Newspaper Page Text
rgam city OF COJtrr»9.
FICT' L 0 kockoal* county
VE !t Publisher.
’.V. 5 il A »
iber every one who sub¬
p-Keipeu and pays tle cash $1 25 fo r
lit* an d entitled to a draw
WssKi-f will be
bossy which is to ba given
llir fine
it with this paper
NTED-1,00° hens at T. E.
■ A
loti’s next week.
13 now time ta quit swapping
L [le nod go to work
finest lot of Damasb goods in
[city ' at D. N. Hudson’s. attending
j fi. Bryans is
te Superior court this week.
| Iarc h is taking this it out time. in raining
tend of blowing
p bc days and nights wil. be equal
,he 20 th.
Peach f ees and spiing dudes are
[inning Ulon to hloom
Superior Ourt is in ses
this week. Our bar attended
by fully. T. Al¬
\'e regret io see Mr. W.
nd on crutcht-s this week. Ho is
[ering with rheumatism.
)ur town is yet pretty full of
isles. They liavc thinned out our
ools considerably.
j r Robert Ethridge is one of the
. the road,
iUnmmercial men business. on
l does a good
Ilenrj McCord has one of the pret
It lithe thoroughbred colts in the
July. It is a real beauty.
Leroncr Oats has swapped off his
fee for a blind mule. Uncle George
lie boss swapper now,
e were pleased to see Mr. W, E.
Ldwellof Lr Atlanta in town the
day. He s looking fine.
riere are at least 200 cases of
faM'h in this county, We have
i'tr so much of it.
BTe la lies will find 8| ecial attrac
Ens Jngs in dress goods, laCfS, trim
pockets, satchels, hoisery, &c.,
fliiidson lias received many of his
king goods, and is Call offering and great him.
rgaiuB for cash. see
[Tlie salary of Rsv. J. M. Briitain
Is been raised here, and at Coving
|j], and be will not go to Missippi.
Hudson’s lin of Spring clothing is
ie prettiest to be found. Call and
It an elegant new suit low down.
IDr. J. H. Seamans has returned
K.n a protracted trip to Madison
[Mayor jeiiisti Helms is one of the best
in the State. He improves
[lie grows older.
Head the co partnership notice of
fssrs. Sharp & Longshore in this
Mrs. VV. II. Simpluns, of Ilarmo
Giove, is here on a visit to rela
r«8. We wish her a plea-ant stay.
To!. C. T. Zachry, of Henry, was
town this week, and is in fine trim
r the Senatorial lace.
Join planting will he delated sev
al days on aevoun 1 of the immense
nouut of wet weather.
he are plased to see Dr. R. A
[ 1 ; es, of Monlieella, in town this
Anderson is a clever dentist
id a clever gentleman.
Lr. J. P. Rosser tore up 311
d pin cushion this week and found
erein 2 pins, 103 needles of various
N and a band box fu l of wood,
hifi The DeKalb News will issue a
I? e txiraedition about the 1 st of
riL ThcNcws, Th N already 11 a good H
rp, Is lncrea-Hig in want and k op
py Nefiud every week.
that our people are very
irh in 10 f faT ° r ° e f TT H ° n J T ° Un I T» D c S
- * -
Mart for Congress, Judge Stew*
1 would make a good Congress'mau.
Charlie Hudson is one of the nicest
T' s >u the towu. When you want
Du y aoods right, give Charles a
1 1 > J J- M. White looks younger
l^ndsomer than he did 5 years
°’ he live for many years
T. ' er e are at a distance quite a
tClJ?r °f our subscribers who ar*
hd wi r c their subscriptions. We
Ulfcm o kindly remit as We are
the amount very much.
Mr. w. J. Green, of C.A-ingtcn
fai ! ed ill business for several thousand
dollars this week. W« ho,.e Billie
will come out a 1 right, for he is a
nice elever boy and a good business
Covington young Indies use Tom
walkers, and play leap frog. This
tuny be refinement in a large city
like Covington, but iti small piaoes
iixe Augusta and Atlanta, it is con¬
sidered redieulous.
