The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, August 01, 1884, Image 3
tiie CONYERS WEEKLY. Facial OSS organ city of conyfbs. or gan of RQCkdaw county m.*vTshaveb, Publisher. *®»Reinember everyone who snb scribes d and pays the cash $ 1.25 for &11 entitled draw Weekly will he to a the which is to be given at our fine buggy away with this paper. Save your money by buying goods flt Geo. W. Gleaton’s. Beautiful moon light nights now. The finest lot of Damask goods in the city at D. N. Hudson’s. Dallas post-office has been made a money order office. \U kinds of turnip seeds for sale cheat at U. F. Harper & Bro. The crops all over State are re-« ported to be very encouraging. Borman’s Neutralizing Cordial for sale at U. F. Harper & Bro. Quite a number of visitors are in town, and some others spending the summer here, in preference to a wa teiing place. The spring goods at G-. M. Jones & Co., are the prettiest ever seen in this place. Call and see them. A fifty hour walking match is booked for Savannah, Ga., August 28, 29 and 30, open to the State. If you want the finest flour in America, get the Perfect Pastry Patent flour at IT. F. Harper & Bro. Miss Mary Tatum has become blind as a result of the gas explosion on Decatur street, Atlanta, a few days ago. Meessrs. H. P. & D. M. Aim and have had a pavement put in front of their store on Center street. Misses Mary Corley and Lena Pitts, two charming young ladies 'ff Covington, are visiting Miss Georgia Langford. When you want barter call on G. M. Jones & Co. The place to sell and the place to buy. Misses Cora Lee Jones of A tin ms, and Annie Ware Freeman, of Au 1 - gusta, are the guest of Mrs. Nellie Galley. We wish them both a pleas¬ ant sojourn while in our town. George W. Gleston has a large stock of general merchandise for sale, ft cost, for cash or on time, in the Sigman stand, 2d door bedow hotel. For Sale.-— I have a < r ood second hand, eight horse power Wood, Taber and Morse Engine in good running order, which I will sell cheap for cash, or good paper, or will exchange for a good pair of Mules. Apply to J. II. Bryans, Conyers, Ga. \ ou can now get all the brick y r ou want right here at the depot by call¬ ing on Messrs. H. P, & D. M. Al niand. They are of the best grade— made at Yellow River. Malaria from the undrained Pon¬ tine marshes, near Rome, is a terror to travellers. Ayer’s Ague Cure is an effectual protection from the dis¬ ease, and a cure for those who have become its victims. It works just as .effectually in all malarial dis'ricts on this side ofthe sea. Try it. The la lies will find sj eeial attrac¬ tions in dress goods, laces, trim m ings pockets, satchels, hoisery, &c., at Hudson’s. better than she expected. more to ^“tUfrarkeriJ for than U H’ai. Ha fL 1 V1 Bal8am P)y 1 2S dld much vnp ,\r ?. U 8a ' d 3t would, than I expected Mr h or Gg out, ts ° nly 8t ?,PP ed fa!! - ao.iaU iiv h,.;.. f s P 0 are ail covered, more lively Vhifnw Was grown be f thiekev, softer and year ago let??,and orti my sickness a tract from again.” Ex third street, New York ’ T " WeSt Fifty ' G - Jones & Co., lead the van en it comeg to dress goods of tVt G kind and description. Longshore & Sharp wiil buy all .! g00d oats they can get, and 1 highest market price for jj. never give dp. Ffe; strength ana oL actlv,t ^!* be inspired with new and misery i7Cfe will 5 r will return; pain ■Goice and henceforth youwiH and Electric Bucki Bittei?a^ S 0t S ,¥ ld e€tne at 50 cents Bitters. bottle, 0r Lee! e n's a lea Salve a , a i - W. H. at 25c- Per box by Lt^r^ L^ ^ ofshoe8 ^ a ts, to Clothing, my n etc. 1 ; et ° Sdl them at C08 t,for cash, or 0 Ua,e I ‘ Geo. W. Gleaton I Nr \r„,'m. ' REAT bxsujvery. Fife 25 has v, ffomas, of Newton, la., says- a'cougL “Vv E!: f/.