Newspaper Page Text
^ ^tony1 "’’’"""ocl'j, r^ 1884. v eekl y.
^ndidates colun‘>n.
th0 solicitation of a few of my
frien ds I ann^rnce myself of Sheriff as a can-1 of
Sdale r the office ' !
conhty, subject to nonu
I ,n if anv,' July 13th, 1884
1 " ,olm W. Almahd with Augustus
L;Born as de;»u'V-_ ^_
I rj> 0 the voters of Rockdale :
candidate for tHe office of i
[ aUl ft and ask the!
Sheriff of tin* <5? un, y. Will j !
g „ppo«t of my fcHoweitizons.
i i,io tin Democratic nomination.
a0 ‘ Frank M Ayers
trith John M Day as Deputy.
\V K M Aus'in is a candidatd for
Sheriff with A P (Crock) Mitchell as
Citizens of Rockdale County.
I a Candidate for the office of i
s>u Nomi
Tux Cfflecdor. subject to the
nation- Will kirn ly thauk any one
for their assistance. 1
Very Respectfully
tiln. W. r L Husou.
forTT lekk.
1 f ,m u candidate for recliction to
,i, e 0 fflue clerk. I respecifully ask the
support ol nty fellow citizens |
J. R. McCord.
I atn a candidate fot the office of i
flerk of the ,-upenor court of Rock- j j
dale county, subject to the democrat
ie nemiiiaticin. Will is Irwin.
for treasurer.
I respectfully uhonnee thyself a
candidate for re-election to the office
of Treasurer of this cou% and ask
the assistance of all.
J. II. Dabney.
jeot I announce nomination myself a candidate for County sub- j
to the ;
Treasurer in the coming January
election. S P Downs, !
Dor tax collector.
I aril a candidate for the office o ■
Tux Collector, of Rockdale county, ;
rnffiject to the democratic nomina
lion. Respectfnlly,
Lamak Wo od.
I am a candidate for the office ol
tax receiver and riresfc respectfully
solicit the assistance of the citizens
of the county. Election 8th oi No
Frank Wii^on.
1 am a candidate for the office o<
Tax Receiver of this county and ark
the support of the voters of the
ty. 1 am unable to do much wot k
rnd my brother who will assist me is
a cripple who can do nothing much
but write and I feel that 1 can ask
the assistance of the voters of our
county. «
Challey Hudson.
I am a candidate for the office of
Tax Receiver and ask the support of
the Voters of this county,
W. G. Clot felter.
I am a candidate tor Reelcction to
the ordinaries office 1 feel under
many ocligations for your liberal sup¬
port in my past election. I hope to
he remembeied in the*coming as I
have hereto fore. I abide the nomi
tioo. Yours Most Respectfully,
0, Seamans.
-o '• 'V———___
Conyers Ga., Sept. 10th 1884.
Hammock, Parker & Co. successors
to H P & D M Almand and compa
lyh Ware housemen and ginrers, re¬
spectfully notify the public that they
are prepared to run said business
successfully, and shall make it their
business to meet out evenhanded
*ST business 10 worthy m of confidence b ’T g aud ’
patronage We are re-ponsible for
all seed cotton received antil
Bagging and ties furnishec low for
the cash. W^e respectfully ask the
public togive us a trial.
Hill W Hammock, Manager.
Aftef October the first we will
clone our books as we must have time
in which to make settlements. All
who come up promptly will be ac
*««« ve«. See notice
next week.
- ^ -- ----
BucklerFs Arnica Salve:
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bnns
£8. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sores.
all skin &u^«on?. a med ^isitil^!^ cutes Pile® 1
Price Scent*, per box. For sale by Dr. W. n.
Atlanta, J.u U three attempts al sui¬
cide this welik.
Wc believe our road commission¬
ers come out all right.
Tije Constitution got cut a big
sue and a pool-paper,
Lookout lor frost on the 18th of
October—not eoon -r.
Judge Stewart continues to make
the beet Judge in the state.
Emmett \yommatik is hard to
down and doth you forget it.
John Kelly lifts come out squarly
for Cleveland and Hendries.
Mr. A. F. Sims has the poor
houses about completed.
Handsome Charley White lias been
in town Home this week.
Hon. Frank M. Irwin, of Marietta,
attendrd court here this week.
There are only two kinds of boj s
in this world-bad and woree.
Mrs. Stanfield and Miss Mattie
Hale have returned to Lovejoy.
The cotioa all classes middling
this year and is bringing b* to-day)
Wo ought to hate an artesian well |
right here in the center of Conyers, j
Parties wishing to purchase a j
good horse should call at this
We would like to get a hold on
t j, e f e }j ow th a t made the weather
“dry up.’’
