The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, May 11, 1883, Image 3

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CONYERS, GA.i MAY ilTH, 1883 .
A letter arrived at the Conyers post
„*ce this week addressed to the “pret
L t young lady in Rockdale county.’
[, .viia promptly turned over te a
Sheffield young lady.
Messrs Henry Bryans and Fletch Me
attended , , the _ . hop
falls- of Atlanta, on
last Tuesday evening.
A seining party went up to Dead river
f t Wednesday, We trust none of them
got very sick.
Rast in wh-at is reported by some of
0 or farmers, Not enough 4e seriously
damage the crop, however.
y rg W. E- WcCalla, of Atlanta, was on
a visit to relatives in our city this
iv ck.
When you want fine bolted meal call
on Mr- W. S. Cowan. He keeps it con¬
stantly on hand.
We are glad to learn that Mr. Wm.
King, of Covington, is rapidly recovering
(rom bis injuries.
A steer attached to a buggy in which
were seated a negro man and bis wife,
passed up Decatur Street yesterday.
A man iu Sheffield district has a cow
with two well developed tails. She uses
one for keeping off flies while she knocks
all the milk out of a pail with the oth
At last accounts Mai was still cultiva¬
ting Ids “ patch ’’ neath the shades of a
tabling brook.
Bibb and DeKdb have again failed to
adopt the ‘ no fence’’ law. So much the
worse for these counties.
The whole sale destruction of young
fish by seining parties should be stop¬
ped. In a few more years, if this thing
continues, our streams will be entirely
Many improved agricultural imple¬
ments are being so ! d in Rockdale this
season. What a great saving it would
keif these things were only manufac¬
tured at home. It can and should be
Mr. J.N. Hale is taking in Athens and
the press convention this week.
This has been a tip top season for the
oldest inhabitant. He has seen and
heard mere things that he never heard
before than e'er noticed by the eldest—
The Georgia Railroad has made ar¬
rangements run a line of refrigerator
cars over the road during the vegetable
and fruit season, for the benefit of ship
The picnic crowd report a fine crop of
teed ticks and red bugs.
A chicken fight caused a ripple of ex
ckement on Commerce street Tuesday
There is one thing that prohibition
does do, as all will admit: lessens
court expenses. If the people do not
derive an equal benefit, from the whisky
traffic, then prohibition should prevail,
Mr. James W. Farmer killed a mocca¬
sin snakeon Yellow river, the other day,
that measured four and a halt feet iu
length and thirteen inches in circum¬
A little son ofJMr Amos Moore, of At¬
lanta, died in this county on Sunday
morning last, of something like dipthe
Tiie genial f toe of Air. Lonnie Soott, of
Covington, was seen on our streets this
A considerable number of our cit’zens
attended the Georgia Rairoad conven¬
tion in Augusta, this wees. The annual
tree ride i3 always well patronized.
Miss Ida Hudson has returned from a
protracted visit to Macon and Southwest
Miss Althea Owens, onenf Covington’s
most pleasant young ladies, paid Con¬
yers a short visit this week, the guest of
Miss Tompie Quigg
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Treadwell, and
Miss Beulah Turner have been seeking
pleasure iu Augusta and Charle-ton this
When a legislator possesses himself
with the idea that it is essentally neces
: 'iry that he should be re-elected no
powe on earth could induce him to vote
lor a dog law, no matter how much such
a law would benefit the state.
The opinion of the Macon Te egraph
i Messenger that free schools a re a re ini
practicable and a curse to a community
uaot sustained by facts or figure. At¬
lanta has a superb system of free schools,
and it has done more to build up that
c:ty than any other one agency. That
had and incompetent teachers are sdme
times placed at the head of these schools
i’ not the fault ot the system, but the
Ke suppose in aluinst every county
there is a prejtce against town and coun
- f people- This is very foolish. W hat
u to the interest of one is to the inter
«>t of the other, and these prejudices di
’'tsions and dessentions should not be
allowed to exist. No county can hope to
Wsper when the town and country peo
Pje Latare are forever divided on all questions
for the public good.
