The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, July 11, 1884, Image 2
THE CONYERS WEEKLY. 3=% ▼ DEMOCRATIC CALL. The Democracy of Rockdale coun¬ ty are requested to meet at the Court House on Saturday the 19th instant, at 2 o’clock, p. m. to select delegates to the State Convention which meets in Atlanta on the 13th of August next to nominate a candidate for Governor and State house officers, also to select delegates to attend the Senatorial Convention of this, the 27th Senatorial District, which con¬ venes in Monroe on the 8th of Aug. A full attendance is earnestly wish¬ ed. Come out, as their may be other matters for consideration. By order of J. N. Glenn, Ch’m. Dem. Exe. Com. Rockdale county. J. N. Hale, Sec’y. Congressional. Now that Hon. N. J. Hnmmoml has returned homo from Congress, Congressional politics in this district will be warm indeed. Already things are ut white heat, in Henry county. The question will bo settled there to-morrow, perhaps In Jackson's favor. No other county will take action, we suppose, until after F ul¬ ton does. Bockdalo is yet badly mixed and undecided, Jackson, Mynat.t and Hammond all have friends here and their respective claims will be pushed to tho best advantage. Tub Weekly ho far lias taken 110 decided stand and will not until our next issue when we will hoist the name of our man. Wo have decided It Irost. to waft until Mr. Hammond comes home, that we might see his completed record in Congress, watch his open! ng tactics and have all tho candidates together so wo might select, from tho lot intelligently and get the best. They are all representative men, but we have already seen much in favor of one that, will most certainly win for himself our support. We do not propose to go wild over the matter, but will give an honest, fair, undivided support to (he man of our selec¬ tion, whethor It will be the brilliant Ham¬ mond, tbo solid conservative Mynatt or tho gallant Jackson, our next issue will tell to our leaders what we huve decided. We’ll Present Rockdale. The Senatorial contest., in Rockdale, judg¬ ing from the Conyers papers, is likely to pass off very quietly. It seems to bo the desire of many of her best citizens to present the coun¬ ty to the Mouroe convention, instead of t he claims of nuy individual. If that feeling should prevail, and there seems to be no doubt it will, we ean see no good reason why this Rockdale may not furnish the Senator tltno. The claims of our own county Star, arc al¬ ways first in the consideration of the but in case there is no candidate from this coun¬ ty, Rockdale ought to oome in next for a fa¬ vorable consideration. After Rockdale takes action on the Senatorial question, It which will tie done on tho tilth Inst., will then be time for Newton to decide whether she will sup¬ port the choice of our neighboring county for the Senate,—Covington Star. The esteemed Star has us down about cor¬ rect. We are for Rockdale. We havo many good men and know that we can present one who ia worthy of tho support of the entire dis¬ trict. Wo recognize the right, of the other counties to reject the choice of anyone coun¬ ty, even when the rotation system is strictly enforced, and that one county is entitled to present the man. Vet. we think some good objection should be raised; not refuse a coun ties choice simply upon personal grounds. It is best, however, to send good men and pro sent the claims of our county, and if one man is objectionable present another. We appre¬ ciate tho sentiment of the people of Newton and will return all favors shown us at the proper time. The Senatorship. While there is but one publicly avowed can¬ didate in this county for the State Senator ship, there is no disguising tho fact that there are quite u number laying around in the bush¬ es who havo aspirations and expect the light¬ ning to strike them. It is the idea of some for Rockdale to havo no avowed candidates, but to send delegates to the Convention to ask for Rockdale the honor of furnishing tho man and getting him up afterwards. We see no good sense in such a move. Lot the men who expect the nomination, if Rockdale should have the power to name, oome out now so that the other counties may know who they are and have