Mr. R. F. Stanfield, of Lovejoy,
was over to see relatives here this
We hear no complaint of an over¬
production of corn and hogs in lhi
The “oldest inhabitant” fails to
recall a warmer September than the
present one.'
The ginning ,.a s „„ I, i„ fuU bUet
and fingers and arms are rapidly dis
Mr. D. 0, White now has his fam
,jy j iere ani | j s n3 oriCe or twice
a V veek.
There has been a good deal of
sickness scattered arctund over the
country of lain.
The cotton crop id tiffs country
will be very siior^ but the farmers
are settling up pretty well.
a ,ni m who Is neither a candidate
j or akin lo c c will not be al 1 r-ved to
] vote in the coming nomination
All aunoirficfetneiits fur office must
b: ..Aid betcre the nomination. Fiye
I dollars is our price.
Mr. Jeff Huson makes a splendid
gentleman of leisure, Some men
j are good at almost anything,
Bob Lartglord is doing a tine
mss in Atlanta, and is just as
fat and clever as ever.
There is no danger of a Conyers
girl running off with a coachman—
Lhar haiut no coachmen here.
Hon. L, F. Livingston 13 doing
line work for the fair at Macon which
comes off on the 27 tli of October.
The days are getting much shorter
and our 1 eople can have more time
to read their bibles at night.
Tom King is one 'of the cleverest
bo\s that ever lived. When you
want good shoesgrve him a call.
George Tilley says the difference
of opinion that hurts is that between
a fallow and his girl.
Messrs. Frank McCaUa and Jeff
White have gone to Nashville to en
tei Vanderbilt University.
Parties wanting to subscribe for
this paper and the Georgia Farmer
can get them both for §1.50.
Judge Stewart made a very sgreea
ble and instructive talk at the First
Baptist church Wednesday night.
Posum hunting is now being in¬
dulged in by some of our sports.
T 1 hey are nice . and , tat.
in - g Dl lecture / QU ' gS at m t the Second '7 Baptist us.
church on last Sunday evening.
MUs L ^ iIa Stephenson, a very
pleasatlt , an d intelligemi young lady,
of Covington, is v siting in our city,
! Tbe infant 0 f Mr. and Mrs. T. H.
3 rya ns, Jr. was burned at the Con
| yers cemetery on last Sunday eve
| ning.
‘ Yet a little while and the guano
man and the farmer will lock horns.
The contest promises to be a heated
one. .
punap uaiKlie, „__S Kile touched LOUC C
j him do the shoulder be turned and
“Yes, Yes, cer ainly, subject to
I lhe nominRtionJ’
The ji.r, decided that. Tons Mars
ton was a lunatic and he will he
to he assylnm. This is a coined
a .id just verdici. *
Head the announcement of Frank
WilsoQ in t i lif3 issue, Frar. k was a
good.soldier, has aa afflicted father
lather to support and is a good man
for the place.
After the 1st of October I will
my books and sell bo more
goods on lirne to anyone until next
spring. 1 have been selling on time
now lor live years and must
some time in which t.o close up and |
make settledent. This applies to
all and J. hope no one will feel hurt,
as I ftm forced to take this method of
closing up my old accounts. To al! ! |
who . come forward , and , make , satis- ,.
factory J settlements I will sell again I !
next season am now receiving , a
fine line of fall and winter goods !
. . x selling ... , low . be !
v. ueh , 1 am as as can |
fouRd anv where. Call and sre me.
ResiJectful'v ltespteotiui y. 1 u. ) N d. Hudson utimoa.
IJ. P .& I>. M. Altnand & Co have
Just received their new improved
Wheat scourer and it is a perfect
Machine it cleans the wheat clean;
make very fine white flour out :
of ordinary wheat we cspecialy ask I
every one that has wheat to grind
to cotne and get good flour out Oi
your wheat al! we ask is a trial and
you will be highly pleased.
♦- • —
Application to Soli Land.
Georgia Ro Adale County :
Whereas Thomas H. Harden ad¬
ministrator o' John F. Harden de¬
ceased has in due foun applied to
the Court of Ordinary, for leave to
sell the lend- belonging to the estate
of said rlecea-ed. and said applies*
t.ion will be heard on the first Mon
■'»*j" TM. «•*
U, p, seamans
Rockdale court of ordinary chambers
August 28 1884.
Whereas his excellency Henry 1 >.
McDaniel Governor of the State of Geor
gia having apeped Three Tenths'of one
percent on the Taxable property of the
State for the State Tox for year 1884.