* feYAhout Hn r ev’er 5 hr*fn^ more with severely relief &h a 'L aSe<J many reiat P kiiiif’s *’ aT,ri and ‘ r - v^,„“tv C 'V,Y beuig <liJ urg-ed to try L', r 'Vry results fF he :r L lirst U>- t,ort, with v relieved most Lately much and Htu s f coa 1 bottle has cured 88 ' had ab not 80 go<K1 uJ5?rt5» l s. Dr vv - H - Lee ' s dru K Wayside Gatherings. Nearly all «,f our neighbors ar« done laying; by their < vops. We learn that Sir. Vest Farmer of I this i-ciguboniood wi;l leave in a few day r s for Alabama. YVe wish hi«u much success in his new home. We thmk Losco can handle a sack ot corn the best of any of the small boys. [You ought to see me handle one, (I mean a corn cake.) A. D. The beautiful Miss Olivia Swann spent several days in this neighbor¬ hood last week, the guest of the Misses Farmer. We hope she will brighten our presence again soon. The watermelon crop in this neigh¬ borhood is a complete failure. Sweet potatoes are coming in. The musical kxtiedid makes the night hideous with iheir racket. All that the little fiddler John can think of now, is “Kittie my love.” The Weekly is looking as pretty and neat as a tiny butterfly. Milky. HIS LOSS WAS HER GAIN. “Well madam,” said a fashionable physician to a wealthy lady patient, “if you don’t like Parker’s ni.v prescriptions, Tonic, perhaps other you had quack better stuff.” try or some “You don’t mean it. Doctor,” she answered, “but your advice may be pood for all that. Sometimes what you call •quack stuff” is the best and most scientific medicine, after all.” Sho got a bottle of Parker’s Tonic and it cured her of neuralgia, arising from disordered stomach and nerves. She told her friends, and now of they all keep adoctor at home in the form Parker’s Tonic. On The Wing. What has become of Arthur Sharp? Allen Summers says he cannot help from loving the ladies. The charming Miss Lee Treadwell is visiting friends in Sheffield. We wish her a pleas ?nt time. Mr. J. N. Hale ba-< been absent all the week in Atlanta. Wc were pleased to see our clever friend, Mr. Geo. Hawkins, of Atlan¬ ta in town this week. George is looking well. Clever J. A. Dukes, formerly of this place, but now of Marietta, is visiting relatives here. Our handsome little friend, Mr. John McCollum says he felt just like a married man on last Wednesday night. John, you looked quite bash t’ul. Our clever friend, Mr. John Os home of Atlanta, is spending several days in town visiting relatives and friends. Man that is born of woman is small potatoes, and tew in the hill. He riseth up to-day and flourishelh like a rag weed, and to-morrow, or the day after, the undertaker has him iu the ice box. By request we publish the follow¬ ing : Doctor, I want !o thank you for your great patent medicine. It helped you, did it ? asked the doctor, very much pleased. It helped me wonderfully, How many bottles did you find it necessary to take? Oh, I didn’t take any of it. My uncle took one bottle and I am his sole heir. Everything points to one of the hottest political campaigns the coun¬ try has ever seen, and the wives of men who take an interests in elec¬ tions had better force their husbands to chop enough kindling wood during the summer to last until November. They will find it hard work to keep the men in the bouse when the torch¬ light procession season commences. Mr. C. S. Lucas left this week for Crawfordville, Ga. A. D. return many thanks to our popular tailor, Mr. Carr, for some fine grapes. Losco says Miss Milly is right, but somebody else says he is going off shortly on a bridal tour. We would like to get an invitation. The Sociable at Oakland Semina¬ ry last night was an enjoyable affair. Sid Marston and some one e’se looked mighty pretty last night. Arthur Sharp was the happiest young man we saw at the Sociable lest night. The cold ice lemonade sent to the printer last night at the Sociable by clever friend Tom Elliott, was highly appreciated. It takes Tom to fix up good drinks. What has become of Dixie. We