Our merchants should now give
in there spring advertisements.
Let the people know that you have
nice new goods; are selling them
cheap and you will be sure to sell.
Hudson has built up a tremendous
sho trade, llow I by selling the
Yeiy best grades of shoes on
We learn that there was quite a
pleasent sociable at the residence
of Mr. John D. Maddox on Monday
night last. (
Mr. J. H. Bryan^ got over 100
subscribers for tbe Georgia Farmer
one day this week this is one of the
best little agucnltural journale in
the State and should go to every
The oat crop will not be very good
in this section. Jutting from pre
sent appearances, Many of the
spring so wing was killed.
Justice Richardson, of this coun¬
ty, is said to bejudicirlly speaking,
tlie exact image of Chief Justice War¬
ner. In fact he wears the eobriqueb
of Chief J ustiee Warner.
Our merchan-s are getting in *ew
Spring goods. Our people should
do well to watch the advertising col
ums of the Weekly.
The mind depends for its health
very largely on bodily conditions.
The gloomy fears, the desponding
views, tiie weariness of soul that
many complain of, would often dis¬
appear were the blood made pure
and healthy before reaching the
delicate vessels of thebrein. Ayers
iSarsapariila durifies and vitaliaer
the blood: and thus conduces to
health of body and sanity of mind.
Ever since this gentleman has
been in bus ness, lie has paid espe¬
cial attention to the shoe trade, al¬
ways keeping the very best grades
and a full and com pit-to stock. He
has received for hi3 Spring trade,
(and is receiving rrore every day as
it is almost impossible to keep his
st»ek complete,) the finest and best
assorted stock ever seen in this place.
There is no use in going to Atlanta
or anywhere else to buy, better goods,
styles or pi ices, He has shoes tor
ladies, men, boys and children ; the
best and the cheapest.
aMManrMHaaa nwi | aaa»**
It is with much pain we chronicle
tl e death of Mrs. S. W. Jones, of
Milincr, Ga., daughter of Mr. 1. H.
Hardin of this county. She was en¬
tered in our cemetery here on last
Monday, followed to the grave by a
host of sorrowing friends and rela¬
tives. She leaves a husband and six
children, the twin babies being only
about ten days old, and many rela¬
tives to mouin tier death. She was
a fond wife and a devoted mother,
a most excellent lady, a true Mend,
and by her death a void is left that
can never be filled. Requiescat en
Liberty Chapel Dots.
It has been mining two or three days which
has done considerable damage to the land, and
the furmers are getting badly behind with
^Freeman’scrowd went out rabbit ill 12 hunting la.
the other evening and brought or
“vir-g ^ 1 Cl'otfeHe^hs^been seriously improving HI for the
[a weeki bllt we learn that she is
Wc hop( , t o hear of her recovery soon.
-some of our farmers sowed oats twice and
I afraid that they will have to sow the
third time to get their seed.
A certain gentleman toldmethe other day
that the wind blowed his fence down half a
dozen times since Christmas- We adv.sethe
gentleman to adopt the stoca law, as t..e
f- has adopted it. All intelligent old country people like this ap
prove it, especially In an
where the timber is scarce.
has commenced to putting in
Our farmers
guano (or distributing.)
C. Hardin moved to Covington last
Mr. A.
Monday. will meet at J. A. Par
The Musical Society
ker’s next Sunday night.
heard no objection to a Sf C0 n ' 1t ^J n
I have H. . D. Ac
for our present efficient Governor, *
Daniel, in this vicinity.
The Martins have made their appearance,
We had the pleasure of meeting an
traveler a few days ago. 1 ’^ P '
sow of ha .ountry, Which y h
to give to «e a history
1 "Uh pleasure, he sai.1 that their was a
' arlet> Of water, some hot enough to cook an
™*'T* 0 ”Mr.S. ? T' thoym^keon *’
call for. says anaverw
a bale of cotton per acre, 40^^50 bushels of
guano, he”said th^ did not, he said the'peoplo
did not know what the word fertilizer meant,
do you have good health, no we are sick all
the time. I am willing* to try the empire state
of the South a while longer.
