
|| J tr ga call on me
_ 0
when in neea ot
any thing Kl ■in e
my uMQ.
Curious 3iau Wants to Know About
MincUne of nansuatsos.
“It’s a funny thing.” said the man
with the bad cigar, who had been read
lag day before yesterday’s paper.
l “ What’s that?” asked the young man
i with the phenomenally short coal.
! “Why. the way those fellows that
| write jokes for newspapers get things
tangled up,” replied the lirst oraker.
“How is that?” asked the long leg
ged young uuiu.
“Why, look here,” continued the man
with the bad eiga:-x,-;.nlv ’ 7 “Did ^ you
ever read , a Dutch ■ j,we • , - m tne - papers
"'bere two Germans are supposed to be
talking to each other?”
“Sure l Ui-i.” said the young
1 man, yawning languidly.
“Well, did you ever notice that every
thne the jabbeiW nnv that wrote the ioke lma
them at each other hi bre
„ k „„, 1b1 , v v ,-„ 01 *, m U iha; ot
«-r B. P»e0 np m, r a C a,»
and ..fter hunting a few iv.viu uts read
“Leberwurst non. v as it veu
, you bock beer dri: k yet that you vaai
“Sehwasakbppen—Mayph? yutup ahetty?
it fsr'vonec
because d:'e beer Is mil hops filled up
“New. that s a 't it?’
went oa tho tana with the bad cigar,
“It those two tier mn us want, i t.. talk
to each other, do you sap.; -so they
woula amide around in broken Eug
Itih? No; they would spiel it out in
German that they both understand
Suppose you and 1 were In Germany
for a visit an 1 I wanted to tell you
about some sight I had seeu* would I
b’i’ to tell you in bum German that
neither of us could speak or would l
talk English? They m ike die tired.”
“But that would spoil the joke,” pro
tested the -.all young inr.n.
“Huh:” snorted the other. "Some
things ere top Hud to spo-t.”
And then the Incident was cons Silo red
closed.—Chh-a;;. 1 Chrcuk-Ie.
When 52athiitk&'ic?<S Owi A5;ai2ij£', Face
i ; pv;ai’(i ami Vein Wi52 Di.*i£t Aslsore.
A guest at summer place a few
Rules from Pablo while bathing was
carried out to sea and wheu almost
out of sight aud all hope had tied, to
our surprise, ire, suddenly saw Ms
body impelled forcibly toward us.
| Then we saw it recede a few feet, and
! h:en again, as it w: e, shoot 20 feet
j toward the shore. This continued un
j tl1 my sen and myself, at last able to
ivach kirn, bore him insensible to the
After recovery his story was that
after losing all hope, guided by some
mysterious impulse, he had turned
nnnn upo,. hi L... - i-.,., who. ho he relt ™it himself
carried mpimy lorw. d. He had Aon
turned over upon In - face to get his
bearings, when he was ;---.i-rled out far
ther from the land, and on again plac
ing liimself upon his back the surface
vows Nought 1 in rapidly to the
shore, a rescued mar-.
It U »a en-ov that tlio rttOTOtog man
OgttavM f ixi lUicr by Iu cramp^capt ' vrns from in heart very
- -
' Jucod b - T « Solent exertion
a “' ! ■- 0 upw'u.d pic-? are of the water
n P nu B-- a'. G-men dimiuishiug the
spac-, and impeding the action of the
heart. By turning over on the back
this pressure is removed, tho back be
lug almost entirely a strong wail of
bone and muscle; also when on
back the entire body is nearer the sur
face, a ad the surface waves tend to
ward tin- st ore, the undercurrent oat
to sea. even the kgs vneu upon the
back being less exposed to tie current
that temls toward the sea. By Boating
gcmtly upon the back the heart, re
Ueved ol Its pressure, becomes calm
ana quiet, arm the swimmer can re-j
gain his strength and float for hours.
