Newspaper Page Text
hereditary taints.
s, r:S“s SK “‘“''
To any one who has studied the laws of
life, and especially those which iro
abou t C to°rela te t€, wTcoSfwhh special of certain force
andinteresh Xhe transmission of
mental ti aits of prominence, and certain
physical traits of etpial prominence, are tacts
which "fhe^onfan^d^Ue; all acknowledge, but ^H 1 . 1 -'! 1 .
or/the jarenUnay child achieve
decrepit and unknown, and the
the highest place possible to humanity. But
through it all, there will be certain charao
indeed” thesecharacteri^tics physical nature. are infirmities,
and often of a strikingly brought out
These facts were which lt
during g™ - ft a conversation, Sa.W.S a r ®P.^® se J j*f
1 proillinent 83K This Jady related
our citizens.
that she inlierited from her parents certain
tendencies, over which she had no control,
and which were in the nature of blood dim
Her«plrie^ nS ca t n h birb 1 edesc r Sin , her
own words. To the writer she said;
“I felt the b ’ginning of this hereditary
taint many years ago, in vague pains, which
KffSttaS interfered only with
bausting, and not my
duties, but also totally destroyed only my bappi
ness. At first, they would be tran
sient, appearing for a day or two, and
then aisapitearing; then again they
would come in such violent forms that
it was impossible for me to lift a cup
to my mouth. Afterward, my feet and hands
swelled so that it was impossible for me to
draw on my shoes or gloves what the without difficulty the
greatest effort. I realized
was. but seemed powerless to avert it. 1
finally became so bad that I was confined to
the house and to my bed most of the time.
My joints pained me continuously and my
feet swelled to enormous proportions Know¬
ing that I inlierited this tendency, I had
about abandoned hope, when I began the use
of a remedy, which was recommended to me
by a frien. i as being specially efficient in cases
of a similar kind. To my great gratitude, I
found that it relieved me, restored my appe¬
tite, and I am able to say that now I have
gained l orty pounds In weight, possible feel condition, perfectly
well, and am in the best
owing, wholly, to Warner’s Safe Rheumatic
cure, which was the remedy I used.”
“ No one would ever suspect you had suf
fered so, Mrs. Swift to see you now,”
remarked the reporter. Only
“ That is what all my friends say.
yesterday, an acquaintance of mine, whom I
had not seen for some time, hesitated, before
speaking, and apologized by saying, changed ‘ Why,
I really did not know you, you have
ao for the better since I last met you, how
well you do look.” ... the
“Dave you any objection _ to giving this
name of the party who first mentioned
remedy to the you!” slightest. It Mr. _ R, _ H. _ Fur¬
“ Not was
man, the photographer.” after bidding Mrs.
The newspaper man, photo¬
Swilt good bye, of repaired Furman, to the when the
graphic r ows Mr.
following conversation ensued:
“ Have you been a sufferer from rheumar
tisni, Mr. Furman?”
“ Well. I should think I had.’
“ For how many years 1”
“ Twelve or fifteen.”
“ Did you try to cure iW”
‘•Ye#, I triea everything, and at and last, noth¬ went
to the Hot Springs of Arkansas, I tried
ing seemed to do me any good until
Warner’s Safe Rheumatic Cure.”
“And it cured you, did it?”
“Yes, completely,” cordially recommend it?”
“Ana you can more'cordially anything
“Yes, indeed, than
I have ever known of. It is-imply a wonder¬
ful medicine. I believe that two-thirds of all
cases, both acute and chronic, could be cured
as I was cured by the use of this remedy. In
fact, 1 know a number of persons who have
been in the worst possible condition, and are
now completely well, wholly through its use.”
Ike statements above male are from
sources, the authority of which cannot be
questioned. They conclusively prove the
value of the preparation named and show
that even hereditary traits can be removed
by the use of the proper means .—Rochester
Democrat and Chronicle.
A Jesse James Gang Broken Up.
A long series of robberies in a Penn¬
sylvania city culminated some time ago
in the burglary of a house, and from
which a large amount of plate and family
jewels were carried away. The leading
citizens employed a detective, and a de¬
scent was made upon the thieves, none
of whom are over twenty and all of
whom are disciples of Jesse James.
