The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, September 12, 1884, Image 2
rOUTlCALADVERTISEMENm VjpFICTAL fNFFIClAL OKGAN CITY OP CONYFteS. OROAN OF ROCKDALR COUNTY M. W~SHAVErT Publisher. 16?“All articles for or bgaiost any candidate will he put under the head of political advertisements and arc to be paid for by those having them inserted. THE TICKET WE ENDORSE FOB PRESIDENT ami VICE : "Grover Cleveland, of New York ; Thomas J. Hendricks, of Indiana. FOR GOVERNOR: Henry D. McDanlell, of Walton county. FOR STATE OFFICERS; Secretary of State, Nathan C. Barnett. Attorney General, Clifford Anderaow. Comptroller, Wm. A. Wright, Treasurer, Bob Hardeman. FOB CONGRESS: Hon. N. J. Hammond, of Fulton county. ■■■ 1 —■ " ■ LIBEL FOR DTVORCE. Yirginia E. Lowe) Libel Rockdale for divorce Su VB in James M. Lowe. ) perior court Aug term 1884. To the Hon. John D. Stewart Judge ol said court. The petition of Virginia E Lowe shows unto your Honor, that on the day ot May A. D. 1856, she iniertnnr ried with the said James M. Lowe and that there is now pendingin Paid court a libel for divorce filed by your petitioner against said James M Low alleging as grounds of diyorce, adul and desertion. Your petitioner further shows that there is at present in her custody five children, one girl and four boys, aged as follows : Emma t ; . 28 years old, James A. 26 years, F. J. 24 y ’rs>, John C 18 years and Robert L. 16 years, all single. Your petitioner further shows that she has been put to the expense of employing counsel in said aciion for divorce (and to that end has employ¬ ed A. C. McCalla and Geo. W. Glea ton attorneyo at law.) Wherefore your petitioner prays on order granting to her and her said children temporary alimoney pending the said suit in court and also expen¬ se of litigation, and that said James M. Lowe show cause inslanter or as soon as said application can be heard why said order should not be grant ed. This Aug. 19th 1884. A. C. MoCftlln, Geo. W. Gleaton, pltffs attys. Rockdale Superior Couit August term 1884. Upon reading and considering the foregoing petition, it is hereby or¬ dered that the said James M. Lowe show cause before me on the 29, day of September A. D. 1884 at the eonrt house in Conyers, Ga. why tbe or¬ der prayed for should not be granted, it is further ordered that a copy of this order and petition be served per¬ sonally if to be iound in the state, ten day before the hearing of the same. John D. Stewart, Judge S. C. F. C. Virginia E. Lowe V8. James M. Lowe, Rockdale Superior court August term 1884. The foregoing petition for alimony being read and consider¬ ed, it is ordered that the said James M. Lowe show cause before me on Monday the 29th day of September, A. D. 1884, at the court house in Conyers, Ga., why the above stated petition for alimony etc. should not be granted as prayed for. It appear¬ ing to the court by return ot the Sheriff in the abovo stated case that tbe defendant does not reside in said county, and it further appearing that he does not reside in this stale ; it is therefore ordered by the court that service be perfected on the defend¬ ant by the publication of the order once a week for one month before the fifth Monday in September next, iu the Conyers Weekly; a newspaper published iu said county. This Aug. 23 1884. A. C. McCalla and G. W. Gleaton, pltffs. attys. Granted. John D. Stewart, Judge, S. C. F. G. i have this day made search and defendant is not to be found in the county. A. P. Mitchell, Shff. A true extract from the minutes of said court. J. R. McCord, Clerk. This Aug. 25,188A X. J. llAJIMOXO, J. G. ZACHPV, ■X. A. BAMMOKD. HAMMOND, ZACHRY & HAMMOND, Attorneys at Law, 8iJ E. Alabama st., Atlanta, Georgia. IQL.Practice in all the courts. w. Bla .i*. W. J. ALBERT BLACK A ALBERT, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, St; Marietta St, Allan ia, Ga. Pro:apt attention given to all business. Libol for divorce and petition for etc. in