The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, November 28, 1884, Image 3

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atten ycur turkeys.
eW l legal ads in this paper.
nd in y™ r Cinistmai 8 ads.
\, vi'e to have an Xmas tree, or
Everybody come to the big show
turd ay. bee. 6 -
Sd D N- Hudson P a5(1 the Gate
flyina trip this week.
y a
flip horn blowing in town is get
to be * poisme .
| J. 8 Daniell is quite sick,
r . .
hope s he will soon recover.
jock dale Boy am I Dixie paid our
pleasant call this week.
;e a
Griffin dun has op;> arc 1 in
rhe outiit.
ew a ,,d becoming
farmers are msking good use of
i time in sewing wheat and
er small grain.
hj McDaniel has respited War
, Price, the Johnson county mur
fer, until Friday, Dec. 12th.
fhe western and Atlantic railroad
j received- two large fine Mogul
rinesfrom the Baldwin works.
Ihiistmas is near at hanu and the
■rebants should advertise their
Lds if they want them off their
ihere was one of the large-t
iwds in Atlanta on last Friday
Hit than we ever saw.
Mr. John Ragsdale died on last
May, after two or three months
ome people go through the world
[king Measures and never finding
k-thiug but fault.
We are sorry to announce that.
Iver Eddie Sims was taken very
|k or Monday night last. Hope to
b him out soon.
■The giant black camel “senlead”
Id Id i,i astounding contrast., the
get white earned will be seem with
le l Weldon & Co’s on Sa urday,
o, 6th.
■The new hotel in Monroe, Walton
lnnty, will he built by a stock cum¬
in y. Nearly half the money has
I n. subscribed already,
li'ori’t fail to be iu town early on
Itunlai’, Pee 6th. to witness the
land at'<f glorious street parade
■ Will you help mo press some
■uts ? the maiden asked her lover.
I you will fasten them in your waist
lit I'll s-e what ^ can do, be an
Wien a vrouian makes op her
i.'t<i to do crewel work s!ie always
jet bid worsted. The key to this will he
for a quarter.
The Jackson post office has been
t\nl up in first-class style, equal to
he requirements of the people for
onvenitnee and acco.mnodalion at
li hours.
I Christmas is now upon us, and
pveral of How our subscribers are still in
prrears. do you expect- us to
p r j'*y the holidays with an empty
pocket? Come quick, to our relief.
We hope some of our kind sub
periberg will bring us in some wood.
Me do not want to freeze this cold
winter. Now, take pity on the poor
printer, and send vour, wood at once.
^'r. S. B. Freeman, one of our
Uglily esteemed townsman went
lip to the Gate City on last Friday
and had the misfortune to be robbed
ff between three and four hundred
[ ^ !ss Hattie Harvey who lived on
Lak street, Gainesville eloped with
Man by the name of Gunn, recent
}• Ihe two were married in the
-ountry, and left immediately for
ik'Rth Carolina. Gunn’s first wifi?
Ja( l been dead about thirty davs.
There is a certain boy that
L i' e a thousand miles from here
Mat ought to be killed. Last Sun
h a Y eve ning he crawled under the
^ofa, and when his big sister and her
iTr* getner as possible, he,rigged slip
not around their feet. When
f *d gentleman came the parlor
to look for his cigar stump they
F-hought they would occupy eeparat*
pews. The yon inri°vi- no man f C >f| r>vp ! • tl e
tenter-table ' ’ nt ‘ -Miss
the , floor with
l.slotated a concussion that
her adjustable bang.. The
bd gentleman thought Mr__was
ironb, and bit him with his emc Zr
«-« b-fore be
'»e | nocse, ndM1 ou,c,ftbe. ln
the match is declared oft'.
The lovely M ss IvVie And non,
youngest daugh er of Mr. S. H- A \
(U-rson died ou last Friday morning
at 3 o’eicek, at her father’s residence
of diphtheria. Miss Katie was a true
and devoted Christian and «•«»,$
member of the Methodist Chare:
and none knew her hut to Jove ho
and may the flow* is ever K< k , t
green on her grave. The bereav-d
family have ou s sipatby.
msKSsanefe- ’'*K»*0E3s£r ■ nzmemamsaiasam
Conference Appointments.