There were twelve or fourteen of them,
all sons of some of the leading citizens,
and members of the high school. They
had a hut, under which a cellar had been
dug b feet deep and the sides lined , with ...
boards. In this cellar were found tools
of all kinds, locks, keys, playing cards,
checkers, checker-boards, dime novels
and literature of the blood-and-thunder
style. A large quantity of articles had
been removed a few minutes previously
by some of the gang, they having heard
in some way that the police were com¬
ing. Investigations proved that the
gang met quite frequently and had a
regular oath-bound organization. Before
entering the bands the candidate was
balloted for, and if elected was initiate-3,
m.__,• xhe applicant , was then ,, partly stripped .
and tied np against the underground
“4 ■“»•'<’ «>■*»• not to reveal a„,
of the secrets, passwords, etc., under
certain peualty. In thi. position the ap.
plicant was kept for one hour, while the
rest kept np a series of tortures.
Stopped It.—I n announcing the dis
continuance of its morning edition, after
one mouth’s trial, the Baltimore Day
savs- says. “We H e have nave nennired acquired a a cirenl. circulation 1 Hr.V 1
of about 4,000, and there is every indi
cation that in the course of a vear we
inight .... increase this to 8,000 10,000 ___
or ;
but meanwhile we should have sunk SSO -
Aiin 000 or <ei §100,000, on non and a still q a;ii have __ a paper
which must for several years be run at a
loss, while our people were awakening to
the fact o! its existence, and concluding
to give it their advertising patronage. In
the matter of advertising, we have prac¬
tically received no encouragement what¬
ever.” The evening edition is still pros
The Southern Pig:.
•wild hog down South a
is a wonderful
crea ti 0 n to a Northerner, who is accus
toxned to see hogs so fat that they can
hardly walk Well I don’t know as
they can walk here, but they can run.
g ee one broadside to, and you would
think it weighed 250 pounds, and let it
*nm about head on, and it looks like a
strip of sheet iron stood upon the edge,
Nearly all the live ones I saw were
black, and about as thin as a board, but
* ««“ *> ’A-iMating space, I
could see how they were made so thin,
f-tie air oners no more resistance to them
than a tub of lard does to a cheese knife,
I saw one run along by the side of the
»«K*« rack, keejwng up ,vi,h the «i,
for about a quarter ol a mile, when he
suddenly thought he would show us how
h e could run when he was so inclined
gathering himself overtook’the up he darted
along by the car tender,
gamed a lap on the engine, and crossed
the track ahead of it and ran into the
-woods. If he had kept that gait ie until
r h ‘i! r uM
have been half way through Alaska,
the -Probably, next to the carrier-pigeon,
Southern wild hog is the fastest bird
the world#
What Is a “ Sheeny V 9
In summing up for the defence in a
suit, in Brooklyn, the attorney gave the
following as the origin and meaning of
the epithet “ Sheeny.” He said that it
came from the words “ Meesa,” a
Hebrew word, which means death, and
“ Mashinnah,” a Sanskrit word, which
originally signified sudden. Collectively,
these two words signified sudden death.
They were first applied as a mark of op
probinm to the Israelites by the Egyp¬
tians while they were in bondage in
Egypt, and were afterward applied to
each other for the same purpose during
forty years’ wanderings in the wilder¬
ness. After the Israelites arrived in
Palestine the epithet continued to be
applied to them by the surrounding
tribes, and it has clung to them to the
present day, after having been corrupted
to its present form of * ‘ Sheeny. ” Origin¬
ally it was “Messa-Mashinna,” or “Sud¬
den Death.”
“When in society, never talk of your¬
self,” is the injunction of an authority
on etiquette. People in society never
do—they run down other people.
Visiting the mother of her little grand-child so
gradually and pittifnlly its system wasting from away the effects by the of
drainage upon the drug¬
teething, sends the nurse at onee to
gist, procures a bottle of Dr. Bigger’s Southern
Remedy, administering it, soon restores rest to
the mother and health to the little one. It will
cure cramp colie, diarrhoea, dysentery and all
bowel affections. Tins, with a bottle of Tay¬
lor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and
Mullein, combining the stimulating expecto¬
rant principle of the sweet gum with the de¬
mulcent healing one of the mullein for the
cure of croup, whooping little cough, colds and con¬
sumption, presents should be a without medicine for the chest speedy no
relief of sudden and dangerous attacks of the
lungs and bow.-Is. Ask your druggist for them.
