The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, August 22, 1884, Image 3
- -■ tHE CONYERS WEEKLY. Q^*t^‘ C ‘or , SiSlw“~'»"f Publisher. ^^jp^deTTor jj. yy. 'SHAKER.-............. . or e gainst any candidate will he put under the head of ’ omicd% ady^HWhents and are p paid-for by those having them t0 be inserted. In Memorian. In tbe recen t disposition of Provi dence, in taking from our school one blits pupils, we are reminded that the young, as well as the aged, die. jBeiDg ot dust, “unso dust thou ah alt return,’’ is the inevitable decree. One has said : ''So vanishes cur s'ate so pass our days and de go life but opens now no v cradle cays 5 The aud tjm tomb, alas ! so nigh To live is scarce diaiiaguishvd from to die.” . Born January 23d 1871, died Au¬ gust 3.1, 1884 These are the land¬ marks of Time between which lie all the earthly existence of Tesaora Mn tella iiefWich so recently one of t our number. Can we g*y that her life’s work wss unfinished becanse she was so early cut down ? “We live in deeds, not years; In thoughts, not breaths; In feelings, not in figuH'h on a dial. He most lives who thinks uiosij feels the no • blest, acts the best: In this sense, only the Heavenly Father knows the real length of her life and He only can estimate its im¬ portance to the world and to us. Since her father’s removal to Con¬ ifers she hao been a constant atten¬ dant at this echo >1, and b- iug anx¬ ious to h at.i eactfed literature, she was at the same time a member of the Presbyterian Subbath School, at¬ tending the latter in the forenoon At our school she was prompt, at¬ tentive, and dutiful taking great in¬ terest in her lessons, and seemed thoroughly irabtied \vi h the great and vital truths thal her young and tender mind was i ga fveritig. She fiot only sought these living truths, but in her auendance at school we kre informed studied hard and made i ipid progress. Biing of a geutl and amiable disposition she never gave her 'parents, or teachers, any i ouble. She was ever tinm htftrl of her mother, and with willing, help¬ ing hands, assisted her irf the affairs of the household. She had a picas ant W"rd and a bug-lit smile for a! . In her ear j 8 , sudden dea l), we are Reminded. “Time is fleeting And our beans thoiigh stout and brave Still like muffled drums arc beat ing Funeral marches to the grave.’’ We should remember “Thai in sneh an hour as we think not th» Son i f Man eometh.” In bt lsalf of the officers, teachers, and pupils of this school, we ext nd to the bereaved family our Heart-felt condolence and will earnestly pray that God will sanctify this irrepara¬ ble loss to their souls’ eternal good, and after life’s .race is run they will meet her where there will be no more death, neither sorrow, nor Parting. We request that this report be 8preacl on the minutes of our Sab¬ bath School and a copy be sent to the family of the deceased. Mrs. J. N. Glenn, Ara. A- O. W. Ttayie, Misfi Willie Stewart. Committee. Charles Hudson is ffappy again— qe was found neat the corner of ita'l Road and Barton streets not E«g since singing “Don’t be angry ■Fith me Darling ” Capt. John ZacLry is building quite a nice residence on Decatur street. TV hat has become of little John Die Brodnax? Better L look out iTt J°ha, we can’t be responsible for - interests much longer. Dr. C. H. Turner and Mr. E. M. 1'id so a left for Brunswick, on last Monday. Dr. Turner represents tbe °^d Fellows in tbe GraiSd Lodge. j. ,n J™? friends l,la Blanche Hdlson, is visi J at Social Circle, We wuh het a pl ea s a m s to y -and an ear v return. _ understood . , -is tfiat the Conyers Stic Club will, at an early day ». enge Covington to play a match E*m« of Base Ball. pni POLITICAL itini r ADVERTISEMENTS. nuTwunru...