Newspaper Page Text
nsr' . 'a
Grover Cleveland, of York ; Thomas J.
H«?iuSricti*, of Liliana. :
t '
Henry IK MeDauieli, of V 7 tNon county\
«nn r pt«rv of fkntc. Nathan C. Barnett.
Attorney General, (.lilton) Anderson.
Coui|it(i,ller, Wm. A. Wright,
Treasurer, Hob Hardeman
Hon. S. J- Hammond, or Fulton county.
W< believe that Rockdale is justly entitled
to the honor of naming the next Senator For
this niorict ainl art-forth. ;uowt uv uilable mun.
The Democracy of Rockdale coun
t y arc requested to meet at the Court
Hmiscmi Saturday the 19th instant,
at 2 o’clock, p. rn. to select delegates
to the State Convention which meets
iu Atlanta on the 13th of August
next to nominate a candidate
Governor and State house omeers,
also to select, delegates to attend the
Senatorial Convention of this,
2Vth Senatorial District, which con
vc •nea in Monroe on the Hh of Aug.
A full attendance ih earnestly wish
ed. Come out, as their utay he other
matters for consideration.
By order of J. N. Gi.knn,
Ch’m. Dcm. Kxe. Coin.
Rockdale county.
J. N. Hai.k, Sec’y.
jggT* We wish to say to the
,,le that the circular read by Captain
.Jackson , , m hia speech yesterday -,i„ v
printed and circulated by one of his . . j
own henchmen, \V T e suppose the
object was to gain sympathy.
The assertion of the Solid South
that i* bail* from the Conyers Week¬
ly is true, But. it was printed and
given to Jackson bv a Jackson man
win cnieicd our office as a thief and
in the absence ol any member of our
paper, while our doors were locked,
did hi* dirty work. This is true and
we dare them to deny it.
* Twenty-Five Useful Hints.
Plenty of fresh air, fresh water,
-wholesome food, and regular hours
for meals, will do wonders in keep¬
ing a home healthy aud happy.
Hub your stove pipe with linseed
oil, keep in dry place, and it will not
Wash wliitewashed walls with vin¬
egar to make paper stick.
Add a little alum to paste to hasten
Use white oil doth, hound with
red, back of kitchen table, wash
stands, and under hooks to hang tin.
Salts of lemon will take stains from
ivory knives.
Camphor will prevent moths ; the
cum near your J silver will keep
Wormwood or pennyroyal will
drive out ants.
Drooping house plants will revive
if sprinkled with camphor water.
One teaspoonful of chloride ol
lime, in three quarts of water, will
take stains from white goods. Rats
ar 1 mice avoid chloride of lime.
Vinegar will remove lime from
carpets. dusting, cloth; feathers
In use a
lv set it afloat.
Tobacco tea will kill worms in
flower pots, and is also good for the
Quassia in sweetened water will
destroy flics.
Saltpetre and olive oil will cure
Four cups meal, t wo cups of flour,
one cup of molasses, and three of
sour milk, make excellent Indian
For damp closets 01 ec ais, pu
shallow dishes of unslacked lime,
atul civ in go often.
Hold broom upright; . , do , uo
your aud
dig, but brush lightly. Carpet
broom will hist twice US ion 14.
Sweep with broom Hi Hilly damp.
,, Do liot tack i VOU* .... 1, OOd ,1 room P „n,,i C.UP< ts
down, , but take up and ail ahakt otu *
juet sunshine in an rooms, n
better than ______ medicine.
_ dish burnt .
If a spider or gets m
using, do not scrape it, but put a --v
tie water and ashes in, and iet it jy et
wid _ . .
warm; it come o nu
Paint a lantern globe and varnish,
lay on transfer pictures to set on your
brackets. Serve tin plates the
wav for card receivers. Quite itand
Be true to you ire If, your family,
and the outsid world.
Wash your windows with a
instead of a cloth, and look out on a
dean, well-kept yard.-
Stay on the Farm.
