Newspaper Page Text
Sep- 12, 1884.
I At the solicitation of a.few of my
S!?884 ,,omi
Citizens of Rockdale County.
I a Candidate for the office of
am the Nomi
elector, subject to
ax kindly thank
ation. Will any one
, r their assistance.
Very Respectfully
tdn. W. T. Hueon.
1 affl a candidate for reeliction to
be office clerk. I resf ec Tully ask tbe
upport of my fellow citizens
,T. R. McCord.
FOR treasurer.
t respectfully enounce myself a
a ndidale for re-election to the oflh e
if Treasurer of this < ountyr and ask
be assistance ol all.
J. H. Dabney.
I am a candidate for the office o'
fax Collector, of Rockdale county,
uihject to the democratic nomina
ion. Respectfuliy,
Lamas Wcob.
Conyers Ga., Sept. 10th 1884.
Hammock, Parker & Co. successors
‘to H P & D M Almand and compa¬
ny, Ware housemen and ginners, re¬
spectfully notify the public that they
are prepared to run said basinets
[successfully, [business and shall make evenhanded it their
to meat mu
justice to all, thereby building up a
business worthy of confidence and
patronage We are re ponsible for
all seed cotton.received until baled.
Bagging an<\ ties furnisheo low tor
the cash. We respectfully ask the
public to give ua a trial.
Hill W Hammi'ck, Manager.
To the Voters of Rockdale Countv :
,, Sets. 2 of the act of the General
Assembly approved Sepo. 25th 1883,
regulating the manufacture or sale of
intoxicating liquors, or intoxicating
, hiedicsled ' bitteis, in the county of
Rockdale, providing that iotoxicat
ing liqubrs or intoxicating medicated
hitters shall not be sold at but one
plate for medical purposes in 6aid
Rockdale county, and only by a reg¬
ular pharmaceutist or apoihecan,
who shall be elected by the grand
jury and commissioned by the ordi¬
nary for the term of two years ; and
shall before he sells the same, give
bohd and security, take an oath etc.
I have refered 10 the above act
regulating the whisky question in this
county because, since I have become
a <andidate I nave been misrepre¬
sented on the whiskey question in
this county, in this: that if elected
I would favor a change of the pres¬
ent law so as to bring whiskey back
in said connty, to be used as a bev¬
erage. This I most emphatically de¬
ny. And that ail may understand
mv position, I state that I am oppos¬
ed to the present law as it now stands
being changed in any manner or
form whatever, except I desire the
present law regulating the aale of in¬
toxicating liquors in this county so
amended as to allow regularly licens¬
ed practicing physicians to keep and
use intoxicating liquors or bitters as
and use other medicines
in .heir practice ; and in case any
such regular licensed physician
should give or.sell any intoxicating
liquors or intoxicating medicated
bitters only jn cases in his or th<-ir
practice, where it is absolutely net
cssary for the relief ot the sick, shall
on conviction thereof, be punished as
prescribed in section 4,310 of tl e
Code (which means 12 months in the
chain gang and fine at the discretion
of the court.) The issue that 13 try¬
ing to be raised in this county is a
false one, hepce I write this tha’ all
may /read and know for tLemselves.
I repeat that I am opposed to the
low being changed in any manner or
form whatever, so as to allow rntox
icating liquors manufactured or sold
in the county of Rockdale as a bev
ferage, and only desire the
law so changed as to allow regulaf
licensed practicing physicians to 16 >p
and use it in their practicing onder
the same pains and penalties as be-
foie staved, under section 4,310 of
the Code, and they to be commie
sioned by the ordinary and take
same oath as prescribed for thephar
maceuti3t in the act above refered to.
J. A. Stewart.i
Mr. Editor :—In reply to the scur
rillous atteck made made by Pinch
toe abas pincli brain to Presto in the
WeiIu.y of Sept. 5tb. hatdly admits
of the simple considerative to place
it where available elements are de^
composed and taken up as food plant
and where the average man of the
hour would be n< ne the cleanlier by
handling it. Pinch-brain says Pres*
to knows nothing of Dr. Stewart’s
platform, ‘‘while to our certain know
ledge he, Presto, never had any con¬
versation with Dr. Stewart on the
points discussed.” The old adage :
There are none so blind as those who
can see and will not. Who is it that
is not advised as to Dr. Stewart’s
position on the iiqnor question ? To
some lie has announced that if elee
t;d to change the prohibition slatie
known as Peek’s bil —to place the
ellmg of spirit* in the hands of the
apotheear es. That, ol course, means
to s, 11 by prescription to any one in
such quantit, es as stomach or taste
might dictate. 'To others he has de¬
nounced prohibition as a fanatical
idea, claiming that whisky was a
necessary evil and if removed some
ihinsr worse would take its place.
