The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, December 21, 1883, Image 8
THE TWO HEARTS. S*d Romance ( oBiieflwl with the “ Little White Home” in Washington. Thft oi l Thompson mansion, known s> - the “Lilt l- White Home," situated at the jline: km of M and Twenty-first sold hirtets. Washing ion, has jafit wealth, been who t> nn E gSish gentleman of w 11 remodel and oecnpy it, says the Ccinnati Enquirer. The house is one of the most noted in Washington. It is built of brick, plastered on the White in¬ terior, and is a counterpart of tbe F'i ; o °, except that it is not so large. It lu„l its “ East room,” “ Blue room ” and "lied room,” and is very handsome and imposing. It has been the scene of many brilliant social events. Colonel James Thompson married a daughter of Colonel Burroughs, then ci aumander of the Marine corps. They re blessed with an only child, a .• lighter who was noted for her grace and beantv, as well as for her brilliancy f mind. She was married at an early ,• e to M. Hereout, a member of the French legation. They resided for some years at the old home with the parents of the beautiful child-wife, and were the center of a very brilliant social circle, their fetes and outdoor entertain¬ ments, given in the spacious and elegant grounds of the “ Little White House,” being the feature of society. Shortly after the marriage Hereout was ordered to South America, and he took with him when he went his wife. While there she died in child-birth. For some reason Mrs. Thompson, her mother, who still resided at the old mansion, w< ;dd not believe that her daughter was ■ ' ‘so!, hut became possessed of an idea tied her husband had placed her in time convent in South America that he might he free to pay his addresses to some dark-eyed beauty of the Spanish American court. in order to satisfy the mother of the truth of his assertions andthatlier child was not pining in the captivity of a South American convent, Hereout re¬ sorted to an expedient as horrible and novel as it was successful. He had the heart of his dead wife and that of her babe removed from their bodies, pre f; rved in spirits, and, after proper cer lif’fation by the Spanish authorities at the city where the death occurred, for¬ warded them to the parents without I • liminary notice. They arrived, and the package was opened in word the presence <> tire mother, without a of wa-n ii.g or even a sr. tpicion of its contents. f'he shock wa^so great that it unset ! [ her reason, and she was never her , elf again. She shut herself up in the greet house, and her cries and moans i- minded through its beautiful rooms, md at the night grounds, was oftt’n seen wandering about dressed sometimes only in her night-clothes, with dishev¬ eled hair, moaning and muttering her i/r: ws. The jar containing the hearts w.ri retained for a time, uml then placed v. bands of an undertaker, who kept it until placed Mrs. in Thompson's the death, when it was grave with her re i i'ins. To day a marble shaft in Oak il.ll cemetery, Washington, bearing two hearts, mother marks the all renting that this place lands of holds the fond and •; n the remains of her loved daughter. A Lover of the Chase. Once upon a time the Duke of Grafton —a man who loved tho chase dearly had assembled at his country residence a hunting party, mid of the number was a young curate who lmd thought, of asking I ; lordship for a certain living then about to become vacant, but lie liad not vet bad tho courage to do so. The morning for the setting forth of the first banting party arrived, and in due