™ -----.---------- \In TTi«i p a ■ w „)1 u ftinohiu, ol,e.iWnce to duty, moves one to enquire who should ought to represent us iu our next legislature. There has been no for T r et . de . . by *• “* been advised, save a vague rum >r tliil ,o'dr worthy a»d deemed oiti dear mopfe'or’n "m'I Kr '‘-rij vereai epbeavibg of tbe people lor him eo to do. It is a Mnceded Tact that Dr. Stewart the high eat type of ao.. HS eulightehed Christian geotleman. very embodiment ol honor. The out crop of those no b!e characteristics in hi. priV .te and public walks ha, so nobly demon slraled his integrity, .billy and pa. triotism, is unqneal ioned—his long and earnest services to his party and the m.ny appropriate contribution. of time and talent he has nobly rendered in the organization of our new county, has endeared himself to the highest consideration of his people. If Dr. Stewart should con¬ sider ifi&t it requires the f.mrfch or even the fifth term in the house to fill the cup of bis legislative honors, or to reach that important grndat on in parliamentary jurisprudence as a qualification for the aenatorshlp, he can have an easy walk over the »t * • « . track, for it will not be questioned, but that he c&n represent tlie county of Rockdale during hie natural life and at death, transfer the mantle—to "‘whomsoever.” If the Father of’76 a was here in person with his illustri¬ ous war record,.of Princeton, Bun¬ ker Hill and Yorktown, and with concentrated aff.-ction of the nation was bis i ival as the standard bearer in the county of for the legislature, be"could clean him up be' fore breakfast. To say Dr Stewart is eminently qualified to represent the county of Rockda’e, is significant of the con si ruction with his unusual am ount of policy and plausibility and reciprc* cal congeniality add band shaking and blaude smiies and great tenacity lor popular piefferment, with such softening elements of foroearance and conservatism, would he likely make such a representative sis wou’d promote the great diversified inter est, phy i'*al, sociil and moral de¬ velopment of our cotinty. T^e Dr appears all ready to be bn the wild hunt enuffing for the popular breeze, and catering to suit the views of the wet and dry men and proposing if elected a modification of the Peek • prohibition bill, as a compromise to the vc$ed question of prohibition as the only satisfactory 8 solution to the conflicting elements that are divi¬ ding the people to units, to leave the whole matter of vending of spirits to the sound discretion of the druggist of our town, I suppose adopting the very accommodating prescription plan as formerly. Will the average voters of our couuty indorse such ac¬ tion from their representative. Such are diametrical to all ethics or science of human duty^ and should be scaned with great care, and he who introduces tBe pandora box in the ranks as a pan* domonium, to thwart the great and noble purposes of the brothel hood, in consumaiing that moral excel¬ lence, that sobriety instills in the average