Manufactured by Walter A. Taylor, proprietor
Taylor’s Premium Cologne, Atlanta, Ga.
If we could give, as charity, to those who
cm ploy it well, the time that we waste, how
many beggars would be rich ?
“Gems of the Northwest”
Is the title of a Tourists’ Guide Paul issued by thi
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Railway. It
is a handsome book well worthy of the enter¬
prising management of this great railway sys¬
tem. Tourists and summer travelers should
send to A. V. H. Carpenter, General Passenger
Agent, Milwaukee, Wis., ca nd secures copy.
To believe that you are loved for yourself is
the height of human folly.
Thousand# Upon Thousands.
The proprietors of the world-renowned Car
boline—the natural Hair Restorer—never put
up less than 1,000 gallons at a time. This
gives but an idea of its immense demand.
The heart causes us to do stupid things, the
hand makes us avoid them.
Pile#! Pile#! Pile#.
Sure cure for Blind, Bleeding and Itching
Piles. One box has cured worst cases of 20
fears’ standing. No one need suffer five min
Ites after using William’s Indian Pile Ointment,
r absorbs tumors, allays itching, Prepared acts as poul
tice, gives instant relief. only for
Piles, itching of private parts. Mailed for $1.
Frazier Med. Co., Cleveland. O.
Pride is a bad counselor, but a sure friend ;
it obliges us to consider the judgment of oth¬
The Profes.-io'i a Unit. Main
Mr. C. H. Draper, of No. 233 street,
Worcester, Mass., volunteers the follow¬
ing: “Having occasion recently to remedy
use a
for kidney B.” disease, I applied to my druggist, this
Mr. D. Willians, of Lincoln Square,
city, and requested him to furnish me the
best kidney medicine that he knew of, and he
handed me a bottle of Hunt's Remedy, stat
ing that it was considered the best because he
bad sold many bottles of it to bis customers
in Worcester’ and they all speak of it in the
gf tSflS.fShSSeTld'SZ.’S
taking it, and find that it does the work ef
of Hunt’s Remedy, the sure cure.”
April 11,1883.
We All Say So.
Mr. George A. Burdett, No. 105 Front
street, Worcester, Mass., has just seutusthe
aScted ivithnilmeuts to which all
humanity is subject sooner or regarding later, I read
carefully the advertisement the
mr . ar curative powers of Hunt’s Rem
edv. and as it seemed to apply to my <’ase ex¬
actly. I j urchased a bottle of the medicine at
Jaunerys drug store in this city, and hav
ing used it with most beneficial results in
my x>wn case, my wife and sou also com
me need its use. an.! it and has most shall decidedly
improved their health, we continue
its use in our family under such favorable
rei ' u!ts ‘
George briisntist's AV. Holcomb, Evidence. druggist, 129 and
181 Congress street, Troy, N. Y., writes
April 7, 1883:
“I am constantly selling Hunt’s bladder,’ Remedy for
diseases of the kidneys, liver, and
urinary organs, to my trade and friends, and
find that it gives general satisfaction to all
who use it." _ ___
What is wanting in women is the intermedi¬
ate sentiment between love and hate; she
knows nothing of that weapon of the strong
man, indifference.
Is Your Blood Pure?
For impure blood the be <t medicine known,
Seovill’s Sarsapari la, or Blood and Liver
Syrup, may be implicitly relied on when
everything else fa Is. Take it in the spring¬
time, espe. ia ly for the impure secretions of
the blood incident to that season of the year;
and take it at all tim>s for a near, scrofula,
liver complain s, weakness, boils, turn rs,
swelling, thousand skin that dis. ases, from malaria, an 1 the
ills come impure blood.
To insure a cheerful disposition take Scovill’f
Blood and Liver Syrup, which will restore
the liiind to its natui a. eouilibi ium.
It is of love as of soup; the first spoonfuls
are too hot, the last too cold.
