Newspaper Page Text
■^n NVF-RF "' Ei :r
iC^O 1 feu to be
a, ' fc
, ;C iiom=
ell. that next Tuesday is
, 3 >t forget well sale d3y r He
hay 3 s as .
on and vote.
[ ' p”vi, out back
has come to
f'X' w ..te charge welcome °f fc*™- him back,
I be K • l ‘ r ord t we ««, i« *«>■>«, 580 feet. Ms
,ed depth of about
L • he work is still progressing. for
Tuesday illegal sale day
” > C<>me out to the sale,
Tote r and Hen
for Cleveland
1 M. W- Shaver is still in Ra
[ y 0. at, the bed side ol her
tiusbaudj Mr. Sam Shaver, who
mgi-rously ill
fi0f the hardest trials of life . is
bed tears at the news that your
L creat uncle lias died and leit
f34,00fl. enough to anvise a man
is easy
y in his winter coal, but no one
is to lend him the money to buy
U agricultural fair presents rare
[ortunifcies for gamblers to run
sts and for lawyers to deliver
ucal addresses.
Ir. Rufus Cruse has purchased a
f interest in the Owens hotel, in
fjpoton and will assume charge
; lie business on Saturday morning
vember 1st.
U negro woman in Walker county
[ butted by ? sheep several weeks
L L.tion wiiich has necessitated the am
of her leg. The aheep has
Ice died of black vomit.
Grenade & Tucker is now selliug
Eclipse Corn Sbeller, the chirn
bn over all the corn shcllers. Far
Drs call and see it.
Everybody should vote for our
ver and efficient townsman, Mr. A,
Jiitchel!, Dr Depuiy. He will
ake a good one, anti be sure to
a, a vote for him
In The Wing.
| Cotton continues to roll in.
I Thi.< is mighty curious weather.
I Di n’t forget to pay for your paper
[hen you bring your cotton in.
Cunyers merchants will treat the
kir/cers right.
I Mr. F. T. Chapman was in town
hie week.
I Our clever little friend, Air. C. S.
Ijuc&s, is visi'.ing relatives at Craw
lordviile, Ga.
I Geo. Kenuoc says he cannot wait
(any longer. George loll her to hur¬
ry up, for leap year is ne rly gone.
Mrs Johnson, wife, of Mr. J. S
Johnson is quite sick. We hope she
will recover soon.
’When a man is 20 he calls her a, and when he is 40 he
thinks ot her as a snaping turtle-do ve.
A bull-frog is never entirely ‘broke
financially.’ He always has a green¬
back, you ti,.ow.
A new and dangerous counter,'eit
siivei dollar is said to be in circula¬
tion, but as we have seen but few ol
aay sort in circulation about here,
lutely, we cannot tell whether we
nave seen one of them or not.
The old war hor»e, Col. D. N.
Hudson is still in the ring, and when
you want to be treated ail O. K. call
on him for good goods.
Scooter sais be has got one of the
fEest mules in the county, We bet,
he can’t make a m: le iu 20 minutes,
and we arc no betting man.
Alleu Summers told A. D. this
W<ek that the time 'is near at.
hand. Well, we will make
Present ol the you a
The invitation cards
good citizens of Rockdale
cou.d not electa better man for Sher¬
iff than our popular dozen, Mr F.
Ayers. W e hope you w 11 give
him your hearty support.
I'’ Hale pai l a flying trip
u Macon this week.
r r J he !s Ge 0> °rgia °fi Farmer is in full blast
e best agriculiural
joumais in -he S tuth.
The Gate City is a business ol
ti n - piac. .
^ U V, tilings going up every
Tlie Kimble House wili be
' vi'' ' is,t A Hacta, step at
lanef t:i stl>iet tor good
s s and ar i eiean beds, >
War-aersiiff fo^ itrs W C
| ;e D8 t PPKf
vith the best the marker f affiwt
Moody R^ J \ ; :‘ e
hardly ig ai SPKMhJ 0 finr ,
- Xora Alke ". one ©f Snapping
,r 8t cha!tniaf J iovtiy
Gueen^Vlpf ^ 1 ’ !' h i:i3t S uest * un of ^ n Miss y ia
A. D.
Fun.e.y owing u» fur Minoui'a;;
i mencs v, ill be ixnecte . so bclllt b>
ihe Ibt of November.
To My t- riendo.
