The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, November 09, 1883, Image 3
V 1 HD dli? rhfJ^F'R UUIN I ^ WRPffT Cu XVL V I. /-vpyrCIAL OBOi-lt OItV OK CONTFttS. (Jkficial oaoAx ok kockoalk county. N. Halb hniTor POLITICAL PROSECUTIONS Down under all the Summary and fermi of the court ami the techn’ioa! verbosity of the bills of indictment the fuel stands that the young men recently convicted in the Federal Court at Atlanta were proseonted On account of their poliTcs. The math in ery ot the government, in the hahds a disappointed ofltcial, was bronght to bear to sec®re his personal refuge. It the report* ot the only joUVnal % Atlanta which gave attention to this matter are closeljr feeling of satisfact¬ ion at the the re^hlt or a kind of gloat¬ ing that otie Of its worshipped heroes had won a victory. The glaring head lines ‘They are druil’y" were calcu¬ lated, not iacended. t<> impress the public that the Gttekurce ot a jury was infalltWe, Federal *Clotittailn tike Saftth, like, 1 military courts ev«r^wlrese s at 1 © oY igaiiized to eohviOt. Tfcrtfftgh trie general btatute* previce that the ■practice in ttso Federfci 'Oonrts shall 'Cmrfofti to that of the cmsTts of the 'Stale in which they may be held Federal judge assume and exercise an authority over juries not known to our judicial system. There was suaethiug about, their surrounding* of there boys when ar rainged at the bar thit .should have elicited a response that did not •OOFJie. Their defense fell wtaitdy upon the khouldetS di rfn experienced veteran the bar, but be should h«v« ha i enoouragment and assistance from others. It is a shame upon the bar of the ninth district that no counsel from that section stood by them in their trouble. Their friends, their people had helped to put down the ’miserable little upstart who was seeking to punish them, Their friend and people had aided to re deem the ninth district fr m disgrace. Whare was alien Candler and Estes and Pope Barrow, *-leck Erwin, the Cobb boys and Timmy Rucker? These are all brave and honorable men, eudoed with a high appreciation of the civ airy of til" profession t,o which they belong Why did not some or all of these s‘and by Banks county boys in their h-<ur of ■: iWO't? But if ’b • *wr «f the 11 mil d-Mnc «egl«<d"A i'* duty, whaf etcus" (Ml the hxr of Atlanta render? Where was H nta S n 'th, a bra#*, and lionet, iivi, wh » doe- not stop to count he c >st when the pos rseented call for justice and protec¬ tion? Where were Walter Brown, Howell Glenn and others of the young- and bolder members of the bar? Where was Clnrley Hilt, wh< has only to emulate the ambition and dnergy of hi* lamented father to reproduce his trium >h» iu the tot urn and on the hustings? The ui'iih district had twice nobly taiiit-d bis illustrious father, Yhe friends and people of hess Batiks count, boys had rallied o him when Lis political fortunes hung iu t.he balance. His-on should not have been silent on this occasion. There was nothing in the conduct of the iograte who conducted the pro¬ secution that shoiUd have stayed his speer’». Say. if you may, Uiat con Yiction was assured, the excuse is insufficient. The animus of tr.e pro seemi )fi slim hi have beer 1 ai l bare, T he crowd of idlers who were as seinbled as a claque for the pros¬ ecution attorney should have been awed into silence. Tno court should ■ 1 * been rebuk«d> *»j and j the , k . nave jury fully enlightened as ;o the dirty work that was expected of it. It is s s iurce ot mortification and regret that these beve stood at Ihe bar with «o friend- f save pa.d , counsel. , It . 1 . . sate to say, hat they could not ^ av< freed a trial in any other community in Georg-a under similar circutnatan ce*. Iu a contest with Federal po wer a oitts^n is entitled to the sup¬ port and aid of. every one of his ieis low citizens of the State, wli j stand for justice and fair play. For the Weekly.] TO LOUISVILLE. It requires a humorous as well as fa ti-e pen to to make readable histories of places where names which spoken have the sound of a ioreign tongue. I should be £ re8nra P tio °8. indeed, to could make interesting an accurate ac co unt of a trip o'ertbe Cincinnati Louth fern railroad when nearly overy body is familial with it, Either by sight or de •cription. ' A little harmless gosdp about Cincin nati and Louiavi le. in eluding the Expo sition, will, 1 frust, Pot prove tiresonafe to myself or readers. I will not dwell too long wondering'Cver the time and patience required to build this splendid specimen of masonry, which will stand for