Owing to Jack of space, tv- could
not ger in all the appointments ; a
cck for 1885, but give below tin
Dcc .'iir Circuit:
Dec circuit—I. G. F*,rkv. D -
(‘■a nr and Glar ston - W. M. Harris,
Lit ■>»!'>—T S. Bryan, Cory ere—
W. D. H*-a th. Morrow’s s ation—J.
A. Bosaer, Missionary to C uni,
^ Anderson. Editor Wesleyan
Christian Advocate. W. II. Potter,
Missionary to Hebrews, J. McGath.
State of Georgia, BocKdale county :
Whereas. J D Scott, guardian of
E. J. McDaniel, (formally Scott)
having made application to the Court,
of Ordinary in bis petition duly filed
for Letters of Dismission from his
guardianship ot E. J. McDaniel, re¬
presenting t l at be has fairly and
fully discharged his duty as guar¬
dian, and tullv settled up with his
said Ward. This is therefore to cite
all persons concerned to show cause
if any they can, why said J D Scott
should not be discharged (rora Ids
said guardianship and receive letters
of dismission ou the fiust Monday in
March, 1885,
U. F. Harper & Bro., have receiv¬
ed a fresh Supply of all kinds of
canned goods, such as pine apples,
black berries, peaches, tomatoes,
corn, etc. Give them a call when
3 *ou want anything in that line.
It. W. MelTiri A Co.’s Triple Ex¬
hibition at Conyers, Satuidav, Dec.
6ih, 1884.
He had been calling on his girl,
And whe be rose 'o leave,
He gave a rose unto the maid,
And honeyed words did breathe,
‘ Mv love v.ill :,ot fade like the rose,
My darling one.’ - s od he.
‘ The rose will fade,” she v hispered back
"But fresb you’ll always be.’
This Mammoth Show has the
strongest woman on earth.
The .Bain bridge Democrat fur
nifties this bit of campaign poetry:
1 want to lie a candidate,
And in tbe bar room stand,
V. j;h a rugger banging on to me,
And a gla-s within my band.
Ob, won't we make tbe whisky fly,
And tell big lies—you bet
Upon the other fellow
Until two suns have set
j Mrs. Sarah E. Turner and her
! moter, Mr P. E. Bryan, for nine 1
, s. -
j(een veftrg rcsi( ! erit3 of Hambodt,
| 1 Term.** make the following state¬
ments as to the men’s of Swift
Specific. Mrs. Turnuer’s ease is
weli known in that coniuuity. She
“I was afflicted for two or three
years with Ecezma and Erysieplas
combined, My whole system was
broken down rnv strength and a, (?■
tite gone and I became as helpless
as a child, being lifted from place
bv try frinds. I was treated by
the beet physicians in the co nn u
n *■ ty with Iodide of Potash' ami
the other usual remedies for such
cases. I was given up by my
friends. My sufferings were be¬
yond descriptions, and 1 had
ost all hopes of reeovry. Last
January I was induc ed 10 try
Swift’s Specific having received a
pamplet from ihe companny from
detailing its merrits. The first hall
dozen bottles had the effect to
bring back hop© to my heart, and
the tbougt of being weil again
brought joy and gladness to the
household. I have taken altogether
24 bottles. The sores have all
! j has healed up and[disappeard and I my able strength do
r turn d, am to
kinds C f house work Bwilt’s
H honest.y beleved,
£ fD
i for my recovery.
Mrs. Sarah E. Turner.”
| I know dsmoiit that S. life. S. S. She has saved the
mv rs was
,J309t * vre;checl looking object that
^ ever saw when she commenced
; taking it, be ng perfectly helpless.
thank God that wa ever heard of
it. It has saved my child.
,h, P E.
Humboldt, Teem, Oct. 1, 1884.
Treat-se on Blood and Skin Dis
! wVm’S"
N. Y„ and 1205 Cttestaut St , Pfaiia.
\ J G
iHi •# W
m m gH 4;
^ SHjrdB;
«ai«6it m
\ . * 3 i '*£$yb.mni.
iM C:" ICV blluil—~ i
_________ ^ ^
H 1 I ik
i a 35 3
Is coming to Conyers on
% « v: A
A New Sensation under Canvas 1
Every feature a whole show of itself ! Every promise a faithful
pledge ! Midget C smel Dwarf and the irnly’ Comic Camel
r. r f.JM Ifi mt&Mm S wsnsm a
^ ^ v r * 1 1 A * 1 ’
Open I DetlS OlWllCi /Vll 1 m nlS m
the streets, Saturday, December
( 3 tll j Qg ^
H. P .& D. M. A'mand & Co have
Just received their new improved
Wheat scourer and it is a perfect,
Machine it clmyis the wheat dean
that make very fine white flour out
of ordinary wheat, we especialy ask
every one that has wheal to grind
to come and get good flour out
your wheat , all we ask is a ttial , and ,
VOU’will be highly pleased.