What think you pinch-brain ;
which horn will you blow?
The Dr. has gotton np a windmill
and cannot cotrol the breeze, and
from the present outlook if he gets
to Atlanta he will have to draw on
his hank—his thousand. The Doc¬
tor should have taken a position long
ago p’o or con. There is no trouble
to locate George Gleaton, at home
or in the field, and if elected will
make his mark. Presto.
Mr. Editor: —We tvant to say to
the people of this county that our
present temperance laws do not pro^
hibit doctors from using whisky in
their practice; that nnv move to lay
aside or change that bill is a blow at
lemperancp, the fair name of our
county out institutions, our man¬
hood and the life and happiness of
our women and children. Let the
druggist say who is sick, and he will
sell by tbe drink pint, quart or gal¬
lon and defy conviction. Out’ sfock
law is all right } our whiskey-law is
all rtgfit; voters stand at their back your balb ts. A.
We take this method of informing
our friends and customers that we
are now receiving oifr fall and winter
stock, which will embrace everything
usually kept in any first-class store,
and as our motto has always been
quick sales and short profits we will
sell as low as the lowest. We fee:
thankful to a l Who have patronized
us in tbe past and kindly ask a share
of their trade in the future.
Please hear in mind I that in or¬
der to close up our old business, our
terms will be Strictly Cash from Oc¬
tober the 1st. until January the ’st.
1885, after which time we will ac¬
commodate all who have come for¬
ward and made satisfactory settk-
men s.
We hope none will ask us to vary
from the above ruleaS we mean what
we say. We don’t want to hurt any
one’s feelings by refu ing to credit
them for so short a time. Remem¬
ber money lias been Vmy scarce and
we have had a hard time to get
good3 through the summer to furnish
on time, but we have faced the storm
and trust that we have almost reach
ed the shore.
We believe all w e have furnished
has and does appreciate it and wi I
come forward aid pay off their notee
and accounts as soon as they possi¬
bly can, remembering that prompt
pay makes good credit and secur-s
goods at tbe lowest cash prices.
Trusting jbat we will be remem¬
bered, we remain, most Res’p’tly,
J H AlManoSon and Co.
The first bale of new cotton was
ginned on Mr. H. L. Shipley gin and
sold ny Mr. I). N. Hudson, for Mr.
Frank Sawyers, 10 O. M. Jones A
Co for 123-4 cents. The sample was
Mr. Wm. Mitchel’, ofDaniellsville
is in town, and is lookinz we 1.
We have a go d communication,
u The Dignity of Labor ” which #ill
appu* s.ou.
H. P .& D. M. Almand & (Jo have
Just received their new improved
Wheat scourer and it is a perfect
Machine it cleans the wheat clean
that mage very fine white flout 1 out
of ordn ary wheat we espeeialy ask
every one that has wheat to grind
to come and get good Hour out of
your wheat all we ask is a trial find
you will be highly pleased.
That Hacking Cough can bo so quickly
cured bp Shiloh’s Cure. We guarantee it.
Win You Suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint ? Shiloh’s Vitalizer is guaranteed
to cure you.
Sleepless Nights, made miserable by that
terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy
for you.
Catarrh Cured, health and sweet breath
secured by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50
cents. Nasal Injector free.
For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh’s
Porous Piaster. Price 25 cents.
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is
sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consump¬
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis
immediately Sale by Dr. M. relieved by Shiloh’s Cure. For
R. Stewart, Conyers, Oft.
Shiloh’s Vitalizer is what you need for
Constipation, all Loss of Appetite, Dizziness and
symptoms bottle. of DyspHpsia. Price It) and 15
oouts per
TaX "ASKSTMliNt FOR 1881
Rockdale court of ordinary chambers
August 28 1S84.
Whereas his excellency Henry D.
McDaniel Governor of the fctate of Geor¬
gia having apeped Three Tenths of one
percent on the Taxable property of the
State for the State Tox for year 1884.