Having connected tnyaeR with the
Conyers \> eekly again, af er an ab
sence or over two iJKiiths in Atlanta,
we will try and make op for till lost
time, and gue jcu a better paper in
the tuture, arm see that, it .a mailed
regula. lj to our subscribers. We
will ballad to g t the Dots from all
of our old Correspondents again.
Yery respectfully,
A. Davis.
At the solicitation of a few of my
friends 1 announce myself as a can¬
didate for the office of Sheriff of
Rockdale county, subject to nomi¬
nation if any, July 13th, 188-i
John Yv.-Almurid with Augustus
A. Born as deputy.
To the voters of Rockdale :
lam a Candida’e for the office of
Sheriff of this county and ask tbe
support of mv fellowcitizons. Will
abide the Democrat;;; nomination.
Frank M Ayers
with John M Day aa Deputy,
Citizens ov Rockciais County.
I am a Candidate for the office of
Tax Collector, subject to the Nomi¬
nation. Will kinoly thank any one
for their assistance.
Yery Respect!ally
tdu. W. T. Huson.
1 am u candidate for reeiiction to
he office clerk. I respectfully ask the
support of my fellow citizens.
5. II. McCord.
I am n candidate for the office of
Clerk of the superior court of Rock¬
dale county, subject to the democrat¬
ic nomination.
Willis Irwin.
I r; spectfuilv enounce myself &
candidate for re-election to the office
of Tr -asur-cr of this county and ask
the assistance of all.
J. IT. Dabney.
n I'jsx -r-fc-yv. L mr zmf m
I announce mys if a candidate sub
ject to the nomination for County
Treasurer m the coming January
election. S P Downs,
special notice.
Citizens of Rockdale County.
I am a candidate for the office of
Treasure, subject to the nomination.
Your support kindly accepted,
M o st res pec 1. ; 'u 1 ly,
John F. Ahnand.
I aBDonnce myself as a candid sue
for county Treasurer of Rockdale
-••ounty and kindly ask my fellow citi¬
zens to remember rae wit h their votes.
? am an oid citizen and have never
asked for any office in the county
rill now. I am subject fo the r.omi
nation. S. D. Night.
I am a candidate for the office 0!
Tax Collector, of Rockdale count ,
.ubject to the democratic noudoa
Ton. Respectfutly,
Lamab W'cod.
I am a candidate for the office of
tax receiver and most respectfully
solicit the assistance of the citizens
of the county. Election 8th of No¬
Frank Wilson.
I am a candidate for the office of
Tax Receiver of this c-eunty and ask
the support of the voters of the conn
tv. I am unable to do much work
aud my brother who will assisi me is
a cripple who can do nothing much
but write and I feel that 1 can ask
the B'-ist-ance of the voters of our
county. Hudson.
I ao. a c iudidaf** for the office of
T x It ceiver and ask the support of
>-he v ters of this,
XV. G. Clodeiter.
I am a candid to; Reelectiou to
the ordinaru s office I leel under
many ociig.ifions lot your liberal sup
port in ny past * led ion. I hope to
b<* reaiembe.e : in the coming as I
have h•:eto fore j abide the
tion. Yours Most Respectfully,
O. Seamans.
1 respectful: v ann ounce myself
t01 ’ - " ritf 0f X ^ kdale ’
| subject to the com in.--lion and t'^k
" YI A:^"'
with A. P. Mitch dl, deputy.
l ___ am a candidate f'-.r To usurer of
Fockda -* county subject to the no n
j nation, •• i'i kin ' v tuank the people
I lor t eir support.
G. W. Weaver,
r iw H yy Fire tu;.
Ift-.T kie lot r.i Oci I \% T It
close my books and rdl k more
goods on time to anyone until next
spring. I have beeu selling on time
j now j or f lvt , j^ars and must- have
j some time in which to close up and
! ma ^ e settlement. This applies to
ail and I hope no one will fed hurt,
j j a5 j aro foreed to take this method of
o’osing up my old accounts. To all
^0 come forward and make
." at .tory settlements I will sell again
next season I am now receiving a
fine line of fall and w inter goods
which I am selling as low 7 a~; can be
found anywhere. Call and si-e me.
Respectfully. 1). N. 11 UDSOX.