Ike poem ou “Dreams” which ap
in a late issue of our literary
burna! is certainly the most wonder
% constructed literary gem that we
*ve ever seen. Without rhythm, me
e or any of the qualifications of true
it crushes through all rules and
lf ='ilat:ons and rolls down nearly a
i 'hob column the poorest poetical effu
' l0D 03 record. True it contains some
I lood words and occasionally a touch of
I *ad sentiment, that would have
I I **desoi ^'0 passable Fiora as SlcFlitnay! pro3e, but for Were poetry it ;
I toducticn of Byron, .Schelly, Moore,
I I Yf fl*ink it R r > R nt departure, or Tennyson, poetical we
a new
-Yf ' ^ to corapr * heed, nature for the the common author
but as
^ t ^'•sniably, of stua'l reputation and
must be treated as a clever
'*‘ t *~-Do':hiug more—ao'.hing less-
Some of our farmets are chopping out
A spring clrcken with spurs an inch
long was Drought to town this week.
Gov. McDaniel was inaugurated yes
The survivors of the old Third Geor¬
gia regiment propose holding a reunion
at Tallulah Fails on the 4th of July.
There was a delightful hop at the
Whitehead House on lust Tuesday even*
Newton County has a case of white
leprosy. •
Conyers had a jail delivery on last
Friday night.
Int irest in the free school should not
be allowed to die out.
Gardens are responding to the gentle
rains Bud genial sunshine.
Mad cats and dogs have entirely disap¬
peared from our midst.
Fishing parties are being organized
for^the summer campaign.
Augusta is the prettiest as well as most
moral city in the State.
The stone cutters of Lithonia are all
on a strike. They speak of establishii g
a quarry at this point.
S; raw berries sold in Conyers last Sat¬
urday for ten cents per quart.
Conyers has something that is not
found in any other Georgia town or city
—a b’ack dude.
Union Hall Sabbath-school picnicked
at Sone Mountain on last Saturday. They
report a most enjoyable time.
We saw a doctor take a dose of his
own medicine, the other day. Coura
geous man !
Dr Joe Reynolds, one of the most pop¬
ular and skillful young physician in
Southwest Georgia, paid Conyers a fly
ing visit this week.
Rev. Sam Jones collected $2000 at
Trinity church, in Atlanta, the ether
night, for liis orohan’s home.
A silver thimble was picked up Oil
Center street, the other day. The owner
can get it by paying for this notice.
Rev. G. G. Smith has been holding
services at the Methodist church seve
rai days this week, for the benefit of iho
Death is still busy in high places.
Two more hangings to take place next
Mis es Mary Davisaad Beulah Osborn,
two of Atlanta’s most fascinating young
ladies, were visiting friends in our city
this week, the guests of Mrs- McNair.
The young people of Conyers will pic¬
nic at Gee’s mill in the near future.
A oue legged trapeze performer fur¬
nished amusement for our people on
last Monday.
Mr. D. S. Batler is enjoving English
peas, Irish potatoes and other earlv vege¬
The young shade trees around the
court house are looking pretty and grow'
ing rapidly.
While the grass is green, and the flow
ers and girls lovely and terene, let's all
fill our baskets with grub and go atiah
Dr. Turner has procured one of Capt.
Zachry’s shoes and sunk it in his back
yard, in which he and his friends will
take refuge in case of a storm.
In addition to the hot weather and
Mai and Crowley, we have had a book
agent with us this week. What great
sin lias Conyers committed th it she is to
be thus afflicted.
Miss Livia Summers, we regret to learn
has been quite sick for several days. We
hope soon to chronicle her complete re¬
The festive fly has arrived in force
and a protracted n eeting should be
started at once for the benefit of the
bald headed man.
Mr. Tom Treadwell, of this place, has
in his possession a mad stone, which has
been tried and found to contain all the
curative properties claimed for it.
Col. J- C. Barton and family returned
from Augusta on Monday, last, where
they had been iu attendance upon the
Sabbath-school convention They are
lound in their prdee of the hospitality of
the “Fountain City.’’
Eb Stephenson, who was convicted of
murdering his aunt, in Gwinnett county,
sometime ago, will be hung to-day, if the
governor.does not grant him a respite
Since the above was put in type a res¬
pite has been granted Stephenson until
June the 8th.
The building of a cotton factory on the
present site of the Rockdale Paper mills
i~;only a question of time and a short
time, at that.