It is ordered by the c ur of ordinary
of Rockdale county that the following
assesment be and the same are hearelv
made for the comity Tax of Rocdale
county for the year I884 for the pur¬
poses hearein after set forth and that
the same be collected by W. W. Nelms
Tax collector of Rockdale county or his
successor in office and pid over to the
county Treasurer of said county by the
19 of Decembernext
For the building and reparing of
bridges and other pubbie Buildins and
a.1) other county purposes for the year
J884. Thirty cents on the hundred dol¬
lars of the Taxable propei ty of Rockdale
For.paving Grand and Feety Juries
for veasr 1884. Fifteen cents on the
hundred dollars oE the Taxable proper¬
ty of Rockdale county.
For tbe support of the Pawpers of
Rorckdald County for the year ^884
Fifteen cents on the Hundred dollars or
the Taxable poperty of Rockdale jouutv
O. Seamans ;
" *■
Georgia Bockdale County:
Whereas J. C Famer Executor on the
ast will of W. J. Hudson Decsd Kepres
euts to the coru of Ordinary in * his
Petition duty filed that he has fully
administered W. J. Iludssns Estate:
This is there fore to cite all persons
concerned Kiridredand creditors to show
cause if any thing can, why said Exeetor
should cot he discharged from his Ex
ecutersbip and Receive letters of dismiG
sion on the first Monday in December
Sept 1 I884 0. Seamans
W. J. & H. A. Turner administrater
of A. A. Turner Decrd has made appli¬
cation to the court of ordit ary of Rock
dade counry for the purpos of payiag
deb's and distrain:tion among the
a?atus and if no good cause is shown
to the contrary an order will be paped
on the first Monday in October next at
iO o’clock A. M. granting leave to sell
said lang as prayed for.
0- Seamarss
Georgia Rockdale County
To all whom it may concern John M.
Day having in proper firm applied
to me for letters of adininstation on the
Estate of David Hudson lat of said coun¬
ty deceased This is to cite all arid sing
lor the kindred and crediters of David
Hudson to be and appear at my office
at iO o’clock a..M. on the first Monday
in October next and show cause if any
they can why permanent administration
seould not be granted to John. M. Day
on David Hudsons estate
Sept 1 1884 O. Seamans
Georgir, Rockdale County:
To all whom it may concern :
Whereas, Henry C Penn, guardian
of James F and Charles A. Walxer
applies to me for letters ot dismis¬
sion from said guardianship and I
w ill pass upon this application on the
first Monday in November next at
toy office in Conyers in said county
Given under my hand and official
sbinrture, this July 28th 1884.
O. SEAMANS, Ordinary.
. i u \
8^* Parties wishing Coal for
or Shops can be furnished by
jng to J. _ me. P. TILLEY, Sole Agent,
July 18-Jin. Coal Creek
“Your letter received. In reply I am happy
to say that Barker's Hair .lialsum did much
more forme than you said it would, or than l
expected.- My hair has not only stopped tail¬
ing'on#, and but the bald spots arc all softer covered,
all my hyir has grown thicker, ami
more lively than it was before my sickness a
year ago. Thank you again and again.’ Ex¬
tract from letters of Mr. B. XV, T., West
third street, New York.
OWENS HOTEL, Formerly Cox House,
Newly the best fitted up. Table affords. supplied Hacks with
tba market Free
meet all trains. A trial is all 1 ask.
Advertise in the
“Bough on Bats” clears out Bats, Mice, 15c.
“Bough on Corns,” for Corns, Bunions. 15c,
Thin people, “wells’ Health lienewee" re¬
stores health and vigor, cures dy spepsia, &c.
“Rough on Toothache,” instant relief. 15c.
Lndies who would retain freshness and vi¬
vacity don't fail to try “wells’ Health Ke
“Buehu-paiba,” great kidney and urinary
Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice
cleared out by “Rough on Kitts.’.’ 15c.
"Bough on Cough's,” troches, 15c; liquid.
delicate, For children, slow in development. puny and
use "wells' Health Benewer."
"Rough on Dentist” Tooth PowdcV. Try it.
Nervous weakness. Dyspepsia, Sexual De¬
bility cured by “wells’ Health ltenewer." Si.
Mother Swan’s wArm Syrup, for feverish
neks, worms, constipation; tasteless. 85c.