heard that he bad flown to parts un¬ known. Well, it this be true, we will congratulate him on his return. The Musical Concert at Oakland Seminary ou last Wednesday night, was splendid, and eepecicially the song, (The Ocean Bnrial,) sung bv the ,, 1 lovely , and , beautiful , ... Mm ,.. Dora n Osbome. Everybody J 3 was highly ® 3 lighted. .. , , A, D, Death Of Mrs. Mary Taylor. Kansas City, Mo, duly I'll), 1 SSI. i De vil Brother Brittain : —We Pave this day buried our dear mother, who died yesterday evening at oj o’clock. She was taken sick in less than a week after we reached this place and for weeks I almost des¬ paired of her life—but she iived through it, and grew better gradually till we began to think she would be almost cured of her many diseases by the change of climate. But, with the return of Spring she relapsed into slight chills again and grew weaker until about 10 days ago, her disease took the form of Malarial dyseiiterry, and after days and night. , of the most intense suflering she passed away from earth to Heaven, as calmly and peacefully, as an in¬ fant falling to sleep on its mother’s bosom. She was conscious all the lime of her condiiion and while clinging to life, besought and found perfect resignation to God’s will, and left us many assurances of the per# feet rest her soul had found. I write this, hoping it may reach you in time for you to announce her death at Conyers next Sabbath, as she died a member of your church, and I believe lias many warm friends in that church and town and county. Say to them all that she never lest interest in them and loved them to the last, and the saddest recollection to me is, that she so much missed their sweet com¬ panionship in ber long confinement to the house. We had formed but <ew acquaintances here, but, I know it will be gratifying to you all, to know that when those living m our vicinity knew iliat we had serious illness in our family came and intro¬ duced themselves and helped us to nurse her day and night as faithfully as any friends could, and f feel at home with them now—as they have shown us every kindness and atten¬ tion possible. Rockdale ISacJtet. Hurah for Horn mood ! Dr. Jeff Summers from the Gate City was down last Saturday visiting his father’s family, Jeff says he is going to be on hand at Smyrna camp meeting. Jeff do you love Graham? Clever Wiil Furgerson, and hi# brother, from Henry county, paid Conyers a flying visit last Saturday. Walter Sharp said he tested uncle Vox Populi’s solidity last Saturday. Mind how you hit “Our Nat” men Walter. Prof. Guinn said Col. Perry own finding out that he was defeated ; went out and commenced teraeing the land around the C. H. Prof., guess Col. wanted to get things on a level. Major says the dog is dead with him down South. W hy so Major ? We learn that Capt. Prof. Jay Eye See had a spell of nolitical colic, last Saturday. Jim didn’t yon know yon wa3 too little and young to live on politics alone! Judge G’eaton says who can help frowning and wearing a ong face when a whole parcel of Nats are alter you. Mr. Carr, the tailor says Bob Sharp wears the longest britches of any other man in the county. Bob w ant# his girl to sing ! sing ! him a little song. “Our Nat” (Honorable N. J. Ham mondj, not Mr. Jeff’s Mynatt, took the lead : We told you so boj s - just flung your vote “On the desert air,” And now boys what! Was toe Capt’s bill o’ fare, A little beefsteak rich and rare, And plenty o’ dashed soda water, To make a fellow rip and tear. Well, the Jauk son crowd remind'd us of the girl that was too hoarse to blow the piano. luere was once a young lady from the country visiting in Atlanta, and during her visit, a young man made her a call, and like all other young men generally j are, he was a little , inquisitive, . . ... and was asking of her many accomplishments and just as he was about to