Newspaper Page Text
„:. D s4 C!k i
H 3 €& ;x
T\ T) ODU 9 (fScfij'fdJi ££JtUS m - M
Fine Jewelry, Watches, Bracelets, Pictures 9
Rags 150 doz Handkerchiefs from 1c to 81- fj,
etc. .jgmj|{{*
odd t
Distinctive styles in fine Clothing, some
lots at big discount.
See Our Big Job In Winter Underwear,
One case of Sickle Warm Clocks worth It atonlY 64c.
fUe WcEkly Banner
Kutercd nt. tho post-office ns sccond-clasH
icniJ matter. Price, f I.00 j or niuinni
Advertising Hates Reasonable ami
made lmowu on application
Published every Wednesday by
Conyers, Ca., Dec. Id. l'.'OO
Its Blessings and Cursing'*.
By Dr. J. J. W. Glenn.
(Continued From Last. Week.)
•And while to-day men tody to
him, boss and scrape around him
for his money. You never hear
a kind tvt rd for him, and while
ou'waidly honoring him, they
dis|)is(« him in their hearts.
Now for tho birron.
How comes it that Jim II— mid
Jon. \V—have so different; a read
through life?
Each lmd about the enmo chance
both succeed in getting rich. Now
one is loved, trusted and respected
and will die regreted by all. The
(tlier is honored, for his money,
but there is no love or respect for
him, and nobody will enro when or I
i„»v h» <u.«. Ti:.t big word ‘Soi-!
fishncBb is the whole cauee. )
Some one has paid‘‘There never !
never ffas a moVe on the chessboard |
of life, but what self was at the
bottom of it.”
The llrst of our friend was selfish
possibly ns the other, but one
brohght pleasure and happiness-—'
the other brought-toil, strife urt-l
happiness :ynl disi^spoct,
The book gives the unering law
ove thy peighbor ns thy selt.’’
]f we love them they will love us.
We should be selfish from this
stand point, by making others Imp
py, wo make ourselves lmppy.
'j liink of this. Bye-Bye.
Death of Paul Bryant. 1
The death of Muster Paul Bryant oc¬
curred at the home of his father, Mr. T,
H. Brians, in tlie city Snuday morning
ut 0 o’clock.
Paul was wi ll as usual Saturday at 11
o'clock and drew a bucket of water. At ;
21 o'cloca he bceume suddenly ill, cud
bnd convulsions on until he died.
Paul was a smart and good little man,
and lik’li l v everybody • The fnunrnl
was coudocn d at the Methodist church
Monday at 10 o'clock by Rev. M . L.
Troutman, after which the remains were
filtered in Rockdale cemetery.
The sympathy of£commmn1y gOM
put to he gt ief st j ickeu pf rents.
Alter Dec 1st. we will gin three
days in each week, Tuesday,
Wednesday and Saturday. Second
week Tuesday and Friday. Will
gin remainder of season Friday in
each week. Will pay highest price
for good sonnd seed and will also
buy yonr remrrnfs of seed cotton.
Jno D. Scott. Mgr.
This is no “FAKE”. Everything
in my house in the way of Ready
Made Suits going AT COST' Come
tO StOTG Slllt ,
IDy Etllu. §Gb yOH fl Ol
ClOt/llGS £lfc SLCtllSil COStl*
^ T iA<*vG have the bll© Direst UlLcoL ililv? line l/A of 11 fruits U.A in
oonyers- And a j t I wish - ] ±. to - say TT | to A
everybody that Ican’fill their
in Orange*, Apple*, Raiiin*. Nm.of every ascription.
Banannas, Lemons, Cocoa nuts. Malaga Grapes, Cranberries,
Pi lines and Dates. -
l i also have some nice fruit cakes, that can be bought very
cheap and will save a lot of troubie.
Call and see my stock of everything in the line of can
' *
.lipc niul cannod irood« '
«ies ami cunuiu gou.m,
is here, so is my Christmas good’s.