——-e-r . * , *—--
Georgia Rockdale County:
Notice is hereby given that oppli
cation will be made to ’.lie next geo
oral assembly of said state for the
passage of a Bid, of which the fob
lowing is the tit’e to wit:
Aii Act to amend the several Acts
incorporating the city of Conyers
Georgia, so as to confer full power
and authority upon the Mayor and I
City council of haul city to require ;
any person, firm, company or corpo¬
ration, engaged iu, prosecuting or
carrying on any trade, business, call¬
ing or avocation within the corpo¬
rate limits ot said city, or who may
engage in, prosecute or carry on any
trade, business, calling or avocation
within the limits of said city, to reg¬
ister their names, and business, call¬
ing or avocation, annually, pay for
such registration and for license to
engage in, or carry on such business,
calling or avocation, the amount of
such license to be fixed by said Maj¬
or and City council, provide suitable
by laws and penalties for the enforce¬
ment of the same, and for other pur
prses. Helms
M. D. Irwin A. M.
OieikC. C. Mayor (J. 0.
Conyers Ga., Sept. lOih 1884
Hammock, Parker <& Co. successors
to II P & D M Ahnand and compa
«y, Ware housemen ami ginners, re¬
spectfully notify the public that they
-we prepared to run said business
;uoeee-mi!y, and shall make it their
business to meet out evenhanded
justice to all, thereby building up r
business worthy of confidence and
patronage We are re ponsibie for
Ml seed cotion received a util baled.
Bagging and ties furcishec low lor
Tie cash. We respectfully ask the
public to give us a trial.
Hill W II a rum - ck, Manager.
« •
Georgia Rockdale Coanfiv.
Whereas J. F- Wallis administrator of
L. )!• Brown represents to the court in
his petition duly filed, that he has.fully
administered L. H. Browns estate.;.This
is therefore to cite all persons concerned
heirs^nd creditors to show cause if any
they can whv said administrator shoifiu
not be discharged from his
tion and letters of dismission on the 1st
■ JdOnaaY xr 111 -r- February , ,oc I004.
G Seamans
By virtue of on a -dc. /t .m the court
of Ordinary of. Raek.Lde eon my, will i c
sold on the first Toes lap in liecenibe:
next, tit the court bouse door i-u 'Con -
y* He at pr.biia or.ic'y hois* e*. n
the loaal hours ->f sa’e, on hundred arm
DC) C 3 move or itt.e of land
known as tee home r> oce or aljsi-r A.
Tamer, deceased, ano all oi said trsc
parcel of land (except ’a ' i
or t-e . ■ ''
of? to th-,- widow) hdng |-< rs of ! oth.
Nos. 2oi, 2»7cnd sco in th:- t6;li, dis
trict of originally l or rv tJ{On N'svlon
now ssfii county of Ji cio!,, -. HI,
of said h- rOc jr’ace boej OWE
On the North by ’end of '\ boa. E. Dm -
East by lauds of G W. Jobn<*o*s -.nd th
widow P.eagin, South by widow Reagir
o cm l by ioi.ds of \> * II* Braswell c
James Chupp. Also one house and h
in the city ot Conyers containing o
arid one-half acres, lying on the La
side of Decatur street, known p.s the .
Thorn place, also one Fit «;» toe Fa nr
street, containing one acre witli/ bon-;
and appertenances, kn v, n as the
J. Hudson lot. Pale for benefit of beir
and creditors. Terms cash, hnleas oth¬
erwise made known on the day of sale,
YVm. J. T'.rner.
• e. a. I>. Turmi
Administrator o llie estate of Abnei
A-Turner, Decked.
Conyers Ga., Oct., 23d. iSSq.
Aj'er's SAreaiiarill-i acts direct!*
and nr mptly, to purify and ept < - h
the bi • ‘ - improve the sppetjie,
strengthen the nerves, and braee
the system. It is therefore in the
truest sense au alterative medicine
Eyery invalid s'.ou.d giro it a trial,
i i * V l I mand <Y Co I.mvc
| t receive:] -i.eir new improve!
| Wheat «‘Ou v. -eti i«- is a perfect j
J Machine it, ■ linns tlw wheat clean |
j that make very fine whte flour out
of ordinary wheat, we espec oily ask
every one that has wheat to grind
to come and yet good flour out of
your wheat a!! we ask is a trial and
you will be highly pleased,
Wl tr- this method o! infomin a
our friends and customers that v»<
are now rveeiv;. g our fall ami wimoj
stock, which will embrace everv; '.icr
usual! ■ ki 1 } t iti any firstcclasa store,
and as our motto levs always been
quick sales and slioit profits wc will
sell as low ns the lowest, We fee;
thankful to a'i w‘ o bav. patronized
us in the past urn! kmdly ask a share
ot ilieir trade in the future.
