Newspaper Page Text
Discovered among the ruins of the
Znni and Azteo cities-are spindles and
whorls remarkably like those employed
by the Highlanders in Scotland. Tim
position of soma would indicate an an¬
tiquity of at least 2,000 years.
A HK3K little Boston girl, finding that
she remarkably resembled the leading
actress in a theatrical oompany, found
diversion in ordering a large quantity of
finery sent to her double, and signing
that person’s name to numerous passes.
It tb said that the estate of tho late
Bishop Simpson, amounting to nearly a
hundred thousand dollars, was nearly
all the result of profitable investments
which the advice and opportunities
given by warm friends enabled him to
Ah architect says that forty-nine
people oat of fifty who bnild homes foi
themselves voluntarily increase his esti¬
mates from $1,000 to $3,000, by changes
they want made on the original plans,
and in oase they get “stuck” they bowj
at him.
Tot Missouri father took a most sen¬
sible view of the situation when he did
not pursue his eloping daughter, but
sent a clergyman on a swift horse to
overtake the couple, in order that the
marriage ceremony might be performed
A wkddino in Boston was lately fore¬
stalled by the death of the bridegroom.
The bridal dress is understood to have
been thereby bewitched in some manner,
and several successive possessors of it
believe that it has brought illness and
other evils to them.
W. Hadurt Gbeenb, a colored
youth, and a graduate of the College of
the City of Nfew York, has been ap¬
pointed to the Signal Service corps.
Gen. Hasen objected to the appointment
but Secretary Lincoln in a special order
ordered the enlistment made.
Tbb oldest and largest tree in the
world, ae far as known, is a chestnut
nesr the foot of Mount .Etna. It is
hollow, and big enough to admit two
carriages driving abreast through it.
The circumference of the main trunk is
212 feet. The Grizzly Giant, monarch
of the Mariposa Grove, measures 92
Thb law about the admission of China¬
men is so rigidly enforced on the Paoillo
coast that a ohinamen residing in San
Frannlsoo found, on going across tbe
line into British America, that he could
not go back without making the journey to
China and return, in order to obtain a
certificate that he was a merchant,
and not a laborer.
Btandinq Book, a Ouster massacre
Indian, died of consumption, last month,
while traveling with an Iowa circus.
Sitting Bull and his braves are on exhi¬
bition in New York city. This forces
tbe belief upon the mind of au exchange
that the Ouster massacre was after all
only a shrewd advertising dodge on the
part of the aborigines.
Official raiders oaught an unlicensed
liquor business in full operation iu
Adams, Mass, The keeper hastily
emptied his keg of whisky into a sink,
whereupon the enemy plugged the vent,
so as to secure some of the fluid as evi¬
dence. A hard fight ensued, in which
many eyes were blackened and the hole
was repeatedly stopped and unstopped;
but a sponge was satuated with I ho es¬
caping beverage, and carried off to be
carefully squeezed and tested.
It was supposed that the difficulties
between the New York Tribune and its
old printers were settled, but tho Cen¬
tral Labor Union reoeived Sunday the re¬
port of Typographical Union No. fi on tho
failure of its negotiation to eud tho Trib¬
une strike. The report said that Mr. Reid
had conoedod everything the printers
asked for, and then had mado stipula¬
tions on his part that totally nullified all
of theirs. The committee then refused
to treat with Mr. Boid. The boycotting
of the Tribune will oontinue.
Smut m Wheat,
A diapatoh from Chicago sayB: The
wheat men at La Crosse, Wis., aud
vicinity reluctantly admit that the dam¬
age to wheat by rust is not half under¬
stood, and say that it was not only
serious, but widespread. A McGregor
firm bad one ear of wheat sold at 50
cents at Chicago, which means not more
than 28 oents at the buying point if as
far west as Dakota. An instance is
mentioned of a load of wheat selling at
a station on the Green Bay Road for 80
oents, and 50 oents will be a high price
in some localities, though in others
nothing is heard about smut, Mon
worktog at elevators Bay some oars come
in that smell so badly a person cannot
work in them. One of the Minnesota
millers got caught with smutty wheat,
but gave it careful cleaning, and sup¬
posed it to be in good grinding condi¬
tion. His flour was rejected in New
York, and brought less than half price.