Ty-fr Qpj fif & WilSOIlS _ XT O P W O W? ; ipi ^pp m % jgl|fe \,A fcs? m- ^.;.sL of|j IT RUNS THE LIGHTEST AND HAS N T 0 NOISY SHUTTLE IT IS NOT INJURIOUS TO Your health like THE HEAVY RUN¬ NING & NOISY Shuttle Machine. Agents wanted. Send for price list* WHEELER & WILSON, Mt’g Go., June3 zVtlanta, Ga. ■ ^ p opu 1 | a| . X], a fl Ever, | The Recent Improvement Made , ,n . Jic i White SeWltig MaCtlMei Ad( , rauc|l t0 t!ie maDy excellent qualities ol this Superior Machine, ^ . g ^ Es )ecial Favorite of La dipg> Tailors and others, who use ibem for the many advantages they possess over oilier Sowing Machines FAERY White Machine Wam . nted (or 5 years . J. I). & T. F. SMITH, Wholesale and Retail Dealers, 50 Broad street, Atlanta, Ga. II. P. k D. M. ALMAND, Agents, Conyers, Ga. 12 YEARS. W T WILSON, N». 53 Ilroatl St., Atlantu, Cia ......Wholesale Jobber of...... fools, Pewing oils, needles, Machine supplies, and adjustine parts attachments for all makes of Machiaes. Steam fit— tings hand attachments, water motors. FINE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Send for Trade Crtalogne. Handles the New Doinestil, Davis, St. John, NEVER GIVE UP. If you are suft'oritur with low and depressed spirits, ordered ions blood, of appetite, weak general debility, headache, dis¬ constitution, or any disease of ubilious nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid improvement that will follow ; you witlbc inspired with new life; strength and activity will return; pain and misery will cease, and henceforth you will relnicotn the praise of Electric Bitters. Electric Bitters are sold at 50 cents a bottle, and Buoklon’s Arnica Salvo at 2f;o. per box by Dr. w. ft. Leo. I ask everybody to examine my stock of shoes, hats, clothing, etc. I propose to sell thorn at cost, for cash, or on time. Qeo. W. Gleaton A GREAT DISCOVERY. Mr. Wm Thomas, of Newton. Iu., says: -‘My wife has beeu seriously aifeeted with a cough for 25 years, and this spring more severely than ever before. She had used many reme¬ dies without relief, and being urged to try Dr Knur's New Disoovei’y. first did so, with most gratifying result*. The bottle relieved her very much, and the second bottle has ab¬ solutely cured her. She has not had so good health for thirty years." George W. Gleaton had a large stock of general merchandise for sale, at cost, for cash or on time, in the Sigman stand, 2d rtoof below hotel. The ladies will find s| ecial attrac¬ tions in dress goods, laces, trim¬ mings pockets, satchels, hoisery, <fcc., at Hudson's. G. M. Jones & Co., lead the van when it comes to dress goods of every kind and description. Longshore A Sharp will buy all the good ents they can get, and will pay the highest market price for it. The finest lot of Damask goods in ibe city at D. N. Hudson’s. Save your money by buying goods at Geo. W. Gleaton’s. When you want barter call on G. M. Jones & Co. The place to 6ell amd the place to buy. Tbe spring goods at G. M. Jones & So., are the prettiest ever seen in this place. Call’and see them. HIS LOSS WAS HUB GAIN. •'Well madam." said a fashionable don't physician like to a wealthy lady patient, “if you ray prescriptions, perhaps you had better try Parker’s Tonic, or some other quack stuff. ’ “You don't mean it Doctor.” she answered, “but your advice may be stood for all that. Sometimes what you call ‘quack stuff' is the best and most scientific medicine, after all. She irot a bottle of rarkor's Tonic and it cured her of neuralgia arising from disordered stomach and nerves. She told her friends, and now they all keep a doctor at home in the form of Parker's Tonic. Meessrs. H. P. <fe D. M. Almand have had a pavement put in front of their store on Center street. 1 ■ !lfED 3?