The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, November 28, 1884, Image 2
T*n? < ON YENS WEEKLY. IWv SC ••.r*Y2^S£i.V r Jf rr? cix 0!:r on v n CITY •*•»• •* C CA*7’ *13. cor SI f O.'FI Fil •'- I >U if i'ti'K FT. O rti i c a r - O. Seam ana, C'e'k—J. R. McCord. Sheriff—W. ir M. Austin. T r r-aH!»rer—G. W. Weaver. r ’t’*2 Collector—I.l rr Wn-if T»X He off'- Y n. p i{* >u Co-oner___OF f*7 L-- T' r. nr S Tli re i .hi-.j , 1 pcnvi -ir*' "■ft n \VQVf jr f i( (If •’.,] pr, )•■' i,.” vte-tn jsr-JW!* A nnt F \ vp 1 I c**?’v^^*-1 ^ff } j>rf ' n c-on-'t *.ngf 1)' r (Tt_____<V. • vrTTjrj r.l*l icfc] OH bp'll 11 t' 1 .*!• - -if t.H- H’- -no fspiotv nt, oil *r) i.cjri r {rjio-l *v • - v. f/ip f'-ip o.n'z.tjnf r,‘ c< r-ip'd rat )!« (hey CDntw’ If *1 io D-ovn oy - tynptpfl I' f> n'li ora wz,„(<1 ■*■*’ 1 . (, t fr 1015111*« i ‘hi’ '-vpv of f 1 ir* the* llH <1’ir»ncr f ho b-rnrv'! i m. TIip RopulY : ibnns n-e rfo'n'Y x o , zvv’ li al o' 1 *• lkittff 'l>» imelr ooa‘s i '•'* bn ran'. Thav nr n frirfn ; n'» bqhln tn f-^r Proo‘. 1 pnt G'-'V 1«rd, fr 1m : nir t'bilif'i'Xa and l.iimr Cifliop crrotintcu'o wotJt tr»r wl|irh ilipy iret, no tbquVo. TTniti-ver, us if, smipr* 1 ’em -in i ^cvn’t, V-urt ns any, let ihem Veep ri^lit nn. TFo menr* no disr^snoet to Vice* 1 'ren'd (nt. Ht*ndrix when we s-iy that tve hope he will remain quietly et '•omo until! h's fnangtirafiort. "Wh»nthitr intended to do so or pot. Ids reeent speeches in regard to mi polntments to office eon anlv embar riss President Clev land and «u a«se roprehensions that, are needles. OFFICE HOLDERS TROURLES They aro llnhaonv Ova*- the ChartRO Soon to Tako Place. A Rev twenty-three vp.ars nf erm ftnned rtossoRninn of power, it. o-ops hard with the Rppiih’ienn leaders to eonteinr>int,e t.hp prohahilitv of rpf, : ro »n«nt. ’This lori" leas" has m uV> ’nanv of thorp *hink they had almost n fee ttimi-l > ?n the o-overnmnnt ns <f it. wero so rnpoh real estate, Thev Imre *•■ eo<»nV,e th° evistpuee of no adverse elaim int Bv cornntds ! r>n, end Hr the V-iot that *h“ Tlotta - 1 of R (iii,/»,M> t n f l vo v for oirriif vea r a Ima boon held hy a T'emoeratte. majority. Tn all other focneeta th’V have ev ore and au).r«mo eont-rol over overv lira noli of ’be q’orer’imept while the iNortt- t>aa t„n in q minovit,- nf the Y1" ' vn! \? f> vaoi* T, - - niii c -ur nv ' 1 ” ■* -ho* C e ,i,aeo-*••'■ *-p. of ’hie . - *v-i* • • »-, y x have er n at’v ” ro ft' d 1*V *»• *,- ’ r* r t iitdtfea, and whose fn r-.-M-i * o I ov enjoyed all the nnhliq hono p n xebt fiivolv. should be miwj line 'o < r o out of their soft, place*, and shou ’ 1 die hard In onposinrr the popular wi!'