Please bear in min ! ! that in or¬
tier to close up our old business, our
terms will lie Firictiy Cash IrotaOe
the 1st. until January the ’st.
1885, after which time we will »C'
commodate all who have eome for
ward and made satisfactory settle
men s.
We hope none will ask us to vary
from the above rule as we mean v) . t
i,e say. We don’t want to hurt am
one’s feelings by refm log to credit
them for so short a time. Remem¬
ber money has been vmy scarce and
we have had a hard time to get
goods tin ougli the summer to furnish
ou time, but we have faced the storm
and trust that we have almost reach
ed the shore.
We believe all *e have furnished
has and does appreciate it and wi.l
come forwaid and pay off' their notes
and accounts as soon as they possi¬
bly can, remembering that, prompt
pay makes good credit and secures
fi oods at the lowest cash prices.
Trusting that we will be remem¬
bered, we remain, most Iles’p’tly,
J H AlmanihSon and Co.
Fire- Insurance
- BV-
4 i - e u* BitftlEL L,
£. -grMr. Daniell represents large
number of the-very best Companies
doing business ia this State, and cm
- rite up policies on uii kinds of pro
perry. itaies a- low as anywher-.
Every body should have their iiom--s
and business insured and that with¬
out delay.
tlmmi ©hiil,
8®* Parties wishing Coal for Grates
or Shop;; can be furnished by apply¬
ing to me.
J. P. TILLEY, Sole Agent,
July 1.8-5 m, Coal Creek Coal.
| ps-x £•» BE m ffi, BJ Kaw ^
| {$*■’ ** J
| •* “ Si - *“* W '
j uioot’i^j''s' frarF F'.'o'.HViFioitJi.-^cF'lu.p’rfj'da ! ’,ctc.‘ u iViMU j-i’>oV"b»ul
K«vi»nA l ; dik
' i I'bXeaU fixe. Eii«b Wirt v--M--von MUNN yc-tis' «aj#«- i-H-dtce.
Pateafsoboaiiv-R 1 V. j; CO. a.;*c Ltoticod
iuthe SciKNv iFic A ’TtiOAv. tiie largest, K>0it,an^
raoat widely ci.ic - : ''vU-<l : ci- nkiSlc Pt.'-w, nn.Wi. year.
Weekly. Specimen enpravcu s a>- i Jn!er EtirtK i?i
forniatiou. oi' ■ > •* ^ • ■ ai!.<
Ichh sent free Ad •>*»*& MTTN >'t CO., S'TENT IllO
AMKttiCAN Oftice. Jiol Broadway, Kew 1 OiK.
# * *•
j j
Xtoi.-! m r- Ii mm
- 1
- 'Vm Sewing Machine,
Sure to Give Satisfaction .
I General Office, Ilion, N. Y. i
New York Office, 283 Urcadway,
Buying Agents Wanted.
j I
j j
i /
•Tuat i i vc--;: L : ■ i . . .-eUy
CUrou li|> Miiilli'8 ■
W l Li, V ; ) v ’ • it s, evis!.. «,ad Liver
<Jv>m.uain£ '{ ivuciVr' b gXmv.aUr
to xuir > ;\>u.
So: :e..rsti v v:ir c .*\r 'A x \ti by t hut
V rcihifj l-i. : .- lit ;s i-C .11:0 <ij
tor you.
i-'ATAU.m Or-if.n, with :-. !<! s t l..reatb
severed by Shiich’s IVAar:’. KaimjJy. Trice 50
cents. Kamil Inject :>i- O. o.
For Ionic Back. i-tle. nr Chert uee Shiloh's
Porous Plaster. Pride &> eer-is.
Pitri.-'.ii's G'-con ant. Conov.aptton Cure Is
sold by us on a g-urrantee. It cur. s
Citoc”. Wwoorisrt Conan ami
immcuiarcly rviiovw.t by ,-Mloh'j' ;)•(.. For
Sv V W. VI. K. S:-•wJ'.rt, rony-.-' s lia.
SurcoH’s ViTvunsEa te what you need fur
: « and
.omsot f.,00 7;>
pet- boU-l.c
♦■TV o'*'
w. \v. v'ar.Acv-:. w. ,i Ahb*r
< * '■ r-ryt-v if J
a t "a- •'
x l i 'V --A r T'. i AV :?y. O' St, At’r •
• u, i>a. rroivr.l ret-, rt or r\. ;-u to all business.