The bather whoso heart is weak.should
alwn v o nt, when standing erect.
the right ski, of the h“dy to the waves
mid thus avoid the Sullivanlike blows
the 5neou>:: g waves ujwa a crinplad
heart. In every bathhouse should be
posted th. uct'en “In case of a
haustffiu ;:ccaa>nt turn upon tho
back.”—. ' cav die A . C . ropoiis.
Sheriff bales•
I Will sold the first Tuesday
. > P on
j December, 1900, at the courthouse
j said county, within the legal- hours
| of sale, to tile hignest hidcier for e ,Sh
| the following property: One
| horse wagon, two sets of wagon hai
| j and ness, one seventy eight horse power gin and
j one saw
Brooks press, the engine, gin
press are at the old home pi tee of J.
H. Smith, deceased, and can be seen
there, and delivered to purchaser
there. All the property of Jas. H.
Smith., jr. Also one two horse wagon
and M, O, one-pheaton, Cowani said as the property” levied
j j the property H on
as property of J Smith & M
| S Cowan the to Superior satisfy an execution issued
from eodrfc of said coun
jty of.) in H. favor Smith of A sr„ Whitaker, deceased, executor against
1 said J H Smith and M O Cowan,
j This Nov. 2. 1900.
■ W. IT. M. Austin. Sheriff.
JLrfvi • ttet A .dm i nth: ±i*nt iosi *
J Georgia, Rockdale County:
To whom it may concern.
Pi, asant M. Turner, cob, having.
An due form, applied for letters of ad
| a#lustration or: the estate cf Thomas
j-.r, <■ late or said county
I ne-.-iUi and I. will pass upon the
^ bf ne-.-f e Jii Sl “ cnu " U1 -Oecem
This Nov. 2nd, 1900.
A.M. Helms, Ord.
Administrator’s Susie.
Georgia, Rockdale County:
By virtue of an order of the court
of will Ordinary in and for said county,
be sold before the courthouse
door in the town of Conyers, Ga.,
between lawful sale hours on the 1st
Tuesday in November. 1900, all the
real estate belonging- to the estate of
J. M.HufF, deceased, as follows:
The old home place containing 130
acres, more or loss, bounded by es¬
tate of R, J. Mar-bus and others.
Sixty-six (66) acres, .marc or less
bounded by J. W. Aim and and others
hi ^ZJhy Seventh (70) J.f! Harris Sid or others. less.
acres. more cries--.
bounded by Thomas Tur-rer ' ...... and
others. •
Sev- ,70) acres, more > ,'Y , ir
t>..uudeU Also V J. H. 'finT , ;; i
one bourn-aud lot on Academy
»' 'uer, in Conyers Ga.. bounded by
A, J. a. GwkR am, < _ rs.
Also annul;; fieri s p.-.stnre or ra
c ';uu lot with an Aiey to Aemietny
‘ t4 -! >nnovd by J. 1. \ vAnflf a and
• Cony-Ga.
m =no cny or
T»;esc arp valuable lands-and'tht
showing apuyturitratore tho above wm .property taae pioasar..- to in
cSm-w.' auv
.... v Gh’n-t> w Torms
. -. ;h . TldsO.-t. 4. 19Gh
j Adinr’s.'j!Hu if... j> T
................. if
DLSiHDtsIon ;n ! s c ^ r .}- c | / ._
, > wltom it may yoncarn: , . a, :
P H I.a, Aora mimlnistra,; » of.h,
- v 9no. i -angfor-.;. mw of
^ county deceasetl, ViG.'.’o-Cfn ■'
'.' J 7 ’,;.V''.’7“'Y ^ ( AV. n ;AY-- 'A t: mh \aA? Y 'AJ' A/a
,'An'e ; a A
Irn tlu l--sl M'nuDDi mv"hand
next. -ICA.*.- Given under fit
:nd oiliciai si.,nature, to!.-. Amc :
i'. • 0.