IM portant notice.
We take this method of informing
our friends and customers that
are now receiving our fall and winter
stock, which will embrace every tiling
usually kept in any r first-class store,
and as our motto has always been
quick sales and short profits we wili
sell as low as the lowest. W r e feel
thankful to all who have patronized
us in the past and kindly ask a share
ot tHeir trade in the future.
Please bear in mind ! that in or¬
der to close up our old business, our
terms vill be Strictly Cash from Oc¬
tober the 1st. until January (he 1 st.
1885, after which time we will ae>
commodate all who have come for¬
ward and made satisfactory set?,le
men s.
We hope none will ask ns to vary
from the above rule as we mean what
e say. We don’t want to hurt any
one’s feelings by rein ing to ciedit i
them for so short a time. Remem-i
ber money has been vmy scarce and j
we have had a hard time to get
.,. 0 . 1 , through the ..h-l,
on tune, but we have facul the stoi-m |
and trust that we have almost reach ;
ed the shore.
vVe believe all we have furnished !
lias and does apprecisu* it and "id
-ome forward and pay tiff their notes j
and accounts a« soon as they possi- j
y,jy ean) remembering that prompt,
; ma kes good credit and secures;
— •« ' 0 — cash pnc.
Trusting that we will be remem
bered, we remain, most Res’p’tly,
j jj AlmandSon and Go.
Georgia, Rockdale County:
To all whom it may concern, due! j
Adnlinp •mn’ied'to a undersigned in
form the Ata.niltraion
Jj Lel M r S of
n the est! rte of Joseph H. gently, i j
late of said county, deceased, and I !
luOo’dS" f« «W. 1 I&.
M- TM.
1884, O. Seamans, Ordinary.'
Ittciilng Plles—Symptoms and Cure.
™° b^
Bp distressing, particular
eeratehing : verv
at night: seems as if pin worms weh*
crawling in and about the rectum; the
private parrs are sone'imes affected. It
allowed to «onh*one verv «^i°^ remits
iq a pleasant, sure cure. Also Tetter,
Itch, ■''alt. Ithenm, Scaid Head, Krysipe-
1 -.S Barbers’ Itch, Bcotches. all scaly,
f.rust’r Skin Diseases. Box by mail, 00
cen’s; 3 for 81.25. Address, Da S'Vayne
& SON, Phila. Pa. Sold by Druggists.
Conyers Ga., Sept. 10th 1884.
Hammock, Parker Jb Co. successors
to H P & D M Almand and compa
nv, Ware housemen ami ginners, re
spectfully notify the public that they
are prepared to run said
successfully', and shall make it their
business to meet out even handed
justice to all, thereby building up a
business worthy of confidence and
patronage We are responsible for
all seed cotton rec-ved until baled.
Bagging and ties furnishec low lor
the cash. We respectfully ask the
public to give us a trial.
Hill W Hammock, Manager.
Aft.-r the 1st of October I will
c j og( , my books and *-ell no more
^.jg on lime lo anyone until n*
«P«'ing. I have been selling on time
llow j or f, vo years and must have
sometime in which to close up and
inalrt , settlement. This applies to
u mA j ho e no one wi » fed
M „ fotce ,, to „ le thl. ,„eth,..l „l
( .\ f> s.j ri or up my old accounts. To all
w | JO forward and make satis
factory settlements I will sell again
next, season a am now receiving a
grj e line of fall and winter goods
which j am S(J : iing as i„ v a , , all h e
|V»nn-l anvwl.ere. Call and sie me •
Respectful!y. D. N. Hudson
Cough*, Colrts, Catarrh, Consumption
Ail throat, breast and Lung Affections
cured hv the old established ‘‘Swavne’s
Wild Cherry.” The first dose eives re¬
lief. arid a curse speedily follows. 25
cents, or SI.oo at Druggists.
i,i v<*r, Kidney <*r stomaeh Trouble,
Symptoms. Impure blood, belching
bowels, irregular apoetite, twnrr
8 ins l n si de ’ back and heart, yellow
. .
work, chdls,-fever., irritability Whitish
toneue, dry cough, diz/y head, vith dull
S. ' feP
&S»n> Phiia. Pa. Sold by Druggists.
That H.vckivo Cocoa can t>o so qiCeldy
eared bp Shiloh’s Care. We guarantee it.