It. is ordered by the c mr of ordinary
of Rockdale county that the following
assesinent be and H'.e,,same are hearer] y
made for the county Tax of
bounty for the year 1884 for the p”r
pesos bearein after set forth and that
the same be collected by \V. W. Nelms
Tax cobector of Rockdale county or his
successor in office and pid over to the
countv Treasurer of said countv by the
15 of December next
For the building and repaving of
bridges and other pubbie Buddins and
all other county purposes for the year
I884. Thirty cents on the hundreddo! -
lars of the Taxable propei ty of Eocxdale
county. II
For paying Grand and Feety Juries
for yeasr 1884 . Fifteen cents on the
hundred dollars of the Taxable proper
ty of Rockdale county.
For the support of the Fawpers of
RorckJald County for the year I884
Fifteen cents on the Hundred dollars of
the Taxable poperty of Rockdale jountv
O. Seamans
Georuia Rockdale County:
Whereas J- C. Famer Executor on the
last will of W. J. Hudson Decsd Rep re"
ents to the coru of Ordinary in his
Petition duty filed that he has fully
administered W. J. Hudssr.s
Thia is there fore to cite all persons
concerned Kindred and creditors to show
cause if any thing can, why said Exector
should not be discharged from his
ecutership and Receive letters of dismif
sion on the first Monday in December
Sept l iss 4 O. Seamans
Notu ' e
W. J. &H. A. Turner adiuJnistrater . .
of A. A. Turner Decrd has made appi
cation to the court of ordinary of
, and i£ no goo d cause is shown
to'fhe contrary an order will be paped
on t {, e first Monday in October next at
i0 o’clock A. M. granting leave to sell
said lang H prayed for.
Geor gj a R 0C kdale County
To all whom it may concern John M.
Day having in proper f >rm applied
4° niefor letters of admmstation on tne
to cite all and sing
seovxl^l they can not be granted to John. a'^imsGation M. Day
on David Hudsons estate
S ept 1 1S84 O: teamans
OWENS HOTEL, Formerly Cox House j
COVINGTON...................GK OKU I \
Nevdy fitted uy*. Table supplied Hacks with
!he be.t the mailcet affi rds. Free
met*;. all trains. A tria> is all i ask.
“Rough on Rrtt?" Clears out Hats, Mice. 15o.
“it jgb on Corns,” for Corns, Bunions. 15e.
Thin. people. “wells’ Health Kenewei"
stores health and vigor, cures dyspepsia, &e.
•-Rough on Toothache,” in- tent relief. 15c.
Ladies who would retails freshneiti and vi¬
vacity don’t fail to. try "wells’ Health lie*
-nuchu-paiba,” great kidney and urinary
cu *7 ’
rues, roaches , ants, bed-bu^s, , rots, ... mice
cleared out by -Rough on lusts.” Me.
“Rough on Coughs-,” troches. 15c: liquid,
35 c. |
For children, slow in development., puny and
delicate, use “wella’-Health Rpnewcr.” :
luC “Rough on Dentist” Tooth Povruar. Try it. j
- |
Nervous weakness. Dyspepsia. Sexual Do-; $1.
bflity cured by “wells* Health Renewer.”
Mother Swan's Worm Syrup, for feverish-;
nebs, worms, constipation; tasteless. 35c.
<-‘ou)plair.ts stljaginn.irritation, cured by r.n *But:Uu. Kidney saut r.iuary Si. j
Night, sv.-pars, fever, chills, malaria, dyspep-j
^ ^redby-wulta- HeWth Eouvwer.” j
My hushand twrltos a l&dyl Is three rimes the J
man since using “wolla- Health Rcnewer.’*
tf you Pr0 broker., worn out and
rfervous, use “wells’ Health Renowtr. $i.
Prevalence “Ruchu-paiha” of Kidney quick, complaint complete. in Ameri¬ Imre.
ca; is a
Georgia Railroad' Co., 1 j
Office General Manager.
AUgusta, April iglli G. 1S84. inst. , j
following Passenger sch dale will be
operated. Idnins run by goth meridian
time, twenty two minutes slower than
Atlanta time.
F A S T L I IS ifl .
Lv Augusta 7.40am
Lv Conyersli■ 58am
NO. 2 EAST dairy.
r v pi Atlanta J, “o 2 r>m I
Ar Coayeis g- 4 - pm I
Lv Atlanta 8.2.5 am
“ Wash’n 2 45 pm
MilM’ve 4 49 I'm
Ar Macon 6.45 pm
ar Augusta 3.55 pm
Lv Atlanta 6.00 pm
Lv Convers 7 . 5 o pm
Ar Cov'gt’nS. 2 d pm
no. 4 fast daily.