'S* , 'i o O- T Tin u u A a o, n
- u
di W’ati-h Ma er ::ud Jeweler.
Commerce Street.
A]{ kinds of watch work done in
the t>< si style at pr ! e s that suit the
p. -op e. J nvelry ».f every desurip
ti m repaired neatly and durably. J
am here to stay and am prepared to
do vour work pr mpily and well
Call and see me.
0, S. LUCAS.
More Popular Tliaa Ever.
The Keren Improvement Made in The
White Sewing Machine vz
Add much to the many 1 xcollent
qualities ■> ibis
iiperior Machine,
It is an Fvpecisl Fs'ovite of La¬
dies, Tailms and ochers, who use
'hem for the many advantages-hey
pos'S'-f-s over o' l-tr Sowing Machines
-------------EVERY —
White Machine
Wamutcd tor 5 years.
Who’>Mdo and Retail Dealers,
5C Broad street, Atlanta, Gi.
II. F. & 1). M. ALMANI), Agents,
, Conyers, Ga.
----- >.**•£{& ---
vrr-? VV 1 reel or & \ViIsons
New No. 8.
rr-rYR GNAT:
1 '7 Ft.:?'
v '' *-’■ I
•• ”- ’>w g”, ■ ; v;
l.E-FI'fl;. !;;
’ r
........ -iTy
iSf Ly-N
- Nil V
Shut ■ !<• M -tcl-ine.
Ag.-nts mu ted. Send fi r price.
Mf’g Co.,
JurieS I—tf. Atlanta, Ga
Notice Thin.
\\? will inform ou. friends an<l
om-.m ill-'' wo will receive oui
ne ...o- d- in a few days and you can
V* Midi ic y p orbs cheaper,
(’roiil us t..’s iiv.vo-i thfiu th y have
the city. We will
-- l •) fur asna'iy kept in n
first cl-iSH Millinery house. Many
*; a U- for the yet arc’ hope you will
us a call We will sell Strictly
! u Oct t.*io first
ihe Hr )H s o Ho:-” none vi-i11
us to hr. t- c.-'tr rule wo mean
^av < ' i< sp. Cheap fi,r Cash,
i pri c*;, - u cheap
it V H !•: ‘-a\
tfirft f x ut iU’-G •X ■
r. o .'
r,n ii :l!!l ft. -rj l, re |
; '
iafttauv ^ (;'•«.
H M * id Vj- j
ittcR *s tie- I
iiiit UuiH uuL ry
Sc. i
’or chiMr rt n. si' - ^n puny atKi
•A Htjh th 1’euAwcr.”
»• i on OcDtidt” Tooth Powder. Try it. I
gD y i^ DSi ’ x'lijij De-;
b.iit / oil red by “ weii is :!-• lit ii iicncwer. I
S-Prufitar. irj-itau-in. “Himhu.miiLa.” a.i KT..n,, aud Urinary
CO ..tscwroil bv «.
Kijrht sweats, f ■ er, Ilea chi: 1 ?, Tleijower.' ui *’.1, 5 ti^spep
, cured by “wcl- ** '1
Bfyhxisba since ifi w Vlf) 1 L'Uitij th ii j
mail uain^r ill
If yon nir, 1 %r 4
nervo.i , :«g’ fi
r-y . i wjl. j..
leiifal! Aqvertis\ merits.
Georgir, Rockdale County:
To nil whom it may concern ;
»v her as, Henry C Penn, guardian
of James F uud Charles A. Walker
applies to me for letters ot dismis¬
sion from said guardianship and t
will pass upon this application on the
first Monday in November next at
my office it. Conyers in said county.
Given under my hand and official
signrture. C m Jiriv 28th 1884.
