The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, April 27, 1883, Image 2
THE CONYERS WEEKLY CONYERS, GA,, APRIL 27, 1883, NOTICE From this d3-e a 1 Ordinary’s ads vertisennnts will be inserted in the Conyers Wkekly a public gazette published in Iiockdale County, Ga., and this is to give notice that this pa¬ per is now my legal advertising medi¬ ' um. O. SEAMANS, April, 1883. Ordinary. 1 Joe Brown turned out to lie a strong Bacon man. We are glad to note that the “Boss’' got his tail mashed. The Arcadians aud young democ¬ racy are now on top, aud we are gos jug to consolidate the Democracy of Georgia as it has never been consoli¬ dated before. The people of Georgia can now go to tending to tlieir goobers and young chickens. We have an Arcadian Gov¬ ernor who will run ihe old ship of the state on honest, square line. We believe that your Uncle Sam¬ my Tilden is the strongest man that can be put forth by the Democracy for the Presidency, and we know that Georgia will give him a whoop-, ing majority. The Atlanta Journal has swallow¬ ed the Star. The Star wont have much showing in the bowels of a red hot Journal. - ----- — yi «f w - ■ ■■ Last Sunday’s constitution was the finest specimen of a newspaper ever issued in Georgia. As it is in order lor every man who is sworn into an office of importance to kiss somebody, we guess Mr. Mc¬ Daniel will have to kiss Livingston. Somebody signing himself Anti Defamer has written c long letter to the Augusta Evening Neff'S telling what he predicted ai d said about the late convention. It surely an in¬ teresting (I ) letter. The News should have a thousand such corres¬ pondents. The following is apart of the gene¬ ral presentments of the Grand Jmy of Jones county as read before the court al the recent Terra: “ w e beg leave to embody in these presents menu our sentiment and the grows ing sentiment of our people, upon the subject of the licened sale of whisky in uU v and all its forms We believe it to be an evil—a blot upon our chrisiain civilization and the parent of nearly all the crimes that disgrace humanity, and we, therefore, reoorn mend and urge the prohibition of the raffic by any and all methods con¬ sistent with the law and the growing demands of the enlightened sentiment of our people upon the subject. We, therefore, request our county Judge hereafter to refuse to issue any more license for the sale of liquor within the limits ol the county. LEGITIMATE POLITICAL METHODS Gov. Boynton’s organs in Griffin are now ?ugaged in trying to find out who lumished the Boynton Bullock letters to the Telegraph and Mcs-en gel- We cannot see any good that will result from this, even if success* tul. Whoever furnished the letters had a perfect right to do so ; the let¬ ters were matter ef record, and if Gov. Boynton's political enemies thought they could make capitol out of them, it was a legitimate political method ot defeating an enemy on bis own record. If there is any crime connected with the business any way, it should rest upon the perpetrator, and not the journal that exposed it.— [Albany News, It 1 hero is any crime connect'd with the business any way it should rest upon tbe man who wrote the letters. In this issue will be seen the card of the Macon Commercial College. While less pretentious than many Others, this is, as regards real one of the finest schools for a young man to got a thorough practical bus iness c-Qucation, in America. The president, Mr, McKay is one of the ▼ery finest accountants, aud has the faculty «. ataM, to bis pupils. It tieio ate any o our young ineu here who desire a first-class business training—thorough and parctical—cheap and quick, we advise them to go the pleasant city of