‘ You claim too much for Samaritan Ner
line" says a skeptic. Patrons say the oppo3it
If yon are in a public office, be punctual—at
ill events in leaving.
- «
Richmond’s Samaritan Nervine cured me
of epilepsy.” Jacob Sates, St. Joseph, Mo.
Give money, but do not lend any ; to give
makes persons only ungrateful, while to lend
makes them enemies.
Piso’s Cure for Consumption is not only
pleasant to take, but it is sure to cure.
The attractions of women are not in the en¬
semble but in the details.
. i a&l
Consumption Can Be CuredI
Cures Consumption, Difficulties, Colds, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, In¬
Hoarseness, fluenza, Bronchial Asthma, t'jroup. Whooping
Organs. Cough, and It soothes all Diseases and heals of the the dlembrane Breathing
ol the J,lings, inflamed and poisoned by and the
disease, tightness and prevents the chest the which night sweats
across is incurable accompany malady,
HALL’S it. Consumption BALSAlU not will an
tails. cure you, even
though professional aid
TT'I.F.CTRO-VOLTAIC BFLT and other Electric
LU Appmanoes are s rat on M Days’ Trial TO MEN
ONLY, YOUNG OR OLD, who are suffering from
Nervous, Lost Vitality, Wasting
Weaknesses and all kind;el diseases. Speedy re¬
lief Manhood and complete Guaranteed. restoration Send to at Health, Vigor Illustrated and
once for
Pamphlet free. Address
Voltaic Belt Co,, Marshall, Midi.
k <^EVER FAItS|> \ Spasms, Conyiil
sions, Falling
Sickness, S .. Yitus
Dance, Alcohol¬
ftTHE fiBEflh O ism, ing, Scrofula, Syphillis, Opium Kings Eat¬
u p n B F Evil, Ugly Blood
II C If ■ Si Diseases, Dyspep
ccioiHieiuiE|Blofe ... ■«l» j Nervousness,
Nervous Weakness , Brain Worry, Blood Sores,
Biliousness, Costiveness, Nervous Prostration,
Kidney Trembles and Irregularities. $1.50.
Sample Testimonials. wonders.
“Samaritan Nervine is doing City, _ Ala.
Dr. J. O. Mc.Lemoin, Alexander
“I feel it my duty to recommend it.”
Dr. D. F. Langhlin. Clyde , Kansa*.
“It cured where physicians failed.” Pa.
Rev. J. A. Edie, Beaver,
Correspondence freely answered. “SI
The Dr. S. A. Richmond Med. Co., St. Joseph, Mo,
For testimonials and circulars send stamp. Ol
At Druggists. C. If. Crittenton, Agent, N. Y.
A GE^TS WA1VTKD tor tho best and fastest sell'
jCjL ing Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced 31
per cent. National PuBuamsQ Go., Atlanta, Ga.
fP^UiUyU oym nnn IN presents, given away.
The proprietors of tho well-known and popular weekly paper, THE GOLDEN ARGOSY* being desirous
of introducing their paper into every home where it is not now taken, have organized a stock company with
an AUTHORIZED CAPITAL OF $200,000 for the purpose of pushing the Argosy extensively, ana have
decided totrive away to all who subscribe before June 10th. 1884, $40,000 in presents, tfead ou r Gre at Offer.