take his depaJture, be asked hex if she per formed on the piano. Her reply was, yes sir, „• , bnt t i am too i>, Hoarse Mrap to h n hlnw mow “now ” And that was the way with the Jackson men; they were too hoarse to blow, when they saw the victory . . , bad j gone over ,u„ tiie leit loft 10 fr, . them. We imagine they were kind O’like, ,... „ the ll r lSdnian - 1 _____ was „„„ wuen ue purchanced to pass » very large bovine, (as the S. s, pats ft.) He looked at the bovine, and said to himself, “vouldn’t it von bea taighiv vor mea to pat dot i^steB : F j , neai de grown.” And he on so set down and took a heartv laugh, about - “bow vnnny it vonld bea vor him to putt dat bastes head on the ground. And when his laugh was over, the way he went to work putting the hastes head to the grown. But when the Irishman got. through with his vork, he said “be faith and be jab¬ bers ! it vas a mighty good ting I had my fun, he‘ore the vovk was be¬ gun.” Aud we “tink de” Jackson fellows were somewhat line the Irish man. They did their blowing, And had their fun. Just before the work was done. Rockdale Boy. II you want something that is good get the Self-Raising Buckwheat for sale at U. F. Harper *fe Bro. Tbe Re-union ot the 18th Georgia Regiment here was well attended and a grand time was had by the old ve¬ terans. The address of wtlc ime by Col. A. C. Perry was good, so also was the reply by Dr. Roach and the speech of S. D. Irwin. Dr. J. A. Stewars was elected President. The nex'. re-union will be at Jefferson in Jackson county. We would like to give full accoilut ot the meeting hut cannot. «miT4 The exercises of Oakland Semina¬ ry passed off well. Prof. Moore has been elected for 5 years. We wish the institution all the success poesu ble. The singing of the Conyers Musi¬ cal Club at the Seminary was just splendid. Mr. Mail Ewing had his ’ ouse de¬ stroyed bv fire on Monday night last with nearly all of its contents. In - suranoe $1350. He has bought (be residence of Dr. J. P. Rosser. LETTER OF DISMISSION. Georgir, Rockdale County: To all whom it may concern : «* hereas, Henry C Penn, guardian of James F and Charles A. Walker applies to roe for fi tters ot di#mis¬ sion from said guardianship and J wiil pass upon this application on the first Monday iu November next at my office iu Conyers in said county. Given under my band and official signrtui'e, this July 28th 1884. O. SEAMAN’S, Ordinary. Coal' ( #Si, -COAL CREEK COAL B®*Parties wishing Coal for Grates or Shops can be furnished by apply¬ ing to me. TILLEY, Sole Agent, jjj. P. Coal Creek Coal. July 18-5m. CANDIDATES COLUMN. FOR SHERIFF. At the solicitation of a few of my friends I announce myself Sheriff as a can¬ of didate for the -office of Rockdale county, subject to nomi¬ nation if any, July 13th, 1884. ti AUGUSTAS A. BORN. oc*rry T^»« K^» saB i> B gaa ta tfi iiw Mothers’ Cordial or Parturient Balm, Ladies about to become mothers should take a package of tfii# cordial as it certainlv and surely relieves the pains of child birth. To those wi.o have snffered, it will be a blessed re¬ lief. To those who hovo never ex¬ perienced the pangs it wiil save many hours of pain ami anguish. Thousands of testimonials can he fur nisheu as to it's efficacy, Price, $100 per packsye hy mail postpaid. For sale only at Reform Dispensary, corner Broad and Walton streets, Atlanta, Ga. M. T. SALTER, M. I)., July 18-3 m. Proprietor. - •• r’ -yrrr-YTii-trjrr- 'irrrrssrmGsmm “Rough on Rats” clears out Hats, Mice. 15c. “Xtough on Corns,” for Corns, Bunions. 15c. %X 2 reU>f m Ladios who would retain freshness and vi „2wer.”° a 1 f!Ul *° try “ wx ‘ lls ’ Healtli lu> ‘ “Buchu-paiba,” (treat kidney and urinary cu £r roacheSi antg( rat8( micc cleared out by “Sougli on Rats.” i.,c. “Roug-h on Coughs,” troches, 15c; 25 c. an " “Roug-h on Dentist” Tooth Powder. Try it. biiity j? ervoug cured a.