time they were on their way to the cover where tbe fox was to lie found. And it was soon found and started. The bounds were feet free and sped away, and away went the sportsmen, and of all in tho party not. one of them entered into tbe spirit of the spuri. with keener zest than dv.l our young curate. He bad found a capital mount- a horse that feared noth¬ ing—and mnu mid beast were well matched. The duke was riding in ad¬ vance of the curate, urging missed his horse his furiously, when the animal looting at a ditch, horse and rider both pitching ho in. !” shouted the curate, the “Ho! ids as duke lifted head. “Lie still, your Grace, and I’ll go enf ly over you.” And he did so. At a bound his horse cleared the ditch, (lying over the pros¬ trate nobleman and his floundering wind ani¬ mal, and away he went liko the after the hounds. The poor curate when his ardor had cooled and he came to re¬ lict upon what he had done, made up his mind that all hope ot preferment at the hands of the duke might be returned given up. But not so. IIis Grace with a whole skin, and almost his first exclamation on entering the castle was : “Where’s the curate V 1 waut him to have the very first good living that falls vacant within my domain. He goes to his work with ardor. What his hands have found to do he will do quickly. Zounds! reverend sir, if you had stopped and offered to help me out of that ditch—if you had left your sport to patronize me—I never would have helped ,vou, sir—never !” • FouId Not Expect Her To. Two ladies entered a Fort street car one day recently tuid took seats beside a lady weli known to one of them. She gave her friend an introduction, and directly this one remarked: •‘I think I saw you at the-Street Olmrch one Sunday, several weeks ago/’ “Yes.” “Tonseemed to be as much disgusted with the sermon as I was, for I saw’ you were terribly uneasy.” “Yus,” again. hear preacher “Did you ever a worse in all your “Well, perhaps.” did, ni:d I haven’t been there “ I never since. ” ' The conversation fhen rattled off on some other subject, a^l by and by the two ladies got off. “I wonder why she il. '.i’t agree with me about that preacher? queried the one who had blasted him. “Why, how could you expect her to? She’s that very minister’s wife V’—De¬ troit Free Press. ■ siii mu July!...... *T»tt I i aji ha. ...... * 2 3 ■; : t 2 3 4 cn i <i ?' 8 9; 10 n 12 ' b ~ H &1OJ1 K ’ai'ii 15 H* 17,18 19 13 14 15 Vi iTlh g to a n is a as 20 21 22 23 24 Feb. 27 28,28.30 A Abe. 27 2s 29 3*; 2! - ..........,.i i 2 .34 o< 6| 7 8 9 . 3: 4: 5 n. 7. fi. 9 ,10' 11*1213 M 1,5 V, 10 11 12 13 14 15 feVi? 17.13 19 % 21 22 23 17,18 19 20 21 22 Ear. 2? 25 20 27 28 24 25 2C 27 28 20 2 3* 4 5 6 7 h Sepi. ... "i IViwa: 9.B1U 18*39 12 13 14 IV 7 8 0 10 11 12 IS 17 20 21 22 14 1> lf> 77 lfi 25 24 27 "2*‘, 27 28,29 21 April . ., 3031 ......... Oct , 2a 29 30 ... ... 1 2 3 1 5 ... ...... 1 2 3 . r,‘ 7 ,Y If.10*1,1 2 Tr C 7 H- ft. V). 1314 15 I'J 17 18 19 12;i3 11:15 16 17 20 21 22 2.1 21 25 2. , 19 2L 21 22 23-24 S»| 27 2s : 29 30 ...... „ 26 27 28 1*430 31 ............ i 2 :: W. ’ 4 5 9 7: s 9 hi 2 3 4 > , 7 11 12. M '-! 1.7 9 10 11 12 13 M 18 i» 2« ‘ 31 22 23 24 16 17 1 * 19 20 21 % 27 28 29 30;31 23 24 2.5 26 27 June i *2 8 -i 7 Kr.... i 2 '3 ’4 "5 IYSU*: I) Hi !1 12 13 I I 7. 