ages as an elegant monument to in. dustry arid perseverance, with its wind¬ ing alang the brinks of dange rous preci pices, its numerous bridges, the tallest one 280 feet higfh, its 27 tunnels in less ttian 400 miles. My companion (I re frain from saying compaion de voy^e, &hd solicit k 1 mi ration for the heroic act) could tell all the lengths etc. and throu ghout the entire trip ieiat-d them in the driest details. The lamps burn 'from one end of the toad to the o’ther, it would become a little monotonous to light up-so often. I mus live e^ajoy orever to the people who eostantly in the city. Inviting it is with lovely walks and drive; springs of clear woter and many other attractive features. The day we spent there was rainy and of course everything looked t 6 disadvantage and some of the animals w eYe in their huts. There appears to be a representative of every specie on the g’ohe; also birds of every description, from the beautful and rare varieties of foreign countries to our familiar buzzard and brown sparrow. Cincinnati differs essentially from Lou isvilte in mora than one particular—the latter don't advertise thealricai perfor mnne s for Sunday evenings and there is leas profanity heard upon the streets and atreat cars. The prominent harness houses are also closed on the Sabbath. A -visit to KarrisoW’s Museum, a ride on the inclined plain which is as steep as the roof Of a house and upon which the 'SaYa fly aioWg at a i-apid rate, appa rentlv as if by magic ; tottre Grand Op¬ era House to see Romany Rye played and then goodbye to Cincinnati. A night’s ride on the excellent steamer Ben Franklin, down the majestic Ohie> ■brought us to Louisville. Mornings at the exposition are dull, *but at night when the grounds and buil¬ dings are illuminated by thousands of electric lights the scene is bewileering. The display of lights is said to be the lar gest in the world. Everybody rides on the electric railway car. It makes a circuit oi the park and the picture is like a glimpse of fairy land. The Conyers Courier, forerunner of the Wefki.y was never so small as a copy of the Boston Gazette and C ounty nal, 1774 , that is framed and hanging in the main building. The furniture de* partment deserves moe than passing no¬ tice. A e'ever Yankee has invented a co trivance for holding piPcov shams to their places which wit lm bailed with jdy bv hoose keepers They are once prop erly adjusted and never taken off until wash day. Simply raise or lower toe riwsv lrv. hthe7fln * J “ teaedi8ttll,hat i The old- English style of interior dec r-'xt’ou ah >wn in two departments one of carved wood, the other of bronze. ’ihe most costly ’suit, of furniture be longed to President Arthur - $jeoo for th', four piece. The art gallery is s great attraction. Many rare and beauteful things are to be seen. Gobelin tapestry from the looms of France representing scenes in the life of Alexander. Antique furni etc. There is lo.eIy«l,i.^ a silver vase made by Garrard of London representing the chase of the Buffalo weight nearly 5° pounds sterling. Owned by Hon. Hen¬ ry Hilton ot New York. Some fine statuaty is to be seen. I needed no explanation to know Nydia the blind girlfimn Bullwer’s last days of Pompeii Loveliest of of all and by which vre Cov.ldJhaVe lingered for hours, Was an excellent host in Ckrara marble o! Marguirette from Florence. No price was attached to tel 1 11 s it was the work of a master, none was needed, for noth iteg less than a divine chisel couid ever have Called from a block of inanimate marble that wonderous creation. Tbe P' ctarea are 80 fi " mero » 8 An<1 80 beautiful it is like looking .® through e ct constantly , moving , kaleidoscope . an 'V trying to decide which is the best ar rangement of colors. I could tell the most cost y by the prtceB attached, but * re al^Ay* the best? The moat c-vatlv J picUiVe among the collection is Qma hy ^ the wealthy philanthropist who has so kincUy aided our gnuthern institutions. The subject of the painting is the Helping Hand, AH know that the greatness of» picture consist in a truthful portrayal of nature. This represents an old fisherman in hi3 slouched and sea stained clothes out wi*h his little-granddaughter in his boat on a pleasant morning. The little one wishes o help row the boat and with her hand on the oar is pulling with all her might. The old man is regarding her with a hnmorons but very tend*r expression while her own sober look proves her to be very much in earaest. Any •person who can see the of (t onciudep on Lccil Page) Your bov« from 3 years to 30, can ‘ bfl 3V:?t , d a t j 4 . & T D> Stewarts. Cal1 a,,d that “ ex-qoisite „ no. 1166 lion department of !. A. & T. 1). ’Stewart, when you Want se'ect cream cheese, Ra„s a jr e dried hetef, apples cocoanut cabbage, onMi, &c call on Frank Harper &BrO. A m 'm The Preacher’s Quiet Habits. Sedentary and studious fnen some times become prostrated before they know it. Those who spend much time in close mental work and neg kct t0 take , eilol 3 g' h , zeroise . often r find their stoina.chs to do the work of digestion. The liver be comes torpid. The bdv/els act ir regularly, ?