Tin- dir*position <f '* many voum:
m»r* to 1 rive the farm ml * oino
the city >s not credit'd ,W. to til': ,' i»*
tfclllgence. Every oi \ ' th<- ( i/iiC'
try is overcrowd 'd with lids *•■.->•. '•
helpless young ruea. T ey grow up
on the farms with no idea of t he t- i
aia and temptations that bceet their
class in the large cities, 'they think
they cm live in the cities without the
toil and drudgery they ray is a par'
0 f f arf n life. There are manyWK)'-
1;vin , }n a c jty, but there is but
one honorable way, and Bint is stir
mounted with as many trials arid
hardships us earning one’s living on
( !nri)i af ,d that is to earn it hon
eatly. A young man without a trade
W| jj f in ^ j H , to work harder to
rn;l(u , both tnds meet in the city than
on a f unilt
Tim young man who thinks the
wor p( o VA C.H him a living and that U I £
obligation will he canceled in the
cities, makes a uris : ke that is often
| pu) ut , t j too There is no rr.ore
^ J(1Jenj in tbo t , lu than o'
1! ‘« crum! . ‘ ;1 , ‘ e5flJS '
ceives some of its most vicious rr
emits from young men who
they were too smart to he
route to tbe city, found they had
made a mistake, dropped into had
company, and will end their lives on
the scaffold or in the penitentiary.
No, young man, yon are not too
smart fur the farm. The smarter'
man that ever lived naan t sense
lo rcaclj p( , rlcction H farm
ing. Be independent. While tin re
is el ways something to do on a we
regulated farm, if you have a leisure
moment, use it in study or selling
the many kinds of goods you Will
find ,, , that ., i especially . , • ,i .na: i e fu„ >'.i j
your benefit. You can always find j
something to do if you want lo work.
If yon don’t, we have no lime to reas¬
on with you.
Corn Or Oats For Horses.
The comparative value of corn and
oata for horses may he briefly stated
as follows: The former Is deficient
in many of the elements of nutrition
no necessary for recuperating the con¬
stant wear and tear which necessari¬
ly takes place in the body of a liv¬
ing animal. On this account horses
which are exclusively fed <>n corn
hay do not r iceive that kind of nour¬
ishment winch appears necessary for
the due support and maintenance of
the animal fabric. Hence, We must
not be surprised that corn-fed horses
show evidence of being languid by
sweating profusely while being work¬
ed, lack of etc. Outs, on
the contrary, contain more of the es**
aentiul elements of nutrition than
any other article of food which can
be fed with impunity to horses.
Oats are not only the most natural
food for horses, but are deeidcdlv the
most nutritious. They are tlte
cheapest, because there is less risk
in feeding them, and experience has
proved that horses properly fed on
limothy hay and oats can, with reg¬
ular exercise, good grooming and
proper sanitary regulations, be
brought to the highest state of phys¬
ical culture, and can perform more
work with less evidence of fatigue
than when led on any other arpele of
Farm and Stock Nptes.
In small runs or inclosures fowls
do not like to scratch. There they
stand, moping dull and inactive,
knowing full well Hint it is no use to
expend force in scratching in the
hard soil, fetid with their own excre¬
ment, which contaminates every mor¬
sel ot food given them and in which
a worm or bug has not been seen for
months, and are thus deprived of the
most natural food which they iise.
and would do them much good if
bad a chance to roam at will
and search for these precious morsels
At their leisure. (Jut ot doors rectos
tion serves a double purpose ; the
f ow j s tluci much f**od daily and get
enough of pure air and exercise to
make them healths.
For years, writes a correspondent
of the Country Gentleman, ’ 1 have
cured easily .. animals, . ,
j \ wans very on
„, atler where lu , ate( l, by applying
antimony with a f^ataer
r------- , j two OV tnvee -- tunes, at miorvjlj intervals <V .,{• U I
j two or three days. If the warts are j
dry scalded, I scrape them lightly at I
• —...... v----- r o -
j j to first. hardness, It simply when dries it drops the wai off t down with-! |
j qxlX, leaving soreness or irritation.]