Macon, Ga., and put themselves un derthe ma.iagament of otir most per feet business teacher President \\ m. McKay. MAD DOG Yesterday evening the yard dog et Mr. John F. Almand went mad, killed a cat, bit one or two other dogs and a litre boy of M r , Almand, The wound was dressed by Dr. Turner, As the bite was slight but little <ear is entertained of hydrophobia. The ; dog was killed by Mr. Al^rand as he was in about three feet of him, the t dog making at him to bite, with a ball from an improved Smith & es son revolve''. We advist everybody 10 call on Fierce & Quigg, and get one right away as they ave sure fire and sure dea‘h to mad dogs. Mr. Tobe Helms’ little boy was bit* ten by a cat that was supposed to have been ranid, last night. A mad dog, after bitting several other dogs arid two of Mrs. Jane .Mann’s hogs, was killed near Tucker’s miff, the other day. As mad dogs are becoming so nu melons in this county our Mayor should instruct the marshals to kill every dog found running loose on the streets. The stoim was very severe in Mis¬ sissippi, destroyino hundreds of lives and mil.ions of property, ' SPECIAL LOCALS Mothers, the children's summer suits have come at Stewart’s. Your hoys from 3 years to 30, can be suited at J. A. & T. D. Stewards. When you want a stylish straw hat, Call at Stewa'i*s We notice cottonades at Sfcewa. ts that looks like fine casHnirners. at 23 cts per yard. Grain cradles by the dozen at Stewart’. White Trish linens at 25 cts per yd „ s,„a,c, si™ Muslins 5 to 15 cts and cotton wos ted 9 cts at St fart’s. fearah Bernhart anil other styles of gloves at Stewart’s. A fresh-arrival of shirts and collars atfttewaits. , A new variety of stock powders, “said to work wonders, ’ Call for the red tin box, at Stewarts. An endless variety of ladies’neck S Wear at Stewart’s. A few only. Picture fames left at Stewart’s. Call early. Come one, come all, the old and young, the short, the tall, the rich, the poor, we please them all. Count¬ less bargains a v it your call at Stew¬ art’s. Fresh grits, rice, meal aud white |ieas at Stewart’s. A nice light hoe, for the boys, at Stewart’s. Perfect Patent Pastry and Peek s No. 1 flour at Stewart’s. NOTICE: We, the undersigned, hereby warn and forbid al! persona against fishing on our lands. Parties found seining on said premises will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. R. C. Cannon, J. R. McCalla Herschel Summers. Sheffield, April 25, 1883. READ. This is to give notice to the pub¬ lic generally that my store wjd be kept open till 9 o'clock at night after this date. M. It. Stewart. FOR SALE. The property of Mrs. M. F. Tays lor near the the First Baptist Church fronting Win. Ovtrbay mid joining Mrs E. II. Stewart, will be sold in Conyers on tbe first Tuesday in next month. Titles good. The most elegant lot of prints and dress goods in the city at D. N. Hud son’s. The ladies should call and exs amine his stock. I have for rent two good dwellings— one three rooms with two good fire pla¬ ces aud one with four rooms, kitchen Ac Both well located. Fine water, fruit and gardens. Call at this office if you wat# a good dwelling cheap. J. N. Hale. NOTICE, This is to forbid all persons going through my lands, either fishing haul¬ ing or otherw ise. Fair notice H. L. Suiplkt, FOR SALE. If you want the best bargain ever of¬ fered in a brick store, centrally located, in this place, call at this office. I have ! P~P«rty in which there k big money ' for some one Call early at this office. i J N. Halk. j I FARM GATE. j | * U« ‘ - - - -V * ; lvow being made and sold by W. Alaaand | of t)l i s place. It is durable, easy should to work ;U1 q cheap. Every farmer see and have the gate. Farm rights for