«^ you. , ? 1 ».' 98
l*.> euw
•Sleepless Night*, .-made tfrtrewrtrte hy that
terrible eaugU. Shiloh's Cure is the rtimedy
for you: '
Oat .\n an Ocnr-o, health e.Sd nwpot breath
secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Helufcily. Price 00
ueius. Nasal Injector free.
tor tame Back. Si t“ or Crest use Shiloh's
porous Piaster. Price 25Cents.
Sfiif.uH's Cocoa amt Consurnyifon Cere is
aofcl by us (to a gatrantee. It cures eotreump
tlon. •
Caonp. Wnr»ot*iJfa Coco?* ml Ttronchttls
immediately relieved t»y Shiloh's Cure. For
Sale by Dr. M. It. Stewart Conyers, Ou.
Sun oh’ -> VrrAnf'/iift is what you need for
Constipation. Loss of Appetite. tMxduess and
all sy.'Hfitorn« of DyspOp.-id. Price JO atul 75
jeuts per Cottle.
Wheeler & WU?om
TV T ew \T o. 8 O
I s i\
1 N .
fgJi ( l-y f
, m *P
pil wm 1 k
Shuttle Machine.
Agents wanted. Send for price
Mfg Co.,
Junto 1-tf. Atlanta, Ga.
Notice This.
Wp will inform our fric-nds end
cusumiers that we will receive our
new goods in a few days and you can
purchase Millinery goods cheaper,
from us this season than they have
been sold in the city. We will
k)*ep everyihing tiRiradv kept in a
give us a call. We will sell Strictly
for Cash from Oct. lie first until'
March l ire 1 st, 1885. Hope none wi 1
aek us to hre.-ik our rule we mean
what 1 , /vi Cheap, *>i Cheap for Gann, ' 0 . 0 .
we siv
call and hear the low pri* es, so cheap
you cant lie.p buying, you will sav*
money by so doing call and see for
your self.
S. J. Richardson & Cowan,
We are,, offering for sale the farm
known as the. “David Th’asher home
place” at a ha gain on easy terms. The
place contains 27O acres. 25 acres in
creek bottom. 2o^a.;re« in original for
est. balano ■ in cultivation or easily
cleared —it is 12 miles from either Con¬
yers or Covington 9 miles from Mob >n
owglt, and J mhe of l-’ntlers bridge on
South rirer—adjoining lands of Fran
11. Fielder. Thos. Pool. Geo. W
Gleaton and Dr. Dan W. Hcott. Cub
to see us. .J. A. <k T. D. Stewart
f am prepared to negotiate Loans!
on improved farm lands in Rockdaie
county. McCalla,
A. C.
Conyers, Ga. j
, .
l M \ \ j j !\/ K ) \j
0 U P E I>---
Bv local treatment. No liquor. Noo°
of the present remedies are employed is
thev never have moved a success Give
it a trial—no charges made II chronic
complaints treated without medicine.
Correspondems must enclose stamp.
Address, Mbs. M. C- 'Vai.teb
King House,
Stone Mountain, Ga.
]MotiU*rs’ Cordial 0F Parturient Blltll,
Ladies about to become mothers
should take a package of thi- cordial
certainly and surolv reiicvesthe ;
jj'Tm „„ hZJr,"
|j e p r p,, those who hav** never er
perienced the pangs it will save many
hours of pain and angnish.
Thousands of testimonia’s can he fur- ;
nisb<Hl ^ to lt8 effi eacy. Price, $i.o ^ \
per package bv unit post pa-' • k**rsa’c I
^ 1
M. T. SALTER, M. I>,
Tuly 18-3ru. Proprietor. j
Fire Insurance
Danieil represent* large;
nn.nUr ve, ; v 1,--,
^rness ’.n thn bw cm I
write up nolicres on al ■ • ?’ r -
^ JTwVJr tZ i \
ont dfela Y^ !■
Lsgvl Adv^rciaJJteerks.
»«**>* c
Whereas J. 0 Fnmer Etfriitof ott thffr
ns w «i ,.t <" w ”' J i ,1 " <1 •sf'n U*m fctt Vt** r«4
to tile emir., c>f Old miry in hW
p.oith ...... n dm •• ' Mitt* it.*,* ’ t*. 1 '**. * a full- ,UI
situ mistered V.. . J. Hudsons Er'a'e:
-r^j p, f y, t . r pf,., ,, , n r -., r r t rerfHif.'S
fconcernfed Kindrcu and credt.ors tt> Sfibw
..... w ,f an .. tp.-v ,- a „, „ i, V>,i F>:*-.m-r
should c! be discharged from his Ex*
eou f(.TAtii',> > afx’ Kertive letters of dEwis*
smu . on the jiJondu; m Hecebittr
j O. See .V> rf ■ W
OR BPR 1884.