The best, milking cow w hich I own 1
pm chafed out. of r. drove of beef eat- ,
of , superi " in
^ ^ R , r tv
having all the excclient milkirg
p ints, H *H \ the discovery that her
teats were literally covered with
l nom.ed warts, which I had r.o doubt
was the mason wi y she had been,
fatted aud sold.
Lv Atlanta 2.45 pm
Ar Conyers 3.42 p n
^yoiTfailiaA __ try clean, Wells’ wholesome Health Re
newer, a pure,
For Brain. Nerves. Storonrh, Liver, Kidneys,
tunes. An tnequaledXBTigorant. Cures
DYSPEPSIA, Headache, Fever, Ague, Chills,
IE. JWper “Jt., 0 for City, ¥ 5 . 00 , N. at J„ Druggists. U. A.
S. WEixa, Jersey ».
i liTi
II 'll
Pi i .j SKI
f*' ,s3 c
h Buchu-Paiba
Ttemarlrable Cures of Catarrh of the
B!adder, i nCararo ation, Irritation.of Kid
aeys and Bladder, fjtoiie or Gravel p-s
i ases of tlio Prostate Clnnd, Dropsical i
SwolllnsK, Female Diseases. Incontin¬
ence ol Urine, a!J Dis'-i-s of the Geiuto
ijrir.rry Organa in either ses. For Un¬
healthy or* Unnatural Discharges ileur,”eac- fuse
uko "Chapin’s SYPHILIS, Inject either ion contracted or . ( ,
For thapiu’3 Constitu-1
; hereditary Bitter taint, uso $1.00 bottle, and I
Don Ohcr-ia’s SrphiLt Syrup, lo Pills, per $2. 00: andCha- j
oiu’s SynhiDie Halve, Salve, $1.00. by Express 6 pottles
Syrup, receipt 2 of of 310.00, Pills, 1 at Druggists. on |
jerief or
E. S. Wells, City, N. J.. O. S. A. ■
itnn-a-tfW VKVrtL. r 'iDAY-aAX XV> %'fiiSkii ■
That Hacking Goeon can bn so quickly it.
oumj bp Sbilofi’s Cure. Wo guarantee
Will You SurfKit tviiliDyapt-nsfa and Liver
Complaint? Shiioli’sVitalizes is guaranteed
to euro you.
Sleepless Nights, matte miserable by tlmt
terrible) c-jukIi. Shiloh’s Cure is the i-.nedy
tor you.
Catahkh T'.raEH, health aud sweat liroatb
secured by Sh’loh’s (.'ula.rrh Bcmeily. Price 60
cents. Nasal lajector free.
For lame Da., k, Side <.r Chest use Bhiloh’s
I’orous Piaster. Price : 2 ii cents.
Shiloh's. Cocoa aud Consumption Cure Is
sold by us on a guarantee. It cures ooiuminp*
onovr, wnoovrs-o Cncon end -Bronchitis
tmmehiutcly relieved by Shiloh s Cure. For
Sale by Dr. M. It, Stewart, Conyers, Ga.
Shiloh’s Vitalizkh is wmit tifetiviws you need for
<<pn-'.th>»tiou.tsissot A-npetit*. and
Prico w
Fire Insurance
j- 8- SHELL J
feSTMr. Dallied repments a large
niiudiei- of the very host Companies
doing business in this State, and cm
write up policies on all kinds of ruo
perty. Rate** a-* low as anywhere.
Everybody phonld have their homes
and business insured ami that with¬
out delay.
GEGOIUa railroad.
Gnoun11 Railroad Co.,')
Office General Manager. 1884, |
Augcsta, April (i, ,
the following Passenger schedule will be
operated. Trains run by 90th meridian
lime, twenty two minutes slower than
Atlanta time.
b' A S T LINE.
