The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, December 21, 1883, Image 2
The Biggest and The BesT H THE IS83: mu' emieU 7 8PAGES-48 COLUMNS >—< months for the small sum of / And it and the Atlanta Weekly onlv Constitution 12 months for / / m Official organ City of Ccnyesr Offici al oran Rockdale County ot/l Of every discription executed quickly and in a neat manner. THE L0WERT PRICE Address or call on J. N. Hale Editor, Conyers Georgia. (/ uvdcifve A combination of Pro iojndc of Iron, Perwim % Barit and PhoMphoruM in v a Debility, palatable form. Par tite, Prostration Lose of of Appe¬ Ft ia! Poorer* it is ituiispentu- 6J«. t “Zi£Ri2£^'SSr«W' PURIFIES REV. J. L. TOWH^tt, m . lie Speakers will find it a^srai -----— of tie greatest v a 1 u a where a Tonic is neces¬ Vi sary. I recommend it as a reliable remedial doubted agent, possessing and un¬ nutritive restorative properties. LouierUlc, £,., Oct. i, 1882. FUFascs BT TES DR. HARTER MTiZJICINE CO., «3H. MADJ ST., ST. W7IS. ■*n H.P. &D. M.ALMAND %flfiZ/fléé, 3 j©®Ii SAMAXSTS 9 -Ho Every One- 8&“That wants bargains will call at H. P. A D. M. ALMAND’S for the next two months with the CASH. A large stock just raeeived pur chased for cash which enables us to sell cheaper than ever before. LARGE STOCK of Ladies cloaks, dolmans, Jersey Jackets etc. Jeans, calicoes, Dress goods, bleaehings domestics and ev¬ erything you want. Bootsa i]d Shoes, of every description cheap, from 35c r pair up Tobrcco, the best in the market, known as Almonds Rest GOets a potted, also Little Walter at 4ou a pound. GROCERIES and everything pise you want to eat or weat kept in a first class store, so coroo and get bargains while you have the chance. Remember We are needing every cent that our customers owe us aud we expect every one to come forward and help as now so wheu we commence the credit bub ness in 1884 we will be prepared to commence right. Re* member all who help us now will be sure 1 get it in return next spring, should they need it. Remember out motto is Live and Let Live a é? éwyma/ -H, P, & D, M. ALMAND,- Stewart’s A! Q! C! k Specific For The Blood Purely Vegetable. Prepared From Vegetables that Grow ia Georgia and Used for Years hv I)r tTT--' ^ Sle and is beyond any doubt "Mt The Best Blood Purifier That Is Now Used Cures all skin affections by c a life and a smoothness other medicine will that I have ever 9- M AS A SPECIFIC FOR SYPHILIS Wc will guarantee in every case, if directions followed. It improves the i a cure are blood; hence all d‘ that have their or gin in the bisod are improved and cured. The best remedy for (Mass* * tCSOTU OB SOT&'S 38 VX&, wsxra swEtnaa ULCERS CHRONIC RHEUMATISM ’ Old Sores Eczema Mercurial Diseases SURE PREVENTATIVE OF 1) I EH TII MIR IA A great many of the above named diseases have been cured by the use of this Blood 3. r. Manufactured at Conyers, Ga., by STEWART & CO., superintended by ] A. STEWART, who has devoted thirty years ol his life to the practice of medicine at this place. Send your orders to DR. M. R. STEWART. Secretary Stewwt & Co., Conyan* Ga. Put op in two sizes—24 Ounce Bottles, $1.00; 12 Ounce Bottles, M CentB. Liberal deducliou3 will be made to wholesale dealers. Send in your orders at one*. [Note. —We have changed our Trade Mark trora S. S. to A. Q. C., tho Swift Co. objecting to 8. 