8 9 10 1M2 Ifi IT lb III 2U 21 14 15 16 17 18 19 : Men of Heuns. A wealthy young fellow w,. courting a girl of experience, and when he asked her to marry him slie was slow to ac¬ cept. “My darling." lie said, “you should have no fears. Don’t I tell you I love you devoutly, and life would be a blank without you ?” “Yes.” “And yon need have no alarm about our substantial comforts, for I am a man of means.” “That’s just what I don’t like. I've seen so many men. and heard ’em talk, that I want to carry a gun when I see one coming ’round. There are so many men of means, and so few given to ac¬ complishing what they mean, that a girl feels like voting for a prohibitory tariff and stopping the growth of the whole lot.” The bank account was shown, and he got the girl .—The Drummer. How He Doubled His Trade. -Vr. Bcnj. W. Pat; n, pharmacist Globe Village ; Mass, says that the miraculous pain cure, St. Jacob’s Oil, has greatly helped his other busine s, a d ibe sales of the remedy ha redoubled 'n one month. He keeps a large supply and .Iways on hand. OfH ers oi the Army bo Navy pronounce St. Jacob’s Oil to the gjeatest pain cure of the age. Sincerity is an openness of heart; ’tis found j « very few people, and that which we see commonly is not it, but a subtle dissimulation to sain the confidence of others.—Charron. Nelson An Lyon, Illlrir,linn of Albany, P.-itpnt N. Y., Suit. has recov¬ ered irdgrnent of 147.10. again t O. T. Fi-her iV Co,, in the i K. circuit court, at Ditroit, Fat Metallic Mich., for an itifringeinent This of contriv¬ Lyon’s nt Heel Stillcner. ance is on of the most useful of modern in¬ ventions, and has nehi veil a remarkable sale —over > 75P,Lv'0 worth, the testimony showed, having boon • old,- tola' nvthe j atent isos tr; d, bcing'a grand of :. s,00'l p-i;s. Tho invention con-'* ts of a mat «netf>.l ’ 'ate fa-t ening to the outside of a boot or shoo h I, an anped to prevent the counters from break¬ ing over and the L”el fro; . w Bringdown n cvenly. The att riKy-gcner.d of the United Slat;s declared informally tho Lyon in patent tin invalid licalion. oa acts unt 6! an api 1h:< was aftervar I enr eertby rdance the with com¬ missioner of patents,-in authorizhig ac ; it. Ac¬ a special act commenced o!' Congress in May, 1880, tion w.'S obtained December, a rer petual injunction was in and the ease was referred to a master, who reported the damacros as 831, but on mo¬ tion the court doubled tho same, and directed judgment, t > be entered against < I fen hints for such double damages, with interest and costa Virtue will catch as well as vice nv comacrc, and the public stock of honest, manly principle will dailv accumulate.--Burke. Indies’ A children’s Boots & Shoes ear not run over if Lyon’s l’ate.n t Haul Staffers are used. Bo praised not for your ancestors, but for vonr virtues.___ Mr J. E. Harvey 140 Bridge St., Brooklyne says: “1 have no more dread of inflammatory rheumatism since Dr. Elmore’s Rheumatine Goutaline brought Iasi me out of the terrible con¬ dition I was at year.” Disease comes in by hundred weights and oes out by ounces. on Thirty »*,*’ Trial. The Voltaic Belt Co. Marshall Mich., will send .Dr. Davis celebrated Electro Voltaic Belts and electric appliances on .rial for thirty, days, to men (young and old) who are vitality, afflicted and kindred with nervous de¬ bility, lost guaranteeing speedy and complete resto¬ ration of health and manly vigor. Ad¬ dress as above. N. B —No risk is incur¬ red, as thirty days’s trial is allowed. Fear not the threats of the great, but rather the tears of the poor. Fob dyspepsia, indigestion, depression their ot spirits and general preventive debility, against in fever various and forms; also as a ague and other intermittent fevers, the “Ferro —Phosphated Elixir of Calisaya,” made by Cas¬ all well, Hazard A Co.. New York, and sold by Druggists, is