-eakn“>^s. by “wells’ Dvspepria, Health xtchewer.” Sexual $ 1 Mother Swan’s worm Syrup, for ‘everish wonnSi con«,ipa tion l tMte,e»s. 25c. - d secured nNl>b t 8W reata,fever,ch-nis,iaaiaria.oy8pcp- by “wells’Health Uenewer.” My husband (writes a lady) isthreetimes the ro8 n since using “wg;#’ H,.-r'th iguc.v -1 it you arc faiiiiw. brotMU), um out. ana nervous, US” >\ells Health Kcuewei *i. Prevalence of Kidney complaint In Ameri is « quick, complete cure, Troulie. r": Liver, Jtldncy or Stomach Symptoms, Impure blood, costive bowels, irregular appetite, sour belching psios in hac« ami heart, yellow ,H T\ ,,n ‘ nir :« oreu baa tmmtii, no desire tor worlc, ehiiis, te ve,> * irritability Whitish fy cough, disrasy l.*»d, with d,dl pain i» back part, Joss of memory, wane's foggv For these troub’es “S Pilis” I are a sure cure. Box, (30 pills), by Dial j : 25 cent , for 5 $1 00 . Address, Dr Swayne & Son, Pbila. Pa. Sold by Druggists. j T-II-E—K-I-N-G—fi-O-U-S-E, j AT : STONE:: MOUNTAIN,:: pONVENIENTLY LOCATED AN I) EASY OF kj access (Yom almost any point. health) and pure. Watc’-<<'Cl and ddijrhttul. Situated in a charming prove, Everything pleasant and airy. The table w. II lie the best, and tonus moderate. Manager. Address 15. T. WHITE, Juno 0-tf. Iticliiiti” Pile*—Symptoms hiiO Cure, The symptoms are moisture, like per¬ spiration. intense itching, increased by scratching : very distressing, particular ly at night: seem.-, as if pin worms were crawling in and about the rectum; the private pares are sometimes affected. If allowed to continue verv serious results may follow. \S W AYNK S UlNTMEN is a pleasant, sure cure. Also Tetter Itch, Salt Rheum. Scab! Head, Krvsipe I as Barbers’ Itch. Bcofcbes all scalv, crust. Skin Diseases. Box. by mail, 5 o cen a for $(.25. Address, Du, SWayne & SOM, Pbila. Fa. Soid by Druggists. €ou<;I«s, €oU3s, Cutarrh, Consumption All throat, breast and Lung Affections cured hv the old established -‘Swayue’e Wild Cherry ’’ The first dose dives ie lief, and a curse spcfdilv follows. 25 cents, or SI .00 at Druggists. & TIP0D ? 13 Baum Street .........ATLANTA, GA. h usts and Painter’s Material, French and American Window Glass etc. —Agents For— Averill Mixed Paint Company. Also Agents For HIP SILICATE PAINT COMPANY Petrify Liquid, a suvO reined v for Amu walls, recommended liv the Internation¬ al Aval! ti Congress aud Sanitary insti¬ tute of dreat Brittain. 1 ' “I. rnm C-D) y lP CO NY Fits GA DEALER IN FINE HAND MADE • BOOTS. SHOES. <>«• CW H A RNESS. : By PrT? M Wnolev 1IISKY At la qtn. < >a. PrinkinG ^No pain. No loss of CURL. 1 time from besiness. Cures the disease nod destroys ad taste for stimu! nts. Book of paidcnlars sen sent to any address fiea. Office at 65 Whiiehad street. / ) \ BYB.M. WOGLEY, M Ji I ) I TPM f Atlanta (Li. V, / 'lABiT ) Reliable evidence S'ven CURE j ’ nhd rf' p «'rcnce to cured path'h.Y-dcinny. Office 65 Whitehall. Sine..Sen 1 for my hook on the Habit and • -pi .. „ j' tr S Will f I am nmv here, and nsn pti jsireb 1 o do a 1 1 kind# of •'.rV" Y? P. VIa; t y ,0 l ,»J n t - 1 4 Oil I other painl Mig <u H k• n' f .• Go (test ip. inner au- in low figures Civ. me a innl. l.Vopsctfnliv. '31 A RS TO ' S' H) y.P' 2 F. !>. 29 Gu». More Popular Thau live . The Re.:en Improvement Made ir The White Sewing Machine ,• Gv- ---8 ----- L-u•; £££* Z] 1 v ;4-.' :-<fr j- b? A I ■Y/O j ,i a:;p'V >6 " $ 1 - —— — Add much 10 the many excelfin' j qu Jities <A this j Superior Machine, Lee. ., r f , „ r ,, Un and others, who „n j them for fiie many advantages ’.hej possess over other Sewing Machine j 1 ’ ' LL V ! i White Mach inf ! Warranted for 5 years, J. D. & T. F. SMITH. Whoie%a!e and Retail Dealers, 5D Broad street, Atlanta, Ga II, P. & D. M. ALMAND, Agents, Conyers, G . Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. I The Best Salve in the worid for Cuts, A"" Bruis Y. , ! L - '.rLpn.V 1 J or (l|ti ,-eq.iirc. It is jruariinteed refum’c-’. togriv perfect satisfaction, or mon ty Dr. H. j j Pm-o SSeents per box. For sale uy W. 1 k Marvelous Story TOLD IN TWO UTTERS. FROM THE SON: “28 York,uct.5i>',l«!'.!. Cedar St., New “ Gentlemen: My lather resides at Glover, Vt. He has been a great sufferer from Serof nla, ana theinclosed letter will toil yon wluis a marvel jus elloct Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has had in his care. 1 think bio hi . 0,1 rr, 7 have contained the humor for least u years; bnt it did not si .w, cr.eept in nef... of a serofulinis sore on the wrist, until f- ; live years ago. From a few spots " a -h »> pea red r.t that tries, it p "dually spread so a Vi cover his entire body, I assure you he woo terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, v t. s he bejjau using your' medicine. Now, t'.ere arc few men of his age who enjoy as good heaitl as lie has. X could easily name hfty persons who would testify to tiie facts in his case. Yours truly, AY. >1. Phillips.” FROM THE FATHER: , “It is both a » pleasure ar.ct a duty for mo to state to you the benoilt I have derived from the use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Six months ago 1 was completely covered w ; lh a terrible humor ami scrofulous sores. Tiia humor caused an incessant and intolerable itching, and tiro shin cracked so as to cause the blood to flow in many places whenever 1 moved. My sufferings were great, and my life a burden. X commenced the use of the in April last, and have used it regularly since that time. My condition begun to improve at once. Tiie sores have all healed, and X feel perfectly well in every respect — being now able to do a good day A work, although73 yearsof age. Many inquire wliat lias wrought such a euro iu my case, and X tell them, at 1 have here tried to toil you, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Glover, Vt., Oct, 2l t 18S2. Yours gratefully, Hiram Phillips.” Ayrr’s Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula end all Scrofulous Complaints, Erysip¬ elas, Eczema, Hingwrrm, Blotches, Sores, Boils, Tumors, end Ernptloas of the Skin. It clears the blood of all impm rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality and frtrongthens the whole system. PREPARED by Dp. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; $1, si* bottles for $% tumor. zaammraMKassrm*sea» » m w»^‘ 7 ”” CONSUMPTION -O UR ED- By local treatment. No liquor. Noun of the present remedies are employed a-i they m-vor Pave roved a success (Jivi ,t a trial—no charges made All chronic complaints fro.,ted without medicine. Correspondents must enclose stamp. Address, Mrs- M. 0 . 'Vai.tkr, Kina House, Stone Mountain, Ga. mKrmrjmtmiiatmmBCisMtteMiiA - CLEVELAND ArouIr Wanted for authent ic edition of life; written at Ms own. homo, r'.u Ins eo-cp .•■•iition ami assistance, by tho renowrr 1 Go.-si riel).'est, cheapest,, burr!- orno.-f, best. Vilejrapt.l.v iilnstimod. Costs move lb wr cony to manufacture than other lives ’' ,ir sold for twice its price. Oiuwolls an oi*.-i-m ten to otic. One of our agents u a-l- a pro at Of over *;-»■) thoiirst day. A harvest Ot will be realized l»y every worker. AH uc*v ho .jin,suci c'xj jrrandly. Terms iroe, aunt •• 7 uost; lili'-ralever offered. Save valnablo tn.v» !iy scudiuMT f’i* cents for |:osl«so. etc., on ;r ■■ outfit, which Includes 11 hi.Ri- im spcciiuri Look. Act quickly; a day at the start !•; vet la a week at the tininli. t.'iind, , Maine. .. . H. 11 ALLSfi'T A r T’ei vKomct «**" ^ THE Alt Maryland Tump Ezra Whitman, Editor | > . BALTIMORE, $1.00 per year MD. fit"" X in advance. . Y I rfip' !■***»?*■ HiiflAfeL THE i a 8 -, hi m ? ir Oh. Ll I Sewing Machine, LIKE THE EMIKGTON RIFLE, UNEXCELLED BY AfSY. Sure to Give Satisfaction, General Office, Ilion, N. Y. New York Office, 283 Broadway, Buying Agents Wanted*