the privilege of considering and dis¬ cussing a heir respective worth and merits. Agaiu if Rockdale has no candidates and it is so understood, will not the other counties, even though they are favorable to us, make terms aud pledge their support to othev can¬ didates? Let it bo understood that we are go¬ ing to send good organized democrats to the Convention; let it be understood that wo have no man to present with the cry “ him or no¬ body," but will give the district alt of our best candidates to select from; lot it be under¬ stood that wo will abide and stick to the ac¬ tion of tho Convention. Wo fear that there will be a wrangle here at homo for delegates. Why? Because mou who are candidates and meu who are not candluates have self at heart more than they have their county, and will want men to go who will put forward their names even at the expense of the county's good. We do not want an insumeted delega¬ tion sent from here for any nun. We want good sensible representative men who will go there for the interest of our eounty and peo¬ ple aud not for any one man. Upon this ques¬ tion we have uo choice other than the man who can get the nomination. Who he is we know not, and want it left for the delegates to settle. _ Jacksons Candidacy. The coolness with which Capt. Harry Jack son, a candidate for Congress, appropriates the glory of winning the Southern Mutual in¬ surance case is certainly wonderful. He did very little towards bringing about the result. All the papers were prepared by Mr. J. H. Lumpkin, his magnificent thr Supreme Court reporter, and Court the argument Ignore the Supreme 8 won decision. He was complimen¬ ted in the highest manner by the judges on his effort. He 1 b entitled to wear the crown, even though he is not vto?at<&tlm^lawi^fthof^te! a candidate for Congress, acts We wish o?his“55& he 1 was a candidate for Congress. Are certain journals in the fifth district posted concerning the work doue bv tho Advertiser. last grand jury of Fulton county?—Coweta 'Veil, we have heard of a “quiet little game” berthaUtTost'a certam oTuJidate'alew thorn sand—votes.—Griffin Sun, Surely the Griffin Sun and Coweta Advert! ser don’t mean to ipsmuate ibat Capt. Harry Jackson, the candidate for Congress in district, has violated the laws of the State bv indulging iu a little poker or anything of the sort? Our people would like to hear from the Captain on the subject. It would bo hard to match the Gainesville match. In fact the Gainesville match is amicbloss. Our Executive Committee. At a mass meeting of the Democracy of this county, at the court house the first of August 1882, Col. J. N. Glenn was appointed the head of the Executive Committee of this county with J. N. Hale as Secretary. Now we would like to know who compose the Executive Com¬ mittee of this county. Have not several of them dietl and moved out of the county, really leaving us withoutan Executive Committee: 1 Should it not be re-organized? Our people should look after this matter at their next meeting. _ For some time a number of our best citi zens and poker players have been enjoying a lively little game-lively but “quiet.” We feel at liberty to invite all Congressional candi¬ dates who may wish to have a little fun to come down and “shuffle” with us, Will the esteemed Macon Telegraph please enlighten the country press generally as to the hardships imposed upon the railroads of thi State by the Commission? Were not the pri CDS charged by the railroads before we got a Commission exorbitant, and were not the dis¬ criminations grossly unjust? We just want to be enlightened on the subject. The Macon Telegraph is beyond doubt the >8t powerful journal in politics in the State. Ite positions are the soundest, purest and best, and its estimates and predictions the most reliable of any. There is no doubt about Fulton county con¬ trolling the polities of this State, and nothing adds more to the strength of the great, corrupt Atlanta King, than the custom of holding ev¬ ery Convention, political or otherwise, in At¬ lanta. The Congressional Convention of this dis¬ trict, ought to be held here or in McDonough. Hut like all the rest it must nestle down In tho very bosom of political corruption. And now