Lv Augusta 7.40 am
Lv Atlanta S.25 am
Lv Conyers 9 50 am
Ar Athens 4.40 pm
“ Wash’n 2 45 pm
•' Mit’d’ve 4.49 pin
Ar Macdn 6.45 pm
ar A ugusta 3.55 pm
Lv Atlanta 6.00 pm
Lv Conyers7.f>o pm
Ar Cov’gt’nS.2opm
no. 4 east daily.
Lv Atlanta S.5O pm
LvCoiiy’rsio.28 pm
Ar Augusta 6. lo am
feST No. 28 will stop at and
receive passengers to and from the
billowing stations only: Berzelia,
Harlem, Bearing, 7 honip-um, Camak,
Crawfordvnle, Union Point, Greens
boro-Modison. Rutledge, Social Circle,
Covington, Conyers, Stone Mountain
and Decatur.
Connects at Augusta for all points
East and SouthoasU
JOHN W. GREEN, Gen. Man.
E. II. DORSEY, Gen. Pass Agt.
to eSErsaBBH ai fSSS Ascents wanted for
g| 3 Ly d authentic edition of
U 0 %’ sP hnu^ f Augusta!‘hTs
jy? | jfa a em ^^fvr
TD‘bt. Hy tile rrno'tvned historiuii and bio
^u^'-iwuhy ^ n h tiieB\V\^Bnhoraig
-".aoi. omsotd pubib&ed
woriu outsells every book ever iu
t’.iis : inanj- asreute- ate selltng fifty dai
lv . Agents an* -.n:-,u;ag tortums. au new
t *ms most liberal, part-icuiars tree. - W(i Better
sotaJ25 cents coats for for postage,^e eta.,on tree outfit, book,
now- ready, Vau indu-lina- large prospectus
and save nbienme.
aLI.UN a CO., Augusta, Maine.
Business Directory
For Conyers, Covington, XlIJ
McDonough, Jonesboro and Jao: son.
We will give every busiis s and pre Sion a
card iu • i -V.UMKK, a iiv ' Agrioui
“ rural -jour nalwliichFas over flilriec-n hundred
..istnal subscribers in Koc kdaie and adjoining
Ct us, oii6 year f or !. A card on the cover
ot this J mio: ■ j worth as much as a large and
costly advertisement.
J. H. Buyaxs. Publisher.
Lv Athens 8.05 am
Ar Atlanta i.oo
Ar Athens 7 .i 5 pm
Ar Augusta 8.05 pm
Lv Augusta 10.30 am
Lv Macon 7.10 am
Lv Mil d’vl 9.10 am
Lv Wash’n 11.30am
Lv Athens 9.35 am
Ar Conyers 4.2S pm
Ar Atlanta 5-45 pm
Lv Lv Cov,gt’n 6.10 0.4O am
oin eo am
Ar Atlanta 8.00am
no. 3 west daily.
Lv Augusta 9.00 pm
Lv Conyers 4.51 am
Ar Atlanta 6.40 am
(pi Sell leap
- on—
(silt; 5‘45, 3 xrwfl’f V: .3. "2‘ «w: 5 y ”‘7‘, 3&1 “(3&3 ., c“. 1:, ("a 3' , ..» C} ‘3‘..- ‘53» ,
g) i saw Eéék-Qfigwgb\crgéaa$ 8);, 9. - <9 ~~ . “Q .7 k4,; V, tw
AH kinds of Dry Goods, embracing Shiniz‘gs, S‘neetings. Bkcchingn. Qashmeres,
‘Wm‘stcds. <39!::i1ws,‘zawns. prinfs, &c., &c., dumestics, (-hwks, ms
mere, feather and mattress tickings. alsu bouts. shoes, hams, (24-9.,
ghnws &c. and a. must compiezc line of Lmvy and staple
noiion‘s. A'asu a big Stntk «.f fnmiiy groveries, suc‘n 3.»
meat, com. meal, 1mm“, grim. sugar, coffee, fiszh in
large quantities, checsv, soda and hundreds of
other articles. All kindsnf farming imple
ments, such as plowstucks, plows, heel
1m.ts,scnews, maddvcks plow points, kinds shovels,
spades, and all .