I have 75 varieties ol fancy can¬
dies Choice Apples, Oranges, Rai¬
sins, Nuts etc. ■ \
My line of fire-works will
complete, don’t fail to examine my
line before you buy,
Styliil Mllllnefry*
--Having good’s bought out Mrs. Genie Hay
millinery business I expect to offer
to the people, this season, a handsome line
of new and stylish millinery at low priees
It sliall he my aim to please all custo
mers and I invite all to call and see me.
- —I have engaged Mrs. J. A, Guinn as
trimmer and feel sure that perfect satisfac
tion will he given all. Hoping to have
your trade, I am
J'JL*. I •ft***.!
Miss Lena Bishop
1 • Notice To Debtors and
Creditors ■
oeorgu R «kd,i.
All persons holding claims or
demands against, f the estate of II.
Ma(WOT , ote of Mid
deceased, are i otifie 1 t-o present 1
them , to us authenticated, . . , and j all 11
Tins Oct- 22 1900.
W.'J, and J. E. Maddox,
Adm r I I. J. M addux,
IVotice to Debtors And
All persons holding Aiarbut claims against
the estate of Burr j deceased
are requested to present same to the
undersigned properly authenticated,
siso those indebted to said deceased
are requested to make settlement.
W. S. Marbut, Exe’t.
ri4» pF ] T-|
Ml I 7,-j ■' i H i';. ! k- D
- 1 1 iisci
II; sfr n H
k> t». • . -C-. f» .
. H ?! S' 1> •
' 111 i;v
£1C C
1’lic v'liri •;
must soon be ; :
The chrihj; n ;
counting ’the d
arrivui (j r i
are deciding m w
just rather ..
thing else .
make this an em
you' if vou \vi
to our big si {;
sliow you tli
Christmas <s .
Plain Kid Doll
Jointed Dolls,
Dressed Pulls.
>i:olid Doll?.
Nursing Dolls.
Brownie DolP.
Negro Dolls,
Iron Trains,
Iron Toys,
Hook and Lad
Pirn Enr .nes,
Tambour; ■ .
Cups, a;
Iiorso ami P
Mechlin L< .
licyse on di
’ puprise Bo.a
Tin Kit eh n t
Air Rifles,
JUisioal 1' d
: Tin Toys m .
Ciimhin r i =
(hu k,
hanks, Trumj r: ,
Pad Iron
Go Carls
Rocking (d
] Linos,
I) ruin )
8 a ings,
' Folding Taid
Toilet (’• ,
Cliff and Col5a
Glove B. •; .
Penny Books,
Picture Be;, ks,
Story Books,
Scarf Pin-.
Collar Euiie: e
Caff BuUeup
Watvh Chi':: ,
.Ladles, (hu tee
Stud ILL no
Ebony]' d.
Poclu i. P- ■
Lcrfinne . .
Suspend ' ( s.
timbre; e
id. ball Rnme.u
(j ; i
Fire Cm,
Best Rais -
We will M > u
Nuts, 1 ■- C
tiling in this
ain body.
Pit i-h;;SC?
bo stored •
before Liu i- ;
Now is o
you can gt
i\ 7x., £ \ ■
3 -- Months Snpport
Georgia, Rockdale County
m™. c S r ";
^ H Simpkins, having applied for a
e Y lontl,s Suppport out of her
5 ^ died their in
return my offler.
" ni * tins is to notify all persons that
I will pass upon the same on the 1st
Monday der in January, 1901. Given un¬
my hand and official signature,
this December 5th. 1000.
A. M. Helms, Old.
^Application For Aelminix
To whom it may concern.
J. N. Hale, having in due form ap..
plied for permanent letters of admin¬
istration nil the estate of Mrs. M. ().
Hale, late of said county deceased,
and I will pass upon the same on tire
1st Monday under in January. 1901.
Given my hand and official
signature this Dee. 5th, 1900.
A. M. Helms, Ord.