. Their ehihlveti have Brown to tnan hood edueated in hie tint, ’bis orov ernment. belonged to them as an in¬ heritance. Whatever tnnv he «a’d about, evil service reform, the meat, marhinerv of the administration of public affair® baa been almost wholly in the hands of one partv in the departments here and throughout the country. More than eight-tenth* of the office-hold¬ ers are Republicans, and the remain¬ ing two tenths bold die small places procured through the favor o friends in Congress, or through the liberal ity of members of some of the Cab jtV'*s This machinery has always been systematically organiz’d, and run for th« benifit of the party by means of «tnfe associations. The practical results of it- was R*'en at. the recent «•« when , ad the principal cheits of bureaus openly canvassed different Mates States for tor months . tonins, and ann wnen when w the e de- e ]MP tment.s were almost literally eui ptied by the depanne of voters for . the , otate from w-iich they hailed. l.„ B , numlwi s of ..*‘0 Jrtprjurers, iheives, b-Ulot^uox |>tut fora and other scoundrel who were employed to steal the votes ol Leuisana, Smith Carolina and Florida in 1887G, and who were re warded by Hayes and Sherman Or that infeme us work, are now enjoy ing fat offices, ami rf course they are the loudest champions ot set vice hfe ’enure. All through this campaign, the oflScer-ho'ders, as a body have been more offensive aud iutoleuant to¬ wards the few non-partisang, than * »■ fc .ti®i dm a. A .id since ’he 11 tn <• hern have h *en i « r ss v jti denounce’ g } t r p»i fit. t ; <s and 1 t V pit - ■. r.>.:n <«f mi -e-fori -luring “te 'iO"r* of pobFc. birin- *s. *" 7 K’“ ! 1 L"__ S3L w ITED HIM. A y utitrw'.m.n from the r >vir*-v wait K'lincr h r ex- c weeiheart for hr -aoh of prom Ap, n ri th '!iwyn r w,*rr,. a« usual, tnftki ’m ail :?orte < f ■ • irjuito'is ir.tct ro-a* trien. Yon s»v. rernf I - - ! 01 c, that tie'* fendant frequr- -, t flt vet V c!pk* iO ! ? ’ 1 Yv>* sir, v s ti e 1 ‘ply, wilt' a hen tie flush. ' H'»w f’r.-sf ? 01 .™ <-'H>'igh. “O’ft on« 0 >. air war I i*li «hf» ‘‘letna ffif.rn W< -eed' d A -I-- you ^ t .V he put- hi;-: arm around y ' ‘ X o, t fliiln’t W'.jt ilid you 9R V , thon 1 i sap! lie put both a/ins arouPf 1 | , u{> _ ' ! ’hen what ? ?fe htici/b } m Very hard f Yes, lie did So h trd ilifU I curre putty near ho! ering ripht out. ! Why didn’t you ho ler ? j Cua-c l That’s ro te sou. ]> e CX|> .. Ifl . * ! , please, because what ? (.'au>e I was a ea'cd he’d sto >. His honor I II off t in- bench and j Imtl to he carried out and put under j the hydrant, for (he purpose of resuf c.fntion. ATTENTION FARMERS! German KAIXIT and EUTAW A< ID for cornposlm r Clieai* FO.E o- 4 ,s;s ;0) Apply to J. H. DABNEY, Die 6tf. Conyers, Gi. Read the adveriisement J. II. Dab¬ ney elsewhere. 9 a* ;<3 C£LLUF.ATEO 4 . .6 T: gMli 4 ‘AI :',g 1 i S STOIIACH fjjjjg le & B 3 I % S In coses ot tlyspepsitt, liver Uebility, complaint, rhiiema- in tism lever ami ugue, remedy, to which the mt-dicul brother¬ hood have lent their professionttl alterative and sanction, house mid which nsnlomc, hold specific for disordera unbounded of the stonuieh, liver and bowels has 1111 popu lanty U EG OK I.