species of intelligence is culpably at fault, and should be held as a renegade to all principles of right. So It is an incontrover¬ ted fact,' no honesty in politics, and no moral worth in him who strad¬ dles all local issues,’ until there is a demonstration of the strengest side. This is the great moral blight that pervades the rank when the average politician align themselves as a prey for spoils and plunder. These im¬ putations are general and has no personal reference, bnt are thrown as misels of rebuke, and if one should be so unfortunate to encoun¬ ter i he blow, he shoold 1 accept the fate as the inevitable result oi his own stupidity. To the issue ! and just here I must give Dr. Stewari credit for having more sense to en¬ tertain the remotest Idea that.if elec ted he could possibly change Peek prohibition bill as it now standg enoh a large prohibition pre ponderance in tbe hones. Think, two third of the conctiee iu our Stale stand for cold Water, and the iidtl , is . moving . ... like an trre wave 6 stable avalanche out rootaer , si on our ^ *jP ’* tail *? bouSe '* *.,? ^.tli . bond to \ themumc;; »«■ , I a «P*1 authorities of our town .or goo order, etc., would be far more aecep t»b e and the eood order and morula our community wou.u ue ie P“ Md lh *“ *• P 1 " ,l ' e Dr ' P™P°“‘* *“«■<>■ 'oLl* ^liquor is l™»»Wy » Wng of the ,>..t- ad».d ‘“ m « nd 1 do " ot oppose there l, « muUon h ™ d in R " ckda, ' ! lU ‘' WOT '' 1 Mto “ lM l » , V "° m *‘ Ur ho ’' <Um > > or alr0 “ s 1,13 P rooi , ‘""« ">»y bo for the old Jefferson..,n e >r iri 80 let “ ,m ™ f »»">■»»» g«™ side b v 8ide ' ,,th llle fenCC ' “” d - ever d »‘“ rl >e'l. »»y *• (fost St tb “ 1,0, ”f leS8 ’ & «*.. »» “ e,li,, "1^ ^y®* *’“' ,tat EBay rs ' be re P made « to e ™7 subjugate and en¬ slave tbe redeemed , thousands from the withering and blighting curse of excessive drink. Theio is but one important issue that should of all others ‘mostly interest Hie tas pay¬ ers of Rockdale tiiat is the enlarge¬ ment of oftr county limits. The present county line bi.l is a failure utterly impracticable and totally in¬ capacitated to effect the purposes for which it was interfiled: Bui as the author of the present county line bill, has manifested no litile opposi¬ tion to the enlargement of our coun¬ ty, and I fcrn of the opinion the pres¬ ent bill no doubt was framed with a view to defeat any cut that mi^ht be made or has bseu in progTesS of com¬ pletion. Three adjoining counties are iu readiness and anxiously awaiting to have a portion, of their territory transfered to Rockdale when a bill can be framed, allowing them so to do. Our next represen¬ tative shoukl bet-elected specially to look after this important matter the enlargement of our county, and I know no one more interested tliar our esteemed and worthy citizen B. N. McKnight—he would if elected use every effort on his part to effect so desired a purpose and so far as in¬ terfering with the present prohibi¬ tion act he is reported to acquiesce, and accepis the situation, any agita¬ tion in his opinion would result in no good. As Dr.' Stewart has represented the county Of Rockdale three if not four terms, what additional honor could there. be coming to the front again unless Ids excessive patriotic ardor forces him to the conclusion, that ones country is drifting to an¬ archy and ruin without the inti ^po¬ sition of bis delivering