8. and hreatening suit for infringement on their Trade Maik of S. S. S 3 GINS, GINS! E, VANWINKLE & C0„ MANUFACTURERS OF Cotton"Gins, 7 Feed u ers & Condensers r Cotton Presses, Oil Machinery and Saw Mills. || •A Bt v F: tier. a ‘ VeR. v :v ; Mi 1 SAW GIN AND SELF-FEEDER, Exibited bv. E. VAN WINKLE & CO., At<ihe Internnti nnl Cotton Expo s.tion, Atlanta, Ga,, 1881. Awarded for best sample, best general results in Ginning, and best constructed Ma¬ chine the first prize, $100. or gold medat. B. S. Ricks, T. M Smedes, Missis* si| pi; W. E. Banows, Conneticut, Judges. H, I. Kimball, Director Gen. Also, first premium at the South Carolina Stale Fairs and the Georgia Fairs. This Gen is an iron frame, steel shafts, everything of the very best material and all gueranteed va •i,v n 1 V* : r 1 Pill' l|fS raa Ife mi m 1 [roWjjBBkihi KSE .1 ■ h s i •N’ii I-:. A COTTON 1 :■ i'h :| ii OD UBLE SCREW PRESS. Said to be the Press in the world. Suitable for Horse, Steam and Water Power. Takes up but little room Ginning and Packing can go on at the -amc time. E. VANW1NKSE & CO., Atlanta, Ga. The “ Excelsior Stove House.” A Special invitation to merchants and the puplic generally to examine "before purchasing the largest stuck of STOVES, RANGES, FURNACES HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Slate Stamped and plain tin ware. Japanned ware.Jwood and willow ware, gas fixtnreg and iron mantles, grates, rubber hose, wrought iron .pipe for steam, gas and This water. is Brass largest goods, and tteam varied whistles, stock that pi umbers, is materials warer closets'etc. th > roost kept in the South, and we mean to excell in Quantity, Quality and Price. Our stock of gas fixtures, mantels and Grates, is simply the laegest in the south. Gold bronzed and ebony chandeliers, In latest designs. W e are the STOVE EMPORIUM OF THE SOUTH. £ at reasonable prices. We are practical pi timbers and gas S-? tin and iron r< irs, manufacturers of w al vanize - iron cornice and eet irr n work, a its. > Steam pomps and Macks injectors. HUNT1CUTT & BELLINGRATH, 36& 38 PEACHTREE, GEO R. LOMARD & CO *> FoundrY AnD LaehinE AnD BoileR V/o> kS Near the Water Tower, 1014 to 1026 Fetwick St., atowsta, ctA., make ani> sell the best Sa w Mills,Grist Mills, Cane Mills, Plantation Machinery Engines and Boilers, Cotton Screws, Shaftings, Pulleys Hangers, Journal Boxes, Mill Gear ing, Gudgeons, Turbine Water Wheels, Gin , am Gearing, lar Saw-sand Judson's Glimmers Governors, and Files, Disston’s Belting Circu- an ' 1 --- rffW pMCT l-HnwffWflfcLw Babbitt Metal arid Brass Fitting Globe an< A Clieck Valves, Whistles. Guages. &c.,Iron and Brass Repairing Castings promptly and Gin done Ribs and at lowest Inj -ctors. prices. - viT! 5 i§f ' ? We cast e'-ery day both iron and brass, having ' greatly increased our capacity with the latest , improved tools. We are miming full time with 100 bands, which enable fill orders promptly at lowest prices. Give u s a trial before sending f) se* • Agents for Georgia and South Carolina f >r Korting's Univ r sal Injector, boiler feeder out. Wonts with one lever. Wjil work warm 01 ’old water lift water. Warranted to give satisfaction. Send for circulars efere y°“ g_g other. They better than 2 m are a pump. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL CHINA. DINNER AND TEA SETS, VASES. Mm rottery, ’Toilet Sets, 't FORKS, SPOONS, HALL and library LAMPS. The Cheapest Goods in the South at ...... McBride’s China Pala. ce ’ ATLANTA, GA. sh<^ Merchants remember tb*t th’ bought saving on from freight MeBr on Crockenr,^ ^ & Cases, Wood ware Tinwae, etc., McBRIDP