0. SEAMAN'S, Ordinary,
Gentyia Rockdale Oeuntr:
IViierens J. C Famer Exeenter on the
hid* wjf! oi W. J. Hudson Decsd E< pre»
ents to the court of Ordinary in hia
Petition duty iiied that lie inny
administered W. J. Hudsons Estate:
Tin- 1 is therefore to cite all persona
concerned Kindred and creditors to show
cause if any they can, why said Elector
should not bo discharged from bis Ex¬
ecutorship and Receive letters of disrnis
si on on the first Monday in December
18S4 1 1884 O. Seamans
Tf red Fold p.t private sale will be
sold before the court, house d- er in
the town of Conyers on the first
Tuesday in November 1884 200 acres
o( lamb more or less, belonging to
tke est.nt:' of Mrs. \Y. A. McDonald
deceased. It is good av, rage land,
contains a very good fratne dwelling,
out bouses, good wa'cr, a r iee or¬
chard and two t>-nant houses. About
3 5 acres in the woods, 12 or 15 in
bottom, and over 100 acres in culti¬
vation. It is situated on one of tke
best roads leading into Conyers, 2i
miles distant. Sold for distribution
among the heirs and creditors. Terms
easy. B. E. & A. D. McDonald,
Will bo sold before the court bouse
door on the 1st Tuesday in Novem¬
ber, the houne and lot in Conyers
now occupied by Mr. Robert Flem¬
ing and belong to the estate of Mrs.
Mary Hale, deceased. Terms cash.
J. K P. Hale
Mrs. M. C. Stanfield.
M. S. Hale.
Application to £e!l Land.
Georgia Rovkdale County :
Whereas Thomas II. Harden ad¬
ministrator of John F. Harden de
ceased has in due fo;m applied to
the Court of Ordinaiy, for leave to
sell the lends belonging to the estate
f said deceased, and said applies*,
tion will be heard ou the first Mon¬
day in November next. This 1st day
October 1884.
O. Seamans
Gen-gia Hockdnle County :
To all v.bon it. may concern:
AH persons interested are hereby no
ified that if no good cans 1 be shown
o the contrary on order w ; ll be
)f,-iiiteu by the Court of Ordinary
• 1 tic 7tli day of Nova nl.or, 1884,
■»ta> falling a change ii the road
<cow 11 as C -vington road Lo
• ween J. R. Rosser and Aaron TU>1
iigswnrih, as marked out l>y the
Ro .d Con mfssioncrs appointed for
'h*q pm pose commenccing fit the
reck near J. R. Rossers and run near th-» Residence of G. W.
HidUips and th nca JL-Iiingfiwcrfh ou by the rcsi
Icnc- of ltob>Tt rno
aiug t hrough the land of said IIo’
lngsworlh and Phillips iu.d inter¬
secting the old road again near the
residence of Aaron Hollingsworth
■iiid at (be same time abolishing so
much of the old road as a public
ro d as is lying between the smarting
and entering again in to t,be old road,
t his 7th day October 1884
O. Seamans,
Bv virtue of an order from the Court of
Ordinary of DeKalb Count,v, will be
sold on (he the first Court Tuesday House in door November, in said
1884 At !u:fV-en Lours ol
• nty. the legal sa ; 3.
in* ir«c* at lend in said Co. ntv wberoon
-H:p- k: - re-A led at. tl- a time of his
dead:. - iittr.g It** honored and one
• ,‘h • , nrt ye > • lew., f lot nnwbet
mo ti'ii.Or ■ e. 1 L.rt«»cven. : 247 .) the
ri half of *••••-<1 in Ihe UtH District
o: r.riahe ’ Henry v D-Kalb countv
Sold In- the i -lie it oi .he heirs and crod
q 0 rs « f Reid de «n'« 1, part of said tract
fii iug i«‘ Rockdale eon o', v T oi
sale, cash. Da r id V Parker,
I.oiidon Mair S2<>»torer—«,ront Eat;li<U
Tenet '-rticlo. lte»-Umr growth. ».■/.
gioso and poituess. Leu. es -ulrnS
.List oral- familie* - f <i eel Britain en
<iorse it. Elegaut dressing; Frag’-arp.
performed- Tht favorih ■ ffashio: *
Druggists for 33 i^d, or ; , cents in U f •
Itielitu? Piles—Syinpto ds and Cure#
Th« Bymi'toms 3 .■ are uk fure, like wr
Bpiration, intense .. itcnin^ , . uicreas^l . , , bv
f« te »V n .« ; ver v dist r e ^ i Sf pariiciila'
!> night: . if .
at seem« as p.c worms were
crawling in and about the rectum; ihe
private parts are sOe edmes affected t*
allowed to contlone v<m -rio'is results
may follow *SW AVNE S OJNTMFN ”
is a f .‘fisHnt, sure euro. Also Tetter,
Ueh.ffio'; Rhe•■'.»*, Scttid Hoad. Ervalpe*
Barbers’ 3 tel* Be hes aU
ornst r -‘dr: !>;seasrs. D. x. bv mail, Do