The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, March 14, 1884, Image 3
CON VERS WEEKLY. —— ——-r :|TER OFDISMISSION. Georgia Pnr'kdale L County f < , T 0 W. B. lvcag' . n atl f „ J adtniristrators of J b petition <•>".' 1 J’ ea ri n fullv^’TWv^ r Yu tii' i t ,t to cite s s T and credi concern* , ,irs » t j ,y can C9««« 1 “ H i,ow should itW* d 1 j5«, Lei Monday tel, of in IMsmis- June, lte first aSEAMANS, is Ordinary. SALE „ [jjjSTRAl'OR’k MARCH, 1884. f an order of the Csurt ^'oklW vi|tiIfi ,0 of Rockdale county, befdre public outcry the C (Y Courthouse within door the in legal f Conyers first Tuesday vn J° of sale on the and lot xt 1884, one house a nd lot being in the town house House contains five Conyers. acre of land, foot L buiMUig, of water good in the garden yard wnd on well F. H. Bryans, by Glade street and on the h Ja W. Clemmons, bold as h M. G. Petty, de nroporty l of Mr for the purpose ot distribution cr\heheirs and creditors. Terms n This Jan. 3(ftti, 1884. le cask JACOBUS PETTY, Administrator. ie sill give to the subscribers of piper a fine buggy free, We bare a drawing at the eud of the Ld some body will get this pa¬ wl fine buggy for £1.25. flwmm~ Mm Q? @9635? @(IBVZEQ ~M , WWW - ~ASW L“ A "t: ‘ 3 ‘ A 1‘43 (“x x 1:5 «:- @EE til m J A . . .- - (Q. g. . . . ., A ‘ _ .‘-«v-.«- H” ‘-, 17 3:“ f I ‘»;:_.i,.! x??,iu . . r , _' g: , a .r v IE. ‘e '- .zn Tag; L w ;_ .- ‘ . A - . .- v: , 13.; ‘A ‘va‘V-x ‘52:??? , mvy. .‘ . , m ~,,' , V i :‘ .‘ -A .’ ,x‘: :. ""3?" 9;. 1:..»/_. , 4 ‘ . v 3 , 5‘ "K v“ 4 ‘ ’ 2‘ '. “.3 '-‘ -: " V‘,‘ '7‘: .z‘ W "’4' .v H ‘ I '.»'-’ mr‘kr M‘i.‘ H, , .15 V ' .‘x _" ’41»: Agni“: . nu. ‘_- ,7 ‘ ¥. v, ., “.3.” y. 1,,_ , ,, .. i-V‘ ' .' _ .1 Jr 5 , ._ Riga“ «gag 3‘1. -i i'g’fi‘g; L '3” ' g. .5“ .:j . ' ,A I ,'. J1 {5b .rfi: :3“ " 51";“9” ' ' F « J ‘; ‘1" v " L: .1 ..‘,_ ‘ ;;.,t»;.».q_« ‘. ram“ flux! 3 "7 , . ‘.,l ,sL-W n: v ‘ ' , -..; r ’a ”-61". - u.‘ :‘1' \z v?’ "1 -. A v, . . , ,. _ ' ‘. . v, _ ’7‘” m; ._<‘ k .— « , . ‘ ‘ ~I '“ ‘ *, , 71““ “.1. .~4., _ , . _ . , 't,",".‘ , -, fl! _ , _ ,_1'. . .» , y. ,- ,‘ a ,i .- >35” '9', ’ ‘ v w «.2 " A ’.‘ >wxv’ . ' v ;~, 3. . . h . “:3. ; a .~‘_p: _. , ._ - . , _ ‘ i,’ A ^ H) 2 OO H’ill ?e t t vlr ’ •^Unta weekly G0NSTISlJT10N Tr 1 HECON^YERS and WEEKLY, or >e whole year! , ^ Hill si ,00 ttl Wce‘ en 56nt b T ^ail 11,25 will !>e the T « E WEEKLY, Address, Conyers, Ga. NOTICE, Georgia, Rockdale County; j Whereas, G M Jones, a resident of ! this State * h * vin « ■»<*«• application to be appointed guardian <f the property of j | Bulah Manu, a minor child of Moses Mann> dec ftMf) person joncern hereby notified that if no good cause is shown s.t my office on or before th « Monday in February next, the n rder will pass, appointing G. M. Jones, Guardian of the property of Bulah Mann upon him giving bond and security, and ..tins us a oath of office Tnis Jan. 3 rd, 1884 . 0. &iwwAwa, Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISCHARGE. State of Georgia, Rockdale County : Whereas, J. T, Adair, administrator of the estate of J. G. Kirkpatrick, deceased, represent*! to the public in his petition duly filed that he has fully administered j, q. Kirkpatrick ’8 estate, This is f ore> to cite all persons eoncerned heirs an( j cre Jitors to show cause if any they can why J. T. Adair, should not be dis c h ar g e( j f rom his administration a«d re¬ Letters of Dismission on the first Mondav / in Aprili l3S4 Dac> 2ut lg g s Dec 37 .0. seamans, Ordinary. Letters of Dismission « State of Georgia Rockdal county. Where a* D. M Pa ker sdwiiistrator of Nathaniel Regers repiaaenti-d to the court in bin petition tduy wad entered on Record that he haajt folly administered Nathaniel TGgei'8 IE«tet«. This is therefore to cite all personsjooneornsd heirs suad creditors of show cause if aay th y oaa why imid administrator should not he discharged from his administration and receive Letters of disraisnion on the first M ondaj in M»rch 1884. Deo 3; 1885. 