power, ii may be simply wishes to demonstrate the fact that he is master of the situa¬ tion and can ware the robe at pleas ure. We would like for the Dr to stand for a higher position, let his watch word be upward and onward never retrograde, no back seat, stand and await the inevitable issues of tbe hour. S'and for thv own rr ward for the cause of friends and honor, stand for professional obliga¬ tion to suffering humanity stand. Presto. We think Dr. Quiggs presence were very much missed at Camp¬ meeting: bnt still the meeting was carried on by some of the ablest of Divines and we don’t suppose there ever was a more interesting meeting conducted at good old Smyrna. Tbe Henry county old Bachelors are getting to be very popular in Congress. Gim Almaod says hi is rather too larg" for a “Mill boy.” What made.little Bob Gatnn look 4o lonely at Smyrna on Sunday. Come Bobbie dry up those--and be a good boy. F. A. Smith, photographer, has re¬ turned to Conyers t) spend tbe fall season. f / * Mr. A. Davis ieafes . for the Gate city this noon. He goes to take charge .of^he G^oygia Farmer—-fer raerfy published at: this office. Mr. G. ?. Tilley leaves for Atlan¬ ta in about ten days. He will do business* for t-he-Weli known firm of Kelly, Rosser & Co., and will be glad to see his friends' when iu ihe ci'y. Mrs. M. W. Sliaver is spending a week at Greensboro—the guest of Miss Fa tie aood. Thr^c Ci.m >iaettin^b ate liuw nutti' b red wilti . the (linns . of the r a3t; . JV' Decisions. For Pad,tie i part he letils v**ry good ^ W e,j be did feel :i little mean ih ^ ^ ___ btlt ftcci *"» _ VMu , J t “W‘ t li «hi e ,° oaeof our n ra tin 8 *1“ eoe.mpaient ..a one of call a , tr;o of our most gallant young men, accidentally caused tl.e shentltunan to dismount and enjoy the excruciating pleasure of a buggy whip. Hurrah! Lojr. whip him again. “Capt. Prof. Jay Ey- See” many thanks for your sage advied, and re¬ cuperative prescription, but "e fear you were a little too fast, for we have our doubts about your perma¬ nent restoration. But if you will change the last of your prescription 'ini say “goto die mountain and get left we think one more appli¬ cation will certainly insure you re lief;, “One ounce of previ ntion Is worth a, podnd of cure,” And dear iitiie Junny I Don’t always be«too sure,- ! ——• I And beaf i‘H mind ' * * > ■' V‘ j . i That you were itpported From a very cold clime. Yours very mucla, Paddie. j “Ye Editor” spent several d yi in i the Gate city this week. Mr. W. H. Jo’nes, cf Augusta, will move his family to Conytr- a l '<>ut the 1st oI October. We eXiend to them , t» ! . a cCrdiul welcome to tbe Queen city. Mr, J. A. McCord, of Carrallion, desire. Rosser & Treadwell of At « lauta and Me-srs. Overbay and . Sig man of Tull ipoosa, have been in the city attending Court this week. i . • i Miss Q. orgia Langford, one of Oonyera brightest, w its, is spondma a week or ten day’s at Covington— tl.e guest of Miss Mary Corley — Cb'vington wins. *• | *. We learn that Mr. V. J. Alqmnd, of Carrallton, is quite unwell—al¬ though not confined to his room. Better make another visit to Con¬ yers, Jett, pur climate does you good. We are pained to l«*arn that Miss Belle Rosser, daughter of Judge E B. Rosser, of At ahta, is quite ill. She is heic under treatment of Dr, J; P* Rosser, The Misses Butler,' of Eatonton, are the guests of the Butler House. Mrs. 