Mr. Tom Bryans is thinking of posses¬
sing himself of all the felicity of matri
rooney, with the mother-in-law attach¬
ment. There are men, however, who
will contend that there is a great deal
more ‘ felicity” without the attachment.
A negro walked into Stewart’s on last
Saturday picked up a coat and was rap
idly making for the woods when the loss
was discovered. Mr Henry McCord and
Marshal Wallace pursued him and push
ed him to close that he was c >mpe 1dm
drop the coat to make his escape.
When the Sheriff went to the jail Sat
urday morning to carry Asbury Neal his
breakfast he found the front door stand
ing open and the prisoner gone. Neal
is charged with rape and had, up to
Friday morning, been confined in the
dungeon but complaining of being sick
the sheriff took him up stairs and gave
him access to the two rooms. On Friday
night, some friend of the prisoner, who
had got an impression of the lock and
made a key, unlocked the door and al
lowed him to escape. Neal is about 5
feel l 35 *. 7 ° 1 r L Yfibeard- D funds '’ reEcomplexion;
f h blue or gray 8 eyes;
bad teeth—one th_one or or more more being g ont iu
impediment ,
frout; has a slight in spm.
and of quick movement. The Sheriff of
Rock-Iale will pay a reward of $25 for
bis re««rr$sl..
Watei mellons have reached Atlan'a.
The unloaded pistol continues to be as
destructive to human life as the cyclone
and mule.
Read the dissolution notice of W. V.
& Z. T. Almand in this issue.
A day’s fishing is almost as uncertain
as the verdict of a petit jury.
Ripe peaches have made their appear¬
ance at Griffin.
The fire company seems to have died
from an overdose of street tax.
Newton and Walton counties will
piobably adopt the stock law when an
other vote is taken.
Mr. George Jones received two very
fine Berkshire pigs from Augusta this
Read the Governor s proc'atnation ii
this issue.
The Georgia Railroad has paid nearly
six million dollars in dividends since thy
close of the war.
Messrs. J. A M Cord and Ben Moon
went over in Alabama prospecting ihi.
The amount of beer an 1 red liquor dis
posed of by the press convention way
simply immense. Th re are a very few
Cotton chopping is go ng on at. a lively
Go to Hudson’s when you want a nice
pair of gloves.
Our public streets should be cleaned
up. Ihev present a very unsightly ap
Neglect ycur crop now and times
be hard with you next fall.
The force pump man has been in
town this week, and flooded the town
with wate,.
A protracted meeting will be commen
ced at the Methodist church in this place
The grand jury of Fulton county l as
returned over four hundred true bills
agai 1st illegal voters.
Judge Gurr smiled on his Covington
fi iends this week.
Theoretical discussions take place ev¬
ery afternoon between the hours of three
and five, in front of the court house.
Covington is infested with a lot of cow
The health of Conyers was never bet¬
ter at this season of the yeai.
A Rockdde diamond now shines gorg¬
eously from Jeff Aimnnd’s snowy shirt
Fifteen or twenty of our young gen¬
tlemen and ladies attended the masque
ball at Conyers on the evening of the
9th.—Cov. Enterprise.
Mr. Josiah Bosworth and his miller,
Mr. Cole, came near being drowned at
Snapping Shcals the other day, while
attempte 1 to cross the river in a bat
M : sses Fannie and Eva Carr, two of
Sheffield’s love'iest daughters, were v'si
ting in the city this week, the guests of
Mrs- J. ft- Irwin,
Messrrs Billy Green, Gene Lee, Li n
Duke, Jim Carr and the irrepressible
John Eckles, represented Covington at
the lion Tuesday night
Mr. Lina-ey Mitchell has moved his
family to Monroe, where he goes
to accept a position on the Monroe rail¬
Mrs. Wells, an aged and es'imahle lady
of Sheffield, died on last Thursday, after
a long and painful illness.
Renovate your premises and sprinkle
lime about the yard. It may prevent
you from being sick, while it is a good
thing for your fowls.
The courts have decided that a man
has a right to burn his own house, pro¬
vided he is free from debt, and does not
endanger the property of others in doing
Misses Mariam Price, Lulu Killebrew
and Sue McCalla. after a pleasant stay in
our city, returned to Sheffield yesterday,
much to the regret of a host of admir
ing friends.