All this trouble is in soft wheat, and it
is a very grave trouble indeed.
“What are yon crying for, little
boy?” asked the kind-hearted gentle
mem from the oonntry who read the
newspapers. “I've lost my money,
sir,” sobbed the child “Where did yon
loee it, my little man ?” “I dropped it
in Wall street, sir.” ‘ Great heavens!
Are even children drawn into that great
gambling maelstrom 1 What stock did
yon drop it in t’ “I dropped it down a
cellar grating, sir. It was a nickle.”
Th« Villainous Character la “Olivet
Twist” who Mardere4 Nancy Hylton—
How the Wretch Mot a Justly Deserved
Tragic Death.
Bill Sykes is a villainous character in
“Oliver Twist." After the murder of
Nancy Sykes, Bill and his dog travel to¬
gether, and be seems to be unable to
place any distance between himself and
the scene of the murder. The scene in
the public house at Hatfield will be re¬
membered. During bis stay » peddler
or mountebank enters who tries to sell
a composition which, as he says, will re¬
move all stains. He takes Sykes’s hat,
remarking: “Gentlemen, all observe the
dark stain upon this gentleman’s hat,
no wider than a shilling but thicker
than a half crown. Whether it is a wine
stain, fruit stain, beer stain, water stain,'
paint stain, pitch stain, mud stain or
blood stain”-
At this Sykes, with a horrible curse,
overthrew the table, tore his hat from
the peddler’s grasp and rushed from the
bouse. He traveled thence, but every¬
where could he see the shadow of his
unfortunate victim. As Dickens says:
“He could hear its garments rustling in
the leaves, and every breath came laden
with that last low cry.” At last he
reaches the neighborhood beyond Dock
head, in the Borough of Southwark,
where stands Jacob’s Island. On.this
island is a number of old, roofless, ware¬
houses. To the upper room of one of
these he goes, in which are Toby
Crackit, Mr. Chitling and another rob¬
ber. Here he is pursued by an infuri¬
ated mob, who clamor for his life. He
asks for a rope, by means of which he
intends to drop into Folly Ditoh which
surrounds part of Jacob's Island, and
not, as your correspondent sayB, to the
floor below. He sees that escape is al¬
most impossible, but determines to en¬
deavor to creep away, should he succeed
in dropping to the ditch, in the darkness
and confusion^ He ties one end around
a stack of chimneys, and makes a noose
with the other. After this, says the
author, “at the very instant when he
brought the loop over his head previous
to slipping it beneath his arm-pits—
* * * At that very instant the mur¬
derer, looking behind him on the roof,
threw’ his arms above his, head, and ut¬
tered a yell of terror.
“ ‘The eyes again 1’ he cried in an un¬
earthly screech. Staggering as if struck
by lightning he lost his balance and
tumbled over the parapet. The noose
was on his neck. It ran up with his
weight tight as a bow string and swift
as the arrow it speeds. He fell for five
and thirty feet. There was a sudden
jerk, a terrific convulsion of the limbs
and there he hung with the opened
knife clenched in his stiffening hand ?”
“Jerry” M Aulej Dead.
Jeremiah McAuley, the missionary,
died at the Cremorne Mission, iu Now
York. He has been ill with connump
tiou for the last aix years, aud severe
hemorrhage from the lungs set in. Dr.
Halli ok, his family physioiaa, was sent
for, and did all that he could to afford
relief, but without avail. Mr. MoAuley
died peacefully in tbe presen oe of his
wife, Maria, and a few friends. His last
words were: “It’s all right up there,”
pointing upward. His wife said to him
just as he died: “Is Jesus with you,
Jvrry?” He nodded hw head affirma¬
tively aud breathed Ins last. He opened
Cremorne Mission on January 10, 1882,
aud has done In roio work in reclaiming
depraved women. His whole aim in life
for the last few years has been to im¬
prove their condition. Ho started a
newspaper called “Jerry MoAuley’s
Paper,” which has a large circulation
all over the world, aud the proceeds of
its sale he intended to use in establish¬
ing a “Homo for Fallen Women.” He
was a persuasive speaker and few oould
resist his touching appeals to lead a
better life.