P.v viip e <>f mi 01 dor fulfil the court
f Ordinary of Ri>ckda : e (’O ’n' . wdl W
ydd ou ti'f first Tnes lay in Docenjbs.
t. at tli“ c iiii t hon«p door i>. C.'ifi
ers Gc-wgia, .1* public outcry ’ho’i’t
ili*» lcjal h >11 rs < f sa'e. o> *■ h>e • v ■
!ifti-fivo fifes m,ft* 0 ; Itss of ‘j«n
knmi *i a u t lw. home p o<o f Ahi;«*r '.
T rrner, tieceased. and all of fan 1 i *■" o*
or parcel of 'ai d (except th<» dower ’.al'd
of) to the '.vidoiv) being parts of ’ *s.
N r os. 2oi, 217 and 200 in the 1GU1, di?v
trict of oricinnlly Heiirv then Newton,’
DOW SHtd county of RoCkdatc. TbC Tend
of said home place bonii ‘ed ».« follows,
On Hie North 1 " land of Thoa. F. f’lmpp’
East by lends of f>. W. Jolm-on and the
widow Re.igin, Sovth bv widow Kcagin;
vY'ch: by lands t.t W. If. Bras.well and
lames <.!!>«.m. also One house and lot
in the citv of Conyers, cor tabling o r> o
„pd one-half icr-is biag on the East
aide of Decatur fctrtet, known ns. the E.
Thorn place, h’ko one lot "H t' e r;tnie
stieet. containing one acre with bouse
and appertenances, known as the W.
J Hudson lot. Sab- for benefit of heirs 1
and creditors. Tea ms cash bn less oth- '
ervvise notiJe known on the dev of sale
W m. J Turner.
II. A. I> Turner,
Administrator of the setate 6f Al ner
A. Tumor, Deceased.
Conyers Ga.,Oct , 23 d. 1 SS. 4 .
August to m 1884’.
Virginia E. Lowe I ibel f< r divorce
VS. and petition for
J mes M Lowe at wnry etc., in
Ri.ckdale Superior court, August
tern) 1^84 The fore/Oirg petition
tor alimony being read and consider
ed, it is orile-cd that the ward James
M. Lowe show cruse 1 cfore me on
\] on( ( fl y Gie 29 th day of September,
\.D. ... 1884, . the , «0frrt . , hohsC . , ,. .
, at . . rn
1 onyers, (>a. whv the above stated
petition for aliim ny 'etc , should not
p ( . gl -anted as prayed for.
It. appear ing to the court by the
riturn of th SheU^ in the a' <>ve'
staled case that the defendant dop«
not restde in this county, and it fttrv
tlur appearing Dial h - does t ot re
aide in this Mate, It is therefore or¬
der* <1 by the court tl at service be
perfeeGjd oh the defend nut by the
public itiorr of this or ler, once si
month for four momhs b fore the
next U rn) of th ; a com t in the C iu
ver* Weekly. « n- wst.arwr pnidished
in said '••lont y. Ttis Aug, 23 1884
\ C Geo W Glentor:, [ [tffs
a tty. <•*ranted. J. hu D S:
art Judge E- f F C ire ex !')• t —
f rora t | l( . minute t A eg 25 1881
J. e£ MeCor't. Cler'<
M 0re Popular Tlun I’ver.
The Recen' lirtnr ivent^Ti Th
White Sewing Machine
Sr* : 3 r
-i- . . . U -5 '
A '
1 -
Add much to the y exec 4 '
fjuaiit.i«*e o this
ut>’ ric r f ...
• A.:.,-
1 s a-* Fspec ini Ka oviL ■
di -s. Jaiiuts »n<l oihsrv,
< hem ftit f ‘** f| ' H M r sdrv »*he\
ruesess over -*ther Ss"*i:u Machin****'
— EVERY --
White Machine
Warn.nt.ed for'5 ye»rs.
J. D $ T F. V fj
W’l o 1 *’**!,’ ar • Retail D ..(• •
50 Broad ? *-». * i <1 4 One
P * V X. •'.*>»*
Convc-s, 1s.*,-