McDaniel was inaugurated Thursday
and immediately entered upon the dis¬
charge of the duties of the office of gos r -
ernor- In after years Georgians can
point with pride to the adminisration of
Governor McDaniel.
The hop at the Whitehead House on
last Tuesday evening was one of the
most enjoyable affairs that we have ever
bad the pleasure of attending.
Since the Matrimonial Associations
has gone out of existence, Frink McCala
lias become a confirmed old batchebr.
The Walton News publishes a very in¬
teresting letter from Col. W. L. Peek
this week on the fence question, The
people of Waffon would do well to fol¬
low Rockdale’s example.
Bill Arp says in the Sunday’s Consti¬
tution that the negi o is not given to whis
ky drinking, Wliat particular negro
does Bill refer to? We are sure that he
does noc reside in this section.
Rockdale was the first county in the
state t0 a( j opt the stock law, and she
wiU be the la9t t , abolish it. The fact is
Qurj is one of the most progrsaive coun
tJeg Jn the stat0 , any way.
The Conyers Cornet Band would be
reorgan ized if council would have Messrs
Harp an d Marston return the instru
men(8 wllich they carried off. Mr. Harp
(jjd not own five cents worth of the band
ye t fie carried off four or five of
j oa ^ ro ments and has not returned
tUem h* should be made to pay for
The Constitution got the Irish and
uestion badly mixed in a couple
^dUonaU^ Thursday, It had a
[f* ^ to blow
@en of Englanri sky-high whh dy
namite, while a Dublin Irishman was j
down in Georgia robbing a hen-roost |
The foreman ot the Constitution should j
be made ,0 devour three cucumbers and
. glasses of circus lemonade,
worse punishment
tha* sfeotiM inflicted.
H 1 H & QUIGG )
NUMBERS 3 . 5 . AND 7 .
In their s’oek -(:o:f-- selections fir-tsolass
this line is very large and their in ev¬
ery particular, and embraces prii ts of the latest and noblest styles, the
cheapest and beet linens of all kinds; fine damask ladle cloths, towels, han
kevchiefs, napkins Ac in end'e-s varie’y, at law figures; all kinds of hosery
from the cheapest to the first grade in mens, motuen’s, children—the greats
est bargains in this line of goods ever offered to the people of this p'ace.
Trimings and Embroiderie’B of evry disciiption and style; all kinds >f la
dies wear, fine chalks, brushes, pins, ties, and the PAR
Curset mad. Window shades fine and cheap, fine oil cloths, carpetings,
tickings, sheeting-', shirtings, cambrics, ghinghams, checks, bleeckings and
in tact everything iti this line that is ever wanted or called for and we ask
1 he Udies especially to call when tnev want any kmd of beautiful new dress
goods notions or other Dry Goods. N > trouble to show goods and
1 W ;int to give you our prices lor we know that they will please you.
L1.(J n ATlirvr 1 iTIInVj, HA „ ., 1 rc b Cnnrc riOlAb CCL., „ ~
! .o,
We have a heavy stock rt all grades and styles that, we are selling lower
I tli'in known before Jents clothing, Hats and Shoes and ladies
was ever
fine shoes we have many beautiful goods of 1 he very latest “notion’’ and we
especially invite all to come and examine ours before buying, We mean
exactly what we advertise and when you cail on us you will find it true.
We keep tiie very lullost. kind of a stock ot both. Heavy them and FancY Groceries.
)on wont d<m t loigct to call on up for we can supply you
i.rui ivi!l not he undersold in any ot these <jr<»od . Sugars, coffees, syrups,
can goods, rice, grits, I potatoes &e. all sold lo-.v dow. We have
From a nu-ki’s w orth of soda up. Corn, flour, meat, oats, syrup and oth r
provisions, liu dware, woodware, glassware, tinware, plows, hoes, plow stocks,
carpenters tools and everything else iu t hi - line they need. We are offers
ing special inducements and ask yon to call and see us. We are agents lor
New Elegant Victor, which Sewing Machine. quali¬
The No, 4 is without a superio , for a'l the fine
ties to do good work. We sell them bxv down. Crane at d see also the
Famous Well Elevators,
The best arrangement that was ever placed in a well. Come and exam¬
ine diis and we know you will buy. We can give the Irest refereuses on this
and show you many in use.