■ The brain refuses to serve as it oneC did. Their preaching becomes-a failure, and there is a state of general misery. So many minis the clergy generally are speaking to their friends vT this medicine as the very best tonic and restorer,,they know oh It restores thin and watery blood to its proper condition by ton tng Invigorating it up with the purest and most defence has preparation of iron that ever made. It is pleas aril; to take, and acts immediately with the happiest results, not only on the palrsons, but on other folks S3 well.' ® f/ /Zf/ Perfect Patti y Patent Flour Call on fa. F. ftASMfcawd kRC. & 0 Branan’a Best Brand. , „ . ___________ Why don’t somebody come here and run a hotel? NOTICE. By virtue of an order issued from Court of Ordinary of Rockdale county, will be sold before the court house door in the town of Owners on the first Tuesday in IvoVembor next. wirhin the legal hodts >f sale, the following tract or parcel ot land be longing " te the eUate ot James G. FitKp3 ri ,. ki deceased, known as the Froeman place, lying in the {Tenth disiviet of originally tletory, now Rockdale couatv, and being a pari of lot No. ( 145 ) oae bundled and forty live, and bound on the cast by ,T. J. Cowen, <101 th by A.nsal Willingham, on the west by Donie Sparks and 00 the south by W. H Brisendioe, con mining fifty acres, moe fcr less. The above named land will be sold f or ^j, e purpose of paying debts a>.d distvibutioii amoug the heirs and „ T.rm. e.le Will be «.h. September 2 , 1883 . J. T. AD AIR, Adton LETIERS of ADMINISTRATION -- Georgia. Rockdale County, To all whom it may concern. Whereas Jacobus Petty has in due form applied to me for perma nerit letters ot administration on the estate ol M. C, Petty late of said County deceased, and I will pas* up¬ on said application on the first Mon¬ day in November 1883. Given under my hand and official signiture. This 1st day of Otober, 1883. O. SEAMANS, octS Ordinary. NOTICE* Parties owing J. & IV. E. Treadwell & Co. must oome forward and set'le at once, as the estate is obliged to be wound up. Cali on F. R. Treadwell, in charge of papers, at iheir old stand, Conyers. Ga., October tst, i 38 j. NOTICE. Having bad my saw mill burned imd needing money to have it replaced, I 1 earnestly ask all who are due me money to come forward and make settlements with me. I need the money, and I ask yea to come forward and sec me at once, 'i tmrs; &c.. A, N. PLUNKETT. SIS! - Vll'. i * *• e- se* Stewart’s Specific For The Blood. - :. r ... . Partly Vegetable. Prepare i From Vegetables that Grow in Georgia and Ukedfov \cBir 8 by Dr. J. A. Slewsrt and ia beyond any doubt The Best Blood Purifier That Is N'oW Used. Cures all skin affections bV curing the blood, and beautifies the skin, giving to it new life and a smoathVieai no other medicine will that I have ever used. ' AS A SPECIFIC FOR SYPHILIS, We will gnarsntee a cure in every case, if direction's are followed. It improves ,the blood-, hence all difee^eff that have their origiVt ib life bletsl are improved and cured. The beat Vfetn'fedy for 80&07«rz.A. ©a, xxsr©*3 stsx., trstant tsws&t&a®, ULCERS CHROMIC RHfeUMATISM Old Sores Eczema Mercurial Diseases A SURE PREVENTATIVE OF DIPHTHERIA. A great many of the above named diseasea have been cured by the use ot this Blood Purifier. S3T Manufactured at Couyeia, Ga., by STEVVAItT & CO., superintended by Dr. J A. 8TEWART, who has devoted thirty years o. his life to the praotice of medicine at this place. Send yjur orders to DR. M. R. STEWART. Seoratary Suwart db Co., C,o*y«lr», far. Put flp in tfro sikea—-24 Owe* llotfi^ ibWi 12 0\M16« BoWts, 50 Cento. LibofAl liedaclious will be made to wholfeaale iaalorfe. Send in your erdaVa at onve. GEO R. LOMARD & CO •» FoundrY AnD HlachinE AnD BoileR Wo, kS, Neak the Water Tower, 1014 to 1026 Fenwick St., AvatrsxA, 3IAK.K and BELL THE BESf Saw Mite,Grist Mills, Vane Mbis> 1'Iantation Machin'cry Engines and Boilers, Cotton Screws Shaftings, Pulleys Hangers, Journal