the best tonie; and for patients recovering front fever and other sickness, it has no equal. Men who arc perpetually engaged in -accumu¬ lating wealth, without ever allowing themselves time to enjoy it, arc liko hungry folks who are always cooking without sitting down to dine. Kcsctted from Ilentn. William J. Coughlin, of Somerville, Mass., say’s: In the fall of 1810 I was taken with bleeding of lungs followed by a severe cough. I lost tny appetite and flesh, and w’as con¬ fined to my bed. In 1STUI was admitted to the hospital. The doctors said I had a hole in my lung as big as a half dollar. At one time a report went around that I was dt a 1. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of Dr. Win. Hall’s Balsam for the Lungs. I got a bottle, when, to my’ surprise, I commenced to t eel better, and to-day’ I feel better than for three years i a t. 8o qTtickly soniatimcs has the lvlieel tnrii-.i round that many a man lias livi d to enjoy tho benefit of that charity which his own intny projected. —Sterno, The host and oldest medicine forcnreoT nvei diseases is Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator. 'There cannot tie a greater rudeness than to interrupt another in the current of his discourse. A child that wakes with croup should have a dose of l’iso’s Coro. The talent of turning men into ridicule, r d exposing to laughter those one converses with, is the qualification of little minds and ungen¬ erous »etnpers. A young man with this east of mind cuts himself oil from all manner of im¬ provement.—Addison. Nature. Dame Nature Is a groat teacher and physician and Oarboline. made from -^sure petroleum, is one of her grandest remedies for baldness. Dry it and von will use no other. ?_.1 z 5%. ..;:—.~~ _ :L ""ifzuw E, __ » 11—125 eggggsg: -- ~*:~"f _-””-5’ " :" ex”: _.._,‘ gags? 5.3"; .J a" : é 5 ;§; 7:; a 1i .3 ’i 55.5 «3: 31 figrh‘fiw‘g 514;: 22:3 ?“ 3:. 5: E Ti’g'i . i ' 4.. ~ : a j :i E; 1; .‘ : I 23%?72' §- mf“ -M‘ g w‘6: 3: L ; ._ 3; — $5: $9 g f ‘ ~— __7__ -- -_-»- ., ., , “’2‘ 1“ , :v-xfi-i‘fi‘fé“ 4 W As sb invigorsnt, Hostettsr’s Stom¬ ach Bitters has re¬ ceived the moot pes itive endorsement from emminent physicians, and has long occupied a «t foremost rank among standard remedies. proprietary Its ' proi-er ; ties as an alterative of ^ disordered conditions iof >be stomach, and liver ---- ■y and bowels, malarial a pre ventive of diseases are no less renowned. Bj¥ffR5 For sale by Drug¬ gists and Dealers to whom apply for Hostetter’s Alma¬ nac for 1884. NATIONAL SURGICAL INSTITUTE .fVM® ? ATLANTA, GEORGIA. For .he scientific treatment and correctioi of deformities of the human asd node? body. tbe All direction appli SR- s made to order, competent and experienced surgeons. Piles. proved methods. Send statement and receiv* 3 eciaJ reply. K, H. BOLAND. Sec’v ATooijis zJ^antcu Ucu AN OBOANIZED BUSINESS COMMUNIT? 25th YEAR. SEND FOP. CIRCULARS. ■ |_________ Can affoise Bo Cured! Consumption SR, m . HALL’S uisSMLSAl Ciii i'N C'uri6i)iii|)tioii, Ililllcultieit, Colds, Pnt?iiiiionia, liranruitw, .In lluonzti, llioi.rlitsil \\ Coii^i), lloaTNCiiCMti, Asthma, lilsftast'x * /oiip, ll»o Breutliing iioo^iiij* ami nil mid lieals oi dlembraiio Orj»iu»M. It soothes .poisoned the by the oi »sie iiihT iiillamed and n.nd disease, prevents chest the which ni«Ht sweats li^hlnesH across tl»e accompany it. t o:isiiim<tioti is not an incurable malady. HAMA* I.AI^SAdl will cure you, even liiun^Ii l.' olessional a»d lulls. TO SPECULATORS. R. UNDBLOffi & C0., N. G. MILLER &C0. 