-* RAILROAD Gkokoia Uaii.koad Co.,j Office General Manager. l : Augusta, Nov. 8, 1S84. , COMMENCING SUNDAY, 9 th inst., the following Passenger schedule will be operated. Trains run by 90th meridian ime, twenty two minutes slower than Atlanta time. FA 8 T L IN E. NO. 27 \\ KST DAILY. Lv Augusta 7 40am Ar Wasli'11 K) .plant LvConversl 1.57am NO. 2S EAST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 2.45 pm ! \r Wa-li'n 7.20 pm Ar Conyers 8 - 4 - pm vo 2 KAOT pAI „. Ly _ uld(lta 8 00 am t.y t 1 onv«*rs 9 io am .« >tiPd’ve 449 pm Ar Macon 6 45 pm -'f Augusta 3-35 t«» covixotom aocommodatiox. ' Lv Atlanta 5 5 ° l«n Lv ConversT 4 o pui Ar Cm gt'nS.lo pin NO. 4 EAST DAILY. A ,„ n „ S M , m LviNmy’rs 9.5S pm Ar Augusta6.loam Train Nos. 2 “ and 28 will scop ,ai ; ;nff receive passengers to and from the fol loM’iiitf PtJiliona only: (irovetown, Rente Ha Harlem, Dearioe 1 liunMon, Uatuuk Barnet, Crawfordville, Union point, Greensboro, Madison, lint ledge, 'social Cirolc, Covington, Con yevs, Stoiu Mountatu aad Deoalur. Couaeclsat Augusta for all points Ea®t and Southeast. JOHN W. GREEN, Gen. Man. E. R. DORSEY, Gen. Pass Agt, Lv Athens S.00 am j Lv >Vn$h’n 7 55 am Ar Atlanta 1.00 pm Ar Athens 7 ..v> pm Lv Wash’ti 4 to pm Ar Augusta 8.15 pm so . , WKST PAILY . L v Angustaio. S oam Lv Macon 7 io am Lv Athens 9 30am Ar (-onvei>4 22 pin Ar Atlanta 5.40 pm Lv’n 0.40 am l.v Converse.i 2 Ar Atlanta 7.55 am vo. 3 WEST DAILY. ,.|o P « Lv (\)iivers 4-5* uni Ar Atlanta 6 40am —*r ^rrr^r^rrrr. sr A FEW HINTS * . USE OF FOR THE A^ff pH 1 ; Dose, eh thoroughly, Experience gently, — 7 b more trill 2 4 to to decide ric 4 a 1‘ills; I'iils. icir- the proper dose in each case. i'or Constipation, or Costiveneps, 1.0 recicdy is so ctt'eciiva as Aveil’s Piles. 'iuey insure regular uaily action, ami re¬ store the bowels to a heailliy condition. For Indigestion, or Dysji' osis, Arm's Pills arc Luvaluable, and a sure c ure. Heart-burn, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stoinaeb, Flatuleccy, Dizziness, IXoad ache, KumbnoBS, '-’ausea, are ail relieved aud cared by AYKR'S I’ In Liver Complaint, Bilions Disorders, aml j auE jj ce) aveh’s Pima should l>e given in doses large enough to excite the iiver and bowels, and remove constipation. As a cleansing medicine in the Spring, these : piLfj# jlia::cd ar@ iuie , . Worms, caused liy a morbid condition of ! the bowels, are expelled by there Pius. Eruptions, Skin Diseases, and Piles, the result of Indigestion or Constipation, ars cured by tlie nse of A veils Fills. For Colds, tithe Ay Ell's Pills to open the fiores, remove inflammatory secretions, and allay the fever. For Diarrhoea and Dysentery, caused by sud.ten colds, indigestible food, etc., At LU 8 Pills are Lite true remedy. Khcumatisiu, Gout, Neuralgia, and Sciatica,often result from digestive derange¬ ment, or colds, and disappear on removing the cause by themise of Ayer's Pills. Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Complain! r, and other disorders caused by debility or obstruction, are cured by Ayer's Pills. Suppression, and Painful Menstrua* tIoIlj i, ave a safe and ready remedy in Full directions, in various languages, ac company each package. PREPARED TlY Dp. J.C. Ayerfi. Co., Lowe!!, Mass. Sold ty all Druggists. m DT Y Y” Tv rrT -i -A_ Y Jh. -A-. ...j J_jOi J. M. NACE & SON Proprietors. MAUFACTUliERS AND DE\LERS IN S&SSy ©oom ’O’ %*■ m Kuril and dr-RMt-d lumber, Shinnies, Laths, Duu-kets, Mould ng aud IVlu-us, Scroll Sawing and it 'ori tiunii’g at ebon urtice. BUILDER ,S HARDWARE I—J) Cheapest place in ilie eity. Ga. Nop. 2 S‘.h 285 , 267 , Decatur Sired, Atlanta, eb 29 -it. Stewart’s A 0 C For the Blood Purely Vegetable. Prepared From Vcwet.ables that Grow in Georgia and [t a t-... Y'->.,Ky D- J, A. Stewht-' and 1,5 be mid any doubt, I he ' __ Best • ^. Blood -1 T Purilier -, • r- • T Use. T in ures all skin auctions by curing the blood, and benutifL’s the skin, giving t q ji now life and ft MnO'tliv.e** O ' (\ i li**r m* di ’ine will that 1 have ever used -ivo » s r\. * SPKCIGIC 01 ijoteiu FOR. * SYPHILIS IT CURES followed. It _ . tne , bl«o..; , , hence aU ,, ,,verv c«se if directions are improves cun-d. Th r,senses that have their orgit. in the Wood are improved and « 0 Rortrs.A o-a sssro-’s stis*. white S WemiKC- VT,C8R$. OT-P SORBS Chronic Rhe.umntism Eczema $ UltE P RETENT A TJ YEi >F DIPHTHJERTA A great many ot the above named diseases have been curedl bv the U e of tiffs Blond Purifier. gn?f Manufactured at Don vets. Ga., bv h E A Ad t A CO., superintended by Dr. J z\. STEW ART. who ha® devoted tfm ft vettr-' n, his life to 1 he practice of medicine at this place. Send your orn rs r - ' DR M. R. STEWART. Secretaey Stewart & Co. Conyers, Geoy ffa Put up i- two sizes —24 Ounce Bottles, Sl.Off; 12 Ounce Send Bottles. 50 ord Gents, Liberal deductions will bo made to wholesale dealers. .n vonr rs. 1 Note.__W© I-i.mvc changed onF"Frade Mark Iroin S. S. o A. Q, C. f M-c (,0 objecting to 8 8 and threatening suit for infringement on their Ma.kUd . ., Trade S. S. S ] £▲008 B. KBB 10 f Premium Steam Dye Weeks. No. 7 , West Peters Street. Atlanta, U > €- : silk and Woolen Goods of all descriptions Dyed in a s-tperb-r ®ty’e. L&d IV p. >t , sielhv and Cashmere Shawls, Silk.-Merino and Mousse’ine Dresses. Gen tU . mens > cloak-, Co<a!s, Pants and Vests handsomely cleaned. Everything appe. tainin T to the business punctually attended to Particular attention paid to the i-loanina of ( 7 tr(>ets, Rugs, L'.oe Curtains, Blankets, &C. Goods received and ex pressed to all narts of the United States. May 9 12m. II H H U.AJ-1 —Dealers In — All Kind ofGeneral Merchandise ^ _ ,, _ . (A. J. T-. Alaodox s old Stand, v n*r^ Si.,louvers, Us.) TUvins opened business Here with a perfectly new ami well assorted m: . *■ *;f.Drv iLafUnd Goods ;LTiT‘' Notions. Has. Boots good/fo-8iV Show. *r-^ries CaN .o ever Kind riM - r* ''V -p. VVe buv our L aud can -l as < as mhv one. W'e want vour barter and w ; !l pa. the- ■ higaeBt prio •> **.>; ; me. We are going to keep GOOD NEW GOODS - And we are going to sell them low, so when y 1 VfUi GENERALMERCHA N D1 s LI t-. Gi re us a call and we will guarantee satisfaction. Hemember the place, J. E j Meddox’s old stand next door to Weaver & Bro. li;hers of DisMiSios. rp.rjriri i, Rockdale Bounty. Whereas J. F- Waliirf adminis!rater ! L 1 Brown represents in the court in hi.