When you want goods of any kind remember that you can get them; and
get the best goods and at prices that no other house can under reach by
call ng on
J’bi y carry a large stock of clocks and elegant fine jewelry. Fancy and
Heavy Groceries. A complete stock ot Hardware and Dry Goods, Notions,
Hats Boots and Shoes for the million. Ttmy dely Competition, and tell tor
the cash so low that their prices can’t be heat. Call at this store when you
Goods at Bottom Figures.
P I KiteE & Q VIG G.
McDaniel’s vote for Governor was on
ly twenty four thousand.
The Governor has offered a reward of
fifty dollars for the arrest and delivery of
Asbury Neai to the Sheriff of this county'.
The sheriff also offers a reward of twenty
five dollars for his arrest.
A Conyers girl is engaged in a task of
eating four large oni ns, two hundred
green apples and two bottles of pickles
a day tor twenty days. Her friends
iiave no fears th it site will fail in her
Mr. W. A. H-irp, formerly editor of the
Examiner, has been arrested in Atlanta,
tried, found guilty of immoral conduct
and sent to the Fulton county chaingang.
Insteal of going to the chain gang lie
slioul I be sent to the lunatic asylum.
He is, b “vond a doubt, crazy.
In a Methodist church in Houston
county, Sundav, just before the services
were begun, two men engaged in quite a
warm discussion over the fence law, and
their words soon came to blows. Tltey
were not separated unt’l b >’h had re¬
ceived black eyes and other bodiiy dam¬
By James S. Boynton, Governor of
said State -
Whereas, Official information has been
received a* this department that on the
night of the 4th of Ma-, inst, A. N. Neal,
under indictment in the Superior Court
of ltockdale for the offense of rape, es¬
caped from the jail of said county and
is still at large, I have tho ight proper,
therefore, to issue tLie my proclamation,
hereby offer ng a reward of fifty dollars
for the apprehension and delivery of said
A. N. Neal to the sheriff of said county
and state. And I do moreover charge
and require ail officers in this State, civ
il and military, to be vigilant in endeav
oring to apprehend the f aid A. N.
in order that he may be brought to trial
for the offer se with which he stands
Given under my hand and th i
great seal of tiie stale, at the Ca;
it' 1 in At'anta, this the eighth day
of May in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and
eighty three and of the Indepen¬
dence of the United Ftates of
Am»rica the one hundred and
By the Governor :
N. C. Harnett, Jas. 8. Boynton.
Secretary of State. Governor.
He . g about five (eet 6 or g wcbeB t *ll;
weighg (* twee n 135 and too pounds; age
aboat , 0 yearB; eomlpexion; sand.v bad
hair and beard; blue being or gray oat eyes; front.
teeth -one or more in
stammer, in «*e h and of quick move- j
We return thanks to that excellent lit
tie lady, Miss Mary Rembert,fora box of
very nice strawberries.
When you want a Terrell scrape o r
your buggies or wagons repaired, call on
W. V. Almand.
A car load of Colonels escorted Gov.
McDaniel to Atlanta. The only person
we noticed on the car who did not have
the above title attached to his name was
Cde Mobley, of Monroe.
This 13 to give notice that the co*
partnership hertofore existing be¬
tween W. V. & Z. T. Altnand in the
blacksmitliiny; business, is this day
dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Z.
T. Almnnd retiring. All outstanding
accounts will be collected by W. V.
W. V. Almand.
W. Z. Almand.
Conyers, May 4th 1883.
GEORGIA Rock lale County—
By virtue of an order issued by the Hon.
John D. Stewart judge of the Superior
Court of said county, will be sold at pub¬
lic out cry (unless sold at piivale sale be¬
fore that time) in the city of Conyers,
Ga., on the 19th day of May 1883 theen
tire stock of goods belonging to John W.