“Jerry” McAuley came to this city
from Ireland when lie was thirteen years
old. His father bad been a counter¬
feiter, and the son promised for many
yeans to follow in his footsteps. He
became a river thief, prize fighter and
everything but a murderer. He was
finally arrested for highway robbery and
sent to Sing Sing for fifteen years. In
prison he became converted through the
efforts of “Awful” Gardner, a reformed
couviot. “Jerry” was pardoned after
serving one-half of his ter m, and on his
return to N Y. city he Novem
lw?r, 1872, at No. 816 Water st., a place
which he oalled “The Helping Hand
for Men.” The neighborhood was one
of the lowliest, sqnalidest, and roughest
in New York. But for many years
“Jerry” preached the Gospel every
pight in his humble institution. The
good he did was incalculable. Gradually
as the morals of the neighborhood im¬
proved, “Jerry” looked around him for
other places of sin and degradation
where he could do good.— Tribune,
Signing. —The story is told by the
Rev, Dr. Prime that in Albany, the sub¬
ject of signing petitions lieiog under re¬
mark, a man bet that he could get the
signatures of ten highly respected resi¬
dents to a paper asking Gov. Dix to
hang one of the leading clergymen. He
won without difficulty, as not one of the
signers insisted on reading the docu¬
Hew it is Proposed to Take the Croat
Ship aver Land.
The great , problem V., of , lU the proposed „
ship railway across the Tehuantepec was
the raising of the ship from the water,
The question of transporting it across
the country was not so difficult, as it
was a well known fact , ...... that three modern ,
railway engines could easily haul tlie
the largest vessel extant over the Union
Pacific Railway. But the removal of a
ship from water has always produced
more or less damage. Several years
since some one conceived the idea of ex¬
hibiting a monster right whale over the
oonntry. One was consequently cap¬
tured, killed and dragged into the harbor.
Some bright mind devised a pontoon to
raise the animal from the water to a car
and then the problem of transportation
was easy. I take it that some London
engineers got an invention of the Yan¬
kee showman, for a short time since
they suggested to Eads the advisability
of raising his ships from the water by
pontoons, and the idea notes a great ad¬
vance in modem ship handling and
building, I have the technical explana¬
tion and sketch of the $12,000 model of
this wonderful pontoon, but the Yankee
showman’s elevation of the whale forms
a simpler means to account for the same
The whale was floated into a drydook
over a frame ehained down to the
bottom. Then the water was slowly
drawn off until the animal was lowered
and exactly fitted into the frame. The
chains were loosened, the water let in
and the frame and whale rose to the
level of the dook, where the derricks
soon hoisted it without damage to the
flat car. Now the Eads pontoon is a
repetition of the same thing minus the
derrick. In its place substitute the end
of the railway. The frame on lop of
the pontoon is really a great oar, which
runs off the pontoon on to the railway
with the ship perfectly Upheld, just as
any railway car runs from the transfer
ship of the Detroit River on to the rail¬
way* What does it matter whether the
Bbip iB five tons or five thousand ? Hun¬
dreds of car wheels, rolling on a half
dozen tracks, easily bear the ship away
upheld on its carriage by a complete
system of truss-bracing, supported by
heavy steel springs which give it an
easy, dreamy motion, if you please,
with not so much damage as the pound¬
ing of a single great wave of the ocean.
Would Have His Joke.
It is told of the son of an Ohio
farmer, who had been reading with a
view of becoming a homoepathic physi¬
cian, that he was seen tying a number of
socks, containing about a teaspoonful of
something, to the fenoe stalks on the
windward side of the wheal field.
“What are you doing, Tom ?” said a
neighbor who happened along.
“I am homcepathioally fertilizing this
wheat field. These little sacks eaoh
oontaiu one drachm of fertilizer, the vital
element of which will be broadly dissem¬
inated over the fields by the summer
winds, which is much better than scat¬
tering the Btinking stuff with a shovel.”