1). C. Langford, daughter of our fellow townsman, ’ Mr. G. W. i Clemmons, is quite sick her , hom at in Logansvilie. We hope soon«to chronicle her recovery. ■■ i AYER’S Hair Vigor restore*, with the gloss and .frwbness ot youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, ricli brown color, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use light or red H&ir maybe darkened, thin hair thickened, and baldness often, though not always, cured. It checks falling ot the hair, and stimu¬ late* a weak and sickly growth to vigor. It prevents snd cures scurf and dandruff, and heals uearly every disease peculiar to the scalp. As a Ladies’ Ilair Dressing, the VlOOR is unoqualled ; It contains neither oil nor djro, renders the hair soft, glossy, and silken in appearance, and imparts a delicate, agreeable, and lasting perfume. Mr. C. P. Brichsk writes from A July 3, ISkL': “ hast fail my hair commenced falling out, and iu a short time 1 beemno Hourly bald. I used part of a bottle of Avkr's Ham Vigor, Hlarted which stopped growth, the fall¬ i ing of the hair/and full bead of hair a new growing vigor¬ have now a ously, and-am convinced that but tor the use of your preparation I should have been entirely bald.” ,T. W. Bowkk, proprietor of the McArthur (Ohio) Ktujuircr, tav* : “ Ayf.r’s Hair Vigor is h moat excellent preparation for tlie hair. 1 apeak of it from my own experience. Its use promote*.the growth of new- hair, and makes it’gioSBy ana soft. The VIGOR 1 b also a sure cure for dandruff. Not within nry knowledge baa the preparation ever failed to give entire satisfaction.” Mr. Arops FAJRjPAtitjr, leader of the celebrated Vocalists, write* “Fairborn Family’’ licttnn, Matt., of Scottish Feb. 8, from 138(I: “,Er«r since my change hair began which to give fleeting sil¬ very evidence, of the time procureth, I have used AvtR’S Bair Vigor, and so have been able to maintain an appearance of youthfitlneas —a matter of considerable consequence to ministers, who live* ora tora, actora, ifiid In' fact every one in the eyes of the public.” Mrs. O. A. PRERrOTT, writing from 1* Elm s’.'.. ChurteHown, Mass., two-third* Aprii U, of 1882, says hair : •• Two veam ago about my Came off. it thinned very using rapidly, r.R'a and it ivu ik 'aat growing bald. Oil A T A yir, )H the falling stopped and sww growth commenced, and in about a m-'idb my head was completely covered -witii shcAt hair. It iva contiiiUod to grew, audit now as good as •ofnre itfell. 1 reguiarljHMed bht one bottle" .if the Vigor, but uow uso’it occa*ionaUy a* I dressing.’’ ......., - ' ^ ... We have hundreds of shnfiar testimonial^ to tae efBcacy of Aver’* Hair Vigor. It needs but a trial to courktce th« most akepti eal of its raise. *■ rHRPAREn BT Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by eli Drufgi*te. He hdle ol L'ecauu si tti will soon live ... in a new innnsi<»n. '*$$%** file‘.'Bidder House ’ *V T L,m * .' ... . , , , r ’ L "* eon a home ou the sick l-*t »i^r. si-vera J,,-—»« are The “Stars’* of CoIon Iui- ,'r,i t be increasjing in brili ircv n< tti dnu fiji] < n. The C n*«r« ,\ttil i ics Art thinking eboli«* k* si t > Adantas a- soon as. th. -iw'j Ji iiJ, hs them up. Mr. Bob Brians, 1 ^t \v n. *• ; , thutub in t Athi*'h ,) , »• eek Wbit c oi'piirf; csi s, is, piidyk the skillful att; niion of Dr J.