- {.-.tutor. v fried. that he has full? otri' o-’-ed L. n. Browns estate. This I | iborefore cite :•.<( sorts concerned j« to i e: and creditors t- shew if any .«»> vhv iff .Klii-ioie.!rarer should j ;ot he discharged e- m h»s .-.isirmnetrn ■ !jf,« and letter-! of dtsie.-isr'ion n ti’.e l! -t, | Mo.-•day in F-.-hraarj 20S4. U .'rVaiYf.'iV'B 0;\i! ; arr iLap. I P« tm*********** • London Flair Ke*t«rer— area? Ens'iisii f*. Restorer growth, Pa-dri'H c-.t n ' nf-ss. Hotpovo.® i ;.,' r f. i , of tfront Britain Fragrantly eo l .iorse if. Elegant dressing. 1 n-.formed- fim f vonte of f*t..non. At I f^pgidsts iorj* I|d. or 75 cents tn U. f. I rplitiey. “Roy.: h on PiD-t” cluftrs out Hats. Mice 13c. “Rough on Corns,” for Corn? Biiv,if>n«. 15c. Thin opouio. “wells' Hc:d« Renewcr” re stores ores health and vigor, cures dyspepsia, &c. i ■ I. lief "Bough on Toothache,” lust tn t ; •' ;5c. (.adies who would retain fr'“Miners and r i don't fail to try * i?e«!tn Tte . ! •‘Buchu-paiha,” great kidney and uri-ary cure. Flics, roaebs' ants. » "iMiujrs. rai 8. mice ole-ir >d out uy ‘'Bough on Rats.” 13c. “Rough on Coughs,” troches, 13 c; liquid, y. • rhihlrpn. 9 low in d^vYHonrnnnt, puny and • Y.iiz...up - “woils’KejGtb lifi-'■•'■ver.V s' “Komrb on Oontist” Tooth Powder. Try it ’ 1 15c, weakness, Drsuouala. Soxr.a! 00 | biiit-y,cured :>;-‘/ou8 Health Rsnewer.” ?•'. by ” wells’ Mother f wen’s wo: m Rvriib. for forerish JK'SS, worms, constipation: tasteless. 8Dc. ytititringr, irritation, till Kidney arid TMuary complaints cured by “Bnchu.paiba.” ?1. I Nig-ht sweats, fever, chills. tnalaHa, dyspep j sia, cured by "wells’ Health Route ver | My husband (writes “wells’ a lady) Health js three ii..-newer.” t imes the I lean since using j j rf von arc “wells’ failing, Health broken, Renewer.” worn out t’i. and nervous, use I Prevalence of Kidney complaint In Amer¬ ica; “Buchu-palba” is a quick, complete cure. I SSI. run r~: tjj r;' 4 i i | | ^OLu M I r fiua p p % . 1 L MAKE NEW HR IC8TI BLOOD, Aal -will ©o»ri?lt;trfJy ceiasge fche b'-wd In rise entire s-fe' ens is t&pee naanih*. Any p RT tsa j-sclUr, w 7 si> ir Till ■ •■ 1 3 P 5 il i»iA rJ&hi ?«• f»« «ari«( 1 to 2 teutt«CMsptitwC IT wtrofes, a-.-xy be restereri to ti., uc j e a - um S'llLi t, w t ens!, ilr- t o Sa tieir practise. So«l toiywhore, et *on*> b. • raaa ior US i-*R. tn mps. e-pe. i'rv fi. j nnyg Qyr i: CO., IsOJiaot, atas U P l;ii m p Lj'.;A i-y F . si li 1 i«oi'ipjson ? a AnoBYfez ummmr ycttcilsw*., iih'»«ra?it;sm, iRfhiorza, P-^re Chn»'.:c I tmsr?., i^.uTls^a, fl’oedinjr Cfc*“»">«]e fit the i ttHirs, Cbrnnic I ;-.*{ i c.c*n-*•>-, a'am i*t; Ht»c*«c!n£ Ki<hu*yTfi.*whi«:», CVtwcHi, ^Vljoc.-piRs . m *, of c Spiirt’- ai-m/J Jxtcfc. iioid even’wfeerc. fic-t-i? .'utrji'.fiK io I. fil. A fY>.. Mass. * a A^sais2 j-./i* tom. l| &M E H£|Jt? ill# yriil make >•»*■; :■; lay like (Fh«rhiiw’« Condition Powder, D«:w, ooe tn en. V ptnt «K>d. Sold everywhere, or ty mail fnriS ets. iu statues. 