“Well, you may be right, but if I
ain’t much mistaken you’ll eat homoe
pathio biscuits this winter,” observed
the fogy farmer.— Pittsburg Dispatch.
An Old Field Weed.
The old field mullein has been a seemingly
outcast for many yoars, but now it has sud
denly who attracted the attention of the the best medical
world now recognize it to be lung
medicine yet discovered, when made into a tea j
and combined with sweet gum, presents in i
Taylor’s Mullein Cherokee pleasant Remedy and effective of Sweet for Gum Croup, and
a cure
Bold Whooping-Cough, by druggists Colds 25o an and 1 $1.00 Consumption. bottle
au at a
Lack of drinking water has booome a serious
matter in Portsmouth, Va.
Purest and best ood-mveu oil, from selected
livers, en the seashore, by Caswell, Hazard $
Co., N. Y. Absolutely pure and sweet. Patients
who hare once taken it prefer it to all others.
Physicians declare it sucerior to all other oils.
The cotton crop of Ellis and other counties
in Texas is turning out far better than was
* * * * Delicate diseases of either sex,
however induced, speedily and permanently
cured. Book of particulars 9 cents, in stamps.
Consultation free. Address, World’s Dispen¬
sary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
A voung lady asked a shop-keeper for a
tigh-fitting garment such as they wear in New
Porous and strengthening, improved, the
best for backache, pains in chest or side, rheu¬ mail
matism, Neuralgia. 25c. Druggists or
“O where «hall I find content?” sighs a mag¬
azine poetess. Have yon tried the dictionary?
For Nearly Thirty-four Years
I have been a victim of Catarrh. I have tried
many remedies, receiving little or ns relief. I
bought one bottle of Ely’s Cream Balm and
derived more real benefit from that than all
the rest added together. Yon can recommend
it as being a safe and valuable medicine.—A.
L. Poller, Danby, N. Y. Cream Balm I
As ORE haviso csed Ely’s gold
would say it is worth its weight in as a
cure for Catarrh. One bottle cured me.—8. A
Lovell, Franklin, Pa. (See adv’t.)
Street altercations sometimes alter the ex
pression of a man’s countenance.
Young yienl-Kend This.
The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich.,
offer to send their celebrated Electro-voltaio
Belt and other Electric Appliances on trial
for thirty days, to men (young or old) afflicted
with nervous" debility, loss of vitality and rheu¬ man¬
hood, and all kindred troubles. Also for
matism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other
diseases. Complete restoration to health, incurred vigor
and manhood gua anteed. No risk is
as thirty days trial is allowed. Write them at
once for illustrated pamphlet free.
If big heads are a sign of astuteness a cab¬
bage should be sharper than a pin.
gloom Oarbn-Hne*. soul meet,
Sorrow and wrings the may defeat
Yet love triumph from
And the coarsest hair can still be fine
By using Magic Carbolina,
What joyful news this is, to know that
those who are slaves to these fearful
habits can be permanently cured and be
made new men. There is not Dr. a particle B. M
of doubt about it whatever.
Woolley, of Atlanta, Ga., is the very
gentleman that can accomplish it. Some
’ na 7 sa 7 J know 16 i® a what quack, he is whoever taking says about eo
This gentleman is a distinguished | physi
cian citizen of that 0 . ahe ad city,
having the confidence and esteem of her
people. The physicians of Atlanta say
that his remedy is a good one, and the
State chemist approve-of his ingredients.
Should there be an unfortunate or un¬
fortunates among our readers, and no
doubt there must be some, doifit say to
your friends, “can J trust this man?”
but write immediately to him, and de¬
scribe your case, when he will prescribe
for you. The representative of this
paper found the doctor a most polite,
courteous and accomplished gentleman.
Delays are dangerous, so remember <o
consult him st once.— From the New
Orleans Weekly Picayune, July 19, ’84.
The new “bride reading is “bride and coachman,”
instead of and groom.”