Lv Atlanta 8 5O pm
LvCony’rsio.28 6. pin
Ar lo am
Train No. 28 wiR h'.-'P at and
reis-i vt* passengers to and from tin*
following stations only: Herzeliu,
: Uoariog 'I licrtij>snn,
Cra wford vide. Union Point, Greens
l.licrc-Mudisoii, Rntledge, Social Circle,
Covington, Conyers, Stone Mountain
and Decat nr.
Co^nec's at Augusta for all points
East and Southeast.
.JOHN W. GREEN, Gen. Man,
E. R. DORSEY, Gen. Push a at.
Fire Insurance
coyrURS, oa.
SSTMr. Duniell represents a large
number of the very best Companies
doing business in this State, and cm
write up policies on all kinds of pro
perry. 1 tales as low as anywhere.
Everybody should have their homes
and business insured and that with
out delay
We take ibis method ol informing
our friends and customers that we
are now receiving our fall and winlei
i stock, which will embrace every tiling
u8 ually kept in any first-class store,
ag otjr ^otto ba3 always been
| quick 1 sales and short profits we will
sell low the . lowest. ... W fee: „ ,
I as as e
| thankful to all who have patronized
U g in the past and kindly ask a share
0 ( their trade in the future,
Please bear in mind I that in
1 der to close up our old business, our
terms will be Strictly Cash from Oc
lol>cr Ute 1st. until jaoOaiy Ihc 1 st.
; I 1885, after which time we will ac
0mK10( ^ atc a u w | l0 have come for
; ^ fflade satisfactory J 8e
none »UI ns, no to v.ry
' from the above rule ai we mean w
! we 8ay< We don’t want to hurt any
feeliug8 ^ by re , u . ing lo credit
for sl)0rt a time .
; bet nt0hey iias been veiy and
. we have had a hard time to get
goods through the summer to furnish
on time, but ws have faced the storm
and trust that He have almost reach
ed the shore .
j v y e ^ e li e ve all we have furnished
has and does appreciate it and wid
j com. for.erd end W off their noto
and accounts a-i soon as they possi
, 00(la ut lowest cash prices.
Trusting that we will be retnem
J bered, we remain,- most Son Res’p’tly, Co.
J H Almand and
Lv /D bens 8.05 ntn
j At Atlanta 1.00 pm
Ar \th^ns 7. io pm I
Ai Ar Aug... t.i fi --5 o: uni P !
Lv Augustaib.joiim
Lv Ms con 7 . id am
Lv Mil d’vl ,9.10 am
Lv Wawh'n 11.30am
Lv Athens 9 . 3 .S 0m
Ar Conyers 4 28 pm
Ar Atlanta S -45 P in
Lv’n 0.4O am
l.v rj,xer** «m
Ar Atlanta 8.00 am
no. 3 wkst daily,
LvAngnsta 9 -°° pm
f,v Conyers 4-5 1 a,n
Ar Atlanta 6 40 am
JL 1 J____i K—/ k_. )
USSU was® Wi ,r<
Italian aid Rutland Marble Memunente, Ms Tombs, Head and Foot
Tombs. Wood and Mai .aide Caskets and Cases.
JSlwlI S^isi* Bi#
SiEes and Prices furnished oa short notice by „. v
Church Street, Stone Mountain, Ga.
» .«.xv—
^ A \ f i \
I 1 —/ I j\ j ! 3 .' H
1 A ~t •1 ii\ ' jTjl i_y J 7 /
—Deffief* In—•
L \ X i » I j -r 1 \ r LHIU ] * \ j n i A U { i C ( V_A ^ T P LUC H P ir* i t. tl Merchandise*
i \, j Maddox’s old Stand. Centre Sl.,Co«vers, Ga.)
Having oyened bnxi wests Here with a perfectly new and well assorted Sloe):
f t, t. M-ts Waall Hints Shop?. X Groceries frauds of every kind. Hardware,
. W and th , public gc-erallv
tQ _ n( j| \y,_. > v> . 0 i«r sroods for Si’OT CASH and can sell as Clump aft
, mv ^ Wo want your b.uter and Will pay the very highest prices for the same,
VYe ' » intf ° t0 kee p '
And we are going to sell them low, wo when you want anything in the way ojf
Give lift a call and we will guarantee sati-daeti-m. Remember the place, J. E.
Maddox A bid stall'd nest cloof to Weaver A Bn*.
Tlie Kovtiiv* Jnietlfcor H ibe V -st, Boiler Fwvler made, ft worlttt waum or cold water, an5
ware,re A ..K-T D-r-M-I’-g.