sa e. Call and see. W. A. Alrnand. I 4 times. l : TO THE PUBLIC, I liave removed next door to Dr. Lee's i | Drug wil* store keep and much as I larger now have stock more of room Mil I a I iinery and fancy goods than ever before. I Do not fail to call and examine mv stock’ i and prices before buying elsewhere. Mrs. A. M. Lee. « D. v n IlUuSOU 1 i llRH teccivtu • i ft nKig* __ nificcnt spring stock of ladies dress goods, shoes, clothing, of ats and iu fact everything, w hich e is offering very low. Give him a call before ma king your purchases. OlfcT A First-class COMWERClfi Ll^sinessSchQCl COLLEGE, Equal to any North or South. Send for Circulars, free. MACON, GA. VV. McKAY, - Principal. 4 a i. NliVEiRSjTY wyu - ~ *sf ft wmm 'SSEfi: 1 mt£FO'R mailed all 1@83 applicants. .j3M au<l ( 'ill be free to it. CHS tomers of last year without ordering: Itcontaini about 175 payees, *500 iilustration*, prices, accurate descriptions and valuable directions for planting 1600 varieties Trees,etc. of Vegetable Invaluable and Flower all, Seeds, Plants, Fruit to espec¬ ially to Market Gardeners. Send for it! D. M. FERRY & CO. Detroit Mich. mmmx mamma I 9 69 Secure Healthy I m action to the Liver BaS n ■ aud relieve all bil' ^^troubles. Purely Vegetable; Ho Griping. Price 25c. All Druggists. GEORGIA. Rockdale County— _ VVtrator TT bereas M. II. Waldron, adminis of the estate of Levi L. ] Waldrop d.-o’d represents to the C,:; n helms fully adininist ered Levi L. Waldrop's estate. This is there! re to cite all persons concerned heirs al)( j ^editors to show i-.-iunc, if any they can why said administrator should not be discharged from I is administration and receive letiers of dismission on the first Moidayin August 1883. O. SEAMANS, April 27 /to. Ordinary, GEORGIA, Rockdale Comity— T \ HIEREaS John Parke V/ m . VV Parker and Aaron G. W.-Parker, Parker, dec’d, Ad¬ ministrators of rtpre-onfs to the Court of Ordinary in their petition that duly they tilled have and fully en tered on record administered Aaron Parker’s estate This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrators should not Lie dischm g i ed *rom their administration and res ceiae Letters of Di,-mission on the fii3t Mondav in Jure, 1883, O. SEAMANS, Ord’y. March 2, 3m. GEORGI A, Rockdale County— HERE AS David Graham, Ad \\ ministrator debonis Josinh non, Graham, with the will annexed, of dec’d, represents to the Court- of Or¬ dinary in his petition duly filed, that lie has fully administered the estate of Josinh Graham, This is there fore to cite nil persons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show enuso, it they can. why sa.d administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive Lett* rs of Dismission or, the first Monday in May, 1883. O. SEAMaNS, Feb 2, 3tn. Ord’y NEURALGINB 1 h« O' sat Speoific for Neur lgia and Headache Atlanta, Ga.. Feb. 4th 1879. Messrs. Hntchingson & Bm : Having thoroughly tested your Neuralgine I cheerfully recommend it to all who suffer with neuralgia and headache. T. M. Wood, 01 Ho ward, Wood & Co. Messrs. Hutchinson & Bro..—It is with real pleasure that I add my tes timony to the great virtues ot your Neuralgine as a specific tor neuralgia | and sick headache. Such a remedy | is a blessing and all sufferers should keep it on pand. J. R. "idley, 130 Cathedral street, Baltimore. IfflO W TRAUK ^.m m i &sb $vk- ft •si. , . MU FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell¬ ings Scaids, and Sprains, Burns and General Bodily Pains, r octh. Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other i Pains and Aches. No preparation on earth equals Sr. 3Kraus Oil Remedy * jm/V, iwih*, situ pic and efteop External A trial ertails but the comparatively trifling outlay of oO Cents, and er -ry one suffering Aith jnuu can haY© cheap and j*JaitiYe proof of itw slaitna. Direction• in Eleven Languages. JCtr HT AU, DBUSSISTS AN'D DEALESJ IU MEDICINE. A . VCGELER & CO.. Haitimorr, Md., C. B. M j CITY MARKET! _.... BY W B & P B_SMITH. r Uhey keep always on hand the veiy 1 nicest freshest meals, in the way of BEEF & PORK > -SAUSAGE, Backbone & Ribs. Also Mutton, When von want nice meats, good weights and cheap prices, above call at the City Market first door Post-Office Conyers Ga. U. M.HARPER —DEALER IN Center Street, CONYERS........ UEORGIA. Keeps always on liand a JR Mil Aud COMPLETE LINE —OF— Dry L»oods, Notions, Huts, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Groceries and —All Kinds,— Hardware, Tinware, Wood ware, &c&c. Also a quantity ol rice Can i dies. Fancy Groceries, Apples, Oran- 1 g , S; Nuts &c. In fact a full slock ’ of U "" >n - 1 1 ZZ i all kinds produce goods . j paid lor of tn I at bottom figures. t oll and see tor y ourself. The Dress Maher’s MAGIC SCALE 11 V -r v r'A This iff the tmeiXJ Magic Scale, tirzy being one-ninth its acfusl size. Jt i i not a mod or chart, but a scale of inches, it a lady can cut from any fashion B plate, making a oerfect dt without nltora A **"“ ' n ^a£^ESS£e£ MERIT! SIMPLICITY!! PERFECTION!!! By it yon can cut any garment. world that is The only system in the in one small piece'. Satisfaction Guar¬ anteed. Price with instruction book $3 Book and lessons $5. Strict attei - tion given «o letters of inquiry. wanted. Local and traveling agents MRS S E. SUMMERS, Gen. AgL Conyers, Ga 2 m. P E Pierce—J M Anderson—N L Willet m*r,E ANDERSON AND CO. Cotton Factors and Commission Mer chats. 19 Jackson st., Augusta, Ga. Believing in higher prices for cotton the near future, we offer to make most liberal advances to our iends, on cotton stc-ied with vs D. N. Hudson has just received finest stock of shoes ever brought Conyers—custom made and of the test styles. 1 H V J , 53 South Broad Street Atlanta. —WHOLESALE— Pa hits, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes & Window Blass —Headquarters for all[kinds of— isis mm«® $ AT VV £ OLE'S ALE. Guaranteed equal to anything made. Send for color card and prices. u e also keep as fine line Machine, Engine and Cylinder Oils as is _ kept in lire City, end are Headquarters for ant/ and all Sixes of Glass. F. J. Cooledge & Bio., 53 South Broad st , Atlanta, Ga. THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM OF GO —y U } -DEALERS IN- i ! a I j S ! RAILROAD block CONYERS, Having been eslablished for 18 years, and carrying one ot the largest, fullest and most comple stoeks in the country, we can sell goods as low as any, aud we guarantee satiataction. When you want DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING &C, Call on J.H. ALMAND&SON AT COST FOR -THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS —o— Buggies. Wagons, & PHAETONS." For the next thirty days I will of tor any of my buggies, wagons &e. at strictly cost pries. I have a large lot of them, both of Western and my own make. If you want something good, now is you time to call on J. W. Langford Notice ! Administrator, Executor and other advertisements of the kind can be in¬ serted in this paper cheaper than elsewhere. Remember our rates are the lowest. Be sure and call and see us before making contracts with any¬ body. IHE QUEEN CITY BARBER-SHOP, :o: BANK LYNCH Cousorial in Chirac :o: Haii cutiing in the neatest and new¬ est style, Shaving, Shan penning and Dyeing executed with neatness and dispatch. CJlsrLxtsted in the Night budning first floor on the left up stairs. NOTICE, Thi- is to give notice that all persons aie hereby warned not to hunt, fish or go through our lands without our permis¬ sion. H- T. Wallace, J. F. Marston, March loth 1883. POSTFONED SHERIFF SALE. Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Conyers, Rockdale county, Ba., within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in May next, ihe following described tracts or of land, to wit, in the 16th District of originally Henry then Newton and now sa'd county of Rockdale—being part lots Nos 34°, 339 329 , 3*4 and 337 , , , all together contaning six hundred hlty acres more or less,—same now % ana Hft,. to satisfy eight fi-fas from the tice Court of the 475th District M. said county, in fivoi of John Neal said B. F. Carr, dft. Levy made.May 1879 by A. P. Mitchell then lawful etable and returned to J. H. iff and sale postponed by order of tiff s attorney. Property pointed out Plaintiff’s attorney, and the described property re advertised sale by Ins order to satisfy said This March 29th 1883, A. P- Mitchell, Sheriff. MJUEt A OTSS8A' ft * —A l — CONYERS I i i ( i i ‘S WMB ■ _ A Wmsm [(Is . . * - • rV DEALERS IN • MACBIHEBT, mwsmx mmemmmm. : ;o: In tbis, Newton, Gwinnett and many adjoining counties they are agents for the very best machinery made, emliraciug the fain GllS B01M3P8S BS&XR&S AM SAW ' MXZZ8 msmm ’ And ta» all other nirdiinery esaoms manufactured by Frck mmpis &M^BmiMarge ? The most complete reaper, and one which, by reason of its superiorly, has taken the awards of England and America. We handle the Winslisp Gins Presses, etc. and in fact any machinery you want can be had through us at be’ter rates and on better terms than through any one else. Call on or ad dress Carr & Overbay, Conyers, Ga. H. OAIHEY, Agent for —THE CELEBRATED— \E€MPSB —WORLD emmes, RENOWNED— nxn ms p®sirF mwwm mm, Cotton Presses, Separators, Saw Mills, Planers, Sorghum Mills and Evaporators, MACHINERY GENERAL’Y gTSTAny pi eee machinery duplicated on short notice direct from the manufactory. It will be to the interest of all to consult wi h me before purchasing Term easy tu go d patties I am also fim'ni for the best brand of commercial fertilizers Office at II. P, & D. M. 'Almond’s, Commerce street, Conyers, Ga. 10-lv,. J. H. DABNEY. J. S. DAN1ELL, --DEALER IN iAGHENERY BIRDSALL Ee AND GINES, TH FRTILIZRS GULLET VAN¬ Steam Engines, Cot - 1 WINKLE A D ton Gins, Presses Saw WINSHIPCOT Mills, Por'able Corn T- 5 i TOM Mills, Belting THE etc. 1 (kGINS "specialty A CELEBRATED Yu Ak-o agent for the tumour Aim man (fc Taylor Machinery, h 011 i-tut-ave money by calling on me J- S. DAJSiPt/L LA. SHARP, t- L limi CONYERS,GEORGIA. fy-i LIVERY SALE AND FEED STABLE. E®“‘The best, of vehicles, sate drivers and good, fast and reliab V horses I have alwi\8 ready to suit anyone, day or night I have horses women and children can use. Saddle horses for men and women. Al Cheap. FEED. If you have a horse that you want led and well caved for, >o'» can have it done at my stable cheaper and 'lett er than you can do 11 :" U " self. I invite everybody who brings a horse to town to leave linn \\i. > ll1 -* Good lot, stal’s and attention. S ALE. Parties wishing to buy or trade hm*esshould call. Drovers make their headquarters with me. 150 VCJl T L. I J- pay S11A ,')T I'T, li t. '-T {or corn, fodder, liay, oats etc. liiii m u> ESTEE ammm STELQE 3819 .—~——THE M()S'1‘POPULAH——,— "Qaazmmgam . (23:53 $41 :22? mm WBWB Dmo- ** -DEPOT UJ0&1 OF— . . a mMAP Ftc Violins, Guifars, lla Estey Organ Company \\\ II. LEE, Age”*' The Largfst. () rgan Factory in W1’rmhmt10n——Une EURGPE OR tux AMERICA! every nmnm-s. ; -'■'^2--■ ' ipfi fio .y<2 m al ■ wegijm ■ DU mmmmm T5 1 mil n i i i'T mmsmiwm : ' m a Y fSErRi 111 ft , Y . rfi OT’-' E . dmiS- r-.-