the Jtev. Mr. J. A. Munday, Tisqr., threatens to sue Blackburn of the Madisonian for slander. We care not what a man’s morul standing may lie, the fact of him suing a coun¬ try editor for anything is sufficient evidence to convince us that ho is a “damphool.” We will add for the benefit of our fastidious read¬ ers that iho phrase above used to end and round off our paragraph is not considered pro¬ fane in newspaper parlance. The profanity has been extracted that the word might he used freely—boing so expressive. Congress lias adjourned. The amount of work done has been enormous, as will be seen by reference to the Congressional records. Joe Brown is back In Georgia. Now the lit¬ tle political worms and maggots that wriggle at his command will begin to stir the scum and dross in the political pot controlled by the capital corruptionists. When Joe Brown dies he will rot in two hours. Hon. Pat walsli of Augusta has been given the place of Hon. Goo. T. Barnes on the na¬ tional Democratic Committee. He is a good man for the position. wo will never givo our voto for the election of a man who will vote to support old .Toe Brown in any office, even though wo have to oppose our best friend. It is now understood thgtthe race for the office of State Treasurer will bo between Hum ber and|Hardenian. Humber is a good man.but. t here is not in the State ono who is of as much interest to tho State as Hob Hardeman. He is almost, indispensable during the sossion of the Legislature and at all other times. True, hon¬ est, efficient, accommodating and handsome, he is a man that Rockdale will fool proud to support. who is Ella J. Courier?—Southern. Nobody much, Theme arc some political aspirants in this section who havo been straddling tho fenee so long that they can't sit down without a pad in their breeches. when J. C. C. Black and N. J. Hammond constitute our Senatorial pair from Georgia, the people will have representatives of whom they may justly be proud, what true Geor¬ gian can think of our present Senators with¬ out blushing? Hon. James H. Blount will have a walk-over in the 6th district. This is a fact we delight in announcing. f'Ornspitkitrc. As to Representatives. (Communicated.) Mb. Editor;—T here are hut few counties in tho State that havo made the substantial prog ress that, has Rockdale, but few counties stand higher in the value of her lands and the amount of agricultural productions. Her number of illiterate whites are very low and the number is fust diminishing. Who lias been most, instrumental in bringing about, our good standing? Who of our public men have been more earnestly and faithfully striving to ad¬ vance our interests and welfare than Dr. J. A, Stewart, the inau whom the people of the want them in the Legislature ? He has ever had the interest of our people at heart. He has ever been found firm and unyielding when we needed a cham¬ pion. A Christian gentleman, with a big heart, kiud, polite, and having the ability to repre¬ sent our people ably. We want to see him come out and announce himself a candidate and we know tho people will givo him their hearty, undivided support. Respectfully, Rockdale. Why is It? (Communicated.) Mb. Editor:—W e all remember that only a few years ago a man was shot down—mur¬ dered—in this county; the perpetrator of the deed came to our town, walked around sever¬ al days, and not an officer dared to arrest him. Wo remember that just a short while ago a citizen of this county was charged with the raping of an innocent child under his protec¬ tion: that he was arrested and put in the At¬ lanta jail and not an officer would Swear out a warrant and go after him, and that after he was arrested and put in jail, the doors of the ! jail were uulooked b >' somo unknown parties ] and the fiend set free. We all know how | strong are the efforts (?) to catch him now. ... v ’ e all remember . . how .. the , heavy (?) . bond* . , of certain parties who defied the strongly ex pressed °* tl ? e of thiS couu ‘ ty were forfeited ana the enormous sum ot $2 paid for their forfeiture, we all know how Promptly (?) the charge of the judge to have the parties arrested and brought into Court W; ’S carried out. We see how the crimes of murder and rape are let pass iu our county and our jfill filled with negroes charged with little petty offenses, running the eounty to heavy expenses. Why is it? How is such [ things carried ou? Is it right? Do our peo pie endorse such actions? We believe they have so far. Lookeron. GKGO it IA RAILROAD. Georgia Railroad Co-,] Office General Manager, ) Augusta, April C, 1SS4. , COMMENCING SUNDA Y, igth inet., the following Passenger schedule will be operated. Trains run by 9°th meridian time, twentv two minutes slower than Atlanta time. FAST LIN L • 1 ;r>. 