The weekly banner. (Conyers, Ga.) 1900-1901, November 14, 1900, Image 1
VOL. XXVI. 0m i TiENTION TTOT3T VAJ A JL/iii WM i I 1 s : A k ^p -s«T-j’.«y5SB3g ggB5feL?;|«aK«WB*3E3S3iK? : V. ^sBsesseuBanHKiMBnBB awmsmamtBmsma&zsEsaBm " < WM ^SS^4 ;> , TJ v. ■ ■ % j, I wish call the of the people that I £ mi ' ? F to attention am m IJprepared to sell them iam up Horses and Mules as cheap as tliey can be bought. I have a lot ot Horses and Mules and would be glad foryou to see tliem. I guarantee stock to be as represented. HI I CAN SAVE Y061 /AONEY ON A HORSE OR /A41LE- mm ' ;S> ®> at ill tlaii at t Mt&'S mwm MMilf •15 IP B—33 j I < B / "* eveYourFottonOinned A pmzzzi'sp CONYRS OIL GO’S G1H t Latest MUNGER System. Makes best TURN O U T. Makes BEST SAMPLE Buyers prefer and pay more for it. Highest price paid for sound seed. TRY us and be CONVINCED. Conyers Oil Go’s. Gin. John D. Scott, Mgr. Gin. My r * & fell $ % i •.frV,, J rr ■ I 'jSr C3Ya/U „ , to , the , - Cl , o Ox i YVO lg CrO\V Oi. TV xx are doing at Monroe we shall not be able to open our photograph Nov gal- 20. lory at Conyers until about When we do come you may expect batter pictures and for less money than was ever known in conyers 0 I ! ORDAN & GOODMAN TYtlSH MILLINERY- --Having bought out Mrs. Genie Hay tc ood’s millinery business I expect to offer - j tli 3 paopb, this season, a han ’some line - )i ujvV an i styiis'i niilli ury at low priees --£t shall be my aim to please all custo mers and I invite ail to call and see me. --1 have engaged Mrs. J. A, Guinn as trimmer and feel sure that per fee' satisfac¬ tion will be given all. Hoping to have your trade,. I am RESPECTFULLY, Miss Lena Bishop. T riTA % * * ■ ; H j WEEKLY BANNER, i —• y -H 9 •-# On His Wooden Leg. Hr. J. F. Pittman, who residei in East Albany and who conducts a farm‘a few miles north of'that is indebted tohi*> wo deh leg for'his life. Several days ago Mr. I ittman was at work in hn field and he stepped loo near a huge rattlesnake which instantly struck the leg nearest,him. Mr.Pittman happened to have his gun on his wagon n short distance away, and he call'd to some field hand to brii g it to him. With this weap¬ on lie killed the rattler which was over seven feet long. The huge snake had nineteen rattles and the usual button and Mr. Pittman scribes it ashavi ig been “old and rusty. ') The snake’s agility was remarkable, hoWoVer, as ho struck Hr. Pittmon’s Wooden log twice before lie realized his danger and tepred back. Mr. Pittman’s friends are congratulating him for the first time since the war on hav’ng a wood n leg.—Sparta I h m tie like. Hus f)cn of Rattlers. Jack Fletcher, n:i enterprising andworlhy colored man living near Go ter, this county, liana den of yet rattleu akes, eight in num¬ ber The Old male snake is nine 'eetai d nino inches in length, aid has thirteen rattles with which to lmuso his mate and six young ones. the snakes occupy a gopher hole around which Jack has built an on oh seuro with other modern oon vemenccs. IIo lias had the pair about three yonrs, and supplies them with rabbits, rats, etc., in abundance. , V, hen Jack wants to fondle his pets he goes to the den, knocks on the house and calls “Ben.” He says they “come a bilen just like pigs.” He handles the old female freely, and she delights to be strok ed, provided it is done from the head down; but she will not suffer to be rubbed agairst- the grain.— Tv. in City News. New Meat Market. 1 have opened up a meat market in Corner store room in Night building. WA\W keep nice, ^resh msa’P: , etc., ©A. reassonabl pr\GQB . \ soMolfeldn© 'QoA.vor \ ~ age cAYYa© peoo\e Give me q Call. Mv X» Notice To Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA Rockdale County. Ail persons holding claims or demands against the estate of 11 . J. Maddox, late of Paid county deceased, are i otitie l to present them to us authenticated, and all persons indebted to said deceased are requested to make immediate sett foments. Th.s Oct. 22 1900. W. J. and J. E. Maddox, Adm’r II. J. Made! x, DISMISSION. to whflm "t mny rot.corn '—Too. II, Almiual Hstmtorof Dr. »T A, Stew¬ art, late (f wild conn y, deceased, bar made his final return and applied for let ters of dismission as such nviinislrntor and I wdl pass np^n iho same on tho first A onday in October, 1!M)0. Given nn«. r my r<i, hand and official signature, this Jub lilAO. A. M. Helms, Orel. i Iherifff Sales® Will br> sold on t' e first Tuesday in December. 1000. at i It - con't house in said county, within tin* hva! iimio inf sale, to the highest bidder for cash line fo.lowing property: One two ! tmrse wagon, two sets of wagon har¬ ness, one eight horse power engine and one seventy saw gin and one Brooks ptvss, tho -Uigine. gin and press are at the old home p! ire of J. H. Smith, deceased, and can be seen there, and delivered to pnr haser there. Aii 'he property of Jas. 11. Smith, jr. Also one two the horse wagon and one pheaton. ns property levied of M O. Cowan, said property l on as the property of J H Smith & M O Cowan to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior court of said coun¬ ty in fa vor of A Whitaker, executor of J H. Smith sr„ deceased, against said J 11 Smith and M o Cowan, ThiB Nov. 2. 15)00. W. 11. M. Austin, Sheriff. Notice to Dobtorsi Crod itors.. To all whom it may concern: All who hold claims against the es¬ tate of J. M. Iluif, deceased, are re¬ quested to present satne, properly at¬ all tested to the undersigned, also who are indebted to said estate are requefed to come forward and make settlement. This Sept. 15). 15)00. J. H. & It. L. Huff, Admr’s He who laughs can commit 1.0 deadly sin. NO. A O T: ) FOR BARGAINS IN FANCY AND FAMILY n ' CALL ON STREET & SAWYER * CONY KItS GEOU IV »r~-..... PATEI i i J M M Our fee retrrnfu if wc fail. Any one sending sketch and description A any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the pater oA ability of same. “How to obtain a patent” sent upon request. Pate; s secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice , without charge, •'*. Tub Patent Record, an illustrated aud widely circulated journal, consuls J by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & GO., (.Patent Attorneys,) rnmwSitMS — ESSEKEttsBBScg, SSatSSeSSa*K WASHINGTON, B. C%, School Books pads, pencils, -nd inks. School Supplies OF ALL KINDS AT RIGHT PRICES - GAILKY DRUG COMPANY. MILLINERY My fall and winter stock of millinery and everything that goes to make up a first- cfoss millinery establishment is com piete The fall styles are very pret ty and my stock is complel e in every department I will bo glad to show you my stock. MBS. G.V. COWaN-