Stinging, irritation,.all “Btichu.paibu.” Kidney and Urinary $1.
coin plaints cured by
Night sweats, “wells'' fever, chills, malaria, dyspep¬
sia, cured by Health Benewer.”
My husband (writes a indy) is three titties the
man since using “wells’ Health Benewer.”
If you are failing, broken, worn out nnd
nervous, uso “wells’ Health Benewer.” $i.
Prevalence of Kidney complaint In Ameri¬
ca; “Buehu-paiba” is a quick, complete cure.
gegouia railroad.
Geokoia Railroad Co.,)
Office General April Manager, 0.1884., j
COMMENCING SUNDAY, » 8 th inst.,
the following Passenger schedule will be
operated. Trains run by 9bih meridian
time, twenty two minutes slower than
Atlanta time.
Augusta "
Lv 7-4° am |
1 •
no. 28 east daily.
Lv Atlanta 2.45 pm
Ar Conyers 3.42 pm
No 2 east daily.
Lv Conyers Atlanta 8.25 am
Lv 9 5° ant
Ar Athens 4 40 pm
“ Wash’n 2 45 pm
“ Mtrd’ve 4 49 pm
Ar Macon '6,45 P m
Ar ASgusta*3-55 P m
Lv Atlanta pm
Bv-Convers7.5o pin
Ar Cov'gt’»S.2o pm
Lv Atlanta 8.50 pm
LvCony’rsio.28 C.lo pm
Ar am
Train tlo. 28 will stop at and
receive passengers to and from the
following stations only: Berzelia,
Harlem/ Denrinq Thompson, Camak,
Crawfordville, Union Point, Greens
boro-Madison, Rutledge, Social Circle,
Covington, Conyers^ Stone Mountain
and Decatur.
Confiects at Augasfca for all points
East and Southeast.
JOHN W. GREEN, Gen. Man.
E. II. DORSEY, Gen. Pass Agt.
Fire Insurance
j. 8- DANIEL L,
&£TMr. Daniell represents a large
number of the very best Companies
doing business in this State, and cm
write up policies on all kinds of pro¬
perty. Rates as low as anywhere.
Everybody should have their homes
and busicess insured and that with¬
out delay.
I am prepared to negotiate Loans
on improved farm lands in Rockdale
county. A. C. McCalla,
Conyers, Ga.
cst best. By the renowned historian and bio
fi 0 , 000 . Outsells every book eveY selling published fifty cai- in
this world ; many making agents are fortunes. All now
beginners )y. Agents successful: are grand ehartce for tflcm.
$43.50 made by a lady agent the first day.
Terms most liberal. Particulars free. Better
send 23 cents for postage, etc., on free outfit,
now ready, including large prospectus book,
and save valuable time. CO., Augusta, , Maine. , r .
-vl.I.r.X &
1 , 600 !
Business Directory
For Conyers, Covington, Atlanta,
McDonough, Jonesboro and Jackson,
We will giveevery business and profession a
card in tbe Georgia Fa it me n, a live Agrieul
tural Journal whiehhas over thirteen hundred
actual subscribers in Kockdale and adjoining
counties, one year for * 2 . A card on the cover
of this journal is worth as much as a large and
costly advertisement.
J. H. Lbyans. I’ubliBher:
Lv Athens am
Ar Atlanta i.oo pm
Ar Alliens 7.1-1 pm
Ar Augusta 8.05 pm
Lv A.ngbstaio.3oam
Lv-Macon 710 am
Lv Mil’d’vl 9.10 am
Lv Waal fn 11.30am
Lv Athens 9 3.5 am
Ar Conyers 4.28 pm
Af Atlanta 5.45 pm
Lv am
Lv < men6.i5 am
Ar Atlanta 8.00 am
Lv Augusta 9.00 pm
Lv Conyers 4.5 1 am
Ar Atlanta 6.40 am
Agents wanted for
at Augusta, his
home. largest,
D J -i J
.Jl I )
■ -— manufacturers and dealers in
Head , Foot
Italian and Rutland Marble Monument:, Caskets B *x Tombs, and
Tombs. Wood and MatitHio and Cases.
H&x»Xi life 1
Sizea and Prices furnished ou short notice by
Church Street, Stone Mountain, Ga.'
1 H \ WAi H | r 1 T7IED JCjIY/
—Dealers In— ;
All Kind of General Merchandise!