27 west daily. Lv Augusta 7.40am 1.58am | j NO. 28 EAST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 2.43 pm Ar Conyers 3-42 pm NO 2 EAST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 8.25 am Lv Conyers 9 5° a "i A r Athens 4.40 pm “ Wash’n 2 45 prn ViPd’ve 4 49 pm Ar Macon 6 45 pm Ar Augusta 3-55 pm COVINGTON ACCOMMODATION, Lv Atlanta 6.00 pm Lv Conver«7.6o pm Ar Cov gt’n8.2o prri NO. 4 EVST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 8.5O pm LvCony’rsio.28 pm Ar 6.I0 am Train No. 28 will stop nt and receive passengers to and from the following stations only: Berzelia, Harlem, Dearing 1 hompson, Gainak, Crawfordville, Union Point, Greens horo-Madison. Rutledge, Social Circle, Covingtou, Conyers, Stone Mountain aud Decatur. Connects at Augusta for all points East and Southeast. .JOHN W. GREEN, Gen. Man. E. R. DORSEY, Gen. Pass. Agt. WIU# *1 mum m Vi Are you failing, try Wells’ Health Re¬ s’ewer, a pure, clean, wholesome TOBJIC, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, For Brain.Ncrvm Invigoranfc. Cures Lungs. An Unequaled ZCT^SIETEIZPSI-A^ Headache, Fever, Ague, Chill3, DEB!LIT/ & WEAKNESS. Nice to take, true LIVER merit, unequaled and Wight for OE?PID Wervous Weakness, HRalaria. wests, Leanness, Sexual Decline. $1.00 per bot., 6 for $5.00, at J., Druggists. S. .A. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, N. U. 4 ^ Buchu-Paiba^^*j Rcmarkalxle Cures of Catarrh of tbe Bladder, Inflammation, Irritation of Kid¬ neys and Bladder, Stone or Gravel Dis-1 eases of tbe Prostate Gland, Dropsical Incontin¬ Swellings, Female Diseases. ence of Urine, all Diseases of the Genito¬ urinary Organs in either sex. For Un¬ healthy or Unnatural Discharges Fleur,” each use $1. also “Chapin’s SYPHILIS, Injection either contracted or For Chapin’s Constitu¬ hereditary Bitter Syrup, taint, use $1.00 bottle, and tion Pills, per $3.00; and Cha¬ pin's Chapin’s Syphilitic Syphilitic Salve, $1.00. 6 bottles Syrup, 2 of Pills, 1 Salve, by Express on receipt of $10.00, or at Druggists. N. J„ U. S, A. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, That Hacking Cough can be so quiokiy cured bp Shiloh’s Cure. Wc guarantee it. Will You Suffer withDyspepsia Vitalizer guaranteed and Diver Complaint ? Shiloh's is to cure you. Sleepless Nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh’s Cure is the remedy for you. Catarrh Cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Price 35 cents. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consump tion. CROur. Whooptng Cough and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh’s Cure. For Shiloh’s Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation, all symptoms Loss of Dyspepsia. of Appetite, Price Dizziness 10 and and 75 cents per bottle. PATENTS MUNN & CO., of the Scmirmc American, con¬ tinue to act as solicitors for Patents, Caveats. Trade Marks, England, Copyright:’., for tho United States, Canada, France. Germany, etc. Hand Book about Patents sent free. Thirty-seven years’ experience. Patents obtained rhrtraithMUNN S CO. are noticed in the Scientific A msIITCan. the largest, best, and most Weekly. widely Splendid circulated scientific paper. $3.20a veer. formation. Specimen engravings and Scientific Interesting in¬ copy of the Amer¬ ican sent free. Address MUNN f: CO.. SciBNTIXIO Ammucan Ofiloe. Sjl Broadway, New York. 1 , 600 ! Business Directory For Conyers, Covington, Atlanta, McDonough, Jonesboro and Jackson. We will give every business and profession a card in the Georgia Farmer, a live Agricul¬ tural Journal which has over thirteen hundred actual subscribers in Rockdale and adjoining counties, one year for $3. A card on the cover of this