^ Br. m Tain:ago, Bill Arp, Betsey Hamilton,
Uncle Remus’ articles in this week s Atlanta
Constitution are right interesting. Although
I have heard as good a sermon as Dr. Tal
mage’s delivered by poor men. Distinguished
men’s sermon’s are talked of. If their isn’t
any logic or truth in it. Why, the “Rockdale
Boy” is as good a correspondent as Bill Arp,
and you don't hear the people talking about
his writings. People don’t look at things right.
J. F. Piper says I god I am going to preach'
ing so I can get chicken to eat. I think Mr.
Piper's chicken will be scarce. If the people
treats him like he treats the preachers.
I saw a large gaag of Wild Gaeao this morn
ing flying over. I guess winter is broke,
W e had quite a rain storm, thunder and light
ning, electricity, last Wednesday morning.
Our tall boy is perusing King’s work.
Mr. J. B. Grahnm is busily engaged in dig'
ging up stumps (or extracting), in his planta
tion. Mr. Graham understands business (ex¬
pert,) don’t you forget that boys.
On The Wing.
Miss Mattie Smith, one of the pret¬
tiest young ladies of Buford, Ga., is
visiting the f-amily of our clever
townsman, Mr. A. J. Pierce.
Misses Ora and Cora Bardge, of
w, Ben TT-n Hill, Ga., m returned , home on , last .
Saturday. They have been taking
music lessons under Miss Alice Lee.
LOSCO Johnson savs if somebody
don’t come back soon, he will go
Rockdale Boy has got a broken
finger; old friend, you had better
keep away from Stone Mountain, or
somebody will lose a jack—ss.
The sociable at Miss Hope Thrash¬
er’s last Monday night was an en¬
joyable affair, and especially the ta¬
ble walking.
Clever Mr. Russ Smith and fami
]y of Lithonia, visited Conyers last
Don’t fail to call on Messrs. A.
Davis and Losco Johnson, when you
want to send for first class visiting
Rockdale Boy says Aithur Sharp
is crazy. Well, Arthur says Rock¬
dale Boy said he was going out there
on Sunday, but just to let the cat out
of the bag, the Rockdale Boy is the
craziest fellow in tlie county, and we
had a called meeting on Tuesday,
March 18th, and adjudged him a
lunatic, and all the preparations have
been made to send him to the asy¬
lum next Sunday, and Arthur says
he will furnish a team and driver,
and the county is tp pay expenses.
We hope Miss Roxanna, our Shef¬
field correspondent will excuse us
this week for leaving her Dots out.
It will not happen again.
"We are sorry to learn that our
clever friend, Mr. L. A. Brooks, has
been very’ sick, hut we are glad to
see him out again. Lucius, take good
care of yourself. Sims
We are glad to see Eddie out
again, and wo know somebody else
will agree with us.
Our little friend, Mr. U. F. Har
per says he will wait until next leap
year, Young ladies don’t you be
lieve him.
Mr. S. II. Brodnax, says Brookin
will walk in his sleep.
The firemans fair at Barnesville is
quite a grand thing. The boys are
having a big time, but the girls are
no j ; no, no.
A. D.
for I several have been years, using and will VOUt use fertilizer roth
i else when I can get it. Have
n o making
“ madc failure in an
ne er a
j avtrage clo p since I began use
j This Vfear, Crop Uile a re 8 llOrt in m>
, mine is goed.
, nake 1 5 bales cotton With one
a wheat, oats, &C.,
be>jJeg corn , another
sufficient to make mage a Ciop. t
g oc j a l Circle, Oct. 25, 1883.