Brandy, Composed Extract of genuine French Weed and Gfapo
of Smart Ja¬
maica Pierce’s Ginger, with Extract Camphor Smart-Weed Water, Dr.
Compound cholera of morbus,
excels as a remedy for colic,
diarrhoea, hi colds, dysentery or bloody-flux, or to
-mk up fevers or inflammatory at¬
Frogs’ legs sell for 35 cents a pound in New
Mt^Piffitham’s table^ont °ound * robabf i
lies in the fact that whereas there are many
“Bitters” and “Tonics” of equal value, be it
more of less, the Vegetable Compound is so
completely superior to all other preparations
specifically that recommended it has practically for the rivals. needs of
women no
The pecan crop of Texas is the largest known
for years.
In thirty years’ successful experience in the
manufacture of 150,000 instruments, the
Mason & Hamlin company have accumulated
facilities for manufacture without which they
could neither produce as good organs as they
now make, nor with as great economy. Said
an the experienced operation of manufacturer single machine in in witnessing their fac¬
tory recently: “One boy with that machine
does as much work as ten skilled workmen
could do without it, and does it better at
These accumulated facilities, including ex¬
perienced and skilled workmen, are the secret
of their producing organs which are unques¬
tionably the best, yet can bo sold at prices
which are little more than those of the poor¬
est .—Boston Traveller.
Brazonia county, Texas, farmers are making
one and a half hales of cotton to the acre.
Ask for “Bough ou Coughs,” Troches, for Coughs,
Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, 15c.
Liquid, 25c.
Iu Marion comity, Florida, there who are 2,771
youthB who cannot read, and 3,789 cannot
“Isn’t that Mrs. Holmes? I thought now.” the
doctors gave her up. She looks well
"She is well. Afier the doc-tore gave up
her ease she tried Dr. Pierce’s ‘ Favorite Pro
seription ’ and began to get better right hadn’t away.
I heard her say not long ago that she
felt so well in twenty years. She does her
own work and says that life seems worth liv¬
ing, at last. ‘ Why,’ said she, • 1 feel as if I
had been raised from the dead, almost’”
Thus do thousands attest the marvelous effi¬
cacy of this God-givon remedy for female
weakness, prolapsus, ulcoration, leucorrhoea,
morning sickness, weakness of stomach, ten¬
dency to cancerous disease, kindred nervous affections. prostra¬
tion, general debility and
The factories in TJuion City, Tennessee, are
a good business.
Children, slow in development, puny, Eeuewer.” scrawny
and delicate, use “Wells’ Health
Tbe crop of Virginia chestnuts is said to be
Very ample.
Another JLlfe Saved.
Mrs. Harriet Cummings, of Cincinnati,
Ohio, writes: “ Exrly last winter my daugh
ter was attacked with a severe cold, which
settled 011 her lun'-JS. We tried several niedi
cines, nono of which ai-emed to do her anv
f „ 00 f> , but . , sne continued to got worse, and
finally raised . large amounts ot blood from
her lungs. We called in a family good. physician, At this
but ho failed to do her any by Dr.
time a friend, who had be m cured
Wm. li all’s Balsam for the Lungs, advised me
to give it a triuL We then got a bottle, an 1
she began to improve, and by the use of three
bottles was entirely cured."
The fish business at Cedar Key is increasing
lapidly. _________
Stinging, irritation, inflammation, all Kid
ney and Urinary Complaints, cured by “Buchu
Paiba.” $1.
FOR SALE—Valuable Improved and Unimprov ed
LANDS. Oa.n supply th« wants of the nen or poor. L».
W. A. COLLINS. Ba stro p,
pt?iiiL sartffi in b e a
M membUe
si A com
H <0T % and pletaly restores heals the e senses sore*
/ j
» of taste and smell.
^ ^ ota liquid or S nu ff
r-ovg eO' A few A application* thorough re
J*: l lieve.
t-SV- k V — A »treatment will o u r e .
- Agreeable to use. Send
HAY-FEVER _ for circular. 60 cents
at druggists. 60 cent*
byDrug gists, Owego, N. Y.
Charlotte, North Carolina.