5 * 1 Chamlwjr of 66 Broadway, York. Commerce, Chicago. New CrItAIN & PROVISION BROKERS Members of all prominent Produ ce Exchaugoa in »ew York, Chicago, St. Louis and Milwaukee. vW. have exclusive private Will telegraph orders wire between»>m- j .d« cojio ur.rt New York. execute on our went when requested.\ tv lid for circulars cont iming partied rs*. ROBT. LINDBLOM A CO., Chicago. AGENTS WAITED tins- IHachinc ever invented. Willknn a pair of stuck }rini?T»nufv 11 Ki!i I TTiSH rostox, ' co.. iosthkmoststreet, MAh--. corn F, Vv H i r. y' - IIOW CAN I EARN MONEY? ft WOrflftN’S QUESTION ANSWERED by Ella It odumi Vlinrcb, Author of “ Mon y Making for Ladies, '• in « article ser es ot in suggeit. ve and practical 8 ARTHUR’S HOME MAGAZINE. Kilt r.T'ARTHUR S0N; Ph!»adlTph U ' & .a,Pa DR. DICK.EYLS Pam less Eye Water Remedy in the world for granulated lids. Price aIg ceuw a ^ oitlo. JT. Ask for UH it. IvKV, Have no Proprietor, other. *> ft. A. Ti Bkistou ns. TRADE* PATENTSsii .11.«it ill.**. UKElk ir. Sen:! 2 J> escribe r cent ion. Stamps for 4 Jr. >r Pate/itft. IllXGHAM, l\i*. I'liryer, 1).C. GOOD NEWS TO cram LADIES! nirr^' •—iwr—TT* ft Cl rent of t indneemorts ever of¬ fered. Now’s your i m • to get up orders for onr celelr tdd Teas m-im* and «:;nd secure abemti lul t J.-ild Band o~ M.tss Rose Chi' » Ten S?t, < r IL<i we i)ec< r it* iv/: ... Toilet . . St?r. Dinner F. full Set, particulars or liold Band add Mo * as ted r Till: tiKEAT A3!. VA it 'AN TEA CO., P. O. Box 239. >1 and 33 V esey St., Nevy York. h» r, EtomK*. Maddw and blooi 'ly c discovered iw asss, and for only real and rarative chronic eral sent* j l«sa forms oases of rheumatic Bnght*s disesse disordcnum and dyspepwa 23 weeks—rMievsa In 3 wt>ek»—ali 2 to Intlanimr-tory tie people cured in 1 who day. bad Can tried refer in vain to hundreds ererythini; of r»li*> botanic, else. Pnrtily druggist It; harmless, ii tleclints and nice send to drink. for Afik it—tat* you? to he to as s- . ;hixi 4 ; Kimore, Adams Ji Co., 1A Wllliam8k.. N. Y FREE FIDE! west of f hnott Lake (? ^| \\ ichita Falls, the county scat, \ Population, 1.500. P^ice. $46,500; $*.'0, »{U AvJ C H c) Ibirchaser r.-rsh, balance, easy payments io? i gets rebate of R R.fareas fci f /Wire \1 ‘chaser. with titles Best direct bank from reference, State to pur- and | - ■■ jrvtaouon given. J.S.Cabb & Co„ 131 Vine St, Cin’ti.O. THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOB PAIN. Relieves and cures ItllUUHATISH, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, HAIHAI'IIE, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, SORE THROAT. quinsy swellings, SPRAINS, Soreness, Cuts. Bruises, FROSTBITES, BURNS, SCALDS, And allotber bodily aches and pains. FiFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. Directions in II languages. 17 The Charles A. Vogeler Co. (,8uooe»*»rt to A. VOGELER A CC ) Hnltisnore, 3ld M C: S. J MUSTANG Survival of the Fittest. A PAMItr H8MCIX2 THAT HAS EUA1ED BILLIONS DLUINO S5 TEAKS I ilHffllSTfflllHTJ A BALM FOR EVERY WOUND OF MAN AND BEAST! THEOLGEST&BEST LINIMENT EVER HADE IN AMERICA SALES LAP-GEE THAN E7EE. The Mexican Mustang Liniment has been known tor more than thirty-five years as the best ot' all Liniments, for Man and Beast. Its sales to when day are larger than oyer. It cures all; others fail, and penetrates bone, sain, teivL on and muscle, to the very S< old everywhere. fin. Aleirtr H. Stem IS DEAD, but his HISTORY OF TBE TSITED STATES WILL LIVE FOREVER. For terms and territory for tho sal e of N. this D. w* MCDONALD rk, apply to * GO., Publishers, P. O. Box 2900, New Orleans, La. CONSUMPTION. 