We will name on our subscription books and mail THE COLDER ARCOSY regularly , for
enter your which will entitle the holder to one ol
Three Months. kAaNIFICXIirT (Ihlr een number*), ana immediately PdEf.ZSSXlKr'X'S send a receipt,
the following a AWAY:
..$5,000 10 Elegant Bicycles, #85 each........... • 8.10
$500 each......... 0,500 5 Sliver Tea Sets, $100 each............ eoo
$860 each......... 8,000 6 Sets Parlor Furniture, #100 each... 500
10 Cash _ Present* _ of s-100 each........ 1,000 10 Elegant Boys’Suits, to order, #80.... 800
1 © Cosh Presents of S50 each ....... 500 10 Girls’ Outside Garments, #15 each... 150
. ISSgX SgflffigiA'g:::-:. 100
% gffi-^ssss S 8 S ^ O o f 5 «o
EO Bore’ Stiver Watches, $10 each...... 800 600 Bovs’Pocket Knives, *l ea«fc 500
100 Waterbary solid Watches. Cold Chains, #8 50 S80 each each.. ... 400 850 1000 500 Ladles’ 011 Pictures. Pocket 81 Knives, each $1 each...... 1,000 600
SO Gents’ Ladles’ Gold 5vck Chains, $16 each 800 500 Solid Gold Kings, each....... ............. 1,000
SO GnW Bracelets, $.6 each...... 800 1000 Autograph Albums, el each.... ...... 1,000
80 Solid VALUE ...... FROM
TWENTY-FIVE CENTS TO ONE DOLLAR, making a total of 100 000 Presents to given to
ih« erst one hundred thousand subscribers received. Every one gets a Present. All of the above presents
will‘be awarded In n fair and Impartial manner, full particulars of which will be given hereafter. Among
the last 03 538 presents are SOfiOj of one article, which we manufacture and own the patent, ai d that retails at
oSa Dollar the world over Family; and never millions sold have for been less, sold it is at something One Dollar needed each. in Being every owners home, and and manufacturers Is well worth
Vive Dollars In any subscribers, believing that will be well pleased that you will always
viTmorons wn oan efford to give Argosy;—besides 60,000 to our all this get of yon the most valuable so presents offered in our list.
s of the PRESENTS will you positively may one take place June 10th, 1884.
ii,mw4i« THE a W ARD op teaws
»5>TTiaH AH K V STLF M?>N, FRANK SfcO NVETi SE? fcfv.’ F.liWAUli and EVERETT
HALE, and a host of others too numerous noted to mention. It is Beautifully Illustrated, price is 6 © cents its for reading Three
a ii original from the pens of authors. Its regular subscription In order
months; #1.#0for BIX Month,; #1.75 for Twelve Months: without LIBER present or AL premium; OF rE^R but
to secure 100,000 subscribe rs at oac e, we make the FOLLO W IN C j-\
». ■* fr* s 1 V, _|L ARGOSY, weekly, for 8 months,
! the ARGO. Y
i the AUGtoSV for six months; get twenty to subscribe for three mor fhs andl we wul send you
88 . THE or |i2npsl!i^Ts^ AkCOSY PUBLISHING sh^W & tS by T^iitere* CO mail 81 WARREN or post offlee STREET, order. A<fdre»aU NEW orders^ YORK.
a&ilanttu Gat
Easy to use. A certain cure. Not expensive. Three
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in the Head, Headache, B” all Druggists, Dizziness, Hay by mail. Fever, Ac.
____JE^T. Fifty cents. HAZELTINE, or Warren, Pa.
*, ~1. fl ¥ V J T MXtCHlME
PRICE$3 0 .- r.^ PRICE S3V
•cLoev au. Mau F. oaii si
WATCH FOH $12.53.
FULLY OUARAN TEED. This offer made for 60
days inspection only. Goods purchasing. sent ly Express C. O. D., subject to
J. P. STEVENS & CO , Jewelers,
Atlanta, Ga.
Cotton and corn planters, and truck farmers, increase
the yield of your products by using YALE’S FEK
TlLlZElt. Can bt* made at home for one tenth the
price of standard fertilizers, and is equally as rich. Is
adapted to all soils. We sell receipt for making, and
privilege of using: for only One Dollar* Indorsed
by Col. world, Ed* and Richardson, President If. largest G. Morehead, cotton planter of the in
Cotton Planters Address 1 Association, MARTIN besides other SMALL) agricultural
celebrities. &:
Corinth, Mins.
■ -T" "■■■
# t I E Greatest inducements ever of¬
fered. Now’s your tsm > to get up
M; orders for our*celebr .tad Tetus
and C'o2LeeM«and secure a beauti¬
ful Gold Band or Moss Rose China
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Gold Band Mostf Ttoee Dinner Set, or Gold Band Mosa
Decorated Toilet Set. For full particulars address
P. O. Box 289. Bl and 33 Vesey St., New York.
Has taken more premiums than any other.
mr ^4,000“^
OfFered in cash premiums for 1884. Price of seed re¬
duced to $1 per bushel. Send for pamphlet.