T. fambrough.
I have been using your ferti.izers
Guano, cotton F.rtilizer and Acid- -
siucs 1878. Hare made frequent
experiments with them and various;
other standard brands, and am free
my opinion in favor of
to express I have adopted their
your exclusively guanos, when I can get them.
use Oct. 2d, 1888.
Social Circle. GRESHAM.
Rockdale Racket.
Well we wor ked th d !L toh^e
WC9k ’ and we tell you folk* they
^me £”^ nZ h “ d to work a S
same « the
OreTswr cfmeTaton c 2 — " armn ^ Z S &> tke \ ’’ t"' hands th he °
, . h , , .
1 01 Tl * ‘ hollowed X h °, saw out lift, . us
Woa^T va ” e - asiv0cl him T'™ how old if _ a " Buddie Uffto *'° had rk to tbe be road be- '
fore he had to work th „ roftiJ ^ ^ QO .
tain age: just soon as he gets big uuff We
said that let8 U3 out thpn . but the pls-ue gone
Overseer „™, went on and found out om he he had “ aa told tokl
... wmn
"° ° i*" am a tr °'’ s0 bere be
c _ boit ; i w\“n 1 t?" , *° W ° M
honv ‘ ‘ ’ °" iirn " 8 ^idut know
. ,.
)lk , ere ten, nit we thought very
. a,or
' ’ 1 e tinfr ‘> r in years from the
way we feel now. So we told Mr. Overseer if
he would go along about his business, and not
be so inquisitive about Buddies ago, we would
try p.nd help him a little on the road, and by
the way he went off that time, and staved:
and by hogies we don’t care injueh, if we don’t
see another Overseer this side of Jordan.
There was a wedding preaching at ourlionse
last week (rather at the big shanty.) Well,
you know just before such occasions as that,
there takes place ageneral gin around, such
as stuffing turkeys to death, breaking eggs
just to hear them pop, mining sugar in the
heaven dust, and galvanizing the cake. Well
the first step they took at the big shanty,
towards fixing up for that momentous oeea
sion, was to bake some sweet bread, and they
covered it all over with something like frost
or snow—it might have boon silver for all we
know. Well, if it was silver, guess we £ave
got a valuable dogy now; for one of our long
eared canios (Blain) got the silver, cake and
all. We told them they might havo known
that Blain was too smart a man for that, (put
ting a cake covered with Silver In his reach,
and him not taste it) when he could cope with
£ Ben Hid was. c a ope ’ 1 Well, ! u 1 ‘; h 8 we man guess ,,s tbo Mr. ho Blain " ofRbie is
done with the South; from the way ho was
making tr^ks for the North, just after he stole
that cake and silver. Now boys you may say
what you please; but we’ve got the dorgy that
toats th e cake,
W'e hope the ffirls wr n't think wo nro an old
bachelor, because we wouldn't tell the Over¬
seer our ape; for we are just u little hotter
than three times seven. Tell the girls to please
not foi-jret us this .rear; for God only knows
where we will be by the next leap year.
On the 13th inst., at the residence of the
brides sister. Mrs. J. D. Hay. Mr. J. L. Lide
was married to Miss M. P. Hendrick, both of
DeKalb county. The ceremony was perform¬
ed by Rev. Doctor Shaver, of Atlanta. We
wish for the newly married eouplo a lonjr and
happy life in this world of troubles. And we
hope the g-room will remember what Matthew
Henry said. “Eve was made of a rib out of the
side of Adam,—not made out of his head to
top him, nor out his feet to be trampled upon
by him. but out his side to be equal with him,
under his arm to be protected, and near his
heart to be beloved.
Uncle George what do you think of this piece
of poetry ?
I hold it true, whatever befall,
I feel it when I sorrow most—
'Tis better to havo loved and lost,
Than never to have loved at all.
—Alfred Tennyson.
Well ! well ! well 1 Zed has got him a sho
null cook at last. Zed we wish for you and
your lovely bride ; a bright and happy future
—poor little John what do you reckon will be¬
come of him.