0 .Sen* ant. ordinary SOUTH'RN SANITARIUM THIS INSTITUTION, farmely known as the Atlanta Hralth I»stiliHe “Water Cure,” is universally acknowl¬ edged to he the most complete and thoroughly rational arid scientific es tahfishinent 'or the treatment ot the sick in the southern stateR, The fol¬ lowing area few of the rnanv remedial agencies employed in addition te the usual approved remedies: The celebrated Moiiere-Thermo Elecrtie Balk, Imuroved Turkish,Full h'lectric Russian Roman, Electro-Vapor, and some twenty different kind# of ELECTRIC WATER BATHS. ALSO Swedish Movement by aia chiuery, and rnauua operation by trained manipulators, Massage treats ment, etc., etc. Special attention given to the tareotment of Diseases parculiar Nens to Invalid Ladies* also Dyspepsia, the talgia, Rheuinatisiu, Diseases of Kidneys.Liverand Bowels, Eyo, Ear. Nose, Throat and Lungs Choruiw diseases arc r adily and permanently Aodress cured at this institution. U.O. ROBERTSON. M.I). 184 YlcDoaough street, Atlnata. .READ AND CONSIDER. There are yet a larga nnaiber «f my o'd customers who have not paid up there blacksmith account Now I hava waited eng and patiently f*r you to make settle ments but have waited in vain yon have ruv tabor and material and refnse or neg¬ lect to pay for them. I cannot wait al¬ ways and give warning to all to come for ward at once and m»ke settlement and save trouble and further delay. I meed mosefy »nd must have it. Your friend. W. V. Altnand. SPECIAL NOTICE. This is to give notice to the public generily that I have opened in connec lion with nav blacksmith shop a wood shop department where I am prepared to do all kinds of buggy, wagon&carrage work and all general reparing at price as low as anyone and in good style. I solicit, the patronage fo my friends and the public generally. Respectfully, W. V. Almand' LETTERS OF DISCHARGE. State ef Georgia, Rockdale County: WhereasJ. M.Qcertain reton, guardian of Denard, having made applica tion to the Court of Ordinary for a dis - charg * frora bis g ' iardianBfeip of Ft inn M. Denard, this is, therefore, to cite . all n netsons cccoeraed to show cause why the said J. M. Overton should not be dis charged from his guardianship of Fannie M. Dencrd and receive the usual letters of ditmission on the first Mondaj in ^G^eTunder my haHdhad official 11 octT’jm °° O. SEAMANS, Ord-in’y. Stewart’s A. Q. 0 A Specific For The Blood. ran Purely Vegetable. Prepared From Vegetables that Grow in Georgia and Used for Years by Dr. J. A. Stewart and is beyond any donbt The Best Blood Purifier That Is Now Used. Cures all skin aff.ctions bv curing 'be blood, ami beautifies the skin, giving to ii new life and a smoothness no other medicine will that 1 have ever used. i We will guarantee a cure in every ca B0) if directions are followed. It improves the blood; hence all diseases that have their origin in ihe blood are improved and cured. The best remedy for SGRGSroS.A, ©SKIHQ-’S ETTIt., TOS1 8W83MUES&, ULCERS CHRONIC RHEUMATISM Old Sores Eczema Mercurial Diseases SURE PREYENTALIVE (>F DIPHTHERIA . A gre^t many of the above named diseases have boom cured by ihe use of tins blood F unifier. STEWART & GO., superintended by Dr. J A. oxli. ^ WART, JggjJf* Manufactured at Conyeis, ®a., by who has devoted thirty yews o* lira life to the praetioe of medioine at this place. Send your orders to STEWART, DR. M. R. Sraratar-y Stevstart & CV, ^vonjrea®, Ga, Pat up in two sizae—24 Ganco Betties, 12 Ounce BeU^ «» Oeuts. Liberal dedaetioas will be made to wholesale sUndera. Sand hi your orders at onee. [Note.