Boxes. Mill Gear¬ ing, Gudgeons, Turbine Water Wbe6ls, Gin Gearing, Judson's Governors, Disstnn’s Circu- - EKari lar Saws and ('rummers and Files, Belling a tub r: Babbitt, Metal and Brass Fitting Globe aiw I Check Valves, Whistles, Guages. &c-.Iron and ■* M Mt Brass Castings and Gin Ribs and Inj -('tors. prices. Repairing promptly done at lowest, 7 We cast every day both iron and brass, having V greatly increased our capacity with the latest improved tools. We are mailing full time with 100 bands, which enables us to fill orders promptly at lowest prices. Give us a trial before sending elsewhere. hotter AtfUnts for Georgia Wo'rzs and Squib with Carolina f ir Korting’s Universal Injector, the best will feeder out. Satisfaction. one lever. Will work wsrm or Cold water and lilt Water. They Warranted to gi ve Send for cids'iilais befovb yon buy any other. are better than a pump. sept28-6m • . « M" ■ ■ ■■ . Dhe “ Excelsior Stove House.” A Special invitation to merchants and the puplic generally to examide ‘‘before purchasing ,” the largest stock, of stoves, ranges, furnaoes house furnisiiiSig goods Stamped Slate and and iron plain mantles, tin wars. Japanned rubber hose, ware.Jwood wrought and iron willow ware, for gas fixtures grates, pipe steam, gas And water. Brass goods, >team whistles, plumbers, materials warer closets etc. This is th 1 largest and most varied stock that is kept in theSoutb, and we mean to excell in Quantity, Quality and Price. Our stock of gas fixtures, mantels, and Grates, is simply the laegest in the south. Gold bronzed and ebony chandeliers, In latest designs. We are the STOVE EMPORIUM OF THE SOUTH. IS^"Can fill all orders promptly at reasonable prices. We are practical plumbers and gas fitters, tin and iron roofers, manufacturers of galvanized iron cornice and Ornamental sheet inn work, concrete sewer and drain pipe. Agents for Kndwels Steam punrlps and Macks injectors. HUN1TCUTT & BELLINGRATH, 36 & 38 PEACHTREE, NEW AND BEAUTIFUL CHINA, DINNER AND TEA SETS, VASES. fiae eatlory, Tailet Sets, eastans. FORKS, SPOONS, HALL AND LIBRARY LAMPS. -—The Cheapest Goods iu the South at McBride’s China Palace, ATLANTA, GA. Merchants remember tb»t the Raving on freight on Crockery, Glassware, Sffovt aiM-s, Wood a are, Tinware etc. bought Irena McBride & Cc>. 1* a good prod t. Ee P- 2l - IfeBRiOE A GO.- Read Thi^. ®@“Wfe earnestly ask all who’are due’us on accounts or notes to come forward at once and make settleVnents as we ana needing the mobey. We have? many aocounts, that ..have been running a‘long time on parties we know to bejgood, but we need the money now, and|must',have it. So come’.onbmd pay tuTand by « 6 ‘ \y^re°yeua Wefcall^o'u'r o^clfd? ktand*on ° 0 ^m> merce street. attention be¬ low to our NEW GOODS, /*~Thanking our fcusloWfetS for past fa¬ vors, we asR them to call and examine our fall and winter goods. We have ou hand and are continually receiving an elegant assortment of hats, feathers flow¬ ers, velvets, ribbons, laces, corsets, hoops shirts. ruchilig,"Zepbyh^4nd a beautiful line of neck wear, plush and velvet col¬ lars, handkerchief*, and also jewelry and ha ! r goods besides various other articles too numerous to intention. We will sell low dowU for cash. Call and ft fete liS when in town. Yours Truly, E A Cowan Sr S J.Rihchardson TA3C A 8 SFSTMENT FOB 1883 . Rockdale Cottrt of Ordinary 1 ChAthbers, Sep. 21 1^8^. ) Whereas tlis Excellency, Henry D. McDaniel, Governor of the State of OeogiA, baking assessed twenty-five cents on the hundred dollars" of the taxable property of the afatefor tjio State "tax for the year 1888. It is ordered by the jboflht of Ordi¬ nary of RockdMe county, that the following asses trident be fend the same are hereby made as the county tax for Rocbtlale county for the year 1883 fob the purposes herein after set forth and that the same be collected by W. W. Nelms, tafr collector of Rockdale County, or hia successor in office, and_, paid over to the county treasurer of sairi teolibty, by the 15lh day of De¬ cember, next. I. For the building and repalria^ df bridges and other public build ingA and ail other oonnty purposes for thft year 1883, Thirty five cents oh "tEe hiindred dollars of the taxable props, erty of Rockdale county. II. For the purpose df pajibg tfrtf grand and petit jurors tor the year 1888, Fifteen cents on tbfe hundred dollars of the taxable property of Rockdale county. III. For the support of paupers for the year 1883, Ten oents on the huts dred dollars of the taxable property of Rockdale bounty, O. Seamans, Oi’dina/f,