^A erin.' fast. Gu-< 1 1 very ; w ■> * «* n fl iwpr garden when be rot.iris <r in, one of th' j s- v-isits —h id we « e •» l isfi d Bub dont pa, h •< i cs i,, flowers. How about i* D We sre i»la<l to wide 'no i>o '0 t bis o'd horiie, the IIo «. Frank Irwi of M irietts. BETTER THAN SHE EXPECTED. "Your letter received. In reply I aai hnppy to say that Parker's Hair ilai-tam ui'l much more forme than you shH It '.vfijltt. or than i expected. My hair has not uni, Si-Oppoc luli lag out. but tlie bald spots are all covered, and all my hyir has grown th: jker, softer nM more lively than it was botove toy s.cknoos a year ago Thank you agate an-' again. ' Ex tract from letters of Mr. R. W, X . Flfty third street, Ne.v York. COMMER ^ c IELiiE’N HOI'LL ? O’.'* Hoiwe, COVINGTON .... t< F, OIb • I ' M OWENS, PKOPRITR Newly fitted up. Xabh* inil! the tiesi the market atloot !■ <*<• IIvok meet all trains. Atria 1 i* •>>' I n k. Advertise in the v i:;;k:.y. '‘Rougi oil Rsts” oloare ox*. Rats, .Mice TV. “Rough on Corot,'* for Corflt^Hunl'jxm. loo. Thin pfiopln.. "wollfl' HefiltM JU»ei»«r ' re stores health and vigor, cu es d wpopaia, At * 1 . “Rough on Toothache," lasi."i 8 't r l”.u Ladles who would retain lroohnci>.i fend vi vaelty don't fall to try "vvciti' Li}* ! th Ra neWl r " “Buchu-palha," great kid nay an l ourc, Fllw, roadies, ants, bod bug a rats, ffltfs clenro4,out by “Rough on lints • tta. ^“Rough on Coughs," troches. IV, Uquid, Eorchildren,slowlndovelopment,j.nnyauJ Health Kuaovor." delicate, use “wells' “Rough on Dentist" Tooth Tyw Jer. Try .t. 15c, Nervous weakness, itrxucl De¬ bility cured by “wells’ Heal;i, Rencwcr.” *1. Mother Swan's worm 3yru;i, for t“v-erlsli n<*» worms, constipation, wsw.-Icm 8fe. StinKing, Irritation, ail KHnor ami Urlnar. complaints cured by “Buchu.pattia. II. My husband (writes n lad/, Health la three lie newer.’ times th man since using "wells' ff you arc falling, broken, worn out m< nervous, use “wells Health Renow«;r. ' <1. Prevalence of Sidney comylaln; In Amor j ra; “Buobu-palba’' Is a quiet, complotu curt J W LANGFORD MANUFACTURER, AN? DPALER IN Carriages, Wagoha and Buggies and gsnoral repairing. Ihaveaddodto :uj »u.uaj lurg' stock or BURIAL Crscs ‘ .* * * ' • ! . of all grades and sires, a complete stock -MATALIC BURIAL CABE3 and a full lpi<j of / . Burial Hobs for 3/> *>, T.adlr. and Child>■'-n. All of which ore offered as low *s tbe lowcc fS^SS^JlSiiSSJSiJ^ZSk. *r*W». «A» . Conyers, (la , .March 30. IS". — % Elia# CONYERS, ft A DEALER IN FINE H A .N U M A 1>K BOOTS, SHOES, & HARN E SS, BLISS , 1845. Illustrated Hand-Book For the Fann and Oar dsn. lropage* •OO lilurtratiom, and a beatnifvl Colored et Flower*. 1*11* U lull ffkat, When „n,i Mow i» plant *ad of lnlOiJUHi.Mi mvjha. i, « V interested in e*rrt*n!njr Mitlletl fl>r to eevtr poetaie. f $E Id IUaatr maiif h.. u.t<- u-v.rv’r^iUir.; t*.i r-*>. <t I, Novelty tr«ii.F.wi>.«it galled f.t- fie-i. ■ ■ a ■fb # ffDER NO# And have o» hand when you want io plant. 1 . 00 . 3f» packets choice Piower Sec’* inter s&rfim it. in c-lodtng WILD AAB0KX S»d S •» .mttlun ol too varieties of Flopw Seed*', tyr ft.W). VEGETABLE (SIdLT MB'si.OO. 60 pkt* Choice Vegetahi-' 5»«-d* (<n,r stlrction >, incinding SUju.'* Americoa ‘A1V», ibr fl. BOTH the above for.dM.—.'w Card, oer’-* Hand Bock tel’-i-ag yon how to grow -.ii'-m, -mt Fete with orders. ^ B. BLISS «V SO>S, 34 Barclay St.. P’rw-Yorlt*» f Lh 1 r K VT inc, *ils>-lDN. n Geor M\ c.d.J. ountv : -r i . . V n nrn : lw i f'li A. Wi'fep* ’a^d ? I paH* U on t is ai plic iti m un th > .r«t V An* t, next at • m- nffle* he ‘mv is in add .M.