. __
SEND fifty (50) cts. to W. H. SISSON. Wells
Bridge, N. Y., and receive by return mail Three Hun¬
dred Fifty-two (3ffi) Scrap Pictures, no two alike,___
Nervous Debility WSSSSS^mS.
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Rood.
Use In time. Sold by druggists.
ASSES, all imperfections F«et, Sdpertluoa*
iVC*"ii4 of the Face, HadcIb
Hair, Moles. Eruptions, W*rt*, Freckles, Pitting, Moth, their Rod
jt* Komi, Scars, Woodbury, *nd 37
n sST'C-TO?I 1 treatment. I>r. John
North Pearl Street* Albany, N. Y.
Rst*bl!eh«J 1*70. J end 10 ocnts for Cook.
Railroad A gents’ Business
SlTY. AUuUu Gu- S«ad tot G-.rcaUx*.
^teStorsor’ 7 l£d|et freffor (SornS youths‘d ”
, 0[ theni a specimen copy of
The Atlanta Constitution.
OUR famous SVetche* of the old
Plantation Darker.
Letters for the Home and
HUMOROUS IHeirth-Stoue
“ll E r.lV HAMILTON’S” Ad¬
WRITERS. ventures told in the “Cracker”
War Stories, Sketches of Travel, New#,
Poems, Fan, Adventures, “The Farm,”
The Household, Correspondence,
AWorld of Instruction and Entertainment.
Twelve Pages. The Brightest and Best Weekly.
Pleases Every Member of the Family.
Send a Postal fora Specimen Copy, Free.
Address “Ths Constitotiok,” Atlanta. Qa.
Only American Organs Awarded »uch at any.
For Cash, Easy Payments or Rented.
presenting very highest excellence yet attained
in such. instruments ; adding than to all previous Securing improve¬ moat
ments one of greater value any;
pure, refined, musical tones ami increased durability;
especially avoiding liability to get Out tuna, Illua
tr&ted C atalogues free.
^SOH & H&llUl Ocelli 811(1 RfflO CO.,
*2jcn™o,”l f9”w«U»aiih’Ave?‘
per cent. Nxiiokal FOB1J3UXSQ Oo., Atlanta, Ga.
DR. J. C HOFFMAN, Jefferson, Wiscoruin
\J \J -LV_Li V
Send stem pTor BINGHAM our new rx Pv§
I* Patents. L. Wixhington,
m HSHi C 3 - O OD HEWS
Greatest inducements ever of¬
fered. Now’s your time to get up
orders for oar celebrated Tons
and Coff ees,and secure a beauti¬
ful Gold band or Moss Rose China
Tea Set. or Handsome Decorated
Gold Band Moss Rose Dinner Set, or Gold Band Mom
D ecorated Toilet Set. F^r full particulars address
F. O. Box 23. 8i aad 33 Ve*ey St., New York.
E: “i
Double-Barrel Breech-Loader*. 81400.
A 9
.—File j ont G £N with NEWTON’S TAtent
SAWFILKlt. Sent by v L, Agents
wanted, So. stamp o-; circular.
Made by W.S.Nsvtton, Ureeaeville.Ct.
Le Conts
!JB m IS Nursery
9 m The lar
bay ffggj otbm And avoidi Bliebt. PEARS Oata
from Cutting-, no W. W.^THGiRPSON,
lognos fraa.
An Only Daughter Cured of Con¬
many hmba.of G&lcutta, he acoidenta ly mads a pre
idi^cMd^snowTiTWs country and enjuying tSebest
o: h-alth. He has proved to the world that Con
N«?ht Sw«ats. stampsTo^pny Nausea expenses^ at the stomach, This Herb and also wiiibreak cures
m> a fresh Gold m twenty-four hours. Address
1032 Race Street, Philadelphia.
Naming this paper.