V \Ffi 3.2 {'1 L&g? ’55» W} m5} >17: mr— x )3; szw®m® ‘fl.\|/. .A f, \% «A qty.» , 3‘1“; [a L f 3.! a WT“: ‘1 1‘ 311:»: ‘-.J‘{ {Mb \ ,M ,'_ f ‘» 3:71 '1‘ :3
Grorkfry. glass and wooden ware of
every description. They kho carry a
nice line of harness, saddles, bridles,
sole and upper leather, &c. If you want
any of the above named articles call on
them. They keep on band many arti¬
cles not. named here, in fact you can
come aa near lading what you want at
J. H. Aiiiiand, Son & Go’s as at any
house on the Gal R. R. Look to your
interest and call on them.
Kfii'road Block, Conyers, Ga.
It is the Simplest!
It is the Strongest !
It is t'ue most durable
'■A : ■; smm
mnmj w
........ ■s
g-wm I* i l
I * *- $ vOld :>
El YrMKMM. 3
SEWIH 8 Mffiffl m
In the work] that turns either for¬
ward or backward and still continues
to sev,- in the same direction.
Challenges Comparison '. Distances
Conmeliiion ! Surpasses Expecationl
Be pure you see it before
you buy.
A Saint I come to every home,
Aud by my presence cheery,
I banish cave, and burdens bear,
Ot vv nt ‘11 worn and w eary.
I run o light and look so bright,
The ladies dote upon me,
No noise l tn ibe. no threads I break,
Tl>..‘ b-»ek aud forth you run me,
TU- i". •tv- kinds of goods I go,
silk, mmdin, cloth and leather,
Tbi'-cb ad machines to Case to sew,
Y- . I -v or. forever,
No c • ’s f pint), no c'-os T Grain.
To rhai hie way to thread me ;
No holes have, save needle s eye,
To make a cause to dread me,
I’m cheap and good, and if you should
But for a moment doubt me,
Be sure aud. try, and then you’ll buy,
And never be without rne
I seam. I hem, I fed I bind,
1 Tttille, tuck, and ( either,
And all machines I leave behind,
While I sew on forever.
For Sale by
t&udou JSalr Restorer-Great Englisli
Toilet Article. Restores growth, color
gloss, and softness. Removes Dandruff.
Aristocrat families of Great Britain en
dorse it. Elegant dressing. Fragrantly
performed. The favorite of fashion. At
Druggists for 33 i|d, or 75 cents iu U. S.
mm m wm
I am prepared to negotiate Loans
on itnpr ved lavrn lauus in Rockdale
A. C. McCalia,
Conyers, Ga-
rr d TT"n n
__ik_y k_y \j J
4 as&« m
Italian and Rutland Marine Monuments', Box Tombs, Head and Foot
Tcmhs. Wood aud Matallic Caskets and Cases.
Barf® 3SofcM» Jit©
Sixes and Prices furnished on short notice by
Clmrcli Street, Stone Mountain, (,i s _
T~1 "A D
—Deiilen In—
All Kind of General Merchandise
(At J. E. Maddox’s o'-i! Stand, Centre Si.,(Jonvers, Ga.) Stncj
Having opened business Here with a perfectly new and well assorted H;udiva-el
of Dry Goods, Notions. Hats, Boots. Shoos, Groceries,of every kind.
Glassware, Crockery, el &c. Wo invite all of ou r friends CASH and th > public geiiemllrf J
to call and s us. We buy cr goods for SPOT and can sell as cheap
any one. We want your barter and will pay tue very highest prices for the same,
We are going to ke\o NEW GOODS
And we are going to sell them low, so when you want anything in the way c
Give us a call and we will guaiantee satisfaction. Remember the place, J.