.....N SatisfarHon
Ave the beat Tank Pumps mad.- : Will work clear oi- mudciy water, %>, $Ti>» iruat- Civculs*
tivtwX (v»naclty 100 to <MV ‘ ealkms oov ho Pnce, to & boau ior CO.
hjuul foundrf, U-nrA slock macittnk of. 5 :^“’SIf anti AinT<, boh I'LLLETS, ,*r troRKf*. fi ANu. Ajghyt&A. ! R* Aiul fl t
W? )fooo on a Plttinps, low p^'cey. Social atDiation 4 ro
liiml^ or Bnfrinea M:Te, Piping jurI at prepared to do all of iivu n
>-nU v.itl work. With firs- ebr* vool.'- hi-i meu. wo arc MA.oh .,?-l,an.
the i,, ii.srn.(-r. rtopwi >■* r* ^ proiunMy
. -
JA€®B M 1 *3 wmmm §
Premium Steam Dye Works.
Ko. 7, West Peter:; Street.
A f . -j Qfltf) . Gd
LlCtli t c,
Gooas of all descriptions Dyed stye. , Lariies ,
gdk and Woolen lnamipertor Gen
I tlrape, Stella and Cashmere Shawls.. S*!k Merino and Mdnsseline Dresses.
t.lemens’Cloak- 1 , Coats, Pants and Vests handsomely cleaned. Everything apper-
1 talnhrrto the business pnnfttnalU- attended Blankets, to Particular &o. Goods attention received .paid anu to Bye e*
j cleaning of Carpets, Rugs, L ice Curtains,
| pressed to nit harks of the united States- ,vlll - v 9 I2m<
h ass
Corner Commerce and Warehouse Sts C0MYEB3. GA
General Merchandise at Bottom PrtccS.
BGTWe sell NEW HOME Sf-n-i Mnr-lune. p^wV keep all kinds of
Headciuarters F01 all School Books adopted bv dm Board
of School Commis-ioners of '.bia cutmtj.
mases .BROS,
Business and Dress Suits
Effual to Custom Made Goods and at Rock Bottom Brices.
42 uud 44 White-hall St., Atlanta, («n.
^ p o T TTD A O
.‘4.4^1 Ipfw J-iUL/iiO j
Watch Ma’ er and Jeweler.
(-ommerce w tre ^.
t'nriecs that suit the
:P- f ! )e - j'-welrt* > of every j'
■ j
> 7 - ..
d«> your work prompt,) 1 -^’ and " cil
CaI1 and 6e * UCAS*
c g L
1, fitted up me a new room, ;
1 am now prepared to ' lirst-i-lnss | •
work. j
ctrfTiSti i
Hint 20 ct« ! • ,
; g SliaVSS 2 J Ct3
fell AM BOON 20 Ctc. I
G i V( , a call, ami I will give you !
a good jou. FRANK LYNCH,
J'une 13 -tf. Coheyer», Ga. I'
("corgir, iiockdale County :
lo :, d whom it may concern:
H |.pli^» to me tor h it rs M dismis
H ' ,n r,om Ra »'l gmmlimslfip* and 1
" il » J*** this appliffati-di on-tho
ti rat Monday in ..ovmnlier next at
,X. It* * 2 a "S
8i ° ta , p . thl . .,^ v mh t8 84.
O. SEAMANS, Ordinary,
-«*>• * —
That H Sbiloli’s saeixr, CUURH We can be so quickly it.
cured bp Cure. guarantee
Will You ffi;rir«n with Dyspepsia awt Liver
i Ynepbiinl ? SKiloh’A Vitaiizer is guaraateed
to cure you.
Si.KEPl.CSS r Xtours, made r miserable by that
icriihie cough It Sliildb 's Cure is 1 lie remedy
for you.
(, \TARRU Cured, health anil s*o>t breath
t ..mred Uy Shiloh’s f atarrb Keiucay. Priced®
cents. Nasal Injector freb.
for lamo Back, Side hr Chest use Shiloh’s
Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents,
S.uum’s Couan and Consumption Cure IS.
sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consump
Cuoup. Whoopixo Coi-ou and Bronchitis
immedictely Dr.' relieved by Shiloh’s Cure. For
Sale by M. It, Stewart. Conyers, Gd.
Srit.ou’s VtTAt.XZBH is what you need foe
Constipaffpu, Lofsol Apj>etite, r>!*ziness amt
all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75
ocJts per bottle.' ,
W. J nc-ix. V f A.J i
ATTORN LYS-A’C-LAW,2'-, Marietta SI. At'ac
ta, Ga. Prompt anentivfr givea to e business.