I !01 IlS^ ^ ure *' ure ^ asl) aRf5 ®* a *** r * c8 is an iirihihle ettrafor ulceratsd
Mors Throat, Bleeding Gura»,
breath. Sore Mouth Prepared and Ulcere. solely by Cleans Drs. J. the P. Teeth, A W. keeps R. HOLMES, the Gums Dentists. healthy, Macon, cures bad Ga. orfooj Used
and recommended by leading dentists. For sale by all Druggists and Dentists. Lamer,
Rankin ALstrjar, Macon, Ga, Howard A Candler, Atlanta, Ga., Wholesale Agenta.
Brown’s Iron Bitters com¬
bines Iron with pure vegetable tonics.
It is compounded on thoroughly sci¬
entific and medicinal principles, and
cannot intoxicate.
All other preparations of Iron cause
headache, and produce constipation.
Brown’s Iron Bitters is the
ONLY Iron medicine that
is not injurious—its use does not
even elacken the teeth.
It not only cures the worst cases of
Dyspepsia, but insures a hearty ap¬
petite and good digestion \
Atlanta, Georgia.
Reliable evidence given and
reference to cured patients
and physicians.
Send for my Book on the
Habit and its cure. Free.
aai&w Revolvers,
1 Riflee.
l Addreft
**Xarge IUF' n^swGreat GfttaWork W«ri«nf** tsbarch i 3C
tatooue fren. ■. Pi t
Lying the truth Agent, cant JONIS. SELL Put and toll
about vour
^8 on ^rNni d Rr if jou w
$60.5 TON
Beam Box. Tare Beam, Freight
Paid. Free Price List Every Size*
Si £ ¥l
lron/'y Y'\ Physh^a
yr only thatf-( jkr g j| clans and re-NJ \ |
/medicine ] .1 Druggists
will Injure not the blackenVg\PURITY/^/commend teeth. \ the best. It Try as It. '
or ^^j^BEST
Will cure quickly and completely Dyspepsia,-Weakness,
Malaria, Impure Blood, Chilis and Fever,
and Neuralgia. I
9 ill zm
w I u k - \ '
N It for is asure diseases remedy of[ [&( ( ST YJ YA It muscles,tones strengthens and the
the Liver andW\^uaiTY 2 J^j invigorates tbe^
___ scy system.
k 1 T
C-! 53
PU 3
-TJ 7
Word* ef Warning sad Cemf«n,
‘If ‘languishing you are Buffering bed from poor teatth or
on a of stckuem, take oh^.
if you are ‘weak simply and ailing, dispirited, or if you ^ W*
“without clearly kaow
‘will *ing why. Hop Bitters
surely cure you
If you are a minister, and
hare overtaxed yourself with your
pastoral duties, or a mother worn out
with care and work, or a man of business o»
labor, weakened by the strain of your ever? vL
day duties, or a man of letters toiling 0
your midnight strengthen work, Hop Bitters wifi ^
surely you.
If you are suffering from over-eating 0 ,
drinking, any indiscretion or dissipation, or
are young and growing too fast, as is often
tho ease, -
“Of if you are in the workshop, on the
‘farm, at the desk, needs anywhere, and feel
•that your dr stimulating, system without cleansing, ton
‘ing, old, intoxicat
‘ing, if you are
‘blood thin and impure, pulse faculties
‘feeble, Serves unsteady,
‘waning, Hop Bitters is what you need to
‘give you new life, health and vigor.”
If you are costive, or of dyspeptic the or suffer
lng from any other numerous dis¬
eases of the stomach or bop els, it is your
own fault If yon remain ill. If
you are wasting away with any form
of Kidney disease, stop tempting death this
moment, and turn for a—cure to Hop Bitters.
If you are sick with that terrible sickness,
Nervousness, you will find a “Balm in ui).
ead" in Hop Bitters.
—If yen are a frequenter, district, barricade or a resident of,
—a mlaamatic your sts
—tem —Malaria, against Epidemic, ths scourge Bilious of all countries
and Imer
—mitteDt Fevers by the use of Hop Bltlera
If you have rough, pimply, or sallow skin, bad
breath, Hop Bitters will give you fair skin, rich
blood, the sweetest bfeath and health. $500 will
be paid for a case tbey will not cure or help.
A Lady's Wish.