J. D. OZIER, Corinth, Miss.
Mention this paper.
OPIUM address For stamp Pamphlets, in W. confidence, C. proofs BELLAMY, with and terms, 3-c-nt
Atlanta, Georgia.
Southern Agents for DeGolyor’a Var
nishes. and Collier White Lend (7n.
THE MINISTER WHO FAILS to interest his ca
tion and build up his church is generally accused of being a poor pi
or of not studying hard enough. ’That is not always where the
comes from. Dyspepsia and liver disorders are responsible fori
. , . ,
dull sermon and many a vacant pulpit. When the Dominie s <
apparatus is working wrong and his nerves are giving him pain,
brain refuses to do its duty, it* is almost impossible to make or top
good sermon, w Give your suffering minister a bottle of ^ ro '' 1 ? S n
ters. You will see its effect on next Sunday’s preaching. .1®
Zehring; of Codorus, Pa., was paralyzed, and could not wall’
crutches, until Brown’s Iron Bitters made a new man °f bun- ‘i
Mr. White, of Rock Hill, S. C., says: “It restored me toiWl
gor.” Brown’s Iron Bitters is not only for the mi nister. d ^L-1
to give theirt ”timr'ny*in favor*?jf lla *be«r
To Specui P
E. lindblora & Co., ’ 5
Sand 7 Chamber of
Crain Commerce. Chiofigo. 00 fit?
and Ohl^ors?. Provision 0;J
N w V h rk ’ 1 !^^ E!
judgment particulars, when requested. KOBT. Send f™7,
ing UNDBLOMioq 0 ^
W FanTywor^ai^Sj^l
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’^vD^ELMORK/' R* G, is the Quickevt~^^j
forms inflammatory of rbeuinatic in 1 day disorders Can refer m 2 to handrXI l 9 w«k3
bie people cored who had to evenLi^
Purely botanic, harmless, tried in y a in 1?
druggist it; and nice to irinic
to gfX if be declines send to nsfori
noth ing else, Kl more, Adams 4 (Jo. I0o Wiliiiy
I ha ive & positive remedy tor the shore,
CH@ t housands of castes of the vom kin d anti
standing In its efficacy, have that been I cured. will send Indeed, TWO eofitmaels
any sufferer. Give Exprosa and P. 0. addren
PR, T, A. tf LOCUM, 261 Pearl St,
40 sampl> diploma. s large pretty ehromo friendship,’gift reward excelsio
credit, • irthday, cart
aids, &c., 15c. Price list free. Fine Art Co Wi
Oils. E. F. piETERICHS, devil.
"** ■ A5J.W1 home without pain. Bool:
□lare sent ire*. B. H. WOOLEY, M.D , Au
w SAW FILER* th for'ei^k
wanted. Send 3c. stamp
Made by W.S.Ngwxo«, GreenenlieA
g Aner^ Force* Beau the luxuriant world. Muitaehe, 2 3 Pkp Whi.. fefcn
ar don
Price gy^J'th# Parkag* work. with direetiont Will prota uilsd it or forfttJM
Sitx Oo. 00. per anJ pgtgas
C»*., stamp# or ailrer. I,, j, L. S2JITH St ( 0., A,Wli, ft
A. N. U .....
88? Mm
1 * 91!
It 1 * fascinating. dignity,an* Instructive 0 “^ rrj IiiS
Inspire EVERY courage, ONE SHOULD # JT
I cannot speak >o highly |t
think they
The aboosy has been *o good
it another, enclosed is w 00 fl s3!O, ‘
i’sss’irsasfflfgSgaaff Should f//J.Tgj
up night, take to earn the ABCO the fi&vag gJ^
1 deeply Interested, is »' d
am so
%o££y£ haUl
lished. THE ARGOST I would is the no^do^fKh V'Llibout #oi.t& U
Journal, X-ewistown, Me- would
Parents ““dguardiansj® i*fo«^
simiar publication m ^jw
SBSS«S*KW‘i^ The Goldejc
prosy Inanity d«® *^vVp i-g .c»^ ii, u
Amb tke 0r r
dime dreadfuls- -• '
•nee, but every of j nd
esavsajrfSBKMMg of It. fath’f* •fr** Ivr 1