Maddox’s old stand next door to Weaver & Bro'.
, iwiiii m lamissS'
The Kortia/r Injector, is the best Boiler Feeder made. It works wanra or cold water, rmj
will taue a well or tank, over 4,000 no-.v in uso,
Are the .- 35 -T-I 1 -L V-A-X—X*—T'—Z—E-N made Will clear J-E-T muddy P—IT—M—P—S, water,
best Tank Pumps :, work or Satisfaction guar
anteed. Capacity from 100 to LOMBAHD 20 *wi grallons per ho Price, *7 to $ 75 . Send for oiroulg
GEO R. & CO,
We keep on hand a large stock of gw”SHAFTS, PULLEYS, HANGEB8,^®J And all
kinds of Engines and MIIIa class Piping- and Fittings, at low prices. Special attention to Bngfau
and Mill work. With first tools and men, we are prepared to do all kinds of iron work i
best Repairing promptly done * March K
the manner. 12 m.
#1111 H* KBUU9 §
Premium Steam Dye Works.
No, 7, West Peters Street.
Atlanta, Ga
Silk and Woolen Goods of all descriptions Dyed in a superior sty'e. Ladies'
Crape, Stella and Cashmere Shawls Silk Merino and Mousselirie Dresses. Gen*
tlemens’ Gloak-, Coats, Pants ami Vests Urdsomely cleaned. Everything apper*
tainitur to t.ho business punetnailv a ttetideJ to Particular attention received ]>ai I to the
cleaning of Carpets, Rugs, L.-.ce Curi-Ains, Blankets, &c. Goods and ex¬
pressed to all oarts of the United States. May 9 12111.
RDPC t I uompany i
lil ■
Corner Commerce and Ware-Rouse Sts. COItfYEBS. GA*
oiiwwit muwms%
General Merchandise at Bottom PrieeS.
8‘SUWs sell the NEW HOME Sewing Machine. EtfWe keep all kinds of
Heada uarters F-n all School Books adopted by the Board
of School .Commissioner^ ot this county.
Biases 8S® 3
Business and Dress Suits
Equal to Custom Made Go©ds and at Hock Bottom Prices.
42 and 44 Whitehall St., Atlanta, G-".
Georgia, Rockdale county :
Whereas. T. C. Swann, adminis¬
trator ot W. F. Swann, dec’d repre¬
sents to the court in his petition duly
filed and entered on Records that he
has fully administered WP. Swann’s
estate This i«, therefore, to cue ail
,, ersons concerned, kindred and cred¬
itors to sh'.v/ cause if any, they can,
v hy said administrator sh'und not, he
discharged from his administration
and receive*letters of dismission on
the first Monday in August, 188-1.
April 30, 1884.
Having fitted up me a new room,
j I____ am now prepared to do first-class
1 ovk.
j 1 HAIR ( I TTEM; 20 Cts.
3 Shaves 25 c l- Lv--, •
SHAM BOON 20 Cts. ; !
; j j
Qj ve , nc a call, and I will give you
a goui job. FRANK LYNCH,
June 13-tf. Conejers, Ga.
Respectfully informs his friends
and the traveling public generally,
that he is still at his old stand
ready to feed tbe hungry and shelter
the cold. My table is supplied with
the best the market affords, comfort
aide rooms, and attentive servants.
You all know me, come and see me,
and I guaiantee satisfaction.
This is to notify all persons that
one Andrew Curry, colored, minor,
is under contract, made by his father,
with me lor the terra of twelve
months, which term has not expired
and to warn nil peisons against hire
ing or harboring said Andrew Ourry,
colored. Respectful y,
S. H. Anderson.
- » C S. LUCAS,
A Watch Maker and Jeweler.
Commerce Street.
.411 kinds of watch work done in
the ovst style at prices that suit the
people. J welry of every descrip
ti m repaired neatly and durably. I
am here to stay and am prepared well. to
do your work promptly and
Call and see me.