journal is worth as much as a large aud costly advertisement. J. K. Buyan's. Publisher. Fire Insurance LIFE INSURANCE, BY J S QAfflsLL, coxy i;ns, g a. „ ts-Afr ’ TV.niel! net to-,resents resents a l.,r<ro targe ~ — . number OI 11)0 \wy best Companies doing business iU this State, and cm write Up policies Oil all kinds ol pro perty. Rates as low as anywhere. Everybody should have their homes and business insured and tint with out delay. Lv am Ar Atlanta i.oojjm Ar Athena pm Ar Augusta 8.05 pm NO. I WEST DAILY. Lv Augustaio.3oam Lv Macon 7.10 am Lv Mil d’vl 9.10 am Lv Wash’n 11.30 am Lv Athens 9.35 am Ar Conyers 4-28 pm Ar Atlanta 5.45 pm Lv Cov,gt’n ers6.i5 0.4O am 1 v err am Ar Atlanta 8.00am NO- 3 west daily. LvA ngueta 9.00 pm Lv Conyers 4-5 1 am Ar Atlanta 6.40 am ITo j j Sell Cheap | FOR CASH -on— THE ON -AT- g3 33 3:3: 3:; A @333: twb&” 33:“ §®¢3A ‘ 33 L- (Q: ° - (.3 63 my 9 All kinds of Dry Goods, embracing Shirtihgs, Sheetings, Blecchings. Oashmeres, Worsteds. delaines, lawns. prints, &c., &c., domestics, checks, cas mere, feather and mattress tickings, also boots, shoes, hats. caps, gloves. notions. &c.4 and a most complete of family line of fancy and staple Alsoa big stock groceries, such as meat, corn, meal, flour. grits, sugar, coffee. fish in large quantities, cheese, soda and hundreds of , other articles. All kinds of farming imple ments, such as plowstocks, points, plows, heel boxts,screws, plow shovels, Spades, maddvcks and all kinds QE . . . ®aa3fimomm®®§ v .. .i _ .3, .5 . .=_ _ 3 1% F®© 1/“3 , g " Grockery, glass and wooden ware of every description. They also carry a nice line of harness, saddles, bridles sole and upper leather, &c- If you want any of the above named articles call- on them. They keep on hand many arti cles not named here, in fact you can come as near finding what you want at J. H. Almand, Son & Co’s as at any house on the Gal R. R. Look to your interest and call on them. ,• Itai'road Block, Conyers, Ga. THE :: ROYAL ST, JOHN:’. H, is the Simplest ! It is I lie "Strongest ! It is the most durable And THE BEST i lOU' ' n - : v/V.r . .si .. v.”iv 5 > fe St - —a; (PP p8S;#| * X-'Ts'n if m THE ONLY SE W\m MACHINE In the world that turns either for ward or backward and still continues to sew in the sumo direction. Chal enges Comparison ! Distances Competition ! Surpasses Expectation! Be sure you see it before you buy. THE ‘-ROYAL ST. JOHN.” A Spirit [ come to every home, And by my presence cheery, I loutish care, and burdens bear, Of women worn and weary. I run o light and look so bright, Tbe ladies dote upon me, No noise I make, no threads I break, Tho’ back and forth you fnu me, Threv-ry kinds of goods I go, silk, mushn, cloth and leather, Though all machines refuse to sew, Y~! I wm on forever, No Lea 1 r am, no eyes I strain. To til,.’ tbe way to thread me ; N h'.,-ie~ hove, save needle s eye, To e -e •! •■•arise to drear! me, 1 in u If 51*' d good, and if you should but for a moment doubt me, Be sure aud try, and then you’ll buy, And never be without me. CHORUS. I seam, I hem, I fell, I bind, I ruffle, tuck, and gather, And all machines I leave behind, While I sew on forever. For Sale by J. H. ALMAND, SON, & CO London Hair Restorer-Great English Toilet Article. Restores growth, color gloss and softness. Removes Dandruff. Aristocrat families of Great Britain en¬ dorse it. Elegant dressing. Fragrantly performed. The favorite of fashion. At Druggists for 3s ijd, or 75 cents in U. S. money. 3LII1 his authentic a home. handsomest, Agents t life. Augusta, wanted Largest, Published edition cheap¬ his for of est. grapher, best. Col. By Conwell. the renowned whose historian and bio¬ life of Garfield, published by. us, outsold the twenty others by 60.000. Outsells every book ever published in this world : many agents are selling fifty dai¬ ly. beginners Agents are making fortunes. All new successful; grand chance for them. J 4-5.50 made by a lady a sent the first day. Terms most liberal. Particulars free. Better send 35 cents for postage, etc., on free outfit, BOW ready, including large prospectus book, and sa ve v aluable tiae. ■A:-si ALIEN & CO., Augusta, Maine. D 1 H i ) : S3 MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN i —— - Tombs, Head and Foot Italian and Rutland Marble Monuments, Box Tombs. Wood and Matallie Caskets and Cases. Barll m§ late Sizes and Prices furnished on short n0 Ce y g p GUFSS & CQ Church Street, Stone Mountain, Ga. T1 H XJ -r —Dealer In— All Kind ofGeneral Merchandise (At J. E. Maddox’s old Stand, Centre St.,Conyers, Ga.) Having opened business it ere with a perfectly new and well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Boots. Shoes, Groceries of every kind. Hardware, Glassware, Crockery, &c. We invite all of our friends and th 5 public generally to call and tee us. We buy our goods for SPOT CASH and can sell as cheap u any one. We want your barter and will pay the very highest prices for the aame, We are going to L6ep GOOD NEW GOODS And we are going to sell them low, so when you want anything in the way of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Give us a call and we will guarantee satisfaction. Remember the place, J. E, Maddox’s old stand next door to Weaver & Bro. 1 The Korting Injector, is the best Boiler Feeder made. It works war.m or cold water, anil will take a well or tank, over V—A—N—D-IT-Z-E-N 4,000 now in use, J-E-T —- P-U-M-P-8, T MgTT-H-E Will work clear muddy water, Satisfaction Are the best Tank Pumps made :, or $7 $76. Send guar- ciroull. anteed. Capacity from 100 to 30 non gallons per ho Price, to for GEO R. LOMBARD & CO. Premium Steam Dye Works. No. 7, West Peters Street. Atlanta, Ga Silk and Woolen Goods of all descriptions Dyed in a superior style- Ladies' Crape, Stella and Cashmere Shawls, Silk. Merino and Mousseline Dresses. Gen¬ tlemens’Cloaks, Coats, Pants and Vests handsomely cleaned. Everything apper¬ taining to the business punctually attended to. Particular attention received paid and to the cleaning of Carpets, Rugs, I4-.ce Curtains, Blankets, &c. Goods ex¬ pressed to all parts of the United States- Ma y 9 I2 m. i- M- Jones & Company Corner Commerce and "Warehouse Sts CONYEBS. GA -A,' jIdS IHQ.P IW 1 I 1 -HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF General Merchandise at Bottom PriceS. fis 3 F r ”We jsell the NEW HOME Sewiuar Machine. E^“We keep all kinds of ESrSEWTNG MACHINE NEEDLE <.-»« Headouarters For all School Books adopted by the Board of School Commis -ioners of this county. arnew jbr© $ OUR STOCK IS FULL AND COMPLETE Business and Dress Suits AN ELEGANT LINE FOR MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN. Equal to Custom Made Goods and at Rock Boitom Prices. H1RSCH BROS 42 and 44 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. LETTER OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Rockdale county : Whereas, T. C. Swann, adminis¬ trator of W. F. Swann, dec’d, repre¬ sents to the court in his petition duly filed and entered on Records that he has fully administered W F. Swann’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and cred¬ itors to show cause if any, they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in August, 1884. April 30,1884. 3m. O. SEAMANS, Ordinary. BARBER SHOP! (OVER THE POST OFFICE.) Having fitted up me a new room, I am now prepared to do first-class work. HAIR CUTTING 20 Cts. 3 Shaves 25 cts, SHAMPOON 20 Cts. Qive me a call, and I will give you a good job. FRANK LYNCH, June 13-tf. Coneyers, Ga. D. S. BUTLER Respectfully informs his friends and the traveling public generally, that he is still at his old stand ready to feed tbe hungry and shelter the cold. My table is supplied with the best the market affords, comfort able rooms, and attentive servants. You all know me, come and see me, and I guaiantee satisfaction. D. S. BUTLER. NOTICE ! This is to notify all persons that one Andrew Curry, colored, minor, is under contract, made by his lather, with mfe ior the term of twelve months, which term has not expired arid to warn all persons against hire ing or harboring said Andrew Curry, coiored. Respectfully, S. H. AndsrsoH. Si C. S. LUCAS, Watch Maker and Jeweler. CONYERS, GA. (Decatur St., next door to Hotel.) All kinds of watch work done in the best style at prices that suit the people. Jewelry of every descrip¬ X tion repaired neatly and durably. am here to stay and am prepared well. to do your work promptly and Call and see me. C. S. LUCAS.