A M Hein.
_ . .. _ Lews. . Lavvion?.
i d o . •. nlv.
-i am ? s;,:;; K..- :... GyspepAa lAuv hi n;j
, ■i'aciit-.i auiOJig severe cases imAges
lion and 2nd it an admirable ror.ic-;ly.”
i'ahy the hondreos of K>dol of physician:- Dyspepsia de.And u
von use Care iu ;
■ comach troubles. It diuesr.3 what you.)
at aud allows you to cat all tl ce-od i
A you need, pmvidrug you do
..yerAan, your Ti Giy.-s i::.-taur
relief an-/ a ueraianet cure. Gaiiev 1.rug!
are in full sway, j
jux'seu-t rate the quail j
H so a be tnined out.
Notice To debtors apd
GEORGIA Rockdale County,
All persons holding claims or
demands against the estate of H.
J. Maddox, late of said county
deceased, are notified to present
them to us authenticated, and all
persons indebted to said deceased
are requested to make immediate
This Oct. 22 1900.
1 W. J, and J. E. Maddox,
Adm’r H. J. Maddox,
------v —
To wlxo u: !fc may em-.bara-—.las H.
Airuru-.l adiv.' vlfdvuLirof Dr. J. A. St.-w»
i art, Tat. if --aid conn.y, ilcemsivl, l-.-;s
id;- ii.u-ilretni-n ami appb. ilfoii-.-t
torsof , disimssiou . as such , rm-mmste.-x . .
and I Will pass upon the fcaiacon feci'x-t
A*onday in October, 1900. Given waitr
my hand and officialsignature. this July
rd, 1900.
A. M. Helms, Ord '
Noticeto Debtors& Creel
To all whom it may concern:
All who hold claims against the es¬
tate of J. M. Huff, tieceased, are re¬
quested to present same, properly also at¬ .'til
tested to the undersigned,
who are indebted to said estate are
reque(od to come forward and make
This Sept. 19,1900.
J. H. & R. L. Huff, A dim A
——< S-&— -
Administratoi- s Hale.
Gt-eoKci xa, Rockdale county:
By virtu# of an order of the court
ot Ordinary of said county, will no
«oh> between Jawiul sale honr* U
V: on^helsVTnewinv "all th-*’ real’ in Noveuibef
kk) 0 estate bclonghig ‘1
tiie estate of Henry J. Maddox R.Ltt
of said countv deceased, h. lug live
hundred acres, more or' 1c--- upon
deceased resided at the tin.e
of his death. Said ’land will be sor)
|n six different parcels to-vrit: The
home place containing 137M af f w
more or less. 99>^ acres now occupi
ed by Augustus- Tuggle; 71 acres
more or less, known as part of the
old home place. 157 acres, more or
less known as part of the old home
place, and the Treadwell or river
place; %% acres, a strip next to B.b.
Farmer’s;* 60 acres, more or dess,
known as the Gamirt p,ai»-, and pr.e
^ A/i'A''"’,. soiled
,nation call on J. E. M»ddex. Terms
, m n j e>n<w „ oa day
This Get. 2, _l«00r
\V . J e J. E, Uadtlos, . Aumr s.
rSTaas Collector's Notice.
I wiii be at court reumis iAr pa '
pose of .collecting iax on follow'd g
dates: Nov.
Sheffield -Soid. 2 fl, Om. 23,
21. “ 26,
Honey Creek:—Sept. 27, Oct.
Xov 23*. Nov,
Louaiue:— Sept. 28, Oct. 30.
gg_ * I
The remainder of the time may
be found in my office at Turner Bros
ptwrc'in Conyers. The books will
dose December 20. 3Teet meprouip
jy * to tutv * ‘W. vou tux. T. C.
G. Clotfelter,
O £» «f? 575 X A »
Bears ta« /t Tis You Ha < 8 Aiwaf SOpyA .
N™ &&&&&&