—W e have changed our Trade Mark trem R. S. to A. Q. O^^the Svvifi Go. ©hjecUng to S. S,, and hreateuing suit for infringement on their Trade Muk »d S. 8. S."] U. F. HARPER and BRO, — DEALERS IN— DECATUR STREET, CONYERS, GA. Keep ahvny 8 ~on £hand a full and complete assortment of the very best notions, hats, hardware, crockery, meat, floor etc. SUGAR, COFFEE, CONFECTIONERIES,SPICES,CANNES G08SS SUCH AS TOMATOES, MACKEREL, CONDENSED MILK, SAR¬ DINES, &C. SAUCES, PICKLE8, MUSTARDS And in fact everything kept in Tfris Market ana other WE BUY FOR THE CASH And are »bla and prepared to sefi goods as cheap as anybody and we guarantee t« give satisfaction. We want all te call and give ua a trial. We pay the highest prices for all country produce. We k**p the best tadea of Tobaccos, Cigars and Cigarettes, We make a specialty of the LUCY HINTON Tobaoo All goods delivered free in the City. RESPECTFULLY. U.F.HVRPER BRO. ~~~~-rrrrrrvr~r?r?rtr'.rrrr?r?.. « -Vr. r~ ..'r.x-. ~ .was* fP- ■* 2* H H w O H ) —Dealers In— All Kind of General Merchandise (At J. E. Maddox’s old Stand, Centre Sr., Conyers, Ga.) new and well assorted Stock Glassware Sund Crockery, U Ac. We invite all of our friends and tin public generally to fee We buy our goods for SPOT CASH and can sell a* cheap as We want your barter and will pay the very highest pric«6 for the same »ny one. We are going to keep mmw I09SI And going to sell them low, so when you want anything in the way of we are AT J Jj. \ XI> Ik X_> l a call and we wUUuaranteesatDfactmn. Remember the place, J. E. Pals, Poor, Puny, and Pallid. Considering all the ills that attack li itle children, it is a wonder that any of the poor little youngsters live to grew up. children who truly There are are almost objects of pity. They seem thin and bloodless. Their cheeks are pinched; their eyes are hollow; and their skin is tighdy drawn over their foreheads. There is nothing hearty about them. They do not enjoy their lives. They are suffering from the debility that leads to marasmus. Pool 'Kings! good deed for the pale, poor, Do a pallid mother puny, child. Hand its a bottle of Brown's iron Bitters , Here in life even for the most deli¬ cate, the most debilitated; for the child almost given up for dead. Iron in the blood is what the child needs, to bring it up. The little digestive pale apparatus will recover. The cheeks will fill out. The weary groan of the child will be exchangee glad for the merry prattle of infantile ness Your druggist will tell you what wonders Brou n's Iron Bitten has done for very sick children, it A. P. TRIPOD, 13 B&oad Stkkut ATLANTA. GA. Atists and Painter's Material, French a«d American Window Glass etc. —Agents For— Averill Mixed Paiet Company. Also Agents Far THr SILICATS PAINT COMPANY. Petrify Liquid, a sure remedv for dasap walls, recommended by the Internation¬ al Aealth Congress and Saaitary Insti¬ tute of Great Brittain. Mai. M. Jordan 1 Fred B. Pope, Formerly SiblyJJYJ. Washington, Ga. JORDAN & POPE, C otton Factors AND Com Merchants Augusta Georgia, f@F"8pe©ial .'attention given 'o weight*. Quick sales: prempt retarns. W# refer by permission to Mr. Z. McCord, Presi¬ dent the National bank, Mr. T- W- Os ery Giesident Plasters Loan and Sav iags bank, AngnstA, Oa. Messrs. John M. (Talks’ Sens. When you want nice family gro¬ ceries of any kind, such as nice meate 4 canned goods, cabbages, cheese, crack ¬ er?, pickles-—in fact anything in thii in°, (tall on Harper & Bio.