3 have a positive remedy for the above disease; thousands of of tho worst kind and of by long its nse cases etanding have been cured. 1 11 deed, so strong is my faith In Its efficacy, that l will send TWO BOTTLES FRJEE, to¬ gether with ii VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease, to fiuy iuITerer. Give Expru-s and 1*. O. address. DR. T. A. fcLOCUM, 181 Tear! St., New York. a When GtlRBi I do FITS! and say cur have ; 1 them n-.r mean tncreiy to stop tnem radi¬ lor ati time ti. :s return again, I mean a cal cal cure, i b riD -io the Ui.-v«ao of KIT.?, EPILEPSY or FALLING alCKs&SSii life long fil tidy, i warrant ruy failed remedy to ciro too worst cases liecausa other? have Is no reason for m.-t now roc* iving r. cure. .Scn-d at onco for a treatise and a Free Lottie of my infallible remedy. Givo Bxprei < a d P 1 Office. E 1 uothing fi r a trial, T=r. IT m.d d I will HOOT, cure you. vl Address ’c-p c> _ Vow York. Thousands Hastened ti> Tlieir (.raves. Relying on t 6 ,ti«omals written in vivid glowing language of some mnaculous careF made by some largely puffed up doctor oi their graves, bel .e -U ' in Ineir almost m sane faith that the same miracle will be performed cn them, and that these testi monials make the cures, while the so-callee medicine is ail the lime hastening them U their graves. We have avoided publishing testimonials, as they do not make the cnro3, although we have TUOU 'ANDO UPON THOUSANDS of :hem, of the most wonderful cures, vol unt .rily sent us. It is our medicine, Hoi Uitfot* that ma’ es tho cures. It has nevei failed and never can. We will givo refer to any or.e for any disease similar tc thoirowu if desired, or will neighborhood refer to an} neighbor, as there is not a in the known world but can show its cure3 bj I top Bitters. A IrOSINQ JOKE, }4op° Betters !” TLe lady took’it she obtained in earnest and used the Bitter-, from which permanent health. She now lautrhs at the doctor for his joka, bat he is not so well pleased with it, as it C 06 t hira a good patient. FE*I OV DOCTOBS. The fee of doctors is an item that verj many persons are interested in. We believt the schedule tor visits is $ i.00, which would tax a man confined to his bed for a year, and in need of a da ly visit, over £1,000 a yeai for medical attendance alo e ! And one single bottle of Hop Bitters taken in time would save the $1,000 and all tha year’s sickness. A IiADT'S WISH. “Oh how I do wish my skin was as clear and soft at yours ”said a lady to tat-r friend. “You can er.silj make’it so,” lady. answered “By using the friend. Hop Bitters; ‘ ‘ How that ?” iuqune«j makes the first blood and blooming health. It did pure, rich lor um, as you obserre.” GIVEN DP EX THE DOCTOBS. “ Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey remedy is up ana ?” at work, and cured by so simple a entirely “ I assure you it is true that ho is cured, and with nothing but Hop Bitters, and only ten day3 ago his doctors gave him up and said ho must die from Kidney and Liver trouble LADIES 7 ^Alrdcr Bridal Tresents, Jewelry, Silverw are, 4e. J. P. STEVENS & CO., rirwBLSBs, Send for Catalotme. ATLANTA. GA. IHE ABSOLUTELY BEST. WILSONS SEWER'! LIGHTNING B. Atrenf. Wanted. THE WILSON SEW¬ ING MACHINE CO., Chlcasn «!' New Vori. rw m '.i CliSSS VV/IE8E All US' fAltS. fed Best UsoinUh’.e. Cough Syrup. Sold by Tastra dm/ygists. good, k'y j REY N OL DS’ Bill Iron Worlta, D. A. Mulane, Manager, Ta. i|!i P. O. Box 1690, New Orleans, M*n u acturer^of of R ynolds* Eif Celebrated a Steam, En Hand and Horse Power, steam I PI riues. rmes, Sugar Sugar Mills, Mills, and and Meng’s Meng’s Patent Pa Dredgeboa' Work, Building Fronts, Fronts SSM n Columns, Railings, Blacksmithing and Macbmc^ Woj^ RS a SOLICITED. SOLICITED. W. A STOiS'tlKS? P. O. llux S U. G., d p^ e « stating experience, Atlanta, Gx. gl^ggga $5 ■"IBS K. - B tor Circulars to H. COLE M AN & CO. - P|||rPS — Ciftem Pumps, Wind and Mill Pumps, Tube \V'>!1 Pumps, til * rheavrs*. B a r best For-.