* m Secure ™ Health? r ‘- u ■■ ra ■ action to the Idve* ■■■ ■ ■■■ relieve all btl ________ST-'i----trouble*. P«»& *cCr-5i»«. Ml UmiM. The Excelsior StOve Atlanta, Ga. F*ten<ls a special invitation to merchants and the public generally to STOVES, ’**• ^'tSollSjoST^HOTO* Japaned tUBNlSHlNS wood and willow GOOD?, ware, gas e» stamped and plain Tin ware, ware, for fixtures! blate and iron mantles, pumps, rubber hose, wrought iron pipe st<*am j „ a „ am i water. Bi ass goods, steam whistles, globe values,. st<-am fat tings, plumbers ! material. Bathtubs, water c'ose r B, and wash basins. This is the largest and most varied stock that, is kept in the south, each line is complete, «nd we mean to ex¬ cel in QUANTITY, QUALITY and PNIOE. Our stock of gas fixtures, mantles and crates, is simply the largest in the sooth. Gold bronzed and ebony chande iiers in latest designs. Slate and marbleized iron mantles of every description, colorr“g E THK stove emporium of the south. \v e can fill all orders promptly, at reasonable prices. We are practical pinna* her- and gas fixtures, tin and sheet iron roofers, manufacturers of galvanized iron ,.,,rniee h.u! ornamental sheet iron work, concrete sewer and dram pipe. Agents f or Knowls steam pumps and Macks’ injector. HUNNICUTT & BELLINGRATH. Feb, 29,-’84. 36 and 38 Peachtree st., Atlanta, Ga FULTON PLAINING MILLS, J. M. NACE & SON Proprietors. MAUPAOTUKEBS AND DEALERS IN ©oomt 4 s©xs©i Rough and dressed lumber, Shingles, Laths, Brackets, Moulding and Picketts, Also Scroll Sawing and w*od tu'-niug at short notice. BUILDERS’ HARDWARE, Cheapest place in the city. Nos. 283, 285, 287, Decatur Street, Atlanta, Ga.* 3 eb 29- tf. Stewart’s A. fj. C. A Specific For The Blood § Purely Vegetable. Prepared From Vegetables that Grow ia Georgia and Used for Y'ears by Dr. J. A. Stewart and is beyond any doubt The Best Blood Purifier in Use. Cures all skin affections by curing the blood, and beautifies the skin, giving to it new life and a smoothness no other medicine will that I have ever used. AS A SPECIGIC FOR SYPHILIS IT CURES in every c»se, if directions are followed. It improves the blood; hence all diseases that have their origin in the blood are improved and cured. The best remedv for SeaQjPTOA. ©a KISS’S ETIX.. WHt» swsx&xsra roams. ©&» sqsuss Chronic Rheumatism Eczema. S UIIE PREVENTATIVE OF DIPHTHERIA A great many of the shove nahied diseases have been cured by th e use of this Blood Purifier. Mnnutacmred it. Conyers, Ga., by STEWART & CO., superintended by Dr. J A. ©TEWART.who has devoted thirty year? o. his life to the practice of medioiuo at this plaee. Send your Orders to DR. M. R. STEWART, Secretaey Stewart & Co. Conyers, Georgia. Put up in two Eizes—24 Ounce Bottles, $1.00; 12 Ounce Bottles, 50 Cents. Liberal deductions will be made to wholesale dealers. Send <n your orders. [Note.— We have changed onrTrnd’e Mark lrom S. S. to A. Q. C.,*tlie Swill Co. objecting to S. S„ and threatening suit for infringement on their Trade Mark of S. S. S.] H H —SPRING & SUMMER— Dress Goods and Muslins A T J. A. & T. D. STEWART'S. —THE LATEST STYLES IN— CLOTHING AND HATS & FINE HAND MADE SHOES At J. A. & T. R. STEWART’S S®U'“ Prices Guaranteed to be as low as the lowest and Goods Warran¬ ted to be as good as the best ” at^jgj J. A. & T. D. STEWART’S. A SPIENDID ASSORTMENT of old Tobaccos, Choice Rio and Laguarya Coffees, granulated old & New Orleans Sugars, ye Sugar ~ T House T iv Molasses, r 1 ° ,,, .... AND ALL IvlAtldft Ur CHOICE GROCERIES END jgpTloWff, Plowstocks, and Farming Implements of all kinds J. A. & T. D. STEWART’S ON TERMS T0SU1T EVERYBODY J A & T D STEWART. . Convers snv . MLAJKEi NEW RICH BLOOD And will completely change the blood in tlie ent ire system in three months. * who will take 1 Fill each night from 1 to 13 weeks,; he Any p* son may restored to sound koalth, if such a thing be possible. For caring Female Complaints these Fills have equal. Physicians them in their practice. Sold everywhere, «J* u use or sent by mail 35 ctB. in stamps- Send for pamphlet. I. S. J OHVSGX & CO., BOSTON, * CROUpTaSTHM aT~SRONQH MASS DIPHTHERIA JOHKSON’S many Prevention tazieously cure nine lives relieve cases is sent better ANODYNE these out free than of by terrible ten. id cure. nil. disease*. laSirniatlon JLIXIiUENT hunt am! delay win that J will a sositivif" will ““" mean:.,. mF InstaV oeut JOHNSON’S ANODYNE LINIMENT aar® Neuralgia. Influenza, Snre ' bangs, everywhere.