The weekly banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1900-1901, November 07, 1900, Image 4
SOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YiiUR WINTZR a Our aim II •pH s to please the people and give them good goods and up to-date goods for a little money. Those who have tried ns know thi is and those who havn’t should try us and be convinced. FLANNELS, OUTINGS, ETC Our counters are fu 11 of these goods in so I id colors, Polka dots, stripes and fancy designs. SKIRT PATTERNS. We are showing an elegant line of Skirt goods that are sure to please the Ladies. €» . 1 . J. LANGFORD & SONS, CAPITAL MONUMENT CO. DAVIES & NERI, MANAGERS. 014 TEM 'I E COURT. BELL ’PHONE SS39. ATLANTA, GA. MONUMENTS. Granite and Marble Work of Every Description. Mail orders given prompt attention Good, Sound Advice. Editor Atye Hilton, of the Dub li.. dispatch, truly say^: “It is a strange thing that the printer is the last person some people will pay. They read the paper regularly, but when settling up time comes they are not to be found, it is gmorally the case, too, that the person who does not puy tor his paper is the one that is always growling about his piece being published or that left out. It is just us important, that you pay your dues to the printer as that you settle with your grocei oi llio dry goods man you deal with. In nine eases out of ten you get the worth of y< ur money lrom the printer—oft oner than you get it from any one else—and you grudgingly give him his duos oecasionly. Pay the printer if you owo him anything. Plant Wheat. The thing fi-r tin* farmers to do who wish to 1-a up up the price of cotton is to sow plenty of grain. The season for planting grain is upon us. Our farmers should work from early morn until dewoy eve getting their seed in ground. A big crop of wheat means that t!ie people of the south will not have io send to the west for so much of their chief broad stuff. The largo crop of whoat raised i t this fita'o last year was of high¬ est values in many ways to our farmers. Wo have not heard one com¬ plain, or regret that he sowed the v heat he did. Lot our farmers sow all the wheat possible. It means hotter prices ten cents or more, for cui toi. CASTOR IA For lufkut* tviiu Uliildi'ic. Matches and jewelry (Repair ee. I wish to state to my old and new customers that I have not slopped my repair shop since going into the fam¬ ily and fancy grocery busi¬ ness but am better prepared to do your repair work, on watches and jewelry, I will appreciate the pa¬ tronage of the people. G, A. Street, At Stark & Longshore’s old stand. WE Do The Prettiest, and the BEST JOB WORK. STYLISH MILLINERY bought out Mrs. Genie Hay goods millinery business I expect to offer to the people, this season, a handsome line of new and stylish millinery at low priees --It sliall be my aim to please all eusfco mers and I invite all to call and see me. . —-—I have engaged Mrs. J. A, Guinn as trimmer and feel sure that perfect satisfac¬ tion will be given all. Hoping to have your trade, I am RESPECTFULLY, Miss Lena Bishop. 4 k. DELATEB Owing to the crowd of work we are doing at Monroe we shall not be able to open our photograph gal lory at Conyers until abont Nov. 20. When we do come you may expect better pictures and for less money than was ever known in conyers. JORDAN & GOODMAN j* JifiLHB m «» MndertetkiHg and SmbialffiiBg. I am prepared to give prompt satisfactory attention to all who need my services Supply of Undertaking goods complete. » Hearses furnished without ex¬ tra charge. W.V.ALMtND. Office Almand Hardware Go’s Subscribe for The Banner is- CLOTHING AND SHOES % We are making some extraordinary i ow prices on clothing and Shoes. SILVERWARE DEPARTMENT * No shoddy or inferior goods found in this department Best goods for of our least store. money. j O Jh. S3 •x* O i> j£Z_ X . Bear? tu# Tke fend You Have Always difn.iton oi' •M4 NOTICE. For pure Rye, Gin, Rum, Mur¬ ry Hill Club, Mt. Vernon Live Oak, Apple and Peach Brandy , N C. and Georgia Com, Wines, Ci¬ gars and Tobacco, call on me at 142 Decatur street, Atlanta, Cut. All my old'and new friends are respectfully invited to call. Mail orders given special attention, the Jug train a specialty. I am yours to serve, J. Newt Parker, 1 ok Decatur street, Atlanta. Ga. , PATENTS GUARANTEED Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description U any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the pates;, ability of same. “How to obtain a patent” sent upon request. Pate&j secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice , without charge^ Thb Patent Record, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consult^ by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., (.Patent Attorneys,) Evans Bnsislmg, WASHINGTON, 0 , & ■- -! -I'g" o pencils, «nd inks. 1 School Supplies OF ALL KINDS AT RIGHT PRICES DAILEY. DRUG COMPANY Three Papers a Week FOR ABOUT THE PRICE OF ONE. This , paper and the Atlanta Twice-a-Week l«ar aal far $ 1 . 25 . H.r. „ .... o, tt . world and all your local news while it Is fresh, paying very little more than one paper costs. Either paper is well worth $1.00, but by special arrangement we are enabled to put in both of them, giving three papers a week for this low price. You can not equal this anywhere else, and this combination is the best pre mium for those who want a state paper and a home paper- Take these and you will keep up with the times. Besides genera! news, the Twice a-Week Journal has much agricul tural matter and other articles of special interest to farmers. It has regular contributions by Sam Jones. Mrs. W. H. Felton, John Temple Graves, Hon. Co H. Jordan and other distinguished writers. $ Call at this office and leave your subscriptions for both papers. You can get a sample copy of either pa per here c on application. 1) Emission. To whom it may concern:—li A Al¬ mond, Administrator of S I) Alniand, Jate of said count v. deceased has made his final return and applied jettons or dismission as such admin Giver, under ni\ uand and ofiicia: signature, this, Oct uelms^O 4th, I9C0. rd. * A.M. Three papers a \v> ek for otto dol Inr and twent •> -five cents. Sab sen jc at this uiioe. (THE n Uii, u -;v OKOIA For KA1LR0AD, information to Rouie*, as Schedules and rates, bot.i Passenger anil F«i.# write You t will > either receive of the prompt undersigitf<j- reply i ...l Ae ,),-, U.formation 1 (y (1_ McMillil) A- G- Jwikstn T. P. A.- g. r. a. AUAUSTA, CtA J b. hi. NiUgliJ, C. D.Cox ’ Gen’l Agt. Gen’l Af AT J A NT A atbens, J " ’ \JV\hfi® W. W. H&rdwick, ... n “■ ‘ ’’ ■ Gen r , ,, Agt. . . n TO 1 P. A- i i ' \! A f'ON J. AoO-'■ 1 * * yen) M. R. Hudson, \\ . ,^r./^ rt ■ '' ■ Qou'l . 1. tj, “ „ ,, U. A. , . ot ■ ATT .ANT A, IF. T. Hop^° 6 ' VEXT1ST. ia CONYERS GE0RB ' "" ’ pric? 3 j Work gu#ian.tced. extracts , ; .,, aS0 nabIe. Teeth ■ ! i nitrous »t pah. oxide or bad gas, t -,jth* administrate . n ' ‘ Over 00,000 symtoh out a single dangerous offc.. Office over post F. c,i ' v p p. S-