- r m • ; n th” world. Fend for catalogue, r ’ieid ? Force Pump Co., Lock port, N.Y. o ■Ex A A copy of Bijou edition of i sine ve LABI IUI. EOOK Send 5c. stamp to Publisher. Box I T. I1 M i*fi1 I«.tlefpbis>.» Pa* A. N. u... T...... , ...........Fi fty - one ’S3. OPIUM AND WHiSKEY HABITS CURED IN THREE WEEKS. For Pamphlet*, Proofs and Term*, tdd sta “ p - It. E2S urn CESSES' ■n AJamJIw vsumd es & a Corner Commerce and Warehouse Sts. CONYERS q.^ B -HEADQUARTERS for all kinds of_ General Merchandise at Bottom Prices. t@*We sell the NEW T7<'ME Pewin® Ma-.i A,bus[^ 1 s „ , . , °* wse«»> m.chise P Headouarters pul' oi ...M ocnool 1 Commissioners E/>oks alcpied of this by county. the Boar Oarrsago anuiactorv 1 BY-— ® W L.ANGFOBD, Garriages Wagons, Bugies, MY own make. ALL WAITED TO BE FIRST OLASS IN P£VEY Ca?ri / P&RTirui BuJ Ikeep also a GOOD LINE of Western a e s and d gies winch I sell LOW DOWN. J 1 Repairing of Carriages, Wigons and Bngg es, and T-;— 1 ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE REPAIRED AS GOOD AS S&STI have now on hand the largest and best, stock of waggons, of mv owl make, bugies homemade ana of western build that I have ever carried you want bargains you had better call. All who owe me for work are earl nestly request to These come forward and settle promptly. I need ihe money and must have it. who do not pay promptly will be given but short time. So you will please settle promptly. It should be rememberd that My establishment is HEADQUARTERS COFFINS and CASKEife oi all UNDERTAKERS grades and and iSSOS sizes, COFFIN HARDVV L in fact everything tha is kept in a first class Undertaker. S^rCOFFINS DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN CITY OR COUNTY Most Respectful!' J.' W. LAN Sr ORD, iiw ir fi ■S.-y to :■ - ‘V : n kj5,..„. a ^ • « ' ■■ - ASTEE @fifiafiflg flfi/‘AA’ 3 5! 9 —-THE MOST POPULAll.——-——— -m W393 wmwog Wholsea’e S >utnern Depot for B3TEY ORG-AIJR. Steiiiway W bir, Decker Brothers and Gate City PIAK’Oa. —DEPOT OF— --UCPORTERS DIRECT FROM LTROl’E OF—-— Violins, Gu Lus, Harmonicas STRINGS, AND ALL KINDS ' OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, BST’Nobody can underbuy us. Nobody can undersell us. Estey Organ Company Atlanta G'a W.H. LEE. Agent. JOHN NEAL AND COB-PANY, -WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN I'llIIf til >1 NOS. 7 ad 9 SOUTH BROAD STREET ATLANTA, GA Special inducements offered to DEALERS and others in all grades of Fg , .“* niture. A share of the patronage of Rockdale and adjoining counties ermst y solicited. Be sure and give us a trial before making your purchases. ^ THE OLD RELIBLE FIRAMOF j General Merchandise Ete, R AILKO.vD BLOCK GEORGIA CONYERS, Having been established for 18 yea vs. and carrying sell one ot ’ e r .'A, J smallest and most complete slocks in the coutry, we can goo s any, end we guarantee satisfaction. When you want DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND CLOTHING 9 Call on J. H. ALMAND & SON. PPiPi?5i;*Sl m jessm. iini I *"' m ggMBB weawIgaffin IPliiSlt : SrT^H - V -■. H jjf WpHpH : Y' {E‘he Largast Organ Factory in m*1’rmiuct 7, EUfiQPE Una. OR AMERICA! «m —- ‘every ten mxuutes.