^ bleeding at the Langs, pamphlet'toL*S.Ifc'co.^^sTcn,’, Chronic Hmwseness, Bsckinff Oouijh, Whwpirer 1 ^^* Cough, Spine and Lame Back. Sold Send for °* *** It is a well-known fact that most «f the Ht WW A) Jgb gv*f SfflJ a nil B tagB B*. 5k rata S gto, ■ I aa.%* a Horse and Cattle Powder sold in this BBSS SB kS S® jJB ’m §§A W conntry 1* worthless: that Sheridan's BWfi Bra s3 IW Mh ■ Elf Condition valuable. Powder Nothins is absolutely bn pure and m “ * * w » ■ass ’rrt* HD M ®* ■ —W J WT ■ ■ very earth ■ will make hens lay like Sheridan's Condition Powder, Dose, one tesuipoon fhl te eecttnlot kiod. Sold everywhere, or Sent by inaii for 35 eta. iu stamps. I. S. Jotixsos £ Co., hostOK, iUw. min 'eat & (yv-s ■WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN— m W B Nos. 7 and 3 South Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. Special indiu-ements offered to Dealers and others in all grades of Fu niture. A share of the patronage of Rockdale and adjoining countiesea nestly solicited. Be sure and give us a trial before making jourpurebar* NEW AND BEAUTIFUL CHINA, Dinner and Tea Sets Vases Fine Guttkry ToiLt Sets' Castors Forks, Spoons, Hall and Library Lamps. The Cheapest Quods* in f 2he South at McBrides Chi.a Palace ATLANTA,. GW i Merchants remember that !he saving on freight on Crarrkery, Glaerware, Show cases, W 7 oodware, Tinware, etc., bought from McBride aBd Co., is a good profit. OR. SAMUEL Beers’ .&x. 3 £jRA?rv > £ co«;a?©»s» L-L-A—AN D----l-O-l) 1-D E—P-u -j -A S-H__. This Compound is Purely Vegetable. * Each article of in-' __ ^ , t . fas S? and in combinatjon* rssir forms one of the most 1 - m powerful, efficient' 1 | and pleasant medi i cines for (tie rejonv ■j «1 and permanent ' cure of Rheumatism * Scrofula. Scald Head' ■’ w ' > or Tetter old ail Ghron VR LN ' ic Sores of kinds. m Boils, Pimples and* ; ail Di-easts arising 5 from an' impure sfatt" L/. .L: of tbe Blood. 1 1 is S, II •; • 1 PSH ft \ . also tizer cine Dohrfitv. good is and no For as secret This an General medi¬ npe- nos¬ trum ; its formula is open for iDrupe tion tc any invite physician,and and we all III take phveicians the any trouble who wi'l 1 o‘ examine into its me || its. Campbell Bros , i Drhp'srists. Sole Manufacturers. 11 Superintended by m 1 Samuel Hodges, Cor¬ c* ner Broad and Sum¬ P CR Tenn. mer sts Price , Nashville,- $i.0o a - S3 bottle or 6 ior $500. ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF A Ethiopian Pile Ointment. never failing remedy for External, later None rtai or Itching Piles. A3k your Druggist for it genuine without the Trade Mark. testimonial This is to certify that I was afflicted with Piles fo> 2o years. I tried everv remedy offered me. Fnmih I tbe used the best Ethiopian Pile Ointment, and found ii almost very immediate preparation I ever used. P will <rive relief and will finally effect a per¬ manent cure. ED. A. IRELAND, formerly of Gallatin. Now of Green, Phillips & Co., Nashville, Tenn. Campbell Bros. Corner Broad and Summer Streets, Nashville Tenn For the afflicted’s benefit, these medicines are solo at Weekly CONYERS, Office, GA THIS SOLID BRASS BIRD CAGE £ 3.50 «*» toou. moo each. Jappaued cages oO cent? ‘° 350 “««■>* bird ^ is - >"g c» 2 e». Parrot and rqmrret cages from the finetst manufac¬ .««»swmanaiif turer of cages iu the world, Hardware, house furnishing t TT goodg, baby carriages, refrigera* freezers, ■ tors, ice cream water ' coolers and feather dustere, keen Gutter ed«a tools posset knives, scissors and razors fully warran¬ ted. Send’for ‘‘Keen k utter’’ 25 cent pocket kuiie. ; Sgy*Send for ca’ta'dgue of bab} bag¬ gies. Schuessler & Simms, Feb, 29 -tf-’ St., 42 PeachtfteA&mta? i : !