1. S. J0HS8O* A Co., Boston, J-Uos. m. SSiilEL uses S' Ifi.S.XSSUU’ITJS; CQMPOVSHSi —R 1 AH S AM It-; L-L . AND- - ! (>-l)-l-l) i£—P-U- i-A S-U___ Tnis Compounsl is Puveh Vegetable. ! m ill : r H ! \ 1 ; . . , V ■ : 1 r 11 ■ m - .1 Up •>< p‘> il : 1 ** ALSO MANUFACTURER:'- OF Et.l.iopinii J’i 1 (■ Oin merit. A uevei failing teitK-dy for External, '■ • r,i-1 " ai or itcliir.ff I’i!« 8 . A«U *our Drag?t»r, fb Moneg. nuin * M:at K This- A to certify that i .> u* ufSii-ti d with Th c- f< io veiir.-i. ! tried ever' *en-rd -- . t’i i---d ino Ki ri! I used th ( * Ethiopian Pt'e ointment and foruiri (lie very beat preparation - ever tts-e-i. ft nil! pv almof-t itnn ediaie relief ai ri will fin;!-! Vffr-C.t li )i« maueut core. Kl». A. I RELAX 0 , fir- erlv of Oai t ; i-.. Now of Green, Phillips & Co., Nauhvide T< Campbell B ... or Cornet Br a'i «n..] Sinnn or Sttre-s. Kasl'.vi-]^ le.* For the - ffli*. e<i\s bnmifii, the^e if.V.iiriDtxs a re t.;< at Weekh Office. *’ CONYERS, GA. smses BW3B 9 OUR STOCK IS FULL AND COMPLETE Business and Dress Suits AN ELEGANT LINE FOR MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN. Equal to Custom Made Goods ami nt. Rock B tt, >m Pile 's. B-'f- is* -1 1 K k n i m. \yi p 11 A ;£ BROS. 42 end 44 M hitehall 8; , Atlanta, G - 3 & 3 &i«SB rs* B 3 0 n m «BiiSS fe s CerncT Commerce and Warehc-use t-ts COW. ; PS. nu snsii i -HEADQU - RTEES FOR ALT, F 1 ND.S OF--- General Merchandise at Bottom , PriceS. ®0“-We sell the NEW FfOMF Sewi .• -*Mee. y Lf - We keen all kinds ot fi^-SEvINt V ‘CHINE NEEDLE' ’ *2 ir!eanouart?r« ri j F- . Bwokr affi hv the B--®U '■f< 1.... 0, - K * £i-.- of'.iiin county. , j u rr LI L; ■4 ~t—1 n r% v. ."q y O i CO Oi 1 1 U-' ) T 2 .S WQMKB. - M ANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN- Foot Italtar n*T F **•» .» M ,rNe Monaoient. , Box Tombs, Hwd and T mbs G ood and Ai a Caskets aad Cases. -Vr- f ”T “ ?■' .>. ” C -.! : 3 V.v Hi© 1 Si£St> uto J.” 5 -.' X 1 C ,1 - t -uurc - is tree? ? a; sje Mouati’ir. CHOUP, ASTH&A, hKOWm® ,r^ JOK->-:seK>s anojjyxi; m:* -yio;ru,: !in £a “ F«ch a-tiole of ; a _ s're.c.ien's is perfectly bp.roi ess in its«)f, anil in oerjihinafion forms one of (he most powerful, efficient m-chI tvfnasant rncili t'.inw fur the? remov¬ al a .i-i permanent cure of Rheum Mi am Herof a '■». Scald a«il or Tel for o!H Oh rem¬ it- Sores of all kimiw Boils. I’intule-' and a'i IHsea’es aris-ng mil an impure ‘tale •f the Bleed. If, is also iff***- as an npe ti/.er nnd For (-if imrul > loHi ity. Thi,, medi¬ cine in ii* sac ret nos m ,i« ; irs fnrmu'a it open for itsstte lion to •>nv pbysiv’iiin,and w« invite attv * and s ;i 'ih'Bieians *tlta wi 1 tk;j 'he trouhl? t» examine i a to its in - its. O.iMrr.Bi.r., Drugc'sz Mamifae^’rans. S ! peri n tended ht ‘ it- ttie! Hodge .. ffcr er Broad aud Slim¬ mer sfv. t>a«bvillr, Tonn- Price $i.0o a boft'e or t< (* r $5 00. 1 HS mmm K ■ 1 m M A mmY 1 m 1 mm ‘ warn X|p|L^ □ s wm z& 13 h*f s