Almand, consisting of dry goods, notions
hats, boots, shoes, Ac , hardware, family
groceries &c., show cases, scales, Ac.,
including the entire stock o f goods of ev
ery description, and all of the store fix¬
tures belonging to the store of the said
John VV . Almand' Tiie said stock ©f
goods are now in the Night building on
the corner of Centre and Railroad streets,
and will be sold and delivered in said
bui ! ding. Terms sale cash.
A. P. Mitchell,
This May 2 nd 1883. Receiver.
Will be sold before the court honse
door in the city of Conyers, between the
lawful hours of sale, on the fi ret Tuesday
in June, text, the following described
property, to wit, one vacant tot of land
supposed to contain three-quarters of an
acre, more or less, in the ibth district of
originally Henry now Rockdale, it being
fn the city of Conyers and bounded as
follows: On the east by the birst Bap¬
tist church, on the south by Rnfus
Christian and R A Almand, on the
west by Mrs R A. Jones and on the
north by Dcemur street, Levied on as
the property of Jamea A. Kennedy to
satisfy a fifa issued from Rockdale Su¬
perior Court in favor of Geo. W. Knox
T8 . J. A. Kennedy. Property pointed
out by plaintiff. A. * P. Mitchell,
This May the 2 nd i 8 S 3 . 8hei iff.
*®”I '»ke litis method of informing my former customers, all my friendsand
the public generally, that I have opened a s’ore at S, J Cowan & Son’s old
Maud near the Court House, Conyers, Ga., under the firm name of
Where I will keep a well assorted stock ot goods such as are usually kept
in any first-class house having bought the stock of S J Cowan A Son at a
I will he able to sell a great many goods very low. I expect to replenish my
stock immediately with
Having been so long employed with the wellknown house of J II Almond
& Son, I feel that I aui well posted hr to the wants of the people. Don’s
forget the place, and to give me a call. Yours Respectfully,
ffigrTiie old notes and accounts of S J Cowan & Son are all in the hands of W fit
Cow«n. I have nothing to do with their collection here. I hope my old customers
will give me their patronage as befor. Respectfully,
S J Cowan, with J J Langfcrd & Co.
Have just received their new spring goods. luJlIinoof Call and examine goods and
learn prices Keep constantly on hand a Dry Good*, Notions
Hms, l aps, Roots and Shoes, and eveiything usually kept in a first-class
dry goods house. e&ovBnra,
A large lot which we are row offering at cost lor the cash. Come and s,e
Sjcar Cured Huns, Lird, Cliffee. Sugar, Lice, Svrup, Mo ases
Fine flours, Perfect Pastry Patent, Garters's Fancy, Hackers Sellraisiut,
flour and many other brands. Tie celebrated Snowy Ash ami IU11 Tucker
W™ “ p,‘ ‘“'i “““ of * hewing and smoking tobaccos Hardware <d all
kinds. 1 lows, roes, plovvstoeks, , rakes, hoelianales, shovels, cradles eet.
STOVES. bTOVES. s rovEs.
Just received, a lud line o' cooking stoves and stove fixtures, which they
W 'U fell low for cash or to p ompt paying customers oil time.
A complete line ot furniture alwa>s on hand. Fine Walnut and Poplar
Suits, Dressing Cases, Dressers, Bureaus, Wit hstands, Marble Top Tables,
(.hairs. Lounges, Setts, Picture Cold s etc. Theii stock is complete in ev.
cry respect. Call and see them.
Special inducements offered to DEALERS and others in all grades ot Ftt'v
niture. A share of the patronage ot Rockdale and adjoining counties earnest
solicited. Besure and give us a trial before making your purchases.
The Spot Cash
_01 ATLANTA. GA., Hus the finest line of
„„ nmfl
Sell For CASH Exclusively.
Saves all expenses of collecting, loss on bad debts and otherwise and give*
his customers the bent-fit of the Lowest Lash Prices in the South.
---Give him a trial and yoa will always trade with him,
Of Price To All!
39 and 41 Peachtree street, Atlanta, Georgia,
0. In D. every Samples case sent where free. money does not accompany the ordor, Jj, YY883^
U ix, A&TD. kjc, STEWAR in
Dry Goods, Notions 9 Groceries,
L.andC Buano- (Acid Ph’sphte 1
These Fertilizers are Strictly Standard
Call and see os. J. A. &T. D. STEWART •*