«n»yi ^ ven us ~ r. my ban * an 1 ffi 'at .'unrtitr. - ,.l «v 21.1, IS*. --*---* I j i fy- THE ^ .-- ..w v > ; EMIN 6 T 0 N Sewing Machine; LIKE THE T ■ fVVf r* I 1 UNEXCELLED BY ANY. 1 fi on. General Offloe, Illon, N. T. i ‘ h , Hew Tork Office, 283 Broadway c Agents Wanted ,! 1 j ! *. i-G" — SB dHit I 2 YEARS; W T ,WILSON; No. £3 RroadSf , * Atlautn, Oa ” iivie.-Ac Jobber of . ...... ...... Si-wj/itf M tchine aitiiri' es, »di:wijnir »«*K i>UA>*ed}fdi Hurts and attavtunentit f()f -(i o1 Mndiiuea. btean, tit h-*ud sltachmenls, water motn, B . FI NF RTF t DUNG A STECl Al.TY SVnd f.,r F'ta’ >gne. Handles 'he N;• w tlit'ls .st. John, nlv»r. i T ;',^ u “^^“^Alng 'i»M&SfbS^SSSi with low_enddepre««!d %j r : : ^^bLod, jug^aa w^aic - j ♦ of * } ^f^nm n*-*tcr». by aU maans 2 9 a bottlw 01 Eitsctric ti.x tens. JTou will * misery will cense, and henceforth you will ■••.Ne in tl; • ■'-•'re ?f Kleetric Rlttc-s. :: .ecr.-le Bit ter* ai t sold at 60 Sc* cents a bottle, *)j-, ;1. Lee. A;n-ttt -ixirw cst par box by w. 1 »< ^ y . ■ J. evrgyt>';dv to examine my .h of rata, eh'thiny, etc. I 1 •«• t“ sell ».i,e/K -r c t. f,,r cash, — Geo. W. Gi.»: tTON A l n ~.\T THADrz-'.; w- m T 0 .'#!.•»tan 1*. rt«: “Mv ^ j *-», ■ ■JZm--:'' \ wtt-\ 'i "c'w ■'ivh r ; . .’...rr-, li'ifn; au.i tow T’d'.-i..\ npntur end iu >■»' ■w.CvJ/ 1. r-ii' .’V/ rcm*i «wirh«^t re.usi, usa odln? to try i; . . f’le-'li 2 t-rov*rv. Tho .Ill ».. itt rsJirti •• r l» v /a iw. firot *.* <4b n V ~ ;a t .1-. f -.i 1 *'i rcccn.l •altb chi p I bar. Sliu ims not bud So good for thirtv •-'arr." T orge TV. O'ctfO'i h i a L'ge .a-k of ycneral mcndian li^ I'll.' Hale, t «oit. ; fur c;i*h nr «n lime, in the lAt. «.»I, -M ............... ho»T. I <s T v \u lies will find « •*T attrac¬ tions in dre^s goods, !n,o. a, trim-. minus packet*, satchels, boisery, Ac., at Iludson’-i. G. M. Jones & Co., lead the van when it fires to •'re** goods of every kfu<1 f»n<» description. I. u gshou A fbiarp will buy all 1 tie d«>< d fsii* iley e«n pe‘, and will ji-ty the highest market pr'ce for goods t T’i e finest lo» of Damask !n he city «t D N. Hudson's. Save your r« onev bv buy n<j goods i> tb-o. \V. <Jl*«ton's. When you went barter call >'n G.; M. forifts A Go. T « p : ace to sell ami fife plac<* to buv. TL-C Spt'ifig g'hnts R' (t. JU. . JOUSS r „ I.ti*- . Ii»®etlS*t ... , • ,V. \j >.,.i*Ta Wvr SttU , „ in * \ ’ tYsSs place r*U an<i i»<- fimm. HIS LOSS WAS HER GAI '". "Weil rnadatn," eaiil a favKl-i t.fC te; '-ysiclan like to «. woiltnv' ial v ppr’ertt. “If you don't m ; progo'ii'tlons perfcan? v-• h#l '- otter trr - i er’9 Tonic, or some Doctor other she qaaekatuff. answered,. ’ • ’on don’t moan ft " -Pat your ad vine may hn pood for all tiiat. So wR*t von call 'noaek stuff’Is the »nn rnoet scientific mrdiefne. a'ter all." She gr.t ^ bottle of Parker s Toole and it cured her of neuralgia aris'isr told from her disordered; friends, at/un»ch and nerves 3he ar i now they all keep adoctot at homo la the for n of Parker's Tonjc. , * . >"«-"■ h-.r-AAfmand hdve lnt«l R pit' enieul urt ip front Of ti-elr v ,, enter , street. . * > I ; ' "" S TOBBiMM ®e«u>*e Healthy Rctfbu tc the Lirer Rrd relieve ail Uii foaafouJbl** - ___ htaarist*. rsrsiy Vh' -N«; ’•> 3'iffSf Frioe SM. All