“Ob, how I do w ish my skin was as clear and
‘soft as yours,” eaid a lady to her friend. “You
‘can easily make it so,” answered the friend.
“Ilow?’'inquired the first lady. mikes
“By using Hop Bitters that pure, rich
blood and blooming health. It did it for me as yon
IWNrnc genuine without a bunch of green Hops
on the white label. Shun all the their vile, poisonous,
stuff with “Hop” or “Hops” in name.
fjh YeptaWe XTDIA E. raRlUnTS Gospii
% Foi* Jr'emiftI© Complain; a and
Weaknesses so common to
4 oar best female population.
It will cure entirely the worst form <?f Female Coins
plaints, all Ovarian troubles, Inflammation And Ulcera¬
tion, Falllnar and Displacements, end the ecXJsequontl
Spinal Weakness, auu is particularly adapted to the
Onange of Liftf.
It will dissolve and expel tamors from loo uterus In art
early stage of development. The tendency to cancerous
humors there Is checked very speodily by its use.
It removes faintness, flatulency, destrovs of the all stomacu, cravjrg
or stimulants, aud relieves weakness Bros;ration
A cures Bloating:, Sleeplessness, Headaches, Depressipn Nervous nnd Indiges¬
General That Debility, eight
tion. backache, feeling always of bearing permanently dovffl. can cured sing pain, by ns v nee.
and is act la
It will at all times and under all circumstances ejnalo
harmony with the laws that govern tho I By stem,
Fot the cure of Kidney Complaints of either eex, thll
Compound i s unsurpassed. Price $1.00. Six bottles tor -3.00.
Nc family should be without LYDIA E. FINKIIAM'9
TJT Eli PILLS. They cmro constipation, biliousness
torpidity of tho livor. *5 cents a box at all druggist,!.
Bj Gen. DODGE and Gen. SIIERMaN. The fastest
book out. Indorsed by Pres t Arthur, Gen's Grant, hherman,
Sheridan, and thousands of Eminent Judges, Illustrated Clergymen, Indian
Editors, etc., as The Lest and Finest sell
Book Ever Published .” It takes like wildfire, ev.d Agents
10 to 20 a day. »3r75.000 sold- Itn Great Authorship
and Solid Merit make it the looming book for JaenU.
fcT’Send for Circulars, Specimen Plate. Extra Terras^ etc., to
A. 1>. WORTHINGTON & CO., Hartford,Conn.
Paynes' Automatic Engines and Saw-MMV
OUR LEADER. F.ngtne with Milt
W» offer *n 81 > 1> H. I*, uuuuited
KMb. _ solid _ Saw, 50 _ ft. he'timr, lilt, oant-hoi>k>, c*nt-hoi>k«, VVy‘M ri rig complet*
less. ror c'.rouiai $:• ini. W. i». »* • SfU>
liUtVU ISONS, Manufflot-. M rtrtuf«><xf •. r^rs nf of : : 11 11 fitvk'B stylus AlltCWllLt-IC Aul
Cine** Snaltog, from 2 to 8 0 II. P.: also Pulley?, Hanger* »B<7
Elmira, N . Y\ Bojc 1850*
Correspondence Business School,
4.51 iltnin St., Buffalo, N. Y. Young Men »ni
Women thoroughly prepared for bus ness at home.
Book-keeping, Business Forms, Penmanship, Send for circulars. Arithme¬
tic, etc.» practically taught by mail.
Agents Wanted
suitable for Batcher*, Fish Markets, Peddlers, Machine
bhops, Foundries, or giving a light equal to 4U cand es.
Wind will Street not blow LAmp. it out. Also, TIIOS. a now KIRKE and improved GO^
Gasol ne
A. N. U ■Forty-four, *84
Brown’s Iron Bitters is the
Best Liver Reg-ulator—re¬
moves bile, dears the skin,
digests the food, CURES
Belching, Heartburn, Heat
in the Stomach, etc.
It is the best-known remedy for
female infirmities.
The genuine has above trade-mark
and crossed red linea on wrapper.
Take no other. Made only by
Brown Chemical Co.,
Baltimore, Md.