They Say Willie Turner is a rightgoodsettor;
but that other little fellow was a most too
Sharp for 1dm. Arthur, guess Willie thought
it was about laying time (for Swanns). Did
Will Furgerson miss his chair this time.
Big Bud lost his fortune tills week ; his but¬
termilk bogy, departed this life the 15th inst.
Uncle George, if you want that hog tuil, you
had better come along ; for Pa is threatening
amputation ; says it takes more to fatten the
tail than it does the hog.
Didn’t “one of the girls” g-ivooneof the boys
a heavy blow last week. Pickens, you had
like us swallow you, and that will settle the
rockdals boy.
You should save your cotton seed
save libor putting iu some ; save la¬
bor in cultivating yqwr crop after it
is up. How can it be done ? By buy¬
ing a cotton p’anter from
Conyers, Ga.
_________ - ‘J.*
J. H. Almand, Son & Co., have |
received a nice lot of fine New Or
leans syrup and sugar.
pill every night for a week or two, makes the human machinery
(i STANDARD CURE CO., Proprietors, 197 Pearl St., N. Y.
best Emory’s Pill Littlo used Cathartic here. Worth arc more twice than the is money claimed; asked.— tlu? W. W. H. t° IjOhii ^ ‘ r “
ever Little Cathartic are the most popular of all
Hannonv Grove 2wm Oa._ Emory’. Kiver. N. C. -My aged mother used one
EMORY’S LITTLE wfit^wonderfufreTulte.—KW. Bishop Mill 3 Grove, Ohio.- X recommend
“Sks. Bakkb, Locust exceltott^-S. B
CATHARTIC PILLS M. D.. Athens, Texas.— They are K xsok,
* r P e"" Jackson,Mias.——They are unexcelled.—M bs. Fjjzake ih Keysle,,.
It works warm or cold water, and
tar-T-H-B V-A-N— D-U—Z-E-N J-E-T P-U-M-P-S,
SSSSSSSSSs*- on to,
...............' March ID-l'im.
For sale cheap. One second hand
TT ? * Power p p Engine • Mid | T, BollW .. .
ln g° odrUQulI, g order -
Conyers, Gaf
We want all parties indebted to U9
to come forward and settle, or we
shall take steps to have it collected.
We cannot run our business without
money. Now you had better come
and selt’e at o*>ee.
King & Ragsdale.
March 21st, 1884,
gggT This is to give general uo
tice lo the public that we have this
day formed a co partnership for the
purpose of carrying on a livery, feed
and sale stable in the city of Cony¬
ers, Rockdale county, Ga.
This March 1st, LSSt.
When you want something good
to eat in the way of nice flour, fisb,
oysters, meat, pickJes, oranges,
canned goods, and nearly everything
you can mention. Call on our hand¬
some and enterprising young friend,
George Ken non. George is a clever
fellow, and he will treat you all right.
He will pay the highest cash prices
for country produce, such as eggs,
chickens, butter, etc.
FOR SALE—I ha?e lor sale a
splendid Separator, little need, will
thresh 700 bushels a day, for ssle ou
good terms cheap. Call at this of¬
fice or on R A ALMOND.
U. F. Harper & Bro., keeps tha
finest cigars in town, anil if you call
on them ask for the best cigar, and
you will always go there to get a
good smoke. We have tried them
and they cannot be beat.
It you want something that is good
get the Self-Raising Buckwheat for
sal* at U. F. Harper «t3ro.
We are now prepared to give the
, )U pH c harness from the cheapest to
iug «»»««■>*• Well and cheaply done. gp*- "6 Can
give you a coarse shoe or as fine as
they make them for gentlemen or la¬
dies and at bottom prices. We use
tiie best of material, have experienced
workmen and guarantee eatisfaclion.
All kinde of ropairing neatly and
quickly done. We are here to stay
and we want the patronage of the
people, and in order to merit it will
do the best of work. Sell honest
goods and be as low in our prices aa
one. Call and eee us and we
w m convince you of what we say.