(A' J. E. Maddox’s old htaud, C“unc 8t,,Gouvors, Ga.)
Having opened business i:ere with a perfectly new and well assorted Stork
of Drv Goods, Notions. Hats, Boots. Shoes, Groceries of every kind. HardwiJ-e,
Glassware, Cioekerv. &e. Wo invite fill of onr f rends and tlvt public liei eodly.
to ca.'l and see us. AVe buy oivr goods for SPOT CASH and caused as plnaivas
any one . We want your barter and Will pay the very highest prices lor tae same.
We are going to keep _______HOOD NEW GOODrf
And we are going to sell them low, so when you want, anything in tho v.ay ((
Give ns a onj! and we will guarantee satisfaction. Kememher thW place, J. E.
Maddox’s old stand next door to Weaver & Bro.
©W2I1SE© Qff
The Kortimr Injector, is 4c best Boikar Feeder made. It works wanm or cold water, and
q £ o r “ lo Mb a i Id & co.
We keep band hiree -lock of {^“SHAFTS, PTTLI.BYS, And ell
on :< low.prices. HpcihhI iBtettuon to
kinds of Engines and Mills. Piping and Fittings, at prepared do ail kinds oiirqi; wouc
and Mil! work. With first class tools and men, we are -o
the best manner. Repairing promptly done B ***'" *
is. Kaais
Premium Steam Dye Works.
No. 7, West Peters' Street.
Atlanta, style. Laches ca
Silk and Woolen Goods of all descriptions Dyed in a superior
W..;,, „to the business punctually attended to Particular attention received paid and t , ■ «
cleaning of Carpets, Rugs, l.qce Curtains. Blankets, &c. Goods ex¬
pressed to all parts of the United States. Ma > 9
B l
Corner Commerce and Warehouse Sfsi CONY^BS, GA.
Mi) ^ i
General Merchandise at Bottom PriceS.
2STW6' sell the NEW HOME Fewtnor MacbEp. J<5^”We kAep fill kinds of"
j T 4 1 v Dot all School Books adeptod by tho I C
I I UlCH LSI'S of School Goiumissionerrt of this courtly.
S1R86S SRSf l $
Business and Dress Suits
Equal to Custom Made Goods and at Iloek Bottom Prices.
42 fiDif 44 Whitehall St.^ Atlufttfij
Georgia, Rockdale county :
Whereas, T. C. Swann, adminis
. dec’d,
tra'or of W. F. Swann, rep re
sent 8 to the court in his petiiion duly
filed and entered on Records that he
has fully administered W F. Swann’s
e<*tate. This is, therefore, to cite all
ersons concerned, kindred artd cred
itors to show cause if any, they can,
w by said administrator should not
J his auminisiratu n
discharged tropi dismission
a nd receive letters of 00
the first Monday in August, 1884.
April 1 30, 1884.
3m. U. 0 bEidfflAim, cut \f A HS
Having fitted up me a new room,
I am now prepared to do first-class
HAilt CUTTING 20 Ct*. ;
3 Shaves 25 cts,;
SHAMFOON 20 Cts. :
Give me a call, and I will give you
a good job. FRANK lynch,
June 1341: Coffeycrs, Ga
and''th^SveUnTp^ ©M stand
t}i8t hQ ■ }s 8 ^{]i at }ji 8
reac |„ t0 fa e q hungry and shelter
^ co y yjy table is supplied with
fcJje market affords, comfort*
a0 | e roo ms, and attentive servants.
y ou a q know me, come and see me,
au . guarantee L satisfaction. RU'I’LKB.
D< y.
—ytat. 7rnr~T - 1 -“*
This is to notify all persons that
one Andrew Carry, colored, minor,
is under contract, made by his father,
with me for the term of twelve,
months, which term has net expired
and to warn ail pet sons against hire
ing <>r harboiiug said Andrew Curry,
colored. Respectful ! y,
S. H . Anderson. /
.. C. S. LUCAS,
! Watch Maher and Jeweler.
Oomtr.eree Street.
All kinds of watdi work done in
the b» st style at prices that suit the
people. Jewelry of every descrip¬
tion repaired neatly and duraoly. 1
aio here to stay an>* am prepared wel.- to
do vour work promptly and
CalDand see me. e. S’. LUCAS/